Learn how to get your music on the billboard charts

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Learn How To Get Your Music On The Billboard Charts! It is every artist’s wish to be a house hold name, and also hit the billboard charts. And that is the reason many upcoming and established artists are getting their hustle back, and trying to make their own lane and make a breakthrough in the music industry. But peep this did you really know that you only have to sell approximately 450 albums in one week to make the Billboard HeatSeeker Chart? Moreover, believe it or not, there have been many upcoming and unsigned musicians and rappers hitting the Billboard charts in the last year. There are multiple ways for unsigned artists to sell their music on internet platforms, as well as music retail outlets. However, there is some other steps that need to be taken to make sure you appear on the Billboard charts. So, what can you do to appear on the charts without much hassle?

Here are some of the untold secrets to easily hit the Billboard charts;

Get a UPC code; it is very crucial to acquire a UPC code most CD duplication companies offer to put UPC codes on a CD. In some cases, if you are lucky enough you can get this important service at no cost, however I would just plan on getting my own. I paid $30 for mine but good thing for you is I came across a better provider with lower rates they charge $5 per barcode, you can go here www.speedybarcodes.com

Register for SoundScan – how does Billboard come up with all these top album charts you always hear about? Simple, it’s all because of Nielson SoundScan. Every time a music fan or enthusiast, goes online to buy a CD, or single the computer system automatically takes record of the CD bought. At the end of every week, the top album sellers are put on Billboard. Unfortunately, this will only happen if your CD has a UPC code in order to qualify for Nielson SoundScan.

Set up a pre-order: Well, for starters what is a pre-order? This refers to that period of time, where your fans can buy your music before it comes out. Then they will receive the CD during the week of your CD release. This will count to the first weekly sales, hence a great opportunity to optimize on. For instance, if you sell around 250 CDs in an 8-week pre-order duration, and then sell around 300 CDs the week you release your music, your first week sales will amount to 550, which will be sufficient enough to hit the Billboard HeatSeeker Chart (normally 450 albums stands a high chance of hitting top 150 on the chart).

On the other hand, if you decide to register your music for digital downloads through Tunecore or any other site; you need to set the release date for a minimum of around 6-weeks in advance, to ensure your EP/album will be out in time to correspond with your pre-order. If you don’t do this, then your first week total sales will only be from physical cd sales and not digital sales. Keep continue reading.................Music Custom Mixtape Covers

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