2015 Bova AI Beef Sire Brochure

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Bova A.I. Beef Sires 2015

Global Cattle Genetics at your farmyard

Index 3 LM 4 LM 4 LM 5 LM 5 LM 6 LM 6 LM 7 LM 7 LM 8 LM 8 CH 9 CH 9 CH 10 CH 11 CH 11 CH 12 CH 12 CH 13 CH 13 CH 14 CH 14 BB 15 BB 15 BB 16 BB 16 BB 17 BB 17 BB 18 BB 18 BB 19 BB 19 BB

Gamin Dubai Duncan Dahlia Hadrian Hellios Pp Don Juan Pp Navarin Ecrin Tarot Igor Impossible Genereux Hideal Epernay Hitman Banker Doncamillo Sylvain Éclair Vagabond Liseron Barco Wacko Brendan Jackson Italo Osymandias Carillon Flanuer Cian Hesitant


20 BB 20 BB 21 AA 21 AA 22 AA 22 AA 23 AA 23 AA 24 AA 24 AA 25 SM 25 SM 26 SM 26 SM 27 SA 27 SA 28 BA 28 BA 29 HE 29 SH 30 SH 30 SH 30 SH 31 PT 31 AU 32 SP 32 WA 33 GA 33 GA 34 PI 34 IM 34 HI

Peintre Torres Diego No Limits Bonanza Kojak Deep Canyon Time On B7 Tadgh Patriarch Escalop Sunnyboy Dickens T-Bone Garou Vaillant California Eddie Francis Lucky Coppertop Vantage 7th Finch Carlo Despagnou Warrior Shinnen McCoy Den Fabio Darragh Rigg


Bova AI are currently actively in the process of securing new Limousin, Charolais, Belgian Blue, Hereford and Parthenaise bulls for the coming season and we will be updating our website and advertising in due course once these bulls become available. Bova AI would sincerely like to thank our many loyal customers worldwide, who support us and show their confidence in the range of bulls we offer them. We wish you all the very best for 2015 and look forward to your continued support in our Beef Stud. Owen O’ Neill and Michael O’ Neill are at your disposal to assist you in your breeding objectives.

ROYALTY SCHEME - FOR PEDIGREE REGISTERED CALVES. Please remember that we deliver to all other AI stations Free of Charge

Please note that some of our beef sires have been placed on the semen royalty scheme with their respective breed societies. This scheme allows us and you to use bulls at very reasonable rates and pay an extra fee when you register your pedigree calves. Current Limousin Older Limousin Charolais Simmental Dubai €37 Pacha 19 €40 Epernay €45 Escalop 13 €40 Duncan €37 Pontium €20 Banker €35 Dickens €20 Gamin €37 Nadalou €15 Doncamillo €35 T-Bone €35 Dahlia €37 Sylvain €45 Hadrian €37 Éclair €35 Don Juan €37 Hideal €35 Hellios €37 Vagabond €35 Navarin €35 Ecrin €37 Tarot €40

Getting the Best Results from A.I.


will bring you all the latest news from Bova. We will endeavour to keep it up-dated and would be very grateful of any photos or news stories you would like to share.

• • • • • • • • •

Heat detection rates average about 55%. Improvements are gained by taking more time, i.e. 20 - 30 minutes on each occasion, and by more early morning and late night inspections. Although average heats last 12 - 15 hours, 25 - 30% of cows have heats of less than 6 hours. Prevent cows getting either too fat or too thin. Cows in condition score 2 - 3 (scale 1 - 5) are optimal. Thriving animals always do better. Avoid excessive weight loss around the time of service. Treat lame animals promptly. Breeding cows within 50 days of calving tends to give poor results. Never breed any cow with a dirty vaginal discharge or evidence of ‘whites’. Keep complete records of all cows that come into heat and use them to anticipate returns. Where cows are not coming into heat have your vet examine and treat them. A cow standing firm to be mounted is the best sign of heat, but remember 6-8% of pregnant animals will stand too.


HB No: FR1935129486 DOB: 23.09.2011 Breeder: Gaec Mazaud, Chamberet, France


Gamin is by the noted weanling specialist EdelweisMN RREVS (ISEVR 146), who was the highest qualified bull in 2014.

Edelweiss’s stamp is early muscle throughout his calves in the Mazaud herd.

Gamin stood out for his muscling, exceptional correctness and sheer style.

His Linear is outstanding scoring a massive 95 for muscle but he has a balanced 78 for skeletal.

Gamin has an incredible depth of hindquarter and excellent muscling throughout.

He displays excellent locomotion and is very strong on top.

Gamin’s pedigree is steeped in stars like EdelweisMN, Vercors, Neuf, Ionesco and Moero.

Bova believe Gamin to be our heaviest muscled Limousin bull purchased to-date.

Gamin’s first crop of calves are consistently class.

They have early shape, are extremely docile, correct and ooze style.

Gamin is a star in the making.

Strongly recommended for pedigree and commercial use.

Excellent indexes and BLUPs.

ICBF Proof Dec '14 e e e

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€136 38%


Calving Difficulty

4.30% 73%

Carcass Weight (kg) 26kg 36% Carcass Conformation 2.22 23%

EdelweisMN IFN CR DM DS FOS ISEVR 104 128 135

Gamin's sire EdelweisMN

110 89


Bova Jewel pictured @ 5 months


Vercors RREVS EdelweisMN RREVS

Belette Bova Joule @ 3 months

Bova Justice @ 8 months


Tulipe RRE Ionesco RRM Ulette

HB No: UK143223401528 DOB: 19.11.2008 Breeder: Millington Grange Estate, East Yorkshire, England

Towthorpe Dubai

(Pictured left) Dubai heifer, Millburn Habana, 1st Prize winner Roscrea Premier, Apr 2014.



Dubai is by the noted muscle specialist, Objat, whose sons have sold to £34,000gns.

Objat is being used by top breeders in France & UK.

His semen is no longer available.

Objat has a muscle score of 143 in France.

Dubai's dam, Ronick Nestle is a full sister to Ronick Hawk.

Several daughters have been retained in the Millington herd.

Dubai has muscle, length, style, a strong topline and very good function.

He has the figures, pedigree, visual appeal and performance to match. Beef value of LM38.

Dubai should suit pedigree breeders to improve style, weight gain, correctness and width.

Dubai is easy calving for heifers and has produced exceptional show quality calves.

He breeds style, excellent function, muscle and weight.

Top commercially available high reliability Limousin bull for Terminal Index.

(Pictured bottom left) Dubai son 7 months. ICBF Proof Dec '14 e e e e

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€145 86%

Calving Difficulty

4.8% 97%

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Carcass Weight (kg) 29kg 93%

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Daughter Milk (kg)

e Docility e e e e

Dauphin RREM



0.15 93%

Broadmeadows Cannon

Ronick Nestle

Carcass Conformation 2.33 91%

Ronick Esther

1.91kg 50%

HB No: IE281515250271 DOB: 20.01.2008 Breeder: Thomas Bailey, Meath, Ireland

Baileys Duncan

BYQ • •

• • • • • •


Duncan is a bull with muscle, length, correctness and tremendous docility. His pedigree includes several Show winners in Ireland such as Curraghree Sensation, Curraghree Mercedes, Pelletstown Estelle and Pelletstown Newman, who was Reserve National Champion 1999 and whose sons have sold to €14,800. Vantheman, sire of Duncan, is noted for his docility along with his muscle and ease of calving. Duncan is leaving calves that are easily born, showing good muscle and phenomenal length. They have very good function and style. Duncan progeny grade extremely well at slaughter. Duncan, whilst easy calving will improve carcass weight and milk. One of our most popular selling Limousins.

ICBF Proof Dec '14 e

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€132 91%

Calving Difficulty

6.50% 99%

e e e Docility e e e e

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-0.06 99%

Curraghree Sensation (1st place Royal Highland Show 2008)

Curraghree Vantheman

Carcass Weight (kg) 30kg 99%

Duncan heifer 8 months out of an SFL dam

Meridien Curraghree Sensation

Carcass Conformation 2.04 99%

Baileys At Dawn

Duncan commercial heifer 20 months


Pelletstown Newman Pelletstown Sadie

HB No: FR1933429092 DOB: 17.11.2008 Breeder: Gaec Champeval, Seilhac, France


(Pictured Left) Baccara RREVS full brother to DHL (ISEVR 128) (Pictured Below) DHL pedigree heifer pictured @ 7 months


Dahlia was born in the renowned Champeval herd in France.

Power packed pedigree with muscle and milk, Ultrabeau, Nectar, Domino.

His dam is Champeval's top indexing cow - Ukraine whose I.S.U. is 120.

Agnes, a maternal sister was winner of many first prizes at both the Limousin National Show in France and also at Brive over the past few years.

Dahlia’s full brother Baccara RREVS (ISEVR 125), was the 4th highest qualified bull in 2012 and is breeding extremely well.

Ultrabeau is now qualified RR VS and has a muscle score of 118.

Ultrabeau’s sons have sold at KBS Genetics sales to a high of €11,500.

