150 Years Later

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Foreword to 150 years afterwards! How did this idea come about 150 years later?

I'm happy to give you an answer to that, I'm a big fan of space adventures myself and I like to watch the TV series Starship Enterprise. And often I dreamed of such missions in the cosmos that I'm a hero and that's why I wrote down my dreams here. But that's not all almost every night I dream of it and these dreams are so real that I sometimes wondered is it possible that there are no dreams but that I really experience everything? In any case, I have written it down to share something with you. Maybe these things really happen in the near future and you have opened a window so I can tell you stories. Even as a child, I dreamed of jetting through space with a spaceship. Almost the dreams drove me to the edge of madness, more and more pressure built up in me. Then I asked myself how can I just get rid of this pressure under which I am standing and then a light came on. It's best to write a book about it. And honestly, it helped a lot, but I'll tell you more about aliens and other planets. It's just wonderful to share these dreams with other people. My name is Mike Prince and I love space adventure. Of course, I'll tell you more about my missions in space and the exploration of other planets where other aliens live. Since then, space has become my 2 home because I feel so good. It is beautiful but also very dangerous and if you do not really know the dangers. This one must always be prepared for the unexpected. There are still many secrets that man has not yet discovered. Much will happen to you in the future.

1st chapter!

The Revival! It is the year 1992 when the end of the world came, during this time I held myself just at home.

It was a sunny day actually like any other it was very warm that day in the Ore Mountains. 35 degrees in the shade and then my parents came running and told me that The end of the world would come. I answered: That's just a stupid joke? No my dad said it just came on TV and also on the radio that the world is going down soon. There are only 6 hours left! I said to my father: And what are we going to do now or what will happen after the end of the world: My father answered: Many people will die and so will we. I only saw my mother and father trying to calm her down. But we could not do anything about it and I bedded to God please let comets pass the earth. I do not want to die yet why do you kill your own children with the comet? why do you do something like that I do not understand you unfortunately. But if it is your will it should happen so please do not forget that we are your children who love you. The doorbell rang! And my dad's brother came to us with his whole family he said We want to spend the rest of the time with you! At that moment, I panicked and ran away from the house until I arrived at a river. At the end of the city I saw a woman who looked into the sky the next moment she screamed the end of the world comes, then I felt below me movements on the earth's surface. Then I heard a huge Explosion before my eyes, I saw only many different colors. And also how a ball formed around me when everything was over, I only saw darkness and I felt a round object in which I was trapped. Then I lost consciousness! In the thought I said to myself this is about death I am death or what happened to me when I see the light at the end of the tunnel. As you know it from stories! Is there a god? And where is it now? So many thoughts went through my head and then it was black with my eyes. 150

years later! At the Earth's surface, robots working on excavations were a little bit further away. Armenius, a professor from outer space, was an alien exploring Earth's history. A robot went to Armenius and told him: We found a kind of crystal ball on the surface of the earth. The professor went to the excavation site. He looked at the strange crystal ball. Armenius now gave the robots the task of digging the crystal ball to bring it to his spaceship. During the excavation, the robots transported the bullet where I was in with a laser plasmas net. The damage caused by a Läser plasma net can not cause damage. It is a mixture of space plasma and glasses. In any case, I was taken to the spaceship of Armenius in a large transport room. The spaceship itself was very large about 65 meters long and 20 meters wide the height was 20 meters. It has the shape of a shark thereby it could take on almost any speed. The name of the spaceship was called Phoenix and thus begins a legend that the aliens were once on earth in the Middle Ages of the Romans. A poor farmer in ancient Greece so it tells a legend with his donkey on the way. When he ran after a volcanic eruption through the ashes of the volcano and much was destroyed. The farmer saw the Phoenix ship, which was completely covered in ashes, rose from the volcano. And the man saw the spaceship as a giant bird to something out of the ashes. The legend of the Phoenix emerged from the ashes which in reality was a spaceship of the planet Venio. Now back in the future in 2142. In the spacecraft itself was a team named the Q-Force and consisted of 9 people and the on-board computer had the name (Varusius) It is a selfconceived spaceship and very well developed. The crew names were Jody Forster / Armenius / Captain Sascha / Celest / Paint / Marysol / Cosmo / Jolo and Orbios. The tasks of the crew team Jody Forster (Space Biology) Professor Armenius (inventor & scientist) Captain Sascha (commando in spaceship) Celest (Doctor of the Phoenix) Paint & Marysol (Safety of the Phoenix) Cosmo / Yolo & Orbios (weapons experts) Back in the storage room with the crystal ball. Armenius now went aboard the Phoenix. And with very modern technology of the century 2142, this crystal ball was now split with an Ultrabrenn lens. It almost looked like a reflector, the lens reflector slowly destroyed the crystal it was very unruly and consisted of a space material that was created by an explosion. Professor Armenius said to Celest: If we split the crystal ball then they bring Him to their infirmary so we can continue to watch him. Celest answers: I do that too because we do not know yet if he was alright even though the body navigator had examined him and could not pinpoint anything. Whether his organs have been damaged, but I do not believe the investigations that will be there. But for sure it is safe! Armenius: Yes, I would rather give you 100% investigation than to make a mistake. Wonder Great!

Shortly thereafter Jody joined us! Jody: Armenius I would like to take a look at the human being, after all, since the comet, there are no more humans here on earth. When we bring him back to life, then his whole being will change. Armenius: Exactly Jody is like that. Then, of course, we'll help him get used to the century after all, he lived there before 150 and I think as the only person he will not find it easy. He is the last of his kind on earth. Jody: Yes, it will not be easy for him. Armenius: The crystal ball is split! Jody come now we bring him to the Resuscitation Central Station. Then two robots took me to the Resuscitation Central Station in the Zenrale, which was like a bathtub filled with blue-like fluid. And in that blue liquid, they put me in. Armenius: Jody please get the whole spaceship group our human will wake up soon. Jody: I do. Jody Forster stepped onto the spaceship bridge and called everyone together. I felt my arms start to feel and I opened my eyes and it felt a bit strange. Because I lay in the blue liquid of nano electro-mucus this mucus gives impulses of itself. This also created new cells in my body. Celest: Welcome back in life! How do you feel? I am: Where am I and who are you? Celest: You are in the year 2142 and 150 years ago here on earth gave a comet that wiped out all humanity. But you survived it by a crystal ball that had formed by a chemical composition. And having consumed your body so well, all of its bodily functions have been preserved. What is your name? Your age? I am: My name is Michael Rogger and I am 20 years old. And what exactly do you mean by the year 2142? Am I the only survivor of my century and the only person still alive? Jody: Yes unfortunately Michael it is so you are the last man from the earth, because people fared it just like the dinosaurs. It was the end of humanity unfortunately! I am: But when there are no people left? Who are you then? Armenius: We are from another planet and discovered Earth about 50 years ago by accident. And we noticed that there must be life. But when we arrived here we found only buildings that had a triangular shape and had the different symbols. After a while we deciphered the symbols and quickly understood all of us there was a culture on this planet that must have been many thousands of years old. And we found you shortly afterwards. I am: What you have found is called pyramids that come from ancient Egypt from a time that was once well developed.

Jody: We will slowly prepare you for the future because you will be in the future. Give Michael a bar-dressing suit according to the century! Then two robots came to help me out of the blue liquid and they almost looked like real people. What I also noticed that the aliens looked almost exactly like humans. Then they gave me clothes that had different functions. Captain Sasha: Michael, I should tell you what happened on earth at that time, as you already know, a comet hit Earth. But this comet put out 90% of humanity the main cause why then all humans died was their own nuclear bombs legacy. Due to the many earthquakes that triggered the comet, there were also many earthquakes and in turn damaged the computer monitoring of atomic bombs. Then the nuclear missiles flew off and brought the earth and the people the final death. To date, all atom is irradiated on earth. And that is why these suits have to transform the radiation into energy. I am: You are very well developed. Captain Sasha: For you we are well developed because you come from another century and we brought you back into life. I will now show you our spaceship our crew imagine you working here aboard the spaceship. Together with Captain Sascha, we both walked down a long corridor, he was lit, there was no yellow light as I knew it, but more blue. The blue light came from all sides but it seemed calm to me and then we stood in front of a door which was actually a Hollogrammdoor. Captain Sasha: Michael, you can go with me through the hollogram door. It's not like your century! Then we both went through the hollogram door and we came in a huge room. Where then the rest of the team stayed the computers were not controlled or typed a keyboard no they made it over the thoughts.

I was very surprised when a display hovered in the air. Jody approached me and behind her floated the computer display, moving with her. Jody: Welcome to Michael on the Phoenix this is the main station of the spaceship and it will bring even more for you to astonish. Our technique will certainly be a little strange to you humans have been well developed but through your many wars what you have always led. Are you always fallen back because war keeps the science and development by 50 are 80 years on. And also your belief in God is very often used for wars we do not believe in a god we are beings who know the truth. I am: I know what you mean Jody Christianity has brainwashed us very often. But what will become of me now Jody after all, I am the last person there is. Jody Forster: You will live with me on my planet called Venio, where I will prepare you for our lives and our technology. 150 After that! second chapter

The Planet Venio! This is how the planet Venio looks from outer space. It consists of many islands formed by volcanoes. Jody said: And how do you like your new home which is also my home? I am: He looks good and I like it. Jody am I living with you now? Jody answered: Yes you will and I will help you! That you will find yourself right in your new life too. So now landed the spaceship Phoenix on the planet Venio. The houses looked a lot different than on Earth and there were no skyscrapers or skyline, and you had a shape like UFOs. Thanks to their aerodynamics, they were also able to withstand the biggest storms the air pressure had no attack Area.

I asked Jody: Jody why do the houses have different colors. Jody answered: So that we find our apartments. I am: With us humans it was different we had house numbers thereby we knew where our apartments or also our house stands! Just as we were talking, a TV hologram came in the middle of Jody's apartment and in the news that came an attack from the earthies. I asked Jody: What are Terra Alien? Jody said: They come from the ground and you humans call them zombies. But the difference is they can run fast. We have to inform the phoenix team immediately, that the mountains are back! Now we made a slide to the Phoenix with a slide transporter with this technique you could go from one place to the next. Now we were back on the spaceship, and the whole team had learned that the Earthies on Planet Vineo were attacking had started. On the streets of Tabula, the capital of Vineo, chaos had broken out. A woman tried to hide in a street corner, but she had no idea that there had already been an earthquake. When the young woman slowly turned around she heard only a cruel panting. It sounded like a small dog taking a deep breath. But unfortunately it was too late for this woman because the Terra Alien bites her in the neck and pulled out a piece of meat. Three other people in Italy were chasing a child, ran for his life and shouted leave me alone, I would like to go on living. At that very moment, we dived into the Phoenix team and fired at the three earthies. Orbios said: Hey little one, do not be afraid to have that anymore, because three Erdalen the food has passed and have been fried by us. Boy: I thank you could you take me home to my family? Orbios asked: Are your parents still alive?

