Product Guide
Chicago Meat Authority 2010 2010 Corporate Corporate Fact Fact Sheet Sheet Â
Facility  Information
CMA Â Distribution
Continuing  to  meet  the  growing  and  changing  needs  of  the  meat  industry,  CMA  products  are  PDUNHWHG WKURXJKRXW WKH HQWLUH 8QLWHG 6WDWHV DQG WR WHUULWRULHV ZRUOGZLGH
Quality  Assurance Â
4XDOLW\ &RQWURO EHJLQV DW &0$ WKH PRPHQW UDZ PDWHULDO HQWHUV WKH IDFLOLW\ 3UH RS LQVSHFWLRQ begins  with  analyzing  and  documenting  the  odor,  color,  texture,  weight,  and  temperature  of  every  delivery.   All  raw  material  deliveries  are  bar  coded.  &0$ DOVR ERDVWV D VWDWH RI WKH DUW ODE HQDEOLQJ RQ JRLQJ SURGXFW WHVWLQJ DQG FRQWURO :KLOH PRVW VLPLODUO\ VL]HG FRPSDQLHV GHSHQG XSRQ RXWVLGH ODEV IRU WHVWLQJ &0$ÂśV KLJK VWDQGDUGV GHPDQG DQ LQ KRXVH ODE ,Q DGGLWLRQ WR OLQH LQVSHFWRUV WKH &0$ ODE HPSOR\V WZR IXOO WLPH H[SHULHQFHG PHDW LQGXVWU\ SURIHVVLRQDOV &0$ DOVR KRVWV DQ RQ VLWH UHVHDUFK DQG development  department,  as  well  as  a  test  kitchen.  The  extensive  measures  taken  by  CMA  to  be  the  cleanest  and  safest  in  the  industry  have  EHHQ FRQWLQXDOO\ UHFRJQL]HG E\ WKH $PHULFDQ ,QVWLWXWH RI %DNLQJ &0$ KDV HDUQHG “Superiorâ€?  ratings,  the  highest  on  their  scale.  To  achieve  this  rating,  a  plant  must  score  900  RU PRUH SRLQWV RQ D SRLQW VFDOH 3RLQWV DUH DZDUGHG EDVHG RQ YDULRXV FULWHULD WKDW LQFOXGH $GHTXDF\ RI WKH 3URGXFW 6DIHW\ 6\VWHP 3HVW &RQWURO 2SHUDWLRQDO 0HWKRGV DQG 3HUVRQQHO 3UDFWLFHV 0DLQWHQDQFH IRU 3URGXFW 6DIHW\ DQG &OHDQLQJ 3UDFWLFHV
Your AUTHORITY on Quality Meats
Chicago Meat Authority 2010 Corporate Fact Sheet
General  Overview  and  History
Located  in  Chicago’s  historic  Stockyards,  Chicago  Meat  Authority,  Inc.  is  a  forward  thinking  processor  of  value  added  beef  and  pork  items  with  a  strong  focus  on  selling  the  HRI  market,  meat  purveyors,  and  multi  unit  regional  and  national  chains  up  to  and  including  the  big  box  stores.  CMA  also  specializes  in  custom  cuts  for  further  processors  including  but  not  limited  to  grinding  operations,  deli  manufacturers,  and  the  prepared  entrĂŠe  market.   CMA  opened  its  GRRUV RQ -DQXDU\ DQG LQ WKDW ÂżUVW \HDU WKH FRPSDQ\ WUDQVDFWHG PLOOLRQ LQ VDOHV out  of  a  single  10,000  square  foot  facility.  Now,  in  our  21st  year,  CMA  produces  sales  in  H[FHVV RI PLOOLRQ DQG RSHUDWHV RXW RI WZR IDFLOLWLHV LQ D FDPSXV HQYLURQPHQW encompassing  our  80,000  square  feet. Â
Chicago  Meat  Authority,  Inc.  is  a  privately  held  company  that  has  enjoyed  steady  and  rapid  sales  growth  in  custom  processing,  food  service,  national  accounts,  and  private  label  markets.  CMA  has  accomplished  this  impressive  growth  through  its  philosophy  of  listening  to  and  understanding  its  customers’  needs,  producing  high  quality  customized  products  and  creating  a  workforce  dedicated  to  customer  satisfaction. Â
Operations  Overview
Mission  Statement
To  be  the  preferred  supplier  of  our  customers,  the  preferred  customer  of  our  strategic  suppliers,  and  a  model  employer  in  our  industry.   Â
Selected  Personnel
Your AUTHORITY on Quality Meats
Chicago Meat Authority Your AUTHORITY on Quality Meats
Beef Products Diced Beef • • •
Hand Cut, Deluxe, Stew Ready Formed Cubes and Strips Individually Frozen
Beef Cube Steaks • • • •
Solid muscle construction Cubed, Flat Style, Flaked and Formed Portion sizes include 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 oz. Veal Luncheon Steaks also available
Beef Short Ribs • • •
Boneless portioned Beef Short Ribs Block Beef Short Ribs Portion sizes from 8 to 20 oz.
Ribeye Steaks and Strip Steaks - Marinated • •
Portion sizes include 4, 5, 6 and 8 oz. Individually roll stock packaged
Beef Ranch Steaks • • •
USDA Choice Beef Individually frozen in 4 and 6 oz. portion sizes or convenient strips Savory marinade
Petite ‘n’ Tender Beef Roast - Savory • • •
USDA Choice Beef Individually CV 5 - 3 lb. roasts per 15 lb. case
Skirt Steaks • • •
Inside or outside Marinated or non-marinated Fresh or frozen
1120 W. 47th Place, Chicago, IL 60609 800-383-3811
Chicago Meat Authority Your AUTHORITY on Quality Meats
Pork Products Pork Chops • • • •
Center Cut Pork Chops, varying styles and specifications Boneless, Semi-Center Cut, Sirloin Cut, Ends and Pieces Sizes from 3 oz. to 12 oz. Individually frozen, layer packed
Chef’s Cut Pork Line • •
Porterhouse Chop CV, Rib Cut Chop CV, Bacon Wrapped Boneless Pork Fillet, Marinated Pork Loin Rack CV
Pork Tenderloin •
1.25 dn CV
Boneless Pork Loins •
Strap on or Strap off
Pork Loin Cutlets • •
Cubed, Flat Style, Sliced, Flaked and Formed Portion Sizes include 2 oz., 4 oz., 5 oz. and 6 oz., individually frozen
Diced Pork •
Deluxe or Hand Cut, individually frozen
Pork Loin Back Ribs • • •
Premium Back Ribs: Guaranteed 11 bones, skinless, individually sleeved Blue Plate Back Ribs: Layer Packed 1.25 dn to 2.25 dn available
St. Louis Style Spare Ribs • •
Individually sleeved, guaranteed 11 bones 1.75 dn to 2.5 up available
Cooked Pork Ribs • •
Cooked and Sauced Back Ribs, Cooked and Sauced St. Louis Ribs Cooked and Unsauced Back Ribs
Brisket Bones •
Full cut, meaty
BRT Ham Roasts & BRT Pork Loin Roasts Pork Steaks •
Individually frozen, various portion sizes
Pork Flat Iron Steaks •
Individually packaged, various portion sizes
1120 W. 47th Place, Chicago, IL 60609 800-383-3811
Pork Chops
By Chicago Meat Authority
Chef ’s Cut Porterhouse Pork Chops
Chef ’s Cut Rib Cut Pork Chops CMA’s Chef’s Cut Rib Cut Pork Chops are perfect for white tablecloth restaurants. With a beautiful pink eye muscle, these 10 oz. chops are a masterpiece on a plate. Each chop is individually vacuum packed for freshness.