Ultrabeau was Champion Junior Male at Brive 2004.

Dahlia is leaving exceptionally well muscled calves with power and growth.

They have style, excellent function and are very quiet.

His first daughters have calved with very good udders and exceptional temperament.

The number 1 bull to use for finishing or weanling purposes.

ICBF Proof Dec '14 e e









€138 86%

Calving Difficulty

6.10% 96%





Ultrabeau RR VS


-0.05 92%

Carcass Weight (kg) 30kg 96%

Nectar RCV

Ukraine RRE

Carcass Conformation 2.18 95%

HB No: FR2313134653 DOB: 25.09.2012 Breeder: Gaec Lebourg, Maison Feyne, France

Fringante RR



Purchased at KBS Genetics Prestige IV Sale for his power and growth.

Hadrian has a power packed pedigree with performance to match.

Hadrian is by Chocolat RREVS, a bull who has bred exceptionally well for Lebourg.

His dam, Chef has excellent milk, (109) and calves within every 365 days.

Hadrian has exceptional length, a good topline and very good function.

He is extremely quiet, with good muscling and style.

Hadrian should breed females with good maternal traits and powerful bulls.

Hadrian’s first calves have excellent growth, length, style and muscle.

Excellent breeder satisfaction with calves.

Chocolat - Hadrian's sire

Ultrabeau RRVS Chocolat RREVS

Chef Hadrian - Pictured at 7 months

Hadrian end


Sissi RR Abricot Pepite

HB No: FR1936102961 DOB: 23.09.2012 Breeder: Gaec Bourbouloux, St Ybard, France

Hellios Pp (Polled)



Hellios is heterozygous Polled.

He was purchased for his calving ease and performance.

His dam is positive for Milk (Alait 105).

Sire Tigris has done a very good job in France and sons have sold for up to €15,000.

Hellios has excellent width, good length, a strong topline and has a tremendous temperament.

Hellios should also breed females with milk.

Tigris - Hellios' sire

Titanes Pp

Tigris P RREVS

DE1401547615 Abricot

Duchesse Hellios dam Duchesse

Pomme RR

Hellios end

Don Juan Pp (Polled)

HB No: FR2309440002 DOB: 30.12.2008 Breeder: Earl Broussaud, St. Priest La Feuille, France

• • • • • • • • • • •



First POLLED limousin bull at stud in Ireland. Tremendous cow family behind Don Juan. Very correct bull. Good length and a super topline. Excellent hind quarter development. Excellent weight gain. “Suzanne”, maternal sister to Vanina, had the top price at Sima Villepinte 2009 with Clovis who sold for €15,000! Don Juan calves are easily born with muscle, growth and weight. 50% of calves show the polled gene. Huge international demand for Don Juan semen with excellent satisfaction. His heifers have calved down with excellent maternal traits.

JDU daughter by SFL heifer 16 months

Silverbird Ulm

Vanina JDU daughter 7 months

JDU commercial bull 3 months


Platine Titanic Nounou RR

HB No: FR1997008831 DOB: 12.03.1997 Breeder: Daniel Glouton, Sadroc, France

Navarin RREVS

Navarin is in the top 5 bulls in France for milk with an index of 112.

Combined with a French Muscle score of 112 and an Irish score of 111, an impeccable temperament, and stylish progeny, he is a bull who is a must for breeders to use.

Navarin daughters are excellent milkers with exceptional udders and teats.

Navarin’s progeny in Ireland have exceeded expectations.

Tremendous Breeder satisfaction.

Don't lose out on your chance to use this bull.

Trait leading Docility.

Show winning style - N.E Bull Calf Champion '05, National Heifer Calf winner Virginia '06, ‘04 & ‘05 NPA Heifer class winner and many more.

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Drummin Bandit - NVI Son 1st at National Limousin Show '07 - Sold For €8000


Muscle, length, depth with a superb topline make Navarins’ stand out.

Semen sold to Australia, New Zealand, Sweden, U.S., U.K. and others.

• Navarin has sired 2 French proven bulls Rodin RREVS (overall merit 110) and Salomon RCV (overall merit 109).

ICBF Proof Dec '14





€105 96%

Calving Difficulty

7.60% 99%


0.01 99%

Carcass Weight (kg)

22kg 99%

Carcass Conformation

2.06 99%

Daughter Calving Difficulty 4.8% e e e e e Daughter Milk (Kg)



Vainqueur Imperial RRE VS

Amorce Coucou RRE VS

Intuitive RRE


Dorure RR



HB No: FR1933412191 DOB: 19.03.2009 Breeder: Gaec Bourbouloux, Saint Ybard, France



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Semen limited €20


Ecrin was purchased alongside his dam at Brive show 2009 on the strength of his style, muscle and his outstanding mother.

• His dam, Alma, is part of the Bourbouloux show team. •

Abricot is herd sire for the Bourbouloux herd.

Ecrin has phenomenal width, growth and length.

He has a very strong wide top-line and excellent function.

His temperament is amazing.

Strongly recommended for pedigree use.

• An Abricot son has been retained as herd sire for Mr Bourboloux.

Ecrin commercial heifer


Alma Ecrin's Dam (Alma)

Ecrin son


Talonier Pola Talonier Pomme RR

Tarot RR VS


HB No: FR1931159260 DOB: 29.09.2002 Breeder: SCEA Bournazel, Chamboulive, France


Tarot is a French proven bull who is doing an excellent job for the Bossoutrot herd in France. His progeny had an outstanding French National show at Argenton where they had 2 firsts and a second. Tarot is breeding power, size, function, top-lines, breed character and muscle. He is working particularly well on Navarin, Lino and Pacha 19 daughters. Use on medium sized cows. TXT son, Derryguillane Eric, sold for €4,600 at Roscrea Premier Oct 2010. Ariane RRE (TXT daughter) is one of Gaec Bossoutrots top indexing cows. One of the top bulls available for carcass weight. Excellent bull to produce high end cattle with excellent carcass traits.

ICBF Proof Dec '14 e



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€108 92%

Calving Difficulty

8.00% 99%


-0.20 99%

Carcass Weight (kg)

28kg 99%

Carcass Conformation

1.92 99%

Daughter Calving Difficulty

Tarot son Derrygullinane Eric 1st Prize Roscrea

e e e Daughter Calving Interval

Vision - TXT daughter






Jordy RJ Prince B RREVS

Majeste RRE

HB No: FR2138111311 DOB: 13.03.2014 Breeder: Michel Cortot, Marcilly et Dracy, France



Lorine B RR Galant RRE Hotesse RR

S2247 Culard Charolais

EIgor is a well grown Culard by the highly proven sire Bill.

Bill has bred exceptionally heavy muscled calves in the Cortot herd.

He is still working at 9 years old!

Igor has very good length and growth.

He is heavily muscled and is very quiet.

Igor has a strong topline and a good head.

Igor will breed powerful weanlings suitable for export.

Recommended for Salers and Aubrac pedigree cows.

Not eligible for pedigree breeding.

Bill - Igor's sire

Romeo Bill



Risette Dumonceau Valeriane


HB No: FR2138111324 DOB: 25.04.2013 Breeder: Michel Cortot, Marcilly et Dracy, France.


Culard Charolais

Impossible is one of the finest examples of the Culard Charolais breed.

He has an unbelievable presence and oozes character and style.

Impossible has extreme muscling throughout his body, with exceptional thickness of loin.

He is excellent on feet and legs, has a tremendous head and good temperament.

He has light bone and is sure to make an impact amongst commercial showmen.

Not eligible for pedigree breeding.

Filou Extra


Impossible pictured at 3 months




HB No: FR5250440190 DOB: 24.03.2011 Breeder: Eric Langillier, Parnoy en Bassigny, France




Genereux was 2nd in his class at Charolles Show 2011.

His sire Rokfeller RJ was 1st in Charolles in 2000 and 2nd at Euroviande in Metz in 2004.

Rokfeller is breeding muscle, length and style.

Genereux had a 210 day weight of 455kgs.

Genereux has excellent expression of muscle in his hindquarters and throughout his topline.

Genereux is breeding very well on plain cows and will produce fatstock winners.

Outstanding temperament.

Genereux’s first crop of calves are extremely heavily muscled with high farmer satisfaction from calves.

He is average for calving and is the ideal bull to inject muscle and style into plain cows.

Genereux commercial bull @ 6 weeks

Marquis RVS Rokfeller RJ

Genereux pictured at 10 months.

3 Rokfeller sons - Genereux pictured right of the 3


Berline Ins A

Ecrevisse RR2 E Roitelet RR3 P Orientale RR2 E

HB No: FR5812312749 DOB: 15.01.2012 Breeder: Emmanuel Detronchet, Montaron, France


Hideal's Linear; DM 75 DS 73 AF 78

502kgs @ under 8 months.

Bull Name



107 110 104 101 116 74%


117 110 120 89 131 88%

Bichette dam of Hideal

Deelview Joanne, bred by Ian Maxwell sold for £3,200gns @ 7 months.