The boy answered: Unfortunately, I do not know because I ran away when the Earthies attacked my family. Orbios: You know what? We'll take you to the Phoenix because you're safe! Orbios slipped the boy onto the phoenix. There were more and more Terra Alien and we thought we had almost no chance against this Terra Alien So now it's enough, Cosmo said: He brought out a brand new weapon from his Worb bag that he did not shoot with Neutron glasses but with a sun glasses it was like a child of hand grenade. Just that they did not explode and shot many laser beams in all directions. Then Cosmo said: Our suits will protect you from this, only the earth looks a bit charred afterwards. Then Cosmo threw in the sunflower in an amount of earth. One could only see a big fire spreading through the earth. Terra Alien came up behind us trying to attack us. There, too, Cosmo threw the sun-ray into the crowd and all that was heard and the smell of burnt flesh in the air. Jolo said: Okay guys let's fry the other things in the country so we have earth alien skewer for dinner today. And that started an incredible fight, but we managed to defeat the Terra Aliens, even though it was a very tough fight. The luck was on our side. Because the TerraAlien had spread all over the planet. But no one was killed or injured by our team. But a bar of the earthies escaped us and escaped with another spaceship into outer space on another planet. Once we realized it, we first made a briefing on which planet the Terra Alien had fled. We went to the meeting room on the Phoenix! The conversation started Armenius: So the best thing we can do now is to follow the course of the flight of the earth with a time track in space. I am: What is a time track?

Paint: Every item and every creature will leave a track in time, you know that time is always running and every second you move, you leave a trail or a footprint in space. And that's exactly how it is with time track now you know it for sure. I am: Thank you Paint! Armenius continued: Then we get to work !. After the short meeting in the meeting room, we all went to the main ship headquarters, it was a sophisticated computer technology. Who could think of themselves and even reacted to attacks and also from other comets. For me it was completely new, after all, I came from the past and lived from one day to the next in the future on another planet. Now the time track computer was asked where the earthies have fled to which planet the computer gave the time track on the planet Ateria. On this star there is mostly only plant life with some exceptions there was one Being something very well developed. The name of the being is Trekan. So now the phoenix went to the planet Ateria he was quickly reached by the laser speed drive. The distance was 85 million light-years away for us humans a very long distance. But for the others with whom I lived together now only a small jump. Captain Sasha said: All immediately on their seats we accelerate! And within only 15 seconds we were in the other Galaxy I was so surprised that I did not shut my mouth when we were there. I only said: My face the phoenix is a fast sneaker in space. Jody replied: Yes! Exactly Michael the spaceship is also currently the fastest sneaker in space. Now you know, then let us find the Erdalia. What did you find on-board computer? The on-board computer replied: They landed on the northern side of the planet and they are easy to find. Orbios said: Then let us lie to ships or hunting ships! Jolo / Orbios and Captain Sascha now started on the surface of the planet Ateria to destroy the remaining enemies. From the Phoenix one could observe everything on several on the Holodisplays the hunting ship of Orbios of Jolo and Cäptain Sascha. Jolo spotted the first people in the country and destroyed them very fast. They only saw how they tried to run away but that did not help them that they were eliminated. Captain Sascha, one of the aliens, tried the same to save himself in the jungle, but he burned instantly with the sun glasses. But at Orbios it looked a bit different.

The Orleans, who was destroying Orbios, had a weapon with them and with this weapon they shot down Orbios and he crashed. Before he crashed he answered and called through the display I was hit I think now we have a little problem! Then Armenius gave orders to Jolo and Captain Sascha to help Orbios quickly. They did too and quickly helped Orbios out of danger because the Erdalis were now hunting Orbios. Through the jungle, but Orbios was an alien who could run very fast at an incredible 75 km / h he ran through the jungle. The earthies could not keep up and were quickly found by Jolo and Captain Sascha and destroyed. But before this happened, another being mingled with a small part of the Erdalis were left and Trekan killed the Rest of the earth. It was the being Trekan, and it could read the thoughts of our other enemies and of the earth. Trekan shook his head off the first of the Italians and he blew his eyes out of the 2 and the other three were killed by Jolo and Captain Sascha. When Orbios turned around, he saw Trekan approach the creature of this planet, what would it do to attack him or not to offer him his friendship. Then Trekan and Orbios faced each other. Trekan started unexpectedly. I have seen the thoughts of these creatures they were not good aliens but they wanted the annihilation. And that's exactly why I helped you, I'm the guardian of the planet. Orbios replied: I want to thank you Trekan for your quick help. Shortly thereafter, Captain Sascha and the others were with Trekan and thanked him too. My struly said: My God Willie that's just amazing you have total overview what can happen to your people in such a mission anything. And you can take the same countermeasures as far as that goes. We are a great Team!

3 rd Chapter! The Electro Sun Komet! I woke up in the morning and Jody lay next to me. We had come closer to each other overnight only 5 minutes later, Armenius reported on call display on it was to see Armenius and told us something. Armenius spoke to Jody: Jody we discovered life on a comet which is really incredible and that is very strange. The comet is clothed by a sun.

I've never seen anything like it in my life. So get started and come as soon as possible to the Phoenix we will visit this unique comet and examine. I answered: Well, we do that Armenius! Armenius answered back: You and Jody are doing well both together! Then I put on the clothes of the century and we went to the slide machine together. Jody said: Michael it was a beautiful night with you together we must definitely repeat after the space mission. I answered: Yes, we will do that Jody promised! After the short conversation we made the slide to the spaceship Phoenix. When we were both there the whole team was ready and Armenius said: We found something in space that is very strange, something that has never happened before. A comet clothed by its own little sun we do not know whence this comet comes from. And that's why we got the job to explore and investigate Him with the little sun. So then let's fly there to discover something new. This is a hollogram Picture of the comet where we will land on it we have even detected movements on this comet. Then everyone jumps into the room clothes it starts. When Armenius was done with his conversation, we all went to the room cabins for our room clothes on pull and then flew to the comet. In the meantime, I had learned how to fly space with such a space ladder. So we got closer and closer to the comet where we landed on it, we were not astonished when we saw a sun that was holding the comet. The comet was 20 kilometers long and 15 kilometers wide and also very strange plants were seen. It looked like a small jungle and the comet surprised us even more he was surrounded by an atmosphere.

And there was also enough oxygen to breathe and we did not even need an Astro helmet for this comet. Now we explored this comet! Jody say to me Mike I'm just seeing on my scanner that there are little electronic beings on the Comet. I answered: What kind of electronic little creatures are there? And how are they supposed to look like? Jody answered: <I already showed it to you on my holodisplay. < When we finally landed on the comet we were amazed that there were plants and also rivers to see. And the air was very clean so other aliens could live on it. The sun itself, which was the comet, was warm and as we went on we met 10 small robot spiders. They were 10 inches tall and then started talking as one person: Welcome to our artificial home we created you over 100 years ago. Everyone who visits us is a welcome guest and is treated like this. I asked the spiders: How did it happen that you settled on this comet? The electrospiders answered: About 200 years ago, we lived on another planet but it was then destroyed by this comet. To survive, we created a new world on this comet. When he hit our home planet we could observe from the universe that the comet had flown on. And we followed him and create a new home. Then we developed an artificial one Atmosphere so that life could arise here and it grew trees after only a short time and it created its own climate. In our new home we feel safe and we also have a defense system that protects us from collisions with other astroids and also against enemies. We can capture the thoughts of new visitors and we know what they are up to. But with you we have made a survey and stated that you have landed here only for scientific reasons. Armenius said: Yes, that's why we are here because your home was noticed and something really unique in the universe is. We look forward to becoming

good friends. When Armenius finished talking we should follow the electro spinning What we saw then was very amazing. In front of us hovered a large building, which we could not tell from the phoenix. It consisted of a material used to camouflage against enemies from outer space just as we entered the building it came to alarm. We saw a spaceship emerge from nowhere, and we noticed they were enemies of the electrospiders. Then Jody said: Let's help electrospinning! Then Armenius answered: We will help you now together with the Phoenix we fight your enemies because we see that they are Zentilans. They are also our enemies because they want to conquer the whole universe. So then let's jump on our spaceship to kick the Zentilans in the butt. Then a fight started, because I had never experienced it before, especially in outer space. I felt like I was just staring at Stars Wars and not imagining it. In front of my eyes, enemy enemy warship exploded but I heard no bang. I asked Captain Sasha: Why can not you hear an explosion in space? Captain Sasha answered me: Because it is an air empty space and not like in the movies it crashes loudly. That's the reality. < Shortly thereafter, a video message from the electrospiders appeared in the Phoenix on the big holodisplay. They said: We want to thank you for your support in the fight against our common enemy. From today we are good friends and you are always welcome to our artificial home that we have created ourselves. Shortly thereafter, we visited the Electro Spiders again to finally watch the hovering building from the inside.

4th chapter The Journey back in my Century! Once again I woke up on the planet Venio along with Jody especially the morning was very nice on Venio. It went almost simultaneously 2 suns on the horizon one from the west and the other in the north. Both suns had a distance to the planet so that life could arise at all. Jody woke me up with a good morning kiss and said It was another wonderful evening with you Mike. I answered: Thank you Jody! For me it was really good, I'm really very much in love and happy with you. Lately, it has become very quiet with missions and space adventures and this time Jody and I use to get closer. It was a very solid relationship full of passion no wonder with

such a beautiful alien woman. Just as we both ate breakfast and talked funny things, a hollogram e-mail came from Armenius. Then he said to me: Mike, please come to me quickly with your fiancĂŠ, whom I've worked on something that will definitely please you! I looked at Jody and wondered what it could be. Then I said to Jody: OK! Then let's go to our genius. When we were there, Armenius ran towards us and introduced us to his latest invention. This is my latest invention - I call you the time machine. This will allow us to travel back in time and save humanity from destruction. Said Armenius! We were completely speechless when we saw the time machine. I said: Armernius what does that mean in my time back to live there again? Yes ! Said Armenius. I saw in Jody's eyes they look sad and she turned to me and said: If you want to go back to live there I can understand it well but do not forget that you have not only friends but also someone who loves you very much. I felt really different in this moment when Jody talked to me I now had the opportunity to go back in my century and on the other hand was someone who loved me very much. Then I had a light on or no idea of Any case, the thought came to me if we can travel in my time then I can also look back to the future to Jody again. That would be something like a taxi once and then back to my great love. I said to Armenius: I've just had a thought flash through my head, after all, I'm traveling in my time to save people there. If it is over and we should succeed then I can at least come back? Armenius replied: Yes that would have to go already, so your relationship is nothing in the way what could speak against it. Because we are going to slide with the phoenix in your century, I have connected the time machine with the noise bar and the Slidedoor. Because it has the same function as a black

hole from space. No matter how big the objects are everything fits through. And if not it will be made suitable by the artificial wormhole. But we will only slither to 3 with the Phoenix because the others have an outer mission they come later with Phoenix 2. And to prevent the demise of humanity we will use the Astroplasmalaser. I have developed these glasses myself to prevent such destruction or destruction of other living things. I asked Armernius: When will we be slipping? Armenius answered: We can set off in 2 hours it depends only on you both. Jody now said: Mike I love you if you really want to live again in your century I can understand it well. Yours truly answered: Jody I love you too but do not worry today or tomorrow. Silly joke on the edge! I understand you too but first let's see what we can do to prevent the demise of mankind. And you should also consider how people will react when all of a sudden a Spaceship appears out of nowhere. Then Armenius answered: That's what I've already thought Mike and the solution is this time gate. There will be a hole in the sky and we will slowly fly through there while we are there. This will make people wonder and they will not stand there shocked. It's like monkeys and humans are seeing each other for the first time, so on the way, what's up around the corner? So a little sniff of the objects. I know from you Mike that you people by nature very curious since and that's exactly what we need to take advantage of. I said now: You always amaze me Armenius! Then I'll change clothes quickly for our mission. Jody now said: Yeah Mike then let's pull both together in my cabin. I have already put your clothes size right there for all cases. Yours truly answered: You always make me wonder, too, Jody. Then we both disappeared in the locker room of Jody and we kissed what followed then you can definitely think;)! 2 hours later! The time gate or the time machine were brought outside on the large space station of Venio. What exactly is actually a space station now some will ask the answer is actually very simple dear people. Imagine you are at a train station and you want to go to Munich by train. Once you get there you have reached your goal. And just as it is with the space station only because there are no trains but spaceships or space called trains. They will take you to another planet of your choice. And now back to the story! Robots now had the time gate ready and the Phoenix could now be used at their first time slipping. I said to Jody: Do you know many in my century dreamed of traveling through time it has always been a dream of humanity and I am now the first person to experience such a thing. Jody replied: I think you like Mike for me it is the first time that I will slip through time together with you. Now it was time!

