The Concert Marketing Trick That Will Get More 10x More People To Your Shows I’m going to be doing a series of post over the next couple of weeks on Mixtape Cover King’s blog just for indie artist. My whole goal is to give you real music marketing tips that will help really build your music career. I want to talk about a couple of basic music exposure methods that every rap artist should start off doing so were on the same page. I know this sounds like common sense, but the first thing I’m going to talk about is performing I know you’re like I can perform, but not only am I gonna point out reasons why performing is so important , I’m gonna tell you what you need to do to be looked at like a star, and I’m gonna teach you a slick marketing trick you can use at your shows to increase your brand exposure and build your fanbase at the same time guaranteed. Let's get started!
1) Gives Your Music Exposure
At the end of the day people can say what they want, but performing is the best way to get your music out there. Radio stations play the same songs over and over again, and the internet is flooded with thousands of artist who either try to sound like their favorite artist or their music isn’t that great, so it makes it hard for serious artist like you to stand out!
The easiest way for you to separate yourself from your competition is by having a dope ass performance and giving fans a show they can remember! It’s good to do shows because every time you perform your developing your stage presence and after you have a few shows under your belt you will be able to keep crowds captivated throughout your entire performance. (Once you feel your performance game is on point and you put on a few good shows you need to start performing less and being apart of bigger events or shows.)
If you’re shy lol or just can’t perform your music career is done. Nowadays performance money is damn near 70% of your income as an artist and if you can’t put on a good show no one is going to pay to see you perform.
2) Help You Create More Fans
The easiest way to make someone become what we like to call a super music fan is to connect with them on a personal level and the easiest way to do that is with a amazing live performance. Putting on a great show can easily get you new fans because nowadays when people attend an event or show they like the first thing they do is share it on social media with all of their friends, which is free word of mouth marketing on your behalf to an audience you couldn’t reach on your own.
Also remember whether you perform in front of 10 or 1,000 people always put your heart into your performance you never know who’s in the crowd. stay tune and keep reading for more tips.........Music Marketing tips