Enlightenment Magazine/ October 2019

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October 2019 www.enllightenmentmag.blogspot.com



CONTENT 3 From the editor in chief 6 Get To Know Kim Rose

4 Diet and Human GIT microbiota 12 Understanding nutrition facts label

14 Top Ten Fruits to try this month. 16 Nutritional benefit of pineapple 19 Recipe: Potato and Egg Frittata


enlightenmentmag October 2019


Olayemi Michael

Editor in Chief

Popoola Faramoluwa

Nutrition Editor

Omolabi Elizabeth

Art and Design

Oladimeji Olawale

Contributing writers

Akinyemi Jumoke Olayemi Michael Omoyayi Asiat

Woah, it’s hard to believe it’s October already. Is it just me or does the year seem to be in a hurry. Maybe time finally picked up on man’s impatience or is it the other way round? Soon the trees will show us the beauty of letting dead thing a go and I guess that’s what Autumn is all about for me. Giving myself a chance to grow, letting go of regret, mistakes and investing more in who I am and who I want to be. In any case nobody can achieve this without a good diet, which is why I’m super excited about being on this project. Working with dedicated talented minds to keep alive a platform that literally brings life to it’s readers. This months editions couldn’t have happened without you guys And of course to our readers, let’s make history together.


Popoola Faramoluwa Editor-in-Chief October 2019 www.enllightenmentmag.blogspot.com


You need to know Diet and Human Gastrointestinal Microbiota crobiota and actual changes in macronutrient composition rapidly change the composition of the function of gut microbes. It is confirmed that individual that consume more plants have greater GIT bacterial diversity.

Benefit of Beneficial Microbes 1. Protective effects exerted directly by specific bacterial species, 2. Control of epithelial cell proliferation and differentiation, 3. Production of essential mucosal nutrients, such as short-chain fatty acids and amino acids, prevention of overgrowth of pathogenic organisms, 4. Stimulation of intestinal immunity 5. Some work against the development of cancer.

Example of beneficial microbes include: Bifidobacteria, Lactobacillius, Roseburia e.t.c Example of foods that contain prebiotic fiber capable of increasing the beneficial microbes Studies show that our usual dietary intake affect the microbes include: wheat, banana, walnut, onion, garlic, that colonize our gastrointestinal tract. Some of these microbes oat, cereals, ice-cream, yoghurt etc are beneficial while some are pathogenic. Fiber containing foods has being shown in several studies to impact the gastrointesRecommendation tinal microbiota. It’s well established that there’s is connection between the gastrointestinal microbiota and health. It’s advisable to make our diet diverse and select from plant source daily. Quantity of prebiMicrobiome is a collection of microbial genome and Microbiota otics taken has been shown to affect it efficacy is a collection of microbes. It is confirmed that we have more so you will need to consult registered dietitian bacterial gene in our body and human genome itself (amazing). nutritionist to help in selection of this prebiotics Since some microbes has being confirmed to be beneficial, it and the quantity to take and how to add it to is believed diet can contribute to these microbes in our GIT for our diet. them to continue their beneficial effect. Then we need to look at fiber since it has the ability to impact the gut microbiota. A dietary fiber is non digestible soluble and insoluble carbohyBy drates and lignin that are intrinsic and intact in plants, isolated or Olayemi Michael synthetic non digestible carbohydrates determined by food and E-mail : olayemimg@gmail.com drug association to have physiological effects that are beneficial t human health.

Diet and Human Gastrointestinal Microbiota.

There are some fibers that act as prebiotics, Prebiotics are substrate that is selectively utilized by host microorganisms conferring a health benefit. I want you to know that all prebiotics are fiber but not all fiber are prebiotics. Habitual intake of food is related to the composition of GIT mi-


enlightenmentmag October 2019

October 2019 www.enllightenmentmag.blogspot.com


““ With time Dietitian’s will be more sought after to assist people in eating right, getting healthy... ..... Kim Rose


enlightenmentmag October 2019

Get To Know

RDN,LD,CDE A Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and a Certified Diabetes Educator with close to a decade of clinical experience. After becoming a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, she desired to make the path of dietetics easier for next generation by creating a YouTube channel and provide step-by-step resources for student to accomplish their goal. One of her mission is to help those with diabetes to apply individualized nutrition therapy and form a healthy and happy lifestyle. Kim Rose has affiliation with Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Diabetes Practice Group, Nutrition Entrepreneurs and Central Florida Dietetics Association. Fun Fact : “I have over 12 years�

follow a plant base diet for

You can work with kim Rose through her website : www.kimrosedietitian.com. twitter: @kimrosedietitian instagram: @kimrosedietitian Pinterest : Kimrosedietitian YouTube: kimrosedietitian