Many viewers now watch us, it was the first time-lapse in the history of the universe. And the planet Venio. We were celebrated like heroes and Armenius made a small speech! Armenius: Dear ladies and gentlemen Today we write history today is a very special day for our galaxy. This day will be unforgettable for all here and for us because it is a small leap for the time but a big leap for all of us. Not only will we meet other beings that are already extinct, but we will save you the life by slipping through time. That was my little speech to the Timeslide. Everyone cheered us as we boarded the spaceship Phoenix there were a lot of aliens coming to witness this event. When we were in the spaceship, Armenius gave us new weapons he had developed himself. And told us: Maybe we'll need my latest weapons technology, they are small glasses of weapons that are only half the size of your hands. And they just stun the opponent, so they do not kill whatever my purpose is. And they do not react by the familiar finger pressure. No, they are activated by thought impulses. Even the marksmanship is 100% tiger because it is controlled by the thoughts. So it has connection to your brains, even if you are very tired you can use this weapon to disable any opponent. I know the gun does not look so dangerous, but in the wrong hands it can be a very dangerous tool to kill. In the meantime, when Armenius explained his new weapon, the Time Slider was activated and the Phoenix started to move towards the gate. In 1992 As always in my century, many people saw news and also the weather forecast. A camera crew was reporting the weather and Life was hooked up with a news station! And a cameraman waved his camera in the blue sky and just then opened the Timers. The team boss called: Keep something on it happening now. I've never seen anything like weather researcher in my life. What can this be? It is not a vortex but looks exactly what it can be. The people on the streets stopped and also the motorists were amazed at some, the mouth remained open and did not even notice that a fly climbed in with you. A man on the street shouted: The end of the world

has come Jesus is coming down to us and all your sins will be punished, you are all sinners. Today God will punish you! No sooner had the crazy man spoken it out than the beginning of the Phoenix appeared the time wormhole on. Now billions of people in this world were watching what was happening on TV and many were running out of pure curiosity on the street. Then the whole phoenix came out of the time-wormhole and floated 100 meters above the ground. Now also the police and the army became active with tanks and fighter jets watching the spaceship. There was a great deal of excitement among the people and the aliens' announcements that those who wanted to take over the world did not stop. I said to Jody: My face here is something going on among the people more than if the Hollywood stars would celebrate a reopening. Jody answered me Yes, you are right people are already funny beings. Armenius also made his comment: First of all, I will get in contact with the people through a hologram wall and have nothing to fear. Then Armenius slammed the hologram wall outside so people could see who was talking to you. Armenius: Dear Earthlings of Planet Earth, we come in peace and do not want to go to war with you. We came because we want to help you and protect you from the downfall of all humanity. You are threatened by a comet that is already on its way to you, we have the technology to destroy it. If we do not, you will all perish. Nobody will survive. This comet contains something that is totally unknown to you, a matter that simply wipes out all life. And that's why we want to talk to your government about it to prevent worse. After the hologram message, the phoenix landed on the ground and the spaceship door opened. And we came slowly out of the spaceship. The people came running towards us but everywhere the police and the army were and held back the whole masses. Then came a government car and we should get on. Jody and Armenius took a close look at the car. And I said: Come on now we get in the car that brings us to the destination where we have to go. Jody answered: With this weird part on wheels we should be driven no thanks that's how it was over 500 years ago. I call the Howardbike that you should do it too because it's safer than this rolling garbage bin on wheels. We will follow you on our howard bikes! Do not hesitate to come to us. The government-ordered car drove up and we sit on the howard bikes gliding across the floor.

The police accompanied us for security reasons, it said. Now we arrived at the Government Palace in Germany in Berlin and Gehard Schrรถder received us very friendly. The chancellor told us: Please follow me to the meeting room there will be journalists waiting and also the press who want to know when it will happen with the end of the world. Then Armenius said: It will happen in 5 days Mr. Chancellor Schrรถder. Now we all went to the government parliament and the public was excluded because there was still a lot to discuss. For the first time in my life I saw all the parties and politicians sitting in front of me what should I say? So special I was not exactly thrilled with the German government as you treat the little people. No matter the most important thing was that we will prevent the downfall of humanity. Chancellor Schrรถder delivered his welcome message: It is a historic moment in the history of mankind that for the first time aliens and humans sit against each other. And we hope and build on a good friendship between our cultures and their culture of aliens. Now Armenius had the word: Thank you Mr. Chancellor for the kind words at the beginning of your speech! We are aliens for you but one of us is a human being whom we have awakened to new life in the future. We come from the future where there will be no more people but we want to change it. There is a very big threat from space on Earth, and this asteroid will destroy all life on your blue planet. Here's a video of what your planet will look like in the future if we will not help you. But we help you. Then Armenius showed the video over a hologram wall. And it presented the complete destruction of Planten Erde all life was extinguished only desert, volcanoes and stones were watching. The otherwise so cold politicians who thought only of their money now held their breath and now really thought about it. Jody said: We will destroy the astroids with our Cosmoplasma ultralars. This will prevent the earth from colliding with the comet. The destruction of the Astroids we will do in the Welltraum you do not need to worry because so we have often done. We have the technology and the knowledge about it. Then soon Phoenix2 will come into your century and it will support us. Just as Jody was done with her conversation, the next news came over the TV and they reported about that a second spaceship that appeared in the sky. It was the Phoenix 2 that came to our aid to help us. Then Captain Sascha contacted Armenius! Captain Sascha said: Here at Armenius we are well received in the past and waiting for our mission.

Armenius answered: Fly into space before we come soon! Then Captain Sascha flew into space with the other spaceship crew to wait for the others. My other self in the year 1992 saw me on TV and my family also wondered why anything could be possible. I said to Jody: Jody I'm going to visit my family briefly this century because they'll probably ask why I'm there twice. Jody answered: Yes, that's alright, I've already talked to our biocomputers so Armenius and he also told me that it would be like that, that you would go there. I said: Then I go quickly to you but as soon as possible back to me the event in the Cosmos not to be missed. After that, I was taken by car to my family in my century. When we were there, my mother came running towards us and asked: Who are you and why are you there 2 times? I said: Mother hear me to let us just go in to discuss everything. Then 2 bodyguards went with me into our house where my 2nd I was waiting for me. My dad, my uncle, my aunt were also there and were amazed when it gave me twice. Then I started to say: Listen to me! I still live because I was trapped by a kind of energy plasma crystal ball and this bullet kept me alive. After the demise of all humanity, after 150 years I was found again by aliens as you call them in this century. But they are very sweet beings and I am also with a female extraterrestrial. Her name is Jody and she is the most beautiful woman and the most beautiful alien woman I have ever seen in my life. I am very much in love with her or as one would say in the century I am crazy about her. That's when I learned that love is a bit of craziness, that's another culture, maybe you do not understand that. But no matter the main thing is I can see you again before I go back or slide into the other century into the future. My Father then said: I am surprised that you speak so because we know you very differently holding back more. After that, my 2 I said: But why

did I survive as the only human? I answered : Unfortunately I can not answer why it happened, but I only know that it is like a lottery win. The 2 life is like a gift that you should never lose sight of. Then Armenius came to see you. Here is Armenius: Mike, it's ready! To save your past? Mys truly answered: Yes, I'm ready Doc! After the announcement of Armenius I spoke again with my family. And then I had to go again but just before we made a family photo. What then my mother gave me as memory. I was very close to tears when I said goodbye to my parents it was now 2 times but this time forever because I would not go back as planned it gave me twice there. Then the bodyguards drove me back to the viewpoint of the Phoenix 1, the others were already waiting for me. I got out of the car with a bar of tears in my face it was very hard to say goodbye again. But on the other hand, I was looking forward to Jody, who had also taken me straight in the arms. And she said to me Mike I'm glad that you came back and your decision was certainly not easy for you. I nodded my head. Now the spaceship launched into space and we all flew together towards the astroids. Both spaceships saw the comet and we fired the Cosmo Plasma Ultra Lens. Then there was an explosion that can also be seen from Earth, it was similar to a supernova. But part of the astroids had not been destroyed and it was racing toward the earth. Then we shot all of our spacecraft and fired at the comet again. Now the danger was over and we all took a deep breath. On Earth we were now celebrated as heroes and we set a monument to save the earth. The monument was built with our two spaceships and with the Phoenix Bird. When everything was done and we were sure that no more threat from the Astroids went out. Opened the time sliders and we slid back into the Future.

Chapter 5 The Vampire Dimension!

