Chinese Gourmet Journey

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邬 稼 铭 Michael Wu

图书在版编目(CIP)数据 小眼睛看美食·中餐篇 / 邬稼铭著. — 深圳 : 海 天出版社, 2015.11 ISBN 978-7-5507-1463-2 Ⅰ. ①小… Ⅱ. ①邬… Ⅲ. ①中式菜肴-烹饪 Ⅳ. ①TS972.11 中国版本图书馆CIP数据核字(2015)第213766号


出 品 人 责任校对 装帧设计 英文翻译

聂雄前 周 敏 黄 迅 郭其桢

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许全军 梁立新 徐彦波 邬稼铭

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CIP Data

My gourmet journey. Chinese cuisine by Jiaming Wu Shenzhen:Hai Tian Press, 2015.11 ISBN 978-7-5507-1463-2 CIP Data, Chinese Library(2015):NO.213766

My Gourmet Journey. Chinese Cuisine Producer:Xiongqian Nie Editor:QuanJun Xu Proofreader:Min, Zhou Technology Editor: Lixin, Liang Designer:Xu Huang Photographer:Yanbo Xu / Michael Wu English Translation:Qizhen Guo Publication and Distribution: Hai Tian Press Address: Hai Tian Complex, Caitian North Road, Shenzhen Website: Phone Number for Purchase: 0755-83460397 (wholesale) 0755-83460239(mail order) Printing:Shenzhen Hope Printing Corporation Format:787mm×1092mm 1/16 Pages:17.5 word number:220 thousand Edition Number:First Edition in November, 2015 Printing Number: First Time Printing in November,2015 Price: RMB 32.8 Copyright by Haitian Press, All Right Reserved Brand new books are promised by printing corporation if found of quality issue


者 作 简介 邬稼铭 Michael Wu

邬稼铭(小胖),2000 年 7 月出生于中国深圳,2014 年 9 月赴加拿大留学。他 非常热爱美食,2014 年暑假,14 岁的他,采访了深圳 20 家著名的餐厅,了解中国 八大菜系的特点,跟大厨学做餐厅特色美食,尝试烹饪家常菜。分享寻找美食、品 尝美食、烹饪美食的快乐,愉快的中餐之旅带你走入他的美食世界。

About the Author Born and raised in July 2000 in Shenzhen, China, Michael Wu went to study in Toronto, Canada in September 2014. As a big fan of Chinese cuisine, he, then fourteen years old, interviewed twenty famous restaurants in Shenzhen in the 2004 summer vocation, during which he gained much insight into the Eight Factions of Chinese Cuisines and learned to cook each restaurant’s specialty under the instruction of executive chefs and many other household dishes. In this book, Michael will share his joyous experience of finding, tasting, and cooking cuisine and lead you into the world of Chinese cuisine.


小 给 胖

马 皓 深圳广播电视集团音乐频率“飞扬 97.1” 《美味乐翻天》节目主持人

“如果给你一个回到 10 年前的机会,你会选择紧紧抓住自己的梦想还是选择放 弃?”最近我脑海中一直反复出现这样的问题,如果问你,答案会是什么?直到我 拿到小胖《小眼睛看美食·中餐篇》的书稿。 每个人都希望回到生命中某一个特定的时刻,只因为那时候有放不下的事情。 回到过去的自己,提醒着我们的失去,也揣着我们这些年来学会的成长和明白。 这是一本关于梦想、成长和爱的美味图书,是一个少年对美食的热爱和追求, 是一次快乐的美食之旅,是一个温暖、快乐的故事。 我开始反思:为什么要等到若干年后,青春已逝才来感慨梦想未竟?为什么不 能像小胖一样,在自己最青春的年华做一场最勇敢的尝试 ? 可爱的小胖,正在读书的你,让自己的梦想一步步走进现实,这本身就是一件 非常快乐和幸福的事情。 “梦想还是要有的,万一实现了呢?”献给所有相信爱和梦想的人。


Ma Hao

Ma Hao, host of Feiyang 97.1, the Shenzhen Media Group Music Channel: Food Brings Happiness

To Michael: “If you are offered a chance to go back to ten years ago, would you hold tightly on to your dream or just give up?” This question kept haunting me recently. If I ask you, what is your answer? I immediately knew the answer when I received the script of My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine. Everyone wants to go back to a particular moment, simply because there was always something that he or she couldn’t let go. Recalling the past is to remind us of something that we have lost and something that makes us grow and learn. This is a gourmet book about dream, growth, and love; it is a teenager’s passion and pursuit for cuisine; it is a delightful gourmet journey; and it is also a story full of warmth and happiness. I ask myself why should I wait several years before I finally realize that my dream has gone? And why not learn from Michael and take a chance when I am still young? My dear Michael, it is the experience of joy and happiness to gradually make your own dream come true. Everyone should have a dream. What if one day it does come true? This is for those who believe in love and dream.


我 故事




听妈妈讲,我小时候体弱多病,妈妈想让我强壮些,给我吃了很多有营养的东 西。渐渐地,我长大了,体重也增加了不少。我喜欢美食,绝对是受老爸的影响。 爸爸是江西人,很懂得吃,市区内的大街小巷,哪里有好吃的,他都一清二楚。我 从小随父亲走街串巷,小餐馆、大酒楼、五星级酒店,不管是哪个菜系,他都能找 到最好吃的那一家。所以,每逢周末和假期,最快乐的事情就是跟着爸爸去吃饭, 不仅吃,还要吃得舒服,吃出滋味!就这样,我的嘴和胃变得越来越挑剔。哎,腰 围越来越粗,体重越来越重,大家只能喊我“小胖”了。 我可是美食节目的忠实粉丝。每天放学路上,坐在车里必听深圳广播电台“飞 扬 97.1”的《美味乐翻天》节目。主持人一路上陪伴着我,经常听着节目就直流口 水,越听越饿。“食神”马皓每次推荐的餐厅,我都用笔记录下来,亲自去试一试, 谁让我这么爱吃呢?深圳卫视的《大厨到你家》、《食客准备》节目,我每晚必看, 认识了肥妈、宋大厨、谭大厨。他们讲的菜,我常在家里尝试着烹饪出来,虽然有 时样子并不好看,但味道还是蛮不错的,得到了家人的赞赏。 2012 年暑假,小学毕业那年,《舌尖上的中国 1》纪录片热播,我反复看了多 遍,有了出一本美食书的想法,思来想去,定下书名《小眼睛看美食》。刚入初中, 学习有些紧张,写书之事暂且放下。2014 年《舌尖上的中国 2》纪录片播出后,更 激发了我出书的热情。书店里卖的美食书大都是家常菜的食谱,很少有介绍餐厅特 色菜的内容。人们为什么喜欢去餐厅吃饭?不仅可以吃到家乡的味道,菜式种类多, 色、香、味俱全,还能体验品尝美食的乐趣。于是,我的书分两个部分来写:第一


部分“我跟大厨学做菜”,采访深圳著名的餐厅,了解中国八大菜系的特点,我向大 厨请教做菜的方法;第二部分“美味家常菜”,在长辈们的指导下,我尝试烹饪的家 常菜。 2014 年暑假,在近两个月的时间里,我走访了深圳 20 家著名的餐厅,涵盖川菜、 鲁菜、粤菜、闽菜、苏菜、浙菜、湘菜、徽菜中国八大菜系。走进餐厅厨房,我向 大厨请教每道菜的烹饪方法,体验做菜的过程,品尝每道菜,记录这其中的感受, 将餐厅特色美食推荐给大家。我想,当大家翻开这本书,足不出户,就可以了解各 菜系的美味佳肴了。 说起采访的过程,真是不容易。我在网上查找资料,电话预约,登门拜访。第 一家深圳老字号粤菜酒楼北海渔村,是爸爸的朋友推荐的,我见到了餐厅的老板和 大厨,第一次走进大酒楼的厨房,感觉很新鲜。在大厨的指导下我尝试做了四道粤 菜,从切菜到做菜手忙脚乱,但菜的味道的确不错。西贝莜面村香蜜湖店是我第一 次通过电话预约的餐厅,我向店长说明要采访的原因,并连线了企划部负责人,叔 叔非常热情地答应了我的请求,并确定采访时间和联络人。半个多小时的联络和 等待,我终于成功了!这次联络工作给我接下来的餐厅采访增加了信心。在联系采 访的过程中,也有多次吃闭门羹的时候,有些人会以“你们是媒体吗”“会上电视 吗”“对不起,我们很忙,没有时间”等理由拒绝我。一般情况下,餐厅是不允许客 人进入厨房的,我的诚意打动了多位素不相识的餐厅老板、经理和大厨,常常在十 几个电话的解释说明之后,才允许我前去采访,真是来之不易啊!


说起写美味家常菜的环节,不得不说说我的阿姨,她在我眼里就是大厨。每天 放学,我放下书包就冲进厨房,品尝她准备的晚餐,并且在她的指导下开始学做家 常菜。我切菜的功夫一般,每次炒完菜,厨房都会被我弄得乱七八糟。不过,大家 都说我炒的菜“好吃”,爸妈可有口福了!准确地说,我可不是一个厨师,而是一个 美食爱好者,俗称“吃货”,不过,你可千万不要低估一个“吃货”对美食的热情。 书稿的整理工作,我是在加拿大多伦多完成的,部分采访的补充资料是通过邮 件和微信陆续完成的。在近一年的时间里,素材的整理、网上查阅资料、反复修改、 联系出版、设计等工作都是在我学习之余完成的。 关于出书的过程,还是有很多遗憾。因我在 2014 年 9 月前往加拿大留学,假期 的时间有限,有很多我喜欢的餐厅没有时间去采访。家常菜部分,是在长辈的指导 下尝试了多次完成的,刀工不是很好,做的菜还不够精致。 2014 年的暑假,让我终生难忘。我非常感谢这 20 家餐厅给予我学习的机会,他 们不仅把特色菜的秘诀告诉我,还演示了每道菜的制作过程,让我真正体会到餐厅 的经营理念和特色;知道每道菜都凝聚了大厨的心血和对美食的热爱;体验了高温 下烹饪美食的辛苦;了解大厨的心路历程,聆听美食背后的故事;制作美食,除了 用舌头尝、用眼睛看、用鼻子闻,更需要用心地为食客做出温暖、感动、美味的食 物。我热爱生活,热爱文字,喜欢摄影,更喜欢美食,我把自己对家人的爱融进了 每一道菜中。 我要感谢一路走来支持我的爸爸妈妈,全程陪伴我的徐彦波叔叔,在书稿设计 方面给我建议的黄迅哥哥、练世鹏哥哥,在英文翻译中给我帮助的郭其桢哥哥、刘 星姐姐,感谢深圳广播电台飞扬 97.1《美味乐翻天》主持人马皓哥哥的鼓励,感谢 曾经帮助过我的叔叔阿姨们!


My Story My mother once told me that I was weak in health when I was little. To make me stronger, she fed me much nutritious food, and gradually I gained much weight. My passion for food must have been influenced by my father. Born and raised in Jiangxi Province, my father loves delicious foods, and he always knows where to find them. Therefore, when I was young, he always took me to the eateries or restaurant,small or fancy, scattered out on the streets— no matter which faction of cuisine, he could always find the best one. The weekend or vocation is my happiest time, since I can always go out to enjoy the cuisine with my father. Our little journey is not just about eating. It is also about tasting and enjoying. This might be the reason why I become pickier about food. Everyone now calls me “Xiaopang (chubby)” for my growing waist and weight. I am a loyal fan of gourmet broadcasts. Everyday in the car on my way home, I will always tune in to the gourmet program—the “Feiyang 97.1: Food Brings Happiness. The broadcaster, Ma Hao, humorously regarded as the God of food, is always there for me, and his introduction of gourmet always makes my mouth water. Every time Ma Hao recommends a new restaurant, I will write it down and try the food there in person. I just like food and cuisine so much! I will also watch other gourmet shows in Shenzhen TV such as Chef Comes to Your Home and Get Ready for Gourmet , and through these shows, I came to know famous chefs such as Chubby Nanny, Chef Song, and Chef Tan. I will always try out the recipes they recommend. Even though my dishes don’t always look appealing, their taste always gained praise from my family and friends. During the summer vacation in 2012, a gourmet documentary called A Bite of China became a hit in China. I watched it again and again before an idea dawned on me that I should write my own gourmet book. After serious consideration, I decided to name it My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine. Unfortunately, the intense study in the junior high school put that task on hold. It was when A Bite of China Season 2 was on air in 2014 that my passion for writing that book came overwhelmingly back. The gourmet books on sale nowadays are all about household recipes, without any introduction of the specialties served in restaurants. Why do people like to eat out? The reason may be that the restaurant is where they can have a taste of their hometown dishes; the dishes there feature great variety, eye-catching appearance, nose-drawing fragrance, and tongue-pleasing flavor; meanwhile, they can experience the fun of tasting cuisine. Therefore, I divide my book into two parts: the first part is about “Leaning to Cook from Chefs”, in which I will include the interviews with famous restaurants in Shenzhen, the introduction of the characteristics of the Eight Factions of Cuisine, and the recipes I have learned from famous chefs. The second part is “Delicious Household Dishes”, in which I detail about my attempts to make household dishes, following the instructions of older generations. During my two-month summer vacation in 2014, I visited twenty famous restaurants in Shenzhen, covering all eight factions of Chinese cuisines, namely Sichuan Cuisine, Shandong Cuisine, Cantonese Cuisine, Fujian Cuisine, Jiangsu Cuisine, Zhejiang Cuisine, Hunan Cuisine and Anhui Cuisine. In the kitchen of every restaurant, I learned the recipes of all dishes from executive chefs, experienced the process of cooking and tasting, wrote down my feelings, and introduced those dishes


in my book. Through this book, I want my readers to know about all delicate dishes from different gourmet factions without stepping out of their houses. The process of interviewing was not easy. I searched the information on the internet, made phone appointments with the restaurants, and paid my visits in person. The first restaurant that accepted my interview was North Sea Fishing Village Restaurant, an old, famous Cantonese restaurant in Shenzhen. Recommended by one of my father’s friends, I met the boss and the executive chef. When I first stepped into the kitchen, everything was new to me. Assisted by the executive chef, I tried making four Cantonese dishes. I was all awkward from the cutting of ingredients to the actual cooking process, but fortunately, the dishes tasted quite good. Xibei Oat Noodle Village Restaurant in Xiangmihu was the first restaurant with which I successfully made appointment by phone. I told the manager the reason why I wanted to conduct interview and successfully got in touch with the supervisor of the Planning Department, who kindly accepted my request and confirmed the time and the contact person. After half an hour’s effort and waiting, I finally succeeded. This experience enhanced my confidence in the following appointments and interviews. Of course, I also received refusals, with they using excuses like “Are you from the media?” “Will this be on air on TV?” “Sorry, we are very busy”… Normally, customers are not allowed into the kitchen, but my passion and sincerity touched several restaurant owners, managers, and chefs. After numerous phone calls, I was finally approved to their kitchens, which was truly hard-earned! When it comes to the household cuisine, I have to talk about my housekeeper, who, in my eyes, is the master of cooking. Whenever I am home from school, I will rush into the kitchen and taste


whatever she prepares for dinner. Under her guidance, I will also make my own dishes. I am not good at cutting ingredients, and every time I finish my cooking, the kitchen becomes a mess! Fortunately, my family kept encouraging me by saying that my dishes taste “quite good”. Strictly speaking, I am not a chef but a lover of food, or foodie. But, never underestimate a foodie’s zeal for food! The compilation of the scripts was done in Toronto, and some of the interview materials were compiled through email or Wechat. This process took nearly a year, including the collection of source materials, the search for the information on the internet, the revision, the contact with the publishing house, and the discussion about the layout and format. All of this was done in my spare time. I still have some regrets when writing my book. In September, 2014, I went to Toronto for senior high. Since I only stayed in Shenzhen for a short time, there were still plenty of desired restaurants I didn’t get to interview. As for the household cuisine, I have tried several times before I finally succeeded, and my skill of cutting ingredients and decoration of my dish still have room for improvement. My summer vacation in 2014 was unforgettable. I am very grateful for the opportunities to learn to cook in these 20 restaurants. They not only offered me their precious recipes, but also instructed me the cooking procedure . After that, I have a much more profound understanding of their business concepts and characteristics; I come to know that every dish comes from the effort and love of every chef; I have experienced their hardship when working under high temperature; I have also been offered a chance to listen to their stories with cuisine. The cuisine is not just about tasting, appreciating, and smelling. It is more about making food with sincerity, about making food that make customers warm and touched. I love life, writing, and photography, but I love food even more. Every dish is the the fusing of ingredients and the love I have for my family. Here, I want to offer thanks to my parents, who always support me; to Xu Yanbo, who accompanied me all the time; to Huang Xun and Lian Shipeng, who gave me instructions on the design of this book; to Qizhen Guo and Liuxing, who helped me with the English translation. Also, I want to offer special thank to MaoHao, host of the Feiyang 97.1: Food Brings Happiness Channel, for his encouragement. Of course, many thanks must be given to those who once helped me!


中 国 菜 中国是一个餐饮文化大国,烹饪技艺历史悠久。由于受地理环境、气候物产、 文化传统、民风习俗等因素的影响,经过漫长的历史演变和传承,形成了当地群众 喜爱的地方风味,并广泛流传。由于地域、民俗、特产及各地的烹饪方法不同,形 成了不同的菜肴。 要说中国菜的菜品数量真是数不胜数。中国菜素有四大风味和八大菜系之 说。四大风味是鲁、川、粤、淮扬,八达菜系是山东(鲁)菜、四川(川)菜、湖 南(湘)菜、江苏(苏)菜、浙江(浙)菜、安徽(徽)菜、广东(粤)菜、福建 (闽)菜。按文化流派和地域风格划分,又有东北菜、北京菜、西北菜、江淮菜、江 西菜、湖南菜、福建菜、客家菜、广东菜等菜品。清代的时候,中国饮食分为京式、 苏式、广式。民国时又分华北、江浙、华南、西南四种流派。华北流派分出鲁菜, 江浙菜系分苏菜、浙菜、徽菜,华南流派分粤菜、闽菜,西南流派分为川菜、湘菜。 川、鲁、苏、粤四大菜系形成历史较早,后来,浙、闽、湘、徽等地方菜也逐渐出 名,形成了我国的“八大菜系”。中国的“八大菜系”的烹调技艺各具风韵,代表了 各地色、香、味、形俱佳的传统特色烹饪技艺。





China, with its long history of cooking, has a rich culinary culture. Due to those factors such as geography and environment, climate and produce, and custom and tradition, as well as years’ revision and heritage of recipes, different flavors of cuisine are formed accordingly and loved by the local population. With the distinction in geology, customs, specialties, and cooking method, different factions of cuisine form. Chinese dishes are countless, but they are generally categorized into four flavors and eight factions. The four flavors include Shandong Flavor, Sichuan Flavor, Guangdong Flavor and Jiangsu-Zhejiang Flavor, and the eight factions cover Shandong(Lu) Cuisine, Sichuan(Chuan) Cuisine, Hunan(Xiang) Cuisine, Jiangsu(Su) Cuisine, Zhejiang(Zhe) Cuisine, Anhui(Hui) Cuisine, Guangdong(Yue) Cuisine, and Fujian(Min) Cuisine. Based on the distinction in culture and geography, Chinese cuisine can also be categorized into Northeast Cuisine, Beijing Cuisine, Northwest Cuisine, Jiangsu-Zhejiang Cuisine, Jiangxi Cuisine, Hunan Cuisine, Fujian Cuisine, Hakka Cuisine, and Guangdong Cuisine. In Qing Dynasty, Chinese Cuisine was divided into three styles, namely Beijing Style, Jiangsu Style, and Guangdong Style. In the republic of China era, four style existed, namely North China Style, Jiangsu-Zhejiang Style, South China Style, and Southwest Style. Then, North China Style becomes Shandong(Lu)Cuisine; Jiangsu-Zhejiang Style is divided into Jiangsu(Su) Cuisine, Zhejiang(Zhe) Cuisine, and Anhui(Hui) Cuisine. South China Style is divided into Guangdong(Yue) Cuisine and Fujian(Min) Cuisine; and Southwest Style is divided into Sichuan(Chuan) Cuisine and Hunan(Xiang) Cuisine. Sichuan Cuisine, Shandong Cuisine, Jiangsu Cuisine, and Guangdong Cuisine were the earliest-formed four factions, and then came Zhejiang Cuisine, Fujian Cuisine, Hunan Cuisine, and Anhui Cuisine, all of which are later called “Eight Factions of Chinese Cuisines”. All eight factions have distinctive cooking methods and highly represent the culinary art of color, fragrance, taste, and shape in their regions



◎ 我跟大厨学做菜



目 录






Learning from the Chef

中国八大菜系之一·粤菜 one of the Eight Cuisines in China Guangdong(Yue) Cuisine

北海渔村酒楼 / 6 North Sea Fishing Village Restaurant 北海水晶鸡 / 7 North Sea Crystal Chicken 清蒸东星斑 / 8 Steamed Pink Garoupa 沙姜黑椒牛仔骨 / 9 Black Pepper Short Ribs with Sand Ginger 红腰豆百合煮鲍鱼仔 / 10 Braised Small Abalone with Red Kidney Beans and Lily Bulbs

威尼斯酒店意华轩中餐厅 / 11 Yi Huaxuan Chinese Restaurant in The Venice Hotel 家乡金针菇牛肉卷 / 13 Enokitake Beef Roll 台南焖黑猪肉 / 14 South Taiwan Style Braised streaky pork

花椒蒸笋壳鱼 / 15 Steamed Goby Fish with Sichuan Pepper XO 酱碧绿花枝带子 / 16 Squid and Scallop in XO sauce

引航酒店 / 17 Yinhang Restaurant 酿苦瓜 / 18 Yong Bitter Gourd 萝卜丝煮蛋饺(酿蛋饺) / 19 Yong Egg Dumpling (Braised Egg Dumpling with Shredded Radish) 酿豆腐 / 20 Yong Tofu 豆瓣酱煮剥皮鱼 / 21 Stewed Filefish with Puning Broad Bean Paste

大好精细潮州菜 / 22 DaHao JingXi Chaozhou Restaurant 盐水煮什鱼 / 23 Boiled Fishes with Salted Water 豆酱焗蟹 / 24 Roasted Crab with Puning Broad Bean Paste


九肚鱼爽 / 25 Pan-seared Kau Fish with Waternut and Basil 南瓜煲 / 26 Braised Pumpkin

假日私房菜 / 27 Holiday Homemade Cuisine Restaurant 香煎安格斯牛肉 / 29 Pan-seared Angus Beef 手撕杏鲍菇 / 30 Torn Pleurotus Eryngii 浓汤乡下花菜煲 / 31 Braised Cabbage 泰汁脆虾球 / 33 Crispy Shrimp Balls with Thai Sauce 虫草花炖土猪肉汤 / 34 Home-bred Pork with Aweto Flower Soup 天籽花辽参功夫汤 / 35 Liao Sea Cucumber Soup with Dendrobe Flower 年轻的牛扒大厨 / 36 The Young Steak Chef

芳都酒楼 / 37 Fang Du Restaurant 芳都虾饺皇 / 38 Fang Du Shrimp Dumpling 至尊烧麦皇 / 39 Shaomai (Steamed Pork Dumpling) 泰式榴莲酥 / 40 Thai Style Durian Tartlet 酱汁蒸风爪 / 41 Steamed Chicken Feet with Soy 鲜竹牛肉球 / 42 Steamed Beef Meatball 沙爹金钱肚 / 43 Satay Pork Tripes 韭黄鲜虾肠 / 44 Steamed Shrimp Vermicelli Roll with Hotbed Chives 荔湾艇仔粥 / 45 Liwan Sampan Congee


中国八大菜系之一·川菜 one of the Eight Cuisines in China Sichuan Cuisine

巴蜀风月 / 51 Bashu Fengyue Restaurant 宫保鸡丁 / 53 Kung Pao Chicken 夫妻肺片 / 55 Beef Tripe in Chili Sauce 麻婆豆腐 / 57 Mapo Tofu 水煮江团鱼 / 59 Stewed Longsnout Catfish 鱼香肉丝 / 61 Yu-shiang Shredded Pork (with Spicy Garlic Sauce) 巴蜀风成都基地 / 62 Chengdu Base of Bashu Fengyue

中国八大菜系之一·鲁菜 one of the Eight Cuisines in China Lu Cuisine

山东老家 / 66 Shangdong Hometown Restaurant 合菜炒粉丝 / 67 Sauteed Cabbages with Vermicelli 九转大肠 / 68 Braised Intestines in Brown Sauce 胶东大白菜炖乌贼 / 69 Stewed Shandong Cabbage with Cuttlefish 京酱肉丝 / 71 Sauteed Shredded Pork in Sweet Bean Sauce

中国八大菜系之一·苏菜 one of the Eight Cuisines in China Su Cuisine

豫园上海饭庄 / 74 Shanghai Yuyuan Garden Restaurant 清炒河虾仁 / 75 Stir-fried Shelled Fresh Shrimps 心太软 / 76 Sticky Rice Stuffed in Dates

香干马兰头 / 77 Sliced Dried Tofu with Kalimeris Herbs 糖醋排骨 / 78 Sweet and Sour Pork Ribs 桂花酒酿丸子 / 79 Sticky Rice Balls and Osmanthus with Rice Wine 船宴与蟹宴 / 80 Boat Feast and Crab Feast

中国八大菜系之一·浙菜 one of the Eight Cuisines in China Zhejiang Cuisine

江南厨子 / 84 Jiangnan Chuzi Restaurant 东坡肉 / 85 Dongpo Pork 宋嫂鱼羹 / 86 Sister Song’s Fish Soup 杭椒牛柳 / 87 Sautéed Beef Fillet with Hot Green Pepper 醉虾 / 88 Wine-saturated Shrimps 西湖醋鱼 / 89 West Lake Fish in Vinegar Gravy 姜酒童子鸡 / 90 Braised Spring Chicken with Ginger Wine 餐厅的超高人气 / 91 Restaurant’s High Popularity

中国八大菜系之一·徽菜 one of the Eight Cuisines in China Anhui Cuisine

醉翁亭 / 94 Zuiweng Pavilion Restaurant 小鸡贴馍 / 95 Braised Chicken with Bun 野蒜刀板香 / 96 Steamed Anhui Ham with Wild Garlic 帅子迎宾 / 97 Sweet Dumplings 玉手娃娃 / 98 Stewed Pig Feet with Baby Cabbage

韭菜炒香菜 / 99 Stir-fried Chives with Cilantro 黄山一线天 / 101 Seam of Sky through Yellow Mountain (streaky pork Stuffed in Bun)

