Tartu Wood Sector

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Sector overview

Tartu Region

Tartu city & county

Wood product exporters

Made in Tartu, Estonia

Milling, wood processing

Pre-fab buildings, log houses

Furniture, wood craft

www.emtl.ee Estonian Private Forest Association • www.buildingestonia.com • www.boxer.ee • www.kalmar.ee • www.haserv.ee • www.ilmre.ee • www.puiduari.ee • www.rait.ee • www.stahlhut.ee • w

A forest nation, reinventing tradition 45% of Estonia forested. Economic and construction boom. Added value exports penetrating new markets. On joining the EU in May 2004, Estonia

Wood processing has historically been

celebrated with a popular initiative to

a mainstay of the Estonian economy.

plant one million fir trees. Its success

The international competitiveness in the

reflects a growing understanding of the

industry during the 1990’s was based

importance of environment-friendly

on a lower cost base. Since 2000, in

forest management as a long-term

addition to Estonian sources, saw mills are


moving increasingly to processing logs

The dominant tree species in the Estonian

imported from Russia and Byelorussia

forests are pine, birch, spruce and grey

for western markets.

alder. Pine prevails in state forests,

Similar to the technological leap made

grown further and will be

while birch dominates in the private

in other sectors of the economy, the

one of the first companies

forests. Estonian forest are 40% state

flow of new investment has brought

managed, 37% privately owned, with

state-of-the-art equipment to all areas

the remainder of 23% in the process

of the wood processing industry.

“ We are one of the many companies which were formed in the early days of Estonia regaining independence, and have steadily grown in size, capabilities and standards. We are now preparing to

to set up at the new Raadi Industrial Park in Tartu.

of Land Reform.

Ingvar Tšizikov Chairman as Vinnal

Forestry managers visiting Estonia are impressed by the quality of trees – tall and thick, straight and beautiful. Most of this has been naturally seeded and is slow growing in a Nordic climate.

Made in Tartu Exports from Tartu City and County, 2003 100



5.1 5.0 6.0 7.4 8.2 8.6 8.7 8.8

Food products, other Footware Chemicals, plastic, rubber Machines, equipment, Building material, glass Textiles, clothing Transport equipment Metal, metal products


20.4 Furniture, mattresses, details 20


21.9 Wood, wood products (except furniture) % of exports Source: Estonian Statistical Office 2004

www.tarm.ee • www.varasaeveski.ee • www.ecohouse.ee • www.laftehus.ee • www.nord-domus.ee • www.kodumaja.ee • www.ecobuild.ee • www.oskurpuit.ee • www.palmako.ee • www.bangeman.ee

Forestry, saw mills and wood processing Third largest and one of the fastest growing industries in Estonia. Upon Estonia regaining independence

growth of the wood based industries.

in 1991, the industry concentrated on

A background of tough competition

exporting mainly unsawn timber to

and new subcontracting practices now

Scandinavian and western European

place Estonian companies in a position

planing companies in Europe

markets. This was because at the time

to produce high quality machined parts

in reacent years. In 2003 we

there were no saw-mills in Estonia

and construction components.

with modern equipment capable of

Wood processing is now the third largest

producing sawn products of the quality

industry in Estonia. During the last

required for export markets.

few years there has been a dramatic

During the last decade, a multitude

turnaround in the export-import

of new wood processing companies

patterns. Today the vast majority of wood

have emerged. Most of these are small

is imported (from Russia) while Estonia

privately owned businesses, often

is exporting more processed products;

exterior siding as well as decking

growing fast on the broad base of the

profiled hard and soft woods, chipboard,

boards for terraces. We aim to

Estonian wood industry. The construction

fibreboard and plywood. Gluewood

boom of the last decade has fuelled the

has seen the most remarkable relative

Forestry, saw mills, wood processing

Leading companies Rait Vara Saeveski Ilmre Stahlhut Lemeks

“Rait has grown into one of the most modern sawmilling and

doubled production since introducing our new softwood planing line. We produce and export worldwide wooden flooring, panelling for interior finishing and

have a product that speaks

increase in exports, while furniture,

for itself, followed up with

houses and sawn material account for

quick and exact communication.”

about 60% of exports in 2003.