We had just come back from the past. Jody and I just wanted to make a nice evening but unfortunately nothing came of it. I said to Jody: Finally an evening where we can cuddle together. And to spend some time with you it will be beautiful with you Jody. Jody answered: Yes, after the last mission many feelings were involved with you and me. Then let us relax

a bit! Jody was just finished with the conversation when the floor suddenly quaked and the power went out. But then the emergency power for our house came on. I asked Jody: What was that now? And I looked out the window and there were no lights left, neither from the skyline nor from other houses. I actually knew that by the time I got used to this century and also the neighbors I knew very well. Only this time you were not seeing anything I could not understand and then I saw a strange figure running through the dark night. I called Jody: Jody out there is irgent was unfortunately I can not see what it is exactly. Jody answered: Then grab the Fäser and we'll see what's going on out there. Put the night vision goggles on, this will turn night into day, I will put it on. So we went out of the house. And ran a while until we spotted a village, we went to a pub and people looked at us like we were from another planet. I asked: Excuse me but where exactly are we here. One of the guests answered: You are here in our village called Pega and who are you at all and what do you want here. Jody said: We got into this village somehow, there was a quake and we were already here. As soon as Jody had finished her sentence, a man ran in to the door and shouted: A big being in the shape of a bat 3 meters tall has bitten my wife and sucked her blood out. Please you have to help me. I said: We will both help you. Calm down and we'll come to see you more closely. Then the man said: Yes, please come with me. We followed the man and he led us to his house which was made of wood. And there was his wife lying on his bed and we looked at the bite wound a little closer. Jody said to me

This is really a real bite in the neck and she also seems to be completely anemic I answered: Do you know my darling in my time you did not believe in vampires or werewolves and zombies but this is unfortunately real. In the vampire movies one has struck a flew through the heart so that the soul was freed from the undeath. Or one has poured holy water into his face, through which the soul went into paradise all superstition. I've always thought so far, but a legend can become reality so quickly. Then the man replied: Sorry but you are not from here or. An old woman had always told us of another legend. At some point, people from another world will come to us to destroy the vampires. I said: Can the old woman bring us to the vampires or you bring us to this woman. The man said: Yes, I will take you there. Then Jody answered: And what about his wife, we can not just leave it here. It is best we will schedule it to dust. Jody put her chopper on schedule and aimed at the woman. She crumbled to dust. My little one said to the man: We are really sorry about her wife but she was in danger. The man replied: I can understand it well and I'm not angry with you because she was already a vampire. Then please follow me. I bring you now to the old woman. She is a fortune teller and clairvoyant. She should actually know about you. The man led us first through a dense forest the way to this old woman was not so easy to find if one was completely alien here. But then Jody noticed that something was following us and she said: Let's hide behind the tree quickly. At first there was nothing to see and then we saw a small object float through the forest with all the colorful lights. The man who held us said: It's the devil he wants our souls to

have. No, Jody answered: It's Robospider from the Electro Comet she was watching us all the time to protect us. She must be following us all the time. Robo here we are already coming to us. I took the robo spider on my hand. And she said to me Hi everybody, we watched you from our electro comet the whole time from the time you landed here. You are our friends and we will support you here too, only we can bring you back to your dimension. Good evening Mister! So the spiders spoke to the man who wanted to take us to the old woman. But he took his legs in his hands and ran away with a loud scream. Jody and I just looked at each other. Great and now? I asked The Robospider replied: Do not panic I have everything under control I know where the slightly older woman lives here in the woods. Jody now said: Then take us there. The Robospinne ran in front of us and she showed us the way. Then we found the little house of the old woman. Just when I wanted to knock, the woman opened the door for us. And answered us: Come in I've already expected you guys who will free us from the vampires. I said: Yes it can be that we will be. The old woman then said: I will take you to the Vampire Castle so you can finally destroy you, we have lost so many people here in our village through these undead. They always look for us home. When I was very young, around the age of 20, I had to watch my older sister being bitten by a vampire. For four whole days she fought for her life but in the end we had to kill my sister so that her soul could find peace rest. I'll take you to the castle where the vampires are but I do not go in to the Castle. This is too dangerous for me after that I will go home and wait for you. Then come with me I'll show you where the beasts live. We were now standing in front of a big castle and the old woman went back to the forest.

So now we are standing here in front of the Vampire Castle, I said. Let's go in and destroy the vampires, Jody said. The Robo Spider preceded because you could not discover so quickly by your Size. She now examined the castle where the vampires were. First, the spider walked down a long corridor and heard a bar voice from one of the many rooms in this castle. The vampires had taken a woman from the village to the castle and bit her right in the neck. There were 5 vampires 2 in her throat, 2 others in her breasts and another in her left hand. Then the spider went on to the next room where the leader of the vampires was staying. Around the leader, 20 other vampires held themselves around him and they called him Dracula! Half an hour later, the electric spider came back and showed us the recording on a film hologram. When I heard the name Dracula, my goose bumps went up and down. And said: What Dracula was here and I always thought it would not really give it to him then it just goes away with the vampire trash. Then I discovered explosives in a corner. Jody said: Is that what I think or not? But that's it, Jody replied. The explosive was equipped with a fuse so we could light it and blow up the vampire club. Jody just wanted to light the fuse as a vampire pleases. You could not see so fast a Vampire bit Jody in the neck and she screamed in pain. But then the vampire immediately abandoned her and he fell to the ground and said only: Who are you and what do you have for a weird blood in you. The next moment the vampire crumbled to dust. I ran to Jody to embrace her. But Jody just said I do not feel so scared Mike I will not turn to any vampire My blood is immune to many fours. Also against vampires!

The Robo Spider came on my hand and Jody lit the fuse and we ran out of the castle as fast as we could. back to the forest. When we were safe there was a big explosion and a loud bang. And the vampire castle was destroyed after that we went once more to the old woman and said goodbye to her. And the Robo Spider brought us back in our dimension.

6th chapter The Secret of Atlantis! Finally, Jody and I had some time together, and we enjoyed it to the fullest. When again Armenius reported: Hello you two, there is a mission for us and this time we are traveling or slipping far back in the past 10000 years back. It's about the mystery of Atlantis. As we all know, people have been trying to figure out why Atlantis disappeared. Jody then said: Yes, we'll come to you soon! Armenius! Go get dressed Mike now go and move your little man's butt. Armenius always wanted to know why this civilization had disappeared. They were very well developed in technique and culture. I said: So I'm ready then let us slide. We were back at Armenius and also the whole phoenix team. Then Captain Sasha said: Today we will go back in time to the Middle Ages but even then there was one well-developed culture that existed on Earth over 10,000 years ago. And then all of a sudden disappeared by a flood of senses. We should find out how this flood of meaning came about and how this culture lived. How far was your technique? There are suspicions that these people were destroyed by other aliens and we want to find out. Then please start the Time slide Machine. Marysol turn on the Control Agressor he controls this Timeslidedoor. Marysol went to the Control Agressor and switched it on. Then you could hear the typical sounds which sounded almost like a waterfall but it was the rush of the movements of the Timeslide torrent. My little something now said: Oh so now I understand why we did the whole sport aha I know. Captain Sasha answered: Just

as it is Mike this training came from our dear good old Armenius it was the preparation. The trip to Atlantis! Then Jody said: Yes, let's get on the phoenix! The entire Phoenix crew now boarded the spaceship, the Timeslidedoor was now also put into operation. And we were going back 10,000 years in time. We were first in space because we wanted to know if there really was an island in the middle of the Atlantic. And we were not surprised when we saw a very large island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Especially I looked stupid from the laundry because I knew the earth completely different but not with such a big island as big as Greenland. Now we tried to find a landing site where we could land our spaceship in peace. And we also found a place where it was inconspicuous. Then the phoenix transformed into a thick tree that did not differ from the outside Nature. Then Armenius said: So people then we will go to the city and look around to see what there is to see. Do you have all your weapons with you? And please put on stun we do not want to kill other beings or humans only when necessary. We all went to a city that was very big with many tall buildings that were up to 50 meters high. Most of them were littered with gold even the walls were made of pure gold. The people of Atlantis already had food shops and machines drove through these streets which surprised me even more. Can it be a culture with cars 10,000 years before anyone thought of something like that. I could not believe what I saw here or saw everything. Then a real robot passed us that made Armenius curious. Captain Sasha said: So it all seems so familiar to me. Robots built by humans 10,000 years before. No that can not be that people could think so far behind the mystery we must necessarily come. Maybe there are other aliens that are very well developed here. Then Marysol answered: Since I give Captain Sascha completely right because normal is not really. We walked for a while until we hit a market where there was a lot of fruit and even meat, baskets and other things. Suddenly, people ran screaming through the streets and ran completely dissolved through narrow streets.

Then we saw it too, there were spaceships that attacked people and aimed at them with the lens. I saw a child standing next to a building in shock and I quickly ran to the boy to save his life. Then he took his hand and ran with him to the others to Jody. Celest the doctor said to the boy: Calm down you are safe with us you do not need to be afraid anymore The boy said in a low voice: These others with the flying machines killed my entire family and they stormed into our house overnight. Much hurt my mother killed my sister first because she wanted to protect me. They beheaded my father but I was able to run away from these aliens. They have big heads and big eyes and are not human. Please can you help us Celest the Doctor spoke to the boys: That's why we're here to find out why your Atlantis Island was gone. We come from the distant future and also slip through space to help or support other beings in building other cultures. What is your name? The boy answered: Sorjo is my name. Then Armenius spoke to me: Mike here we have to do something necessarily because people are suppressed by the other aliens. And I think the people here think of them as evil gods as in ancient Greece. Sorjo then said: I'm afraid of the evil gods in the beginning, they were good to us and then you were very angry. Paint answered the boy: We will all take care of you to live in peace again. My little one said: What we should do now is to find out where these alleged gods come from. Now we go back to the Phoenix and search the island with the air scanner. I'm sure we'll find those other aliens, too. Captain Sasha: Yes Mike we will do that too, so let's go to our Spaceship and take the Boy with us. So he sees that we are not gods but normal aliens. Then we all went into the Phoenix and the boy was so astonished that he could not shut his mouth anymore. The phoenix, with its scanning scanner, searched the ground and the air where the other hostile aliens are. At first we did not find anything but then after an hour of searching we found a rock. Under the rock we noticed what was moving in a large cavity under the ground. So it had to be a cave. Then Captain Sascha gave the order to shoot to destroy the cave just as Captain Sasha had pronounced the order came several other spaceships that attacked us. They shot us with jars of rays but the phoenix did not mind.

There were 20 spaceships attacking us so it became a fight that was not so boring. Something arrogant said. The first 3 enemy spaceships were fired with the blue lasers and there was a loud bang and explosions in the sky. Then we played with our opponents. We pretended that we wanted to move back and forth. And they followed us and again and again you shot at the spaceship but then we turned the tables. Then we used the sun glasses of these glasses could aim in all directions and always met 100% exactly his opponents. I made you a little drawing for you as the sun glasses pulls his thing through. I'm not a Da Vinci but with this little drawing you have a little idea what it might look like This is a small drawing of mine I'm not really good at drawing? A real talent is not true in me. Let's get back to my story. The enemy spaceships were all destroyed by the sunlamps and we flew back into town with the spaceship. People in the city thought so again. The enemy spaceships would come but Armenius let a hologram wall send out and talked to the people of Atlantis. You do not need to be afraid anymore that we helped you to destroy your enemies that kept you down all the time. Then I said to the Boy: Speak here too, then the other people of Atlantis can see you too and they trust us. Then the Boy spoke: Hello you need not be afraid of you. You are our friends. And you protected me from the other evil aliens you were not gods. Captain Sasha: Please start to land! Then we landed on a free space where we were then expected by the people of Atlantis. Jody said: But how did Atlantis go down? I said: I think through the other aliens you have certainly had the technique. Before we took leave of the Atlantis residents a big party was held for 3 days. Then, as always, we went back to our spaceship at Zeitslidetor. But this time something went wrong the slide stream was very strong and became stronger he not only pulled us in with. No, the water was nearby and formed a big big whirlwind. We no longer had it under control and pulled it in and the artificial slide stream created a whirlwind and then turned into a vortex of water. Unfortunately we could not do anything because we were back in our time.