CMA’s Chef’s Cut Porterhouse Pork Chops are the definitive steak house pork chop. Tenderloin in and individually vacuum packed, these unique 12 oz. chops will set any establishment apart from the rest. CMA #
Pack Style
Pack Style
12 oz. Chef’s Cut Porterhouse Chops, CV
10 lb. case
10 oz. Chef’s Cut Rib Cut Chops, CV
10 lb. case
CMA Deluxe Center Cut Pork Chops
CMA Boneless Pork Loin Products
Always tender with little waste, CMA Deluxe Center Cut Pork Chops are hand cut and trimmed for spectacular presentation. Great for healthcare, restaurants, and many other establishments.
Use CMA Boneless Pork Loin Products to add a pork sandwich or an impressive center-of-the-plate item to your menu. Grill, bake or deep-fry for a classic homestyle meal.
Pack Style
Pack Style
3 oz. CMA Deluxe Center Cut Pork Chops 12 lb. case
4 oz. CMA Boneless CC Pork Chops
10 lb. case
4 oz. CMA Deluxe Center Cut Pork Chops 12 lb. case
2 oz. CMA Sliced Pork Loin
10 lb. case
5 oz. CMA Deluxe Center Cut Pork Chops 12 lb. case
3 oz. Southern Style Pork Cutlets
10 lb. case
6 oz. CMA Deluxe Center Cut Pork Chops 12 lb. case
4 oz. Southern Style Pork Cutlets
10 lb. case
CMA End to End Pork Chops
CMA End Cut Chops Whether you seek the impressive consistency of CMA Sirloin Cut Pork Chops or the spectacular value of Blue Plate End Cut Chops, these end cut chops are a great way to keep your costs at a minimum.
CMA End to End Cut Pork Chops are tasty chops from the entire pork loin. These 4 oz. portions include both end-cuts and center-cuts, making them a great value. CMA #
Pack Style
Pack Style
4 oz. CMA End to End Cut Pork Chops
10 lb. case
4 to 5 oz. CMA Sirloin Cut Pork Chops
10 lb. case
1/2” CMA Blue Plate End Cut Pork Chops
10 lb. case 800-383-3811
Your AUTHORITY on Quality Meats
Rev. 10-1-09
Quality Products for Bars and Grills By Chicago Meat Authority
CMA Premium Pork Loin Back Ribs
CMA Premium Pork St. Louis Style Ribs
CMA Premium Pork Back Ribs are tender and meaty slabs from top quality pork loins. Slabs are hand-selected, square cut, and individually sleeved to ensure an unforgettable dining experience.
Meaty, wide slabs of CMA Premium St. Louis Ribs are a great menu option. Each slab is hand-selected, square cut and individually sleeved for the ultimate barbecue rib dinner.
Pack Style
Pack Style
1.25 Dn Pork Back Ribs - 23 slabs
30 lb. case
1.75 Dn St. Louis Ribs - 18 slabs
30 lb. case
1.5 Dn Pork Back Ribs - 21 slabs
30 lb. case
2.0 Dn St. Louis Ribs - 16 slabs
30 lb. case
1.75 Dn Pork Back Ribs - 18 slabs
30 lb. case
2.25 Dn St. Louis Ribs - 14 slabs
30 lb. case
2.0 Dn Pork Back Ribs - 16 slabs
30 lb. case
2.25 Dn St. Louis Ribs - 5 slabs
10 lb. case
2.25 Dn Pork Back Ribs - 14 slabs
30 lb. case
2.5 Dn St. Louis Ribs - 12 slabs
30 lb. case
2.25 Dn Pork Back Ribs - 5 slabs
10 lb. case
2.5 Up St. Louis Ribs - 10 slabs
30 lb. case
2.25 Up Pork Back Ribs - 12 slabs
30 lb. case
CMA Country Style Pork Ribs Country Style Pork Ribs are a great way to add ribs to your menu at a lower price point. For a great dinner, plate up 3 ribs per order. For game nights, offer all-youcan-eat specials to bring in the big crowds. CMA #
Pack Style
4 to 7 oz. Country Style Pork Ribs
10 lb. case
CMA Value Ribs
CMA Pork Steaks From the rich and Àavorful pork shoulder, CMA Pork Steaks offer amazing plate coverage at a reasonable portion cost. These steaks make a great dinner special when grilled and served with mashed potatoes. CMA #
Pack Style
8 oz. Pork Steaks
10 lb. case
CMA offers several different value ribs that make great appetizers and all-you-can-eat specials. Add “Rib Tips in a Basket” or Riblettes to your menu to help increase your per-check averages. CMA #
Pack Style
Pork Riblettes
10 lb. case
Pork Brisket Bones (Rib Tips)
30 lb. case
Pork Feather Bones
10 lb. case
Rev. 10-1-09
Quality Products for Bars and Grills By Chicago Meat Authority
Chef ’s Cut Pork Chops
CMA Center Cut Pork Chops
The “definitive” pork chop that will set your establishment apart from the rest. Chops offer great plate coverage, dynamic presentation and juicy tenderness. Each chop is individually vacuum packaged for freshness.
Always tender with little waste, CMA Deluxe Center Cut Pork Chops are hand cut and trimmed for a spectacular presentation. Place 2 chops on a plate for an excellent dinner special.
Pack Style
Pack Style
12 oz. Porterhouse Pork Chops
10 lb. case
4 oz. CMA Center Cut Pork Chops
10 lb. case
10 oz. Rib Cut Pork Chops
10 lb. case
CMA Value Pork Chops
5 oz. CMA Center Cut Pork Chops
10 lb. case
6 oz. CMA Center Cut Pork Chops
10 lb. case
CMA Pork Flat Iron Steaks Our unbelievably tender CMA Pork Flat Iron Steak makes a great meal. Extremely lean and individually vacuum packaged, the Pork Flat Iron Steak is an inexpensive alternative to a beef steak.
CMA Value Pork Chops are great for those looking to keep portions costs low. These tender portions are consistent and easy to cook in large batches. CMA #
Pack Style
Pack Style
1/2” End to End Pork Chops
10 lb. case
8 oz. Pork Flat Iron Steak
10 lb. case
4 to 5 oz. Sirloin Cut Pork Chops
10 lb. case
1/2” Blue Plate End Cut Pork Chops
10 lb. case
CMA Flat Style Pork Cutlets
CMA Beef Ranch Steaks An amazingly tender, lean, and affordable USDA Choice steak, CMA Beef Ranch Steaks can be used in many applications: a Steak ‘n Eggs Breakfast, a Steak Sandwich, or a filling Steak Dinner.
CMA Flat Style Pork Cutlets are versatile cuts of premium pork with many uses: grill as an inexpensive pork chop or bread and deep fry for a breaded pork tenderloin sandwich. CMA #
Pack Style
Pack Style
4 oz. Flat Style Pork Cutlets
10 lb. case
4 oz. Beef Ranch Steaks
15 lb. case
5 oz. Flat Style Pork Cutlets
10 lb. case
6 oz. Beef Ranch Steaks
15 lb. case
10 lb. case
Beef Ranch Steak Strips
15 lb. case
6 oz. Flat Style Pork Cutlets
For more information about our great pork and beef products, please contact: 800-383-3811
Your AUTHORITY on Quality Meats
Rev. 10-1-09
Quality Products for Healthcare Chicago Meat Authority
Deluxe Center Cut Pork Chops
CMA Value Pork Chops
Always tender with little waste, Deluxe Center Cut Pork Chops are hand cut and trimmed for spectacular presentation. Great for hospitals looking to add that special touch to patient care.
