Go Gilbert

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go feel good!

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B O D Y, M I N D A N D S O U L


healthy Glow

Ta n n i n g d o e s n ’ t h a v e t o i n c l u d e t h e s u n The Arizona summer is here, and with it all the accoutrements of w a r m w e a t h e r. The per fect accessory to match the s e a s o n’s t r e n d of ear thy colors and natural fibers? A glowing tan.


beauty trend not limited by age or gender, bronzed skin is everywhere—on men, women, teens and even kids. Many Americans, including up to 80 percent of people under age 25, believe they look better with a tan.

Though a golden glow is often portrayed as a sign of health and vitality, that sun-tanned skin can be detrimental to your health. “One of the most risky things to do to your skin is that beautiful tan,” says Dr. Toni C. Stockton of Stockton Dermatology. “When your skin tans, it’s an injury to your body.” Studies show more than 1 million people will be diagnosed with skin cancer this year, and there is a strong correlation between overexposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays and the disease itself. But there are ways to get that fashionable skin tone in a safe manner. There are several sunless and self-tanning products available in lotions, gels, mousses, oils and sprays. You can wipe, swipe, spray or smooth on a subtle tint or a deep, dark tan.

Drive, Suite 113 in Gilbert, offers Mist-On sunless spray-tanning booths. The booth can be compared to a drive-through car wash; climb into what looks like a shower stall, strike some poses while being misted with a DHA tanning solution, and emerge with a tan. Follow up with a thorough buffing and you’re ready to glow. Body Bronzing owner Cathy Frendahl says many of her clients prefer to spend a few minutes in a tanning bed prior to the sunless spray booth. “A tanning bed warms the skin up and opens your pores, making you more receptive to the tanning solution.” Tanning beds, unfortunately, can have the same effects on the body as direct sunlight. The key is to try and avoid overexposure to ultraviolet rays by closely monitoring sessions and following all safety guidelines appropriate to each bed regarding time and frequency of tanning. Whatever method you choose to achieve that summer shimmer, always consider your ultimate well-being. “Fashion isn’t about that dark, leathery look; it’s about a glow,” Frendahl says. “It’s all about getting a safe tan.” g

Sunless tanners are available at a number of different venues, from your local drugstore to department store makeup counters, and can range in price from $5 to $35. Body Bronzing owner Cathy Frendahl

The American Academy of Dermatology states the most effective sunless tanners contain dihydroxyacetone, or DHA, as the active ingredient. DHA is a colorless sugar that reacts with amino acids in skin to cause a color change. This change usually lasts for about five to seven days. As your dead skin cells slough off, so does your “tan.”

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Some application tips: Test the product on a small area of skin first to make sure it’s not irritating and the color is a good match for your complexion. Apply less of the product on your knees, elbows and ankles to avoid dark patches. Always wash your hands thoroughly after application as you don’t want tanned palms and fingernails. If the thought of applying the product yourself makes you pale, leave it to the pros. Body Bronzing, located at 949 North Val Vista


GO GILBERT! Magazine

August 2006

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