Shortly thereafter, the very strong water vortex completely destroyed Atlantis and went under in the sea. Almost all residents found death here. Now we also knew why Atlantis had gone down and that through our technology from the future. It had failed and cost millions of lives, we were all very sad about it, even though we knew we were not to blame. We all set a minute for the victims and the injured people. All of us got a vacation first and we were all treated by a Grazymill Doctor because of the shock of what we had experienced.


Merlin! 850 years after Christ lived King Arthur who ruled at Camelot Castle he was a very good king. He does not oppress his people the peasants and merchants were very happy with the life they had. There was also the great magician Merlin King Arthur as advisor and seer stood by the side. Merlin once again mixed a potion together King Arthur had become very ill and no doctor could help him. King Arthur was in bed with a high fever and Merlin was looking for him first as any normal doctor would do at the time. Back in the future! Once again, Armenius worked on his time slot machine to find out what had happened the last time, why this machine was so shot through. He examined you very thoroughly and could even find the fault it was an alien robotic fly between the switching functions straight. It had caused a short circuit that's why it had come to this tragic incident. Now Armenius had finally found the mistake and he cursed over this robot fly from the other alien that almost thought he was not normal. If you see it that way, because Armenius was right, after all, a whole nation was wiped out. Then the mayor of Armenius came forward: Armenius we have a new mission for your team you have to once again slide far back into the past.

It is about the legend Merlin as even have the assumption that Merlin was not a human at all but also an alien. It is said that Merlin's father was from another world and had slept with a virgin princess in much the same way as Jesus had. So find out why Merlin had these alleged magical powers. After the conversation, Armenius came back to us: Hello you two, there is a new mission for all of us: We have to go far into the past. In the time of King Arthur and Merlin the alleged magician. I answered: Merlin I've even had a book about him and have looked at almost all of his films he was like some kind of real character that some say he had been given and others say he did not live he was just a fantasy character. Just as others claim from my time that Jesus did not exist, so there are many stories about it. Then Armenius said to me: Do you even know where the legend from Greece comes from the phoenix. No! I answered. Then Armenius told me everything else: Quite simply we have been there thousands of years ago and we were covered by volcanic ash. And we got out of the ashes and the Greeks saw the spaceship and thought it was a big bird. Then they gave our spaceship the name the Phoenix, thereby creating the legend of the Phoenix Fire Bird. And I also found the mistake why the last time this sow stupid mishap happened. It had been an alien robot fly from the other alien so we can not help it at all. That it happened. So come on and start getting ready for a whole new mission back in time. Jody told me: Then take a quick shower, after all, it had been a stormy night for us two. And it was beautiful with you. Then you said: Thank you Jody with you it is always a storm of feelings and earthquakes I can not contradict you there. Then both laughed like we were very much in love with each other. So we both went back to Armenius who was already waiting for us. And he said to us both: So my dear people and coworkers only we three got this mission as an order. The others must save a whole civilization on another planet from other aliens. And we are slipping into the time of myths, legends and legends in the time of King Arthur and Merlin. I checked everything again the last time it should not happen normally. In addition, I have extra built in a monitoring system, it monitors itself, even if a strange creature is tampering with the Timeslidedoor then it is extinguished. It can make a difference between strangers and his friends. I answered: Cool thing you have built in there a kind of extra security. Armenius now said: Just Tens Mike it is. And I stop turning the machine on with my hand no I transfer you with my thoughts. Gives more security and more control over the Timeslidetor. So then my dear people of today then let us slide

into the other century. And before I forget it we even have clothes from that time which we will wear later. So we do not notice immediately in the other time. Then hold on tight and once again a warm welcome on the Phoenix. To our newest mission. Armenius looked at the Timeslidetor and it started to activate you and then you saw again the Zeitslidestrudel. Then we slipped through the whirlpool and we were in a very different century. 850 AD and then we saw a woman who was just transforming with magic a soldier in a bush. It was Morgana the archenemy of Merlin and King Arthur, which unfortunately we did not know for the first time. Morgana saw the Phoenix and how the Timeslidetor closed behind us. We got out of the phoenix and we headed for Morgana. Jody asked Morgana: Excuse me, please, where are we here? Morgana answered: You are in England and I have seen you come to us from another world with this great bird. But you have the same clothes as we wear them. Armenius now said: We also do not come from here but have come a long way since we are looking for King Arthur. Can you help us or do you happen to know the Way? Morgana answered: Yes, I can help you to show you the way to King Arthur, why do you want him? Now my little one spoke: Why do you want to know? Then Morgana spoke: You do not even know who I am at all? I am Morgana the arch-enemy of King Arthur and Merlin! Jody said to me That's great, it starts off well. Morgana shouted a bar of magic spells and said: Now I will transform you first I start with the slightly older man. No sooner said than out of nowhere was fog but nothing happened to Armenius. Morgana said: That can not be, why doesn't it happen to him now he would have to be a rat now what's going on here has my magic failed? I do not understand who or what are you? Armenius answered: Your magic is just a sound and smoke under hypnosis you can do a lot but you do not have any real magic, all just imagination of you. I said to Armenius: Can it be that the magic works only in humans? Armenius said to me: Yes, but the old witch does not need to know that we are aliens except you.

Let them doubt their own mind that would be our advantage now and for them just the disadvantage. Mike and Jody let's go where different there are more people here who we can ask where Camelot is. Morgana watched us as we continued on our way. After half an hour a rider came riding towards us and we asked him Excuse us please where do we come to or on Camelot? The knight told us: The best and fastest way is when you go through the forest and you see a hill and after the hill you come in a meadow exactly from there you can already see the castle of King Arthur (Camelot)! Then Jody spoke: Thank you Mr. Knight. The knight answered: I like to make beautiful maiden you are so beautiful. Now my little one spoke: Ummm She is my girlfriend! The knight spoke to me: They have a beautiful maiden at their side, I do not want to disturb you then. When the knight rode away, Jody said to me: Are you jealous? Armenius smiled a little and Jody also. And then I had to be honest and realized how in love I was in Jody. We walked again quite a while and then we saw Camelot it was a very nice castle very large and surrounded by three walls. Then I took the gauge to measure how tall the castle was and it was very amazing over 45 feet high. The first wall was 6.70 thick, The second wall was 5 meters and the third was 7 meters what a building could only say. Now we were standing in front of Camelot and she was closely guarded right at the entrance gate were not 2 guards but 4. But we were let go because it was always open for every trader and farmer. We were then in the middle of the market of Camelot and there we saw how a woman to a man Merlin said. Jody said to me I believe we have found our legend and legend. Armenius had an idea:

People I have an idea I will pose as a magician and through the hologram I will bring different animals to life which will then suddenly disappear again. Said and done! Armenius called everyone who was in the market together and said: I am the great magician Armenius and I can conjure animals out of nowhere and make them disappear again. Then Armenius started and first a camel ran across the market. I stood next to Merlin and asked him: Is not this Armenius a great magician? Merlin looked at me and nodded his head. Merlin spoke to me now: He has good magic but these are all beginner tricks I'm Merlin the Great Magician to King Arthur's Court. Then I said to Merlin: Merlin we come from another century and Armenius is not really a magician he uses only the technology of the future. We came here to look for you and King Arthur to find out if it really existed or not. But I see you are really there, we are just timesliders, slipping through time or saving other beings in space. Merlin looked at me now and answered: I can sense that Armenius is not coming from this planet but you are from Earth. And the beautiful woman who dresses you She does not come from here. I can feel a very strong bond between you that is really out of the ordinary. I answered: It's true we love each other and it's true Jody and Armenius are not coming from this planet. And we're also explorers because we wanted to find out if King Arthur and Merlin really existed. And as I see it is also the case. Merlin later brought us to King Arthur when Armenius finished playing tricks with his hologram. Now we stood before the greatest legend of England King Arthur we bowed to the King. As it was customary at that time custom. Now King Arthur spoke to us: Merlin told me: You came from another world, where exactly is this world? Armenius answered King Arthur: It is another planet that is 150 million light-years away from Earth. As you can see on this hologram,

this is our planet called Venio. We have been living here for many years on this planet. Jody was born on this planet and me too. Except Mike he comes from the earth we found him in a big Crystal Ball. There are rivers here as well as on earth.Seen and also forests and a big Sea. Other beings who are almost the same as you humans or look like you. We aliens hardly differ from you only our thinking is a bit different than you think. Then Jody whispered to me to turn on the scaner because right now Armenius Merlin will ask if he can not show us some bar magic tricks. We also want to determine if even Merlin could be an alien. I turned on the scaner, he could tell whether it was natural forces or technical tricks. Then Armenius said to Merlin: Merlin can you show us some bar magic tricks, that's why we came here with us if there is true magic! The magician started with it and first he conjured fog that came from the ground and also rain came and it rained in the castle. Then Skelette crawled out of the floor. And there was also a small sandstorm that caused the skeletons to crumble to dust again. The rain washed the sand away and everything was as it was before. I looked at the result and was really amazed not bad what the scanner indicated. It was all natural. It did not happen artificially. No, it happened with an unknown energy from Merlin. It was true magic that Merlin used or whatever. Now Armenius spoke: We want to thank you for showing us that there really is something like that and that you are not just a legend or a legend you are real. With that, our mission would be over and we can slip back in our century and on our planet. I informed the Phoenix now she should land in front of the entrance gate to pick us up. Only a few minutes later, the Phoenix came and landed in front of Camelot the guards went on the Phoenix and struck with their swords on the Phoenix. Then we went to Phoenix together with King Arthur and Merlin we had to laugh a bit because the Phoenix was almost indestructible.

Such blows with a sword did not bother the spaceship. And King Arthur said to the guards: It's just a machine from our new friends who came from very far and visited us. One of the guards said: And we thought it was a dragon or a demon. I answered: No it is a spaceship with which you can fly into space or even slide through time and space. We want to thank you for accepting us and we now know that there is true magic or some kind of energy that consists of natural matter and unites nature's biology. We can still learn much from the great master Merlin We have to say goodbye now and our mission is over. Now we got into our spaceship and slid back into our century without any problems.

1st chapter Cleopatra!