中国八大菜系之一·闽菜 one of the Eight Cuisines in China Min(Fujian) Cuisine

旺福轩福建土菜馆 / 104 Wang Fu Xuan Local Food Restaurant 气泡田螺 / 105 Sizzling Field Snails 福州卤面 / 106 Fuzhou Noodle with Oyster and Sauce 苦笋炒酸菜 / 107 Stir-fried Bitter Bamboo Shoot with Pickled Cabbage 福州荔枝肉 / 109 Fuzhou Lychee Pork (with Sweet and Sour Sauce)

中国八大菜系之一·湘菜 one of the Eight Cuisines in China Xiang(Hunan) Cuisine

大蓉和 / 112 Da Rong He Restaurant 攸县香干 / 113 You County Dried Tofu 鸿运当头(酱椒蒸鱼头)/ 115 Lucky at the Head (Steamed Fish Head with Green and Red Chili) 飘香鸡翅 / 117 Chicken Winglets with Sticky Rice 邵阳大片牛肉 / 119 Shaoyang Sliced Beef 年轻的店主 / 120 Young Owner of the Restaurant

小贝壳 / 122 The Little Shell Restaurant 恩施土猪肉 / 124 Enshi Local Pork


干煎大白刁鱼 / 125 Pan-seared Cutler Fish 酱焖洪湖野鸭 / 126 Braised Hong Lake Wild Duck with Soy 手打鱼丸鱼头汤锅 / 127 Fish balls and Fish Head Soup

西贝莜面村 / 128 Xibei Oat Noodle Village Restaurant 手把肉 / 130 Mongolian Style Braised Lamb 西贝大拌菜 / 131 Xibei Salad 胡麻油炒鸡蛋 / 133 Stir-fried Eggs with Flaxseed Oil 羊肉莜面鱼 / 135 Mutton and Oat Noodle Soup 张爷爷空心挂面 / 136 Grandpa Zhang’s Hollow Noodles 朴实的店长 / 137 Genuine Store Manager 大厨哥哥 / 138 Chef Li

天池大酒楼 / 139 Jiangnan Chuzi Restaurant 锅包肉 / 140 Crispy Sweet and Sour Pork Cutlets 拔丝地瓜 / 141 Caramelized Sweet Potato 地三鲜 / 142 Stir-fried Potato, Eggplant and Green Pepper 小鸡炖蘑菇 / 143 Braised Chicken with Mushrooms

爱人养生私房菜 / 144 Lover’s Healthy Homemade Food Restaurant 血鸭 / 145 Braised Duck with Duck Blood 萝卜牛杂 / 146 Stewed Beef Offal with Radish 江西炒米粉 / 147 Jiangxi Style Stir-fried Vermicelli 猪油渣炒菜梗 / 148 Stir-fried Vegetable Stems with Lard Dregs


余干椒小炒肉 / 149 Stir-fried Pork with Jiangxi Green Pepper

金龙海鲜酒家 / 150 Golden Dragon Seafood Restaurant 芝士伊面焗龙虾仔 / 151 Roasted Lobster with Cheese and Noodles 蒜蓉粉丝蒸大元贝 / 152 Steamed Scallops with Shredded Garlic and Vermicelli 豆豉辣椒炒花甲 / 153 Stir-fried Clams with Fermented Soybean and Pepper 姜葱炒大红蟹 / 154 Stir-fried Red Crab / 154

美味乐翻天 ― 美味厨房 / 155 “Food Brings Happiness” —Gourmet Kitchen 牛肝菌金蒜蒸澳洲龙虾仔 / 157 Steamed Australian Lobster with Bolete and Garlic 黑松露翡翠玉环瑶柱莆 / 159 Braised Dried Scallop with Black Truffle and Greens 天麻核桃炖飞天鸽 / 160 Stewed Pigeon with Gastrodia Elata and Walnut 香煎银鳕鱼 / 161 Pan-seared Codfish Filet

老船长主题餐厅 / 162 The Old Captain Restaurant 蒜香牛肉皇粒 / 164 Stir-fried Red Crab 船长捞饭(蚝仔泡饭)/ 165 Captain’s Congee (with Baby Oyster) 酸辣肉碎生菜包 / 166 Spicy Minced Pork Wrapped in Lettuce 金粟鳕鱼番茄盅 / 167 Codfish in Tomato Bowl 菠萝焗饭 / 169 Stir-fried Rice with Pineapple

◎ 美 味家常菜

Delicious Homemade Cuisine

红烧肉 / 175 Braised Pork with Soy 红烧猪脚 / 176 Braised Pig’s Feet with Soy 腊八豆蒸排骨 / 177 Steamed Short Ribs with Beans 焖牛腩 / 178 Braised Beef Tenderloin 红酒鸡翅 / 179 Braised Chicken Winglets with Red Wine 土豆烧牛肉 / 180 Braised Beef with Potato 糖醋排骨 / 181 Sweet and Sour Pork Ribs 红焖羊腿肉 / 183 Braised Lamb Leg with Soy

厨房的秘密 / 184 Secret in the Kitchen 啤酒鸭 / 188 Braised Duck with Beer 三杯鸡 / 189 Braised Chicken in Three Sauces 五彩鸡丁 / 190 Stir-fried Chicken Dices with Pepper 回锅肉 / 191 Double-cooked Pork Slices 咕噜肉 / 192 Sweet and Sour Pork with Fat 水煮牛肉 / 193 Boiled Sliced Beef with Hot Sauce 辣椒小炒肉 / 194 Stir-fried Pork with Pepper 红烧带鱼 / 195 Braised Hairtail with Soy

酸菜鱼 / 202 Stewed Fish with Pickled Cabbage and Chili 照烧三文鱼 / 203 Teriyaki Salmon 花甲蒸蛋 / 204 Stewed Egg with Clams 蒜蓉米椒蒸金针菇 / 205 Stewed Enokitake Mushroom with Garlic and Chili 蒜蓉粉丝娃娃菜 / 206 Boiled Baby Cabbage with Garlic and Vermicelli 红烧豆腐 / 207 Braised Tofu with Soy

初心 / 208 Cook with Sincerity 鲍汁杂菌菇 / 211 Braised Mushrooms with Oyster Sauce 冬菇烧豆腐 / 212 Braised Tofu with Shiitake Mushrooms 辣椒炒荷包蛋 / 213 Stir-fried Egg with Chili 肉末蒸豆腐 / 214 Stewed Tofu with Minced Pork 玉子虾仁 / 215 Braised Shrimp with Japanese Tofu 韭黄炒鸡蛋 / 216 Stir-fried Egg with Hotbed Chives 百叶腌肉娃娃菜 / 217 Braised Baby Cabbage with Tofu Skin and Saturated Pork 鱼香茄子 / 218 Yu-shiang Eggplant 杭椒炒杭茄 / 219 Stir-fried Eggplant with Chili

舌尖上的年夜饭 / 196 A Bite of the Family Reunion Dinner 香辣蟹 / 200 Hot and Spicy Crab 香菇蒸鳕鱼 / 201 Steamed Codfish with Mushrooms

味道 / 220 Taste 素炒丝瓜 / 222 Stir-fried Towel Gourd


红烧冬瓜球 / 223 Braised White Gourd Balls 家常卤肉饭 / 224 Steamed Rice with Red-cooked Pork 家常蛋炒饭 / 226 Stir-fried Rice with Egg 黄金三色蛋 / 227 Three Color Egg 鸡蛋酿肉丸 / 228 Braised Meatballs with Egg 菜脯煎蛋 / 229 Stir-fried Egg with Dried Radish 西红柿鸡蛋面 / 230 Tomato and Egg Noodles 拌面 / 231 Stirred Noodles with Sauce


凉拌薄荷叶 / 232 Peppermint Leaves in Sauce 凉拌折耳叶 / 233 Houttuynia Leaves in Sauce 紫薯饼 / 234 Purple Sweet Potato Cake 米包子 / 235 Rice Bun

Gordon Ramsay — 我心中永远的厨神 / 236 Gordon Ramsay – The God of Cookery in My Eye


做 菜

Learning to Cook with Master Chefs

· 小 眼 睛 看 美 食 · 中餐篇

中国八 大 菜 系 之 一

粤 菜 粤菜,即广东地方风味菜,是我国著名八大菜系之一,在国内外享有盛誉,世 界各地的粤菜能与法国大餐齐名。广东地处亚热带,濒临南海,四季常青,物产丰 富,山珍海味、蔬果时鲜种类繁多。粤菜的形成和发展与广东的地理环境、经济条 件和风俗习惯密切相关。 粤菜起源可追溯距今 2200 多年前的汉初,当时的岭南南越先民,就已经有了独 特的饮食风格。唐宋时期中原汉人不断地涌入广东,粤菜的烹调技艺不断提高,明 清时期发展迅速。20 世纪随着对外通商,吸取西餐的长处,将粤菜推向世界。1956 年广州名菜美点展览会上,展出和介绍的菜品多达 5457 种,仅点心就有 825 种,尽 显粤菜风采,“食在广东”真是名不虚传。 广东人可以在一天中都把自己置身在吃的情景中,从早晨开始饮早茶,慢慢吃 到中午,然后转入下午茶,再延续到晚茶、晚饭,还有凌晨的宵夜。这其中,饮茶 始终贯穿其中,它只是配角,真正的主角是花样繁多的点心和丰富的美食。如果说


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

饮茶是粤菜中重要的组成部分,那么,老火靓汤就是粤菜的灵魂。广东人喜欢喝汤, 是和广东亚热带气候分不开的。无汤不成席,老火靓汤是餐厅、酒楼乃至家庭餐桌 上必不可少的一道美食,汤的材料有蔬菜、家禽肉类、海鲜、山珍野味等,靓汤中 还要加入有一定功效的中药材,起到滋补的作用。能喝上一碗温润、暖胃的汤,真 是太幸福了。 粤菜集南海、番禺、东莞、顺德、中山等地方风味的特色,兼京、苏、扬、杭 等外省菜及西菜之所长,取百家之长,用料广博,刀工精细,口味清淡,选料珍奇, 配料讲究,不断创新。时令性强,夏秋清淡,冬春浓郁。粤菜在烹调上以炒、爆为 主,兼有烩、煎、烤、蒸等,讲究清而不淡、鲜而不俗、嫩而不生、油而不腻,有 “五滋”(香、松、软、肥、浓)“六味”(酸、甜、苦、辣、咸、鲜)之说。粤菜的 调味品多用老抽、柠檬汁、豉汁、蚝油、海鲜酱、鱼露、粟子粉、吉士粉、嫩肉粉、 生粉、黄油等这些其他菜系不用或少用的调料。粤菜的代表菜:白切鸡、蚝油牛肉、 香滑鲈鱼球、东江盐焗鸡等。 粤菜广义上来说,由广府菜(亦称“广州菜”)、潮州菜(亦称“潮汕菜”)、 客家菜(亦称“东江菜”)组成,称为广东三大菜系。 广州菜以广州为中心,主要流行于广东中西部、广西东部、香港、澳门。地域 最广,用料庞杂,选料精细,技艺精良,善于变化,风味讲究、鲜嫩清淡。广州菜 尤其喜爱杂食,连“鸟鼠蛇虫”都被广州菜奉为“佳肴”。 东江菜又称客家菜,流行于广东、江西、福建的客家地区,和闽菜的闽西风味 较近。多用肉类,少用水产,主料突出,原汁原味,讲求酥软香浓、油重、味偏咸; 注重火功,以炖、烤、煲、酿见长,尤以砂锅菜闻名;酿四宝是酿豆腐、酿苦瓜、 酿辣椒、酿茄子。 潮州菜又称潮汕菜,潮菜、打冷,语言和习俗与闽南相近。发源于韩江平原, 以其独特风味自成一体。选料考究、刀工精细、烹调方式多样、以烹饪海鲜见长, 选料鲜活,清鲜爽口,汤菜保持原汁原味,有中国高端菜系之称。潮汕有三宝:咸 菜、菜脯、鱼露。

Learning from the Chef /


· 小 眼 睛 看 美 食 · 中餐篇

one of the Eight Cuisines in China

Guangdong(Yue) Cuisine

Yue Cuisine, or Guangdong Cuisine, is one of the eight factions of Chinese cuisine. Yue Cuisine is quite popular overseas and even parallels with French Cuisine. Located in the subtropical region near the South Sea, Guangdong is warm and comfortable all year round, featuring evergreen trees, abundant prodnce, rich delicacies from land and sea and specious fruits and vegetables. The formation and development of Yue Cuisine is closely related to the distinctive geological features, economic conditions, and customs of Guangdong Province. Yue Cuisine dates back to the early Han Dynasty twenty-two hundred years ago. At that time, our ancestors living in the south of Qingling Range has already formed their own distinct culinary style. In Tang and Song Dynasties, people from Northern China migrated into Guangdong, bringing in their own cuisine and cooking methods. In Ming and Qing Dynasties, Yue Cuisine saw its rapid development, and in the beginning of twenty century, with China’s opening-up, Yue Cuisine incorporated the values of western cuisine and finally brought itself worldwide. In Guangzhou Excellent Cuisine Exhibition in 1956, as many as 5457 dishes were showed and introduced, among which as many as 825 were dim sums. Guangdong surely earns its name as “the Paradise of Food.” Cantonese can spend all day eating: the morning tea continues till noon, and then comes the afternoon tea, which continues till evening tea and supper. But that is not the end, they also have midnight snack. Tea drinking is always there through all meals, but it is not the most important part. What really stand in the spotlight is vast variety of dishes and dim sums. If tea drinking is the most


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

important part, then the soup is the soul of Guangdong Cuisine. Cantonese’s love for soup is closely related to its sub-tropical climate, and it has been a must-have in either restaurant, hotel, or family meals. The ingredients usually include vegetable, poultry, seafood, or wild ingredients from the mountains. Certain Chinese medicine is also put into the soup, which make it utterly healthy. It is such a treat when offered a warm and fragrant Guangdong soup! Yue Cuisine is composed of cuisine from Nanhai, Panyu, Dongguan, Shunde, and Zhongshan and absorbs the merits of Beijing Cuisine, Jiangsu Cuisine, Yangzhou Cuisine, Hangzhou Cuisine, and Western Cuisine. Yue Cuisine features extensive, precious ingredients, delicate cutting skills, a light flavor, and continuous innovation. The cuisine is seasonal: the taste in summer and autumn is light and breezy, while in winter and spring, it is much more intense. When it comes to cooking methods, Yue Cuisine mainly focuses on stir-frying and sauteing, along with braising, pan-searing, roasting, and steaming. The dishes in Yue Cuisine are Light but not plain, fresh but not nauseating, tender but not raw, and oily but not greasy—Yue Cuisine is the combination of “Five Feels” (fragrant, smooth, soft, fat, and thick) and “Six Tastes” (sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, salty, and fresh). The seasoning used in Yue Cusine mainly includes dark soy sauce, lemonade juice, fermented soybean sauce, oyster sauce, seafood sauce, fish gravy, chestnut powder, custard powder, tenderizer, cornstarch, and butter, which are used less in other factions of cuisine. Popular Guangdong dishes include Plain-boiled Chicken, Beef with Oyster Sauce, Sea Bass Ball, Dongjiang River Roasted Salty Chicken. Broadly speaking, Guangdong Cuisine is composed of Guangfu(or Guangzhou) Cuisine, Chaozhou (or Chaoshan)Cuisine, and Hakka(or Dongjiang) Cuisine, which are the three major factions of cuisine in Guangdong. Widely-spread Guangzhou Cuisine is generally popular in the middle and east of Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macau. It features various and delicate ingredients, sophisticated cooking methods, constant improvement, special taste, and light flavor. People in Guangzhou like making food out of nearly everything. Even birds, mice, snakes and insects are recognized as the “Delicacy on the Table”. Dongjiang Cuisine, also called Hakka Cuisine, is popular in the Hakka areas in Guangdong, Jiangxi and Fujian Province. Its flavor resembles that of Western Fujian Cuisine. Instead of seafood, meat is frequently used, and the main ingredient is always standing out to keep its original taste. Hakka Cuisine features crisp and tender taste, along with heavy oil and salt; fire is very important in making Hakka Cuisine, and the most common cooking methods include stewing, roasting, boiling, and braising .Its casserole is most popular, along with Yong Tofu, Yong Bitter Gourd, Yong Pepper and Yong Eggplant. Chaozhou Cuisine can also be called Chaoshan Cuisine, Chao Cuisine, or humorously “Daleng(eating Chaoshan dishes)”. The language and custom here are close to those in Fujian. Chaozhou Cuisine is originated at the Hanjiang Plateau and now has formed a style of its own, featuring strict selection of proper ingredients, fine cutting skills, and various cooking methods. Seafood is what it is known for, and the ingredients selected is fresh and clean, so both the soup and the meat remain its original flavor. Chaozhou Cuisine is generally regarded as one of the top cuisines in China. Three most famous ingredients in Chaozhou cuisine are pickled vegetables, dried radish, and fish gravy.

Learning from the Chef /


· 小 眼 睛 看 美 食 · 中餐篇

·北海渔村酒楼· North Sea Fishing Village Restaurant

北海渔村酒楼创立于 1985 年,是深圳最早的海鲜酒楼之一,以粤菜、海鲜、燕 鲍翅为特色。获得中国烹饪协会会员,中国名牌餐饮机构、全国五星金牌企业、全国 餐饮钻石名店、深圳老字号、深圳市绿色餐饮单位等称号。 黎秀荣 高级厨师、出品部总监 Founded in 1985, The North Sea Fishing Village Restaurant is one of the earliest seafood restaurants in Shenzhen. It is popular for Guangdong Cuisine, seafood and delicacies such as cubilose, abalone, and shark’s fin. As a member of the China Culinary Association, The North Sea Fishing Village Restaurant has won titles like “China’s Popular Restaurant,” “National Five-star Restaurant,” “National Diamond Medal Restaurant,” “Shenzhen’s Time-honored Brand,” and “Shenzhen’s Eco-friendly Restaurant.” Li Xiurong: Executive Chef, Director of Production Department


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

北海水晶鸡 / North Sea Crystal Chicken

材料:家鸡 1 只、盐、鸡粉、花生油 做法:1. 鸡去毛,除内脏,洗净。将鸡内外均匀涂抹盐、鸡粉,仔细按摩揉搓,腌制 10 分钟。 2. 将整只鸡放入木桶,入蒸炉蒸 45 分钟左右。 3. 取出蒸鸡的原汤,加入盐、花生油做成蘸汁。 Ingredients: one whole chicken, salt, chicken essence, peanut oil Procedure: 1. Skin the chicken, discard the giblets and rinse it under cold water; wipe the chicken inside out with salt and chicken essence, and then marinate it for 10 minutes. 2. Put the whole chicken into a wooden barrel and steam it for 45 minutes. 3. Scoop out the soup from the barrel, and then add salt and peanut oil to make the dipping sauce. 小胖点评 在粤菜中有句行话,“无鸡不成席”,北海水晶鸡是北海渔村酒楼的招牌菜。首选新鲜家鸡, 内外涂抹盐,用手按摩后腌制入味,这个步骤非常重要。蒸熟的整只鸡,呈淡黄色,冒着蒸汽,表 面泛着油光,鸡肉、鸡汤香味扑鼻,肉质鲜嫩、爽滑。做法虽简单,但特别讲究原汁原味的呈现, 这也是粤菜的精髓。用特制的木桶放置,既保温、防止水分流失,又有农家特色;用蒸出来的鸡汤 制作蘸汁,加盐、花生油调味,提升鸡肉的口感,肉嫩多汁,味道非常鲜美。 My comment: There is a famous saying in Guangdong Cuisine that goes “No Chicken, No Feast”. North Sea Crystal Chicken is the specialty in the North Sea Fishing Village Restaurant. The fresh homebred chicken is wiped inside out with salt and then massaged to absorb the saltiness, which is a very important step. Then steam the chicken until its skin turns light yellow and shining. The soup smells fragrant and the meat tastes fresh and tender. The cooking procedures seem simple, but the marrow of making Guangdong Cuisine is obvious—keep the original flavor of the ingredients. The dish is placed in a special wooden barrel to keep the temperature and moisture from evaporation. Use some of the soup with salt and peanut oil as dipping sauce to improve its taste and make it even tenderer.

Learning from the Chef /


· 小 眼 睛 看 美 食 · 中餐篇

清蒸东星斑 / Steamed Pink Garoupa

材料:鲜活东星斑鱼 1 条、葱段、姜片、葱丝、姜丝、鼓油、植物油 做法:1. 将东星斑鱼剖杀后冲洗干净,沿鱼的两侧用刀破开,均匀涂抹少许盐,腌制入味。 2. 将葱段垫在鱼肚下面,鱼身上放菱形姜片,放入蒸箱中蒸 10 分钟。 3. 取出鱼,倒出盘中的水,在鱼身上摆放葱丝、姜丝,淋上加热过的豉油和热油(锅中放入油 烧热)。 Ingredients: one fresh pink garoupa, sliced leek, sliced ginger, shredded leek, shredded ginger, soy sauce, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Cut the garoupa in half and then discard its viscera; wipe the fish with salt and marinate it for a while. 2. Lay sliced leek under the fish and sliced ginger on the top; steam it for 10 minutes. 3. Take out the fish, pour the water out of the plate, and then put shredded leek and ginger on the fish; heat the soy sauce and vegetable oil in the wok and then pour them over the fish.

小胖点评 这道菜看似简单,重点是鱼要新鲜,把握蒸鱼的时间和火候,淋加热后的豉油和热油,以上三个 步骤是这道菜成功的关键。东星斑肉质软滑,蛋白质含量高,脂肪含量低,清蒸能很好地锁住营养成 分,保证食材的新鲜口感。将葱丝、姜丝摆在鱼身上,淋上加热过的豉油和热油,随着热油浇在鱼身 上的刺啦声,激发了葱丝和姜丝的味道,去腥、调味、增加香气,口感清淡香甜,鲜香嫩滑。 My comment: To make this dish looks easy, but the freshness of fresh, a good timing and a proper fire are the three important elements to success. The meat of Pink garoupa is tender, with rich protein and low fat content, and steaming is the best way to keep its nutrition and tender taste. Season the fish with ginger and leek and pour hot soy sauce and oil on it, which can arouse the flavor of the ingredients, remove the fishy smell, and bring fragrance to the dish.


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

沙姜黑椒牛仔骨 / Black Pepper Short Ribs with Sand Ginger

材料:牛仔骨、沙姜末、香菜段、青红椒、面包 1 块、酱油、盐、味精、糖、黑胡椒末、胡萝卜、 香芹、洋葱、植物油 做法:1. 牛仔骨切块,放入用胡萝卜、香芹、洋葱榨的汁中浸泡,加黑胡椒末、盐、酱油、味精、 糖腌制 1 小时。将牛仔骨放入平底锅煎制八成熟后盛出备用。 2. 锅中放入油,放青红椒、沙姜末、香菜段爆香,加入牛仔骨翻炒。将炒好的牛仔骨放在面 包上,撒上香菜。 Ingredients: short ribs, minced sand ginger, chopped cilantro, green and red peppers, a piece of bread, soy sauce, salt, MSG, sugar, black pepper, carrot, celery, onion, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. add black pepper, salt, soy sauce, MSG, and sugar in chopped short ribs and marinate them for one hour in the juice made from carrot, celery, and onion; then sear the short ribs till medium well for latter use. 2. Add oil in the pan, and then saute peppers, minced sand ginger and cilantro; after that, put short ribs in it to fry; at last, put the short ribs on the bread and sprinkle cilantro on top.

小胖点评 这道菜中沙姜的味道有些重,与黑胡椒的融合十分巧妙。牛仔骨香味浓郁,紧致有嚼劲,似乎有 种淡淡的甜和清香的口感,因为浸泡过蔬菜汁的缘故,既调整口味又不喧宾夺主。重点是将煎制的牛 仔骨放置在面包上,面包吸满汤汁后,十分美味。 My comment: This dish is rich in the flavor of sand ginger and mixes very well with black pepper. The short ribs smell incredible and taste al dente, with a light sweetness and freshness. Because of the marination in the vegetable juice, the is properly adjusted flavor, but not overwhelming. The key step is to put the short ribs on the bread, which fully absorbs its juice and becomes very tasty.

Learning from the Chef /


· 小 眼 睛 看 美 食 · 中餐篇


Braised Small Abalone with Red Kidney Beans and Lily Bulbs

材料:鲜鲍鱼仔 12―15 个、红腰豆罐头、新鲜百合、鲍鱼汁、盐、味精、糖、蚝油、植物油、葱 花 做法:1. 将鲜鲍鱼仔宰杀后冲洗干净,焯水,捞出备用。百合掰成瓣,焯水;红腰豆焯水备用。 2. 锅中放入油,加入鲍鱼仔翻炒,再将红腰豆、百合依次加入,加盐、糖、蚝油、味精、鲍 鱼汁调匀,煮 3 分钟。大火收汁 , 撒少许葱花出锅。 Ingredients: 12-15 pieces of fresh small abalones, one can of red kidney beans, fresh lily bulbs, abalone sauce, salt, MSG, sugar, oyster sauce, vegetable oil, shredded leek Procedure: 1. Eviscerate the abalones, and then blanch them for latter use; tear the lily bulbs apart, and blanch them, along with the red kidney beans. 2. Pour oil in the pan, fry the abalones, and then add red kidney beans and lily bulbs; season them with salt, sugar, oyster sauce, MSG and abalone sauce respectively, and then braise it for three minutes; thicken the sauce and sprinkle shredded leek on top.

小胖点评 焯水是将原料放入开水锅中加热至半熟或全熟,取出以备进一步烹调或调味。它是烹调中特别是 冷拌菜不可缺少的一道工序。对菜肴的色、香、味,特别是色起着关键的作用。大部分蔬菜和带有腥 膻气味的肉类原料都需要焯水。 鲍鱼产自深海,被人们视为海味珍品。这道菜色泽亮丽,层次分明,口感丰富。红腰豆、百合略 软绵,而鲍鱼仔肉质柔嫩细滑,味道鲜美。搭配浓稠的蚝油、鲍鱼汁鲜甜可口,香味浓郁。看似简单 的一道菜,厨师匠心巧手烹制,色彩斑斓如画,让每一个味蕾都兴奋地跳起来,散发着幸福的味道。 My comment: Blanching is to put ingredients in boiling water until fully or half cooked. and then take them out for cooling. It is an essential step especially for cold dishes and plays an important role in presenting the color, fragrance, and taste of dishes. Most vegetables and meat with odor need to be blanched. Abalone from deep sea is recognized as delicacy. This dish features bright color and rich tastes. The soft red kidney beans and lily bulbs match very well with the tender meat of abalones. With oyster sauce and abalone sauce, the dish tastes even better. It looks simple, but with the refinement and handiness of the chefs, it arouse the customer’s appetite and happiness, just like a painting.


