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Magic of 3 Sets of Twins in Karum & Creevagh

Magic of 3 Sets of Twins in Karum & Creevagh

(For Jamie & Jack Carr)


Patricia & Patrick McKenna, Helle & Kristina Kvamme, Ludvic & Fredric Wollentz .

Like rare incantations of Veda Written four thousand years ago The magic number of 3 Has stuck in the human mind for millennia From ancient religion to science to art We see the world in 3 dimensions height width & depth & 4th been time There are 3 primary colours Red Yellow Blue due to our eye cells having 3 colour receptor cones Buddhism calls these 3 colours the 3 jewels Sangha Red Buddha Yellow & Dharma Blue That follow the threefold path of ethic’s meditation & wisdom Freemasons use 3 in many rituals & symbols There are three parts to the human, mind body soul & birth, life & death by Plato In terms of DNA our genes are read by a triplet code Many religions have triple Gods in Christianity with God Father Son & Holy Ghost & the Hindu Trimurti with Brahma Vishnu & Shiva .

There are many Celtic famous twins The Holly king & his twin brother the Oak king Called Bran & Sceolán Apollo & Artemis Castor & Pollux Romulus & Remus Tweddle-Dum & Tweddle-Dee from “Alice Through the Looking Glass” Fred & George Weasley from “Harry Potter” Most of the healing Gods are twins The Ashvins of the Rig Veda & saints Cosmos & Damien Divinely empowered in the area of health & fertility Predict the future victory in battles & many other divine powers So, for all these reasons its magic to have 3 sets of twins in Karum Creevagh Guiding us .

Folk Flora

Incantations of Veda Written four thousand years ago Where beautiful Vayu have prepared Madonna Lily or Lilium Candidum Bearing snow White petals Offering great value for healing . Even Saint Anthony of Padua Carrying the child Jesus & a lily Where petals of Madonna Lily Were used on cuts to heal & on chilblains .

Milkwort with Blue Purple Pink or White flowers Which is called fairy soap in Donegal Used for healing powers on the body Mint in the garden Mentha Spicata Means a woman rules the house Clean & clearly . Incantations of Veda Written four thousand years ago Where beautiful Vayu have prepared Madonna Lily or Lilium Candidum Bearing snow White petals Offering great value for healing .

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