Erasmus Cook Book

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The MeWe Space Team


COOK BOOK Recipes from the ERASMUS project
 “Diving into the Sea with
 MeWe Space”

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Recipes • Iraclie Porumbescu School in Fratautii Noi, Suceava, Romania

Romanian recipes: • Danube Delta Fish Soup • Sturgeon soup

• Volerany School, Vilanova, Catalonia

Catalan recipes:

• Rantzausminde School, Svendborg, Denmark

• Seafood rice • Xató

From the ERASMUS project
 “Diving into the Sea with 
 MeWe Space” 

Danish recipes: • Sea snails in garlic butter • Crab soup

Danube Delta Fish Soup Borșul de pește din Delta Dunării

There are some secrets in cooking a fish soup like in Danube Delta: first of all the fish must be a lot, diverse and very fresh , then ,you have to put vegetables and last, the soup is soured with a special ingredient called “borș”. This is a liquid ingredient used in Romanian cuisine to make traditional sour soup called also borș or ciorbă. It consists of wheat or barley bran, sometimes sugar beet, fermented in water - a slightly yellowish, sour liquid, which can also be drunk as such. The word has thus two different, if related meanings. Another ingredient required in all recipes by Romanian tradition is lovage leaves, which has a characteristic flavour and significantly improves the soup's aroma. Also, it is said that the best fish soup is cooked with water from the Danube.

Ingredients • Fish: the more species the better ( carp, catfish, silver carp, crucian or Danube mackerel) • Vegetables: onions, carrots, peppers, potatoes, tomatoes, herbs (parsley, lovage leaves, red orach leaves) • Salt, pepper, garlic sauce

Danube Delta Fish Soup

Directions • Pour water in a cast iron pot and place it on fire. The quantity of water must be calculated so that it merely covers the fish when placed inside. • Scale and gill the fish • Cut the heads and tails of big fishes and put aside together with the small fishes ready for soup • Chop the vegetables

• Add the chopped onions, carrots, tomatoes and peppers. When half boiled, add slowly the fish together with the carrots, tomatoes and the greens. While boiling, add salt and “bors” to your taste. • Serve fish on a tray at first, with garlic sauce and then the soup in bowls, also dressed with garlic sauce.

Sturgeon Soup Storceagul

For this delicious soup you’ll have to travel east to the Danube Delta in the village of Sfantu Gheorghe. It is cooked by lipovans who are mostly of Russian origin and settled centuries ago in the Delta and other parts of Romania too. Needless to say that nowadays it is forbidden to fish sturgeons in the Delta but you can buy them from fish farms. Ingredients • Sturgeons ( 1 kilo) • Vegetables: potatoes, carrots, onions, peppers, fresh dill • Sour cream (100 g) • 1 egg yolk • White pepper Directions • Chop the sturgeon, salt it using coarse salt and leave it in the fridge for 2-3 hours. In this way, the salt is absorbed and adds flavor to the fish. The head together with the spine and the cartilage is put aside. • Pour water in a pot and leave it on the fire. When the water starts boiling put the head, the spine and the cartilage. After 10 minutes add the chopped root vegetables. When they are half-boiled, add the rest of the fish. • In a bowl, whisk the egg yolk and the sour cream with a pinch of white pepper. While stirring gently the mixture, add some warm soup until it gets thinner and then pour it in the soup. • At the end add the finely chopped dill

Seafood rice


Children from Vilanova cooking the Xatรณ

Sea snails
 in garlic butter Ingredients:

250 g sea snails

125 g butter

5 cloves of garlic

Optionally parsley or ramson

How to ‌:

1. Rinse and clean the snails

2. The garlic chopped well

3. The butter is melted in a little saucepan

4. The snails are rotted in the butter

5. Garlic added

6. The snails are rotted for another 5 - 7 minutes

Crab soup Ingredients:

1,25 liter of water

175 g fresh crabs (still alive). That is 10-15 pcs.

10 g butter

1 chopped yellow onion

1 chopped clove of garlic

1/2 spoon tomato paste

1/2 teespoon of paprika

1 dl apple juice

1/4 liter of water

1/2 dl of whipping cream

1/2 spoon of lemon juice

1/3 teespoon of coarse salt


How to:

1. Bring water to boil in a big pot

2. Put the crabs directly into the hot boiling water, and let them cook for about 3 minutes

3. Take the crabs from the water and chop them with a hammer

4. Melt the butter in a thick-bottomed pot, and rose onion, garlic and the chopped pieces of crab for about 5 minutes at even heat

5. Add tomato paste and paprika and rose for another 1 minute

6. Add apple juice and water and boil by low heat under cover for about 20 minutes

7. Turn o the heat an let the soup rest for another 20 minutes

8. Pour the soup into a sieve and remove crabs and vegetables. Boil the soup stock till there is 1/2 a liter left

9. Add whipping cream, lemon juice, salt and pepper, heat up the soup under stirring, taste and add if needed

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