Michael Sugondo | Architecture Portfolio 2018

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Michael Sugondo Architectural Portofolio 2014-2018 Undergraduate Student Parahyangan Catholic University

Hi !

CONTENT Resume............................................................. 3 Studio Project(s)................................................ 5 Competition(s)................................................. 45 Other Project(s)................................................ 65 Project +.......................................................... 76


P:+62 857 7791 3374 E : sugondodo@gmail.com A : Jl.Kemandoran VI no. 9/11 Kebayoran Lama Jakarta Selatan 12210 Indonesia coroflot.com/michaelsugondo issuu.com/michaelsugondo 2

Michael Sugondo

2014 - 2017 Parahyangan Catholic University Bachelor of Architecture current GPA 3.51 Bandung, Indonesia 2011-2014 SMA Regina Pacis Jakarta Senior High School Jakarta, Indonesia 2008-2011 SMP Regina Pacis Jakarta Junior High School Jakarta, Indonesia 2002-2008 SD Santo Lukas Elementary School Jakarta, Indonesia SD Regina Pacis Jakarta Elementary School

2016-2017 Head of Concept Division Bhakti Ganva 2017 Head of Decoration Division SAA Award Chief of Open House Arsitektur Hijau 2016 Chief of Ayo Menjelajah! Arsitektur Hijau 2016 Decoration Division Festival Arsitektur Parahyangan 2016 Decoration Division Malam Penghargaan Unpar 2016 Design Division Bhakti Ganva 2016 Concept Division Ekspedisi Wana 2016 Treasurer Ngabdi nangkasuni 2016 2015-2016 Community Service Division Parahyangan Architecture Student Council Arsitektur Hijau parahyangan Architecture Student Council




2015 Nominee SPA 3 Awards Bandung, Indonesia 2016 2nd Prize Archevent 2016 Solo, Indonesia 2017 3rd Prize WEX UGM 2017 Yogyakarta, Indonesia 2018 Top 5 Action Udayana 2018 Bali, Indonesia




March Tantiklam Architects -May Full Time Internship 2018 Bandung, Indonesia

June Han Awal & Partners Architect - August Full Time Internship 2017 Jakarta, Indonesia

HONORS 2017 2018

Outstanding Student Parahyangan Catholic University Outstanding Student Parahyangan Catholic University


Collaboration Project NUS X Unpar Nyengseret Development Project Bandung, Indonesia & Singapore



Language Bahasa Indonesia Native English Fluent Software Modelling : Sketchup, AutoCAD, Archicad Rendering & Panelling : Vray, Lumion, Artlantis, Photoshop, Lightroom, Indesign Office : Microsoft Office

Michael Sugondo


Bandung Culinary Center Final Studio Project Parahyangan Catholic University 2017 Location : Jalan Peta, Bandung, Indonesia

Passen Hotel

6th Studio Project Parahyangan Catholic University 2017 Location : Jalan Braga, Bandung, Indonesia

Chakrabuwana Airport 65h Studio Project Parahyangan Catholic University 2016 Location : Cirebon, Indonesia

Inter(active) Daycare 45h Studio Project Parahyangan Catholic University 2016 Location : Ciumbuleuit, Bandung, Indonesia



Michael Sugondo

studio project(s)

Michael Sugondo


SP-01 Bandung Culinary Center Final Studio Project Parahyangan Catholic University 2017 Location : Jalan Peta, Bandung, Indonesia

Human Eye Perspective Bandung is selected as one of the culinary destination in Indonesia by Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy. Preservation and development of Indonesian traditional food is a challange for new generation to face. Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy make serious effort to push Indonesian gastronomy , therefore Bandung culinary center is required to respond all the challenges and potential. The site is located in Jl.Peta, right across Tegalega Park. In the masterplan development for Tegalega Park there will be a twin tower built right in front of the site as the new symbol of that district.