Ivar Dembovski Managing Director as RAIT

www.ristiku.com • www.rpm.ee • www.elta.ee • www.kurhela.ee • www.lasita.ee • www.hot.ee/naripuit • www.parkwood.ee • www.hot.ee/puhjaliim • www.sturm.ee • www.vinnal.ee • www.arens.ee •

Prefab buildings and log houses Innovative products from innovative production processes with many cost and quality advantages Log house building is a centuries

In addition to living houses, several

old tradition and technology of

companies export related products

this forest nation. Typically Nordic

such as garden buildings, saunas,

pine is used for its durability and

decks, garden furniture and childrens

quality. Houses are built to order,

play frames.

from either machine milled logs or

The prefabricated house builders are

hand-made logs, then taken apart,

supported by a wide range of wood and

exported and reassembled on site

lumber producers in Tartu county, from

by the Estonian craftsmen. Northern

saw mills to timber drying, planing and

European countries have been the

cutting of profiled boards. In addition

main markets for log houses where

to locally made doors and windows,

they have become architectural

the full turn-key prefabricated houses

fashion and are seen as fitting with

House sections are built at the

are supplied with built-in furniture

an ecological life style.

made locally.

factory in Tartu, transported,

Another form of house exports are

then assembled and completed

modular house units which are built

“We have pushed the technology of prefabricated timber frame houses to a new level and now have higher quality standards than demanded in Scandinavian markets - and we do this while remaining highly cost competitive. We export over 95% of production, with our dominant market continuing to be Norway.

on site. We offer a truely ‘turn-key’ solution. Lembit Lump Managing Director Kodumajatehase as

in-factory, transported and assembled as up to 5 storey apartment complexes, mostly in Scandinavian markets. Prefabricated houses is a thriving export niche market benefiting from the a combination of exacting craftsmanship on a competitive cost base. Kodumaja has grown rapidly to become one of the leading producers in Estonia and exports 95% of its prefab houses.

Lumber product, pre-fab houses

Leading companies Kodumajatehase RPM Palmeko Ehitus Estiske Laftehus Rannu Bangeman

• www.bdmobel.com • www.wako.ee • www.lillman-moobel.ee • www.puidumeister.ee • www.tarmeko.ee • www.tiksoja.ee • www.gomab.ee • www.wermo.ee • www.fest-forest.ee • www.woodwell.ee

House details, furniture, wood craft Furniture and furnishings make up for about 20% of Tartu and Tartu county exports Doors, windows and furniture

Vinnal is notable for being one of

manufacturers are extending into

the few companies in the Baltic states

export markets.

which combines hand carved details

One of the largest employers in Tartu,

into its fullwood stairs and doors. The

(leather and fabric) in Estonia.

Tarmeko, a furniture maker with 900

craftsmanship, quality and style which

With 35 years as a producer

employees exports more than 80% of its

they offer positions Vinnal in the luxury

production, mostly to northern Europe.

interiors market, both modern and

It has 3 main factories specializing

retro styles.

in solid pine furniture, upholstered

Arens-mööbel is one of the leading

We export 100% of over products.

furniture and form pressed veneer. In

manufacturers of fitted kitchen furniture

We produce all parts under the

addition to its wide consumer range of

in Estonia and continues to expand its

wooden and soft furniture, Tarmeko

production facilities in tartu county. In

has also won several major contracts

addition to a chain of outlets in Estonia,

soft parts (polyurethane), that

for fitted furniture to bar-restaurants

Arens currently exports fitted furniture

makes BD to a flexibility producer.

in the USA and on cruise ships.

to Finland, Sweden and Norway. Tiksoja Puidugrupp is a contract

House details, furniture, wood craft

Leading companies Tarmeko Vinnal Arens-mööbel Tiksoja Puidugrupp Lasita Aken Finak BD Design

manufacturer of solid pine furniture for bedrooms with a capacity for 60000 beds annually. The company’s customers are leading mail order and wholesaler companies in the UK, France, Holland, Germany and Denmark. Lasita Aken and Finak are largest producers of windows and doors in Tartu county.

“BD-Design is the largest producer of recliner chairs and sofas

we are represented on the European and American markets.

same roof; metal, wood and

We are now in an interesting period of expansion with new models and technology.” Joakim Dahlqvist Marketing Director AS BD-Design

Wood industry in Tartu Region, Estonia, selected companies Sawn timber Boxer Puidu Eksport Ltd.

Nurme Puit LLC

Kodumajatehase Ltd.

