Michael Witherwick
Liverpool University
2021- 2023
Part 2 MArch Distinction
Northumbria University
2016 - 2019
Part 1 BArch (Hons) upper 2:1 Conyers Sixth Form
2014 - 2016
A-Levels: ACC in General Studies, Maths, History Conyers Secondary School
2009 - 2014
GCSE: 8 A*, 4 A, 2B
Including A* in Further Maths, Art and A in English
Corstorphine + Wright
October 2019 - June 2021
Main projects: Wallsend Community Centre, Longwood, St Hilda’s Urban Farm, Teesside Airport Working across the RIBA plan of work stages, this practice has greatly improved my computer and technical competency. Working on design bids to technical drawings, I worked on many different projects to produce concept designs, visuals, Revit models, and tender technical drawings.
A passionate graduate I am seeking new challenges and influences at your practice. After completing my Part 1 placement, I have experience across all RIBA plan of work stages. With a desire to improve my technical and environmentally conscious design competency, my abilities cover computer, hand-drawn and conceptual design skills.
Contact Details
Mobile number + Email
Home address
Sports: 7 a-side Football + Hockey
Support: Leeds United
Music: Black Keys
TV: It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia
James Jones
Partner - Sheppard Robson
Tom Harrison
Associate Director - Corstorphine + Wright
Liverpool University Student Representative
2021- 2022
Norton Hockey Club Vice Captain
2020- 2021
Jesmond Hockey Fixtures Secretary
2023 Architects’ Journal Student Prize Nominated for Sustainability
- Sheppard Robson Jicwood Prize
- Swedish Wood Student Architecture Award
2022 Budapest University of Art & British School of Rome Presentation
- Terriva University Competition Entry
2019 GT3 People Architecture Prize for BA Architecture
Full UK Driving License
Revit, Autocad, Photoshop, Indesign, Lumion, Hand-Drawn Illustrations
Sketchup, Model Making, Microsoft Office + Teams
OneClick LCA, Passivhaus Planning Package, 3DS Max, Photography, Illustrator - References and
The thesis aims to challenge the anthropocene of Redcar, and other coastal industrial settlements, by critiquing successive regeneration failures by re-introducing a balancing of nature and human developments. In Redcar, the ownership and development model of the anthropocene has led to degradation of landscape and continued failures of regeneration. Therefore, the proposal is for three key stages of remediation: to heal the community, landscape and industry through rewilding, biobased materials and a central catalyst building to facilitate all three processes. The proposition: A Biobased Manufacturing & R+D Facility retrofit alongside a new-build community forum that acts as a protest to current developer plans.
Geology of Redcar CAD + Photoshop
Redcar Reimagined Photoshop
A new architectural agency can improve upon current forms of regeneration in post-failure coastal areas.
Within the thesis, the project aims to answer the following:
• What form has the failure of regeneration taken in Redcar?
• Can the agency of contemporary nature-based regeneration be adapted to the post-failure coastal condition?
• What strategies/interventions should be implemented in the short, medium and long term?
In summary, Redcar’s unique geological conditions presented many resources for industrial consumption. The research highlighted the differences between developers’ and locals’ visions for the area and its contested landscapes.
- Hypothesishttps://1drv.ms/v/s!AgpXfAfkk3Zwz0cVzK8hisK3GgoA?e=SaKoFH
Assessing the Region
Photoshop + CAD
1:20 Housing Hemp Retrofit
Revit + CAD
Material Comparison
OneClick LCA study
The proposal contains three key stages of remediation: to heal the community, landscape and industry through rewilding, biobased materials and a central catalyst building.
By analysing mapping data, the site locates itself within a wildlife corridor to help stitch the region’s ecology together. Moreover, housing with EPC ratings worse than C were located. Therefore, the intervention is in Redcar’s industrial estate, Warrenby. This catalyst will act as a hemp production facility, to help remediate the polluted soils and produce hempcrete insulation, to improve Redcar’s housing poor thermal performance through biobased insualtion internal retrofit.
National policy has focused primarily on the reduction of carbon in operation. As operational carbon decreases due to fabric efficiencies, embodied carbon in materials and construction increases, especially for conventional insulation materials.