Michael Sugondo





Bandung Culinary Centre


Studio Project(s)










Zoning Mass Transformation LIK B U ThePsite was divided into two zone, north and south zone. North zone Building mass is divided into three spaces with rectangle shape, LIK therefore the space become very effective and efficient. The mass become a private area and the south zone become a public Barea. U P North zone is once again divided into two , which divide EMI cafe and which located in the center of the building was raised to create buildS foodcourt area, so the cafe can open by itself, without distrubing ing accent and also a guide for the main entrance of a building. Cafe T foodcourt open hours. The space between the building IisVAtranform building was loweredIVtoATprovide the mass behind it to have a nice R PR and also creating a set back between pedestriIK park, into a connector between the building. The serviceKareaPis concentrat- view to tegalega L B I L ed in north and west zone. an to thePU building. PUB BLIK U P I Michael Sugondo 7 SEM

Perspective Sections

Siteplan Tropical Architecture

This building is maximizing natural sunlight and also natural ventilation. Therefore, the ratio of opening in this building is quite high. Because the building is quite large, it need a void from the roof to ground level for bringing in the natural light , and also creating a stack effect for preventing heat in the building.

Having Meal in the Terrace

The space inside the building is fully penetrated by natural sunlight. There are no fixed boundaries between outside and inside space. The dining experience natural sunlight, natural ventilation and the interior layout is flexible without walls.



Michael Sugondo

Studio Project(s)

Bandung Culinary Centre

Space Connectivity

Each room have a connection to another room or even another level of building. This concept can be achieved by creating a lot of void for connection between level, so visitors become curious about another level.

Pedestrian Oriented Design

This concept is made because of the location of the site, which right in front of Tegalega Park, causing a considerable amount of pedestrian every day. Therefore, in this design, car drop off and also the parking space are concentrated in semi basement and basement level. Creating minimal space taken in ground level for cars, and more approachable and friendly to pedestrian

Flexible Lanscape

Landscape area can be use for dining experience, food bazzar, music shows and more public activities. In the right time, this area can be used for accomodating culinary festival in Bandung.

Michael Sugondo


East Elevation

Block Plan 10

Michael Sugondo

Studio Project(s)

Bandung Culinary Centre

South Elevation

Old and New

Culinary is not a thing that suddenly appear in the middle of human civilization, culinary always develop from the very start until now. The building is using two main material for the facade which are exposed brick and also exposed concrete. These two material was chosen because it represent the old and new context in architecture. These two material are connected with the white material between the two building as a connector.

Core and Rigid Frame

The strructure system that effective enough for five storey building is rigid frame, meanwhile area around elevator and fire exit is covered with concrete wall that also functioning as core of the building.

Section Michael Sugondo



Michael Sugondo

Bandung Culinary Centre


Ground Level area main entrance is welcome by a receptionist desk under the stairs. The entrance area is right beside a pool that create water sound for enhancing the tropical vibes. The interior material is dominated by wood, concrete and also bricks, creating a rustic but modern look.

Michael Sugondo


Concentrated Service Area

Service area of the culinary activities are concentrated in the west and north side of the building. Service area is purely divided from public area and only meet in the food serving area. This configuration create a cleaner public area and also service activities become more effective and efficient.

Ground Level Plan


Michael Sugondo

Studio Project(s)

Bandung Culinary Centre


1st Level Plan

Public circulations in this building is concentrated in the midlle mass. Putting elevator for disabled, stairs and also wide corridor for public to use comfortably. From this area, a lot of void can be seen to increase guest curiousity to get up and up in the building.

Michael Sugondo


Dynamic Space

The food court area is created by combining different basic shapes in one room, from rectangle to circle. The room feels dynamic, there is a connection from one level to another, and the interior also enhancing people to try and eat in this place. The facade in this room using perforated steel, enhancing natural ventilation and sunlight

2nd Level Plan


Michael Sugondo

Studio Project(s)

Bandung Culinary Centre

Outdoor Dining Space

3rd Level Plan

Roof top area of the building is used for dining space. This dining space have a great view to Tegalega Park from above and directly seeing the twin tower of Tegalega from across.

Michael Sugondo


Dining with Endless View

The top restaurant dining area have a privilage to enjoy the view of Bandung City for almot 360o. The main material for the outside wall is laminated glass, to provide best view of the town while minimizing the sun heat into the room.