Betooni 9, 51014 Tartu Tel: +372 730 7913 Products: sawn timber boxer@boxer.ee www.boxer.ee

Reola küla, Ülenurme vald, 61701 Tartumaa Tel: +372 741 5785 Products: sawn timber nurmik@hot.ee

Betooni 2, 51014 Tartu Tel: +372 738 5999 Products: factory-prepared timber-frame private dwellings, terrace houses, residential blocks, saunas info@kodumaja.ee www.kodumaja.ee

Dawenport LLC Tähe 127, 50113 Tartu Tel: + 372 7 366 872 Products: sawmilling and planing of wood; impregnation of wood dawenport@hot.ee

Flainest Ltd. Teguri 21, 50107 Tartu Tel: +372 741 7349 Products: sawn timber flainest@hot.ee

KalMar & Pojad Ltd Kokora, Alatskivi v., 60201, Tartumaa Tel: + 372 7 452649 Products: hardwood sawn material, kilndrying and planing kaater@kalmar.ee www.kalmar.ee

Kodumets LLC Heki 2, Ülenurme, 61701 Tartumaa Tel: +372 7 412 343 Products: edged and unedged sawn timber kodumets@hot.ee

Ha Serv LLC Reola küla, Ülenurme vald, 61701 Tartumaa Tel: +372 730 1810 Products: boardsand planks for bath-house platform, mouldings and wallpanelling for exterior and interior use haserv@haserv.ee www.haserv.ee

Ilmre Ltd. Ilmatsalu küla, Tähtvere vald, 61401 Tartumaa Tel: +372 749 9252 Products: sawn timber, mouldings, EUR,1/2 EUR and FIN pallet collars ilmre@online.ee www.ilmre.ee

Lemeks MT Ltd. Betooni 9, 51014 Tartu Tel: +372 738 6900 Products: sawn timber lemeks@lemeks.ee

Metsanurk LLC Roiu, Haaslava vald, 62102 Tartumaa Tel: + 372 735 1086; +372 736 2479 Products: sawn timber, wooden pallets oymetsanurk@hot.ee

Nason Davis Eesti LLC Vallikraavi 2, 51014 Tartu Tel: +372 744 0435 Products: sawn timber timber@nasondavis.ee

Puiduäri Ltd. Tartu mnt. 39B, Elva, 61506 Tartumaa Tel: +372 735 3605 Products: edged or unedged sawn timber, tailormade doors, stairs, wooden shields, reglets and battens (also non-standard and rounded), wooden details for fireplaces etc. puiduari@puiduari.ee www.puiduari.ee

Rait Ltd. Reola küla, Ülenurme vald, 61701 Tartumaa Tel: +372 730 0420 Products: sawn timber, standard and special planed products (interior panelling, flooring etc.) rait@rait.ee www.rait.ee

Stahlhut Ltd.

Lasita Maja Ltd. Tähe 116, 50113 Tartu Tel: +372 7 362 663 Products: custom-made round beam houses, saunas and summerhouses lasita@lasita.ee www.lasita.ee

ÖkoEhituse Ltd. Võnnu pk.9, 62401 Tartumaa Tel: +372 735 1370 Products: Log profiles and details ecobuild@hot.ee www.ecobuild.ee

Oskur Puit Ltd.

Tila küla, Tartu vald, 60501 Tartumaa Tel: +372 730 3450 Products: timber drying and planing stahlhut@kodu.ee www.stahlhut.ee

Koosa küla, Vara vald, 60402 Tartumaa Tel: +372 745 3221, +372 5615 8382 Products: summer houses made of milled square timber, sawn timber oskurpuit@oskurpuit.ee www.oskurpuit.ee

Tarm Ltd.

Palmako Ehitus Ltd.

Puiestee 5-4, Elva, 61504 Tartumaa Tel: +372 734 9991 Products: sawn timber, planed products info@tarm.ee www.tarm.ee

Betooni 9, 51014 Tartu Tel: +372 730 3488 Products: custom-made round beam houses, saunas and summerhouses contact@palmako.ee www.palmako.ee

Vara Saeveski Ltd. Vara küla, Vara vald, 60401 Tartumaa Tel: +372 731 5843 Products: sawn softwood, edge glued products info@varasaeveski.ee www.varasaeveski.ee

Pre-fab, loghouses Estlog House Ltd. Räni Põik 7, Tartu 50403, Estonia Tel: +372 740 4142 Products: custom-made wooden houses, saunas and summerhouses ecohouse@ecohouse.ee www.ecohouse.ee

Estiske Laftehus LLC Tehase 16, 50107 Tartu Tel: +372 730 8495 Products: custom-made round beam houses laftehus@laftehus.ee www.laftehus.ee