Hemp, like other biobased materials, can be carbon negative, as it sequesters more carbon from the atmosphere over the buildings lifetime than it produces in their material production.
A biobased retrofit strategy for Redcar’s housing stock and regional rewilding strategy to help remediate the post-failure Redcar.
In line with government and local developer targets, the Warrenby catalyst remediates the region through phases. Through phytoremediation, hemp growth will clean contaminated soils, however cycles are needed to prevent monocultures. Moreover, rewilding further restores the lost ecology, tourism and industry from the historical carbon-intensive developments - establishing a bio-diversity matrix to target these lost habitats. Ultimately, these processes will tap into the larger regional scale ARUP model, to promote biobased design to meet Net Zero targets.
Introducing a phased series of interventions within a landscape seen across the country: the forgotten industrial estates.
Warrenby is a by-product of the ‘boom-and-bust’ industrial developments that dominated the region. Therefore, the phased masterplan allows a more managed design that integrates the people of Redcar. The interventions create a new route through the site - stitched together by a timber pergola framing park pavilions. The masterplan relates to the historical and contemporary analysis shown below: re-establishing lost streets to create green corridors that allow permeable landscaping; re-activating the remaining heritage and repurposing existing warehouses.
Taking reference from historical massing of the lost public house, the Visitor Center and Warehouse Food Court provide a new frontage to the site. By promoting retrofit and new-build design with biobased materials, the proposal achieves a net negative embodied and operational carbon.
Placed within the lost community allotment, the hemp zone allows the cultivation of the raw hemp plant into usable building material. Both retrofit warehouses frame the showcase hemp field, with an industrial and manual decortication programme. Here also a reclaimed steelworks chute bridges the field.
of architectural intervention.
Acting as a pivot point from the framed walkway of the visitor center to the wetlands to the south, the Knowledge Quarter provides a civic square to re-establish the historic Marsh House. Providing a Community Forum and R+D Facility, the massing references contextual industrial languages.
Acting as an opposition to the controversial developer plans of the area, the Teeswork plans of the STDC, the design acts as a wetland management center and community pavilion. Placed along the re-established historical bridleway, the design frames key views and incorporates ecology into design.
Visitor Center Revit, Lumion + Photoshop
- The Community Gateway -
These buildigns provide an example of how biobased and retrofit principles can be used within new and existing builds.
Framing the showcase hemp field, the retrofit warehouse processes are viewable from above.
Hemp Processing Floor Plan Revit
A-A Section + B-B Section Revit + Photoshop render Manual Detortication Revit, Lumion + Photoshop render
Further promoting biobased material design, the colour palette was inspired by the demolished steelworks: maroon accent red, dark hempcrete and light timber. The Tower is introduced as wayfinding device and observation deck, to look towards the coast and hemp fields.
Visitor Center Revit, Lumion + Photoshop
Pavilions in the Park Revit, Lumion + Photoshop
Ridge Floor Plan
Revit + CAD
1. 1:20 A-A Section
Revit + CAD
2. Bird Tower Visual Revit, Lumion + Photoshop
Build Up
- Screw Anchor Foundation
- Aggregate Pad
- Gabion Cage (Habitat)
- Woodfibre Sarking & Breather Membrane
- Hempcrete Insulation in Timber I-Joists
- Woodfibre Sarking & Breathable Vapour
- Hemp Batt Insulation & Wood Wool board
- Lime Plaster Internal Finish
- Hempcrete Insulation in timber I-Joists
- Primary Structural Columns
- Ventilated Cavity & Breathable Membrane
- Timber Truss (habitat) & Recycled EPDM
- Thatched Roof
Exploring Budapest through Liverpool’s Space and Narrative studio, the Copper Cloth highlights the historical Indigo Dye process of Hungary. Completing the unfinished square of the City Hall, the design connects the Merlin Theatre to the Central Chapel. Aiming to promote Roma minorities within Budapest, the design fits within a larger series of interventions speculated through my partner group project Towards a Shared Fate. Inspired by the dye process, the copper roof appears floating on the timber frame with the roof hierarchy highlighting the approach to the central market spine. To combat the prominent traffic-busy street frontage, the landscaping acts as both a buffer zone and to promote the woad planting to dye making.