5th Level Plan


Michael Sugondo

Studio Project(s)

Bandung Culinary Centre

Semi Basement Plan

Michael Sugondo


SP-02 Passen Hotel

6th Studio Project Parahyangan Catholic University 2017 Location : Jalan Braga, Bandung, Indonesia


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Bird Eye Perspective Braga street is famous for its heritage building a long the way. It brings back memories and reminiscing the busy street of Bandung back in those days. Today the street become a tourism destination in Bandung City. All the buildings in this area have a strong art deco style that was popular back then. Pedestrian ways are very active both in day and night. People love to stroll around this area because of the warm athmosphere and human scale building. This hotel located in an urban pocket behind Braga street. Creating a modern building with a knowledge that respect the historical aspect of the area is the aim for this project.


Michael Sugondo

Building mass is responding to the site shape which located in specific case, urban pocket. Therefore, building was made with a basic shape that have a center and responding the site border which is rectangular. Building mass giving back orientation to four direction to creating back to back arragement in the area.

Studio Project(s)

Passen Hotel

Then, that massive building mass is divided into two dynamic mass, which have a park as the center. This configuration give a point of interest to the center part of the site. By dividing the building, it also increase building area that have a direct access to outdoor space.

Building mass that has the farthest distance from Jl.Braga is being raised to increase the intensity and creating a comfortable seeing distance from the building to Jalan Barag itself. The tower also orienting to Mount Tangkuban Perahu.

Building mass get east and west sunlight, thefore it needs shading from the second skin to cool down the room inside. Building mass that located nearest Jalan Braga was given the lowest height of all, so it will not be seen from Jalan Braga.

Michael Sugondo


Blockplan 1. Vehicle Entrance 2. Pedestrian Entrance 3. Service Lane 4. Vehicle Exit 5. Inner Court 6. Outdoor cafe 7. Pool

8. Rooftop Garden 9. Ramp 10. Podium 11. Hotel Tower 12. Existing Building 13. Electricity Room 14. Cikapundung River

Fit to Site

Fit to Context

Enhancing City for People

Urban Oasis

The site has its own special characteristic, which is known as urban pocket. The building adapt to this , by creating a building mass that have an orientation to the center space of the site as an anticipation of develpoment area around it.

Jalan Braga is known for its active pedestrian ways around the year. Answering that potential, the main entrance to the hotel is pedestrian friendly. And the space planning within the hotel is design with a concern to human scale proportions.


Michael Sugondo

Braga is a conservation area which is adapting to modern world. in the other hand, Braga is filled with memories and also a great place for reminiscing old memories of Bandung city. Therefore, the building mass is created in dynamic form to represent the spirit of an era.

Main problems in big city in Indonesia is deficiency of green open space around the city.Therefore,to answer the problem, this design maximizing green open space and growing trees in the site to increase the plants variations and also increasing biodiversity level in urban area. Urban oasis is also a magnet for public to come and experiencing a good and ideal open space within the city itself.

Studio Project(s)

Passen Hotel

Standard Room Plan

Section A-A’

Floor Plan

Ceiling Plan

Section B-B’

Typical Room With a View

Building mass is responding to the site shape which located in specific case, urban pocket. Therefore, building was made with a basic shape that have a center and responding the site border which is rectangular. Building mass giving back orientation to four direction to creating back to back arragement in the area.

Michael Sugondo



Michael Sugondo

Studio Project(s)

Passen Hotel

Urban Oasis

Creating a building mass that have an orientation to the center space of the site as an anticipation of develpoment area around it. This configuration produce a center space between the building that was filled with greenery and creating an inner court which is a new vista from the hotel. It also maximizing green open space and growing trees in the site to increase the plants variations and also increasing biodiversity level in urban area. Michael Sugondo


Ground Floor Plan

1st Floor Plan 26

Michael Sugondo

Studio Project(s)

Passen Hotel

2nd Floor Plan

3nd Floor Plan

Typical Floor Plan Michael Sugondo



Michael Sugondo

Studio Project(s)

Passen Hotel

Indoor Ourdoor Space

Creating a fluidity between indoor and outdoor space, enhancing tropical climate in Indonesia to create a unique hotel approach from drop off to lobby. Creating a different athmosphere than Jalan Braga, enhancing modernity.