Hideal is an outcross Charolais for Irish breeders.

He was purchased for his milk and calving ease pedigree.

Volcan bred by Earl Touillon is producing terrific females in the herd.

Bichette his dam (pictured) has lots of milk and so too have all Volcan daughters.

Unfameux bred by Gaec Vannier, was 1st prize in Magny Cours in 2003 & 2004.

Hideal has excellent muscling, length, growth and temperment.

His pedigree has calving ease bloodlines, but is strong on performance and growth.

Hideal has developed into a very long, clean, correct bull with excellent width at the plates and hindquarter.

Hideal's first calves are exceptional and and have tremendous growth and muscling.

Breeders are very happy with Hideal for calving ease and quality of calf.

His first daughter sold at public auction for £3,200gns @ just 9 months.

Unfameux RVS Dakota RVS



Une Danse RR2 E Volcan RVS Uppee RR2 E

Epernay RVS

HB No: FR7121449376 DOB: 05.06.2009 Breeder: Jacques Devillard, Champlecy, France



• Epernay won 1st prize in Charolles in 2010. • He also sired the winning progeny group in Charolles in 2012. • His sire is the outstanding Bobino 71 whose daughters have excellent milk and calving ability. • Epernay produces thick, muscular progeny with good legs and feet. • They have excellent muscling, good growth rates and have good temperment. • He has produced very good females as well as bulls. • He has an exceptional top, head, muscling and is sure to be a top weanling producer. • Excellent breeder satisfaction with progeny on both pure and commercial cows • Use on mature cows only.

EPY and sons Charolles Show 2012

Utrillo R3P Bobino 71

Epernay bull

Alwent Hitman P

Epernay heifer

HB No: UK104665500209 DOB: 06.04.2012 Breeder: Steven Nesbitt, Darlington, England

Ucocotte RR2E Matelot RVS

Parfois RR2 E

FR7196103055 RR4 S



• First Homozygous Polled Charolais Bull in AI in Ireland. • Purchased for his calving ease, Hitman is in the top 1% for calving in the UK. • His dam Eugenie has positive values for calving, 200, 400 and 600day weights and Milk. • She is a powerful cow with embryos being sold into several countries. • Hitman’s pedigree includes Vougeot, a bull imported from France, who bred exceptionally well for Mr. Nesbitt, and whose semen has been sold worldwide. • Hitman’s sire Hicks Revolver is a calving ease specialist and is Polled. • Hitman is well muscled, with extra length and a good topline. • Excellent satisfaction from first calves.

Hitman calf x SM dam (heifer).

Bridor Monty Wesc Hicks Revolver 14R P

Alwent Eugenie P Alwent Illustration P pictured @ 6 weeks maternal sister to Hitman

Dam - Alwent Eugenie P


Wesc Eagles Pride 9N Unico SC Alwent Beatrice

HB No: IE 241198620151 DOB: 06.01.2006 Breeder: Owen O' Neill, Limerick, Ireland

Bova Banker ET



Excellent hind quarter development.

Superb muscling and good bone.

Excellent calves with high farmer satisfaction.

Good length and a superb topline.

Use to improve muscle.

High selling Charolais.

• Genetic full sister - Ashleigh Venus sold for e5,400 at 5 months. • Genetic full brother sold for e9,500 at Ck-on-Shannon (December ‘05) for the Ashleigh Herd. • First son sold at public auction was Reserve Senior Champion at the Christmas Cracker Sale Dec ’09 bred by Ian Maxwell and sold for €4,500. • Banker is seeing good pedigree usage as a result of his consistency and quality. • Banker son was Reserve Senior Champion at Dungannon June 2011. (Pictured Left) Riversdale General – 1st in his class and Reserve Junior Champion National Show 2011.

• Use on mature cows only.

(Pictured below left) Banker son, Glen Ivan 2, Res Champion Tullamore Nov '14.

Berlioz RVS

ICBF Proof Dec '14 e


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€97 91%

Calving Difficulty

12.60% 99%

Grimaldi RVS


Charmille RR4S Invincible RVS

Lubie RJ

Docility 0.13 98%


Carcass Weight (kg) 34kg 99% Carcass Conformation 2.27 99%


HB No: FR7121208283 DOB: 03.04.2008 Breeder: Earl Elevage Bonnot, Champlecy, France



Very correct stylish bull.

Excellent muscling.

Superb topline.

Amazing temperament.

Excellent hind quarter development.

Sire Tapaloeil was Grand Champion at Charolles in 2003 and Junior Champion in 2004. Also he won 1st prize in Charolles in 2005 and 2006.

Tapaloeil had the 1st prize family group at Charolles in 2004, 2005 and 2006!!!

Maternal sister produced the Reserve Champion Calf at Charolles 2009 from 500 calves.

Doncamillo produces thick, square, functional cattle that grow on well.

Doncamillo bred the Champion bull in Ballymena November 2013.

Very good pedigree and commercial calves inspected.

Use on mature cows.

ICBF Proof Dec '14 e e e e

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Doncamillo commercial bull calf Replacement




€84 84%

Calving Difficulty

11.40% 95%

Docility 0.10 88% Carcass Weight (kg) 31kg 94%

Poum RVS Tapaloeil RVS

Carcass Conformation 2.22 93%

e e e e e Daughter Milk (Kg)



Oriflamme Doncamillo bull Champion at Ballymena Sale


Odyssee RR4S Jongleur RJ Hermine RR4S

HB No: DOB: Breeder;

Sylvain RVS

FR7121181092 25.04.2001 Jean-Marc Pacaut, Laizy, France



Purchased at Magny Cour Show in Sept. 2004 where he was much admired by many breeders from around the world. Has produced excellent calves in France & Ireland. Has a power packed pedigree – his dam Jacobine has produced regularly for 9 years. Jacobine is also the dam of Omnibus RVS (ISEVR 108). She is also a full sister to Liquer and a maternal sister to Galette – this being the top cow family in Jean-Marc Pacauts herd. Sylvain has the Length, Scale, Style and Muscling for the most discerning breeder. His calves in Ireland are displaying Sylvain's own best attributes - big with that extra body length so desirable today, correctness- standing on four good legs and his indisputable style. Probably by his daughters will Sylvain be rightly classed as a “breeders bull” - why wait any longer to use the natural and superior successor to Jupiter (breeder – Jean-Marc Pacaut). Sylvain sons and daughters have excelled at Irish and French National Charolais shows.

Trenamullen Iona 1st Prize Winner at National Show 2014

(Pictured Left) Crossdrum Felix 1st in his class National Show 2011 ICBF Proof Dec '14 e




€102 93%

Calving Difficulty

12.0% 99%

e e e e e

Carcass Weight (kg) 38kg 99%


Oriental RVS

Jerusalem RR2E

Docility 0.08 99%


Erudit RVS

Jacobine RR4S

Carcass Conformation 1.67 99%

e e e e Daughter Milk (Kg)

Bichette RR4S


HB No: FR7121479760 DOB: 20.01.2009 Breeder: Earl Bernigaud Jacky, Charolles,France


Major RVS


e e e e

Sylvain show Results 1st Tullamore Nat. Show ‘06 1st Limerick Show ‘06 1st Magny Cour 2004 1st Magny Cour 2002 1st Charolles 2002 1st Charolles 2001


Semen limited • • • • • • •



Excellent hind quarter development. Superb muscling. Very good temperament. Good length and a super topline. Total outcross pedigree. Dam has very good milk. Sire “Amont” produced sons and daughters with exceptional shape, style and correct feet and legs. They have strong toplines, fantastic ends and great breed character. Éclair has made a strong name for himself amongst commercial showmen. •

His progeny have very good thickness of hindquarter, strong toplines and great breed character. His first calves slaughtered weighed incredibly well with excellent carcass traits. Heifer bought by Eamon O'Donovan 1st prize and Champion at numerous Summer shows in 2013.

ICBF Proof Dec '14 e




€107 87%

Calving Difficulty

13.0% 97%


Carcass Weight (kg) 33kg 97%

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ELR commercial heifer 7 months. 1st prize winner & Champion at several Summer shows 2013.

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ELR commercial bull 6 weeks.


Docility 0.15 93% Carcass Conformation 2.31 96%


Agile RJ

Rutillant RJ Suzy Petin RR3 P Paniere RJ

Balmyle Vagabond

HB No: UK542320700451 DOB: 23.04.04 Breeder; W P Bruce, Perthshire, Scotland



• Reserve Junior Champion at Perth Bull Sales October 2005. • Purchased by William McAllister for the top price of £16,000gns. • Excellent hind quarter development. • Very good muscling. • Good length and a strong topline. • Consistent producer of well muscled bulls and females. • Fantastic temperament. • Excellent breed character . • Sired the Junior Champion at the 2014 Christmas Cracker sale, which later sold for the top price of €10,200 (pictured below) • Use on mature cows. • Semen limited.