CMA Value Pork Chops are great for those healthcare operators looking to keep portion costs low. These tender portions are consistent and easy to cook in large batches.
Pack Style
Pack Style
4 oz. Center Cut Pork Chops
12 lb. case
4 oz. End to End Pork Chops
10 lb. case
5 oz. Center Cut Pork Chops
12 lb. case
4-5 oz. Sirloin Cut Pork Chops
10 lb. case
6 oz. Center Cut Pork Chops
12 lb. case
1/2� Blue Plate End Cut Pork Chops
10 lb. case
8 oz. Center Cut Pork Chops
12 lb. case
CMA BRT Pork Ham Roasts
CMA BRT Pork Loin Roasts Our BRT Pork Loin Roast is 100% usable pork loin that is perfect for roasted pork dishes. Each box contains 2 roasts that can be easily sliced for an affordable, tasty patient meat.
Each tender BRT Pork Ham Roast is boneless and 100% usable. Carve each roast and serve with applesauce and carrots. Makes a magnificent meal with a low portion cost. CMA #
BRT Pork Ham Roasts
Pack Style
2 pieces
BRT Pork Loin Roasts
CMA Cubed Beef Steaks
Pack Style 2 pieces
CMA Cubed Pork Cutlets CMA Cubed Pork Cutlets are perfect for tenderloin sandwiches and as an inexpensive boneless pork chop. Formed Pork Cutlets have a great taste and easy bite for all healthcare applications.
CMA Cubed Beef Steaks can be used for Swiss, Salisbury, and Country-fried steaks. Formed Cubed Beef Steaks are unbelievably tender with a soft bite. CMA #
Pack Style
Pack Style
4 oz. USDA Choice Cubed Steaks
10 lb. case
4 oz. Flat Style Pork Cutlets
10 lb. case
5 oz. Flat Style Pork Cutlets
10 lb. case
5.3 oz. USDA Choice Cubed Steaks
10 lb. case
6 oz. USDA Choice Cubed Steaks
10 lb. case
6 oz. Flat Style Pork Cutlets
10 lb. case
4 oz. Flaked & Formed Cubed Steaks
10 lb. case
3 oz. Flaked and Formed Cutlets
10 lb. case
4 oz. Flaked and Formed Cutlets
10 lb. case
Rev. 6-1-09
Quality Products for Healthcare Chicago Meat Authority
CMA Diced Beef
CMA Diced Pork
Add flavor to your soups, kabobs, wraps and salads with versatile CMA Diced Beef and Strips. IQF in consistent 5 lb. bags for ease of handling and efficient use.
A cost-effective alternative to diced beef, CMA Diced Pork makes excellent soups, stews, and pork chili. IQF freeflow 5 lb. bags make preparation simple and efficient.
Pack Style
Pack Style
1” Premium Hand Cut Diced Beef
10 lb. case
1” Premium Hand Cut Diced Pork
10 lb. case
1” Deluxe Diced Beef
10 lb. case
1” Deluxe Diced Pork
10 lb. case
1” Formed Diced Beef
10 lb. case
1” Formed Diced Pork
10 lb. case
1/2”x1/2”x3” Formed Diced Beef Strips
10 lb. case
1” Stew Ready Diced Beef
20 lb. case
CMA Country Style Pork Ribs
CMA Beef Ranch Steaks
Country Style Pork Ribs are a great way to add ribs to your menu at a low price. Much meatier than conventional ribs, patients and visitors alike will enjoy the tenderness of each bite.
An amazingly tender, lean and affordable USDA Choice steak, CMA Beef Ranch Steaks can be used in many applications: a braising steak, steak in mushroom gravy, steak salad or in a pasta dish.
Pack Style
Pack Style
4 to 7 oz. Country Style Pork Ribs
10 lb. case
4 oz. Beef Ranch Steaks
15 lb. case
6 oz. Beef Ranch Steaks
15 lb. case
1/2”x1/2”x3” Beef Ranch Steak Strips
15 lb. case
CMA Ground Pork A healthy and cost-effective alternative to ground beef, CMA Ground Pork is perfect for recipes such as meatloaf, meatballs, spaghetti, and tacos. CMA #
Pack Style
Ground Pork
20 lb. case
For more information about our great pork and beef products, please contact: 800-383-3811
Your AUTHORITY on Quality Meats
Rev. 6-1-09
Value Solutions Solutions Value
By Chicago Chicago Meat Meat Authority Authority By
CMA Cubed Beef Steaks
CMA Diced Pork & Beef
Chicago Meat Authority Cubed Beef Steaks can be used for Swiss, Salisbury and Country-fried steaks. Simply slow braise for a tender comfort food classic. CMA #
CMA Diced Pork and Stew Ready Diced Beef are perfect for slow cook recipes. These items make tender and hearty meals at a great price point.
Pack Style
Pack Style
4 oz. Beef Cubed Steaks
10 lb. case
1” Deluxe Diced Pork, IQF
2 - 5 lb. bags
4 oz. Flat Style Cubed Steaks
10 lb. case
1” Deluxe Diced Beef, IQF
2 - 5 lb. bags
4 oz. Flaked & Formed Cubed Steaks
10 lb. case
Stew Ready Diced Beef, IQF
4 - 5 lb. bags
CMA Ground Pork
CMA BRT Pork Roasts
Each BRT Pork Roast is 100% usable with a low portion cost. Carve each roast and serve with applesauce and carrots for a mouth-watering homestyle dinner. Description Pack Style
BRT Pork Loin Roasts
2 pieces
BRT Pork Ham Roasts
2 pieces
CMA Beef Ranch Steaks An amazingly tender, lean and affordable USDA Choice steak, CMA Beef Ranch Steaks can be used in many applications: a braising steak, steak sandwich, or steak and eggs. CMA #
A healthy and cost-effective alternative to ground beef, CMA Ground Pork is perfect for recipes such as meat loaf, meatballs, spaghetti, and tacos. CMA # 81793
Description Ground Pork
4 oz. Beef Ranch Steaks
15 lb. case
6 oz. Beef Ranch Steaks
15 lb. case
Beef Ranch Steak Strips
15 lb. case
2 - 5 lb. CV bags
For more information about our great pork and beef products, please contact:
Pack Style
Pack Style 800-383-3811
Value Solutions
By Chicago Meat Authority
CMA Value Pork Chops
CMA Cubed Pork Cutlets CMA Cubed Pork Cutlets are versatile cuts of premium pork with many uses: grill as an inexpensive pork chop or bread and deep fry for a breaded pork cutlet sandwich. Description Pack Style
Whether you seek the impressive consistency of CMA Sirloin Cut Pork Chops or the spectacular value of Blue Plate End Cut Chops, these chops are a great way to keep your costs at a minimum. CMA # 82133
Description 4 oz. End to End Cut Chops
Pack Style
10 lb. case
4 oz. Cubed Pork Cutlets
10 lb. case
4 oz. Flat Style Cubed Pork Cutlets
10 lb. case
4 oz. Southern Style Pork Cutlets
10 lb. case
1/2” Blue Plate End to End Chops
10 lb. case
4 to 5 oz. Sirloin Cut Chops
10 lb. case
1/2” Blue Plate End Cut Chops
10 lb. case
Pork Chop Ends and Pieces
20 lb. case
CMA Country Style Pork Ribs
CMA Pork Steaks
Country Style Pork Ribs are a tasty way to add ribs to your menu at a lower price point. For a great dinner, plate up 3 ribs. For game nights, offer all-you-can-eat special to bring in the big crowds. Description Pack Style
CMA Pork Steaks offer an amazing plate coverage at a reasonable portion cost. These steaks make a great dinner special when grilled and served with mashed potatoes. CMA # 82501
Description 6 oz. Pork Steaks
Pack Style
10 lb. case
CMA Value Ribs CMA offers several different value ribs that make great appetizers and all-you-caneat specials. Add “Rib Tips in a Basket” or Riblettes to your menu to help increase your per-check averages. CMA # 82793
4 to 7 oz. Country Style Pork Ribs
For more information about our great pork and beef products, please contact:
Pack Style
Pork Brisket Bones
30 lb. case
Pork Feather Bones
10 lb. case
Pork Riblettes
10 lb. case
10 lb. case
800-383-3811 800-383-3811
Delectable Diced Beef and Delicious Diced Pork Premium Hand Cut Diced Beef
Premium Hand Cut Diced Pork
Looking for an authentic made-from-scratch appearance and great taste from your diced beef? Look no further than CMA Premium Hand Cut Diced Beef, perfect for Tips-over-Noodles and Beef Stroganoff. CMA #
CMA Premium Hand Cut Diced Pork is top-quality, perfect for high end dishes. Your recipes will surely please, with the great taste and authentic look of each cube.
