A clean, modern and high-end chocolate chip brand.
TABLE OF CONTENTS 4 INTRODUCTION 5 Creative Brief 6 RESEARCH 7 Coconut Biomimicry
Cat Tongue Biomimicry
Succulent Biomimicry
10 LOGO / IDENTITY 11 Sketches
Digital Iterations
Final Logo
Color / Typography
16 BUSINESS SYSTEM 17 Business Cards
20 PACKAGING 21 Business Cards
22 Envelope
23 Letterhead
24 MARKETING 25 Website
26 Public Advertisement
27 T-Shirt
28 Reusable Bag
29 Window Sticker
30 DESIGN ANALYSIS 31 Analysis Topics
We have found that the current chocolate chip
Once completed, BLISS will be a well-thought-
A clean, modern, and high-end chocolate chip
market is dominated by brands that thrive off
out chocolate chip brand that utilizes a new
brand with thoughtful packaging.
of the quantity of product they produce. In an
style of packagind that the industry hasn’t
effort to distribute the most product and make
seen before. We will create a corporate graphic
the most money, these brands throw important
standards manual that details the branding and
aspects like packaging and user experience
marketing of the company as well as a broader
down the drain. The industry needs a brand that
process manual that encompasses the creation
We plan on the BLISS audience being middle
will be focused on enhacing the product through
of the brand (logo, colors, packaging, etc.) from
to upper class young adults/adults that love
smarter packaging and a more thought-out
start to finish.
chocolate and/or baking. The modern feel will
user experience - high-end grocery stores have
appeal to those who crave new trendy brands
already proven that there is a market for this
and the reusable packaging will capture the
eye of those who are environmentally friendly.
Currently, chocolate chips are used in two
the midnight snackers that just need a little
main ways: baking and snacking. However,
chocolate fix every so often. With a smart
the packaging is only tailored to baking. The
packaging solution and a contemporary brand
Develop a thoughtful branding and packaging
typical use includes dumping the entire bag
identity, these chocolate chips will cater to those
solution for this new high-end chocolate chip
of chocolate chips into a batch of cookie
who can a ord to spend a little extra on a nicer
company, BLISS. The designs will embody the
dough and then immediately disposing of
brand’s mission to be a better overall experience
the packaging in the trash. If the user doesn’t
for the consumer while providing a product that
happen to use the whole package then the
people know and love.
remaining chocolate chips are usually stored
type of product.
BLISS will be great for avid bakers as well as
and eaten as a snack. Either way, the current packaging is a noisy, flimsy plastic that has no purpose after its first use. Creating packaging that focuses on bulk and single-serve usage will open up a new market for chocolate chips.
bio mimicry
COCONUTS Coconuts consist of a hard outer shell/husk that surrounds the meat of the fruit, and sealed securely inside the meat is the coconut water. The contents of a coconut are known to tons of health benefits as well.1 While all of these health benefits are great, coconuts may provide even better inspiration for packaging durable. Coconuts can withstand drops of around 50 feet and last for weeks in the water while staying protected.2 Along with their durablilty they can they are broken into. An obvious example is how they serve as a container for liquids and can also be used as a cup later on.
SOURCES 1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coconut#Uses 2. http://inhabitat.com/natural-packaging-the-coconut-husk-solves-shipping-problems/
CAT TONGUE If you have a cat, you probably know that it feels like sandpaper when they lick you. The reason for this is that their tongues are covered in papillae, which are small barbs that face backwards in order to help them eat and groom.1 These barbs work in a way that allows things to go down, but then they will resist/grab anything that is acting againt the grain. The papillae and their use in grooming for cats can clearly be seen as the equivalent of hair brushes for humans - a definite example of biomimicry. The bristles on a hair brush mimic the way that the papillae on a cat’s tongue can untangle and smooth the hair/fur.2
SOURCES 1. http://www.catbehaviorassociates.com/your-cats-tongue/ 2. http://www.catster.com/lifestyle/5-cat-facts-anatomy-tongue-awesome
SUCCULENTS Succulents are a type of plant known for being able to survive with little care and resources. They do this through their ability to hold water all throughout their structure (leaves, stem, etc) since they tend to have a thicker “flesh� than other plants.1 Their form is also a big factor in holding water and allowing them to survive in arid conditions - and this is what can be used to inspire biomimicry in things like packaging and water storage. The succulents and their layered leaves create an apportunity for a type of trickle-down water storage that funnels it into its structure. This has inspired designers to create a house that uses the roof as a troph/funnel to get water into storage cores which then expand to fit the amount of water needed.2 This form and function also resembles some water bottle packaging that you can roll up for storage but then can expand to hold your water.
SOURCES 1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Succulent_plant 2. http://www.evolo.us/architecture/succulent-house-collects-rainwater-through-use-of-biomimicry-murmur/
SKETCHES From the start it was clear that this brand could flourish as a trendy, modern and high-end chocolate chip company. The initial sketches and ideations focused on refining the name and narrowing down the clean form.