After many missions, Armenius succeeded in creating a new one Build time machine. This time machine is very intelligent. You think and your action was twice as fast as with a human. And she could transform herself into other things, both small and big. In the meantime, at Jody we enjoyed spending time together in bed and even on walks. We worked together and we got along very well and we played each other as a team. Just when we were in bed and had cuddled came as always when it was comfortable a hologram display. And then Armenius said: Stand up your long-sleeper cuddly toys there is new mission for us

How to make a time travel in the time of Cleopatra this time. We should find out if Cleopatra had killed herself or was it murder in the end? This is our newest mission! This woman died on August 12th! 30 years before Christ and how she died has remained a secret so far but we will solve it. There is the story that she had poisoned herself with a snake or that Cleopatra was killed, So then my favorite dou on go! We will only divide three of them because the others are on a different mission. The clothes of that time we already stowed in the phoenix so that we do not attract attention among the people Egypt. We do not need a Slidetor anymore because our spaceship was modernized by me now everything is in one Time machine and Sliders. I asked Armenius: Then we can also find out how the pyramids in Egypt were built for the scientists from my century it has always been a mystery in science there was always only guesswork how these buildings were built. Armenius said: I think your idea is very good, yes we will do that, after all, this is my field of science always new science. It starts! Then the phoenix began to float in the air and we flew back into space from there back to earth. 30 years before Christ on the 5th of August! The spaceship camouflaged itself so that it was invisible to the human eye, When we were there and walked out of the spaceship, we realized that the climate was a lot different as the scientists from my century had assumed. It was a very mild climate and with a lot of plants and I saw no desert or anything like that, So you could assume that the Earth's climate on our planet has been around for thousands of years changed. Jody said: It's a beautiful country or what do you think? I answered: Yes, you are right Jody. So we went to Cairo the main state of Egypt. Armenius said: I also made the money from the century after, so there should not be any problems then I'll give you a bar of gold and take a look around. I, however, will try to find out how we come to Cleopatra. Then answered: Armenius I have a great idea how it would be if we would turn out to be magicians because at this time you do not know many chemical tricks yet. And how do different things float through our antimagnetic scanner. Jody looked at us both and also Armenius said: That's a good idea, well, once a year, even a blind chicken catches a worm! I answered : Very

funny of you but I already know how you mean it. Then Armenius stood in the middle of the market crying loudly: I am the great magician Armenius today I will show you how I put this Camel here to float. Just when I turned on the scanner, the camel began to sway and saw each other with big eyes. Then two soldiers from Cleopatra's army came and they watched as the camel stood in the air and also led Armenius before the next trick. And again screamed loudly: Now I let this came slowly down to earth! What I did of course and luckily succeeded. One of the two soldiers said to the one: We have to tell our Cleopatra that there is a great magician of things here to float. The two soldiers ran quickly to Cleopatra and told her what the mage had done. Cleopatra answered: Bring me this magician here to me, I want to persuade myself personally if he is a true Mage is. The soldiers ran back to the market where Armenius was about to make his next magical fake, one of the soldiers shouted: Great Magician Armenius our great Cleopatra wants to see her in her palace, follow us! Armenius answered: Of course, my magic godfathers will come too! The two soldiers said: Yes, you can come too. Afterwards, the guard of Cleopatra put us in the palace he was tall and the rooms were filled with gold and diamonds filled out. And not far away was now also the seat of Cleopatra where she showed her power on it and quite proud with raised Look already expected. The guard spoke to us: Bow to Cleopatra our Pharaoh and ruler of Egypt she is a goddess. Then I spoke to it: Where we come from we bow to nobody because we live freely and there are no wars, no hunger and especially no one who oppresses us. Jody said: Michael bows to you please, otherwise they throw us to the lions and they are not so harmless like gulls that shit on your head. And then we can do it again with an oxygen purification. I answered: Well, Jody! Then we bowed to Cleopatra. She looked at us with her big brown eyes and approached us. Then she spoke: Rise up you are welcome in Egypt you are our guests and can stay as long as you want in my palace. Then Armenius said: Dear Cleopatra, I am not only a magician, I am also a great seer. And I know or I see in the near future already in a bar days, Julius Caesar will try with his army Egypt invaded. And their kingdom will not exist then it will happen then dear Cleopatra. I replied: You're a slime you talk so slimy.

Armenius said to me: But that is the language of the millennium Michael. Cleopatra saw Armenius and said: How should I believe you Magicians show me a great magic trick of yours first, then I may believe you give me what you tell me about this man who gives me a son has begotten. Armenius said: So it shall happen our great goddess Cleopatra! Listen to me and Michael Jody I'll now float our hologram display now across the floor let as the gate of time. I call the gods of the future show me what will happen if we do not help Cleopatra. Just when Armenius pulled out the hologram display and showed the story about Cleopatra, it became her a little different you could tell from her attitude. And her eyes were no longer full of pride but were more and more empty and shocked. Her face was suddenly pale and she shouted: Stop! Stop it so that Armenius I can not believe that it should happen but I believe you because I see that you are a very powerful magician and seer who has shown me the future. You three are my seers today. Then Jody said to Armenius: I think we just changed the story oh no. I answered: Yes, Armenius I think so too we have messed up. Armenius said: No or yes!?! Because the way Kleopatra deals with the people, the people themselves will revolt later she is hungry and she bathes in goat's milk with various herbs. So please, there must soon come to a civil war and when the Roman Empire collapses then it is also the downfall for Kleo. Combrente si! Jody and I looked at each other and nodded their heads. Armenius said: You will hardly believe it the Egyptians have in the pyramids blue electricity powered by a kind of battery, did you know anything about that Michael. Or did the people of your century know about it? I answered: One had the assumption that the Egyptians had something but it was never

proved. But now we know about it, they had it, and that answers the question as well. Jody did you see these pyramids that shine so really the sun I know these buildings only from the TV or from old films. And the whole Kilma is not a desert as it knows but everything with plants and animals there is a lot here Water and no desert completely honest. I like it very much here and could even get used to living here. No just a stupid joke about me and I do not belong here. When I was done with my conversation. We looked at how the pyramids were built and there were no slaves, it was just normal Workers who lived and lived near the pyramids. Especially how these pyramids were built had been a big secret in my century. It was built a long ramp where it came from all sides on the pyramid. And with the simplest technology and tools from the Middle Ages, we were already very surprised about what the Humans were so capable at the time. The guards who clad us for protection said to us: You have to go back to Cleopatra because she wants to talk to you. I said: Must that be now because I wanted to study your master builders a bit more. Then one of the guards said: Cleopatra wants to learn even more from her future, what else will happen! Armenius answered us: Because we have changed the future a bit, how should we know now what all this is We'll be stuck deep in the moor. I said: I even believe that there will soon be an Earthquake because the birds are not heard and the dogs also play crazy. Jody on it: Aha, now understand what you mean, yes, that's exactly when the animals turn so then comes mostly an earthquake. No sooner had Jody spoken it out and already the earth quaked but what came next surprised us more as our own mind. A large UFO appeared and the earth quivered a bit with the pressure of the other spaceship Now we stood there and did not know what happened. The Egyptians fell to the ground and began to pray. And shouting loudly: The gods have come back to help us and bring new knowledge to us. Armenius said: Now it kicks the cat out of the bag and a Sackfloh commits suicide. I asked: What do you mean by Armenius? Armenius replied: Is just such a saying from our century!

Then the UFO landed on the ground and it turned like a top around its own axis. It came from the UFO small creatures that ran on 6 legs they were much smaller than we had a shape like a beetle but they stopped in front of us their color was green and they did Sounds like a cat. One of the green creatures climbed up on me and a kind of trunk came out of his Mouth was very similar to a fly. Amernius said: I realize that this peculiar being is harmless, they just want the salt on your skin Do not want more. You do not even have bacteria on your body so completely harmless. I'll call her Mofiens. Then the Mofiens climbed down my back and started to assassinate me which I could hardly believe. So I said to Jody: Hey they are really good the Mofiens they take the salt from your skin and then thank you with a massage what more could you want from these mofiens. Just when I spoke it out, the Mofiens shared on my body and it a new one of its kind was born. Then Jody Armenius asked: How can such little beings as the Mofiens control a spaceship? Can they do it for me? betrayed? Armenius replied: That's a good question? We will now take a closer look at this by going to the spaceship, if the Mofiens allow it. And that's why we slowly go into the unknown spaceship around us something inside to see why the little aliens can even fly with their big ship. So we all went into this spaceship but we were not surprised when we found out that this ship was not from another planet at all but millions of years ago

was sent from Earth into space. There was only the question why? And then we got an answer as Jody found a kind of a box with strange sympols which even our smartass Armenius could not decipher. Armenius blew the dust away from the box and then the box moved and opened then we saw other alleged Mofiens. At that moment, the Mofiens stood behind us and began to growl like a dog and then one of the other aliens jumped out of the box and got Jody hooked and stabbed her in the neck. And tried to suck up her blood but it left immediately from Jody because it noticed the Jody's blood had something it did not want. And then the others jumped out of the box so it was 20 pieces. The green Mofiens gathered around me and climbed on my body and also at Armenius. They formed like a protective wall or shield to protect us from the others. Then the black mofins fled the spaceship and attacked the other humans it was just a big shout. The sucked out people looked like rubber dolls you had let the air out Now we were a bit surprised about it. And Armenius said: These black bastards I call the Mogiens on my planet says to bloodsuckers and they are really the bloodsuckers. Now we have a big problem they can fly and that's why they are elsewhere! Okay, we will then find out first in our Phoenix where these crazy beasts flew out then we can quickly find and destroy them. The greens we keep alive are completely harmless only their cleavage makes me a little worried they can spread quickly but in a harmless way. Then Gleopatra came and she saw the spaceship and asked us. What can you do or do against this threat? Armenius said to Gleopatra: We have to recognize each other now because we want to help you and we are not magicians but

we come from the distant future from a time when there will be no more people. But your buildings are still there and that is very amazing because we noticed that people have always dealt with new wars. The humans themselves will not die by their wars but by an Astroids which almost extinguishes all humanity one of you will survive and he is here: Mike he is the last of his kind but I think that it will soon be new people but mixed again with the genes of us will bring back to life again. Because Jody and Mike are together, they love each other and that's why I think that man will return will be different in the near future. Now well with the lay talks we must now destroy the Mogiens before they do more damage here in this century. Armenius now called the Phoenix to himself and there she came the Phoenix a big spaceship which was a huge shadow on the Phoenix Ground threw. With the Phoenix we can see where the Mogiens have disappeared in which place they are. And later, when we find them we will also try to figure out how to control this spaceship. So then Phรถnixeam off in the spaceship and we are now looking for these dung beetles that will be a trace of the Have left death behind. So now we searched the Mogiens for the time track they had left. And already we found the first dead people in a small village it looked like rubber dolls everywhere Lord lie only that it just sucked people were lying on the ground. Then the Phoenix gave a signal of where the Mogiens were to be seen and gave Armenius the command to shoot The Ultralaser will only stun this Mogiens, I hope. Then the Phoenix gave a big shot but nothing happened. In the meantime, a Mofiens had sneaked into our spaceship and that made strange noises At first we thought the phoenix would be broken could be so too.