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

·威尼斯酒店意华轩中餐厅· Yi Huaxuan Chinese Restaurant in The Venice Hotel

威尼斯酒店是深圳市最著名的五星级酒店之一,坐落在世界之窗对面,很多游客 慕名而来。酒店装修考究,服务品质高。位于一楼的意华轩中餐厅,选择中式装修风 格,呈复式结构,错落有致,具有现代艺术风格,传统、典雅,尽显东方韵味。这里 可以品尝到正宗、经典的粤菜和其他中式菜肴、传统的面点和广东烧味,烹饪出经典、 创新的粤菜。主厨烹饪的佳肴曾给许多嘉宾留下非常深刻的印象。在五星级酒店行政 总厨的指导下学习烹饪,我感到非常地荣幸和骄傲。 梁宝兴 高级厨师、行政总厨 The Venice Hotel, located opposite to the Window of the World, is one of the most famous five-star hotels in Shenzhen, attracting lots of tourists. The hotel features exquisite decoration and high-quality service. Located on the first floor of the hotel, Yi Huaxuan Chinese Restaurant is a duplex structure decorated with Chinese style and well-proportioned with a combination of modern art and traditional eastern elegance. Here, you can have a taste of the authentic traditional Guangdong cuisines, dim sums, Guangdong-style barbecued pork, and other traditional and creative dishes, all of which have left a deep impression on the customers. I felt quite honored and proud to learn cooking from executive chef here. Liang Baoxing: Head Chef, Executive Chef

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· 小 眼 睛 看 美 食 · 中餐篇


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

家乡金针菇牛肉卷 / Enokitake Beef Roll 材料:肥牛片、金针菇、芹菜丝、胡萝卜丝、火腿丝、上海青、黑胡椒碎、盐、鸡粉、牛油、蚝 油、酱油、生粉、高汤 做法:1. 金针菇剪去根部、洗净后分成丝;芹菜、胡萝卜洗净、切丝,火腿切丝;将金针菇丝、芹 菜丝、胡萝卜丝、火腿丝用油炒,加入少许盐、鸡粉翻炒后盛出;取一片肥牛,将炒好的 4 种食材逐一摆放在肥牛片中并将其卷起;生粉加入少许水,搅拌均匀。 2. 不粘锅中放入牛油,将牛肉卷两面煎香,取出。 3. 锅中放入蚝油、酱油、鸡粉、高汤大火烧开,勾芡,最后撒少许黑胡椒碎,放入牛肉卷小 火焖至入味即可出锅。用炒好的小上海青摆盘。 Ingredients: sliced beef, enokitake, celery, carrot, ham, pakchoi, black pepper, salt, chicken essence, butter, oyster sauce, soy sauce, cornstarch, chicken stock Procedure: 1. Root the enokitake, and then clean and cut them into shreds, along with the celery, carrot, ham; fry the shreds of enokitake, carrot, celery and ham, add salt and chicken essence, and then take them out for later use. roll up these four ingredients with a slice of beef and; add a little bit water in the cornstarch and mix them up. 2. Put some butter in the pan, and then fry the beef rolls until they turn brown. 3. Pour oyster sauce, soy sauce, chicken essence, and chicken stock in the pan and stir them with a little cornstarch; sprinkle some black pepper, and then put the beef rolls in under soft fire; deosrate with boiled pakchoi.

小胖点评 勾芡是指在菜肴接近成熟时,将调好的生粉汁淋在锅中,使卤汁浓稠,增加卤汁对原料的附着 力,从而使菜肴汤汁的粉性和浓度增加,改善菜肴的色泽和味道。 厚厚的肥牛包裹着爽口的蔬菜,蘸着蚝油调制的浓稠酱汁,一口咬下去,鲜咸、香浓的汁水流 入口中。蔬菜的香气和肥牛带有脂肪的香醇,带给你大大的满足。这是一道热食,温度和口感恰到好 处。这道菜既好吃,又容易烹饪,在煎制牛肉卷时,要小心避免牛肉卷散开。 My comment: To thicken the soup is to pour the cornstarch water in the sauce when the dish nearly finishes. It can increase the glueness of the sauce to the ingredients for better taste and appearance. A bite of the thick beef roll and the pakchoi with the sauce, and its fresh and salty juice just spontaneously flow into your mouth. The fragrance of pakchoi and the richness of beef satisfy every sense of your body. This is a hot dish with the perfect temperature and flavor. Besides the excellent taste, the dish is fairly easy to make, only remember to be careful when rolling the beef in case the ingredients come out.

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· 小 眼 睛 看 美 食 · 中餐篇

台南焖黑猪肉 / South Taiwan Style Braised streaky pork

材料:带皮五花黑家猪肉、南瓜、蚝油、冰糖、鸡粉、生抽、老抽、八角、桂皮、香叶、植物油 做法:1. 圆南瓜从顶部切去三分之一,大的部分挖空,去皮,上锅蒸 20 分钟。带皮五花黑猪肉切 成正方块。 2. 锅中放入油,油热后炒香猪肉,加入足量的水、蚝油、冰糖、鸡粉、生抽、老抽、八角、 桂皮、香叶,水煮沸后小火焖制 1.5 小时左右。 3. 大火收汁,起胶,将肉逐一摆放在蒸好的南瓜里,肉皮面朝上,最后淋上过滤后的汤汁。 Ingredients: Home-bred streaky pork , pumpkin, oyster sauce, crystal sugar, chicken essence, soy sauce, dark soy sauce, star anise, cinnamon stick, myrcia, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Cut one third of the pumpkin off from the top, hollow and skin the rest part, and then steam it for 20 minutes; cut the pork into cubes. 2. Put oil in the pan, to fry streaky pork under strong fire; add enough water, oyster sauce, crystal sugar, chicken essence, soy sauce, dark soy sauce, star anise, cinnamon stick, myrcia, and when water boils, braise it for another one and a half hours. 3. Thicken the sauce, lay the streak pork inside the pumpkin, with skin on top, and then pour the filtered sauce on top. 小胖点评 收汁是烹调的一个手法,指的是把汤汁熬浓。 这道菜色泽酱红,肉色层次分明而晶莹,卤汁丰盈,融入了时间的味道。烧制猪肉时,最好用冰 糖,追求色泽和口感。肉皮十分软黏,略带甜味,猪肉经炖煮后软烂香醇,肥而不腻,入口即化。南 瓜既是容器,又是用酱汁浸泡的美食。南瓜的香浓,吸收了肉汁的精华,再配上一碗米饭,非常美味。 My comment: Thickening the sauce is the key step to make this dish. This dish looks lustrous with a clear layer of streaky pork and crimson sauce, the making of which needs time and patience. It is better to use crystal sugar when frying the pork as it gives it a shining color and a nice taste. The pork skin is very tender, fragrant and sweet, but not greasy, after braising. The pumpkin serves as not only the container, but can also a cuisine itself with soy sauce. It is quite delicious with a bowl of rice.


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

花椒蒸笋壳鱼 / Steamed Goby Fish with Sichuan Pepper

材料:新鲜笋壳鱼 1 条、干花椒、杭椒、鲜花椒、指天椒、冰糖、葱、姜、酱油、泡椒、泡椒水、 植物油 做法:1. 笋壳鱼剖杀后去鳃和内脏,清洗干净;姜片铺底,将笋壳鱼摆盘,上锅蒸 20―25 分钟。 2. 用泡椒、泡椒水、干花椒、冰糖、海天生抽酱油、李锦记铁强化酱油调制酱料,上锅蒸, 冰糖完全融化,调出酱油汁。 3. 杭椒、鲜花椒、指天椒过油后摆在鱼的表面,将热油和调制好的酱油汁淋在鱼上。 Ingredients: a fresh goby fish, dried Sichuan pepper, hot green pepper, fresh Sichuan pepper, cayenne pepper, crystal sugar, leek, ginger, soy sauce, pickled pepper, pickled pepper water, and vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Eviscerate the goby fish and discard its gill and viscera before cleaning; put ginger on the plate and fish on top, and steam it for 20-25 minutes. 2. Make sauce of pickled pepper, pickled pepper water, dried Sichuan pepper, crystal sugar, soy sauce and Lee Kum Kee’s iron-fortified soy, and steam it until the crystal sugar melts. 3. Sauté hot green pepper, fresh Sichuan pepper, and cayenne pepper, then put them on the fish, and on it pour hot oil and early sauce. 小胖点评 这道菜是粤菜和川菜的结合,借鉴了川菜的麻辣,加上粤菜的清蒸,很有创意。大厨秘籍:用泡 椒、泡椒水、干花椒、冰糖、海天生抽酱油、李锦记铁强化酱油调制酱料上锅蒸,调出酱油汁;将杭 椒、鲜花椒、指天椒过油,用热油激发新鲜花椒的香气,去腥,增加鲜味。笋壳鱼的摆盘,可以将鱼 身立起,将新鲜花椒摆在鱼身上,整道菜既美观又美味。笋壳鱼肉质嫩滑,带有淡淡的麻、辣、鲜、 甜味道,非常好吃,值得推荐! My comment: This dish is a creative combination of the spiciness of Sichuan Cuisine and the steaming skill of Cantonese Cuisine. The secret is to steam the specially-made sauce together and sauté the peppers to bring out its spiciness while removing the fishy smell. The dish looks much more beautiful and tastes much better when the fish stands straight up on the plate, on which put the fresh Sichuan pepper. The fish is tender and smooth with a little numbing, spicy, fresh, and sweet flavor. It is very tasty and highly recommended!

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· 小 眼 睛 看 美 食 · 中餐篇

XO 酱碧绿花枝带子 / Squid and Scallop in XO sauce

材料:带子、花枝片、芹菜、彩椒、自制 XO 酱、蒜、酱油、鸡粉、盐、糖、植物油、生粉 做法:1. 自制 XO 酱:干贝、火腿、瑶柱、虾米、蒜、干葱用油慢慢熬 40 分钟。锅烧热后放入油, 再放入半勺水,放入芹菜段后迅速捞出。将带子洗净,用平底锅煎至两面金黄;将花枝片洗 净,焯水。生粉加入少许水,调匀。 2. 锅中放入油,放入蒜末、彩椒片炒,再放芹菜段翻炒,之后放带子和花枝片炒,加盐、糖、 鸡粉调味,淋生粉汁勾芡后加入自制 XO 酱,起锅前加一点酱油炒匀。 Ingredients: scallops, sliced squid, celery, bell pepper, homemade XO sauce, garlic, soy sauce, chicken essence, salt, sugar, vegetable oil, cornstarch Procedure: 1. Make the homemade XO sauce with dried scallops, ham, dried shrimps, garlic and leek, and stew them for 40 minutes in oil; put oil in the heated wok, then add half spoon of water in it, and blanch the celery with it; Clean the scallops, sear them in the pan until they turn brown; clean and blanch squids; Mix water with cornstarch. 2. Put oil in the pan to fry garlic, sliced bell pepper, and celery, then add scallops and squids, and season them with salt, sugar, and chicken essence; pour the homemade XO sauce after putting in the cornstarch water, and stir them with a little soy sauce before it is done. 小胖点评 这道菜的亮点在于大厨自制的 XO 酱,咸鲜浓郁。画龙点睛之处是芹菜的处理方法:芹菜入油和 烹入的水中下锅迅速捞出,瞬间锁住芹菜的营养成分,保持芹菜的碧绿爽脆和独特的香气。煎出的带 子火候恰到好处,口感丝滑。花枝片是日餐里对墨鱼片的叫法,很考验刀工,清淡鲜脆、色泽洁白。 带子和花枝片搭配彩椒、芹菜,在 XO 酱的融合中,色泽鲜艳,突出鲜嫩口感,是一道清爽、健康营 养的菜。 My comment: The key to this dish is the homemade XO sauce, which is salty and fragrant. The highlight is how we process the celery: to blanch it in boiling water, which protects its nutrition and keep its crispness, color, and fragrance. Controlling the fire when searing the scallops make them taste tender and smooth. It needs sophisticated skill to cut the squids into slices, which is clean, crispy, and white as snow. Put scallops and squids in the XO sauce, it looks pleasing in appearance and tastes fresh and healthy.


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

·引航酒店· Yinhang Restaurant

引航酒店是一家正宗的客家菜馆。以健康、环保为理念,选用鲜榨的菜籽油和茶 油、香米、有机食材为原料,所有菜不放味精、鸡精,追求自然和淳朴。 冯文恒 厨师长 Yinhang Restaurant is an authentic Hakka cuisine restaurant aiming to make healthy and eco-friendly dishes. The restaurant uses fresh vegetable oil, tea oil, fragrant rice, and organic ingredients as raw materials. All the dishes are excluded of MSG or chicken essence to maintain its nature and purity. Feng Wenheng: head chef

Learning from the Chef /


· 小 眼 睛 看 美 食 · 中餐篇

酿苦瓜 / Yong Bitter Gourd 材料:苦瓜、五花肉、排骨、香菇、冬笋、鱿鱼干、客家酸菜、四川酱菜、蚝豉、盐、生粉、蛋 清、高汤 做法:1. 将五花肉剁成肉馅,放入香菇碎、冬笋碎、鱿鱼碎、四川酱菜碎、盐、生粉、1 个蛋清,顺时针 搅拌均匀至起胶。苦瓜洗净切去头尾,切成 3cm 的小段,挖空后冲洗干净。 2. 将搅打好的馅料填进苦瓜段中,压平肉馅,不超过苦瓜斜面高度,将苦瓜上锅蒸 20 分钟 左右。 3. 煲仔预热后加入高汤、客家酸菜、少许排骨、蚝豉,放入蒸好的苦瓜大火焖煮 20 分钟入味。 Ingredients: bitter gourd, streaky pork, pork ribs, shiitake mushroom, winter bamboo shoot, dried squid, Hakka sauerkraut, Sichuan pickled vegetable, oyster sauce, salt, cornstarch, egg white, broth Procedure: 1. Mince streaky pork, in which add shiitake mushroom, winter bamboo shoot, dried squid, Sichuan pickle, salt, cornstarch and one egg white, and mix them together clockwise until they get thickened; discard the head and tail of bitter gourd, cut them into 3cm chunks, and hollow them out for cleaning. 2. Fill the bitter gourd with the pork stuffing, press it until the stuffing is lower than the fringe of the bitter gourd chunk, and then steam them for 20 minutes. 3. preheat the pot and pour broth in it, add Hakka sauerkraut, pork ribs, oyster sauce, and the steamed bitter gourd, and then boil for another 20 minutes.

小胖点评 酿是粤菜中很有特色的烹饪方法。将调味后的肉馅放进苦瓜、豆腐、辣椒中,这个过程称为酿, 这不仅是一道美食,更是人们对生活富足的心意和表达。酿苦瓜是客家菜中比较有名的菜,常见的 做法有两种:一种是蒸,一种是炸或煎。苦瓜具有清热解暑、降血压、降血脂的功效,是夏季的时令 菜。这道菜的关键是肉馅的处理,均匀搅拌直到起胶。客家人喜欢用煲仔烹制食物,猪肉的鲜香味和 苦瓜的清苦味相辅相成,清淡咸鲜,口感软绵。 My comment: Yong is a special cooking skill in Guangdong Cuisine, a process in which the stuffing is put into bitter gourd chunk, tofu or chili. This dish not only is a gourmet, but also carries the message of people’s passion and satisfaction for life. Yong bitter gourd is a popular dish in Hakka Cuisine, and there are usually two ways to make it: one is to steam, and the other is to fry. Bitter gourd is the seasonal vegetable in summer as it can cool summer heat and lower blood pressure and blood fat. The key to this dish is to mince streaky pork evenly until it become thick. Hakka people like to cook it with casserole, and the fragrance of pork matches very well with the freshness of bitter gourd, which tastes fresh and smooth.


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

萝卜丝煮蛋饺(酿蛋饺) Yong Egg Dumpling (Braised Egg Dumpling with Shredded Radish) 材料:鸡蛋、猪肉、萝卜丝、香芹、香菇、盐、植物油 做法:1. 猪肉剁成肉馅,加入香芹碎、香菇粒、盐,顺时针搅拌均匀;炒香肉馅至五成熟盛出备用。 蛋饺制作:鸡蛋打散在小盆中,2―3 个鸡蛋可以煎 1 个蛋饺。 2. 平底锅放入油,六成油温时舀入一勺蛋液,转中火,轻轻转一下锅,让蛋液均匀地摊成一 个圆饼,放适量肉馅在蛋饼中间,用筷子把蛋皮轻轻合上,做成饺子的形状。 3. 萝卜丝先放油炒一下。预热煲仔,加入高汤,将萝卜丝煮至软烂,中小火煨制 8―10 分钟, 再放蛋饺,加少许盐、芹菜段调味出锅。 Ingredients: egg, pork, shredded radish, celery, shiitake mushroom, salt, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Mince the pork, in which add minced celery, shiitake, and salt, and stir them clockwise; fry the minced pork until half done for later use; make the egg dumplings (stir the eggs in the bowl , and 2-3 eggs can make one egg dumpling). 2. Heat oil in the pan, and then pour one spoon of the egg liquid under medium fire and make it into a round egg pancake; put the minced pork in the middle of the pancake, and then fold the egg pancake carefully with chopsticks and make it into the shape of an dumpling. 3. Fry the shredded radish for later use; preheat the pot, then add in broth to boil the fried radish under light or medium fire for 8-10 minutes till soft, and finally add in the egg dumplings, along with celery and salt.

小胖点评 萝卜丝鲜甜、软嫩爽口;煎制金黄的蛋饺,蛋香、肉香融合,味道香浓;汤汁鲜美,清淡而回 甘,是冬日餐桌上的一道美食。 白萝卜含有多种维生素和微量元素,能促进消化,提高人体的免疫力。冬天选择吃白萝卜,绝对 是一个正确的选择。正如中医所说,“冬吃萝卜夏吃姜”。但也要注意脾胃虚寒,患有胃肠道疾病的 人,不能吃太多的白萝卜。白萝卜最好和牛羊肉一起炖着吃,这样更能发挥滋补、润体的功效。 My comment: The shredded radish is fresh, sweet, and soft. The brown fried egg dumplings feature the mixed fragrance of egg and pork. The soup features a fresh and a sweet aftertaste. It is surely a delicious dish in winter. Radish is rich in various vitamins and trace elements, which benefit the digestive and immune system. It is a wise choice to eat radish in winter. As it is said in the traditional Chinese medicine: “eat radish in winter, and eat ginger in summer.” But people with a cool spleen and stomach or gastrointestinal disease should be careful of taking in too many radishes. Cook radish with beef or mutton, which has nutrient and moist function.

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酿豆腐 / Yong Tofu

材料:豆腐、五花肉片、猪肉、虾米、香菇、红葱头、鸡蛋清、黄豆、盐、生粉、植物油 做法:1. 将猪肉剁成肉馅,加入泡发的虾米、香菇碎、红葱头碎、盐、生粉、鸡蛋清,顺时针均匀搅 拌至起胶。在豆腐的中间用勺子挖一个小坑,放入拌好的肉馅。 2. 平底锅内放少许油,将豆腐煎至两面金黄。 3. 预热煲仔,加入高汤、五花肉片、黄豆煮开,最后加入煎好的豆腐煮沸 1―2 分钟,放入 盐调味。 Ingredients: tofu, sliced streaky pork, pork, dried shrimp, shiitake mushroom, shallot, egg white, soybean, salt, cornstarch, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Mince the pork, in which add soaked dried shrimps, minced shiitake mushroom, minced shallot, salt, cornstarch and egg white, and them mix them clockwise until they get thickened; scoop a hole in the middle of tofu and fill in with pork stuffing. 2. Heat the oil in the pan and fry the tofu until it turns brown. 3. Preheat the pot, pour in broth, and add sliced streaky pork and soybean until it boils; at last, put the fried tofu and boil for another 1-2 minutes, and then season with salt. 小胖点评 这道菜我亲自尝试烹饪。豆腐是餐桌上常见的美食,优质的水源和大豆,制造出富有灵性和气 质的豆腐,才能使这道酿豆腐散发出不平凡的味道。由于豆腐软并带有肉馅,煎制豆腐时很容易被煎 烂,豆腐一面煎至金黄后再翻另一面煎。煎好的豆腐与肉馅在煲仔中,溶入五花肉、黄豆、高汤汁的 味道,更加鲜甜、软嫩、清香,豆腐配上蘸料吃,口感更佳。 My comment: I tried this dish in person. Tofu is an ordinary ingredient on the dining table, but only with clean water and fresh soybean can you make high-quality tofu, which is the soul to this dish. Because the tofu filled with minced pork is very soft, it breaks easily when fried. Therefore, wait patiently until one side of it turns a little brown and then turn it over for the other side. Boil the fried tofu in the casserole, along with the sliced streaky pork, soybean and soup, whose fragrance is absorbed by tofu to make it tenderer and sweeter. It’s better to eat it with sauce.


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

豆瓣酱煮剥皮鱼 / Stewed Filefish with Puning Broad Bean Paste

材料:剥皮鱼 1 条、普宁豆瓣酱、青红椒丝、葱、香菜、姜丝、芹菜、蒜苗、生粉、植物油 做法:1. 鱼身切花刀,过油,捞出沥干备用。 2. 锅中放入油,加葱、姜丝、芹菜、蒜苗、青红椒丝炒香,放入鱼,加普宁豆瓣酱、少许水 焖熟,勾芡,放入香菜。 Ingredients: one filefish, Puning broad bean paste, red and green chili, leek, cilantro, ginger, celery, garlic sprouts, cornstarch, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Cut several lines on the filefish, saute it in hot oil and drain it for later use. 2. Pour oil in the pan, to fry leek, shredded ginger, celery, garlic sprouts and red and green chili; put in the filefish, along with Puning broad bean paste, some water, and cornstarch, and finally add cilantro before serving.

小胖点评 鱼过油后,外酥里嫩,加入豆瓣酱和青菜一起炖煮,突出了鲜、咸、香的口感。豆酱是广东潮汕 地区汉族传统豆制品,以新鲜优质黄豆、面粉、食盐等为原料,泡蒸、煮熟后经天然发酵、晒制、蒸 汽杀菌等生产工序精制而成。普宁豆酱的味道咸鲜带甘,可用于佐餐蘸料以及烹煮海鲜、肉类、蔬菜 等,尤其以烹煮鱼类最为美味。 My comment: The fish is crispy on the outside and tender inside after fried in oil. Stew it with broad bean paste and vegetables to become fresh, salty, and fragrant. Puning broad bean paste is a traditional sauce in Chaoshan. To make the sauce, the fresh soybean, flour and salt are used before soaking, fermenting, drying, steaming, and killing bacteria. Puning broad bean paste tastes salty and sweet, make it an ideal sauce for seafood, meat and vegetables, especially fish.

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·大好精细潮州菜· DaHao JingXi Chaozhou Restaurant

深圳市大好精细潮州菜是以潮汕美食文化为基础,健康养生为主题的私房菜酒楼。 选用绿色有机、原汁原味的潮汕地区食材,在传统烹饪方法基础上加以创新,口味清 淡,倡导健康饮食。环境优雅,优质服务,是家庭聚会、朋友邀约的好去处。我来过 这家酒楼三次,印象深的有普宁炸豆腐、自制辣椒酱和酸萝卜。 林武英 总厨 The dishes in DaHao JingXi Chaozhou Restaurant are based on Chaozhou Cuisine,aiming to provide its customers with healthy, light, and nourishing dishes. The restaurant uses local organic ingredients and try to bring new elements into traditional cooking methods. The restaurant’s elegant decoration and high-class service make it the best place for friends or family reunion. I have been here three times, and three of my favorite dishes are Puning Fried Tofu, homemade Chili Sauce, and Pickled Radish. Lin Wuying: Head Chef


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

盐水煮什鱼 / Boiled Fishes with Salted Water

材料:浅水小什鱼、香芹、辣椒、姜、盐、植物油 做法:1. 将什鱼宰杀洗净,辣椒、姜切丝,香芹切段。 2. 热锅放入适量油,放姜丝煸出香味,加什鱼翻炒,放少量水、盐,撒入香芹段、辣椒丝, 盖上锅盖中火烧 5 分钟左右。 Ingredients: shallow water fishes, celery, chili, ginger, salt, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Eviscerate and clean fishes, cut chili and ginger into shreds and celery into chunks. 2. Preheat the pan before pouring oil to fry ginger and fish respectively; put in a little water, salt, celery, and chili, cover the pan with the lid and braise it for about five minutes.

小胖点评 这道菜是潮汕的家常菜,做法很简单,突出鱼的新鲜口感。鱼肉滑嫩多汁,加入姜丝、香芹、辣 椒丝后,去腥、提味,汤汁很鲜美。 My comment: This is a traditional homemade dish in Chaoshan. It is very simple, but it highlights the fresh taste of the fish. The fish taste tender and juicy, and adding ginger, celery and chili help remove the fishy odor and make the soup taste even better.

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豆酱焗蟹 / Roasted Crab with Puning Broad Bean Paste

材料:肉蟹 1 只、蒜、普宁豆瓣酱、植物油 做法:1. 将肉蟹洗净,剥开壳,去鳃,斩块;蒜瓣剥皮。 2. 热锅放入油,将蒜瓣炒成金黄色后放入砂锅;把肉蟹放在蒜瓣上面,淋普宁豆酱;摆上蟹 盖,将豆瓣酱淋在蟹盖上,盖上锅盖焗 15 分钟。 Ingredients: one crab, garlic, Puning broad bean paste, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Clean the crab, remove its shell and gill, and then cut it into chunks; skin the garlic. 2. Pour oil in the pan to fry garlic until it turns brown, and then put it in a casserole; put the crab on the garlic, with Puning broad bean paste on top, and then put the crab shell back on top; pour Puning broad bean paste one more time on top of the shell, and then braise it for 15 minutes.

小胖点评 红色的螃蟹,鲜艳、诱人。掀开蟹盖,热气升腾,普宁豆瓣的咸与螃蟹的鲜、大蒜的香气相融 合,相互渗透。蟹肉饱满,咸鲜软嫩;金黄、焦香的大蒜,非常入味;普宁豆瓣酱是这道菜的灵魂, 让咸的味道更加突出蟹肉的鲜味。 My comment: The red crab looks fresh and tempting. When the shell is removed, the fragrance of the steam, the saltiness of Puning broad bean paste, the freshness of the crab, and the odor of garlic mix very well with each other. The crab is fresh and tender, the fry-brown garlic looks tasty, and most important of all, the Puning broad bean paste is the soul of this dish whose saltiness arouses the freshness of the crab.