Pack Style
1” Hand Cut Diced Beef, IQF
2 - 5 lb. bags
2 - 5 lb. bags
Hand Cut Diced Beef, IQF
Deluxe Diced Beef
A cost-effective alternative to diced beef, CMA Deluxe Diced Pork makes excellent pork soups and chili. For a hearty meal, try a Pork Stew with celery, carrots and potatoes.
Pack Style
CMA # 83813
1” Deluxe Diced Beef, IQF
2 - 5 lb. bags
2 - 5 lb. bags
Deluxe Diced Beef, IQF
Description 1” Deluxe Diced Pork, IQF
1” Stew Ready Diced Beef, IQF
2 - 5 lb. bags
Featuring a soft bite and tender taste, CMA Formed Diced Pork cooks quick for any recipe. With a low fat content, this diced pork is perfect for healthcare operators as well as restaurants.
Slow cook CMA Stew Ready Diced Beef for the best economical diced beef on the market today. Tender, rich and flavorful, these cubes are great for your soups and stews. Description
Pack Style
Formed Diced Pork
Stew Ready Diced Beef
2 - 5 lb. bags
Deluxe Diced Pork
Add flavor to your soups, stews, and chili with versatile CMA Deluxe Diced Beef. If you need to balance a need for quality with a great price, this is the perfect diced beef for you. CMA #
Pack Style
1” Hand Cut Diced Pork, IQF
Pack Style
4 - 5 lb. bags
Description 1” Formed Diced Pork, IQF
Pack Style 2 - 5 lb. bags
Formed Diced Beef and Strips CMA Formed Diced Beef and Strips can be quick-cooked in many recipes. Perfect for healthcare and diners, every bite will be lean and tender. Great for tasty wraps, stews, soups and chili. CMA #
Pack Style
1” Formed Diced Beef, IQF
2 - 5 lb. bags
2 - 5 lb. bags
Strips, IQF
For more information any CMA Diced Products, or any other great pork and beef items, please call 800-383-3811 or visit
Formed Diced Beef
Your AUTHORITY on Quality Meats
Chicago Meat Authority - Pork -
Porterhouse Pork Chops
Our Chef's Cut Porterhouse Pork Chop is the definitive steak house pork chop. Each chop is "T-bone" thick, offering unbelievable presentation. With the tenderloin left in, every bite will be tender and tasty. CMA # 81671 81673 81676
Portion Size 10 oz. 12 oz. 14 oz.
Portion Count 16 chops per case 13 chops per case 12 chops per case
• Cut tenderloin-in for exceptional presentation. • Marinated to ensure tenderness. • Consistent thickness for dependable cooking times. • Individually vacuum packaged for locked-in freshness and ease of handling.
For more information about Chef ’s Cut Porterhouse Pork Chops, or any of our fine beef and pork products, please call 800-383-3811 or visit
Your AUTHORITY on Quality Meats
Rev. 2-1-09
Rib Cut Pork Chops
Chef’s Cut Rib Cut Pork Chops are the ultimate white tablecloth pork chop, these chops provide impressive plate presentation with consistent portion sizes. With a single-eye muscle presentation, these chops are perfect for white tablecloth restaurants, steak houses, country clubs, or catering operation. CMA # 81683
Portion Size 10 oz. CV
Portion Count 16 portions
• Thick and meaty chops for a premium taste, bite after bite. • Marinated to ensure tenderness. • Consistent thickness for dependable cooking times. • Individually vacuum packaged for locked-in and ease of handling.
For more information about Chef ’s Cut Rib Cut Pork Chops, or any of our fine beef and pork products, please call 800-383-3811 or visit
Your AUTHORITY on Quality Meats
Rev. 2-1-09
Boneless Pork Chops Tender and Tasty Center Cut Chops
Whether you want to add a pork chop sandwich or an impressive dinner entree to your menu, CMA Boneless Pork Chops are just the solution. These versatile, chops can be cooked in many ways, including grilling, baking, deep frying, or pan frying.
CMA # 82108 82113 82213 82313
Portion Size 3 oz. 4 oz. 5 oz. 6 oz.
Case Size 10 lb. case 10 lb. case 10 lb. case 10 lb. case
• CMA Boneless Pork Chops are center cut chops from premium quality pork loins. These chops are marinated to ensure tenderness. • Cover in barbecue sauce or bread and bake to accentuate the amazing flavor of these premium pork chops. • CMA Boneless Pork Chops are layer packed in a 10 lb. box for ease of handling and locked-in freshness.
For more information about our Boneless Pork Chops, or any of our great tasting beef and pork items, please call 800-383-3811 or visit
Your AUTHORITY on Quality Meats
Rev. 2-1-09
Sliced Pork Loin Cutlets Tender Premium Pork for Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
Chicago Meat Authority Sliced Pork Loin Cutlets are versatile boneless pork chops that can be served throughout the day. One cutlet on a breakfast biscuit with egg, two seperated by cheese on a bun, or four on a plate with rice, these cutlets offer many flavorsome options for your menu. CMA #
2 oz.
10 lb. box
CMA Sliced Pork Loin Cutlets are from premium quality boneless center cut pork loins. Marinated to ensure tenderness, each bite will taste great. With a variety of menu options, one box of CMA Pork Loin Cutlets can be used in several different items.
CMA Sliced Pork Loin Cutlets are layer packed in 10 lb. boxes for ease of handling and efficient use.
For more information, visit or call 800-383-3811.