But then Jody spotted this Mofiens in a corner and now this creature was beginning to speak. The Mofiens said to us: With your technique, you will not achieve much because the Mogiens are immune to any weapon or radiation in our spaceship we have a technology that makes it possible the mogiens or whatever you call them going out of action. It is a red laser tractor beam that beam soothes the mogiens as much as they get from the tractor beam in our spaceship can be loaded in the box. And when we do that, we'll let the Mogiens merge in the sun so they will never again kill any other beings on other planets. Jody, Armenius and I looked at each other and then I said Yes, then let's take the matter with the other spaceship that has the earth and the people Gleopatra finally finds his peace. This is my personal opinion or what do you think? Then both of them nodded to me. We flew back to the other spaceship where Gleopatra was waiting for us! Then we landed and we told Gleo what we are going to do about the danger that threatened humanity! Now we went into the other spaceship and we took a closer look at the technology of the Mofiens explained. When we had gotten used to it, we now steered the other spaceship and put Armenius that this technology was far ahead of our technology. Now we had found them again the Mogiens and we used the tractor beam around this other kind of bugs to lock in the strange box again. We then flew with the spaceship to the sun and shoot the box in the direction of the sun where it then merged through the high heat of the sun. Then we flew back to earth where there was a big party to save Egypt. When all was over the three days we slid back to our century. But what we still had to find out how was Gleopatra ever died by a snake or by a homemade poison.

Or is this just a legend invented and spun by Gleopatra himself. To find out, we had to travel to the year 30 before Christ on the 9th of August because on the 10th of August they found their body. When we were all aboard the Phoenix we slipped one day before Gleopatra's death was found. This time we disguised ourselves as traveling dealers with a lot of gold on the cart when we arrived was everything occupied by the Romans. Unfortunately, we did not think about that and Roman customs asked us: Where do you want to go with the many gold? Armenius replied: We want to Cesar this gift is for him we come from the far north and from the kingdom of Solomon. Our Lord wants to make peace with the Romans and form an alliance. What would be beneficial for both peoples, we will provide you with as much gold as you need and food from you for our population. The customs at the gates let us in now and sent us directly to Cesar to accept the gift what we had with us. Of course, it was homemade gold but this gold was even purer than the natural gold one got from the Earth knew. Now we went to Cesar personally and gave him the gold. He asked us: Where did you come from the far north? Armenius replied: Where the ice starts and it ends up from this area we come with our gift. Cesar spoke: You are our guests but there is a ban here in this palace over there where the guards can stand you do not go in there. I asked Cesar: Why can not we do it? Cesar on it: Because we guard a prisoner in there, who it is is nobody's business, whoever violates the throw we in the dungeon to the lions.

By the way, who is this beautiful woman by your side she looks 10 times more beautiful like Gleopatra? I answered: This is my girlfriend we have been together for a very long time. Cesar told me: Mhmmm I get everything I want! I was just about to answer when Armenius held me back and said to me: Michael is just calm and do not pay attention to him because otherwise there will only be trouble. Then Armenius turned to Cesar and told him: Your Highness of Cesar this beautiful woman is already in your hands I beg you Please take a look and do not destroy this love happiness. Cesar sees Armenius from above his horse and says: Well, Armenius, I will not divide this couple, they are supposed to be happy to live the end of their lives together. Then Cesar left us. Armenius told us that he had a plan for tonight to free Kleopatra. We went to our room which Cesar had provided us and then explained us Armnius how we should do it because of the guard for Cleopatra's door. First you go to the guards and tell you that you want something from them, both of them you then lure them into a corner where we wait and we set them out with the stun glasses Battle (Game Over)! So the night broke and we let our plan in reality implement. Everything went as planned as the professor had told us. Then, as the guards were deep and firm in the Land of Dreams, we went and now to Cleopatra's room we only heard a little moan. Jody said: Michael that sounds weird? Armenius opened the door and saw only how Cleopatra made her last breaths. Armenius said: We are late but now we can find out how she died I do not see Somehow a snake that bit in her chest. So it must have been a poison right now I'll just get our bodyvisitor out of it for a minute ask what poison Cleopatra has died of. It shows the following poisons: Both were mixed together and they died just at the moment It could not have been, I think we can bring it back to life. Her heart beats a bit, I turn the body visiter to neutralize the poison in her body so that she comes back to life again. And then we will continue! 5 minutes later, Cleopatra woke up and looked at us in amazement. And began to award: You came back again. I answered: Yes we want to help you to flee to another Country far away from Egypt and indeed to Germany Armenius has been a legend for a long time. These people who live there will protect you and

we will create a doppelganger right here that looks the same as you do. Armenius spoke to the phoenix who is supposed to beam us on board and that's what she did. Then we brought Cleopatra to Germania where she could live in peace and quiet. The Teutons were happy to watch us and we gave them a sky disc with the space after that we left Teutons and Cleopatra.

2nd chapter

Genghis Khan!

Jody and I celebrated the 2 year when they found me and the others. It was a small celebration circles of my new friends and almost family time was very much passed quickly and I could hardly believe it. Through my new friends, I had now started a 2 life and also found a new love Jody. We celebrated all night and at 5 o'clock in the morning everybody went home. Jody and I talked a bit before we went to sleep and then again at 1pm got a new order. Just as jumped out of bed and went into the bathroom, Armenius reported on the mirror display. I was standing in the shower when Armenius called: Hey! People there is again a new order for us this time we have to enter the year 1227 the 10th of August in the Land of the Mongols. Then I called back: Armenius I'm just in the shower, you've heard something of private ferry. Thereupon Armenius: Yes, I think so, but the work is important too. I took a deep breath and went to Jody. And woke you with a tender kiss on her beautiful lips and she woke up. And asked me: What's up Mike? I answered: Our boss scared me over the mirror display there is a new mission to do. We have to get 1227 as much as I can! Well, Jody answered well! Then let us have breakfast in peace and then we will join our team. When we were done with breakfast we both stood on the slide plate and inside of only 1 second we were with our team. Armenius came running towards us and said: This time we have to be in the year 1227 the 10th of August and we will be there on the crazy Meet

Genghis Khan. Who had killed many people and united all Mongolia! He became the first Great Khan of the Mongols. And exactly this man we will meet, I think! So go on and off to the Phoenix she is already waiting for us! In the meantime in a small village in Mongolia where Kahn chose a bride for herself to witness new descendants. The army of Kahn had put together 10 different women one more beautiful than the other he chose one of the then in the tent to sex forced. Just as he was selecting one, an old woman shouted to Kahn: You as a great ruler over Mongolia You will soon be haunted by a big bird beings from another world are sitting in this big bird. And it's these strange beings that look like humans that will bring you downfall. I have seen this great bird in my visions these strangers are not of this world They are supernaturally wise and very strong They are almost like gods from another world and just that Being brings you downfall. Then Kahn spoke: Kill that old witch! What does she allow herself and does she even know who she is talking to! Then the woman pointed with her thin right arm into the sky and right in that second the tip of the phoenix opened up and the dimension hole got bigger and bigger. The army of Genghis Kahn jumped from the horses and went to the ground and began to pray but Kahn remained sitting on his horse. His horse now became very scared and threw it out of the saddle now the big boat fell to the ground and shouting to his soldiers shoots this bird roaring from the sky. Then Kahn's army took a bow and arrow and fired at the Phoenix, but the arrows bounced from the phoenix. We landed on the ground wondering what they were for strange sounds maybe a flock of birds or whatever? Then the Phoenix opened the escalator and we came down the escalator what luck we had our protective suits. Now we were under attack First, we thought of killer bees and I said: People here are killer bees because so many are flying low over us. No, not really: said Jody! Armenius then said: So if I take a closer look, then we are being ticked with arrows. I answered: Well, if it's nothing worse, just a bar of arrows! Exactly in this moment I was really clear what was going on here. Now I screamed: What arrows? Where? Armenius on it: Do not worry Mike does not mind us who are like popcorn for our suits so just plain plitsch and splash! Kahn yelled at you and destroyed these strange beings! Now the riders came riding up to us and struck us with their swords, but we do not notice them the only thing that did it was always annoying metalic sounds. Worse like a techno concert. Now Armenius cried out: Trigger electroshock! The whole army got an electric shock and they fell to the ground and fidgeted like flies on the ground and Kahn did not know what to do anymore. For the first time in his reign he had never suffered such a defeat. Now Kahn called his army to himself and shouted: We will be back and then we will destroy you I am the big boat. Yes, yes, I called

after him! When they were gone, the people came out of their tents and we took off our protective clothing. Now the old woman came up to us and said: So you came now to overthrow Kahn. Armenius replied: Actually, we are only here because of the history of the planet Earth but it looks like we have it once again mixed into the story. Passes us more often lately. Could you please tell us your name? The old woman said: My name is Emilia I've been the clairvoyant in my tribe for over 60 years and we're alive Genghis Kahn in poverty. Once a month, women are chosen here to Kahn his descendants continue to be so Heritage does not die out. Armenius replied: As it looks like the fate we want to mess with Kahn that can still be cheerful. So then people we can now take off our protective clothing. Then we were invited to dinner to the Mogolese kitchen because there were Mongolian dumplings So Buuds and Chuuschuur. Then there was salted milk tea (Sßßtei Tsai) honestly the taste was not at all I have to admit that badly. Then I said to Armenius: We should also introduce this salted milk tea here. Let's see what can be done! Answer me Armenius! Then when we finished eating we went back to our spaceship and stayed in it till the morning. Jody, come on, let's have a shower together. Jody said: Yes, I'm coming! Then we showered together and kissed under the shower when we were done, we put ourselves under the hair dryer of us dried. Then we put on fresh clothes and then came Armenius and said: I have an idea we dress up as Mongols you Jody lets you dye your hair black from our Robo hairdresser. This will only take a minute you come under a hair dye shower and it's done then dried quickly and you're already a Mongolin. Jody said: Okay then I'll go to the Robo Hairdresser! In the meantime, Armenius gave me the clothes of the Mongols and honestly, I had to get used to it. Jody came back and I looked at her from top to bottom. And answered: My face you look but really crass sexy kiwi. Jody said: Now you have a new wife! Arnenius answered: Good end for today with the sexy schlleim we have a mission to do! And may I introduce you to the Robo horses that are very similar to the original but much faster and have more power under the saddle. These 3 horses will take us to Dschingigs Kahn they will run about 125 Kmh maybe a bit more over the ground. These Robo horses are my latest invention and we will also be part of the traditional race participate as new riders from the land of Ott. And our Emperor is called (Prixton)!