Vagabond commercial son

Grimaldi RVS Maerdy Othello

Maerdy Gruel Dingle Hoffmeister

Balmyle Oregana Vagabond commercial heifer

Balmyle Garnet

Vagabond son - Bostonia Indigo ET

Liseron du Fond de Bois

Belgian Blue


HB No: BE860514179 DOB: 01.09.2000 Breeder: J-P Monfort, Belgium

Visually great appeal.

Typical Radar son showing tremendous power.

Combines size with muscle.

Great width in front and behind with a good rib.

• Excellent bull to breed powerful weanlings for export market. •

One of the highest bulls available for Terminal Index.

Powerpacked Pedigree.

Liseron son

ICBF Proof Dec '14 e e e e e




€169 82%

Calving Difficulty

7.3% 92%


Carcass Weight (kg) 28kg 95%

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Galopeur des Hayons


Radar-ET Van Terbeck

Docility 0.29 93%

Vedette ET du Fond De Bois

Carcass Conformation 2.8 94%


Elsa de Chenia Opticien D'au Chene Reussie Du Fond De Bois

Barco van de Eindekens

HB No: DOB: Breeder:

BE217040487 16.12.2004 Gebr Vanbosch, Belguim


Belgian Blue

Tremendous power.

Son of the very well respected Émigré de St. Fontaine.

Producing very well muscled show calves.

Excellent feet and legs.

One of the top bulls currently available.

Huge terminal and maternal indexes.

• •

Barco has a son in the Netherlands with the 5th highest muscle depth scan ever recorded. One of the top bulls currently available for terminal index.

ICBF Proof Dec '14

Linear Classification

Belgian HB

Height Muscle Type Set of legs General Aspect Final Points

85 88 82 94 80 88

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€165 86%


Calving Difficulty

10.20% 92%


0.18 92%

Calimero de Mehogne Emigre de St. Fontaine

Chanel de St. Fontaine

Carcass Weight (kg) 36kg 93% Carcass Conformation

e e e e e Daughter Milk (Kg)

e e e e Daughter Calving Interval

Wacko van het Beekhof

2.9 92% 7.8kg




Bourgogne de Somme

Freya de Radelinga

Zoreke d'Ochain

Belgian Blue


HB No: BE733229646 DOB: 08.03.2003 Breeder: Johan Stael, Belgium

• • • • • • • • • •

Outcross Pedigree. Size and Functionality on both sides. Breeders Bull. Use on smaller type suckler cow. Will give great carcase weight. Use as a bull for replacements. Tremendous Rib. 598 Kgs at 11 months. Purebred WKF heifer still suckling her recipient dam made £2,800 at Chelford Mart. One of the highest ranking bulls for Terminal and Replacement Index available

ICBF Proof Dec '14

Linear Classification

Belgian HB

Height Muscle Type Set of legs General Aspect Final Points

95 86 81 92 75 87

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e e e ee




€167 83%

Calving Difficulty

9.10% 90%


0.14 89%

Neuf Moulin


Belmonfo De Bois Borsu Neuf 4950 RY Neuf Moulin

Carcass Weight (kg) 35kg 93% Carcass Conformation

e e e e Daughter Milk (Kg)

e e e e e Daughter Calving Interval

2.8 92% 3.66kg 56% 4.26



Red Heat

Lumiere RY Neuf Moulin Opium De Choquenee Z-6774

HB No: IE221240831062 DOB: 14.12.2007 Breeder; Mr. Jarlath Duggan, Laois, Ireland

Ross Brendan


Belgian Blue

• Superb muscling. • Excellent hind quarter development. • Black and white bull with excellent feet and legs. • Good length and a cracking topline. • Brendan's dam Ross Woodchester was a prize winner at Beef Expo 2008. • Son of the famous Empire who has left his mark here in Ireland. • Brendan is producing calves that have good muscling, tremendous growth, excellent function and have a lot of style. • Heifers have calved out and they are excellent breeders. • Brendan produced the top priced heifer at Hilltown Mart twice in 2012. • One of the highest bulls available for Terminal Index and carcass weight. • Use on mature cows.

ICBF Proof Dec '14 e

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€145 89%

Calving Difficulty

12.60% 97%

e e e e


0.18 97%

Carcass Weight (kg) 36kg 98%

e e e e

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Jackson de L'Ecluse

Carcass Conformation

RSW daughter


Implant Beauffaux

Empire D'Ochain

Balaise D'Ochain Osborne Van Terbeck

2.82 98%

Ross Woodchester

Ross Twiggy


HB No: BE924545412 DOB: 16.07.2009 Breeder: Ann Adams, L'Ecluse, Belgium.

RSW son - 1st Tullamore '11

Belgian Blue

Lasso x Germinal x Émigré de St Fontaine son.

Jackson comes from an excellent cow family.

He has a fantastic depth of hind quarter, with very good muscling.

• Jackson shows good length, with a fantastic topline.

123cm @ 15 months.

Linear Classification

Belgian HB

Height Muscle Type Set of legs General Aspect Final Points

78 88 83 83 75 86

JKS heifer 8 months by LM dam


Power packed pedigree guaranteed to produce weanlings suitable for export.

Outstanding first crop of calves from this young bull.

The top bull for producing high muscle weanlings.

Use on mature cows only, 13% CD.

Jackson bullock Winner at several show 2014

Lasso van't Kookshof

Havana de L'Ecluse

Jackson heifer @ 4 months

Fausto ET de Fontena Impressie ET 717 van't Kookshof

Germinal de Fooz Diva ET de L'Ecluse

Italo van de Rekkelinge



BE143286939 17/01/2007

Belgian Blue

Power packed pedigree including Brutal and Artaban de St Fontaine.

Very well muscled bull with excellent feet and legs.

Italo has good length, size and should breed excellent weanlings.

Excellent calves from Italo.

Use on mature cows only.

Bruegel d'Au Chêne Brutal de St. Fontaine

Linear Classification

Belgian HB

Height Muscle Type Set of legs Final Points

88 89.5 83 91 88.7

Samarkand Ozymandias

Turpuline de St. Fontaine Artaban de St. Fontaine

Fyllis van de Rekkelinge

Dansante du Moliniae

Belgian Blue


HB No: 1996-0054 DOB: 26.02.1996 Breeder: John Vaughan, Wexford, Ireland

From the famous Samarkand herd.

Twice Tullamore Champion.

Dam was the highest classified female in her time.

Progeny are show/sale toppers with show calves

selling to €6,200

Tremendous consistency as a breeder

Ideal bull for producing replacement cows.

Weanlings consistently exported to Italy

BBX Son of SOY, Breeder: Oliver McGowen, Leitrim. Sold at CK-on-Shannon Winter Fair for €6,200

Linear Classification

Belgian HB

Height Muscle Type Set of legs Final Points

83 86 81.4 93 86.2

Frerot De Belle Eau Merle De Belle Eau

Energique De Bierwert


Ida De Belle Eau Ministre De Bouchelet Ballerine De Bierwert

Belgian Blue


HB No: BE360797761 DOB: 08.06.2009 Breeder: Henri-Pierre Christophe, Fexhe-le-Ht-Clocher, Belgium

Carillon du Pont de Messe

Notez x Germinal x Asterix de Fooz son.

Carillon has outstanding length and very good muscling.

He has excellent function, good height and a strong top-line.

Shows fantastic breed character and locomotion.

Carillons calves are easily born with very good muscling.

Carillon is leaving excellent calves on both beef and dairy cows.

High farmer satisfaction with progeny.

CPW son 3 weeks ICBF Proof Dec '14 e e e e e

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€171 81%


Calving Difficulty

11.0% 94%


0.24 81%

Torrero ET du Grand Courty Notez le ET du Pont de Messe

Carcass Weight (kg) 37kg 90% Carcass Conformation

3.06 88%

Abstraite du Pont de Messe

Pictured left CPW son 7 months

Du Stordeur Flanuer

HB No: DOB: Breeder:

BE154701312 19.05.2002 JF Weverberg, Belguim


Jarretelle ET du Pont de Messe Germinal de Fooz Passive du Pont de Messe

Belgian Blue

• Easiest calving Belgian Blue bull available for dairy or beef cows in Irish AI. • Purchased from John Vaughan where he had been used as Senior Herd Sire. • Excellent quality calves. • Weanlings suited to the Italian market. • Excellent satisfaction from farmers. • Top Blue bull available for Replacement Index. • One of our most popular selling Blues. • Semen in huge demand so order early to avoid disappointment. • A very complete package with calving ease and quality guaranteed.

ICBF Proof Dec '14 e e e e e eeee

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SFL son 6 weeks




€156 92%

Calving Difficulty

5.60% 99%


0.28 99%

Carcass Conformation

2.64 99% 1.5kg

e e e e e Daughter Calving Interval 1.23


94% 87%

SFL daughter Sold for E1850 at 5 months

Inexes de la Croix de Mer VH Fravehof Rudger

Carcass Weight (kg) 21kg 99%

e e e e Daughter Milk (kg)

SFL daughter 4 weeks


Du Stordeur Barmaid

ET VH  Fravehof Nelly Fausto ET de Fontena Du Strodeur Imperiale

HB No: DOB: Breeder:

Boherard Cian

IE221157320683 22.01.2008 Mr. David Pearson, Laois, Ireland


One of our most popular selling Blues.