DIGITAL ITERATIONS Moving on to the digital iterations allowed for more freedom with size and layout as well as provided the opportunity to see some cleaner, more refined edges. All of the iterations in this step were kept in black and white.
FINAL LOGO The final logo was selected due to its simplicity and legibility at many different sizes. It proves to be very versatile in its application and the figureground style allows the colors to be reversed easily.
USAGE The logo should always be used carefully and correctly. Follow these simple guidelines to help when it comes to reusing the logo outside of the company’s material. Unacceptable Uses
Skewing shape
Removing text
Altering size
Changing typeface
Removing fill
Changing color
COLOR / TYPOGRAPHY This subtle shade of purple was chosen to give the brand a light, silky feeling that aims to embody the name “BLISS” and the high-end market that it will compete in. The modern sans-serif typeface, Gotham, was selected because of its perfectly round curves and sleek edges. These traits help give the brand the clean and modern look it aims to achieve.
Gotham Book AB C D E FG HI JKL M N O P Q R ST U VWXYZ abcd efg h ijk lm n opq rst uvwxyz 01234 5 6789
C: 29
R: 178
C: 0
R: 255
M: 39
G: 156
M: 0
G: 255
Y: 0
B: 202
Y: 0
B: 255
K: 0
K: 0
Gotham Bold AB C D E F G HI J K L MN O P Q R ST U VWXYZ abcde fgh ijklm n op q r stu vwxyz 0123 4 56789
C: 0
R: 178
M: 0
G: 156
Y: 0
B: 202
K: 90
BUSINESS CARDS The business cards are the standard 3.5”x2” size. The design focuses on being clear and legible while embodying the circular nature of the company’s logo. The front side displays the logo while the back shows the employee’s information.
ENVELOPE The envelope is the standard 4.25”x9.5” size. The front inlcudes the logo placed to the left of the company’s address, while the back flap is filled with the brand’s spot color and contains a chocolate chip pattern on the inside.
LETTERHEAD The letterhead is the standard 8.5�x11� size. Sticking with the clean and simple theme, it includes the logo in the upper left corner and the company contact info in the bottom left, which serves as a container for the body of the letter.
www.bliss.com hello@bliss.com (123) 456-7890 567 D St. Davis, CA 95616
THE PATTERN Needing something that would handle bulk and single-serve usage, the packaging was greatly inspired by milk cartons because of the fact that they have a spout for pouring and can later be resealed. To meet the project guidelines and stray away from using the standard box shape,
this form was created using four triangles so that
it resembled a rigid bag that stands upright on the shelves. 1”
MOCKUPS Building the mockups helped develop an understanding for the size and the materials that would be needed for the packaging. By starting with smaller paper builds it was clear that a more rigid material would be needed, The final material used was a .06� chipboard which had a good balance of strength and flexibility.
The designer behind the work is Michael Villas, a
The process starts with researching items in
This new chocolate chip brand, BLISS, is a
chocolate chip cookie lover that wants to create
nature to get an understanding about how
result of many different ideas and iterations, as
a better experience for other people with a
natural forms come together to accomplish a
well as biomimicry research that inspired the
sweet tooth. His goal for this project is to create
certain function, and use this as inspiration for
packaging. Out of the three initial biomimicry
an effective branding and packaging solution for
our packaging. Next is creating an effective
studies, the coconut was the only one used to
a high-end chocolate chip company.
logo that will embody the brand and serve as
help further develop the packaging. However,
inspiration for packaging and other marketing
there was still something missing. While the
and business materials. Throughout this process
function of the coconut matched that of the
lots of critique and refinement occurs to help
packaging idea, it didn’t fall into line with the
narrow down the final solutions for the product.
form or structure. This is when the roly poly
The problem is that the chocolate chip industry
Once everything is a completed, a process book
bug (an isopod crustacean) came into play. The
is dominated by a few large corporate brands,
showing all of the designs, iterations, resources,
balance of structural rigidity and flexible form
and their packaging isn’t environmentally
and other steps used throughout the project will
that they have really embodied the shape of the
friendly or tailored to the users needs. People
be made.
packaging and helped solidify the idea. With the
use chocolate chips in two ways: all at once into
packaging completed, the logo and branding
a batch of cookie dough, or in small servings
solution can be implemented into the labeling to
to snack on. The current packaging, a thin and
flimsy plastic, is only successful at the former,
The process starts with researching items in
and people tend to dispose of it immediately
nature to get an understanding about how
after using it.
natural forms come together to accomplish a
finally bring everything together.
certain function, and use this as inspiration for our packaging. Next is creating an effective
logo that will embody the brand and serve as
The objective is to create packaging that will
and business materials. Throughout this process
be reusable and provide a great experience for those who want to snack on the chocolate chips as well as bake with them. Adding to the experience, the brand will aim to stand out from the corporate giants in the industry and create its own niche in a more high-end market.
inspiration for packaging and other marketing lots of critique and refinement occurs to help narrow down the final solutions for the product. Once everything is a completed, a process book showing all of the designs, iterations, resources, and other steps used throughout the project will be made.
BLISS Process Manual DES 116 | Winter 2016 Michael Villas