I said to Armenius: Aha sounds good. I rolled my eyes. So then dear people of today. Let's go to Jengigs Kahn. Now we climbed on the Robo horses and rode to Kahn disguised as new riders. We rode for a while and now we finally arrived at Genghis Khan and his people. We looked like horsemen from the far north through holo clothing because we did not want to be recognized. The holo clothes were made for that, not just like humans With that you could also imitate different objects. We all looked very strong and Jody had instead of blonde hair just times fast black hair. Now we went to Kahn and imagined: Good day very dear Kahn our king from the land of Ott Emperor Prixton sends you this gift with lots of gold. It is a treasure chest with a lot of gold coins. The guards now brought the gold with the coins and the misshapen one King's head on the coins aka Prixton. The gold box itself was 2 feet long and the value was 3 million euros Coins. Kahn looked at us and said: Tell your king when you go back to your country, I'll give him that would come visit. And you are our guests who join our competitions tomorrow will participate. The night was getting closer and Armenius told us both: You do not have to worry about tomorrow I have a goal in the Robo Horses Detector installed so you will automatically hit your target automatically. The next day at 7 o'clock in the morning we woke up and we were supposed to prepare for the competitions with the horses. Then Armenius said:

You know what you have to do because of the horses they do everything automatically. The bow and arrow has been developed by me he automatically aims with a self-search feature the arrow directly into the goal. You will be better than all the Mongolian riders and they were really good shooters and riders. The next morning we started all gathered to celebrate the great festival of Genghis Khan. Before we started, I said to Armenius: I've never ridden a horse before! Armenius replied: Do not worry these Robo horses are tuned to you, nothing can happen after mine Calculation in the highest case only a short circuit. No, just kidding Mike, do not worry, just sit up and do that already it can start. Now it was time everyone went to the start and everyone had to put his skills under proof and We were all better off than the Mongolian riders. Genghis Khan also noticed that we are good riders so in short actually were Fakereiter, only nobody notices. When the party was over we should come to Khan and we went to him. He sat in his tent and received us as guests and said: You are very good riders and your horses are incredibly fast we should make an alliance with your chief Prixton. How many soldiers do you have in your empire if I may ask that? Armenius said: 50000 riders 80,000 archers and 100,000 foot soldiers. So we are a big army Mr. Khan! Genghis Khan was silent for a bar second and started to think and answered: With your Arms and our Arms, we are invincible, I pray you say yours

Prixton informed that I would like to make a peace treaty with him. And that we both Peoples should live side by side in peace. Armenius said: I am going to tell him. Genghis Kahn said to us: Be our friends and our guests for now. Now it was night again and I was fast asleep. Armenius came to me and said: Today it is so far the 18th of August 1227 today he will die Khan. No sooner had Armenius pronounced than Khan came to our tent and said: Today we will attack a village which allegedly is guarded by the gods becomes. And you will help us if we do not kill you. For a moment Jody answers: Come back down from your trip or what should that be now first we are your friends and now we are to attack a village. And if we do not do it then you will let us kill you. As soon as Jody was finished with her speech, only the Mogolese were heard Soldiers yell and one shouted: A monster is in the sky the gods are attacking us! Genghis Khan now said: Wait here! Armenius spoke: The Monster out there is the Phoenix and that's why people are so different. We ran out of the tent and we looked like Khan petrified completely there he stood and he did not move from the spot. But then he collapsed and everyone ran away in front of the Phoenix there was no one watching Kahn's soldiers. I answered now: Now we know what made Genghis Khan dead by the phoenix. And the village will not be attacked anymore now it will be in freedom can live without oppression. Now the Phoenix landed and we slid back to the Future.

3rd chapter The Cry for help from outer Space!

It had already been many months and not a single mission neither time travel nor in other dimesions. 260 million light-years from Earth on the planet Kh채nius. Kh채nius is a planet where prisoners and murderers worked to spend their time there and to improve. There should now be a takeover of power in prison and on the whole planet Kh채nius. Before the planet hovered other spaceships that want to conquer this planet and should be commissioned by Vespucci Unki. It is one of the most searched space pirates in the whole universe. Vespucci had already robbed many planets and Kh채nius was now on his list with very high up. In prison, the prisoners prepared for liberation from the prison itself even robots were with underneath. One of the prisoners took a jailer robot as a hostage and threatened him if he did not you want to join in then you will be cold. Then the prison guard robot unlocked all the doors and the prisoners were released the hostage-taker said to you: Now follow me who knows where the weapons are! The other prison guards were put out of action by a special gas But robots and other creatures that bring you to deep sleep are completely harmless. Put all the masks on with this anti-gas mask, the deep sleep gas has no effect to us. So one robot spoke to the prison breakers.

But one of the prison guards managed to send a call for help that reached us! In the meantime I drove with I slidete with Jody to the bet on the Howardboard this part which could float through the air and reach speeds up to 80 km / h. Was in space a very popular pastime because this sport strengthens his leg muscles and also the concentra- tion increased with me. But of course I once again lost to my wife Jody in the meantime we got married and we were very happy together. Arminius had once again come up with a new invention that would fit very well into our new missions the latest invention was a new digital slide which was very similar to the aluminum foil. It was like a portable computer only you could write on it with a kind of pen also with the transmission of thought and she also took the voice on what had been spoken. It was also like a kind of cell phone no matter where you were even in another century you could talk anyway. It has a certain intelligence and has unlimited storage this digital slide can still But more on that later. Armenius spent all this time in the lab to invent such things he had just finished with the digital slide as a cry for help came in Him. We need your help because on our Planet we are being attacked by space pirates and our prisons are also in Rebellion! Please come help us! Armenius sent us a robot messenger to inform us about the call for help from space. We were just about to kiss each other when this information came from Armenius! The messenger told us: Excuse me, but unfortunately I have to disturb you now because here is a message from your Armenius is on this display: Hello you two birds in love I know you will be busy again but unfortunately I have you

interrupt because a call for help came from the planet Khänius. Space pirates are attacking this planet right now, and we should rush to help immediately. So join me quickly and discuss the other one in the Phoenix. Jody said to me Then there is a new mission! I answered: I agree with you to my darling. We both sat down on the slide plate to join Armenius and we were already at Armenius in his laboratory. Then we went to Phoenix as Armenius spoke to us about this a cry for help from outer space came. It's about the planet Khänius conquered by space pirates and he is a prison planet where many criminals / space traffickers and also dictators from space are trapped. And this Planet today was occupied by space pirates and we should once again get everything right. It is a secret mission because the press and the others are not allowed to hear about it because it then means (why and why could the Space Pirates conquer the planet?) And that's exactly what we have to prevent before it gets to the public. I answered: Yes, then let's go or even through space with the Phoenix. Then it finally started again after months of waiting for new planets and Missions. Then I said to Armenius: I always wanted to say something very special, like in the spaceship Enterprise (Engery) No sooner had I opened it and we slid through Space on the way to the conquered Planets. The planet Khänius could already be seen on the display wall and the space pirates were also watching Guard your spaceships the planet.

We kept some distance to the planet so that the space pirates did not notice us our liberation can pass by. Armenius showed us the place where the space pirates were staying. We were now on Khänius to an unknown place where we from ours secret mission could continue. To liberate the state bosses captured on Khanius. In the meantime, Armenius had a hologram message to the space pirates Sent to make you think that we are still on the Phoenix. Space pirate boss Vespucci Unki saw the message and gave a message to the Phoenix back. He said: If you try to free the chiefs, we will kill you each one individually so that you get informed. And the Phoenix pretended to be Armenius and also sent a display hollogram Video Voicenachricht to Vespucci Unki. On the video message, the Hollogram of Armenius spoke: We understood you and we will not do anything Mr. Vespucci Unki. Armenius had brought us one of his latest inventions. It was a real invisible suit that made everyone invisible by a frequency and thus we could sneak into the prison without anyone noticing us. I said to Armenius: Did you already know that the Brothers Grimm had already written a fairy tale where just as a suit could make you invisible. Armenius looked at me a bit puzzled and answered: You people already had the idea for this not bad your imagination how fast will one out Idea reality. Then we went 3 through the gate and no one noticed us so we went up to the prison where the state bosses were trapped. In the meantime the daughter was taken away by the President because she was a love Sklavin should now serve for other men.

We saw them being forced away by the soldiers but we intervened and the soldiers ran away because you saw nobody. The daughter of the president said: Who are you and why do not I see you? Then we showed the daughter of the president. And Jody said to her: We are the Phoenix team and we want to get you out of here when we have freed you then there is no more pressure to threaten us, for example with death threats or other things. Then slip into the camouflage suit he makes you bogus and we have so many others Camouflage suits brought so we can free your family. So bring us to your family where you are being imprisoned and how we are bring to the Phoenix so that your parents and the others are safe. And Vespucci Unki the Chefraumpirat can finally be arrested and we the whole thing can pull through to our advantage. And how is your name, we can not always keep you with you all the time address the president's daughter. She answered: My name is Silvana. Armenius said: Well Silvana then let's get your family out of here before you endanger yourself Vespucci Unki. Silvana showed us the way where her parents were imprisoned and we saw her like her mother cried for her daughter and said to the others: If I am to get out of here Vespucci will ruin Unki forever in jail if he is mine dear daughter should somehow do her harm. Then we made ourselves attentive and we withdrew our camouflage. The family of Silvana was so happy when they saw your daughter again and embraced Silvana and asked you who we are. I answered:

We are the Phoenix team of the spaceship Phoenix. Then the president came up to us and said: You are the legendary phoenix team that through time and space travel that I can experience something like that is already very surprising. And I am pleased to finally meet you you are a legend and then Mike of the I also heard a lot. He is the last person still alive and surviving through you. Jody now said: I do not think he will be the only person in the Future! Please do not look at me so surprised and you my dear Mike just wanted to tell you that I'm pregnant am of you and humanity will continue to Live. Moment: I answered: Should that mean that you get a baby my likeness. Armenius stopped our conversation and let us understand that we finally have to leave. Then we gave the whole prisoner other camouflage suits and tried now out of prison again get out. On the way but put a camouflage suit right outside the prison exit and you saw the President We went through the exit and then the Alarm was triggered. A robot who came with us gave the President his camouflage suit and directed the whole thing Attention to yourself. The Space pirates now shot on the Robot and we were able to slide on the Phoenix in the meantime it was very close. When all were on the Phoenix, Armenius again sat down with space pirate boss Vespucci Unki Connection. And showed the whole Presidential family and the other heads of government the main pirate Vespucci Unki and he was pissed off. And shouted through the display: I will defeat you and destroy you afterwards! Armenius now said: Did you know that the invisible spaceships of the United Spaceship Army are already here and you could now destroy you normally.

Vespucci Unki said cockily: Where are those Fake Raum ships? And that was just that keyword and the spaceship army became visible and then began a short but strong fight and the space pirates lost the resistance. So we brought back the whole government bosses to Khänius and the Phoenix team was awarded liberation by Khänius and the Space Pirates. When the party was over I spoke with Jody: Was that serious that you are really pregnant by me Jody. And Jody answered: Yes my darling humanity is back on its planet It is born again through us and a new one The Future of humans begins with the birth of the Human Baby. 9 Months later! Now the time has come for the first human being to be born over 150 Years and that is now the beginning and the Return of the People. I was so excited at this moment and it was born a girl we called you Armenia

Afterword to 150 years afterwards! Imagine if you could start a 2 life but in a world without humans and you would meet aliens who will help you in the future again to new lives. I come from the year 1992 normally and it was about the downfall of all humanity. But then 150 years later I was awakened to new life again I met Alien slidete through space with you and fell in love with a beautiful alien woman named Jody. Armenius a researcher invented a time machine with which I could then slide back into my century back but something had happened that even Armenius could not have guessed. But I traveled back to the other planets where my great love Jody lived with whom I am quite happy now. Yes, with an alien woman who looks very nice.

We also met vampires through slids and Merlin the greatest magician. In addition to the Zeitslide there are also other dimensions or other worlds you can hardly imagine. I hope you like my story! If you like it, I'll tell you more about my missions in space or the other worlds that lurk next to us. In that sense, we humans are just part of the Cosmos as are the aliens waiting out there.

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