Michael Sugondo


West Elevation

Section A-A’ 30

Michael Sugondo

Studio Project(s)

Passen Hotel

North Elevation

Section B-B’ Michael Sugondo


SP-03 Chakrabuwana Airport 65h Studio Project Parahyangan Catholic University 2016 Location : Cirebon, Indonesia

Bird Eye Perspective Cirebon is a city in west Java. This city needs a new domestic airport. Cirebon is known for its multicultural society. Cirebon is a transit city, original culture from Cirebon itself is not well defined. Cirebon culture has a lot of foreign influences. Nvertheless, Cirebon city shows us a beautiful and open minded city. This airport was designed to be the new icon of Cirebon city.This new airport has to represent the richness of culture from Chinese, Sundanese, Javanese, and also Muslim. Therefore, this airport take dragons as this airport methaphor. Dragons exist in a lot of culture, drom Chinese dragons, Javanese dragons and also muslim dragons. This airport use dragons scale to represent its roof.


Michael Sugondo

Studio Project(s)

Chakrabuwana Airport

The first mass is the departure building. As respond to the surrounding, the mass is located parallel to the road and surrounding masses. The long side of the mass doesn’t align with the road to create a longer time for pedestrian or drivers to recognize and saw this building.

The seccond mass located parallel to apron axis. This mass is smaller compared to the departured hall for giving the hierarchy to the departure building and also responding to the site shape that shrink in the midlle.

Then, there is a connecting mass between the other two masses. It was placed parallel to apron axis and have a high degree of openness, so it welcome people from both side.

Michael Sugondo


Bird Eye Perspective

Southeast Elevation 34

Michael Sugondo

Studio Project(s)

Chakrabuwana Airport

Legend : 1. Entrance 2. Exit 3. Apron 4. Runway 5. Jl. Jendral Sudirman 6. Departure Building 7. Arrival Building 8. Curb 9. Parking Building

Block plan

Michael Sugondo


Interior Perspective

Northwest Elevation 36

Michael Sugondo

Studio Project(s)

Chakrabuwana Airport

To seperate arrival dan departure area of the airport, the building mass is divided by two and being connected by the curb and transit lane.

This airport will serve around 350 passengers in the peak hour. Which divided into 140 people to depart, 140 people to arrive and 70 people to transit.

This building configuration makes it facing to ways. One to the street and the other to the apron. So, wheter the passengers come for either ways it is always welcome by the face of the building.

This airport equipped by 7 check in counter and 4 security check point ( 2 before check in counter and the other 2 before waiting room)

The structure of this building is using space frame for 28 meters span.

Michael Sugondo


SP-04 Inter(active) Daycare 45h Studio Project Parahyangan Catholic University 2016

Location : Ciumbuleuit, Bandung, Indonesia

Human Eye Perspective

Issue(s) Nowadays a lot of children don’t get enough attention from their parents, mainly because parents don’t have time for their children. As a shortcut, parents give their child too much technology. It affect the child to become unhappy, passive, antisocial, hard to focus and late to talk. Furthermore, the child won’t have any connections to the nature nor other people. Mission(s) This daycare design engaging the children to have more interaction with each other and being push to have an active lifestyle by making a connection between outside and inside of the building. The interaction can be done by watching, hearing, touching and even sensing.


Michael Sugondo

Studio Project(s)

Inter(active) Daycare

The first mass is parallel to both Ciumbuleuit street and Gunung Putri street. This mass respond the corner od the site. This configuration makes the building have two main facades that can be seen from both street

Then the first mass is being mirrored to the back side. Creating an inner court that is safe for toddlers and children to play from morning to afternoon. This configuration also increase the safety factor of the building.

After that, to respond to the corner, there is an axis straight ro the building corner, so the area that is along the way of the axis being substraced and creating an opening for entrance.