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

九肚鱼爽 / Pan-seared Kau Fish with Waternut and Basil

材料:九肚鱼、马蹄、金不换、地瓜粉、香炸粉、盐、胡椒粉、植物油 做法:1. 将九肚鱼宰杀、洗净、去骨,切成粒;马蹄去皮切粒,金不换切末。 2. 将鱼粒、马蹄粒、金不换末放在一起,加胡椒粉、盐、香炸粉、地瓜粉搅拌均匀。热锅放 入油,将搅拌好的食材放入锅中,慢火烙至两面金黄呈饼状。 Ingredients: Kau fish, waternuts, basil, sweet potato starch, fry powder, salt, pepper, vegetable oil Procedure: 1.Eviscerate and clean Kau fish, remove its bones, and then cut it into dices; skin waternuts and cut them into dices; cut basil into shreds. 2. Stir fish dices, waternut dishes, and basil together, along with pepper, salt, fry powder, and sweet potato starch; pour oil in the pan, in which put ingredients, and sear under gentle fire until both sides turn brown. 小胖点评 九肚鱼的学名叫龙头鱼,属狗母鱼科,又名狗母鱼、豆腐鱼等。头大、眼小,口裂颇大,鱼体 柔软,大部分光滑无鳞。九肚鱼很适合和豆腐煮汤,还可红烧。这道九肚鱼爽似蚝仔烙的做法,味 美肉鲜、外酥里嫩、香鲜可口,是传统的潮汕名小吃。 My comment: Kau fish can also be called dragon head fish, tripod fish or tofu fish in Chinese. It has big head and mouth, small eyes, and slender body. With no scale, most parts of it are very smooth, which make it very suitable to cook with tofu or braise with soy sauce. The cooking procedures of this dish are similar to those of oyster pancake. It tastes fresh and dainty, crispy on the outside and tender inside, which make it a very popular Chaoshan dish.

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· 小 眼 睛 看 美 食 · 中餐篇

南瓜煲 / Braised Pumpkin

材料:南瓜、腰果、葱、咸鸭蛋蛋黄、植物油、高汤 做法:1. 南瓜去皮切块,葱切碎,咸蛋黄切粒。 2. 锅烧热放入油,放咸蛋黄、腰果炒香,放入南瓜块,加高汤焖 15 分钟,出锅时撒葱花。 Ingredients: pumpkin, dried cashew, leek, salty duck egg yolk, vegetable oil, broth Procedure: 1. Skin the pumpkin and then cut it into chunks; mince the leek and cut the salty egg yolk into dices. 2. Pour oil in the pan to fry the egg yolk and cashew, and then put in the pumpkin chunks; add broth for boiling for 15 minutes; sprinkle leek before serving.

小胖点评 南瓜含有丰富的维生素、氨基酸、多种微量元素,有助于补中益气、降血脂、降血糖,帮助消 化,壮骨强筋,提高人体免疫能力等功效。 这道菜色泽金黄,有南瓜独有的清爽和甘甜,汤汁美味。将一勺软烂的南瓜送入口中,南瓜的清 甜和蛋黄的咸香缠绕在一起,再融进一粒腰果,柔软香浓;撒上的葱花,更加突出了南瓜的甜、咸、 香味。 My comment: Pumpkin is rich in vitamin, amino acid and many trace elements, which helps improve Qi, lower blood fat and blood glucose, benefit digestive system, strengthen bones and tendons, and improve immune system. This dish features golden appearance, the freshness and sweetness of pumpkin, and tasty soup. Put a scoop of soft pumpkin in your mouth and you can feel the fragrance of pumpkin, the saltiness of the egg yolk, and the softness of the dried cashew at the same time; the sprinkled leeks highlight the sweetness and saltiness of the pumpkin.


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

·假日私房菜· Holiday Homemade Cuisine Restaurant

顾名思义,私房菜是私人的菜、私家的菜,可以没有服务员、没有菜谱、没有招 牌;或者菜的烹调技法是祖传的,有独特风味的;或者限量供应,私人定制等。私房 本身就富有神秘、诱惑和期待。 坐落在深圳市福田区联合广场附近的假日私房菜,装修时尚、典雅。关注现代人 的饮食健康,严格挑选新鲜食材、蔬果,以养生汤和新派粤菜为特色,集养生、美味、 舒适为一体的餐饮享受。饭后喝一杯杏仁茶、凤凰单枞茶,回味无穷。我品尝的这几 道菜均为粤菜的创新。香煎安格斯牛肉,采用西餐做法,先煎后烤;手撕杏鲍菇,油 炸后配美极酱,酥香诱人;浓汤花菜煲,浸满汤汁的花菜,软脆香浓;泰汁脆虾球, 香酥的虾球蘸着泰汁酱,酸酸甜甜;两道功夫汤,更是从色、香、味上达到极高水准, 营养丰富,滋补养生。 广东人无汤不成席,一代传一代,煲汤是广东人的习惯,广东人喝汤的历史由来 已久,这与岭南水土湿热有关系。广东人喝汤用料讲究,汤的种类繁多,煲汤多用砂 锅,也会采用蒸的方法,汤浓、够火候,才算老火靓汤。广东的汤,源于中医药理的 食补良方,根据季节的变化、身体的状况、不同年龄、不同体质,选择煲不同的汤。 多搭配中药,讲究不同的功效。火候足、味道鲜、熬制时间长,营养、养生、滋补。 梁宏峰 行政总厨 肖坤勋 厨师长

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As its name suggests, homemade cuisine is private cuisine, in which waiters, menus, or advertisements are not needed; or their recipes are passed from older generation, with special flavor; or their dishes are limitedly supplied or customized. In some way, homemade cuisine is full of mystery, temptation, and expectation. Located near Shenzhen Union Square in Futian District, Holiday Homemade Cuisine Restaurant features modern, elegant decoration. The restaurant cares about modern people’s healthy eating habit by selecting its ingredients meticulously. The dishes here are characterized by its nutrient soup and new Guangdong dishes, aiming to make healthy, delicious food and create comfortable dining atmosphere. A cup of almond tea or Fenghuang tea (a kind of oolong tea) after meal is a real treat. The dishes I have tried here are innovative Guangdong Cuisine: The Angus Beef is first fried and then roasted, just like the western way; Pleurotus Eryngii (a kind of mushroom), when fried, looks tempting and tasty with Maggi sauce; Braised Cabbage in thick soup is rich in smoothness and fragrance; Crispy Shrimp Balls tastes sweet and sour simultaneously with Thai sauce; and two dishes of Kungfu Soup, which are very nutrient, are impeccable in either appearance, fragrance, or taste. For Cantonese, there is no diner without soup. From generation to generation, making and drinking soup have become a tradition. This long-held tradition is related to the wet geographical and climatic feature of the region south of Five Ranges. The soup here features delicacy and variety of ingredients, and The pot is the most frequently used cooker, though people sometime steam the soup. The top-notch soup is always made thick under proper fire conditions. Some of the soup recipes derive value from the Chinese medicine and instruct people to make soup based on the change of seasons and the difference of people’s health and age. The long duration, the proper fire condition, and the delicate taste make the soup here nutrient and dainty. Liang Hongfeng: Executive Chef Xiao Kunxun: Head Chef


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

香煎安格斯牛肉 / Pan-seared Angus Beef

材料:安格斯牛肉、安格斯黑胡椒、红萝卜、西芹、木瓜、自制黑椒汁、植物油 做法:1. 牛肉放入冰箱冷藏,自然解冻后洗净。红萝卜、西芹、木瓜榨汁,将牛肉在蔬果汁中浸泡 20 分钟。用牛骨、牛肉熬 8 个小时的浓汤,放入安格斯黑胡椒调制黑椒汁。 2. 将牛肉放在 410℃高温铁板上分别烤六个面,煎成金黄色。烤箱预热 480℃,将牛肉放入 烤箱烤 2―3 分钟,摆盘,淋上黑椒汁。 Ingredients: Angus beef, Angus black pepper, carrot, celery, papaya, self-made black pepper sauce, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Defrost and clean the beef; squeeze carrot, celery, and papaya into juice, in which put beef for 20 minutes; boil ox bone and beef for eight hours to make broth and put Angus black pepper in it to make sauce. 2. Sear each side of the beef on iron plate at a 410°F until it turns brown; preheat the oven until 480°F, roast the beef for 2-3 minutes; put the roasted beef on the plate with black pepper sauce.

小胖点评 安格斯牛,原产于英国,毛黑色,无角。牛体结实,肌肉丰满,肉质鲜美。牛肉冷藏后需自然解 冻,这是排酸的过程。将牛肉放入鲜榨的果蔬汁中浸泡,牛肉吸满汁水,再放在高温铁板上煎,瞬间 锁住牛肉的水分,煎至金黄色后,再放入烤箱烤,浇黑椒汁。黑椒汁的辛辣芳香与牛肉的浓郁香味完 美结合,牛肉表面焦脆,切开后,里面鲜嫩多汁,有丝丝甜味。 My comment: Angus beef is originated in British, with black hair and no horns. Its body is quite sturdy with muscle and its meat is of high quality. After frozen in the fridge, the beef needed to be defrosted, which eliminates the acidity. Soak the beef in the fresh vegetable and fruit juice, and then sear it in a hot iron plate, which can immediately preserve its moisture. After the beef is seared to brown, put it in the oven with black pepper sauce. The spiciness of the black pepper sauce and the fragrance of the beef match very well with each other; the beef is crispy on the outside and tender and juicy inside, with a little sweetness.

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手撕杏鲍菇 / Torn Pleurotus Eryngii

材料:杏鲍菇、葱、洋葱、美极鲜酱油、盐、花生油 做法:1. 杏鲍菇洗净,用手将杏鲍菇顺着菇的纹理撕成条。 2. 锅内放入花生油,油热后炸杏鲍菇条,迅速捞起。锅中再次放入油,依次加洋葱、杏鲍菇、 美极鲜酱油翻炒,放盐调味,出锅时撒葱花。 Ingredients: pleurotus eryngii, leek, onion, Maggi soy sauce, salt, peanut oil Procedure: 1. Clean pleurotus eryngii and tear them into shreds by hand. 2. Pour oil in the pan to fry pleurotus eryngii shreds for later use; pour oil again in the pan, add respectively onion, fried pleurotus eryngii, Maggi soy sauce and salt and sprinkle some leek before serving.

小胖点评 杏鲍菇菌肉肥厚,质地脆嫩,富有弹性,采摘后可长时间保存,营养丰富。将杏鲍菇顺着菇的纹 理手撕成条,避免菇的纤维被破坏。杏鲍菇焦酥香脆,搭配美极鲜酱油,增加了蘑菇的鲜味和醇香。 My comment: Pleurotus eryngii are rich, tender, elastic, and rich in nutrition, and they can be preserved for a long time after picking up. Tear Pleurotus eryngii along their texture to avoid damage to their fiber, and they are very crispy and tasty with Maggi soy sauce.


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

浓汤乡下花菜煲 / Braised Cabbage

材料:潮州乡下花菜、番茄、家猪五花肉片、葱、浓汤、盐 做法:1. 将潮州乡下花菜洗净切块飞水,番茄用沸水烫后去皮。 2. 用老鸡、瘦肉、火腿、鸡脚熬制 4 个小时的浓汤放入花菜、五花肉、番茄煨 15 分钟,加盐调 味。 Ingredients: Chaozhou cabbage, tomato, home-bred streaky pork, leek, broth, salt Procedure: 1. Cut cabbage and then blanch it in boiling water; blanch the tomatoes and skin them. 2. Boil chicken, lean meat, ham, and chicken feet for four hours to make the broth; after that, put cabbage, streaky pork, and tomato in it for another 15 minutes and finally season it with salt.

小胖点评 这是一道潮州菜,选料新鲜,重点在熬制的老汤。将蔬菜和五花肉放入汤中煨,汤色白而鲜;花 菜吸入汤汁、五花肉的味道,清甜、淡香;加入了番茄后有微微的酸味,使汤和菜的口感更加鲜甜。 My comment: This is a traditional Chaozhou dish. Its ingredients are very fresh and the key is the soup. Stew vegetable and streaky pork until the soup becomes white and fresh. The cabbage fully absorbs the fragrance of the streaky pork and the broth. Tomato brings a little sourness to this dish and makes it fresher.

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/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

泰汁脆虾球 / Crispy Shrimp Balls with Thai Sauce

材料:九节虾、泰汁酱、鸡蛋白、盐、糖、淀粉、糯米粉、植物油 做法:1. 剥虾壳、去除虾线,剪去虾头。 2. 泰汁酱加盐、糖调制,将鸡蛋白顺着一个方向打均匀变成白色泡沫;将虾蘸上糯米粉、淀 粉、蛋白、盐调制的脆浆在油中炸;将炸好的虾球摆盘,淋上调好的泰汁酱。 Ingredients: tiger shrimp, Thai sauce, egg white, salt, sugar, cornstarch, glutinous rice flour, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Remove the shrimp’s shells, veins, and heads. 2. Add salt and sugar in the Thai sauce; whip egg white clockwise until it gets foamed; dip the shrimp in the paste made from glutinous rice flour, cornstarch, egg white, and salt and fry them, and then put it on the plate, with Thai sauce on top.

小胖点评 这道菜的摆盘很漂亮,很有画面感,梅花是中国画的象征,冰清玉洁,凌寒绽放。新鲜的虾裹上 浆在油中炸,外酥里嫩,再淋上调好的泰汁酱,酸酸甜甜,香酥可口。泰汁是泰国人比较喜欢的一种 酱汁,其色红亮,口味鲜美,酸甜微辣中带有一股鸡酱的香味。 My comment: The decoration of this dish looks quite pretty, which shape like the plum blossom in Chinese painting, fresh and pure. Wrapped fresh shrimps with paste and then fry them in oil until they are crispy in the outside and tender inside. With Thai sauce on top, the dish tastes sour and sweet. Thai sauce is one of Thai’s favorite sauces, with the color of red and bright, the taste of fresh, sweet, and sour, with a little fragrance of chicken sauce.

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虫草花炖土猪肉汤 Home-bred Pork with Aweto Flower Soup

材料:虫草花、土猪肉、土鸡肉、盐 做法:虫草花洗净,鸡肉、猪肉分别焯水,去除血水和杂质。将食材放入炖盅,加矿泉水隔水蒸 6 小时,用功夫茶具盛汤。 Ingredients: aweto flower, home-bred pork, home-bred chicken, salt Procedure: Wash the aweto flower, blanch home-bred chicken and pork respectively in boiling water to remove blood and dross; put ingredients in the stew pot and steam it with mineral water for six hours, and serve it in the Kungfu teapot.

小胖点评 虫草花的学名叫蛹虫草,是一种菌类。为了跟冬虫夏草区别开来,人们给它起了一个好听的名 字—虫草花。虫草花性质平和,不寒不燥,有丰富的蛋白质、氨基酸,可以调节人体免疫力,益肝 肾、补精髓。加入虫草花、鸡肉、猪肉、矿泉水所蒸出的汤,汤汁清亮,呈金黄色。如品茶般喝上一 杯功夫汤,让汤汁顺着喉咙慢慢滑过,暖暖的,鲜、香、醇,有淡淡的甜味和回甘。没有 6 小时的功 夫,汤就不会这样“一切刚刚好”,我恍然大悟,在大厨手中,时间已经成为一种食材。 My comment: Aweto flower is a kind of fungus, and to avoid the confusion with the aweto, it is generally called aweto flower. It is mild in temperance, not cool or dry, and rich in protein and amino acid. It helps strengthen our immune system, protect our liver and kidney from exhausting, and supplement energy. The soup made from aweto flower, chicken, pork, and mineral water looks clear and light-gold. Drink the soup in the teapot, just like sipping tea, can make you better feel the warmth, freshness, fragrance, purity, and a sweet aftertaste. With six hours of stewing, the soup tastes just right. It suddenly dawns on me that time, to some extent, becomes a kind of ingredient.


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

天籽花辽参功夫汤 Liao Sea Cucumber Soup with Dendrobe Flower

材料:天籽兰花、关东辽参、瑶柱、家猪瘦肉、土鸡肉、蜜枣、姜片、盐 做法:先将辽参用水发好备用,将猪肉、鸡肉块分别焯水,去除肉中的血水和脏东西,把食材放入炖 盅,加入矿泉水,盖上盖子,将炖盅放入蒸炉中蒸 6 个小时,用功夫茶具盛出。 Ingredients: dendrobe flower, Liao Sea cucumber, dried scallop, home-bred lean pork and chicken, honey date, ginger, salt Procedure: Soak Liao Sea cucumber in water for latter use; blanch home-bred pork and chicken in boiling water to remove the blood and dross; put all ingredients in a stew pot with mineral water and cover it with the lid; steam it for six hours and serve it in a teapot.

小胖点评 《神农本草经》记载: “石斛兰花常享天地之灵气,吸日月之精华。”其滋补功效可媲美冬虫夏草。 在众多石斛中,天籽兰花是金黄色的,滋补养生,强身健体,延年益寿。猪肉、鸡肉的香醇和辽参、 瑶柱的鲜味,加入天籽兰花的功效,用功夫茶具上汤,汤色金黄、透明,入口鲜甜。古韵茶色,喝汤 具有了品茶的雅致,可谓是视觉、嗅觉、味觉的完美呈现。 My comment: Shen Nong’s Herbal Classic Book records that “dendrobe flower absorbs the soul of the sky and the earth, and the marrow of the sun and the moon.” Its nutritious value is always compared to the aweto. Among different kinds of dendrobe, the dendrobe flower is gold and nutritious, and it benefits a good health and long life. The fragrance of pork and chicken, the freshness of Liao Sea cucumber, and the nutrition of dendrobe flower all mix in a teapot, which looks gold and tastes sweet. The antique teapot brings elegance to this dish, making it a perfect feast for your eyes, nose, and tongue.

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年轻的牛扒大厨 The Young Steak Chef

教我做牛扒的是一位年轻的大厨,我称他为肖哥哥,他是重庆人,今年 26 岁。14 岁开始 他跟随在香港新鸿基酒店做行政总厨的姑父学做牛扒。2001 年,他随姑父又来到了深圳罗湖的 富丽华大酒店,17 岁成为做牛扒的厨师。20 岁的时候,他来到云南最大的餐饮连锁企业,成为 15 家分店专做牛扒的厨师长。2013 年,他来到深圳假日私房菜作为主厨。他不断研究牛肉的做 法。慢慢地,他在行业内小有名气了。很多客人问他: “为什么你做的牛肉这么好吃?” 他说:“我选择优质的牛肉,就像选择我心爱的宝贝一样,我把做牛扒当成一种享受。” 他入行已经 12 年了。刚做学徒时,每天的工作是砍大白菜,他觉得很枯燥,就想放弃, 姑父说:学本领如练武功一样,要从蹲马步开始,慢慢地练,认真地学。就这样,他开始了 艰苦学习做牛扒的过程。 我很高兴与他聊天,他是一个很有天赋的人。机遇和天赋很重要,刻苦和勤奋更重要。 我和肖大厨已经约好,等我暑假回来的时候,他教我做牛扒。

The person who taught me to cook steak is a twenty-six young chef from Chongqin, and I often call him Brother Xiao. He learned how to make steak from his uncle, the executive chef of Xin Hongji Hotel in Hong Kong, when he was fourteen. In 2001, he came to Shenzhen with his uncle to work in Fu Li Hua Hotel Restaurant and became a steak chef when he was seventeen. When he was twenty, he came to the biggest culinary enterprise in Yunan and became the head chef of steak in its 15 chain stores. In 2013, he became the head chef of Shenzhen Holiday Homemade Cuisine Restaurant. He kept studying different ways to make steak, and gradually, he gained much more fame. Many customers always ask, “how can you make such good steaks?” He says, “because I only choose the best-quality steak, just like choosing my beloved someone. It is always a enjoyable experience for me when making steak.” Twelve years have passed since he became a chef. As an apprentice back then, he chopped Chinese cabbage every day, which he thought was a boring burden, and he was considering giving up. His uncle told him that learning a skill was like learning kungfu, in which the martial-art squat is the beginning before mastering it. By then, he started his enduing journey of making steak. I was so glad to talk with this talented man. Opportunity and talent are important, but hard work and diligence are much more essential. I have made an appointment with Chef Xiao that when I come back for my summer vacation, he will teach me how to make steak.


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

·芳都酒楼· Fang Du Restaurant

深圳市芳都饮食管理有限公司成立于 1994 年,营业面积达 6000 多平方米。以经 营传统粤菜为主,兼备潮州、客家以及闽南等菜系,尤以出品正宗的福建佛跳墙而闻 名业界。被评为中国五星级绿色饭店,全国十佳餐饮服务质量金奖。 广州人把饮早茶称为“叹茶”,含享受之意。至今仍流传着“叹一盅两件”,即享 受一盅香茶、两件点心之意的口头禅。 广东早茶的来源,要追溯到咸丰同治年间。当时广州有一种名为“一厘馆”的馆 子,门口挂着写有“茶话”二字的木牌,供应茶水糕点,设施简陋,仅以几张木桌和 木凳迎客,供路人歇脚聊天。后来出现了茶居,规模渐大,变成茶楼,此后广东人上 茶楼喝早茶蔚然成风。茶点分为干湿两种,干点有饺子、粉果、包子、酥点等,湿点 则有粥类、肉类、龟苓膏、豆腐花等,小巧精致,种类繁多。 何耀晚 粤式点心行政总厨、广东省一级点心师、中国烹饪名师奖 Founded in 1994, Shenzhen Fang Du Culinary Company covers an operating area of more than 6000 square meters. Traditional Guangdong Cuisine is its main focus, along with Chaozhou Cuisine, Hakka Cuisine, and Fujian Cuisine, in which Fu Tiao Qiang (steamed abalone with shark’s fin and fish maw soup) is well known in the culinary industry. The restaurant is awarded the five-star eco-friendly restaurant in China and the gold medal of “National Top Ten Culinary Service Quality”. People in Guangzhou also call their morning tea habit “Tan Cha”, which means enjoying tea and dim sums, just as an old saying goes “the best enjoyment is a cup of tea with two dishes of dim sum.” The origin of Guangdong morning tea dates back to approximately 150 years ago. At that time, there was a little stall called “Yi Li” in Guangzhou, in front of whose door hanged a wooden board on which writes Tea Talking. The restaurant featured poor design, with only a few wooden tables and chair, and offered tea and dim sum. Later, tea rooms appeared, which developed quickly into teahouses. From then on, Cantonese formed the habit of drinking tea and eating dim sum in these tea houses. Dim sums are divided into two kinds – dry and wet. Dry dim sums include dumpling, steamed dumpling, baozi, and pastry, while wet dim sums include congee, meat, tortoise herb jelly, beancurd jelly. All dim sums feature delicacy and variety. He Yaowan: Executive Chef of Guangdong Dim Sum, Guangdong Dim Sum Master Chef, China Cooking Master Award

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芳都虾饺皇 / Fang Du Shrimp Dumpling

材料:鲜虾仁、虾饺皮、盐、食用碱水、生粉、调和油 做法:1. 混合生粉、面粉、水和面,用压面机干压成薄薄的虾饺皮。 2. 鲜虾去壳和虾线,清洗干净,用碱水腌 10 分钟后取出冲水,沥干水分,加调和油、生粉、 盐拌匀,静置 10 分钟。 3. 用虾饺皮包虾仁,右手拇指向外,推内侧皮,形成皱褶,捏紧并收口,形成弯弯的饺子形, 放入蒸柜蒸约 25 分钟。 Ingredients: fresh shrimp, dumpling skin, salt, edible alkali water, cornstarch, blend oil Procedure: 1. Mix cornstarch, flour, and water together and press it into dumpling skins with a pressing machine. 2. Remove shrimps’ shells and veins, then clean them and soak them in edible alkali water for 10 minutes; dry them again and mix them with blend oil, cornstarch, and salt for another 10 minutes. 3. Wrap shrimp in the dumpling skin by pushing the skin with your thumb and folding several ruffles until it is closely wrapped within. Steam the crescent-shape dumpling for about 25 minutes.


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

至尊烧麦皇 / Shaomai (Steamed Pork Dumpling)

材料:猪肉、鲜虾仁、烧麦皮、鸡蛋、香菇、生粉、糖、胡椒粉、料酒、蚝油、酱油、盐 做法:1. 取虾仁碎、香菇碎、猪肉馅、生鸡蛋、生粉搅拌均匀,打成烧麦馅,加盐、糖、胡椒粉、 料酒、蚝油、酱油拌匀腌 25 分钟。 2. 取烧麦皮放入馅料进行包制,右手拇指和食指逐一捏烧麦皮成褶皱,不收口露出肉馅。放 入蒸柜蒸 30 分钟。 Ingredients: pork, fresh shrimp, shaomai skin, egg, dried mushroom, cornstarch, sugar, pepper powder, cooking wine, oyster sauce, soy sauce, salt Procedure: 1. Mix minced shrimp, minced mushroom, and minced pork with egg and cornstarch, and then whip them into stuffing; add salt, sugar, pepper powder, cooking wine, oyster sauce, soy sauce in it for 25 minutes. 2. Wrap the stuffing with shaomai skin by folding it with the thumb and forefinger in your right hand, but remember not to close it, but to leave a small hole on top; steam it for 30 minutes.

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泰式榴莲酥 / Thai Style Durian Tartlet

材料:生榴莲肉、面粉、鸡蛋清、水、淀粉、白砂糖、猪油、植物油 做法:1. 备好鲜榴莲肉。将面粉、蛋清、白砂糖、猪油、植物油混合,加入适量水搅拌均匀,揉至 起筋,和成水油面团;将面团用保鲜膜包好静置 25 分钟;取适量面团,多次擀压成 0.35 厘 米的薄皮,产生多层皮,压好的皮分割成长方形;把鲜榴莲肉放在中间,包口压紧。 2. 放在烤盘上静置 12 分钟,表面涂蛋清,放入 200℃烤箱烤 25 分钟。 Ingredients: raw durian, flour, egg white, water, cornstarch, sugar, lard, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Prepare the raw durian; mix flour, egg white, sugar, lard, vegetable oil, and water evenly into paste, and cover it with a plastic wrap for 25 minutes; cut the paste into chunks, and roll them Several times into 0.35cm skin in thickness; lay one skin above one another, and then cut them into rectangular pieces; put a piece of raw durian in the middle and wrap it. 2. Place the durian tartlet on the roasting plate for 12 minutes, then wipe egg white on the surface, and finally roast them at 200°F for 25 minutes.


