Cub Scout Parent Handbook 2016

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Cub Scout Parent Handbook 2016-17 Pack 4545 of Bainbridge Island Alex Brown, Cub Master ISLANDPACK4545@GMAIL.COM Pack Website (check often for updates)

MEETING LOCATION Masonic Lodge 1299 Grow Ave NW Bainbridge Island, WA 98110

G M A I L .

COM Packet Contents ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Pack Leadership--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 Purpose of Cub Scouting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 What’s a Motto? Nothing, what’s a motto with you? ----------------------------------------- 4 General Pack Information------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5 Pack Organization Chart -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 How to Join-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 Parent & Scout Responsibilities ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 Parent Participation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 “Sign’s Up” What’s that mean?? -------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 Where to buy Scout Uniforms and Books ---------------------------------------------------------9 Pack Finances --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 Leader Training ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 Family Participation Form ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13

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Leadership Team Cubmaster: Alex Brown Assistant Cubmaster: Tom Edwards Chartered Organization Representative: Matt Makowicz Pack Committee Chair: Brian McCallister Unit Commissioner OPEN OPEN Outdoor Activity Chair Treasurer: Leigh Ann Grady Awards Coordinator: OPEN Pack Trainer: OPEN Pack Webmaster: Mike Van De Vanter

Den Tiger Wolf Bear Webelos Weblos II

Den Leadership Leader OPEN Randi Brown Raul Camacho, Trent Burhard Mike Van De Vanter N/A

Committee Chairpersons Cubmobile Derby Pumpkin Carving Christmas Party Pinewood Derby Camp Edwards Cub Mobile Build Blue & Gold Ceremony Wreath Sales/Fundraising 4th of July Parade

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PURPOSE OF CUB SCOUTING Cub Scouting is a home and neighborhood centered program designed to support family life for boys in first through fifth grades. Each Cub Scout learns to respect his home, country, God, and other people. Parents, leaders and scouts work together to achieve this. The purpose of Scouting is to provide, for boys and young adults, an informal educational program designed to train boys in the responsibilities of citizenship, provide growth in moral strength and character, and to enhance the development of physical, mental, and emotional fitness. Through Cub Scouting, parents, leaders, and organizations work together to achieve the following: • Influence the development of character and encouraging spiritual growth. • Developing habits and attitudes of good citizenship. • Encouraging good sportsmanship and pride in growing strong in mind and body. • Improving understanding within the family. • Strengthening the ability to get along with other boys and respect other people. • Fostering a sense of personal achievement by developing new interests and skills. • Showing how to be helpful and do one’s best. • Providing fun and exciting things to do. • Preparing them to become Boy Scouts.

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TIGER CUB MOTTO Search, Discover, Share Tiger Cubs is a one-year program for first grade boys. Each boy participates with a parent in family-oriented activities. These include things from family camping to preparing for emergencies. The time you spend with you son in Tiger Cubs is meant to be fun, a chance to get to know one another better, and do things with your family as well as other members of the Tiger Cub den.

CUB SCOUT MOTTO Do Your Best Cub Scouting is a home and neighborhood centered program designed to support family values for boys in second through fifth grades. Each Cub Scout learns to respect his home, country, God, and other people. The program also helps boys this age to: • Learn new physical skills through sports, crafts, and games. • Learn how to get along with others through group activities. • Develop new mental skills such as writing and calculating. • Develop personal independence. In society where your son is often taught that winning is everything, Cub Scouting teaches him to “Do Your Best” and be helpful to others as expressed in the Cub Scout Promise. A Cub Scout den provides your son with a group of boys his own age in which he can earn recognition. In the den, he will also gain a sense of personal achievement with the new skills he learns.

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General Pack Information MEETINGS: Den Meetings: Typically held every other Tuesday for an hour in the basement of the Mason’s building. Your Den will meet at the same time every week unless you are informed differently by your Den Leader. Parents are encouraged to join and participate during Den meetings. Pack Meetings: One Tuesday each month is reserved for Pack meetings (no Den meetings are held). Meetings last approximately 1 to 1 ½ hours. Parents are highly encouraged to check the Pack’s website for the most current details. Parents are expected to accompany their son to the Pack Meeting and siblings are encouraged to attend. Parents are responsible for the conduct of their children at the meeting and are expected to set an example for them for the duration of the meeting. The primary purpose of a pack meeting is to allow the whole Pack to come together (all family members are welcome), present awards and achievements to the Scouts, provide information about upcoming events and give each den the opportunity to perform skits and/or songs. PACK STRUCTURE: Cub Scouts: Boys, ages 6 through 11, or in the first through fifth grade. Den: A group of Cub Scouts of the same rank that meet on a regular basis, usually bi-weekly. Pack: All of the dens and patrols, collectively, that meet usually once a month. Chartered Organization Representative: The VOLUNTEER ADULT that is the liason between the Pack Committee and The Mason’s. Pack 4545’s Chartered Organization Representative is Leonard Hutchinson. Cubmaster: The VOLUNTEER ADULT responsible for the planning of the Pack meeting and the Master of Ceremonies at all pack events. Pack 4545’s Cubmaster is Alex Brown. Assistant Cubmaster: The VOLUNTEER ADULT responsible for assisting in planning of the Pack meetings and assisting the Cubmaster at the Pack meetings and other pack events. Pack 4545’s Assistant Cubmaster is currently open. Pack Committee Chairperson: The VOLUNTEER ADULT responsible for all aspects of the Pack operations and the person who is in charge of the Pack Committee. Pack 4545’s Committee Chairperson is Jim Grady. Den Leaders and Assistant Den Leaders: The VOLUNTEER ADULTS responsible for leading the den and conducting den meetings.