October 2019 www.enllightenmentmag.blogspot.com


INTERVIEW How did you become a registered dietitian nutritionist? I thought I was going to be a physical therapist. While in college the degree changed form a Masters to a Doctorate. I was not sure I wanted to spend all that time and money so My family member suggested I double major in Dietetics. I found out through the classes I would actually like the field. What is the most important role of RDN in clinical settings? The most important role is knowing how to collaborate with the interdisciplinary team to provide the best outcomes for your patient. For instance, nurses, doctors and other health professionals may have different goals for the patient that may contradict the dietitians goals. Knowing to properly communicate and come to a consensus of what goals are the most important is essential in the field of food and nutrition. As a certified diabetes educator, what are the everyday challenges you encounter with your patients and client? Noncompliance. A lot of patients think I am the food police. This is a myth I work hard to break and show people as a certified diabetes educator all food can fit into a carbohydrate controlled healthy diet. How did you incorporate youtube channel into your busy schedule? I actually like YouTube so I don’t mind fitting it in. It takes a lot of planning. I typically have a monthly schedule I abide by in order to get everything on my list checked off.


enlightenmentmag October 2019

““ A lot of patients think I am the food police. This is a myth I work hard to break and show people as a certified diabetes educator all food can fit into a carbohydrate controlled healthy diet. ..... Kim Rose

October 2019 www.enllightenmentmag.blogspot.com


The nutrition label can help people make informed food choices by focusing on the serving size, amount of fat, salt and added sugar. This is important seeing we live in an obesogenic world. Obesity has been linked to so many vascular disease and combating obesity by understanding the food label is important.


enlightenmentmag October 2019

What drives you to help students pass their RDN exam through series of informative videos? It was hard for me as a dietetic student to understand some concepts. For this reason I created my YouTube channel to help people succeed in the areas I found to be the most difficult. The future of dietetic in healthcare? Yes I think with time Dietetics will take a forefront in healthcare. Looking at the current health trends people are more conscientious regarding their diet and overall physical health. With time Dietitian’s will be more sought after to assist people in eating right, getting healthy, and treating diseases through medical nutrition therapy What’s the source of your career motivation? Jesus! This month issue focus on nutrition label, how can nutrition label help consumers makes good food selection? The nutrition label can help people make informed food choices by focusing on the serving size, amount of fat, salt and added sugar. This is important seeing we live in an obesogenic world. Obesity has been linked to so many vascular disease and combating obesity by understanding the food label is important. What is your advice for nutrition and dietetics student around the world? Don’t give up. Trials will come. Trust in the Lord and He will carry you through October 2019 www.enllightenmentmag.blogspot.com


Understanding Nutrition Fact Label In 1993 the food and drug administration published rules for nutrition labeling. According to nutrition labeling regulations, almost all multiple ingredient foods must be labeled with nutrition information Understanding nutrition fact label will guide in proper food selection.


enlightenmentmag October 2019

Food, a basic need of life is composed of several bioactive compounds. Food manufacturers put nutrition fact label on most food product for consumers to understand the nutrient composition of the product and it contribution to the recommended dietary allowance. The basics things to look out for in nutrition fact label include: Calorie The calorie information tell us the amount of energy one can derive per serving of the product. Knowing this can help you compare the calories derived to your total kcalories for the day. For example if you are on 2000kcal per day and you take two serving size of a product with a serving size yielding 150kcal. Two servings will yield 300kcal. Out of your 2000kcal intake for the day, you have achieved 300kcal consuming two servings of the product. % Daily Value Daily Value is a reference values developed by the FDA specifically for the use on food labels. It compares the percentage of nutrient in the product to the recommended dietary allowance for the nutrient. 5-20 Rule A way to tell if a food is low or high in a particular nutrient. If you check a nutrition fact label, any nutrient with daily value of less than 5% shows the product is not a good source of such nutrient and any nutrient with daily value of more than 20% shows the product is a good source of such nutrient. For example the nutrition fact label used in this article has 20% daily value for calcium, it shows the product is a good source of calcium. By Olayemi Michael Email : olayemimg@gmail.com

October 2019 www.enllightenmentmag.blogspot.com


TOP TEN FRUITS TO TRY THIS MONTH Fruits are good sources of vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals


enlightenmentmag October 2019


Top Ten

1 Strawberrry 2 Apple 3 Banana 4 Orange 5 Pear 6 Avocado 7 Pineapple 8 Grape fruit 9 Apricot 10 Quava October 2019 www.enllightenmentmag.blogspot.com


Nutritional Benefits of Pineapple 1 Pineapple,despite their sweetness, are low

in calories. Therefore,can be consumed in large quantities.