Good hind quarter development.

White bull with excellent feet and legs.

Very good length and a super topline.

3 full brothers in AI.

Superb growth.

Cian is producing very good calves from the dairy and suckler herds.

Hugely popular bull on the dairy herd.

The 2nd easiest calving Blue bull commercially available behind our own SFL.

ICBF Proof Dec '14 e e e e e Replacement




€142 82%

Calving Difficulty

7.70% 92%


0.06 83%



Son - top price at Tuam Mart Special BB weanling show & sale 2012.


Belgian Blue

Opium De Chocquence Tintin De My

Rose De My

Carcass Weight (kg) 29kg 92%


Carcass Conformation

e e e e Daughter Milk (kg)

Totem De Chocquence

2.51 91%

Ballyfin Tracey

3.59kg 45%

e e e Daughter Calving Interval 5.94


Ballyfin Odette

Cian heifer 2 years old, pictured post calving

Hesitant de Maffe

HB No: DOB: Breeder:

BE192343963 26.05.2009 Ramelot-Renard Groupement, Maffe, Belgium.


Belgi an Blue

Federal x Lasso x Artaban de St Fontaine son.

Hesitant comes from a proven cow family in Belgium.

Discrete de Maffe won 1st prize in Condroz July 2006/2007.

Precieuse de Maffe, full sister of Discrete won 1st in Brussels 2009 and 2nd in Libramont 2009.

Champion Female Condroz July 2006/Ciney 2007.

Fleuron de Maffe from same cow family, standing in AWE Ciney, was in the top 5 best sellers in 2010.

Emperor de Maffe, who is out of Hesitant’s granddam, stands in Belgimex.

Hesitant has outstanding length, extreme muscling and tremendous rib.

He has a very strong topline and shows tremendous style and character.

Hesitant has excellent function and has very good weight.

Ideal bull to produce weanlings suitable for the export market.

Use on mature cows.

123cm @ 15 months.

Linear Classification Belgian HB Height Muscle Type Set of legs General Aspect Final Points

78 89 85 85 80 87

Federal de L'allemoine HTM bull 3 weeks

Discrete ET de Maffe

Hesitant's Dam Discrete ET de Maffe


Osborne van Terbeck Vallee du Horle Lasso van't Kookshof Subtil de Maffe

Peintre de Roupage

HB No: DOB: Breeder:


BE156924060 10.12.2012 Philippe Collignon, Ortho, Belgium

Belgi an Blue

• Peintre is the complete Belgian Blue bull. • His pedigree is first class with elite sires top and bottom. • Peintre has extreme muscling throughout, excellent feet and legs, an outstanding topline and oozes style. • He has excellent breed character and is very well grown. (124 cm at 13 months)

• He has an excellent presence which will no doubt produce very smart, stylish, show quality animals. • Bova believe Peintre to be our best Blue bull purchased to date.

• His dam at 10 years has had 7 calves and is still breeding strongly. • Purchased for use on dairy and suckler cows. • Peintre comes highly recommended. • Suitable for pure breeding.

Germinal de Fooz Joker de Fooz

Guimauve ET de Fooz Bijoutier ET de Roupage

Facile de Roupage

Bouture de Roupage

Peintre end

Torres de l'Ecluse

HB No: DOB: Breeder:


BE227030998 30.01.2012 Ann Adams, L’Ecluse, Belgium

Belgian Blue

Torres is out of a full sister to Imperial de l’Ecluse.

He has extreme muscling, excellent length and fantastic breed character.

He has a tremendous set of legs, fine skin and has an excellent topline.

He has a power packed pedigree and he is positive for height.

He has incredible style and physique.

Torres should breed weanlings suited to the export market.

134cm at 24 months.

Fausto ET de Fontena Lasso van’t Kookshof Impressie ET 717 van’t Kookshof

Germinal de Fooz 13300 de l'Ecluse Davina du Haut d’Arquennes


Diego is a son of the No.1 Terminal Index bull Blackwood out of one of Tait's top cows.

Semen of the much respected Blackwood is limited.

Diego stood out on first appearance for his sheer style.

He has incredible muscling for an Angus, a good deep body and a fantastic head.

He has extra length, a tremendous topline and a very good temperament.

He has excellent feet and legs, oozes character and has a show type presence.

Diego has exceptional figures and is in the top 5 bulls for both Terminal and Replacement Index.

Co-owned with Mr. Pat Meehan Limerick.

Diego should appeal to pedigree and commercial breeders.

First calves are easily born with excellent muscling and style.

ICBF Proof Dec '14 e e e e e

Diego heifer calf @ 1 day old

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S A V Net Worth 4200




€82 31%

Calving Difficulty

2.60% 36%


0.15 42%

Bova Lord Blackwood H175


Carcass Conformation

Liss Dina A400

1.12 29%

HB No: CA1311919 DOB: 10.01.2006 Breeder: BJ Scheirlinck, Saskatchewan, Canada

Belvin Lady Blossom 64’04 Gigginstown Rolls Royce

Liss Dana E680

Carcass Weight (kg) 14kg 35%

BJ's No Limits



HB No: IE151801020734 DOB: 29.09.2012 Breeder: John & Catherine Tait, Cork, Ireland

Westellen Diego M734



No Limits was a Class Winner at Agribition Nov `06 where he was the heaviest calf in the barn. That was the third year in a row that his mother had done likewise and with three different sires - thats consistency! No Limits was shown successfully again in Agribition in 2007 and 2008 after seeing heavy service both years at the renowned Youngdale herd. A son of the well known Hoff Limited Edition who has bred very well throughout North America and is known as a high performance sire. • No Limits has produced very well in his early career. • Reserve Champion bull Dungannon Feb 2010 Kiltariff Lord Trendsetter £3300 gns. • Highest performing Angus bull @ Tully May 10 Sheenmore Prince ADW 2.6kgs €3100. • Class winner Northern Ireland Calf Show 2009. • Reserve Champion yearling bull @ NI Calf Show 2010 Glenhoy Limitless. • Top percentiles of breed for both milk and carcass conformation.

BW - 42kgs Adj 205d - 409kgs BJ's Ricochet - maternal brother to JLS

Hoff Limited Edition SC594

• Average calving.

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• Breeding fabulous breeding females.




€41 81%


Calving Difficulty

3.20% 90%

Hoff Charger SC242 Hoff Limited Edition SC594

Docility -0.04 71% Carcass Weight (kg) 12kg 91% Carcass Conformation

e e e e e Daughter Milk (kg)

1.01 89% 13.87kg 59%


Sandy Bar Duchess 33G

Hoff Boss Lady SC 3V9 Bar 20 Rainmaker 344D Sandy Bar Duchess 1A

Bova Lord Bonanza N266

HB No: IE241886590266 DOB: 01.09.2013 Breeder: Owen S O Neill, Limerick, Ireland

Bonanza’s sire is the well renowned HF Kodiak 5R.

Kodiak’s gestation length is a massive 10 days shorter than breed average.

He is well regarded as a calving ease and muscle specialist.

Bonanza’s dam is the well known Lady Blossom 64’04.

Bonanza's pedigree was made for the dairy herd, short gestation, calving ease pedigree, early muscle and excellent growth.

He has massive 120 day, 210 day and yearling weights.

He is a well muscled, heavy, exceptionally quiet bull.

Excellent indexes.

ICBF Proof Dec '14 e e e

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HF Kodiak 5R - Bonanza's sire





€77 11%

Calving Difficulty

2.40% 12%


0.01 11%

Sandy Bar Advantage 43M HF Kodiak 5R

Wilbar Ruby 955N

Carcass Weight (kg) 17kg 13% Carcass Conformation

0.86 12%

Belvin Lady Blossom 64’04 ET

Belvin Mercedes 32’02 Belvin Lady Blossom 40’01

Aughloragh Jodie - Bonanza's full sister

Bunlahy Kojak

HB No: IE251261770299 DOB: 12.10.2013 Breeder: Gerry Reynolds, Longford, Ireland




Kojak’s pedigree is steeped in some of the old great Angus sires.

He was Angus Champion at Mullingar Show 2014.

His maternal sister, Bunlahy Beatrice K246, was Junior All Ireland heifer calf Champion at the All Ireland Show 2010.

He is a heifer’s calf with a 34kgs birth weight.

Kojak is a traditional type bull with extreme length.

He has a fantastic head, is well muscled and is very correct.

His dam is one of the best breeding dams in the herd.

Excellent indexes and BLUP figures.

ICBF Proof Dec '14 e e e e

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€72 26%

Calving Difficulty

2.70% 28%

e e e e e

Carcass Weight (kg) 17kg 32%


e e e e e

Cartron-Roe David Lisduff Duke Y191

Docility 0.08 26% Carcass Conformation


Bunlahy Beatrice K246, maternal sister to Kojak



Bunlahy Berneice L 265

Duchess 10th of Liss Young Dale Superior 14S Bunlahy Beatrice Y073



HB No: 2007-4244 DOB: 18.11.2007 Breeder: John Lanigan, Tipperary, Ireland

Lanigan Red Deep Canyon ET

Herd sire in Mr Pat Meehans, Limerick, Deep Canyon is an incredibly thick, muscular, powerful new Angus.