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Chicago Meat Authority Center Cut Pork Chops Premium Center Cut Pork Chops • Extensively Hand Trimmed for the finest in presentation • Scribe and Chine Bones Cut for the most meat per chop • Consistent Thickness for even cook times • Exclusive CMA Marinade to ensure tenderness CMA #
4 oz. Premium Center Cut Pork Chops
Portions Per 10 Lb. Case Appx. 40 portions
6 oz. Premium Center Cut Pork Chops
Appx. 26 portions
8 oz. Premium Center Cut Pork Chops
Appx. 20 portions
Deluxe Center Cut Pork Chops • Hand Trimmed for a great presentation • Scribe and Chine Bones Clipped for a great balance of value and quality • Consistent Thickness for even cook times • Exclusive CMA Marinade to ensure tenderness CMA #
3 oz. Deluxe Center Cut Pork Chops
Portions per 10 Lb. Case Appx. 52 portions
4 oz. Deluxe Center Cut Pork Chops
Appx. 40 portions
5 oz. Deluxe Center Cut Pork Chops
Appx. 32 portions
6 oz. Deluxe Center Cut Pork Chops
Appx. 26 portions
Buffet Center Cut Pork Chops • Hand Trimmed for a classic presentation • Scribe and Chine Bones Unclipped for the ultimate in value • Consistent Thickness for even cook times • Exclusive CMA Marinade to ensure tenderness CMA #
4 oz. Buffet Center Cut Pork Chops
Portions Per 10 Lb. Case Appx. 40 portions
5 oz. Buffet Center Cut Pork Chops
Appx. 32 portions
6 oz. Buffet Center Cut Pork Chops
Appx. 26 portions
For more information about CMA ’s great tasting Pork Chops, please contact: 800-383-3811
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End-to-End Cut Pork Chops Premium Quality Chops at a Great Value
CMA End-to-End Cut Pork Chops are a great way to enjoy premium quality pork at a fantastic price point. These chops are from the entire pork loin, including Center Cut, Sirloin Cut and Rib Cut Pork Chops. Grill, bake or fry these chops, serve with applesauce, and you ’ll have a great meal for all to enjoy. CMA # 82133
Size 1/2” thick
Case Weight 10 lb. case
Chops from the entire pork loin: Rib Cut Pork Chops
Your customers will enjoy the tasty chops from the rib end of the pork loin. Whether an all-you-can-eat special or a buffet setting, these chops are the best value for your customers.
Center Cut Pork Chops
The great taste of premium pork from the best section of the pork loin. Tender, thick and meaty, CMA Center Cut Chops are perfect for your dinner menu.
Sirloin Cut Pork Chops
Enjoy the impressive plate presentation and the quality pork taste of these Sirloin Cut Pork Chops. Serve these great chops as your lunch chop or dinner special.
For more information about our End Cut Pork Chops, or any of our great pork and beef items, please contact 800-383-3811 or visit
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Sirloin Cut Pork Chops The Best End Cut Pork Chops on the Market
Consistent quality is the best way to sum up CMA Sirloin Cut Pork Chops. You will always get a tender, tasty chop that cooks up with ease. Perfect for the diner, buffet or mass feeder wanting to serve a good meal at a great price point. Combine with your signature sauces or rubs for a meal that can’t be beat. CMA #
Portion Size
Case Size
Appx. 4 - 5 oz.
10 lb. case
Pan-fry, deep-fry, grill or bake these chops for a great meal. All CMA Sirloin Cut Pork Chops are from premium quality pork loins and have been marinated to ensure tenderness. Consistent 4-5 oz. portions will help you keep track of your food costs and know exactly how much you putting on each plate. These pork chops are individually quick frozen and layer packed in a 10 lb. box for ease of handling and efficient use.
For more information about our CMA Sirloin Cut Pork Chops, or any of our fantastic beef or pork products, please call 800-383-3811 or visit
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End Cut Pork Chops
Value Chops V Chops from from Premium Premium Quality Quality Pork Pork Loins Loins Value V
Cut from both ends of premium quality pork loins, Blue Plate End Cut Chops are perfect for value-oriented customers. At 1/2” thick, each tender chop will have consistent cook times. Perfect for Healthcare, Mass Feeders and Buffets.
CMA # 82030
Quantity 10 lbs., even weight
Size 1/2” thick
Blue Plate End Cut Pork Chops are meaty chops from both ends of the pork loin. Perfect for the value-oriented customer. We make sure that each chop is consistently cut to 1/2” thickness. You’ll be able to consistently cook these with little effort. IQF and layer packed in a 10 lb. even weight box for locked-in freshness and ease of handling.
For more information about Blue Plate End Cut Pork Chops, or any of our fine beef and pork products, please call 800-383-3811 or visit
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Pork Chop Ends and Pieces Great G Great Value, Value, Unlimited Unlimited Potential Potential
Blue Plate Pork Chop Ends and Pieces have the flexibility of use in numerous applications. Portions can be smothered in zesty sauces and baked for an economical pork chop entree. Debone them and they are perfect for a value-oriented buffet wanting a stir fry or a barbecue joint wanting a scrumptious pork sandwich. CMA # 81423
Description Pork Chop Ends and Pieces
Pack Style 20 lb. case
Usable in numerous ways, Blue Plate Pork Chop Ends and Pieces are quite possibly the best pork value available today. Great tasting pork from premium quality pork loins. Bulk packed in 20 lb. cases for ease of handling and efficient use.
For more information about our Blue Plate Pork Chop Ends and Pieces or any of our other great tasting pork and beef products, please contact:
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Rev. 2-1-09
Pork Steaks
Impressive Presentation at a Low Portion Cost From the rich and flavorful pork shoulder, Chicago Meat Authority Pork Steaks offer amazing plate coverage at a reasonable portion cost. For a great special, serve these steaks grilled with a side of potatoes and vegetables. These steaks can be broiled or braised as well. For a totally unique experience, cook these Pork Steaks with dry rubs or tasty barbecue sauces. CMA #
Portion Size
Portion Count
82501 82503 82505 82508
6 oz. 8 oz. 12 oz. 16 oz.
Appx. 26 Appx. 20 Appx. 13 Appx. 10
Rich and meaty CMA Pork Steaks can be easily grilled, broiled or braised. Makes an excellent and cost effective alternative to a pork chop. Perfect for the menus of “Mom and Pop� Diners, Truck Stops, Cafeterias, Buffets and many other operations. CMA Pork Steaks are lQF and layer packed in a 10 lb. even weight box for ease of handling and efficient use.
For more information about our CMA Pork Steaks, or any of our fantastic pork and beef products, please call 800-383-3811 or visit
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Rev. 2-1-09
Pork Flat Iron Steaks Versatile and usable any time of the day Versatile and usable any time of the day CMA’s Pork Flat Iron Steak is an exciting new boneless, moisture-enhanced and great tasting pork cut. Start the morning by serving a “Pork Flat Iron Steak ‘n Eggs” combination. Serve on a bun with french fries and a soda for a great lunch sandwich meal. Marinate with Balsamic Vinagarette and serve with red mashed potatoes for an exhilirating evening meal. CMA # 83243
Portion Size 8 oz. CV
Box Weight 10 lbs.
• A great alternative to beef, CMA’s Pork Flat Iron Steak is a great Center-of-the-Plate option any time of day. • Each steak is individually vacuum packaged in a 10 lb. case for ease of handling and efficient use. • Made from boneless and marinated butcherquality pork, each bite will be tender and tasty.