Michael Sugondo


Inter(act) Daycare is a daycare that engaging the user to have a lot of interaction with other people, with the environment, surroundings and also culture. This daycare also have a strong connection between outside and inside of the building. But nevertheless, this daycare priorities children security as its first concern. The plan is making a rectangle with a courtyard as the center. This configuration will make the children easier being watch by the nannies. So, the daycare will be safer for children. The material that mainly used for this daycare is bamboo and concrete. bamboo is being used to introduced kids to nature. Concrete is being used for practical reasons.

Diagramatic Section


Model 40

Michael Sugondo

Studio Project(s)

Inter(active) Daycare

West Elevation

South Elevation

Inner Court Perspective

Lobby Perspective Michael Sugondo


Walungan Balarea

2nd Prize Archevent Sebelas Maret University 2016 Team : Eric Auvino Kelvin Cinev

Location : Cikapundung Riverside, Bandung, Indonesia

Rajakaya Parahyangan

3rd Prize Wiswakharman Expo Gadjah Mada University 2017 Team : Bernardus Rosario Kelvin Cinev

Location : Jl. Alun-Alun Timur, Bandung, Indonesia

K.a.m.I. Beach Club Top 5 (In Judging Process) Action Udayana Udayana University 2018 Team : Hervin Odhiwira Kelvin Cinev Location : Tanjung Benoa, Bali, Indonesia


Michael Sugondo


Michael Sugondo


CO-01 Walungan Balarea

2nd Prize Archevent Sebelas Maret University 2016 Team : Eric Auvino Kelvin Cinev

Location : Cikapundung Riverside, Bandung, Indonesia

Bird Eye Perspective ‘Walungan Balarea’ means people’s river that functioning as a new catalyst of the area to change people’s mindset that using river as their disposal area into river as development focus. This design try to expanding Bandung city focus especially in Braga not only on the main road but also into Cikapundung river that located behind the building. This design provide green spaces for the society and also try to develop the society through education and culture. Last but not least, the community is a crucial part of the design sustainability.


Michael Sugondo


Walungan Balarea

This site development is prioritize the free flow in ground level, so people can enjoy river and land space without barrier. All the ground floor area are stilt so the ground floor of the building engaging people to come and creating an inteactive space between outdoor and indoor area.

The mass is concentrated along the river to create a connection between indoor and river feels. The river also have a role as connector between the two different lands. Phytoremeditation is being used for filtering the river from unwanted trash and chemical by planting plants on the water and let the root develop bacteria that can desolve unwanted chemical and trap the garbage inside Michael Sugondo



Legend : A. Entrance ‘Gapura’ B. ‘Ngariung’ Plaza C. Green Space D. Dance Hall E. ‘Omah Ngariung’ F. Mini Library G. Fish Pond H. Amphitheater


Michael Sugondo

I. ‘Angkringan’ Plaza J. Water Pond K. Urban Farming L. Children Playground M. Bridge N. River Stairs O. Sidewalk P. River Filtering


Walungan Balarea

Ourdoor Space


Performing Arts Michael Sugondo


Tropical Architecture Buildings are design with material that breathable. Therefore decreasing the heat inside a building, but also available for light to penetrate. Elevated Floors The main floors of the building is elevated from the soil, to increase land ability to absorb water to the eath.


Michael Sugondo


Walungan Balarea

Social Space

Plaza “Angkringan�

Library Michael Sugondo


CO-02 Rajakaya Parahyangan

3rd Prize Wiswakharman Expo Gadjah Mada University 2017 Team : Bernardus Rosario Kelvin Cinev

Location : Jl. Alun-Alun Timur, Bandung, Indonesia

Human Eye Perspective ‘Rajakaya Parahyangan’ means Bandung’s richness. This Cultural Information Center is answering the issue that happens in our society right now, which culture can only be enjoyed by some people. This cultural center try to make a culture for all which engaging all types of people from kids, adults, elderly, disabled, homeless, and tourist.


Michael Sugondo


Rajakaya Parahyangan

First, a rectangular form was pushed into three different layer of functions. This mass include 2 floors and one semi basement. This semi basement was created to five a experience that remind us about Bandung city under the water.