He was heavily used in John Lanigan’s herd and he has daughters calved by him.

They have excellent milk and growth.

Deep Canyon is very easily fleshed and is extremely correct.

He has excellent breed character and good temperament.

Red Angus are noted for their maternal characteristics, temperament and growth rate.

Deep Canyon has passed these desirable traits onto his progeny.

His sire Leachman Grand Canyon has bred numerous high priced bulls and females.

Top bull for Replacement Index of all breeds.

Top 1% for Terminal Index.

Deep Canyon is breeding progeny with exceptional weight for age, growth and style.

ICBF Proof Dec '14 e e e e e

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€102 69%


Calving Difficulty

2.20% 84%


0.44 73%

Red Buffalo CRK CHF

Red Leachman Grand Canyon 1244G

Red KRN Rega’s Robin Red Brylor New Trend 22D

Carcass Weight (kg) 15kg 77% Carcass Conformation

1.08 72%

Red Bar MM Annie 51R

Red Bar Mm Annie 85G

Deep Canyon x T-Bone heifer @ 2 months


HB No: CFQB7 DOB: 25.05.2006 Breeder: Mark & Sheryl Atkinson, South Victoria, Australia

Carrington Park Time On B7 Carrington Park Time On B7 AMFU/NHFU • Reg: AUS CFQ B7 • Birth Date: 25/5/2006



If Beef is your Business then B7 is the bull! • Trait leader for 200 Day Growth • Highest ever Angus sire scanned for EMA 140cm2 (16mths). • Outstanding sire with a balance of impressive EBV’s and phenotype. • B7 g-dam is in her eleventh year and is still one of the top producers at Carrington Park. • Unmatched for thickness and style. • 1165kgs @ 2.5 years of age. • Trait leader for Carcass Weight • Extremely good calves from Time On. • They are calved easily and show very good growth and shape.

Time On son ★ If Beef is your Business then B7 is the bull! Tonley Essex sold for £13,000gns @ Stirling Bull Sales Feb 2014. ★ Trait leader for 400 Day Growth Leachman Right Time BT Right Time 24J ★ Highest ever Angus sire scanned for EMA Sitz Everalda Entense 1905 February 2014 Angus BREEDPLAN Days to Carcass Eye Rib Rump Retail IMF Calving Calv. Gest Birth 200D 400D 600D Mat. MILK Scrotal 140cm2 (16mths). BT Right Time 24J calving Weight Muscle Fat Fat Beef % Ease B/R Ease Wt. 095 Wt. Wt. Wt. Cow Wt. (kg) Size NewLength Frontier (kg) Area cm2 (mm) Yield (%) Direct% Dtrs % (days) (kg) (kg) (kg) (kg) (kg) ★(cm) Outstanding sire with a(mm) balance of impressive Carrington Park Empress Z30 EBV -0.9 -1.1 -1.0 +6.1 +45 +83 +107 +85 +24 +0.8 -4.4 +68 +6.0 -1.4 -1.8 +2.0 +0.4 Tibooburra Empress S96 EBV’s and phenotype. Acc% 77 71 95 97 96 96 95 91 86 95 53 86 78 87 87 78 76 BREED AVERAGE EBVs for 2012 ★ BORNB7 CALVES g-dam is in her eleventh year and is still one of Carrington Park Empress Z30 EVB +0.0 +0.4 -3.3 +4.5 +40 +75 +94 +85 +13 +1.5 -3.4 +4.2 -0.1 +0.0 +0.4 +1.3 the top+54 producers at Carrington Park. ★ Unmatched for thickness and style.

Breeder Sire





Leachman Right Time Sitz Everalda Entense 1905 B/R New Frontier 095 Tibooburra Empress S96

Sandylane Tadgh

HB No: DOB: Breeder:


2001-1769 20.09.2001 PJ Fitzgibbon, Limerick, Ireland


• Exceptionally easy calving. • Superb quality calves. •

Suited to dairy and beef heifers.

Very easily fleshed progeny.

Traditional qualities.

Semen in huge demand worldwide with excellent satisfaction.

Tadgh is one of the most heavily used Angus bulls in Ireland. He is an excellent example of all that is good about traditional Angus. He is easy calving, easy fleshing and is producing quality calves with extra length and great hair. Semen in heavy demand in Ireland, UK, Switzerland, Holland, Germany, Poland etc.

ICBF Proof Dec '14 e


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Tadgh heifer @ 2 months





€31 92%

Calving Difficulty

2.10% 99%


0.04 98%

Duke 23rd of Liss Lisduff David 2nd

Lisduff Duchess

Carcass Weight (kg) 0kg 99% Carcass Conformation

0.77 99%

Rainbow Hills Independence 46X

Sandylane Hannah

Sandylane Freda

Tadgh heifer 2 years

HB No: CA 1207132 DOB: 12.01.2004 Breeder: Quinn Hamilton, Alberta, Canada

Belvin Patriarch



Belvin Patriarch has made a very good name for himself both here and in Canada, breeders are very pleased with progeny and he is seeing heavy usage as a result. He comes from the very well known Lady Blossom family. His dam is the $40,000 valued cow who has produced 2 sons to sell for over $16,000. She has been shown successfully in Canada and was Champion female at a number of shows. Her full sister –who sold for $30,000 - and full brother have done equally as well. Patriarch has trait leading EPD’s with excellent figures for milk and weight gain.

BW - 42kgs Adj 205d - 405kgs

Patriarch bulls are highly sought after for their calving ease on the dairy herd.

One of the top Angus bulls currently available – highly proven.

VPH daughters have very good milk.

Easy calving – suitable for heifers.

ICBF Proof Dec '14 e


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Connealy Dateline





€39 89%

Calving Difficulty

2.70% 97%


0.02 88%

Carcass Weight (kg) 8kg 98% Carcass Conformation

0.78 97%

Belvin Lady Blossom 22’02


Belvin Kingpin 24’00

Belvin Lady Blossom 22’02

Belvin Georgina 51’59 OGL Battle Cry Belvin Lady Blossom 47’97

Kilbride Farm Escalop 13

HB No: DOB: Breeder:

UK906234430217 13.08.2013 W H Robson & Sons, Antrim, Ireland


Semen available April '15


Blackford Trident, Wroxall Extreme, Dovefields Gallant, Newry and Brenin…

Excellent pedigree with incredible performance and class.

Escalop’s sire Brenin is a very consistent breeder for the Kilbride herd.

He sires muscle, correctness, style and milk.

The Iris cow family is one of the top families in the herd.

Escalop is a long, clean, stylish bull.

He has very good muscle development throughout the loin, hindquarter and and top.

He has a fabulous temperament and has excellent feet and legs.

He has an exceptionally strong topline, and is very square at the plates.

A very fine example of the Simmental breed.

Raceview King Crugmelyn Brenin 10

Crugmelyn Lleucu Llwyd

Kilbride Farm Iris 8W

Lisnacran Sunnyboy ET

HB No: DOB: Breeder:


IE272111710171 03.01.2005 Michael Oliver, Mayo, Ireland

Kilbride Farm Newry Kilbride Farm Iris 2P


• Highest Simmental bull commercially available for Terminal Index. • Highest Simmental bull available for Replacement Index. • Top 2% of breed for both carcass weight and conformation. • His calves display good growth, size, length and muscling. • Excellent breeder satisfaction with progeny. • Sunnyboy is producing excellent females with excellent maternal traits. • His bulls perform very well also with excellent carcass characteristics. • Easy to average calving. • Semen Limited.

Pictured Sunnyboy heifer Pictured Sunnyboy heifer calf ICBF Proof Dec '14 e e e e e

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€120 78%

Calving Difficulty

4.10% 79%


0.03 48%

e e e e e Carcass Weight (kg)

e e e e e Carcass Conformation e e e e Daughter Milk (kg)







9.82kg 33%

Hillcrest Limelight Pictured Sunnyboy heifer calf


Hadrian Gelse Hillcrest Champion Hillcrest Cathy

HB No: DOB: Breeder:

Curaheen Dickens

IE171059830406 06.10.2012 David Wall, Dublin, Ireland




Dickens is by the noted Curaheen Warrior, whose sons have sold to €18,500.

Warrior has produced exceptionally well in both David Wall and Raymond O’ Malleys herds.

Dickens’ dam is one of the top cows in the Curaheen herd.

Dickens’ full brother sold to the Jalex herd in Northern Ireland.

His full sister sold for €8,000 to the Hillcrest herd.

Dickens was the Ploughing Bull Calf Champion in 2013.

Dickens has extreme length and is very strong on top.

He has a clean middle and is very easily fleshed.

He has a very placid nature and is 90% solid red.