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My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

酱汁蒸风爪 / Steamed Chicken Feet with Soy

材料:冰鲜鸡脚、糖、白醋、盐、豆豉、生粉、海鲜酱、植物油 做法:1. 洗净鸡脚,去掉趾甲,切两半,用开水煮 10 分钟并加适量白醋,沥干水分。 2. 烧热油,将鸡脚炸至金黄色,捞出沥干;再将鸡脚放入水中小火煮 25 分钟,捞出鸡脚冷水 冲一下,沥干水分;将鸡脚加入生粉拌匀,加入海鲜酱、盐、豆豉、糖拌匀腌 25 分钟。 3. 将腌好的鸡脚上蒸柜蒸 25 分钟。 Ingredients: frozen chicken feet, sugar, white vinegar, salt, fermented soybean, cornstarch, hoisin sauce, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Clean the chicken feet, cut the toe nails, and then cut them into halves; blanch them in boiling water for 10 minutes, along with the white vinegar, and then take them out for latter use. 2. Pour oil in the pan to fry the chicken feet until they turn brown; then put them in water and boil under gentile fire for 25 minutes, take them out, and wash them with cold water; mix chicken feet with cornstarch, hoisin sauce, salt, fermented soybean and sugar, and marinate them for 25 minutes. 3. Steam the marinated chicken feet for 25 minutes.

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鲜竹牛肉球 / Steamed Beef Meatball

材料:鲜牛肉、鲜马蹄粒、鲜枝竹、盐、食用小苏打粉、食用碱水 做法:1. 将牛肉洗净打成肉泥,加入盐、食用小苏打粉、少量碱水拌匀,再加入鲜马蹄粒做成牛肉 丸。 2. 用鲜枝竹垫盘底,摆上牛肉丸放入蒸柜中蒸 30 分钟。 Ingredients: beef, fresh waternuts, dried bamboo sticks, salt, baking soda, edible alkali water Procedure: 1. Mince the beef, and mix it with salt, baking soda, a little edible alkali water, and finally waternut dices into beef meatball. 2. Lay the dried bamboo sticks at the bottom, put beef meatball on top, and steam them for 30 minutes.


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

沙爹金钱肚 / Satay Pork Tripes

材料:金钱肚、海鲜酱、沙爹酱、酱油、盐、生粉、葱、姜 做法:1. 洗净鲜金钱肚,把金钱肚放入锅中,加水、葱、姜炖煮 2 小时,捞起冲水,切成条沥干水 分。 2. 金钱肚加入海鲜酱、沙爹酱、酱油、生粉、盐拌匀,腌制 25 分钟。上碟在蒸柜中蒸 20 分 钟。 Ingredients: pork tripes, hoisin sauce, satay sauce, soy sauce, salt, cornstarch, leek, ginger Procedure: 1. Clean pork tripes, put them in wok, and boil them with water, leek and ginger for two hours; take them out and cut them into shreds. 2. Marinate the pork tripes with hoisin sauce, satay sauce, soy sauce, cornstarch and salt for 25 minutes, and then steam them for 20 minutes.

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韭黄鲜虾肠 / Steamed Shrimp Vermicelli Roll with Hotbed Chives

材料:水磨米浆、鲜虾仁、韭黄、盐、生粉、玉米淀粉、酱油 做法:1. 洗净虾仁,沥干水,加入玉米淀粉、盐、水、生粉拌匀,腌制 20 分钟。 2. 不锈钢肠粉蒸垫上面放水磨米浆,再放腌好的虾仁、韭黄,做成肠粉。放入蒸柜蒸 15 分 钟,取出,淋酱油。 Ingredients: rice milk, fresh shrimp, hotbed chives, salt, cornstarch, cornflour, soy sauce Procedure: 1. Clean the shrimps, drain them, and then add cornflour, salt, water and cornstarch for marination of 20 minutes. 2. Pour some rice milk in a stainless steel plate, put marinated shrimps and hotbed chives in it, and Steam them for 15 minutes; take it out and pour soy sauce on it.


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My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

荔湾艇仔粥 / Liwan Sampan Congee

材料:炸花生米、炸鱿鱼丝、炸粉丝、生菜丝、海蜇丝、猪肚丝、鲜鱼片、白粥、盐、葱花 做法:1. 煲好白粥;将白粥放入锅中,加入炸鱿鱼丝、猪肚丝煮 5 分钟;加入炸花生米、炸粉丝、 生菜丝、海蜇丝、盐煮 2 分钟。 2. 将鲜鱼片放入碗中,加葱花,把煮好的粥倒入碗中即可。 Ingredients: fried peanut, fried squid shreds, fried vermicelli, shredded cabbage, shredded jellyfish, shredded pork tripes, fresh fish slices, rice congee, salt, leek Procedure: 1. Cook rice into congee, pour it in a stewpot with squid shreds and shredded pork tripes for boiling for five minutes; Then add fried peanut, fried vermicelli, shredded cabbage, shredded jellyfish, and salt for another two minutes. 2. Put fresh fish slices in the bowl, add leek, and pour the hot congee in it.

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小胖点评 我喜欢在周末的时间,与家人一起喝早茶。水晶虾饺皇,鲜嫩的虾仁,富有弹性的饺子皮,晶 莹剔透;至尊烧麦皇,融合了猪肉、虾仁、香菇的味道,入口醇香、鲜甜;泰式榴莲酥,外表金黄酥 脆,榴莲飘香;韭黄鲜虾肠,喜欢它的透明,咬在口里的软滑感觉;酱汁蒸凤爪,鸡脚色泽暗红,皮 层胀大很多褶皱,软烂咸香;鲜竹牛肉球,鲜嫩多汁,不油腻;沙爹金钱肚,入味有嚼劲;荔湾艇仔 粥,鲜、香、脆、爽,简单的一碗粥,滋味浓郁。 My Comment: I like spending the weekend with my family for Guangdong breakfast together. The shrimp of Fang Du shrimp dumpling is fresh, and the dumpling skin is elastic and crystal; shaomai perfectly mixes the fragrance of pork, shrimp, and mushroom, which makes it very nice and sweet; the durian tartlet is gold and crispy on the outside, with a strong fragrance of durian; I like the crystal skin of steamed shrimp vermicelli roll, which tastes soft and smooth in mouth; the steamed chicken feet looks crimson, and its skin is inflated, with many ruffles. This dish is soft, salty, and tasty; the steamed beef meatball is tender and juicy, but not too greasy; the satay pork tripes are al dente and very tasty; the Liwan sampan congee is fresh, aromatic, crispy, and smooth, which looks easy but tastes creamy.


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

中国八 大 菜 系 之 一

川 菜 川菜是中国的八大菜系之一,起源于四川、重庆,取材广泛,调味多变,菜式 多样,口味清鲜醇浓,以麻、辣、鲜、香为特色,风格朴实,在国际上享有“食在 中国,味在四川”的美誉。 川菜历史悠久,其发源地是古代的巴国和蜀国,在秦末汉初就初具规模,唐宋 时发展迅速,明清已富有名气。四川古称巴蜀之地,号称“天府之国”,位于长江上 游,气候温和,雨量充沛,群山环抱,蔬菜、水果、家禽家畜等种类繁多。优越的 自然环境,丰富的特产资源,都为四川菜的形成和发展提供了有利条件。 川菜是以成都、重庆两个地方菜为代表,其特点是突出麻、辣、香、鲜、油重、 味浓,以胡椒、花椒、辣椒、豆瓣酱等为主要调味品,不同的配比,形成了麻辣、 酸辣、椒麻、荔枝、麻酱、蒜泥、芥末、红油、糖醋、鱼香、怪味等各种复合味型, 具有“一菜一格”、“百菜百味”的特殊风味。川菜中常见“麻辣”的味道,辣椒具

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有刺激、阳刚、火热、张扬的性格,而花椒更加含蓄和乖巧,辣椒和花椒这“绝代 双椒”找到一种平衡点,互相补充、制约和共存,产生了一种奇妙的味道,成为川 菜的灵魂。 川菜在烹调手法上擅长炒、滑、溜、爆、炸、煮、煨,小炒、干煸、干烧和泡、 烩等。以“味”闻名,有“七滋八味”之说,“七滋”指甜、酸、麻、辣、苦、香、 咸;“八味”即鱼香、酸辣、椒麻、怪味、麻辣、红油、姜汁、家常。川菜的派系: 蓉菜以成都和乐山菜为主,经典小吃;渝派以重庆和达州菜为主,家常菜;盐帮菜 以自贡和内江为主。川菜的五大名菜是:鱼香肉丝、宫保鸡丁、夫妻肺片、麻婆豆 腐、回锅肉。


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

one of the Eight Cuisines in China

Sichuan Cuisine

Sichuan Cuisine, one of the eight factions of Chinese Cuisines, originated in Sichuan and Chongqing Province. It features vast variety of ingredients, seasoning, and dishes. Sichuan Cuisine is famous for its hotness, spiciness, freshness, and fragrance. Compliment is known around the globe that Sichuan Cuisine is definitely an option when trying Chinese food. Featuring a long history, Sichuan Cuisine originated in the Ba and Shu Kingdom in ancient China at the end of the Qing Dynasty and in the beginning of Han Dynasty. It developed rapidly during Tang and Song Dynasties and gained much popularity in Ming and Qing Dynasties. In ancient China, Sichuan was called the land of Ba Shu and the kingdom of heaven. Located in the upstream of Changjiang River, the climate here is mild, with abundant rainfall and resources. Sichuan is surrounded by mountains, which fosters various species of vegetable, fruit, and poultry. Optical geological features and abundant resources lay the foundation for and foster the development of Sichuan Cuisine. Sichuan Cuisine is prevalent in Chengdu and Chongqing Province, featuring hotness, spiciness, fragrance, freshness, greasiness and saltiness. Pepper, green and red chili, and broad bean paste are used as sauce. Different proportion of these sauces make sauce with various tastes, like hot and spicy

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sauce, sour and spicy sauce, green chili sauce, lychee sauce, sesame sauce, garlic sauce, mustard sauce, red oil sauce, sweet and sour sauce, fish sauce, and many other odd sauces. Every dish in Sichuan cuisine is one of a kind in its taste. The most common sauce used in Sichuan Cuisine is hot and spicy sauce, which is thrilling, strong, hot, and obvious; compared with that, Sichuan pepper is more reserved and introverted. The mixture of chili and Sichuan pepper finds an excellent balance— they restrain, compensate for, and co-exist with each other, which creates a magnificent taste and becomes the soul of Sichuan Cuisine. The cooking methods employed in Sichuan Cuisine include frying, pan or deep frying, sauteing, boiling, stewing, pan-searing, stir-frying, braising with or without soup and soaking. Sichuan Cuisine is popular for its seven flavors and eight sauces: seven flavors includes sweetness, sourness, hotness, spiciness, bitterness, fragrance and saltiness, while eight sauces include fish sauce, sour and spicy sauce, green chili sauce, odd sauce, hot and spicy sauce, red oil sauce, ginger sauce, and homemade sauce. Sichuan Cuisine is also divided into different factions: Rong Cuisine is popular mainly in Chengdu and Leshan with their traditional snacks; Yu Cuisine in famous in Chongqing and Dazhou with its homemade dishes; Yan Cuisine gains fame in Zigong and Neijiang River. Five famous dishes in Sichuan Cuisine include Fish-Flavor Shredded Pork, Kung Pao Chicken, Sliced Beef and Ox with Chili Sauce, Mapo Tofu and Twice-Cooked Pork Slices.


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My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

·巴蜀风月· Bashu Fengyue Restaurant

深圳市巴蜀风饮食管理有限公司成立于 1998 年,是深圳市较早从事川菜经营的 企业之一,将巴蜀民间饮食与巴蜀文化相融合,开创深圳特色文化川菜之先河。巴蜀 风旗下有巴蜀风、巴蜀风月、墨宴、粉彩、挑灯等多个品牌,“乡音、乡情、乡景、乡 味”是巴蜀风品牌的经营特色,“优雅精致,风月无边”,在川菜的主旋律下,演绎着 时尚、潮流、闲情又富有品位的美食生活。 巴蜀风月在非常繁华的深圳福田区 COCOPARK 四楼,装修典雅、时尚,无论是 中午还是晚上,都很难订到位。巴蜀风月的厨房物品摆放整齐、干净,严格的管理和 优质的服务,菜的味道正宗,所以前来用餐的食客络绎不绝。巴蜀风集团在成都郫县 修建了专业配套的川菜调料、腌制品加工基地,为旗下的餐厅提供食材和配料。我非 常喜欢巴蜀风月,真心推荐,你值得拥有! 沈东 特一级厨师、行政总厨 Established in 1998, Shenzhen Bashu Fengyue Culinary Company is one of the earliest-founded restaurants that make Sichuan Cuisine. The restaurant is the pioneer in fusing Sichuan Cuisine with its culture in Shenzhen. The company owns several restaurant brands, namely Bashu Fengyue, Moyan, Fencai, and Tiaodeng, all of which are themed at hometown dialect, homesickness, hometown landscape, and hometown flavor. With its melody of delicate elegance and infinite romance, the restaurant leads a fashionable, modern, leisure, and high-class gourmet life Located on the fourth floor of Coco Park Shopping Mall, Bashu Fengyue is well-decorated with modern style and well-received among customers, whether in lunch or supper time. The tidiness of its kitchen, the strict management, the high quality service, and the authentic dishes attract customers again and again. The company establishes its own factory in Pixian county, Chengdu to make its own seasoning and marinated product to supply its own restaurants with homemade seasoning and ingredients. I like Bashu Fengyue restaurant very much, and I highly recommend it to you. Chef Shen Dong, Master Chef, Executive Chef

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My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

宫保鸡丁 / Kung Pao Chicken

材料:新鲜鸡腿 2 个、干花椒、干辣椒、胡椒、葱、蒜、腰果、盐、生粉、蛋清、老抽、料酒、糖、 醋、胡辣油、植物油 做法:1. 鸡腿去骨取肉,切成 0.2―0.5cm 的小块鸡丁,洗去血水。鸡腿肉加盐、料酒、胡椒、老抽、 生粉、鸡蛋清腌制入味。腰果用开水煮 2 分钟,捞起控水,放入三成油温中软炸至金黄色,捞 起。 2. 锅内放一勺油 , 将鸡丁滑散,加辣椒、花椒、姜、蒜炒香,放胡辣油翻炒。加盐、胡椒、生粉、 料酒、糖、醋调味(糖和醋比例 1 ∶ 1),放入葱段、腰果稍翻炒,出锅。 Ingredients: two chicken sticks, dried Sichuan pepper, dried red chili, black pepper, leek, garlic, cashews, salt, cornstarch, egg white, dark soy sauce, cooking wine, sugar, vinegar, chili oil, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Debone the chicken sticks and cut them into 0.2-0.5cm dices, and blanch them to remove the blood; marinate the chicken dices with salt, cooking wine, black pepper, dark soy sauce, cornstarch and egg white; boil the cashews for two minutes, drain them, and fry them over oil of medium heat until they turn brown. 2. Add one spoon of oil in the wok to stir-fry chicken, dried red chili, Sichuan pepper, ginger, garlic and chili oil. Mix salt, black pepper, cornstarch, cooking wine, sugar, vinegar to adjust the taste (the proportion of sugar and vinegar is 1:1); add leek and cashews in it, stir-fry them a bit more and the dish is done. 小胖点评 这道菜是川菜中最具代表性的菜品之一,起源于宫廷,如今广为流传。选用鸡肉为主料,佐以腰 果、辣椒等辅料烹制而成。鸡丁要切得大小均匀,腌制入味,腰果水煮后低温软炸至金黄色,调味。 这道菜正确的吃法是将鸡丁、干辣椒、花椒、葱姜蒜片放入勺中,一并入口,体会几种食材综合在一 起的味道。先甜后酸,鲜味突出,色泽红亮,肉质滑脆,口感鲜嫩,胡辣鲜香。 My comment: This is one of the most typical dishes in Sichuan dish, originating from the royal court and are now prevalent all over the world. Chicken stick dices are the main ingredient for this dish, along with cashews and chili. The chicken sticks should be cut into small dices of the same size before marination. Boil the cashews in water first and then fry them till brown. The right way to eat this dish is to put chicken dices, red chili, Sichuan pepper, leek, ginger, and garlic all in one spoon, and then put them in your mouth. Only in this way can you taste different flavors at the same time. The dish taste sweet, sour, and fresh, with beautiful appearance. The chicken dice tastes crispy on the outside and tender inside. It is hot and spicy. Very dainty.

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My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

夫妻肺片 / Beef Tripe in Chili Sauce 材料:牛肚、牛心、牛舌、熟花生米、熟芝麻、芹菜段、香 菜、调料汁 做法:1. 牛肚、牛心、牛舌分别处理,用盐和面粉反复清洗, 去掉油脂、杂质;牛舌水煮后,撕去外层老皮后再卤 制。白卤:锅中放入足量的水,加入香料包(花椒、 大料、香叶、陈皮等)和葱、姜、蒜料包,加高汤、 盐、味精、鸡精调味,放入牛肚、牛心、牛舌,水煮 沸后转小火卤制。卤牛肚需 4 小时,卤牛心、牛舌需 1―1.5 小时。将卤制好的牛肚、牛舌、牛心放入冰箱 冷却后切成薄片。 2. 调制酱汁:红卤水(卤牛肉或猪耳朵、鸡脚的卤 水)、盐、味精、鸡精、白糖、自制花椒油、香油、 油辣子(把菜籽油烧沸后倒在干辣椒粉上),按比例 和口感调制。 3. 将切好的牛肚、牛心、牛舌一片片摆好,酱汁中加 入熟芝麻、熟花生后淋在食材上,拌匀,撒少许香菜。 Ingredients: tripes, hearts, and tongues of ox, peanut, sesame, celery, cilantro, homemade sauce Procedure: 1. Separately clean the tripes, hearts and tongues of ox with salt and flour to remove their oil and dross; blanch the ox tongues, skin them and then marinate them in the white sauce, which is made from spice bag (Sichuan pepper, sauce, myrcia, dried orange peel skin and so forth), leek, ginger and garlic in boiling water. Add chicken soup, salt, MSG, chicken essence in it, and then put in tripes and hearts; After the water boils, switch to gentle fire; the tripes should be marinated for four hours, and the hearts and tongues for 1-1.5 hours. After that, cool them in the fridge, and then cut them into slices 2. Make the homemade red sauce with marinated water (the one used to marinate beef, pig ears, or chicken feet), salt, MSG, chicken essence, sugar, Sichuan pepper oil, sesame oil, chili oil (stir-fry red chili and pour hot oil over it); make the sauce based on the taste and proportion. 3. Lay the sliced tripes, hearts, and tongues of ox one by one on the plate, add sesame and peanut in the homemade sauce and pour it on the plate, and finally decorate the dish with cilantro.

小胖点评 这是一道四川名菜。相传在 20 世纪 30 年代,成都郭朝华夫妻沿街设摊以出售肺片为业,因制作 精细,风味独特而被大家喜欢,“夫妻肺片”因此得名。大片又薄又有韧性的肉片,配以麻辣浓香的 酱汁,油辣子、芝麻和熟花生的香味在口中荡漾,十分开胃!看似简单的一道凉拌菜,酱汁的调制和 比例非常关键。大部分食客都会点这道菜,好吃到让你停不下口。 My comment: This is a classic dish in Sichuan Cuisine. Legend has it that in 1930s, a man named Guo Zhaohua made ox tripes with his wife alongside the street in Chengdu. People loved this dish because they were carefully made with a special flavor. The Chinese name for this dish is “Couple Ox Tripe”. The tripes are cut into thin slices. With hot and spicy homemade sauce, the dish is quite appetizing, with the fragrance of chili oil, sesame, and peanut filling in your mouth, The dish looks like a easily-made cold dish, but the making and proportion of sauce are the key point. Most customers will order this dish since it tastes really amazing.

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/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

麻婆豆腐 / Mapo Tofu

材料:板豆腐、蒜苗、牛肉末、姜、蒜、花椒面、干辣椒、大红袍干花椒、自制红油、豆瓣、豆 豉、生粉、辣椒粉、植物油 做法:1. 豆腐用冷水泡 1 小时,去掉食用碱的味道。切块,水中放少许盐,将豆腐放入沸水汆一下, 捞出备用。炒熟牛肉末。 2. 锅中放入油,油热后放豆瓣、姜、蒜炒香,再放豆豉、干辣椒炒 20 秒,之后放辣椒面炒, 加 250ml 高汤,放入豆腐块。 3. 小火烧制 1 分钟,加生粉勾芡,再加入蒜苗,起锅装盘。豆腐上面撒花椒粉和炒熟的牛肉 末,最后淋上热红油。 Ingredients: pieces of tofu, garlic sprout, minced beef, ginger, garlic, Sichuan pepper powder, dried red chili, dried Sichuan pepper, homemade red chili oil, broad bean paste, chili powder, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Soak pieces of tofu in cold water for one hour to remove the smell of alkali; cut them into cubes and blanch them with a little salt in the water; take it out for latter use; fry the minced beef. 2. Heat oil in the wok to stir-fry broad beans, ginger, garlic, and dried red chili for 20 seconds, and then add in red chili powder, 250ml of broth, and tofu cubes. 3. Braise them over gentle fire for one minute, then add cornstarch and garlic sprouts; sprinkle Sichuan pepper powder and minced beef on top of tofus and finally pour hot red chili oil on it.

小胖点评 麻婆豆腐是川菜中的代表,也是最考验厨师功力的一道菜。炒制过程中,一是水中加盐汆豆腐, 二是收汁时反复勾三次芡,起到豆腐定型的作用,这两个步骤是成功的秘诀。讲究麻、辣、鲜、香、 嫩、烫,口感顺滑,色香味俱全。装盘后撒的花椒粉,那一汪清亮的红油最惹我喜爱,满屋飘香。一 道平价而普通的麻婆豆腐,已流传了一百多年,并且超越了时间和地域的限制,成为一道中国名菜, 有声有色,有滋有味。 My comment: Mapo tofu is a classic dish in Sichuan Cuisine and also a test of the chef’s cooking skill. Two steps are very important in the cooking process, which shape the appearance of tofus: one is to blanch tofu in salted boiling water, and the other is to add cornstarch three times when thickening the sauce. Spiciness, freshness, aroma, tenderness and hotness are important elements of this dish, which tastes smooth and is harmonious in color, fragrance, and taste. The final sprinkle of Sichuan pepper powder and red chili pepper is quite tempting, which fill the room with fragrance. Mapo tofu, which seems to be an easy and cheap dish, already has a history of over a hundred years. It breaks the boundary of time and space and becomes a popular Chinese dish with nice taste and color.

Learning from the Chef /


· 小 眼 睛 看 美 食 · 中餐篇


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

水煮江团鱼 / Stewed Longsnout Catfish 材料:新鲜江团鱼、莴笋片、酸菜、酸姜、蒜、郫县豆瓣酱、 大红袍干花椒、子弹头干辣椒、秘制香料、植物油 做法:1. 将新鲜江团鱼宰杀后洗净、去骨、切片;将鱼片 洗净,加盐、生粉、胡椒、料酒把味上浆;青笋切成 10cm 长的片。 2. 锅中放入油,用干花椒、干辣椒炒制底料,加郫县 豆瓣酱、姜、蒜、秘制香料炒香。放入用鸡、鸭、棒 骨、猪手熬制 3 小时的高汤,过滤汤汁,加入酸姜、 酸菜。放莴笋片煮 3 分钟,再放鱼片中火煮 2 分钟。 装盘时将莴笋片铺底,再放鱼片,加入汤汁。 3. 锅中烧热油,放入子弹头干辣椒过油,捞出干辣椒, 将热油快速淋在鱼上,撒葱花。 Ingredients: fresh longsnout catfish, sliced lettuce, sauerkraut, sour ginger, garlic, Pixian broad bean paste, dried red chili, dried chili, homemade spices, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Eviscerate and debone the catfish and then cut it into slices; marinate the slices with salt, cornstarch, pepper, and cooking wine; cut lettuce into 10cm oblong pieces. 2. Heat oil in the wok to stir-fry dried Sichuan pepper and dried red chili to make the base, along with Pixian broad bean paste, ginger, garlic, and homemade spices. Pour the broth( braise chicken, duck, pork bones, and pig feet for three hours to make it), drain it in a colander, and add sour ginger and sauerkraut; put in sliced lettuce to boil for three minutes; add catfish slices to boil for two minutes; put lettuce slices at the bottom of the plate, on which put the fish slices and the soup respectively. 3. Heat oil in the wok to fry dried red chili; discard the chili and pour hot oil on the fish; decorate the dish with leek.

小胖点评 当这道菜端上桌的那一刻,我已经无法抵制它色、香、味的诱惑,口水快要滴出来了。这是一 道四川的江湖菜,麻辣、鲜香、烫、嫩、白、香味浓郁、色泽红亮。江团是肉食性鱼类,无细刺,肉 质白嫩,鱼皮肥美,味鲜而口感嫩滑。水煮鱼的关键在于用干辣椒、干花椒、秘制香料炒制的红油底 料,油色清亮。用“过滤”方法保持汤的清爽。当你夹起一片带有红油、微微卷起的鱼肉,刚入口 中,热辣爽滑,酣畅淋漓,麻辣的味道会让你幸福地涕泪俱下,这就是吃川菜的快乐。吸满了红油和 鱼香的莴笋片非常爽脆,让我停不下筷子,“太好吃了!” My comment: When the dish is served on the table, my mouth cannot help watering from its color, fragrance, and taste. This is an ordinary dish in Sichuan Cuisine, which feature hot, spicy, fresh, tender, and strong fragrance and shining color. The longsnout catfish is carnivorous, with no thin bones, white and tender meat, rich skin, and fresh taste. The key to this dish is the shining red oil sauce made from the dried chili and homemade spices. Drain the sauce to make sure it is clear. When you put a piece of red-oil stained, curly fish in your mouth, the hotness and spiciness make you sweat and feel quite contented and pleasant—this is the happiness of having Sichuan Cuisine. The lettuce fully absorbing the fragrance of red oil and dish slices is very crunchy, and I cannot help eating and praising how yummy it is.

Learning from the Chef /


· 小 眼 睛 看 美 食 · 中餐篇


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

鱼香肉丝 / Yu-shiang Shredded Pork (with Spicy Garlic Sauce) 材料:猪里脊肉、青笋、木耳、盐、蛋清、生粉、姜片、蒜、泡椒酱、泡椒油、料酒、醋、白糖、 酱油、植物油 做法:1. 猪里脊肉切成 0.3cm 宽、7cm 长的细丝,加盐、料酒拌匀并腌制 10 秒入味,加水、蛋清、 生粉上浆。青笋切丝,用八分开的水将青笋丝、木耳焯水。 2. 锅中放入油烧至三成油温,加入肉丝滑散,起锅沥油。将泡椒油、姜片、蒜、泡椒酱炒香, 放肉丝与酱料微炒,加木耳、青笋丝炒,将盐、白糖、料酒、酱油、醋、生粉调制的鱼香汁 倒入锅中,翻炒几下起锅。 Ingredients: pork fillets, bamboo shoots, agarics, salt, egg white, cornstarch, ginger, garlic, pickled pepper, pickled pepper oil, cooking wine, vinegar, sugar, soy sauce, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Cut pork fillets into shreds of 0.3cm wide and 7cm long, season them with salt and cooking wine for 10 seconds, and add water, egg white and cornstarch; cut bamboo shoots and agarics into shreds, and blanch them in warm water. 2. Preheat the oil in the wok to sauté the pork shreds and drain them; stir-fry pickled pepper oil, ginger, garlic and pickled peppers firstly and then add pork shreds, agarics, and bamboo shoots in it; mix salt, sugar, cooking wine, soy sauce, vinegar, and cornstarch together to make the sauce and put it in the wok; stir-fry several times before serving.