Euro Trade Agency LLC Teguri 30, 51013 Tartu Tel: +372 738 1734 Products: custom-made wooden houses, saunas and summerhouses info@eurotrade.ee www.nord-domus.ee

Rannu Bangeman Ltd. Vallapalu küla, Rannu vald, 61101 Tartumaa Tel: +372 745 4247 Products: crossbeam houses, saunas and cottages of sawn and round beam info@bangeman.ee www.bangeman.ee

Ristiku KV LLC Variku 8, 50110 Tartu Tel: +372 734 6535 Products: custom-made round beam houses, saunas and summerhouses ristiku@ristiku.com www.ristiku.com

RPM Ltd. Kruusa 29, 61503 Elva Tel: +372 735 6653 Products: custom-made round beam houses, saunas and summerhouses rpm@rpm.ee www.rpm.ee

Wooden products Elta Puit LLC

Sturm Puidutööstus LLC

Tarmeko Ltd.

Pikk 43, 61505 Elva Tel: +372 734 6694 Products: wooden doors, windows and furniture sales@elta.ee www.elta.ee

Voika 14A, Nõo alevik, Nõo vald, 61601 Tartumaa Tel: +372 745 5484 Products: Spruce edge-glued panels sturm@sturm.ee www.sturm.ee

Sõbra 56, 51013 Tartu Tel: +372 747 4580 Products: wooden and soft furniture tarmeko@ tarmeko.ee www.tarmeko.ee

Finak Ltd.

Vinnal Ltd.

Tiksoja Puidugrupp Ltd.

Lähte, Tartu vald, 60503 Tartumaa Tel: +372 749 7256, + 372 730 3465 Products: wooden doors and windows tkurhela@estpak.ee www.kurhela.ee

Särgla küla, Vara vald, 60401 Tartumaa Tel: +372 736 7553 Products: wooden doors, moldings, stairs, furniture, sculptures, wood engraving vinnal@vinnal.ee www.vinnal.ee

Tiksoja, Tähtvere vald, 61401 Tartumaa Tel: +372 730 1860 Products: bedroom furniture from pine and birch info@tiksoja.ee www.tiksoja.ee

Handel Puit LLC Võnnu alevik, Võnnu vald, 62401 Tartumaa Tel: +372 735 2026 Products: wooden doors and windows handelpuit@handelpuit.ee

Ixodes LLC Liiva 41, 50303 Tartu Tel: +372 733 3713 Products: wooden handicraft ou.ixodes@neti.ee

KR Priit Ltd. Kesk 9, Rõngu alevik, Rõngu vald, 61001 Tartumaa Tel: +372 745 9307 Products: wooden pallets krpriit@online.ee

Lasita Aken Tähe 116, 51013 Tartu Tel. 372 736 2791 Products: doors and windows. lasita@lasita.ee www.lasita.ee

Nari Puit LLC Ringtee 41 , Tartu Tel: +372 7 362 656 Products: doors, windows, stairs and wooden furniture naripuit@hot.ee www.hot.ee/naripuit

Parkwood Industries LLC

Furniture Arens-mööbel Ltd. Rästa 8, 50403 Tartu Tel: +372 730 0960 Products: kitchen furniture arens@arens.ee www.arens.ee

BD Design LLC Jänese 2, 51009 Tartu Tel: +372 730 3100 Products: manufacture of recliner chairs and sofas info@bdmobel.com www.bdmobel.com

Fratel Trade LLC Turu 63, 50106 Tartu Tel: +372 7 384 231 Products: soft furniture raivo@kamee.ee

Jaan Sild Wako Värkstuba – private entrepreneur Kolga küla, Nõo vald, 61601 Tartumaa Tel: +372 735 1391 Products: wooden furniture and doors Info@wako.ee www.wako.ee

Lillman Ltd.

Reola küla, Ülenurme vald, 61701 Tartumaa Tel: +372 730 0430 Products: softwood garden products (components for fences, garden houses, furniture, flower boxes etc.) marko.laanes@rait.ee www.parkwood.ee

Käo tn. 1, 50404 Tartu Tel: +372 742 2635 Products: custom-made furniture lillman@hot.ee www.lillman-moobel.ee

Puhja Liimpuidu Ltd.

