Video Equipment Hire: Find and Get it at Dragon Image Video equipment happens to be a major necessity in the field of videography. Many people would opt for a videography career but would think of shying away from it due to this very evident reason: video equipment happens to be very costly nowadays especially for the purpose of creating professional and high quality video outputs. If one can’t buy such equipment, is there any probable way to help spell out the possibility of using high standard video equipment? Worry no more because Dragon Image comes to the rescue with its Video Equipment Hire service. With this offer, you can have more possibilities for your video purpose needs. Video Equipment Hire offers a myriad of video equipment and tools from which you can choose from. This usually includes LED lighting, fluorescent lighting, HMI lighting, studio flash heads, tungsten lighting, audio, continuous kits, camera hire, production switchers and a whole lot more. In fact, you can find everything you need at Dragon Image whether you want to buy or hire. Where to find Dragon Image for its Video Equipment Hire service? You can visit it at its physical offices in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne or visit its website and discover its abounding offers.