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Michael Schildwachter Vancouver Outdoor Activities

Michael Schildwachter Vancouver Outdoor Activities

Michael Schildwachter Vancouver Hiking is a popular outdoor activity that involves travel on foot Hikers travel in groups and explore new areas by hiking. Groups go on trekking expeditions to a variety of places.


The word 'trek' comes from the Dutch word 'trepken,' which means 'to climb.' In the 19th century, English speakers adapted the word to mean 'to go on a journey.' The word 'hike' comes from the Old English word 'hycc,' which means 'a short length of time.'

Michael Schildwachter Vancouver hike in Vancouver Canada

A hike can be short or long, depending on how far you travel and what you see A trek is a longer journey than a hike, and it is usually done in groups. To make your journey more enjoyable, you may benefit from using hiking techniques.

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