小胖点评 这道菜没有鱼,却能吃出鱼香味,故得名鱼香肉丝。4 勺糖和同等的醋、盐、酱油、料酒、生粉 调制的鱼香汁是这道菜成功的关键。咸、酸、甜、辣、香、鲜和浓郁的葱、姜、蒜味,入口先是麻辣 咸香,之后是酸甜,最后是似有非有的鱼的味道和香气,各种味道融合,很有层次感。色泽红润,口 感滑嫩,热辣酸爽。 My comment: There is no fish used in the dish, but we can taste the fishy flavor—that is why it is called “yu-shiang( full of fishy aroma)” in Chinese. The key to make this dish is the yu-shiang sauce made from four teaspoons of sugar, vinegar, salt, soy sauce, cooking wine, and cornstarch. You can taste saltiness, sourness, sweetness, spiciness, fragrance, freshness with a strong aroma of leek, ginger and garlic. At first bite, you will taste spiciness and saltiness; gradually, sourness and sweetness will find their way on your palate. And at last, the fragrance of yu-shiang is all over. All flavors mix harmoniously together with multiple layers. It looks shining-red and tastes tender and spicy. Very yummy!

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· 小 眼 睛 看 美 食 · 中餐篇

巴蜀风成都基地 Chengdu Base of Bashu Fengyue

在对巴蜀风月的采访中,大厨几次提到餐厅的食材、酱料均来自于“成都基地”。我很好 奇:这是一个什么样的地方?工作人员打开电脑,给我介绍了“巴蜀风成都基地”的概况。 “郫县豆瓣”闻名全国,因为它的名气,成都市郫县安德镇建立了 3.7 平方公里的“中国川 菜产业化功能区”。这里聚集了川菜调味品、原辅料和特色食品、农副产品精加工的产业集群, 已有 40 多家企业建成投产。郫县安德镇毗邻都江堰,四季景色宜人,优质的水源、美丽的景色 为腌制的酱料和泡菜增添了一些神韵。“深圳巴蜀风成都基地”就位于这里,占地 10 亩,主要 负责巴蜀风深圳各餐厅的四川特色原材料、调料和时令蔬菜等的采购供应和生产加工。基地生 产泡青菜和萝卜、榨菜、萝卜干、儿菜干、野干椒、二荆条泡椒、豆瓣酱、辣椒面、酱肉、香 肠、樟茶鸭、红板兔等几十种产品,泡菜制品年产量达 20―30 吨,豆瓣酱年产量达 40 吨。形 成了“培育一种植一收割一加工一酿制一腌制一自销”的一条龙服务,以确保蔬菜、酱料、调 料、配菜的新鲜、质量和品质,保证巴蜀风川菜的原汁原味。 了解“基地”之后,我情不自禁为他们竖起了大拇指。我和很多食客一样,只是知道这家 餐厅的菜好吃,还不知道这美食的背后所付出的努力。在深圳的四川人很多,他们最想念的就 是家乡的味道,或是一碟辣椒酱、一坛子泡椒、家乡的豆瓣酱,或是四川的腊肠。“爱家乡的味 道,爱四川的美食,爱清亮的红油,爱川菜的麻辣!”


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

During the interview with the chef of Bashu Fengyue Restaurant, he mentioned Chengdu Base several times, from which all the ingredients and sauce come. Just when I was wondering what kind of place that is, their staff opened the computer and introduced the Base to me. Broad-bean sauce in Pixian County is quite popular nationally. For its popularity, Sichuan Cuisine industrious region, covering 3.7-square-kilometer, is founded in Ande Town in Pixian County. More than fourteen enterprises are already established here to produce and process seasoning, ingredients, specialty, and subsidiary agricultural products. Ande Town, near Dujiangyan Dam, features beautiful landscape and clean water resource all year round, which guarantees the quality of its seasoning and pickled food. Here is where the restaurant’s Base is located, covering an area of over 6600 square meters. The Base is responsible for the production, the supply, and the process of Sichuan ingredients, seasoning, and vegetables for all its restaurants in Shenzhen. The Base includes productions like pickled vegetable and radish, preserved pickle, dried radish and vegetable, wild Sichuan chili, pickled chili, broadbean sauce, chili powder, marinated meat, sausage, Zhangcha duck, and marinated rabbit meat. The annual output of Sichuan pickle is about 20 to 30 tons, and the broad bean sauce about 40 tons. The Base features a stream-line process: breed, plant, harvest, process, brew, marinate, and sell. It guarantee the freshness, quality, and authenticity of the vegetables, sauce and seasoning to make sure the original taste of Sichuan cuisine. After I got to know about the Base, I raised my thumb up for what they have being doing. Like many customers, I just enjoy the dishes here, without realizing the efforts behind them. There are many people from Sichuan in Shenzhen, who really miss their hometown tastes—the chili sauce, pickled pepper, the broad-bean sauce, or Sichuan sausage. They love homemade flavors, Sichuan dishes, red chili oil, and the spiciness!

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· 小 眼 睛 看 美 食 · 中餐篇

中国八 大 菜 系 之 一

鲁 菜 鲁菜又称山东菜,为北方代表菜,是黄河流域烹饪文化的代表,也是中国饮食 文化的重要组成部分。鲁菜历史悠久,对其他菜系的产生有重要的影响,是中国八 大菜系之首,以其味咸、鲜、脆嫩、风味独特、制作精细而闻名。齐鲁大地依山傍 水,地处胶东半岛,延申于渤海与黄海之间,海鲜水族、粮油牲畜、蔬菜瓜果等物 产丰富,为山东菜的形成提供了良好的条件。 鲁菜可追溯到春秋战国时期,南北朝时期发展迅速,元、明、清三代被公认为 一大流派,明、清两代已成为宫廷御膳主体。善用爆、炒、扒、烤、塌、锅、拔丝、 蜜汁等烹调方法,偏重酱、葱、蒜调味,善用清汤、奶汤增鲜,口味咸鲜。原汁原 味,不加佐料,经过长时间炖煮、澄清和过滤的浓浓的肉汤是鲁菜中的灵魂。 鲁菜分为济南、胶东、孔府菜和其他地区风味菜,孔府菜和江苏菜系中的淮扬 菜并称为“国菜”。鲁菜的代表菜有糖醋黄河鲤鱼、蟹黄海参、山东蒸丸、九转大 肠、孔府一品锅、一品豆腐等。


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

one of the Eight Cuisines in China

Lu Cuisine

Lu Cuisine, or Shandong Cuisine, is the best representation of culinary culture along the Yellow River in Northern China and also an important part of Chinese cuisine. With a long history, Lu Cuisine sits on the top of eight factions of Chinese cuisine and exerts profound influence on the others. Lu Cuisine is famous for its salty, fresh, crispy and tender flavor, along with its distinctive and delicate making process. Shandong Province, located in the Jiaodong Peninsula and between the Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea, features the abundance of mountains and river, which guarantee the abundant production of seafood, rice, oil, poultry, vegetables, and fruits and thus lay a favorable foundation for the development of Lu Cuisine. Shandong Cuisine dates back to the Spring and Autumn Period and saw its rapid development during the Warring States Period. It developed quickly into a large faction of cuisine in Yuan, Ming, and Qing Dynasties and became the royal court cuisine in Ming and Qing Dynasties. The cooking methods usually employed in Shandong Cuisine include sauteing, pan-frying, searing, roasting, braising, candying, and honey-cooking. Thick soy sauce, leek, and garlic are used as seasoning, and broth or cream soup are used to freshen dishes to make a salty, fresh taste. After long-time boiling and filtering, its soup is very pure and original without other seasoning or MSG—this is the soul of Shandong Cuisine. Shandong Cuisine is divided into Jinan Cuisine, Jiaodong Cuisine, Kongfu Cuisine and others. Kongfu Cuisine and Huaiyang Cuisine from Jiangsu cuisine are called the “National Cuisine”. Popular Shandong dishes include Yellow River Carp with Sweet and Sour Sauce, Stewed Sea Cucumber with Crap Roe, Steamed Pork Meatball, Braised Intestines in Brown Sauce, Braised Kongfu Pot (with sea cucumber, chicken, duck, fish maw and pig feet), Braised Tofu and so forth.

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·山东老家· Shangdong Hometown Restaurant

位于深圳罗湖书城附近的山东老家是深圳最正宗的鲁菜餐厅,始创于 1998 年, 旗下拥有老东家、食尚国味等品牌。16 年来,山东老家在中式正餐方面执着探索,已 成为中国健康饮食的引领者,致力于成为中国大众正餐第一品牌。目前已有 40 余家分 店,被评为广东餐饮名店、十大明星餐饮企业、广东省最具投资价值企业奖。 王法旺 一级厨师、厨师长 Located close to the Shenzhen Luohu Book City, Shandong Hometown Restaurant makes authentic dishes from Lu cuisine in Shenzhen. Established in 1998, the restaurant owns brands like Laodongjia, and Shishang Guowei. For the past sixteen years, Shandong Laojia has been working on improving traditional Chinese cuisine and has become the pioneer in making healthy cuisines. Meanwhile, it spares every effort to fight for the NO.1 traditional Chinese Cuisine restaurant. Now having more than forty chain restaurants nationwide, it is awarded as one of Guangdong Popular Restaurants, Top Ten Star Restaurants and The Best Enterprise for Investment. Chef Wang Fawang: Master Chef, Head Chef


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

合菜炒粉丝 / Sauteed Cabbages with Vermicelli

材料:海米、包菜、绿豆粉丝、蒜蓉、指天椒、盐、鸡精、味达美酱油、植物油 做法:1. 粉丝用水泡 30 分钟,包菜切丝。 2. 先用油将包菜煸炒至六成熟断生后捞出,锅中再次放入油,将海米、蒜蓉、指天椒下锅爆 香,放包菜丝、粉丝一起炒,加盐、鸡精、味达美酱油调味,大火翻炒起锅。 Ingredients: dried shrimp, cabbages, green bean vermicelli, garlic, red chili, salt, chicken essence, soy sauce, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Soak vermicelli in cold water for 30 minutes and cut cabbage into shreds. 2. Stir-fry cabbage to more than half done and drain it; add oil in the wok to fry dried shrimp, garlic, and red chili, and then put cabbage and vermicelli in it; next, add salt, chicken essence, and soy sauce and saute them under strong fire.

小胖点评 在中国北方,吃“合菜”十分讲究,时令性强,多种味道的融合,营养、健康。这是一道山东当 地简单的家常小炒。用大火急炒的方法炒制包菜时不容易出水,包菜脆爽可口,加海米、蒜蓉、指天 椒爆炒后,咸中带微辣,味道浓郁,令人很有食欲。 My comment: Stewed assorted cabbage is seasonal, featuring the combination of different ingredients in Northern China, which make it nutrient and healthy. This is a simple and ordinary stir-fried dish in Shandong. Sauté cabbage to preserve its water and to make it taste crunchy. The dried shrimp, garlic, and red chili give the dish a salted, spicy, and strong flavor, which can arouse your appetite.

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九转大肠 / Braised Intestines in Brown Sauce 材料:猪大肠、青红椒、葱、姜、蒜、猪皮、海鲜酱、瑶柱酱、冰糖、酱油、花椒、八角、桂皮、 香叶、植物油 做法:1. 酱汁:用花椒、八角、桂皮、香叶、海鲜酱、瑶柱酱、冰糖、酱油、猪皮等材料长时间熬 制而成。 2. 猪大肠反复清洗,将肠内油脂摘掉。锅中加水后放入大肠,放葱、姜、香料煮八成熟捞出, 取大肠的肠头部位切成段。 3. 锅中放入油,煸炒大肠,放入兑制好的酱汁,熬制 5 分钟左右,慢火收汁浓稠后出锅。 4. 将辣椒切成圈,摆在盘底,上面放烧制好的大肠摆盘。 Ingredients: pig intestines, red and green peppers, leek, ginger, garlic, pigskin, hoisin sauce, dried scallop sauce, crystal sugar, soy sauce, Sichuan pepper, star anise, cinnamon, myrcia, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Make the sauce: boil the sichuan pepper, star anise, cinnamon, myrcia, hoisin sauce, dried scallop sauce, crystal sugar, soy sauce and pigskin for a fairly long time to make the sauce. 2. Clean pig intestines and remove the fat inside; boil them with leek, ginger, and other spices until almost done; take out the intestines and cut them into chunks. 3. Pour oil in the pan to stir-fry the intestines over strong fire, and then add sauce in it and braise for five minutes; when the sauce thickens, take them out. 4. Decorate the plate with red and green pepper loop and put the braised intestines on top.

小胖点评 此菜是清朝光绪初年,济南九华林酒楼店主首创,原名红烧大肠,后经过多次改进,成为鲁菜之 经典。因九转大肠制作过程繁琐,犹如炼制九转仙丹,故得名九转大肠,又有九转乾坤之意。这道菜 中糖的口感可以综合大肠的油腻和本身的味道。酱汁中加入了猪皮冻,有胶质感,使酱汁更加浓稠。 九转大肠软烂爽脆、色泽金黄、甜、香、咸,真是人间之美味。 My comment: This dish was first created by Jinan Jiuhualin Restaurant in Jinan Province during Qing Dynasty. The recipe was improved many times before it finally becomes a classic Shandong dish. Because the cooking process is too complicated, just like refining elixir, it is also called “Braised Intestines of Nine Times” in Chinese. The intestines are oily but well balanced with the sweet sauce. Pigskin makes the dish shining and the sauce creamy. The intestines look gold and taste crispy on the outside and soft inside. The dish combines the flavors of sweetness, spiciness, fragrance, and saltiness and is no wonder called “Delicacy of the World”.


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

胶东大白菜炖乌贼 / Stewed Shandong Cabbage with Cuttlefish

材料:胶东大白菜、乌贼、自制老豆腐、五花肉、粉丝、盐、味精、味达美酱油、胡椒粉、鸡汁、葱、 姜、蒜、植物油 做法:1. 乌贼开肚囊去腺管和墨囊,洗净备用;粉丝用水浸泡 2 小时。 2. 锅中放入油,先炒白菜至八成熟捞出。锅中再次放入油,葱、姜、蒜爆锅,放五花肉炒香, 放入白菜、豆腐,加盐、味精、鸡汁、味达美酱油、胡椒粉调味,加一勺半水,放乌贼炖 煮,快煮好时加粉丝煮 1 分钟即可。 Ingredients: Shandong cabbage, cuttlefish, homemade tofu, streaky pork, vermicelli, salt, MSG, soy sauce, black pepper, chicken stock, leek, ginger, garlic, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Clean cuttlefish inside out and remove its viscera and ink sac; soak vermicelli for two hours. 2. Put oil in the wok to stir-fry cabbage until almost done for later use; stir-fry oil, leek, ginger, and garlic, along with streaky pork, and then add cabbage, tofu, salt, MSG, chicken stock, soy sauce and black pepper in it; next, add one spoon of water and boil the cuttlefish; when almost done, put vermicelli in it and stew them for one minute. 小胖点评 这是胶东地区一道传统的家常炖菜。选用胶东美味的大白菜,加入五花肉、乌贼、豆腐炖煮后, 增加汤的香醇、浓稠和鲜度,汤汁非常美味。冬天大雪纷飞,天气寒冷,是开始吃热气腾腾的炖菜的 时候了,白菜和豆腐,再放一点五花肉或猪骨头一起炖煮,汤汁吸收了蔬菜、豆腐和肉的精华,是专 属于冬日的美味佳肴! My comment: This is a traditional homemade dish in the eastern Shandong Province. Boil the cabbage, streaky pork, cuttlefish, and tofu together to make the soup, which tastes more fragrant, thickened, and fresh. It is the perfect time to eat stewed dish on casserole on a chilling and snowing winter day. Cook cabbage and tofu with streaky pork or pork bone, and the soup is full of the fragrance of vegetables, tofu, and meat, which makes it a delicacy especially for winter.

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/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

京酱肉丝 / Sauteed Shredded Pork in Sweet Bean Sauce 材料:面饼、猪里脊肉、山东大葱葱白、鸡蛋、生粉、盐、 味精、胡椒粉、六月香豆瓣酱、糖、植物油 做法:1. 面饼的制作:把面粉用少量的开水烫一下,再加入 少许常温水和 2 个鸡蛋和面,揉面后擀成面皮,似饺 子皮大小,放入锅中蒸 8 分钟左右出锅。猪里脊肉切 丝,加入蛋清、生粉、盐、味精、胡椒粉腌制 3―5 分 钟。山东大葱葱白切丝铺底,六月香豆瓣酱加少许水 调制备用。 2. 锅中加入足量的油烧热,滑散肉丝捞出,沥油。锅 中放入调好的豆瓣酱爆锅,煮开后加肉丝一起炒,放 少许糖提鲜,勾芡,迅速捞起。 3. 将用豆瓣酱炒制的肉丝摆在葱丝上,配上面饼,用面 饼卷着带有酱汁的肉丝和葱丝一起食用。 Ingredients: thin pancake, pork loin, Shandong leek white, egg white, cornstarch, salt, MSG, black pepper, sweet bean paste, sugar, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. make the pancake: heat the cornstarch with a little boiling water and then add some cold water and two eggs, knead dough, and roll it into small round dumpling skins; steam them for about eight minutes for later use; cut pork loin into shreds, in which put add egg white, cornstarch, salt, MSG, black pepper, and marinate them for 3-5 minutes; cut leek white into shreds and lay them on the plate; dilute the sweet bean paste with cold water for later use. 2. Pour oil in the wok to sauté the pork shreds and then drain the oil; stir-fry sweet bean sauce in the wok, along with pork shreds, sugar, and cornstarch. 3. Put the fried pork shreds on top of the leek white and roll them together with a piece of thin pancake skin.

小胖点评 相传,在北京紫禁城附近生活的东北陈老汉,和孙子相依为命,靠做豆腐为生。有一次,他效仿 “烤鸭”的吃法,用豆腐皮包着大葱、豆酱、肉丝吃,味道很香,至此,这道菜流传下来。拿一块面 饼,卷上葱丝和带有酱汁的肉丝,一口咬下去,葱香、面香、酱香融为一体,酱香味浓郁,京酱肉丝 就是改良版的山东煎饼卷大葱了。 My comment: Legend has it that a long time ago, Grandpa Chen from northeastern China lived with his grandson near the Forbidden City in Beijing, earning a living by making tofu. One day, imitating the eating habit of Beijing Roasted Duck, he wrapped leek, tofu, and pork shreds with a piece of tofu skin, which turned out to be quite yummy. The recipe passed down since then. Before eating, take a piece of pancake skin, on which lay leek white shreds and sauce-saturated pork shreds; roll them together and the taste of the fragrance of leek, cornstarch and sauce is all over. Some people jokingly say that this is the modified version of Shandong pancake with leek white.

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中国八 大 菜 系 之 一

苏 菜 苏菜又称苏帮菜,是江苏菜的简称。始于南北朝时期,清代得到进一步发展。 江苏东临大海,西拥洪泽,南邻太湖,长江贯穿中部,运河纵流南北,土地肥沃, 物产丰富,气候宜人,素有“鱼米之乡”。苏菜特点是浓中带淡,鲜香酥烂,原汁原 汤,浓而不腻,口味平和,咸中带甜。苏州菜口味偏甜,配色和谐,清新雅丽,讲 究刀工,突出“鲜”味。烹调技巧擅长炖、焖、烧、煟、炒,调味时善用糟、醇酒、 红曲、虾籽,调和五味。江苏菜式组合很有特色,除日常饮食和各类宴席讲究菜式 搭配外,还有“三筵”独具特色,其一为船宴,见于太湖、瘦西湖、秦淮河;其二 为斋席,见于镇江金山、焦山斋堂、苏州灵岩斋堂等;其三为全席,如全鱼席、全 鸭席、全蟹席等。 苏菜的派系由淮扬、金陵、苏锡、徐海四个地方风味组成,是宫廷第二大菜系, 和山东菜的孔府风味并称为“国菜”。徐海风味以徐州菜为代表,曾属于鲁菜口味, 以鲜为主;金陵风味以南京菜为代表,滋味平和;苏锡风味以苏州菜为代表,主要 流行于苏锡和上海地区。苏菜的代表菜:叉烧方肉、三套鸭、狮子头、金陵盐水鸭、 扬州煮干丝等。


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

one of the Eight Cuisines in China

Su Cuisine

Su Cuisine, also called Subang Cuisine, is shortened for Jiangsu Cuisine. It dates back to the Northern and Southern Dynasties and saw its further development in Qing Dynasty. Jiangsu is near the ocean to the east, Hongze region to the west, Taihu Lake to the south, with Changjiang River flowing across the middle part and the canal running from north to south. Jiangsu features pleasant climate, fertile earth, and abundant produces, all of which earns its name as “hometown of milk and honey�. The dishes in Su cuisine is the mixture of taste: a little lightness in the strong flavor and a little sweetness in the saltiness. The original sauce and soup are used to make a mild and not-toogreasy tastes. The Jiangsu Cuisine is generally sweet, with the harmonious color combination. The cutting of ingredients is meticulous, and freshness plays an important role. The cooking methods employed in Su cuisine include stewing, braising, braising with soy sauce, sauteing, and pan-frying, and the seasonings used include rice wine and its leftover, red rice, and shrimp roe. The combination of Jiangsu dishes is distinctive. Besides the combination on daily meals and various feasts, there are three special types of banquets: the boat banquet, usually served on the Taihu Lake, Slender West Lake, and Qinhuai River; the vegetarian banquet, usually served in Jinshan in Zhenjiang, Jiaoshan dining hall, and Linyan dining hall in Suzhou; and the one-cuisine Banquet, such as banquets that serve only fish, ducks, or crabs. Jiangsu Cuisine, the second biggest cuisine served in royal court and the national cuisine along with Kongfu Cuisine, is comprised of Huaiyang Cuisine, Jinlin Cuisine, Suxi Cuisine, and Xuhai Cuisine. Suzhou cuisine under Xuhai Flavor, once belonged to Shandong Cuisine, are fresh and sweet; Nanjing Cuisine under Jinlin Flavor tastes mild; Suzhou Cuisine under Suxi Flavor is prevalent Suxi and Shanghai. Popular dishes in Jiangsu Cuisine include Barbecued Pork, Three-set Stewed Duck , Stewed Pork Meatball, Jinlin Salted Duck, and Yangzhou Stewed Dry Noodle.

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·豫园上海饭庄· Shanghai Yuyuan Garden Restaurant

豫园是上海市区内唯一的明式园林,与城隍庙相邻,是江南五大园林之首。坐落 在深圳中心区的豫园上海饭庄,是深圳市著名的上海菜馆,环境幽雅,曲尽通幽。豫 园汇集了内地和香港的沪菜名师,走海派路线,意即“海纳百川”,包含了沪菜、川 菜、粤菜、京菜、淮扬地方菜的元素。豫园提出了“中菜西用”的概念,除了在口味 上发挥中餐之长,还在制作和摆盘上充分吸取西餐的精华。众多色、香、味、形兼具 的菜肴摆上人们的餐桌,如园林般精雕细腻,美不胜收,回味悠长。 李志勇 高级厨师、广东省名厨 Yuyuan Garden is the only Ming-style garden in downtown Shanghai. Located near the Chenghuang Temple, it is one of the top five gardens in the south of Changjiang River. The famous Shanghai Yuyuan Garden Restaurant, located in the CBD of Shenzhen, features elegant decoration and tranquil atmosphere. Master chefs from the mainland of China and Hong Kong gather here, making dishes with elements from Shanghai Cuisine, Sichuan Cuisine, Guangdong Cuisine, Beijing Cuisine, and Jiangsu-Zhejiang Cuisine. The restaurant brings up the concept of process Chinese ingredients in the western way. Besides accentuating the taste in Chinese Cuisine, it also absorbs the value of making and decoration from Western Cuisine. Delicate dishes from Jiangsu cuisine, with pleasing appearance, fragrance, taste, and shape, are served on the table, which resembles the scenery in Chinese gardens, very impressive and everlasting. Li Zhiyong: Master Chef, Famous Guangdong Chef


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

清炒河虾仁 / Stir-fried Shelled Fresh Shrimps

材料:上海新鲜河虾仁 600 克、盐、生粉、上海小米醋、植物油 做法:1. 虾去壳,剥出虾仁,用盐、生粉拌匀。 2. 将虾仁放入油中,虾变色后迅速捞出,控油。 3. 锅里放入油,放河虾仁滑炒,放少许盐和水淀粉,滑炒几下快速出锅。准备上海小米醋当蘸 料。 Ingredients: 600g Shanghai fresh shrimps, salt, cornstarch, Shanghai vinegar, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. shell the shrimps and mix them with salt and cornstarch. 2. Put shrimps in the oil, and take them out when their color change. 3. Pour oil in the pan to stir-fry shrimps over medium fire; then add salt, cornstarch, and water to fry them for another while; use Shanghai vinegar as dipping sauce.

小胖点评 河虾肉质细嫩,味道鲜美,营养丰富,是高蛋白低脂肪的水产食品。河虾体内很重要的一种物质 就是虾青素,是目前发现的最强的一种抗氧化剂。虾中含有丰富的镁,能很好的保护心血管系统。 虾用盐和水淀粉拌匀,低温过油并短时间滑炒,突出了河虾仁的鲜嫩红润,晶莹剔透。蘸少许小 米醋,酸味激发了虾的鲜味,清甜爽脆。 My comment: The shrimp features tender meat, fresh taste, and various nutrition. It. is an aquatic food rich in protein and low in fat. An important element inside shrimp’s body is astaxanthin, the most effective antioxidant discovered currently. The shrimp contains abundant magnesium, which is good for human’s cardiovascular system. Mix shrimps with salt, cornstarch, and water, and then sauté them over low fire, which makes it tender and fresh. Eat them with Shanghai vinegar, and its sourness can arouse the freshness of shrimps.