Next, the levels are split into several parts. Creating a more dynamic space and also increasing interaction between space. Then, mass is covered with a massive roof as the identity of Nusantara architecture. This roof also draws attentions to the building.

Last, the roof was streched a long the way to respond the linearity of the road. The top part is cut to create a space for the skylight and inserting modern influence to the roof.

Michael Sugondo



Michael Sugondo


Rajakaya Parahyangan

Main Entrance


Sunken Auditorium Michael Sugondo


Bird Eye Perspevtive 54

Michael Sugondo


Rajakaya Parahyangan

Section Perspective

Semi Basement Plan 1.Ramp & Stairs 2.Toilet & Janitor Room 3.Auditorium 4.Stage 5.Backstage

First Floor Plan 6.Entrance 7.Children Area 8.Information Center

Second Floor Plan 9.Gallery Foyer 10.Gallery 11. Outdoor Gallery

Reviving Traditional House Spirit The dominant roof is creating a social awareness about local architecture from Bandung to the society. Around the area there are a lot of colonial building that being preserved from Dutch Era, but none of traditional architecture can be seen. So, creating such a contrast can be a trick to attract people to come and learn more about Sundanese culture.

Michael Sugondo


Focus On Future Generation There are more than 2000 homeless kids in Bandung. And a lot of them didn’t have any chance to get a proper education. This building giving a space for them to be educated by their own culture such as traditional music and dance. The cultural education can transform them into a cultural artist which can provide them a job within 10 until 15 years as a cultural educator.


Michael Sugondo


Rajakaya Parahyangan

Sunken Auditorium


Information Center Michael Sugondo


CO-03 K.a.m.I. Beach Club Top 5 (In Judging Process) Action Udayana Udayana University 2018 Team : Hervin Odhiwira Kelvin Cinev Location : Tanjung Benoa, Bali, Indonesia

Bird Eye Perspective Bali is a place that have a strong cultural influence in every life, and being showed in their architecture as well. Bali architecture is the prima donna that being used as a style to designing resort all over the world. Bali architecture influence the world, but Bali itself losing its culture. This thing happened because of huge development of minalist architecture. Beside that, the development of modern architecture cannot be left behind. Modern architecture have to develop in harmony with Bali Architecture.Therefore this design is combining the beauty and philosophy of Bali traditional architecture with modern architecture. 58

Michael Sugondo


K.a.m.I. Beach Club

Sangga Mandala & Tri Angga

Sangga Mandala using three different axis which is tri loka axis, ritual axis and also natural axis. In Tri Angga there is a zone allocation in designing traditional bali architecture which divided into utama, madya and also nista.

Harmony with Environtment

This design creating a connection between nature and also human being. We create a fluid interior and exterior space with minimizing the use of massive walls. Material that baing used in this project also comonly used in Bali which are thatch, exposed bricks, bamboo, coconut wood, teak wood and also stone.

Michael Sugondo


Site : Jl.Pratama no.168,Benoa,Kuta Selatan, Badung, Bali BCR : 4657 m2 1. Entrance 2. Exit 3. Parking area 4. Drop off 5. Receptionis 6. Toilet & Service area 7. Bac Office 8. Souvenir Shops 9. Toilet 10. Storage

11. Employee Locker Room 12. Kitchen 13. Shower Room 15. Restaurant 16. Relax Area 17.Outdoor Corridor 18. Resort Room 19. Private Park 20. Park


Michael Sugondo

21. Resort Pool 22. Pura 23. Cabana 24. Live Music Area 25. Sunbathing Area / Knock Down Stage 26. Shallow Pool 27.Underwater Bar 28. Tanning area 29. Service Area


K.a.m.I. Beach Club

Main Entrance


Sunken Auditorium Michael Sugondo


Fluidity in Context This design is using rectangular form to respond the surroundings area. The building which creating an u shape is also the implementations of big and massive walls that giving privacy and also keep away evil spirit from the beach club. Landscape area in the middle of the buildings is using a different form than the surroundings. This creates a more fluid and interesting space, also creating contrast between the landscape and the buildings.