Sinika 15-14, 50110 Tartu Tel: +372 521 7950 Products: office and sales area furniture pondeli@hot.ee

Vihavu küla, Puhja vald, 61301 Tartumaa Tel: +372 730 4360, + 372 745 1484 Products: NACE 20209 (wooden details etc.) liimpuidu@hot.ee www.hot.ee/puhjaliim

Savorito LLC Puiestee 2f, 50303 Tartu Tel: +372 7 401 430 Products: wooden doors and windows, (NACE 20303 products) tomek@hot.ee

Pondeli LLC

Puidumeister LLC Külitse küla, Ülenurme vald, 61702 Tartumaa Tel: +372 735 1285 Products: wooden furniture, doors, windows, stairs puidumeister@puidumeister.ee www.puidumeister.e

Valga GOMAB Mööbel Ltd. Kuperjanovi 79, 68207 Valga Tel: +372 766 8360 Products: wooden furniture from pine (manufacture of chairs and seats and parts thereof) gomab@gomab.ee www.gomab.ee

Vilbel LLC Õnne 26-12, 50114 Tartu Tel: +372 742 2913 Products: wooden furniture don.puit@mail.ee

Wermo Ltd. Räpina mnt. 12, 65620 Võru Tel: +372 786 8100, + 372 786 8115 Products: home and office wooden furniture wermo@wermo.ee www.wermo.ee

Forestry management Fest-forest Ltd. Heki 21, 50115 Tartu Tel: +372 730 3535 Products: Forestry management, forestry investment fest-forest@fest-forest.ee www.fest-forest.ee

Woodwell Grupp Riia 136, 51014 Tartu Tel: +372 738 1416 Products: forestry management woodwell@woodwell.ee www.woodwell.ee




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Tallinn Stockholm








E 26°40’

Ministry of Finance www.fin.ee • Ministry of Foreign Affairs www.wm.ee • http://visitestonia.com • www.weekend.ee • Estonian Trade Council www.etc.ee • Baltics Regional Node www.ciesin.ee

Estonia in brief Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Tartu Office Lai 6, Tartu 51004, Estonia Tel. +372 744 2196 tartu@koda.ee www.koda.ee

Tartu City Government Department of Business Development Küüni 5, Tartu 51004, Estonia Tel. +372 736 1196 evo@raad.tartu.ee www.tartu.ee

Tartu County Government Riia 15, Tartu 51010, Estonia Tel. +372 730 5200 mv@tartumaa.ee www.tartumaa.ee

Tartu Business Advisory Service

Area: Population: Capital: Other major cities: Head of state: Official language: Foreign languages: Main religion: Government: Currency: Exchange rate: GDP Growth: Local time: Average temp. range: Flight times, Tallinn:

Riia 15b, Tartu 51010, Estonia Tel. +372 742 8402 bas@tartu.bas.ee www.tartu.ee/arinouandla

Estonian Forest Industries Association Viljandi mnt 18A, 11216 Tallinn, Estonia Tel. +372 656 7643 info@emtl.ee www.emtl.ee

Distances from Tartu: Ethnic composition of Tartu:

45000 km² 1.45 million Tallinn (415,000) Tartu (100,000), Narva (75,000), Kohtla-Järve (55,000), Pärnu (52,000) President of the Republic – Arnold Rüütel Estonian English, German, Russian, Finnish Evangelist Lutheran Parliamentary Republic Single Chamber Parliament of 101 members 1 Estonian kroon (EEK) =100 sents EEK 8 = DEM 1, (1992–1998) EEK 15.6466 = Euro 1 (since 1999) 5.8% (2002) GMT +2 hours -3.7°C in January and +18.4°C in July Helsinki 35 minutes, Stockholm 1 hour Prague 1 hour 10 minutes Copenhagen 1 hour 30 minutes Moscow 1 hour 40 minutes Amsterdam 2 hours 20 minutes London 2 hours 45 minutes Dublin 3 hours 15 minutes Tallinn 186km, Narva 184km, Pärnu 178km, Riga 250km, St. Petersburg 315km Estonians 76%, Russian 19%, others 5%

Estonian Woodworking Federation Kiriku 6, 10130 Tallinn, Estonia Tel. +372 648 9002 info@furnitureindustry.ee www.furnitureindustry.ee

Estonian Wooden Houses Association Rajakeskus Tabasalu, 76901 Harju maakond, Estonia Tel. +372 605 4891 info@woodhouse.ee www.woodest.com

www.tartu.ee www.tartumaa.ee Published with the support of Enterprise Estonia, Tartu City Government and Tartu Business Advisory Services

Tartu 2004. Design: Emajõe Disain. Photos: Meelis Lokk. Print: Triip.

N 58°22’


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