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心太软 / Sticky Rice Stuffed in Dates

材料:糯米粉、红枣、糖浆、桂花 做法:1. 将糯米粉用冷水和成面团,搓成长条,切成与红枣大小的小段。 2. 红枣去核洗净,将糯米酿进红枣内,放入水中煮 5 分钟,捞出、沥干水后摆盘。锅中放入 白糖和麦芽糖熬制糖浆,浇在红枣上,撒桂花碎。 Ingredients: sticky rice powder, red dates, syrup, sweet osmanthus Procedure: 1. Mix sticky rice powder with water and knead it into dough; roll it into long loaf and then cut it into small pieces, with the same size as a date. 2. Remove the cores of dates and stuff sticky rice into the dates; boil the dates for five minutes,and take out and drain them; then put stuffed dates on the plate; Put sugar and malt sugar in the pan to make syrup, which is used to pour on the dates, along with the sweet osmanthus mince. 小胖点评 这道菜的名字很特别,是一首流行歌曲的名字,也说出了这道菜的特点。这道菜补血养颜,女 士们比较喜欢。将糯米粉巧妙地塞进红枣中,在水中稍煮,时间不能太久,否则会失去糯米和枣的韧 性,放入盘中,浇糖浆,撒桂花碎。软糯、甘甜、清香,再喝上一杯龙井茶,非常惬意,似上海人的 性格,精致、淡雅、脱俗。 My comment: The Chinese name of the dish, “Soft Heart”, is special. It comes from the name of a Chinese song, which best characterizes this dish. This is a popular dish among ladies because dates can nourish nutrition to their health and beauty. Stuff the dates with sticky rice and boil them for a short time to make sure the dates and rice are chewy. Place them on the plate and pour syrup and osmanthus on top. It is soft, sweet, and tasty, and with a cup of Lung Ching Tea, it is very pleasant, just like the personality of people in Shanghai—delicate, elegant, and refine.


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

香干马兰头 / Sliced Dried Tofu with Kalimeris Herbs

材料:马兰头(江浙地区一种野菜)、扬州香干、香油、白芝麻、盐 做法:1. 马兰头洗净、焯水、切碎;香干剁碎。在马兰头和香干碎中加入盐、香油拌匀,放入小碗 中,中间放入香干,旁边放马兰头,用勺子压实。 2. 将小碗倒扣在盘子中,马兰头和香干形成圆柱形,撒香油和白芝麻。 Ingredients: Kalimeris herb (a kind of vegetable grown in Shanghai), Yangzhou dried tofu, sesame oil, sesame, salt Procedure: 1. clean, blanch, and mince the Kalimeris herb; mince dried tofu; Season the minced Kalimeris herb and dried tofu with salt and sesame oil; put dried tofu in the middle of a small bowl and Kalimeris herb aside, and press them firmly with a spoon. 2. Put the bowl upside down onto a plate, making it into a dome shape; serve the dish with sesame and sesame oil

小胖点评 马兰头清热解毒,适合在夏日吃。口感清香,摆盘精致。吃惯了油腻的菜,点上一碟香干马兰 头,的确找到了一丝清新爽口,一见如故的感觉。 My comment: Kalimeris herb features cooling effect and can remove some toxic material, making it an ideal dish for summer. This dish feature fresh taste and exquisite decoration. Being used to greasy dishes, you will find a fresh and familiar feeling.

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糖醋排骨 / Sweet and Sour Pork Ribs

材料:排骨、糖、酱油、盐、黄酒、香醋、植物油 做法:1. 将排骨切段,放盐、糖腌制,沥干水分,再将排骨过油。 2. 锅中放入油,炒香排骨,加水(1 斤排骨加 4 两水)、盐、糖、酱油、黄酒、香醋小火烧 制 40 分钟,收汁(几乎没有汤汁),摆盘。 Ingredients: pork ribs, sugar, soy sauce, salt, yellow cooking wine, vinegar, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Cut pork ribs into pieces, and then marinate them with salt and sugar. 2. Stir-fry pork ribs with oil, in which add water (the proportion of pork ribs and water is 2.5:1), salt, sugar, soy sauce, yellow cooking wine, and vinegar; braise them for 40 minutes until the sauce is almost gone, and then put them on the plate.

小胖点评 这道菜是上海菜的经典。腌制和调味时两次放糖,菜的味道偏甜。炸过的排骨肉质紧实,烧制后 肉香更加浓郁。排骨色泽红亮油润,酱香浓郁,甜酸可口,干香,滋味渗入骨头中,可以吃到骨头酥 软的味道。将排骨放置在黑色石板上,摆盘漂亮,很有立体感。 My comment: This a classic dish in Shanghai cuisine. Sugar is used twice in the marination and seasoning of pork ribs, which make it much sweet. The fried pork ribs are firm, and it smells much more fragrant after braising. The pork ribs are red and shining in appearance and salted and strong in taste, and the sweet and sour taste is deeply absorbed by the crispy ribs. The dish is presented on a piece of black stone board, which makes it look like a three-dimensional art piece.


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

桂花酒酿丸子 / Sticky Rice Balls and Osmanthus with Rice Wine

材料:酒酿、黏米粉丸子、干桂花、白糖 做法:1. 黏米粉用水和成面团,切成条,搓成一个个小丸子。 2. 水煮沸,放一碗酒酿、少许桂花、白糖熬煮成汁,再放丸子煮 1 分钟后盛出。 Ingredients: rice wine, glutinous rice balls, dried osmanthus, sugar Procedure: 1. Stir sticky rice powder with water to make dough; cut the long dough into rice balls. 2. Boil water, in which add one bowl of rice wine, dried osmanthus, and sugar; add rice balls in it and boil for one minute.

小胖点评 这道甜点口感清爽、甜腻,桂花香气四溢,配上 Q 弹的丸子,饭后来上一碗,做个完美的收官。 My comment: This dish tastes fresh, sweet, and aromatic with osmanthus. The glutinous rice balls are chewy. This is a perfect dessert after meal.

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船宴与蟹宴 Boat Feast and Crab Feast

第一次知道豫园上海饭庄,是听了深圳电台“飞扬 97.1” 《美味乐翻天》节目主持人马皓 关于豫园的老板 Benson Chan 和美食达人波少西湖船宴的采访。餐厅老上海风格和现代感相融 合的装修风格,精致典雅和高超技艺的菜肴,餐具与菜品的搭配等每个细节都给我留下了深刻 的印象,独具匠心,开阔眼界,值得推荐! 每年端午节前,豫园上海饭庄的船宴只开五席,需提前预定。这船宴的过程似《舌尖上的 中国》开起了美食的盛宴。船宴也叫灯船,起源于无锡。无锡太湖船宴船菜,历史悠久,是船 农利用鲜活水产,加上高超的烹饪技艺制作而成。明清以来,太湖船宴盛极一时,有“画舫在 前,酒船在后”之说,船宴为文人墨客、商贾官宦的所谓风流之举。以“清、洁、高、雅”为 特色,烹调技法以“炖、焖、烩、焐”为主,制作精细、美味可口。太湖船菜以太湖盛产的太 湖三白 — 银鱼、白鱼、白虾和菱、藕、茭白等作为菜肴的主料,菜式清雅,风味独特。 太湖船宴开席了,葱油茭白、椒油凤尾、马兰头香干、香椿头白玉、糟香清水螺丝 5 道菜 为头牌,小巧、精致中不失江南味道。清蒸抱腌白鱼,取 8 斤多重的大白鱼的头尾活肉,腌制 半日,去水中泥腥味,大火蒸制而成;酱油水煮双虾,取太湖白虾和江浙河虾,用辣酱油浸煮 入味;黄金银鱼柳和银鱼跑蛋,香煎的鱼柳沾上宁波辣酱油,味道非常鲜美。锡帮清炒鳝丝、 香酥豆极和白汁蚕豆、清炒樱花虾仁、锡帮酱汁肉、鸡丝枸杞头、笋腌鲜汤、荠菜三鲜大馄饨、 江南桂花冰糕等十几道精美的菜肴,道道都是精品,前来品菜的客人赞叹不已。 每年稻熟菊黄时节,苏州阳澄湖的大闸蟹开始上市了。同样是螃蟹,阳澄湖的大闸蟹自有 特别之处。背部有光泽,呈青色略带一点黄,有淡淡的青草味。因阳澄湖的湖底是沙地,通过 螃蟹的爬行,让蟹腿更加粗壮、有力。 清蒸大闸蟹,公蟹当属精品,钳肉丝短纤细,蟹腿肉丝长细嫩,白玉脂膏。盐焗大闸蟹, 肉质紧实、鲜美。女儿红焗大闸蟹,中火焗至酒水蒸发,原汁原味。糯米粉丝蒸大闸蟹,米香、 蟹香相得益彰。大闸蟹酿蟹盖,黄澄澄的蟹膏,甘香嫩滑。秃黄油捞饭,苏州方言“秃”即 “独有”之意,蟹膏蟹黄用葱、姜、熟肥肉末爆香,以黄酒焖熟,加高汤调味,淋猪油,撒胡 椒粉烹制出绝佳美味。搭配蟹剪、蟹签、蟹匙工具和蟹醋、陈年黄酒、姜茶等辅料,以蟹会友, 品味蟹道。


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

The first time I heard about Yuyuan Garden Restaurant was when I listened to the interview Ma Hao (the host of Feiyang 97.1: Food Brings Happiness channel) conducted with Benson Chan (the owner of Yuyuan Garden Restaurant) and Boshao (the gourmet savvy) about the West Lake boat feast. The restaurant features the design of old Shanghai style combined with modern decoration, the dishes of delicacy and sophistication, and details of perfect match between tableware and dishes, all of which leave me a deep impression and broaden my horizon. I highly recommend this restaurant! Every year before the Dragon Boat Festival, only five tables of boat feast are available for booking in Yuyuan Garden Restaurant. The whole process of boat feast, just like that in A Bite of China, begins with party of food. Boat feast, also called lantern boat feast, originates in Wuxi. Wuxi Taihu Lake boat feast has a long history, and the dishes are the masterpieces of boatmen with adept cooking skills, using the freshest ingredients from the rivers. Since Ming and Qing Dynasties, Taihu Lake boat feast was once quite popular, and a saying goes that “the painting boat is in the front, while the feast boat is behind” . The boat feast was then a place of entertainment for poets, businessmen, and officers. Boat feast is characterized by pure, clear, lofty, and elegant and then the cooking methods include stewing, braising, pan-frying and wrapping and cooking on fire. The main ingredients of Taihu Lake boat feast are the three Whites prevalent in the lake—silver fish, white fish, and white shrimp, which are cooked with water caltrop, lotus root, and wild rice stem to create fresh and distinct flavor. Taihu Lake boat feast starts with five head dishes—Braised Wild Rice Stem with Leek, Pan-Fry Asparagus Lettuce with Pepper, Sliced Dried Tofu with Kalimeris Herbs, Tofu with Chinese Toon, and Pan-Fried River Snails, all of which feature typical Jiangsu flavor of tininess and delicacy. When making steamed white fish, the head and the tail of a 4 kg white fish are marinated for half a day to remove the odor of clay, and are steamed under strong fire. When making braised shrimps with soy sauce, Taihu white shrimps and Jiangzhe river shrimp are marinated in spicy soy sauce. The pan-seared silver fish fillet and fish roe, when mixed with Ningbo chili sauce, taste fairly fresh. Pan-Fried Eel Shreds, Pan-Fried Broad Beans, Pan-Fried Shrimps, Xibang-style Braised Pork with Red Rice Sauce, Braised Chicken Shreds with Medlar, Stewed Bamboo Shoot with Marinated Meat Soup, Wonton with Greens, Osmanthus Ice Cream—all of these dishes are all delicalies deserving compliments from customers. Every year when the rice is harvested and the chrysanthemum is blooming, crabs from Yangcheng Lake in Suzhou are ready on sale. Unlike the ordinary crabs, crabs in Yangcheng Lake are distinct: they feature shining shells, with a little cyan and yellow hue, and grassy odor, and walking on the sand on the bottom of Yangcheng Lake makes their legs study and strong. When making steamed hairy crabs, male crabs are ideal because its pincers and legs are thin and long, and its meat white as snow. Salted hairy crabs are fresh and tight. To make braised hairy crabs with Nu’er Hong wine, the crabs are braised under medium fire to evaporate the alcohol. In the steamed hairy crab with sticky rice and vermicelli, the fragrance of rice is mixed very well with that of crab. Braised hairy crabs with shell and roe taste sweet and tender. When making stirred rice with crab roe, crab cream and roe are pan-fried first with leek, ginger, and pork mince, and then braise them with yellow wine. After that, pour broth, lard, and pepper on it, and the taste is amazing. Eating crab with specially-designed scissor, stick, spoon, along with crab vinegar, yellow wine, and ginger tea as drinks. We can share the flavor of crabs with family and friends.

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中国八 大 菜 系 之 一

浙 菜 浙江位于东海之滨,风景秀丽,湖光山色,盛产海味。淡水鱼名贵品种很多, 如鳜鱼、青虾、湖蟹等,又是大米与桑蚕的主要产地,素有“鱼米之乡”称号。浙 菜是中国著名的八大菜系之一,由杭州菜、宁波菜、绍兴菜、温州菜四大派系组成。 杭州菜,历史悠久,南宋迁都临安(杭州),制作精细,品种多样,是浙菜的主 流;温州菜,以海鲜为主,口味清淡;绍兴菜,擅长烹饪河鲜家禽,朴实无华;宁 波菜,鲜咸,以蒸、烤、炖为主。浙江很多名菜来自于民间,“南料北烹”成为浙菜 一大特色,也就是用北方的烹调方法将南方的原料做得美味可口。闻名中外的金华 火腿、杭州龙井茶叶、绍兴老酒,都是烹饪中不可缺少的原料。浙菜的特点,善用 多种刀法,选料“细、特、鲜、嫩”,口味上以清鲜脆嫩为特色,讲究精巧细腻,保 持原汁原味。代表菜有东坡肉、西湖醋鱼、宋嫂鱼羹、龙井虾仁、叫花童鸡、清汤 鱼圆等。


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

one of the Eight Cuisines in China

Zhejiang Cuisine

Located near the East Sea, Zhejiang Province features beautiful landscape with mountains and lakes and abundance in seafood. There are a variety of precious freshwater fish, including mandarin fish, freshwater shrimp, and lake crab. The abundant production of rice and silkworm makes here “the Hometown of Milk and Honey.” As one of the Eight factions of Chinese Cuisine, Zhejiang Cuisine is comprised of Hangzhou Cuisine, Ningbo Cuisine, Shaoxing Cuisine, and Wenzhou Cuisine. Hangzhou Cuisine, with a long history, dates back to Southern Song Dynasty; it features vast variety and fineness and is the mainstream of Zhejiang Cuisine; Wenzhou Cuisine consists mainly of seafood with light flavor; Shaoxing Cuisine is proficient at ingredients from river and poultry, which taste simple and natural; Ningbo Cuisine features freshness and saltiness, mainly employing cooking methods like stewing, roasting, and stewing. Many well-known Zhejiang dishes come from ordinary household, and the most obvious feature is that the cooking methods from the north are used to process southern ingredients. The world-famous Jinhua ham, Hangzhou Longjin tea, and Shaoxing wine are the essential ingredients. Zhejiang Cuisine also features fine cutting skills and small, distinctive, fresh, and tender ingredients; when cooking, the original flavors and the freshness are preserved with sophisticated cooking methods. Popular dishes include Dongpo Pork, West Lake Fish in Vinegar Gravy, Sister Song’s Fish Soup, Longjin Shrimp Meat, Roasted Chicken, Fish Meatball Soup and so forth.

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·江南厨子· Jiangnan Chuzi Restaurant

江南厨子餐厅位于深圳市华润万象城,地理位置优越。餐厅精选杭、粤等地经典 名菜,将杭州菜和粤菜的精髓融为一体。秉持“选料从严、制作从精、注重原味”的 宗旨,以“清淡、营养、美味”为膳食理念,烹饪出精致、淡雅、创新的菜肴。被中 国饭店协会评为中国十佳饭店、国际餐饮饭店。 张冉 高级厨师 Jiangnan Chuzi Restaurant is ideally located in the Mixc Shopping Mall in Shenzhen. The restaurant combines authentic Hangzhou Cuisine with Guangdong Cuisine, using carefully-selected ingredients. It pays attention to all aspects of detail, from selection of ingredients to decoration of dishes. With making light, nutrient and delicious food as motto, Jiangnan Chuzi Restaurant is awarded as China’s Top 10 Restaurants and International Restaurant. Zhang Ran: Master Chef


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

东坡肉 / Dongpo Pork

材料:带皮土猪肉(猪肋骨的肉)、葱、姜、八角、陈皮、生抽、老抽、白糖、黄酒 做法:1. 五花肉切成 5cm 方块,每块重量在 3 两左右。冷水下锅焯水,煮 5―6 分钟,捞出后冷水 冲洗,将肉中杂质洗干净。 2. 锅中加入足量的水,放入五花肉,放入八角、陈皮、葱段、姜、生抽、老抽、白糖、大量 黄酒,水煮沸后转小火烧制 3.5 小时,不时翻动,避免粘锅。若烧制 10 块肉,可放 2 瓶黄酒。 Ingredients: local pork with skin (pork around ribs), leek, ginger, star anise, dried orange peel, soy sauce, dark soy sauce, sugar, yellow wine Procedure: 1. Cut pork into 5cm cubes, with each piece weighting about 150g; put them into cold water, blanch them for 5-6 minutes, and drain the dross. 2. Add enough water in the wok, along with pork, star anise, dried orange peel, leek, ginger, soy sauce, dark soy sauce, sugar and lots of yellow wine; after boiling, process them over gentle fire for another 3.5 hours and keep stirring to avoid sticking; two bottles of yellow wine are needed to cook 10 pieces of pork cube.

小胖点评 东坡肉相传为北宋诗人苏东坡所创制。苏东坡《食猪肉》诗云: “……慢着火,少着水,火候足 时他自美。” 东坡肉是杭州名菜之一。大块五花肉加调料和足量黄酒小火长时间炖煮,色泽红亮,酥烂而形不 碎,肥瘦相间,外皮软烂嫩滑,甜而不腻,咸香醇厚,入口即化。 My comment: The dish is invented by the famous poet Su Dongpo in Northern Song Dynasty. He wrote, in his poem “Eatting Pork”, “cook the pork with little water over gentle fire. The pork is most delicious when the fire is appropriate.” This dish is one of the famous Hangzhou dishes. Braise a big chunk of pork with sauce and plenty of yellow wine until it becomes red and shining, crispy on the outside and tender inside. With fat and lean meat overlying, it is sweet but not greasy. The dish is fragrant with wine and melts in the mouth.

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宋嫂鱼羹 / Sister Song’s Fish Soup 材料:新鲜鲈鱼 1 条、金华火腿、金针菇、小白菇、姜、淀粉、米醋、盐、糖、胡椒粉、蛋清、酱 油 、植物油 做法:1. 将鱼宰杀,清洗干净。切开鱼,去骨和鱼皮,将鱼肉片成薄片后切细丝。将鱼丝加盐、味 精调味,放少许淀粉、蛋清按顺时针方向轻轻搅拌,静放 20 分钟,让鱼丝自然胀发。金针 菇、小白菇焯水。火腿放葱、姜在蒸箱中蒸熟后,切成细丝, 2. 锅内放入油,三成油温滑熟鱼丝,捞出沥干。锅中再加水,放入金针菇、小白菇煮,加入 盐、糖、酱油、胡椒粉、姜丝调味,大火勾芡,最后放少许米醋。盛出汤羹,将鱼丝和火腿 丝摆在汤羹的上面。 Ingredients: one mandarin bass, Jinhua ham, enokitake, w h i t e m u s h r o o m , g i n g e r, cornstarch, rice vinegar, salt, sugar, black pepper, egg white, soy sauce, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Eviscerate and clean the bass, remove its bone and skin, and slice it into layers before cutting it into shreds; season the fish with salt, MSG, cornstarch, and egg white, stir them clockwise, and marinate them for 20 minutes to let the fish shreds inflate themselves; blanch enokitake and white mushroom; steam ham with

leek and ginger and then cut it into shreds. 2. Sauté fish shreds over gentle fire and drain out the oil; add water, enokitake and white mushrooms, sugar, salt, soy sauce, pepper and ginger in wok and fry them until they get thickened; add a little rice vinegar before serving; pour the soup in a bowl and lay fish ham shreds on top.

小胖点评 相传宋代有一妇人叫宋五嫂,在西湖边以卖鱼羹为生。宋高宗赵构登御舟闲游西湖,吃了她做 的鱼羹后十分赞赏,从此,宋嫂鱼羹声誉鹊起,至今已有 800 多年的历史,是闻名遐迩的杭州传统风 味名菜。这道菜选材精细,刀工细腻,鲜嫩滑润。汤羹顺着喉咙慢慢往下滑,鲜、咸中带点微酸的味 道,真是美味极了。 My comment: With a history of over 800 years, Sister Song’s thick fish soup was named after an old lady in the Southern Song Dynasty. When the Emperor Zhao Gou took a royal boat trip on the West Lake, her fish soup was highly praised by Emperor Zhao and became a well-known traditional Hangzhou dish ever since. The ingredients are carefully chosen and made with sophisticated cutting skills to make sure it is fresh, tender, and smooth. When the soup flows through your throat, you can taste the freshness, saltiness, and a little bit sourness. It is fantastic and delicious.


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

杭椒牛柳 / Sautéed Beef Fillet with Hot Green Pepper

材料:杭椒、牛里脊肉、盐、老抽、生抽、苏打水、盐、生粉、蛋清、糖、植物油 做法:1. 杭椒清洗后去蒂和尾尖。牛里脊去筋,切成长 6cm、宽 0.5cm 的细丝;加入少量苏打水, 稍后冲洗干净;加盐、生抽调味,顺着一个方向搅拌 40 分钟、上劲。将牛里脊稍微摔打断 筋,再放花生油、生粉、蛋清顺时针搅拌均匀,静置 1 小时。 2. 锅中放入油,三成半油温放入辣椒,炸至表面起白色皮,捞出。将牛里脊肉过油,断生, 捞出。 3. 锅中放入油,炒辣椒,放盐、味精调味,盛出装盘。 4. 锅中放入油,放里脊肉翻炒,加老抽、糖、水淀粉勾芡炒匀后装盘,放在杭椒上面。 Ingredients: Hangzhou hot green pepper, beef tenderloin, salt, dark soy sauce, soy sauce, soda, salt, cornstarch, egg white, sugar, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Clean the hot green peppers and cut off their top and tail; cut beef tenderloin into 6cm long and 0.5cm wide fillets; add a little soda water and clean them later; mix them with salt, soy sauce and marinate them for 40-50 minutes; beat up the fillets to make it tender and the tendon broken into parts before mix them again with peanut oil, cornstarch, and egg white and marinate for another one hour. 2. Fry hot green pepper over gentle fire in wok until the skin turns white; fry the beef fillet quickly for later use. 3. Stir-fry again the hot green pepper with salt and MSG, and then put them on the plate. 4. Fry the beef fillet again, along with dark soy sauce, sugar, cornstarch, and water; put the beef on top of the green peppers. 小胖点评 这道菜看似简单却工序繁多。做一道菜需提前 2 个小时准备,每个步骤都很重要。好的味道,需 要耐心地等待,我吃到了牛肉的嫩滑、爽脆和辣椒的甜味。 My comment: This dish seems simple but it involves a complicated process. The beef should be marinated for 2 hours before cooking. Dainty food needs patience, I can taste the tenderness and crispness of the beef and the sweetness and crispness of the pepper.

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醉虾 / Wine-saturated Shrimps

材料:杭州河虾、二锅头白酒、醋、葱、姜、蒜、辣椒、酱油、白糖、蚝油 做法:1. 鲜活河虾在水中养半日,冲洗 2 遍。 2. 容器中加入醋、葱花、姜丝、辣椒、酱油、白糖、蒜蓉、蚝油调制的酱汁,将活虾放入酱 汁中,淋上 1 两二锅头白酒,盖上盖子。 Ingredients: Hangzhou freshwater shrimp, Erguotou (Chinese liquor), vinegar, ginger, leek, garlic, red chili, soy sauce, sugar, oyster sauce Procedure: 1. Soak the shrimp in freshwater for half a day and wash them twice before cooking. 2. Add vinegar, leek, ginger, red chili, soy sauce, sugar, garlic and oyster sauce into a jar, put in the shrimps, and put in 50g Erguotou and cover the jar.

小胖点评 河虾身体透明,小巧、弯弯的样子很可爱。把虾放入装有白酒酱汁的容器中,虾上下跳动,几秒 钟后才慢慢地安静下来,也许是喝醉了酒吧。把虾放入口中,虾壳很脆,虾肉鲜嫩爽口,酱汁的咸中 有一丝酒味,白酒可杀菌提鲜。我连续吃了几只,还真有些微醺。这道菜让我记忆深刻。 My comment: Freshwater shrimp is translucent, small, and curvy. Put the shrimps inside the jar with Erguotou, and they jump up and down for several seconds before they finally become quiet, probably because they are drunk. When the shrimp is put in your mouth, the shell is so crispy and the meat is fresh and tender. You can taste the fragrance of wine in its saltiness. Erguotou can kill germs and bring freshness to the dish. With a few bites, I am a bit drunk, which make it very impressive.


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

西湖醋鱼 / West Lake Fish in Vinegar Gravy

材料:杭州鲻鱼、糖、米醋、黄酒、淀粉、姜水、生抽、老抽、料酒、胡椒粉 做法:1. 鱼宰杀后洗净,从尾部下刀将鱼分成两半,有骨头的一面划 4 刀。 2. 锅中加水,煮沸后放姜水、黄酒、胡椒粉,水再次煮沸后关火,放入鱼浸 3―5 分钟。 3. 另取锅,加水、料酒、生抽、老抽、白糖、米醋烧开后加生粉勾芡,熬成浓稠酸甜汁。将 鱼捞出沥干水,摆在盘子上,将酸甜汁浇在鱼上。 Ingredients: Hangzhou grass carp, sugar, vinegar, cooking wine, cornstarch, ginger water, soy sauce, dark soy sauce, black pepper Procedure: 1. Eviscerate and clean the fish, and cut the fish in half from tail to head, but don’t separate it; cut four times in the bony part. 2. Add ginger water, yellow wine, and black pepper into boiling water, then put in the fish, and soak them for 3-5 minutes. 3. Add water, cooking wine, soy sauce, dark soy sauce, sugar, vinegar, cornstarch in another wok to make the thickened sauce; Drain the fish and place it on the plate, and pour the sweet and sour sauce over the fish.