Humble Architecture Buildings inside this complex is using rectangle form as the base. The roof shape is using the most common looking roof in Bali. The height of the building is following the functions, and keep as low as possible. Buildings in live music area and pool bar are made with different shapes and height to create a hierarchy of the complex, to create a different sense of place.


Michael Sugondo


K.a.m.I. Beach Club

Main Entrance


Sunken Auditorium Michael Sugondo


Apartemen Rakyat Nyengseret

Internship Program Han Awal & Partners

Collaborative project with 3rd and 4th Architecture Students UNPAR x NUS 2016 Professor(s)

: Dr. Tan Beng Kiang (NUS) Prof. Fung John Chye (NUS) Dr. Yasmin Suriansyah (UNPAR) Dimas Hartawan ST., MT. (UNPAR)

Jl. Palem Puri No. 7 RT 003/006, Serua Poncol Sawah Baru, Bintaro Sektor IX, Sawah Lama, Ciputat, Tangerang, Banten 15413 June 2017 - August 2017

Internship Program Tan Tik Lam Architects

Jl. Gempol no. 113, Bandung, Indonesia March 2018 - May 2018

Location : Kampung Nyengseret, Bandung, Indonesia

Bhakti Ganva 2017 Community Service HMPSARS x HMPSTS 2017 Parahyangan Catholic University 2017 Status : Built Location : Kampung Pasirpari, Soreang, Indonesia

Ekspedisi Wana

Expedition Arsitektur Hijau Parahyangan Catholic University 2016 Role : Research Team Location : Kampung Wana Posangke, Poso, Sulawesi Tengah


Michael Sugondo

other project(s)

Michael Sugondo


OP-01 Apartemen Rakyat Nyengseret

Collaborative project with 3rd and 4th Architecture Students UNPAR x NUS 2016 Professor(s)

: Dr. Tan Beng Kiang (NUS) Prof. Fung John Chye (NUS) Dr. Yasmin Suriansyah (UNPAR) Dimas Hartawan ST., MT. (UNPAR)

Location : Kampung Nyengseret, Bandung, Indonesia

Presentation to Nyengseret residents This project is a collaboration between National Univeristy of Singapore and Parahyangan Catholic University in Bandung. This project focus is in housing. Nyengseret is the site that we have to design. Right now, nyengseret is a slum area in Bandung city, which not all the houses have access to their own toilet. This project has been supported by Bandung Mayor(2016) which is Ridwan Kamil. This project stays at proposal stage. National Univerisy of Singapore student design the masterplan and buildings. Parahyangan Catholic University have to design the space between the buildings and also presenting the works to Ridwan Kamil and also the residents of Nyengseret.


Michael Sugondo

Other Project(s)

Apartemen Rakyat Nyengseret

Michael Sugondo


NYENGSERET MARKET STREET This street will switch function between day and night. Drom dawn to noon the street will be use for market purpose. Then from noon to dawn the street will be use for night culinary purpose. The market sellers which located under this shelters are sellers with lower income, so they cannot afford to buy or rent a space inside the market building. This street is always active through day and night so the security aspect of the street will be better than street that only active at certain times. This street use paving blocks material so the ground still absorbing some water. There are also vines on the shelter to integrate the shelter into the nature.


Michael Sugondo

Other Project(s)

Traditional Market in the morning

Apartemen Rakyat Nyengseret

Culinary Street at night

Rainwater Harvesting System Michael Sugondo


OP-02 Bhakti Ganva 2017 Community Service HMPSARS x HMPSTS 2017 Parahyangan Catholic University 2017 Status : Built Location : Kampung Pasirpari, Soreang, Indonesia

Human Perspective Bhakti Ganva is a sommunity service program that build a building with different function each year in any village in needs. This year, Bhakti Ganva using participatory methods to know the village better, from history, village development, village dreams, and also village economcs rate. Through three months of activities with the villagers, we know that they need a kindergarten for their kids, because they don’t have a kindergarten building, all this time, kids are attending the kindergarten in one of the villagers house. The building finally finished and start operating from August 2017.


