Tim and Maria had grown up together since they were only a few days old. Both of them had single mum’s that were just “the best of friends”. They got their nappies changed together, they built their first sand castle together, and they even took their first steps together. However, when they reached primary school Maria then got new friends, started playing with Barbie’s and baby dolls. Maria slowly drifted away from Tim, but he always loved her, always seen her as his best friend and still fourteen years later, he still wishes he could get that girl. Tim is now shy, reserved and can barley string a sentence together when talking to a girl.
Hey! You’ll never guess what!? When you were off sick with the “man flu” Betty had to be my partner in science. I know she’s had her eye on me since the start of school and when I gave her a chocolate bar at lunch she couldn’t resist me! I got a smooch in the English corridor, and her number!
Big bum Betty?
That’s a harsh nickname! She’s curvy!
Even though Jay was kissing a beached whale, Tim couldn’t help but be a little jealous. He was 18 and still hadn’t kissed a girl, he couldn’t talk to girls, look at girls and this was the moment he wanted to change all that.
Maria! H-h-hey! Getting the bus home? Hey tim!
Yeah I am, are you?
sure thing! I-i-I’ll see you at the bus stop!?
sssure, see you then
That was the longest conversation you’ve held with a girl! Ha-ha. Why don’t you just ask her out?
She wouldn’t say yes, what’s the point?
If you like her you should at least try... No harm in trying Tim.
All day Tim thought about his conversation with Maria, what he would say to her on the bus? His mind then drifted to what Jay said “no harm in trying...� Although his stomach turned about her knowing how he felt, he dreamt and wondered.. what if?
Now reality kicks in and he wonders can he pull it off? Can he find the courage to ask her? And what will she say?
wait up!
Yeah, I walk fast... s-s-so? Enjoy school then?
Tim! Phew, you were walking fast! Thought I wasn’t going to catch up with you!
Ugh! No! I had triple maths at the end of the day I couldn’t stay awake; I’m so bad at it!
I could maybe help you with it sometime?
That would help me loads! Thanks Tim!
M-M-Maria... I was wondering, are you busy tonight?
Would you... If you’re busy don’t worry?! Eh maybe... Kind of, like to watch a m-movie with me at my house? No, why?
... Sure, say 8?
W-w-w-wha.. erm, yes! 8, your house, pick you up.
Well this is my bus, so I’ll see you later?
Sure! Yes! S-see you later! Bye now!
The excitement ran through every bone in tim’s body, thoughts running through his head and ‘drunk on love’ he felt on top of the world! As soon as he got home he tried on nearly everything in his wardrobe!
Driving down to pick up Maria Tim was panicking. watching a movie meant he didn’t have to speak that much. This way there was hope for a second date?
They talked about what movies they have both seen and what DVD’s Tim had at home to watch. As they talked Tim started to become less and less nervous. he had stopped shaking and was able to let Maria out of the car.
After going through tim’s embarrassing dvd collection and finally choosing a film Tim was getting less nervous.
I made us popcorn, would you like some?
How sweet! Thanks I would love some!
Just when Tim though things were going well he came back into his living room and the lights were off. The film was running and she had started without him. Tim couldn’t see where he was going! He tripped and fell spilling the popcorn all over Maria.
Maria I’m so sorry!
The film seemed so long to Tim, he barely watched it. on a date he thought would never happen. Yes, it wasn’t anything fancy, for all he knows it could be just as friends? But it was a step forward! Tim worried that he had made a fool of himself. His geeky DVD collection, Spilling popcorn everywhere! he thought his chance was gone
I had a brilliant night Tim
Brilliant? Really? Yeah... Brilliant.
I’ll see you at school Tim.
mANY THANKS TO mARK knOX, hEATHER Marriott and chris Johnston for making this graphic novel possible!