For more information about our Pork Flat Iron Steaks, or any of our great beef and pork items, please call 800-383-3811 or visit
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Rev. 2-1-09
BRT Pork Loin Roast A Masterpiece for Carving Stations
BRT Pork Loin Roasts (Boned, Rolled, and Tied) are premium boneless pork loins that are perfect for carving stations. Each BRT Pork Loin Roast, roasted and sliced thin, will satisfy several hungry customers. Each roast is marinated to ensure tenderness and great taste. CMA #
Appx. 9-13 lbs. per roast
2 roasts
CMA BRT Pork Loin Roasts are premium boneless pork loins. Each loin is cut in half and netted together for ease of handling. Economical and tender, these roasts are perfect for Casual Restaurants as well as Healthcare Operators, Buffets, and Mass Feeders. Two BRT Pork Loin Roasts are packed in each box. The weight of each roast ranges from 9 to 13 lbs.
For more information, visit or call 800-383-3811.
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BRT Pork Ham Roasts Slice for a Classic, Homestyle Meal
BRT Pork Ham Roasts (Boned, Rolled and Tied) are cut from the rich and flavorful pork ham. Slice and serve for a tasty and lean country-style meal or slow roast for great barbecue pulled pork. Marinated for increased tenderness, each roast is boneless and 100% usable. CMA # 82440
Quantity 2 pieces
Size Avg. 9 to 13 lbs. per Roast
• CMA BRT Pork Ham Roasts are flavorful roasts from premium quality pork hams. Each roast is netted together for ease of handling. • Economical and tender, these roasts are perfect for Casual Restaurants, Healthcare Operators, Buffets and Mass Feeders. • 2 BRT Pork Ham Roasts are packed in each box. The average weight of each roast is 9 to 13 lbs.
For more information about our BRT Pork Hams, or any of our great tasting beef and pork items, please call 800-383-3811 or visit
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Rev. 2-1-09
Chicago Meat Authority Quality Back Ribs Take pride in knowing that you ’re serving the best Back Ribs on the market today. You and your customers will see and taste the difference immediately. Impressive Presentation
Tender and Tasty
Square cut Meat across all the bones Perfect color and texture
Always from the highest quality premium loins
Consistent Quality
Guaranteed 11 or more bones per slab Only full slabs, no make-weight pieces
Save Labor Costs Skin peeled
Predictable Portion Costs
Guaranteed number of slabs per case CMA # 82673 82623 82643 82663 82733 82734 82728
Easy to Handle and Cook
Individually sleeved slabs Cooking instructions with English and Spanish
Weight 1 25 & d 1.25 down 1.5 & down 1.75 & down 2.0 & down 2.25 & down 2.25 & down 2.25 & up
Slabs 23 slabs l b 21 slabs 18 slabs 16 slabs 14 slabs 5 slabs 12 slabs
Case Size 30 lb lb. case 30 lb. case 30 lb. case 30 lb. case 30 lb. case 10 lb. case 30 lb. case
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Rev. 2-1-09
Cooked and Sauced Pork Loin Back Ribs Just heat and eat, CMA Cooked and Sauced Pork Loin Back Ribs are the ultimate menu item. With the hard work of cooking and saucing already finished, just rewarm each slab and serve to your waiting customers. Combined with our unique tangy barbecue sauce, CMA Cooked and Sauced Pork Loin Back Ribs are an experience for the taste buds. CMA # 82669
Pack Style 5 slabs, individually vacuum packaged
Slab Weight 2 lbs. and down
These thick and meaty Cooked and Sauced Pork Loin Back Ribs provide excellent plate coverage, a lling and avorful meal. Covered in our unique barbecue sauce, these ribs are a de nite signature item for your menu. Individually vacuum packaged in retail packs for easy handling and ef cient use.
Easy for bowling alleys and smaller restaurants to reheat, exceptional taste for barbecue joints and nicer restaurants to serve. No matter the size of your kitchen, CMA Cooked and Sauced Pork Loin Back Ribs are the perfect item for your menu.
For more information on any of our great pork and beef items, call 800-383-3811 or visit
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Cooked and Unsauced Pork Loin Back Ribs
Have the perfect barbecue sauce that people will line up for, but nothing to use it on? These thick and meaty slabs are lightly topped with a basic seasoning, just waiting for your sauce to be added. Perfect for small kitchens, simply sauce and reheat for the ultimate rib dinner. When looking for premium tender ribs, look for Chicago Meat Authority!
CMA # 82668
Pack Style 10 slabs
Slab Weight 2 lbs. and down 1/4
• Use several different sauces to provide a plethora of rib options on your menu: Cajun, Oriental, TexMex, Smoky or Mesquite BBQ. • Save time, just reheat these ribs to create the ultimate dining experience. • Individually sleeved for ease of handling and efficient use. Chefs can thaw what is needed, while keeping the other slabs frozen.
For more information about our Cooked and Unsauced Pork Loin Back Ribs, or any of our other great beef and pork products, please call 800-383-3811 or visit
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Rev. 2-1-09
Chicago Meat Authority Quality St. Louis Style Ribs Chicago Meat Authority Premium St. Louis Style Pork Ribs are demanded by customers for a reason. Getting a consistently thick and meaty slab every time, your customers will surely revisit to enjoy a barbecue lover ’s dream.
Impressive Presentation Tender and Tasty
Always from the highest quality premium pork
Square cut Meat across all the bones Perfect color and texture
Consistent Quality
Guaranteed 11 or more bones per slab Only full slabs, no make-weight pieces
Save Labor Costs Expertly trimmed
Easy to Handle and Cook
Predictable Portion Costs
Individually sleeved slabs Cooking instructions with English and Spanish
Guaranteed number of slabs per case CMA # 82713 82753 82783 82754 82773 82777
Weight 1.75 & down 2.0 & down 2.25 & down 2.25 & down 2.5 & down 2.5 & up
Slabs 18 slabs 16 slabs 14 slabs 5 slabs 12 slabs 10 slabs
Case Size 30 lb. case 30 lb. case 30 lb. case 10 lb. case 30 lb. case 30 lb. case
Your AUTHORITY on Quality Meats
Rev. 10-1-09
Cooked and Sauced St. Louis Style Pork Ribs Help alleviate the stress on your kitchen staff by ordering CMA Cooked and Sauced St. Louis Style Ribs. Pre-cooked and pre-sauced, just reheat these ribs for a tasty meal. Slow roasted with our special seasonings and flavor-intensifying blend of barbecue sauce, your customers will be craving their next visit to your restaurant. With baked beans or corn-on-the-cob as a side dish, these CMA Cooked and Sauced St. Louis Style Pork Ribs are an amazing meal. Each slab is individually vacuum packaged for long shelf life and easy handling. CMA # 82759
Quantity 5 slabs per box
Size 32 oz. retail ready
• Cooked in the bag to ensure tenderness with our proprietary rub and specially blended barbecue sauce for irresistible flavor. • Thick and meaty, with fall-off-the-bone tenderness. • Each slab is individually vacuum packaged, with complete product and nutritional information on each label.
For more information on our Cooked & Sauced Pork Ribs or any of our great pork and beef products, please call 800-383-3811 or visit
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Rev. 2-1-09
Country Style Pork Loin Ribs Experience Experience the the flavor flavor of of back back ribs, ribs, without without the the price price
From the “prime rib” end of the pork loin, our Country Style Pork Loin Ribs have all the flavor of back ribs without the price. After slow cooking these ribs, you’ll have a versatile option for buffets, lunch specials or dinner entrees. With portions from 4 to 7 ounces, these thick and meaty ribs offer excellent plate coverage and presentation. They taste even better when topped with country gravy or barbecue sauce.