Approach & development
Sketch + Photoshop render
Approach from District 8 Revit + Photoshop render
Parade Route
Using Towards A Shared Fate as a basis for the Dye Works Market, the Arts + Crafts of Budapest were mapped alongside the parade route.
Market Squares
Erkel Theatre
Peoples’ Theatre
Merlin Theatre
Industrial Areas
Traditonal New
1. Increased glazing and roof pitch on south elevation encourage solar gain
2. Central Atrium to allow workshop deeper plan of 12m
3. 2m Gap for Stack Ventilation
4. Overhang and louvres allows northern light to penetrate.
5. Trees allow 50% sound absorption from busy street
6. Distance from trees allow 100% winter Solar Gain & 10% windspeed reduction
Embodied Carbon
Brick Wall 102mm depth:
Embodied carbon kgC02 per 1m2 = 43.3, Effective Heat Capacity Wh/m2k =42.4
Solid Timber Flooring 25mm
Embodied carbon kgC02 per 1m2 = 14.6, Effective Heat Capacity Wh/m2k =5.4
Carbon impact per m3 material
Copper: 24230 & Timber: -600
1:50 at A3 A-A Workshop Section
Revit, CAD & Photoshop
1. Solar Shading Analysis
2. Site Axonometric Revit, CAD & Photoshop
3. 1:1000 at A3 Site Plan
Revit, CAD & Photoshop
Environmental strategies help formulate the massing and facade treatments on the design. As indicated by shading analysis and psychometric data, the constraints of overshading and over humidity required a section to encourage light and ventilation. Therefore both the plans arrangement and density had to allow for minimal mechanical measures - to encourage a passive design.
Indigo Plant Garden
Revit & Photoshop
Informal Sellars Market
Revit & Photoshop
Dye Vats Market
Revit & Photoshop
Street Facing Woad Garden
Revit & Photoshop
Completing City Hall the design creates squares; an informal public market and a semi-public indigo garden. Incorporating traditional planting techniques, the plan’s arrangement follows the dyeing process summarised by: storage; waxing; dyeing; drying and selling. Combining three programmes (market, theatre, and industry dye-works) the market spaces and workshops are separated across the levels, which are further arranged by their daylighting and theatrical qualities.
Working alongside the Copper Cloth, this project aims to promote unity and identity in Budapest by re-instating the lost market. Towards a Shared Fate is a group project, that focuses on technical resolution, that encourages city diversity whilst using public spaces to unify Budapest’s communities. Chosen as the main site of intervention, Budapest’s City Hall square is a central point connected to prominent celebratory routes used by minority groups.
The marketplace aims to create a framework for multiple functions. Primarily a sunken glallery and upper level park, the landscaping has been utilised to frame the design within the asymmetrical grounds of the city hall.
From the site analysis, providing cooling and shading were the main environmental principles. Therefore, the canopy (using a winch) retracts to allow shading into the park. Moreover, the exposed stone floor within the landscaped park help cool the spaces through Budapest’s summer. Travertine and Limestone were used for historical context, using high thermal mass to reduce operational carbon.
Example Detailing
1. Retaining Gabion Wall Construction
1000mm Galvanised Steel Wire Baskets
80-120mm Recycled Crushed Concrete
Steel Reinforment Rod
2. Wall Construction
50mm Silver honed travertine cladding
Horizontal Rainscreen fame (transition)
Vapour control layer
150mm Cork board Ridgid insulation
Vertical Rainscreen frame (mullion)
Damp proof membrane
200mm Breezeblock
200mm Wall Cavity
Sketchup + CAD
A-A Sunken GalleryRichard Otley Boundary
Analysing the effects of 20th Century developments, for future proposals, on St Hilda’s Place.
This dissertation critiques the current-day BCEGI proposals for a former settlement in Middlesbrough (St Hilda’s) by analysing it through historical research – to see if the contemporary design falls victim to historical mistakes. It discusses St Hilda’s changing built environment, the bureaucratic involvement and residents’ responses. Through a study of historical maps, newspaper articles and surveys, the dissertation highlights key themes of analysis to evaluate the new proposal. This framework of evaluation was further refined by broader architectural concepts highlighted in the literature review, to understand how St Hilda’s historical Tabula Rasa development impacted its Place.