2. Pineapple is a very good food source

of manganese. Manganese is well known as a remedy for fighting impotence. It is essential for the health of human libido, particularly for men. Scientifically, manganese deficiencies caused loss of libido and a lack of semen. So the fact that one cup of pineapple provides the body with 67% of the recommended daily intake of manganese is significant when it comes to men’s health.

3 .Pineapple is loaded with vitamin C.

Vitamin C is essential for growth and development, a healthy immune system and aiding the absorption of iron from the diet. Meanwhile, manganese is a naturally occurring mineral that aids growth, maintains a healthy metabolism.

4. Pineapple is also rich in antioxidants.

These nutrients not only help support good blood flow but antioxidants also fight aging. Which means they help us look and feel our most vibrant.

5 Pineapples are tropical fruits that are

rich in vitamins, enzymes and antioxidants. They may help boost individual’s ability to fight against disease and build strong bones and immunity .

7It is note worthy that pineapple pro-

vides the body with enzymes that functions as proteases, which break down protein molecules into their building blocks, such as amino acids and small peptides.Once protein molecules are broken down, they are more easily absorbed across the small intestine. This can be especially helpful for people with pancreatic insufficiency, a condition in which the pancreas cannot make enough digestive enzymes.


Thiamine is involved in many body functions including the nervous system, heart and muscles.Thiamine can be gotten from pineapple.


Several studies have shown that pineapple and its compounds may reduce the risk of cancers. This is because they may minimize oxidative stress and reduce inflammation.

10 Pineapples are sweet, con-

venient and easy to incorporate into your diet.They are very affordable and available year-round in many nearby markets, as they can be purchased fresh—its best form. You can enjoy them on their own or in smoothies, salads or on homemade pizzas.

6 .Pineapple are also a good way to get im-

portant dietary fiber and bromelain (a digestive enzyme).In other-words,intake of pineapple can aid digestion process and bowel movement


enlightenmentmag October 2019

By Omoyayi Asiat

El Ezio, Elena, Doxa introduction of the Avatar

By Oladimeji Olawale

October 2019 www.enllightenmentmag.blogspot.com



enlightenmentmag October 2019



he potato and egg frittata originated from Spain and it often cut into small wedges and served as tapas. It is a great dish which can serve as supper and the ingredients are very common to find. The potato and onion frittata can also be tweaked by adding some of the things you want such as bacon, cheese, mushrooms, red peppers, or ham depending on your choice.

POTATO Egg Frittata Preparation time: 40 mins Cook time: 20 mins Yield: 4 to 6 servings

Procedures 1. Gather the ingredients, peel the potatoes and slice very thinly (about ¼ inch thick, or cut them into ½ inch cubes). 2. Place the cut potatoes into a bowl and cover them with salted water. 3. Slice the onion thinly, place 2 tablespoons of oil in a heavy, oven-proof skillet (a frying pan) that is at least 2 inches deep and heat the oil over medium heat. 4. Add the sliced onions to the skillet and cook until the onions are soft, fragrant, and turning golden. 5. Drain the potatoes and pat them dry, toss the potatoes with the remaining 2 tablespoons of oil and season with salt and pepper.

Ingredients  3 to 4 medium potatoes  1 Large onion  4 tablespoons of vegetable oil  Salt and pepper to taste  8 eggs  1/3 cup cream (or whole milk)  Chopped parsley or cilantro (this is optional)

By Akinyemi Adejumoke. email: akinyemi420@gmail.com

6. Add the potatoes to the onions in the skillet, cover and cook the potatoes over low heat until tender, stirring occasionally to keep them from sticking to the pan and burning. 7. Whisk the eggs, cream, salt and pepper together, pour the milk and egg mixture over the potatoes and onions, sprinkle chopped parsley or cilantro over the eggs and tomatoes. 8. Cook the mixture over low heat until the eggs seem mostly set, being careful not to burn them, about 5 to 8 minutes will do. 9. If you are using non-stick pan, you can carefully flip the frittata out of the pan and onto a plate at this point. Turn a plate upside down over the skillet, then turn the skillet over so the frittata falls onto the now right-side-up plate. Slide the frittata from the plate back into the pan so that the browned side is facing up and cook over low heat for a few more minutes. 10. If your skillet is not non-stick, you can finish cooking the eggs under the broiler. Preheat the broiler, then place the skillet under the broiler until the top of the frittata is browned and slightly crispy. Cut the tortilla or the frittata into wedges to serve. Enjoy!

October 2019 www.enllightenmentmag.blogspot.com


Towards Healthy Dietary Lifestyle. For Ads Space Contact Olayemi Michael: +2348103428139 olayemimg@gmail.com

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October 2019

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