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Akela: A term of endearment and partnership, meaning ‘good leader,’ given to any parent, leader, or role model who does their best to help make the pack go. (In “The Jungle Book” by Rudyard Kipling, AKELA is the leader of the wolf pack who adopts and raises Mowgli, a human boy who he finds lost in the jungle.)

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Joining Cub Scouts A Cub Scout Application form must be completed in order to join Pack 4545, the best way to complete an application is online at: Boys who are eligible to join Cub Scouts are: • 6 years old and in the first grade – TIGERS • 7 years old and have completed the first grade – WOLVES • 8 years old and have completed the second grade – BEARS • 9 years old and have completed the third grade – WEBELOS • 10 years old and have completed the fourth grade – ARROW OF LIGHT Attendance Cubs and their parents are expected to attend all Pack Meetings and Den Meetings. If a pack meeting must be missed, the Cub or his parent should contact the Den Leader to obtain any awards presented at the pack meeting to the Den Leader in the Cub’s absence. If a den meeting is missed, the Cub or his parent should contact the Den Leader to find out what badge requirements were covered during the meeting so that the cub can complete those requirements with their parent.

Parent & Scout Responsibilities Each Scout is a guest and participant at the Den Meetings. If there is a problem with your child, you may be asked to accompany your child to these meetings or the Den Leader has the right to request your child not be present at the Den meetings if he cannot behave. Parents are to be punctual in dropping off and picking up their sons. Remember that your Den Leader is only a VOLUNTEER. Encourage your son to participate and work towards his badges at Den meetings and as a family. Certain requirements cannot always be completed at Den Meetings. Each Scout must bring his handbook to every den meeting

Parent Participation When a boy joins Cub Scouting, his parents obligate themselves to help with the following: 1) Help their son’s progress in Cub Scout achievements and electives by working with the Den Leader and signing his book when he completes activities, it is also very important to update Completing the online portion is the only way the Award Coordinator and Cubmaster will know what your Scout has completed. If you do not have a password or need help, please contact the Cubmaster. 2) Assist den and pack leaders by volunteering to help with activities, serve on special committees, or take leadership positions within the pack. Each family is expected to assist the den in its responsibilities for pack meetings during the year. 7 of 13

3) Attend monthly pack meetings and take part in ceremonies when appropriate. One adult guardian should accompany each cub to the Pack Meeting. Scouting promotes family togetherness. Each family should be actively involved in their son’s scouting program. This Pack belongs to all the boys and their families, not just a few select volunteer leaders. Constructive suggestions are always welcome. Please ask if your help is needed, get involved, and help make this program successful, exciting and fun for your son and his peers! 4) Drop off and pickup their sons promptly for den meetings.

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Uniforms and Handbooks Cubs & Webelos are expected to wear their uniform to all den and pack meetings and on all outings, unless otherwise announced or arranged. The following makes-up the Pack 4545 uniform … Tigers, Wolves & Bears: Official navy blue Cub Scout shirt Neckerchief & Slide Chief Seattle Area Council Strip Pack numerals (4545) World Crest Handbook for your scout’s rank Pack T-Shirt *

Webelos & Arrow of Light: Official navy blue Cub Scout shirt or Official tan/beige Webelos shirt Neckerchief & Slide Chief Seattle Area Council Strip Pack numerals (4545) World Crest Webelos Colors Webelos Handbook Pack T-Shirt *