Dickens has the pedigree, performance and figures for todays markets.

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€74 30%


Calving Difficulty

7.10% 35%


0.18 56%

Carnkern Titan Curaheen Warrior ET

Carcass Conformation

1.51 28%

Marsha Wanda

Dicken's Dam Marsha Wanda

HB No: DOB: Breeder:

Delfur T-Bone

Raceview Merle Beauty

Carcass Weight (kg) 31kg 35%

M068870 09.04.2006 Delfur Farms, Rothes, Scotland


Cloondroon Nugget Boyher Snowflake


T-Bone from the very well known Delfur herd is a total outcross for all Irish breeders.

He is a bull with exceptional length, weight, size, correctness, style and lots of muscle.

His dam and granddam are both excellent producers.

Semen has been exported throughout Europe with breeders very happy with calves.

His calves have outstanding muscle,length, style and are foot perfect.

His daughters have excellent milk and are moderate framed cows which are easily maintained.

ICBF Proof Dec '14 e

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T-Bone daughter - Seepa Cailin Replacement




€77 92%

Calving Difficulty

8.60% 98%


0.05 97%

Pistyll Gwynfor ET Delfur Prime Cut

Carcass Weight (kg) 26kg 99% Carcass Conformation

Delfur Mary H48

1.48 99%

Delfur Nikola P41 T-Bone end

Doocastle Ben – sold privately for €5,000.


AGP Emperor ET Delfur Nikola L49


HB No: FR1531207988 DOB: 03.03.2011 Breeder: Elevage Roussel, Veyrieres, France



Garou is sired by the noted Attila who has bred fantastic bulls and heifers with lots of milk in Mr Roussel’s herd.

Garou’s pedigree is top class including the famous Royale cow family from Roussel and Herve from Mr Vantal.

Garou is very well muscled, very correct and has an amazing temperament.

His performance is very good and he has excellent breed character.

He has an excellent pelvic area.

Garou is highly recommended for pedigree or commercial use.

Garou’s first crop of calves are easily born and show excellent development.

There is significant interest in semen from both Irish and foreign breeders.

Garou’s calves ooze style, have good temperament and are well muscled.

2.7% calving difficulty @ 64% reliability

Attila INV

Splendide JV Touraine MTL Oliver RRL

Bataille MGV

Royale MTL

Garou commercial daughter

Garou x Navarin daughter @ 12 months

HB No: DOB: Breeder:

Vaillant RVS

FR 1931752282

Pre Order

18.02.2004 Fernand Fourtet, St Julien Aux Bois, France


Vaillant RVS is now highly proven in Ireland, France and the UK. He is easy calving, suitable for heifers.

Vaillant is the top Salers bull available for Terminal Index.

Vaillant is one of the top Salers bulls available for Replacement Index.

Top 1% of breed for carcass weight and conformation.

Huge satisfaction amongst breeders with progeny.

Paris Show/Royal Show Champion 2009.

Vaillant daughters display good thickness, good milk and compact udders.

2 Vaillant sons retained as herd sires for breeders Fernand and Yves Fourtet.

2 sons topped the recent Castle Douglas Sale at £6000 and £5500 respectively.

Vaillant also sired the Senior Bull Class Winner at Sommet de l’Elevage 2013.

An absolute legend of the breed in France with a very good reputation.

ICBF Proof Dec '14 e e e e

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€135 67%

Calving Difficulty

2.10% 80%



-0.07 62%

Carcass Weight (kg) 31kg 77%








CD CRsev




CD DMsev




CD DSsev










Hurleur Romain RVS


Carcass Conformation 1.47 73% Daughter Milk 8.41kg 54%

Rita RV

Vaillant son


Montagnard Madame




HB No: 6464231709 DOB: 16.01.2007 Breeder: David Acharitogaray, Iholdy, France

California was twice Champion in the beefy bull class.

The Blonde bull to give the maximum shape, muscle of 132.

Top 1% of breed for carcass weight.

Excellent breeder satisfaction with progeny.

Making a strong name for himself with outstanding pedigree calves inspected.

California produces muscle, length, growth, and his calves have excellent feet and legs.

Average calving.

Not suitable for heifers.

Rubio ICBF Proof Dec '14 e



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€143 73%

Calving Difficulty

8.00% 82%






-0.04 75%

Carcass Weight (kg) 39kg 86%

Clondown Eddie

HB No: DOB: Breeder:



Carcass Conformation 2.02 84%



IE201250690438 05.02.2010 Stephen Byrne, Kildare, Ireland


Eddie has very good thickness and depth of hindquarter.

He has length, style, excellent conformation and outstanding function.

Very good breed character and ideal for pedigree and commercial breeders.

His dam Clondown Rose was Beef Expo Champion in 2008.

Eddie is breeding excellent calves with shape, style and muscle. He is easily calved and calves grow on very well.

• •

Excellent Blonde bull for Irish AI with an outcross bloodline.

ICBF Proof Dec '14 e








€136 46%

Calving Difficulty

4.70% 69%



-0.04 19%

Clondown Rose dam of Eddie

Jocker Pagnol

Carcass Conformation 1.98 38%

Clondown Rose Eddie pedigree heifer - Winner at several NI shows 2014


Carcass Weight (kg) 33kg 51%


Eder Knapogue Louise

HB No: UK010386500028 DOB: 28.06.2008 Breeder: Derek Griffin, Isle of Man, England

Island 1 Francis P



Francis was voted the Hereford Champion of Europe and Asia in 2012 and 2013.

He is the son of the 2005 Great Yorkshire Show Breed Champion, Island 1 Warrior.

Francis was herd sire in the Island herd prior to being purchased by Bova.

He is homozygous polled.

He has a total outcross pedigree.

Francis is a very imposing, stylish bull with exceptional temperament.

He has incredible, length, muscling, size and strength.

He displays perfect locomotion and is very strong on top.

Francis has exceptional width at the plates and has very good breed character.

Highly recommended for pedigree use.

ICBF Proof Dec '14 e e


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Wiranya Batavia P




€35 4%

Calving Difficulty

4.65% 5%

Carcass Weight (kg)

7.38kg 6%

Carcass Conformation

0.51 5%

Ballyart Lucky ET RED P

Island 1 Warrior P


Wenmar 1 Dolores P11 P

Wenmar 1 Garland N7 P


HB No: IE241198640228 DOB: 05.01.2013 Breeder: Owen S O’ Neill, Limerick, Ireland

Chapelton 1 Highlander P A.L.J. 1 Garland P


Ballyart Lucky is a son of the renowned Waukaru Patent 8161.

Patent has bred well everywhere he has been used.

He stamps his progeny like himself, well muscled, with good heads and length.

His females are long, with good growth, excellent pelvic area and style, while his bulls are masculine and well grown.

Lucky is very well muscled, long and clean bodied.

He has an exceptionally strong topline and good feet and legs.

He has excellent performance since birth and has an unbelievable temperament.

He should suit breeders looking to improve muscling and milk.

Best used on large framed cows that require extra width.

First calves are excellent and are easily calved.


ICBF Proof Dec '14 e e





€36 7%

Calving Difficulty

3.30% 5%


Carcass Weight (kg) 8kg 12%


e e e e e

Waukaru Patent 8161 ET


Waukaru Gold Card 5042 (P) Waukaru Patent 8161 ET

Docility 0.03 25% Carcass Conformation 0.77 5%


SBR Dora 22813D

Waukaru 12H Melita Rose 0144 H DFS Red Rider 844 ET SBR Dora 732 (H)

HB No: DOB: Breeder:

Waukaru Coppertop 464

4081334 02.03.2004 B Jordon, Indiana, USA

Limited Stocks €30



One of the top Shorthorn bulls currently available.

Very balanced BLUPS.

Hugh Muscle score.

Coppertop is really impressing breeders with quality calves.

Coppertop will add muscle, growth and style.

His females have perfect udders, are easy fleshing and go back in calf early.

Top 4% for carcass weight and carcass conformation.


Waukaru Copperfield Waukaru Copper Deposit

ICBF Proof Dec '14 e e e e

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€40 69%

Calving Difficulty

4.0% 79%

Waukaru Minnie 884 Dunbeacon Venture

Waukaru Lassie 1117

Docility 0.04 63% Carcass Weight (kg) 12kg 81%

Waukaru Lassie 453

Carcass Conformation 0.74 78%

e e e e

Daughter Milk 12.79 65%

HB No: DOB: Breeder:

Kilfrush Vantage 7th


IE241390450101 11.05.2002 PL O’Callaghan, Limerick, Ireland


Vantage 7th is a very consistent breeder.

He sires muscle, weight, size, length and style.

Vantage has excellent muscling, size, length and breed character.

Ballyart Legend by VTG was sold in Carlisle May 2009 for €4,100.

Top 1% for carcass weight and conformation.

Heaviest bullock ever killed in Donegal Meats was a VTG son.

Vantage has produced outstanding progeny and is a must for breeders.

Use on mature cows only.

