7 Things Indie Artist Must Have To Make It in the Music Business Drive/Work Ethic: There are plenty of creative talented artist who still never make it in the music game due their lack of drive and poor work ethic As an independent artist you need to consistently create new music and I’m not talking about just when your girl lets you record or you get fired from your job and now you’re back to being a rapper. You have to do this shit for real your music is what reels in your fans. Also you should be promoting your music as many ways as you can just not on Facebook, and Twitter you have to think outside the box when it comes to your promoting your music and actually take action. Your work ethic/drive is what will make or break you in this business.
Knowledge of The Business: Just like anything in this world if you don’t know the rules of the game, most likely, you’ll lose. So many indie artist waste all their damn time on social media sites trying to get likes instead of using their time wisely and learning how the music operates. The internet can give you access to all the tools you need to make it in the industry, but you have to do a little research, but trust me it’s worth it. Like they say knowledge is power and learning the business side will save you time and money in the long run. So instead of being on facebook all day take some time out and Google music marketing strategies, how to get royalties etc.
Common Sense: We all know to be successful it takes hard work, but you have to work smart also..Don’t waste your money on marketing that you can track to verify if it was worth the money, stop spamming people with your music who aren’t even in your ideal target audience, and the last thing is stop performing at the same venues to the same crowd of people over and over and wonder why your fanbase ain’t growing.
How to Build Relationships: Networking is mandatory in the music business. Once you realize that. And then you start to utilize your resources your fanbase will grow fast. As an artist your going to need connections with Dj’s club promoters, and graphic designers who can make you a flyer, stunning mixtape cover or whatever promo material you will need to build your brand. Also You have to stop trying to be the man in your city and network with other artist that are the same caliber or doing more in their music career then you it will help you get more exposure guaranteed. More assistance refer to @ Stunning Mixtape Cover, Promoting Your Music