* The Pack T-Shirt is purchased from Pack 4545 and makes-up the Activity (formerly Class B) Uniform. Full Uniform-Optional. Many Pack 4545 Scouts wear the full Cub or Webelos Scout uniform (i.e. pants, belt, hat). For Pack 4545 this is optional. If money is a concern, money is best spent on your son’s participation in Pack activities such as campouts. If your son wants to wear the full uniform, speak to a Leader for cost-effective ways to approach a full uniform. Correct Uniform Insignia Placement. Correct placement of patches & insignias can be found at: Please note that Pack 4545 does not yet wear the Veteran Unit Insignia Bar; Unit Numerals go directly below the Council Patch. Where to buy Cub Scout uniforms, patches and handbooks: Scout Shop West 10875 Myhre Pl NW #116 Silverdale, WA 98383 (360) 692-3761 or

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Pack Finances Cub Scout Packs are non-profit organizations that rely solely on fundraising and annual dues to pay for all of the Pack expenses. Upon registering with Pack 4545, all Cub Scouts are required to pay dues once a year. Dues for each scout are $125 ($140 with Boys’ Life subscription) payable at the beginning of the scout year or when the scout registers with the pack in the case of new scouts. Dues and fundraisers are used to pay for activities & expenses related to Pack 4545’s program which include but are not limited to: Your scout’s copy of Boy’s Life Magazine (optional with additional cost see above) Pack Insurance Training and materials for leaders Materials for Den and Pack meetings Cub Scout awards Blue & Gold and Cross-Over Ceremonies Christmas Party Some Pack outings and Adventures

Health and Safety Your son’s health and safety is paramount to us. We strive to conduct a safe program that the scouts can enjoy and that you can be confident in. To help us achieve this goal, we need an Annual Health and Medical Record submitted for each scout. These forms provide vital information to the Cub Scout Leaders should an emergency arise. These forms are also carried with us on each scout outing. These required forms will be given out at the first meeting.

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Leader Training & Youth Protection After selection of the best possible leaders, additional protection for children is built into the program. The BSA has adopted the following policies to provide security for youth in scouting. Youth Protection policies apply to all participants in all BSA Programs. Two Deep Leadership – Two registered adult leaders or one registered adult leader and a parent of a participant, one of whom must be at least 21 years of age, are required on all meetings, trips and outings. The chartered organization is responsible for ensuring that sufficient leadership is provided for all activities. No One-on-One Contact – One-on-One contact between adults and youth members is not permitted in any situation that requires a personal conference. The meeting should take place in view of other adults and youths. Respect of Privacy – Adult members must respect the privacy of youth members in situations such as changing clothes or taking showers at camp. Adults should intrude only to the extent that health and safety require. They should also protect their own privacy in similar situations. Separate Accommodations - When camping, no youth is permitted to sleep in the tent of an adult other than his own parent or guardian. Proper Preparation for Activities – All activities should consider the capabilities of the participating Cub Scouts. No activity should be undertaken without the proper preparation, equipment, clothing, supervision, and safety measures. No Secret Organizations – The B.S.A. does not recognize any secret organizations as part of its program. All activities are open to observation by parents and leaders. Appropriate Attire – Proper clothing for activities is required. Constructive Discipline – Discipline used in Cub Scouting should be constructive and reflect Scouting’s values. Corporal punishment is never permitted. Hazing Prohibited – Physical hazing and initiations are prohibited and may not be included as part of any Scouting activity. 11 of 13

The Boy Scouts of America & Pack 4545 recommend that parents learn more about and take online training for Youth Protection at All registered volunteers need to complete every 2 years.

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Dear Pack 4545 Family: We need your help ‌ Cub Scouting is for parents, as well as boys. We have a terrific group of families who have offered to help according to their abilities. We ask you to use this form to add your talents and interests to our Pack 4545 Family so that we can develop the best possible program for your Scout(s) and his Scouting friends. Cub Scouts is an all-volunteer organization that is run by the parents in the pack. In order to keep the pack operating we ask each family to sign up for at least two activities. I was involved in Scouting as a youth: Name:


Activity Positions ACTIVITY


Cubmobile Derby


Pumpkin Carving


Wreath Sales

Oct - Nov

Pack Christmas Party




Blue & Gold


Pinewood Derby


Cub Mobile Build


Cross-Over/Pack Picnic


Other Other

VOLUNTEER INFORMATION Name Phone Name Phone Name Phone Name Phone Name Phone Name Phone Name Phone Name Phone Name Phone Name Phone Name Phone

Additional Ways to Help Out

_ Carpentry _ Crafts _ I have space available to store Pack equipment _ Sewing _ Drawing / art _ Cooking Dramatics/Skits Music/Songs _ Games _ Radio / electricity Nature Sports _ I have a truck _ I have a workshop _ Outdoor activities _Other help I can give: _ Camping Gear Transportation Our hobbies are: We can play and teach these sports:_ Ways that my job, business or profession would be of interest to Cub Scouts: 13 of 13

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