Michael Sugondo

Other Project(s)

Bhakti Ganva 2017

Participatory Methods

Bhakti Ganva comittee came visit this village several times to do some mapping for the village. The mapping varies from histroy mapping, geographic mapping, economic mapping and also the villagers dream of the village. This methods are under supervisions of ASF Indonesia.


Participatory methods resulting in having deep informations about the village. In one year period, research team made a few things for the village, from village timeline progress for the next 10 years, infographics to share the village conditions to Unpar students and also a book to combine all the informations for the village itself. Michael Sugondo


OP-03 Ekspedisi Wana

Expedition Arsitektur Hijau Parahyangan Catholic University 2016 Role : Research Team Location : Kampung Wana Posangke, Poso, Sulawesi Tengah

Bird Eye Perspective Wana Posangke is a village in Poso, Sulawesi tengah. Not a lot of person knows this village. This village located quite far from Poso City, the transportation to this village is not easy. We have to rent cars to get to the nearest village, after that, we have to walk by foot around 3 hours to reach the nearest village. The village is scattered in few locations, we ended going to two different locations which are the village near the river and a village on the hill. Some villagers are nomads, so they didn’t stay at one house for a long time, they move according to the plants cycle.


Michael Sugondo

Other Project(s)

Ekspedisi Wana


Pattern of Living

Their house is really simple, only consist of one big plan which only People in Wana Posangke are nomaden, they don’t stay at one place using floor elevation to divide their room. Material of the building are for a long time. They moving their house according to field and farm mainly local woods and also bamboo. They didin’t have toilet inside harvest time. or outside the house. They have two types of house, one is called Lipu which they stay in Lipu for quite a long time, and the other named Navu which they only stay for one period of harvest time. Michael Sugondo


OP-04 Internship Program Han Awal & Partners

Jl. Palem Puri No. 7 RT 003/006, Serua Poncol Sawah Baru, Bintaro Sektor IX, Sawah Lama, Ciputat, Tangerang, Banten 15413 June 2017 - August 2017

Koridor Gelora Bung Karno 3D modelling Visualization (Video and Pictures) Design Development

China Expo Visualization

Villa Belitung Design Proposal Visualization (Pictures)


Michael Sugondo

Other Project(s)

OP-05 Internship Program Tan Tik Lam Architects

Jl. Gempol no. 113, Bandung, Indonesia March 2018 - May 2018

Housing Projects 3D modelling Detail Drawing(s) Design Alternative

Intersnship Program

Michael Sugondo


+ projects Rumah Kolektif Co-housing for millenials. Competition Entry Jakarta, Indonesia 2018 Team : Jessenia Dihardja, Naomi Santoso Architectural Design Week 2018

+ransform Business Loft & Apartment Competition Entry Tangerang, Indonesia 2017 Team : Felix Lewi, Kelvin Cinev, Naomi Santoso Sinarmas Land Young Architect Competition 2017

Jardin Casero Housing Competition Entry Tangerang, Indonesia 2017 Team : Bernardus Rosario, Eric Auvino Sinarmas Land Young Architect Competition 2017

Pasar Simpang Dago Development City Planning Academic Work Dago, Bandung, Indonesia Team : Bernardus Rosario, Dahlia Lubis, Kelvin Cinev, Rionaldi Gunadi, Yohanes Christo 2017


Michael Sugondo

Taman Babalongan Public Park Competition Entry Bandung, Indonesia 2015 Team : Karla Aprinita, Kelvin Cinev, Natasya Noverina Paradesc 2015

RPTRA Muara Baru Public Park Competition Entry Jakarta, Indonesia 2017 Team : Bernardus Rosario, Tommy Putra Architectural Design Week 2017

Escape house Movable house Competition Entry Indonesia 2016 Team : Bernardus Rosario, Natasya Noverina WEX UGM 2016

Perjalanan Kampung Cibedug Expedition Arsitektur Hijau Banten, Indonesia 2015

+ Projects

Michael Sugondo



P:+62 857 7791 3374 E : sugondodo@gmail.com A : Jl.Kemandoran VI no. 9/11 Kebayoran Lama Jakarta Selatan 12210 Indonesia coroflot.com/michaelsugondo issuu.com/michaelsugondo

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