Providing a precedent of exemplary design for future developments using circular economic principles, the reports highlights the design’s response to the UK’s Net Zero targets, the sustainable retrofit of UK housing, and the balancing of ecology within the built environment. Using the visitor centre and market of the masterplan, acting as a pilot study, the report demonstrates the viability of biobased materials in a retrofit-first passive design alongside the regional rewilding scheme. Key findings show that through consideration of biobased material quantities, net zero emboided carbon was achieved. Furthermore, the application of internal hemp insulation was proved a viable housing retrofit solution. Lastly, through rewilding, a calcualted 29.2% biodiversity net gain was achived.
The report aims to guide Northstone regarding its development on the Keld site, Barrowford. The report’s focus is of low carbon design strategies, in response to the net-zero carbon emissions 2050 announcement by the government, and the 2030 govt deadline that all new builds must be built to operational net-zero standards to cut greenhouse gas emissions by half. The report suggest the fabric first approach to reduce operational carbon and the changing of building materials to reduce embodied carbon.
- D&A + Tender Drawings -
An elderly retreat, the Urban Farm, was an industrial building wrap to create a threshold between the industrial backdrop and the gardens within.
Given early Stage 1/2 floor plans and elevation studies, I developed, modelled and visualised the design. Moreover, detailing the design for tender, and working alongside engineers and landscape consultants.
My role: Design Discussions, Revit Model, Design & Access + Tender drawings.
My role: Design Discussions, Revit Model, Design & Access statement drawings.
Working alongside the lead architect, the design is for a self-contained living quarters for adults with disabilities. It removes the existing run-down building, to create a more friendly environment that interacts with the surrounding landscape through its materiality and organic forms.
My role: Design Discussions, Revit Model, Design & Access statement drawings.
Working alongside the lead architect, the design is a cluster of townhouses within the left over spaces behind Richmond’s busy market square. Taking the plans, I individually massed the design to tie within the surrounding levels with the form taking inspiration from the context’s high pitch roofs.
My role: Design Discussions, Visualisations, Design to Construction drawings.
Working alongside the lead architect, the series of retrofit designs is within a greater Teesside Airport masterplan. The project deadlines were fast and greatly improved my speed of output. Individual designs ranged from new canopy and viewing platform designs to cafe, toilettes and leisure retrofits.
ProposedOfficeSpaces CADdrawing
Placement: Wallsend Centre
Pre-construction Information Pack
Myroles:Pre-constructionInformationPack,Design WallsendCommunityFirstCentrewasaprojectapproachedto Corstorphine+WrightbyNewcastleCityCouncil.Thebriefrequiredthe designtore-workspaceswithintheexistingbuildingaswellasintroduce adrugrehabilitationwardonthe2ndfloor.ThePre-Construction InformationPackagerequiredstrictprogrammaticneedsofadrug rehabilitationward,suchasanti-ligaturefittingsandspecifications. Ontheleft,Idesignedgenericofficespaceswithinthe2nd floorvacant space,withoutabrief,basingthesizesandroomsneededfromprevious projects.Organisedupontheexistinggrid,thespaceswerelayeredin accordancetofunction(whilstmaximisingtheinternallightingconditions) allowingtheuserstofilterthroughtheoffice.
My role: Design Discussions, Tender drawings.
Typicaltoiletlayout CADdrawing
Working alongside the lead architect, the Wallsend Community Center was a retrofit design which involved tight deadlines for tender packages. Additional roles included the individual design of a new office space.
Inspired by the thematic historical readings of the manufactured landscape, the proposal aims to respond to the history of the site through a new programme of an Alzheimer Respite Center; informed through the contextual analysis of Newcastle’s forgotten demographic. Designed on key principles of sufferers care, the walled gardens are placed along a central axial spine. With pavilions increasing in privacy and intensity of care whilst progressing through the site, each intervention aims to stimulate the users cognitive abilities.