How to Get Your Music on TV Shows Like Love and Hip Hop Whether you’re a music company or an artist in general, there comes a point in your career when you have to ask yourself a question, how do people, and how can you get your music on TV shows, Video games, and in commercials. Needless to say that if you manage to do so, your career as a musician will take a giant leap forward. So on behalf of the entire music industry let’s clarify exactly how would you go about making the above stated happen?
The first thing that you need to learn is the fact that there is a person out there who’s title is the “music supervisor”. A music supervisor is a person whose main and only job is to go over songs and select the few that meet the required standard for their upcoming project. In other words, a music supervisor is a person who you need to send your E-mail to!
How to find a music supervisor? However it may sound, it isn’t as complicated as it seems. For starters, music supervisors are individuals which are open to the public, and a minimum amount of research will get you a few E-mail from music supervisors which are currently working on music for an upcoming commercial, movie or video game. Bear in mind, that not every music supervisor is looking for what you have to offer, so what you should do is just look for shows that play your genre of music and contact those music supervisors.
For example if you watch Love & Hip Hop they play hip hop and relationship songs all throughout the show so if you make songs catered toward those topics you need to contact their music supervisor and submit your music to them. There music supervisors name is Doug Bernheim this is his link to contact him on Linkedin.
What to do and what not to do First thing’s first, you need to write an E-mail that actually makes sense. What do we mean by this? It’s a well-known fact that music supervisors get hundreds of E-mail daily, so you need to make your E-mail stand out. The first thing that any Music Supervisor hates most is an E-mail that has an MP3 attached to it. Its clutters up their inbox, so your E-mail will probably go to the
trash can, and will probably get blocked as well! What you should do is simply put a subject line that looks something like “a song with a lot of hype�.