CMA # 82813
Portion Size 4 - 7 oz.
Box Weight 10 lbs., even weight
• Thick and meaty, cut from the “prime rib” end of tender, premium quality pork loins. • Amazing when slow cooked, with a taste that is accentuated with country gravy or barbecue sauce. • IQF and packaged in 10 lb. boxes for ease of handling and efficient use.
For more information about our Country Style Pork Loin Ribs, or any of our great beef and pork items, please call 800-383-3811 or visit
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Rev. 2-1-09
Pork Brisket Bones A Meaty Alternative to Ribs A Meaty Alternative to Ribs
Are you needing to stimulate your appetizer sales? Are you looking for a low-cost alternative to your Pork Rib dinner? Our Chicago Meat Authority Pork Brisket Bones are an excellent source for offering a Bucket of Rib Tips or an All-You-Can-Eat Rib Tip Dinner on your menu. CMA # 82793
Quantity 30 lbs., catch weight
• Wide and meaty, CMA Brisket Bones make a flavorful appetizer or a satisfying dinner entree. • Exceptionally Packaged. Individually layered in a 30 lb. catch weight case for ease of handling and efficient use. • CMA Brisket Bones are always hand-cut from premium quality pork spare ribs, ensuring consistent, top quality Rib Tips.
For more information about our Pork Brisket Bones, or any of our great tasting beef and pork items, please call 800-383-3811 or visit
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Rev. 2-1-09
Pork Feather Bones Tasty Riblettes to Start Off Any Meal
CMA Pork Feather Bones are meaty portions of tender pork, perfect for buffets, all-you-can-eat specials, and appetizer baskets. Slow cook and smother in barbecue sauce for a Riblette Basket or a Bucket of Rib Tips. CMA Pork Feather Bones are just the way to add the taste of Baby Back Ribs to your menu, without the price. CMA #
Pack Style
10 lb. case
Layer Packed
Cut from the pork loin, feather bones are a popular appetizer in many chain restaurants. To draw in crowds for the big game, offer an "All-You-Can-Eat Barbecue Riblette Night" for $9.99. Each 10 lb case of Feather Bones is layer packed for ease of handling for efficient use.
For more information about our great pork and beef products, please call 800-383-3811 or visit
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Rev. 2-1-09
Riblettes / Scribe Bones Perfect for for Rib Rib Tips Tips in in aa Bucket Bucket Perfect
Looking for a great starting appetizer to add to your menus? Want to add all-you-can-eat rib tips to your menu? Blue Plate Pork Loin Riblettes, also known as Scribe Bones, are just the way to add the taste of back ribs to your menu without the price. Slow cook and smother these Riblettes in barbecue sauce for “Rib Tips in a Bucket” or “Riblettes in a Basket” appetizers. For the big games, charge $9.99 for all-you-can-eat riblette night to score a definite crowd winner. Individually quick frozen and packaged in 10-lb. boxes, these Blue Plate Pork Loin Riblettes can be used efficiently and effortlessly. CMA # 81113
Description Pork Loin Riblettes (Scribe Boness)
Pack Style 10 lb. case
Affordable. The great taste of back ribs without the price.
Easy to handle. Individually quick frozen and packed in 10 lb. boxes.
Easy to cook. Just slow cook in moisture and smother in barbecue sauce.
Versatile. Whether an appetizer or the main course, Riblettes are sure to be a crowd favorite.
For more information about our Blue Plate Pork Loin Riblettes, or any of our fantastic pork and beef items, please contact 800-383-3811 or visit
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Flat Style Pork Cutlets Versatile: Deep fry, bake, or grill
CMA Flat Style Pork Cutlets are lean, tender, and usable in several different applications. Use as an inexpensive pork chop, bread and fry for a pork tenderloin sandwich, or serve as a pork cutlet dinner with mashed potatoes and gravy. CMA # 83439 83453 83433 83463
Portion Size 3.2 oz. 4 oz. 5 oz. 6 oz.
Portion Count Appx. 50 Appx. 40 Appx. 32 Appx. 26
Case Weight 10 lb. case 10 lb. case 10 lb. case 10 lb. case
Grill, fry or bake these versatile products for many different uses.
CMA Flat Style Pork Cutlets are whole-muscle products that will not curl up or break apart while cooking. Each cutlet is individually quick frozen to lock in freshness and for ease of handling.
For more information about any of our fine beef or pork products, please visit or call 800-383-3811.
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Rev. 2-1-09
Southern Style Pork Cutlets Wake Wake up up to to the the great great flavor flavor
Looking to add a breakfast sandwich to your menu? CMA Southern Style Pork Cutlets are lightly battered, making them perfect for any biscuit or muffin breakfast sandwich.
CMA # 83470 83472
Portion Size 3.2 oz. 4 oz.
Pack Style 10 lb. case 10 lb. case
• Wake up your customers to a great tasting breakfast sandwich using CMA Southern Style Pork Cutlets. Each cutlet cooks quickly and evenly, whether pan-fried or grilled on a flat-top. Each bite will be tender and flavorful. • These cutlets can be used all day, from sandwiches with tomato and lettuce to dinners with cheesy macaroni. Grill each cutlet for a healthy meal or deep-fry for “Southern Style Pork Tenderloin Sandwiches.” • CMA Southern Style Pork Cutlets are IQF and layer packed in a 10 lb. box for easy handling and efficient use.
For more information about our Southern Style Pork Cutlets, or any of our great tasting beef and pork items, please call 800-383-3811 or visit
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Rev. 2-1-09
Flaked and Formed Pork Cutlets Designed for healthcare, CMA Flaked and Formed Pork Cutlets are a tender pork menu option with a "steak-like" bite. Always consistently sized, these cutlets are easily prepared and won't fall apart when cooking. CMA #
Pack Style
91033 91040
3 oz. Flaked and Formed Pork Cutlets 4 oz. Flaked and Formed Pork Cutlets
10 lb. case 10 lb. case
• CMA Flaked and Formed Pork Cutlets are 80% lean with no added salt, ideal for any healthcare operator. • These Mechanical soft cutlets are perfect for healthcare operators, buffets, mass feeders, and educational facilities. • CMA Flaked and Formed Pork Cutlets are IQF and layer-packed in 10 lb. boxes for ease of handling.
For more information about our Southern Style Pork Cutlets, or any of our great tasting beef and pork items, please call 800-383-3811 or visit
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Rev. 2-1-09
Delicious Diced Pork Premium Hand Cut Diced Pork CMA Premium Hand Cut Diced Pork is top-quality, perfect for high end dishes. Your recipes will surely please, with the great taste and authentic look of each cube. This premium product works wonderfully in recipes such as Spicy Pork Chili, Ginger Stir Fry, and Oriental Pork Soup. CMA# Description 83853 1” Hand Cut Diced Pork, IQF
Pack Style 2 - 5 lb. bags
Deluxe Diced Pork A cost-effective and healthier alternative to diced beef, CMA Deluxe Diced Pork can be used in many different menu applications. Braise and slow cook for soups and stews. Slow cook and pull apart for pulled pork. CMA# Description 83813 1” Deluxe Diced Pork, IQF
Pack Style 2 - 5 lb. bags
Formed Diced Pork Featuring a soft bite and tender taste, CMA Formed Diced Pork is a quick-cooking, 90% lean diced pork. Works great for chilis, soups, or stews. With a low fat content, this diced pork is perfect for healthcare operators as well as restaurants. CMA# 83803
Description 3/4” Formed Diced Pork, IQF
Pack Style 2 - 5 lb. bags
For more information any CMA Diced Pork Products, or any other great pork and beef items, please call 800-383-3811 or visit
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Rev. 2-1-09
Ground Pork
A Lean Substitute for Ground Beef
CMA Ground Pork is a delicious lean substiute for ground beef in any application. Lean and consistent, your customers will appreciate the increased quality in their favorite menu items.