Ballyart Vantage Ballyart Legend

Kilfrush Vantage 2nd

ICBF Proof Dec '14 e


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Kilfrush Finch




€34 80%

Calving Difficulty

6.60% 86%


0.09 81%

Carcass Weight (kg)

21kg 92%

Carcass Conformation

0.66 91%

HB No: DOB: Breeder:

Kilfrush Belle 7th


Kilfrush Happy 8th

IE 241390420156 09.02.2006 PL O’Callaghan, Limerick, Ireland

TH Positive

Balmyle Zeus Kilfrush Happy 3rd



Powerful bull with good bone.

Superb muscling.

Tremendous from hip to pin and throughout hindquarter.

Finch breeds very powerful females and bulls.

He will add muscle, growth and his progeny have excellent feet and legs.

Not for use on heifers.

Highfield Furty Deerpark Furty ICBF Proof Dec '14 e




€40 82%

Calving Difficulty

4.90% 91%


Carcass Weight (kg) 8kg 95%

e e e e e e e e e e



Kilfrush Patsy 2nd

Docility 0.21 89% Carcass Conformation 0.75 94%


Deerpark Cocked Horns Balmyle Zeus Kilfrush Patsy

HB No: IE182586650152 DOB: 08.09.2007 Breeder: Margaret Harney, Galway, Ireland

Lisnagranchy Carlo


Very good muscling.

Superb length.

Great temperament.

First in class at Beef Expo 2008.

Reserve Male Champion Beef Expo 2008.

Excellent satisfaction from farmers.

Exceptional growth rate and muscle make Carlo an ideal bull to breed weanlings for export.

Top high reliability Parthenaise bull available for Terminal Index

Outstanding pedigree and commercial calves.

ICBF Proof Dec '14 e e e

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Carlo daughter




€153 78%

Calving Difficulty

5.90% 90%



Napoleon Tafia


-0.02 82%

Carcass Weight (kg) 29kg 87% Carcass Conformation 2.30 84%




Commercial Carlo son 3 months

HB No: FR1209032246 DOB: 24.12.2008 Breeder: Earl Boubal, Montrozier, France


Part henaise



Despagnou was one of 3 out of 100 bulls that were selected to enter AI in France by Midatest. John Walsh, Ballintra, Co Donegal purchased the bull in the test station for use in his own herd. Despagnou should breed stock with good finishing qualities and high grades. He has an outcross pedigree so should be suitable for Irish breeders. Aubrac heifers due to their maternal traits make excellent replacements. Despagnou has been used widely by breeders with excellent satisfaction. One of the highest bulls available for Terminal Index. DPZ sired the top priced animal at the Irish Aubrac Sale in Tullamore 2013. Two weanling heifers also sired by DPZ averaged €1,450 at the same sale. •

Top bull for Terminal Index.

One of the top bulls available for Replacement Index.

Despagnou Statistics Birth weight 33kg 210day weight 316kg Calving 97 Crossing 103 Muscle 106 Skeletal 100

ICBF Proof Dec '14 e



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PB DPZ bull 9 months




€135 61%


Calving Difficulty

5.20% 75%

Docility 0.00 60%

Narquois INS Andalous RVS

Touraine MTE

Carcass Weight (kg) 24kg 70%

Navarin INS

Carcass Conformation 2.24 64%

Rouzette MAT

PB DPZ heifer 9 months


Nina MDS

Ballylough Warrior ET

HB No: UK915176926916 DOB: 14.12.2009 Breeder: Richard Creith, Antrim, Ireland


Speckle Park

Warrior is a proven bull from the well renowned Ballylough herd in Co Antrim.

He is easy calving and is producing excellent calves in the herd.

He has length, good muscling, an exceptional temperament and is very correct.

He stamps his progeny very well as can be seen from his progeny pictured.

His calves are easily born but develop quickly and have muscle and style.

Warrior comes highly recommended and is an excellent cross on Belgian Blue heifers.

Very high satisfaction from Warrior calves.

Warrior commercial heifer @ 3 months

PAR King 1K PAR Moo Fassa 03M

Aspen Acres Kolor Me Kate 1O Warrior bull 2 months

Asayake Shinnen

Warrior pedigree bull @ 6 weeks



352575672 01.01.2003

Aspen Acres 3A Aspen Acres Horatio 6H Aspen Acres Fraulein 1F


The Wagyu breed is known worldwide for its unique taste of meat.

Due to its marbling and texture, it commands high prices at market.

A number of restaurateurs are sourcing Kobe beef for their customers.

0.90% Calving Difficulty @ high reliability.

Monjro Haruk 2

Nuwby Ridge Amanogawa


Sakura 2 Fukutsuru 68 Kikushige 403

Whitepool McCoy

HB No: UK723733300092 DOB: 10.08.2009 Breeder: Jane S Smith, Monmouthshire, Wales


GA2042 Belted Galloway

McCoy is an exceptional new Belted Galloway bull for breeders.

He is a well muscled bull with excellent feet and legs.

He has a fabulous temperament and has a terrific belt.

He has good breed character, very good style and is breeding very well.

McCoy was Male Champion and Reserve Overall Champion at Castle Douglas Sale Nov 2011.

His full sister was Interbreed Champion at Bath and West Show 2011, Reserve Supreme Champion at the Royal Highland Show 2011 and Supreme Champion at the Great Yorkshire Show in 2011.

Whitepool Dun Wildfire Whitepool Rainbow Radar

Barclosh Dora

Castlemartin Den



DK 86100 - 0032 05.05.2003

Den heifer 10 months


Daresbury Tristan Mochrum Corrie

Belted Galloway

Den is herd sire at the Castlemartin Herd in Kildare.

He has tremendous length, width and style.

He is transmitting his best attributes to his progeny.

Outcross bull to use on pedigree cows.

Den is 1.3% for Calving Difficulty.

Graedstrup Champion

Den daughter

Eastongrey Grace

Suedtondern's Anja

Graedstrup Neopold Graedstrup Olivia Chamberlain Bolebec Amber

Fortwijk Fabio


HB No: NL 241436066 DOB: 10.03.199


Fabio has excellent length and muscle.

He has good feet and legs.

Fabio produces very well muscled progeny with style and growth.

Fabio has a calving difficulty of 6.20%.

Not for use on heifers.

Quebek Eni

Lies 103 Elvio


Newbridge Darragh


HB No: IE171019720087 DOB: 26.10.2008 Breeder: Newbridge House & Farm, Dublin, Ireland.


Irish Moiled

Bellevue Eddie PP Pennielea Puma PP

Pennielea Puifin D Pennielea Perry PP

Pennielea Phyllis PP

Black Prince 2nd of Rigg



Pre Order


Pennielea Phoebe D



Excellent conformation

Dam of Black Prince was Champion at Oban Spring Show 1984

His sire was also a winner at Oban Spring Show in 1985


Lasgaire Dubh of Millerston


Una 3rd of Millerston


Belvin Lady Blossom 64 04

A female from the very top of the well known Belvin program. Sired by Belvin Mercedes 32’02, Lady Blossom 64’04 is double bred Lady Blossom and double bred Papa Equator. Mercedes is a full brother to Lady Blossom 28 ’02 who sold for $30,000 and Lady Blossom 22 ’02). 64 ‘04 was a division winner at Farmfair 2006 as a yearling heifer, and sold that fall through the Black Magic where she was the high seller and also the highlight of the sale. In 2008, as a four year old, she was Supreme Champion female at the IPE in Armstrong, BC. She was also a “Top Ten” Finisher at the 2008 RBC Supreme Challenge at Agribition in Regina, with Belvin Ultimatum 13’08 at her side. Ultimatum is a Belvin Rebel son. He has been shown very successfully in Canada and was named Grand Champion Bull at the 2008 Interior Provincial Exhibition, Armstrong, BC. He was the high seller at the Calgary Bull Sale 2009 at $20,000.

OGL Battle Cry Belvin Mercedes

Belvin Lady Blossom 40 01

Connealy Consensus 7229

Belvin Lady Blossom 47 97 Woodlawn Stockyard Belvin Lady Blossom 45 97

Sitz Upward 307

MVE AI Tanks for sale call BOVA AI at 061 351233 The Spectrum 20 and 35 series are designed for the DIY user who requires long-term storage and low liquid nitrogen consumption in a convenient lightweight package.

Features include: • • • • • • • • • •

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Spectrum 20

Spectrum 35

6 1200 20.5 0.10 205 135

6 1200 35.5 0.102 360 192

Ballyart, Brittas, limerick, Ireland. tel: 061- 351233 Int. tel.: +353- 61- 351233 Web: www.bova-ai.com e-mail: info@bova-ai.com Owen O' Neill: +353 (0) 87 2775071 Michael O' Neill: +353 (0) 87 7906085

CROSSKEYS GENETICS northern Ireland Sales Agent Waterloo, 86 Crosskeys rd, Ahoghill, Co Antrim, Bt42 2Qy, northern Ireland e-mail: crosskeysgenetics@gmail.com crosskeysgenetics Stephen Barry 079 44391254 Kathryn Marshall 078 01363665

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