4 - 5 lb. vacuum packages
20 lb. box
Ground twice to provide superior consistancy and texture. Use for meatballs, meatloaf, tacos, stuffings, spaghetti, chilis or many other recipes. Each 20 lb. box contains four vacuum sealed bags for ease of handling and locked in freshness. For more information, visit or call 800-383-3811.
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Rev. 2-1-09
Chicago Meat Authority - Beef -
Premium Beef Short Ribs Exquisite taste for any restaurant
CMA Premium Beef Short Ribs are ideal for any restaurant wanting to provide an exquisite meal for their customers. For a home-style meal, slow cook in gravy with black eyed peas, rice, and collard greens. Looking to add an eclectic flair to your menu instead? Braise the short ribs with wine and serve with pasta. CMA #
Case Weight
8 oz. Premium Beef Short Ribs, IWP
10 lb. case
Every CMA Premium Beef Short Rib is supremely marbled. Your customers will savor the rich flavor in each and every bite. We hand select our short ribs to ensure they are thick and meaty across all three bones. CMA Premium Beef Short Ribs are individually wrapped in poly to ensure ease of handling and efficient use. For more information about CMA Premium Beef Short Ribs or any of our other great tasting beef and pork products, please contact: 800-383-3811
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Rev. 2-1-09
USDA Choice Beef Ranch Steaks A Cut Above the BreastTM
With support from the National Cattleman’s Beef Association, Chicago Meat Authority has created the healthy and economical USDA Choice Beef Ranch Steak. Consistently sized and marinated to ensure tenderness, these tasty Ranch Steaks are great for a steak and eggs breakfast, a lunch-time steak sandwich or a value-priced main course dinner. CMA # 76053 76058
Size 4 oz. 6 oz.
Portion Count Appx. 60 Appx. 40
• From USDA Choice grain-fed beef, CMA USDA Choice Beef Ranch Steaks are perfect for an inexpensive steak with a great taste. • Usable for numerous breakfast, lunch and dinner menu items. • IQF and layer packed in 15 lb. boxes for ease of handling.
For more information about our USDA Choice Beef Ranch Steaks, or any of our great pork and beef items, please call 800-383-3811 or visit
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Rev. 2-1-09
Beef Ranch Steak Strips Juicy and Flavorful USDA Choice Strips
Are you looking to enhance your lunch menu while saving time and labor? Chicago Meat Authority Beef Ranch Steak Strips are just what you are looking for. Cut from lean USDA Choice beef, this is the perfect steak strip for stir fry, salads, and wraps. CMA # 76303
Quantity 3 - 5 lb. bags per case
Size Appx. 3” x 1/2” x 1/2”
• CMA Beef Ranch Steak Strips are cut from USDA Choice grain-fed beef. • These strips are lean, consistent, and marinated to ensure tenderness. • CMA Beef Ranch Steak Strips are pre-cut and individually quick frozen for ease of handling and efficient use.
For more information about our Beef Ranch Steak Strips, or any of our fine beef and pork items, please call 800-383-3811 or visit
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Rev. 2-1-09
Delectable Diced Beef Premium Hand Cut Diced Beef Looking for an authentic made-from-scratch appearance and great taste from your diced beef? Look no further than CMA Premium Hand Cut Diced Beef, perfect for Tipsover-Noodles and Beef Stroganoff. CMA # Description 75043 1” Hand Cut Diced Beef, IQF
Pack Style 2 - 5 lb. bags
Deluxe Diced Beef Add flavor to your soups, stews, and chili with versatile CMA Deluxe Diced Beef. If you need to balance a need for quality with a great price, this is the perfect diced beef for you. CMA # Description 75033 1” Deluxe Diced Beef, IQF
Pack Style 2 - 5 lb. bags
Stew Ready Diced Beef Slow cook CMA Stew Ready Diced Beef for the best economical diced beef on the market. Tender, rich and flavorful, these cubes are great for your slow cook applications such assoups and stews. CMA # Description 75053 1” Stew Ready Diced Beef, IQF
Pack Style 4 - 5 lb. bags
Formed Diced Beef and Strips CMA Formed Diced Beef and Strips can be quick-cooked in many recipes. Perfect for healthcare and diners, every bite will be lean and tender. Great for tasty wraps, stews, soups and chili. CMA # Description Pack Style 75038 1” Formed Diced Beef, IQF 2 - 5 lb. bags 75048 1/2”x1/2”x3” Formed Diced Beef Strips, IQF 2 - 5 lb. bags
For more information any CMA Diced Products, or any other great pork and beef items, please call 800-383-3811 or visit
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Rev. 6-1-09
Cubed Beef Steaks
Perfect for the home style meal Chicago Meat Authority Cubed Beef Steaks are perfect for many recipes, including Swiss and Salisbury Steaks. Best when slow-cooked in moisture, CMA Cubed Beef Steaks are the perfect centerpiece for any home style meal.
CMA # 73523 73543 73563 73583
Portion Size 4 oz. 5.3 oz. 6 oz. 8 oz.
Quantity Appx. 40 per case Appx. 32 per case Appx. 26 per case Appx. 20 per case
Box Size 10 lb. case 10 lb. case 10 lb. case 10 lb. case
CMA Cubed Beef Steaks are very tender when slow-cooked in moisture. Top with gravy and serve with mashed potatoes for a hearty meal. Always from premium-quality beef, these Cubed Beef Steaks are constructed from a single muscle and will stay intact while cooking. Each 10 lb. box of individually quick frozen cubed beef steaks are layer packed for ease of handling and efficient use.
For more information on our Cubed Beef Steaks or any of our great pork and beef products, visit or call 800-383-3811.
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Rev. 2-1-09
Flaked and Formed Beef Cubed Steaks Designed for healthcare, CMA Flaked and Formed Beef Cubed Steaks are a tender and economical option for Swiss or Salisbury Steak. Easy to cut and chew, portions can be enjoyed by all clientele. Serve with mashed potatoes and gravy for a great homestyle meal. CMA #
Pack Style
98023 98028 98030 98032
4 oz. Flaked and Formed Beef Cubed Steaks 5.3 oz. Flaked and Formed Beef Cubed Steaks 6 oz. Flaked and Formed Beef Cubed Steaks 8 oz. Flaked and Formed Beef Cubed Steaks
10 lb. case 10 lb. case 10 lb. case 10 lb. case
• CMA Flaked and Formed Beef Cubed Steaks are 80% lean and tasty, with and always tender, steak-like bite and no added salt. • These mechanical soft cubed steaks are perfect for healthcare operators, buffets, mass feeders, and educational facilities. • CMA Flaked and Formed Beef Cubed Steaks are IQF and layer packed in 10 lb. cases for ease of handling.
For more information on our Flaked and Formed Beef Cubed Steaks or any of our great pork and beef products, visit or call 800-383-3811.
Your AUTHORITY on Quality Meats
Rev. 2-1-09