小胖点评 这道菜是杭州名菜中的经典,相传是南宋时期宋五嫂做的菜。西湖醋鱼最好选用长不过尺、重量 不过一斤半的西湖草鱼做。先饿养三天,去除泥腥味,肉质更加紧实。刀工尤为关键,将鱼用水浸熟 或沸水下锅汆三分钟,时间和火候要把握准确。鱼肉鲜嫩爽滑,酸甜可口。 My comment: West Lake fish in vinegar gravy is one of the most well-known Hangzhou dishes, and legend has it that it was first made by Sister Song in the Southern Song Dynasty. The ideal fish is Hangzhou grass carp, shorter than 30cm and lighter than 800g. Starve the fish in clear water for three days to remove the odor of clay and tighten its meat . The cutting skill, the timing, and the proper fire are very important to make the fish. Blanch the fish in boiling water for three minutes with proper timing and fire. The fish tastes fresh and tender, sweet and sour. It is very yummy.

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姜酒童子鸡 / Braised Spring Chicken with Ginger Wine

材料:仔鸡、花雕酒、啤酒、酱油、糖、生姜、姜水、植物油 做法:1. 仔鸡洗净,斩成块。 2. 锅中放入油,炒香生姜,再放鸡块翻炒,烹入花雕酒、半瓶啤酒、姜水、酱油、糖调味, 不加水,将仔鸡炒香至金黄色后收汁。 Ingredients: spring chicken, Huadiao cooking wine, beer, soy sauce, sugar, ginger, ginger water, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Clean the spring chicken and cut it into pieces. 2. Put oil in the pan to stir-fry ginger and then add in chicken, along with cooking wine, half bottle of beer, ginger water, soy sauce, and sugar (do not add water); fry the chicken till browned and the sauce thickened.

小胖点评 仔鸡即幼小的鸡,蛋白质含量高,肉质松软、细腻。其烧制的过程,关键是炒香姜和加足量花 雕酒、啤酒调味,烧至鸡块呈金黄色后收汁。酒和姜的香味浸入鸡肉中,汁浓味鲜,咸香嫩脆,香 甜可口。 My comment: Spring chicken, or young chicken, is rich in protein and tender in meat. The secret of this dish is to fry ginger with enough Huadiao cooking wine and beer. Fry the chicken till browned and the sauce thickened. The chicken is fragrant with ginger and wine. The sauce tastes fresh and thick, and the meat is crispy and sweet.


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

餐厅的超高人气 Restaurant’s High Popularity

在深圳的很多购物中心中,你不难发现,将餐饮、购物、娱乐、超市融为一体,形成了一 个大的综合商圈,是大众购物、休闲娱乐的好去处。 万象城江南厨子餐厅,具有超高的人气。两次采访都安排在下午 3 点前后,错过中午的 高峰期,虽不是周末,客人却络绎不绝。据店长介绍,因店内用餐空间有限,等待的客人多, 平均每天翻 4 至 5 次台,若等待的客人多了,需要服务员及时与客人沟通,让他们心情舒畅 地把位置让给其他客人。为调动大家的积极性,餐厅会根据客流量给员工适当的奖励,并对 每个工作环节实行考核,包括接听电话、冲茶、摆餐具、上菜、收台、买单等细节,量化到 时间,精确到秒。严格的管理,精益求精的菜品,注重每个细节,这就是万象城江南厨子高 人气的原因吧。 Most shopping centers in Shenzhen combine culinary service, shopping, entertainment, and supermarket together and form a multiple business district, which make them perfect places for shopping and fun. Jiangnan Chuzi Restaurant in the Mixc is of high popularity. Two interviews were arranged at 3 p.m. in order to avoid the rush hour at noon. There are many customers even during the weekdays. According to the manager, because of the limited dining space, they have to serve 4 to 5 different groups of customers. Sometimes, when the waiting time is too long, the waiters have to communicate effectively with customers. For encouragement, the staff is rewarded based on the customer flow. The duty of every staff will be evaluated, including answering the phone, preparing tea, setting up tableware, serving dishes, cleaning up plates, and taking the bill—every detail should be under control. The strict management, The delicate dishes, and the attention to details are probably the reason why Jiangnan Chuzi Restaurant is so popular.

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中国八 大 菜 系 之 一

徽 菜 徽菜又称“徽帮”、“徽州风味”,是中国著名的八大菜系之一。徽州源于南宋 时期的古徽州,有皖南菜、皖江菜、合肥菜、淮南菜、皖北菜五大风味。安徽位于 中国的中部,华东腹地,土地肥沃,盛产粮食,有丰富的水产资源。徽商富甲天下, 偏爱家乡风味,对徽菜的发展有推动作用。徽菜可谓是酸、甜、苦、辣、咸五味调 和,色、香、味、形、器五感共生。 徽菜清雅淳朴、原汁原味、菜式多样、南北咸宜。徽菜擅长烧、炖、蒸,勾芡 多、油重、色浓,以烹制山野海味闻名。徽菜不同菜肴使用不同的控火技术,形成 酥、嫩、香、鲜的风格。徽菜代表菜:石耳炖鸡、腌鲜鳜鱼、纸包三鲜、火腿炖甲 鱼、徽州丸子。 徽菜中有一种特殊的美食,将食材放至轻微变质后再拿出来烹饪,成为徽州人 独特的饮食习惯。毛豆腐是将豆腐发酵至长出白色茸毛的食用菌丝,烹制后味道鲜 美。徽州的“臭鳜鱼”是过年餐桌上必吃的一道美食,因鳜与贵谐音,有富贵及年 年有余的意思。将新鲜鳜鱼用木桶腌渍在 25℃左右的淡盐水中,肚皮朝上摆放,用 石头压住,六七日后,鱼体便发出似臭非臭的气味,烹煮后吃起来很香,肉质鲜嫩。


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

one of the Eight Cuisines in China

Anhui Cuisine

Anhui Cuisine, also called “Anhui style” or “Anhui flavor”, is one of the eight factions of Chinese Cuisines. Huizhou Cuisine originates in ancient Huizhou City in the Southern Song Dynasty, inluding Southern Anhui Cuisine, Wanjiang Cuisine, Hefei Cuisine, Huainan Cuisine and Northern Anhui Cuisine. Anhui, located in the middle China and the back land of eastern China , features fertile lands, productive crops, and abundant water resource. Businessmen in Anhui are generally rich, and their love for hometown flavor helps improve and promote Anhui Cuisine. The taste of Anhui Cuisine is a mixture of sourness, sweetness, bitterness, spiciness, and saltiness, and your appetite will be surely aroused by the color, fragrance, taste, shape, and decoration. Anhui Cuisine features light, original taste, the vast variety, and the suitability for people either from the northern or the southern China. Anhui Cuisine is famous for processing ingredients from forests and seas, and its cooking methods include braising, stewing and steaming, with the dishes strong in cornstarch, oil and color. Fire control is different among Anhui dishes to make them crispy, tender, fragrant, and fresh. Popular dishes include Braised Chicken with Black Fungus, Marinated Fresh Mandarin Fish, Three Vegetables Wrapped in paper, Stewed Soft-shelled Turtle with Ham, and Huizhou Meatball. There is a special dish in Anhui Cuisine, in which some ingredients are cooked after being fermented. This becomes one of Huizhou people’s eating habits. For instance, Hairy Tofu, the fermented tofu with white hair (edible fungus), is very fresh when cooked. Huizhou Smelly Mandarin Fish is another must-have dish in the Spring Festival, because its Chinese name indicates fortune to everyone. Fresh Mandarin Fish are marinated in the 25°C salted water in the bucket with its belly facing up before covering the bucket with a stone. After 6 to 7 days, the fish stinks with a special odor, but it smells and tastes quite nice and tender after cooking.

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·醉翁亭· Zuiweng Pavilion Restaurant

宋代欧阳修的《醉翁亭记》,全文描写醉翁亭秀丽的自然风光和游人的山水之 乐、游宴之乐,抒发了他被贬后的抑郁心情。醉翁之意不在酒,无论是“醉翁亭” 此地,还是“醉翁亭”酒楼,都因这篇文章而闻名。醉翁亭是深圳规模最大的正宗 徽菜酒楼,凭借着朴实的徽商文化和对传统徽菜的理解,短短几年内,在深圳徽菜 酒楼中独占鳌头。醉翁亭采用安徽食材、调料和烹煮出“新派徽菜”。餐厅被评为 中国徽菜名店称号。 吴正洋 特级厨师、行政总厨 The restaurant is named after a famous Chinese article “The Story of Zuiweng(the drunkard) Pavilion” by Ouyang Xiu in the Song Dynasty. The article depicts the beautiful scenery and the joy of hiking and feasting of Ouyang Xiu and his friends, through which he expresses his depress after being degraded. Both the Zuiweng pavilion and the restaurant become famous because of this article. Zuiweng Pavilion Restaurant is the largest Anhui Cuisine restaurant in Shenzhen. Based on the down-to-earth Anhui culture and its understanding of traditional Anhui Cuisine, the restaurant becomes the top Anhui Cuisine restaurant in Shenzhen. By using authentic ingredients and traditional cooking methods from Anhui to create new Anhui-style dishes, the restaurant is honored as the “China’s Top Anhui Cuisine Restaurant”. Wu Zhengyang: Master Chef, Executive Chef


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

小鸡贴馍 / Braised Chicken with Bun 材料:仔鸡、白面团、白干、安徽白薯粉丝、洋葱、香菜、盐、安徽胡玉美蚕豆酱、胡椒粉、味 精、植物油 做法:1. 白面粉加酵母发酵后揉面形成白面团,将白面团切成长方形的馍。白薯粉丝用水浸泡 1 小 时。 2. 仔鸡洗净、斩块,加入盐、味精、胡椒粉调味,过油后快速捞起。白干加入高汤卤制,切 厚片用油微炸。 3. 将白干、仔鸡、洋葱放入小铁锅中,加入盐、味精、胡椒粉、1 勺安徽胡玉美蚕豆酱汁, 盖上盖子小火焖。汤煮沸后,在铁锅的上半部贴馍,再盖上盖子焖 6 分钟。馍熟了,加入粉 丝焖制 2 分钟,收汁,撒上香菜,起锅。 Ingredients: spring chicken, dough, dried tofu, sweet potato vermicelli, onion, cilantro, salt, Anhui Huyumei broad bean paste, black pepper, MSG, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Add yeast in flour and knead it into dough, and then cut dough into long bun paste; soak the sweet potato vermicelli in cold water for an hour. 2. Clean and cut spring chicken into small pieces, and season them with salt, MSG, and black pepper; fry the chicken pieces for later use; braise the dried tofus in the stock, and then cut them into pieces and fry them. 3. Put fried tofus, spring chicken pieces, and onion in the wok, along with salt, MSG, black pepper, and one spoon of Anhui Huyumei broad bean paste; cover the wok and braise them over gentle fire; when the soup boils, stick white breads around the upper part of the wok, and cover the wok with a lid for another six minutes; when the bun is done, add sweet potato vermicelli and braise them for two minutes until the sauce thickens; sprinkle cilantro mince before serving.

小胖点评 这是一道皖北的经典代表菜,也叫小鸡贴饼。酱汁浓郁,粉丝吸饱了汤汁,嫩滑爽口。最妙之处 在于锅边贴的馍,利用锅的热度烘烤,粉丝焖制完成时,也是小馍酥香焦黄之时。馍吸满了汤汁,馍 底焦黄香脆,鸡肉肉质紧实、香浓入味。这道菜很好地突出了皖北菜咸鲜、酥脆、醇厚的特点。 My comment: This is a classic dish in Northern Anhui Province. The sauce is sticky and rich, which is fully absorbed by vermicelli. The best thing about this dish is to bake the buns around the wok. When vermicelli is ready, the buns also become browned and crispy. Dip buns in the sauce and eat them with the chicken pieces, which tastes al dente and smells very nice. This dish represents the saltiness, crispness, and thickness of Anhui Cuisine.

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野蒜刀板香 / Steamed Anhui Ham with Wild Garlic

材料:安徽绩溪火腿、野蒜、葱丝、姜丝 做法:1. 火腿切片,将晒干的野蒜切碎。 2. 把野蒜铺在盘子上,将火腿一片片摆在野蒜上面,蒸 10 分钟,放上葱丝、姜丝即可。 Ingredients: Anhui Jixi ham, wild garlic, leek, ginger Procedure: 1. Cut ham into thin slices and mince the dried wild garlic. 2. Place the garlic on the plate and put ham on top of it; steam them for 10 minutes, and put leek and ginger shreds on top.

小胖点评 这是皖南的一道代表菜。火腿肉肥瘦相间,肥而不腻,火腿的油汁浸入野蒜中。简单的两种食 材,互为补充,互为增色,不放调料,蒸出食材本味。口味独特,满嘴留香! My comment: This is a typical dish in Southern Anhui. The Jixi ham features layer above layer of lean and fat, which is fatty but not too greasy. The ham’s oil is absorbed by the wild garlic. The two simple ingredients supplements each other and balances very well. No additive is needed, and the steaming highlights its original flavors and the distinctive fragrance keeps haunting!


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

帅子迎宾 / Sweet Dumplings

材料:安徽芝麻馅阿毛汤圆、安徽小汤圆、加入黑芝麻的面包糠、车厘子果脯 做法:1. 锅中的水煮沸,放入阿毛汤圆煮至浮起来,捞起后放入冷水中,再次捞起并沥干水。裹上 面包糠,放入油锅炸至金黄色后装盘。 2. 锅中放入水煮沸,放入小汤圆煮至浮起来,捞起沥干,摆盘,放入车厘子果脯点缀。 Ingredients: Anhui Amao sweet dumpling (with black sesame stuffing), Anhui mini sweet dumplings, breadcrumbs with black sesame, dried cherries Procedure: 1. Fully cook the Amao sweet dumplings in boiling water, then cool them in cold water, and drain them; wrap the dumpling with breadcrumbs, and fry them in oil until they turn brown. 2. Fully cook the mini sweet dumplings in boiling water, and then rinse them in cold water before draining; place them in a small basket and decorate it with dried cherries. 小胖点评 这道菜的名字非常有趣,“帅子迎宾”就是大汤圆带着小汤圆。大汤圆裹着面包糠炸至酥脆,咬 下去满口糯香,随之流出的是热热的芝麻馅;小汤圆入口弹牙,带着一丝香甜,十分可爱。小篮子中 放入吸油纸,金黄色大汤圆中加入白白嫩嫩的小汤圆,用车厘子果脯点缀。色彩很有层次感,并形成 “母子”效果,让人食欲大开,恨不得马上把汤圆送入口中。不急,汤圆可有些烫哦! My comment: The Chinese name of the dish,“father and son greet guests,” indicates the two different sizes of the sweet dumplings. The Amao sweet dumpling is crispy on the outside and sticky inside with warm sesame filling. The mini sweet dumpling is chewy, sweet and cute. Put a piece of oil-absorbing sheet in a small basket, and decorate the sweet dumplings with dried cherries. It is colorful and appetizing, but be careful of the hot stuffing when tasting.

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玉手娃娃 / Stewed Pig Feet with Baby Cabbage

材料:咸猪蹄、娃娃菜、高汤、盐、味精、葱、姜、蒜、植物油 做法:1. 鲜猪蹄用盐腌制 3―4 天,晒干,用水煮至八成熟,加入少许盐、味精调味。 2. 锅中放入油,葱、姜、蒜爆香,加高汤煮沸,再放入猪蹄,加入娃娃菜焖煮 3 分钟,放盐、味 精调味。 Ingredients: salted pig feet, baby cabbage, stock, salt, MSG, leek, ginger, garlic, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Marinate fresh pig feet with salt for 3-4 days and sundry (dehydrate) them; boil the dried salted pig feet to medium well, and season them with salt and MSG 2. Fry leek, ginger, and garlic over strong fire, then pour in stock till boiling, and then put in pig feet and baby cabbage and boil them for three minutes; season them with salt and MSG before serving.

小胖点评 猪蹄腌制入味 , 焖煮后肉质紧实,有嚼劲。加入娃娃菜炖煮,汤汁鲜美呈乳白色,喝汤吃菜可以 两者兼得,是一道不错的汤菜做法。 My comment: Marinate the pig feet in advance to make them al dente after cooking. The broth with baby cabbage in it is milky and tasty. With this dish, you can eat the vegetable and drink the soup at the same time.


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

韭菜炒香菜 / Stir-fried Chives with Cilantro

材料:韭菜、香菜、盐、味精、植物油 做法:将韭菜、香菜洗净,沥干。锅中放入油,放韭菜爆炒,盐、味精调味,炒至八成熟时放香 菜,翻炒出锅。 Ingredients: chive, cilantro, salt, MSG, vegetable oil Procedure: Rinse chives and cilantro and drain them; stir-fry the chives over strong fire, then add salt and MSG, and finally add cilantro when it is almost done and stir-fry them again before serving.

小胖点评 常见的两种食材,从未尝试过将它们炒在一起。食材相互取味,相互助味,略带咸味的同时,保 留食材本身的味道,朴实而又有惊喜。这道菜的秘密就是,快速翻炒避免韭菜出水。 My comment: Chives and cilantro are two common ingredients, but I have never seen them cooked together. These two vegetables supplement each other, because they are both salted and aromatic, which preserve the original flavor while bringing surprise to me. The key is to sauté the chives for a brief time to avoid dehydrating.

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/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

黄山一线天 Seam of Sky through Yellow Mountain (streaky pork Stuffed in Bun) 材料:面粉、五花肉、葱、蒜、青椒、辣椒油、安徽胡玉美 蚕豆酱、植物油 做法:1. 面粉加入发酵粉、水,使面团发酵,揉面,做成直 径 4 厘米的圆饼,一边开口,另一边连着,似扇贝形 状;蒸熟后油炸,摆盘。 2. 五花肉蒸熟切片,肉片过油,捞起。锅中再放入油, 将蒜蓉、葱、青椒干煸,放入辣椒油、五花肉炒至八 成熟,放蚕豆酱调味,翻炒出锅。 3. 将炒好的五花肉和青椒夹在小饼中品尝。 Ingredients: flour, streaky pork, leek, ginger, green pepper, chili oil, Anhui Huyumei broad bean paste, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Mix flour with yeast and water, and knead it into dough to make 4cm-diameter paste, like the shape of a sea shell, with one side open; steam them over strong fire. 2. Steam streaky pork before slicing it, sauté them in oil and drain the oil; Stir-fry garlic, ginger, leek and bell pepper, and then add chili oil, streaky pork and Anhui Huyumei broad bean paste and fry them till almost done. 3. When eating, wrap fried streaky pork and green pepper with the bun (like a burger).

小胖点评 黄山,在文殊洞下方,登玉屏道中,过小心坡、渡仙桥,有一道两壁夹成的狭长石巷,宽处不过 2 米,窄处仅半米,中间盘道有 80 多级,只能一人通过,故得名“黄山一线天”。 用面粉做成小圆饼,炸得香脆,形似“一线天”。这道菜的灵魂是“回锅肉”,辣椒、葱、蒜、 辣椒油、蚕豆酱包裹着炸过的五花肉,辣、咸、香,面饼吸着油汁、肉香,不会太咸,非常好吃的一 道菜。 My comment: Yellow Mountain is beneath the Wenshu Cave. Climb up Yuping track and walk across the Xiaoxin Slope and Duxian Bridge and you can see a narrow stone alley with a steep wall on each side. The widest part is no more than two meters and the narrowest part is only half meter. There are more than 80 stairs in the middle, with only one man passing it at a time—that is why it is called “ seam of sky”. The dish is called “seam of sky” because it has a narrow gap on one side. The marrow of this dish is the doubledcooked streaky pork. Wrap it with pepper, leek, garlic, chili oil and broad bean paste, and it tastes spicy, salty, and delicious. Enjoy the pork with the bun and the saltiness is perfect for the pork.

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中国八 大 菜 系 之 一

闽 菜 闽菜起源于福州市闽侯县,在唐宋时期已初具规模,是中国八大菜系之一。福 建地处东南沿海,终年气候温和,雨量充沛,四季如春。地理条件优越,山珍海味 富饶,为闽菜提供了便利的条件。闽菜以闽东和闽南风味为代表。闽东以福州菜为 代表,清淡,偏酸甜,讲究调汤。闽南以厦门菜为代表,主要流行于闽南、台湾地 区,和广东菜中的潮汕风味较近,鲜醇、淡雅,香辣突出。 闽菜原料以海鲜和山珍为主,味道清鲜、淡雅、酸、甜、咸、香。用料考究, 刀工精细,讲究火候、调汤、佐料,以香、味见长,善用甜辣酱、沙茶酱、芥末酱, 突出咸、辣之味。在宴席中最后一道菜一般是时令青菜,取“清菜”之意。闽菜善 于调汤,有一汤十变、百汤百味之说,汤贯穿在闽菜之中,成为闽菜的精髓。闽菜 的代表菜有佛跳墙、荔枝肉、沙茶焖鸭等。 佛跳墙被奉为闽菜之首,相传由清道光年间福州聚春园菜馆老板郑春发研制出 来的。将海参、鲍鱼、鱼翅、干贝、鱼唇、花胶、蹄筋、花菇、墨鱼、瑶柱、鸽子 蛋等数十种原材料汇聚在一起,采用煎、炒、烹、炸等多种方法烹制后,放入坛子 里,加入高汤和绍兴酒,煨炖十几个小时而成。用料考究,烹调技艺复杂,味道荤 香四溢,回味无穷,堪称一道美食的盛宴。


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

one of the Eight Cuisines in China

Min(Fujian) Cuisine

Min(Fujian) Cuisine is originated at Minhou Mounty in Fuzhou, came into its earliest form in Tang and Song Dynasties, and now becomes one of the eight factions of Chinese Cuisines. Fujian Province, located in the China’s southeast coast, features mild climate and abundant rainfall, just like spring all year round. The excellent geological location and abundant ingredients from forests and sea lay favorable foundation for the development of Fujian Cuisine, which is represented by Eastern Fujian Cuisine and Southern Fujian Cuisine. Eastern Fujian Cuisine includes mainly Fuzhou Cuisine, featuring light and sweet and sour taste and the attention paid to making the soup.Southern Fujian Cuisine is represented by Xiamen Cuisine, popular in southern Fujian and Taiwan Province and featuring rich, fresh and spicy tastes, much similar to those in Chaoshan Cuisine. The ingredients in Fujian Cuisine are mainly those from sea and forests, featuring tastes that are fresh, light, sour, sweet, salty, and fragrant. The dishes pay special attention to the careful selection of ingredients, the sophisticated cutting skills, and the meticulous consideration of fire condition, soup, and sauce. Characterized by fragrance and taste, Fujian Cuisine is adept at using sauces like sweet and spicy sauce, Shacha sauce and mustard to accentuate the saltiness and spiciness. Usually, the last dish of a feast is seasonal vegetable. The soups in Fujian Cuisine are diverse and are the essence of Fujian Cuisine. Popular dishes in Fujian Cuisine include Fotiaoqiang (steamed abalone with shark’s fin and fish maw), Fuzhou Lychee Pork, and Braised Duck with Shacha Sauce. Futiaoqiang, recognized as the top dish in Fujiang Cuisine, was created by the owner of Fuzhou Juchunyuan Restaurant, Zheng Chunfa, in Qing Dynasty. When making this dish, ten ingredients are used, including sea cucumber, abalone, shark’s fin, dried scallop, fish lip, fish maw, beef tendon, flower mushroom, dried cuttlefish, and pigeon egg, and then cooked by several processes including pan-frying, frying, stewing. After that, all ingredients are put in a small jar with broth and Shaoxing wine and brewed for more than ten hours. This dish features carefully selected ingredients and complicated cooking methods to create the one of a kind cuisine.

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·旺福轩福建土菜馆· Wang Fu Xuan Local Food Restaurant

旺福轩福建土菜馆是一家专做福建土菜的小餐馆。食材来自福建山区,菜的烧制 方法具有鲜明的农家特色。 郑秉模 初级厨师 Wang Fu Xuan Local Food Restaurant makes authentic Fujian dishes. Most of its ingredients come from the mountainous area in Fujian, and the cooking methods are typical of Fujian’s county. Zheng Bingmo: Junior Cook


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

气泡田螺 / Sizzling Field Snails

材料:福建山区大田螺、姜、葱、辣椒、蒜、酱油、鸡精、福建黄酒、植物油 做法:1. 田螺自然吐沙,剪去尾巴,用盐搓洗去泥。 2. 将田螺放入砂锅中,加蒜头、辣椒、酱油、盐、鸡精、大量福建黄酒盖满田螺,淋植物油, 煮沸后小火焖 5 分钟。将带汁的田螺倒入锡纸中,用铁盘烧制收汁。 Ingredients: field snails (from Fujian mountainous area), ginger, leek, chili, garlic, soy sauce, chicken essence, Fujian yellow wine, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Make the field snails spit out sands, cut their tail and wash them with salt. 2. Put field snails into a stewpot, along with garlic, chili, soy sauce, salt, chicken essence and most importantly, plenty of yellow wine till covering all the ingredients; add in vegetable oil and braise them for five minutes over gentle fire after boiling; put stewed field snails in tinfoil and heat them with an iron plate until the sauce thickens.

小胖点评 这是一道闽南招牌菜。个大鲜美的田螺用调料、福建黄酒焖煮,螺肉肥美多汁,酒香四溢,酱汁 咸香。 My comment: This is a delicious Fujian specialty. Marinate the big field snails with sauce and cook them with abundant yellow wine. The snails are juicy with an appetizing fragrance of wine, salt, and sauce, which make it very delicious.

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福州卤面 / Fuzhou Noodle with Oyster and Sauce

材料:面条、香菇、胡萝卜、瘦肉、海蛎、盐、葱、鸡精、酱油、蚝油、淀粉、胡椒粉、地瓜粉、 植物油 做法:1. 水煮沸,放入面条,迅速捞起;香菇、胡萝卜、瘦肉切丝,葱切段;洗净海蛎,加盐腌制片 刻,裹上地瓜粉备用。 2. 锅中放入油,放葱段、瘦肉丝、香菇丝、胡萝卜丝炒香;加入水,水煮沸后放入面条,放盐、 鸡精、酱油、蚝油、胡椒粉调味,把面焖熟,勾芡,放入海蛎,水再次煮沸后撒葱花起锅。 Ingredients: noodles, mushroom, carrot, lean pork, oyster, salt, leek, chicken essence, soy sauce, oyster sauce, cornstarch, black pepper, sweet potato starch, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Put the noodle in the boiling water and take it out immediately; cut the mushroom, carrot, lean pork and leek into shreds; clean the oyster meat and marinate them with salt and cover them with sweet potato starch. 2. Put oil in the pan to stir-fry shreds of leek, pork, mushroom and carrot; add in water and when boiling, add in noodle, and season them with salt, chicken essence, soy sauce, oyster sauce, and black pepper; add in cornstarch to thicken the soup, and then put in oyster; sprinkle shreds of leek when boiling again. 小胖点评 福州卤面,以漳州一带最为有名,漳州人用于请客的大众食品就是卤面,可见它的名气了。卤面 的汤汁最为重要,加入了海蛎、瘦肉等食材,调味、勾芡,浓稠的汤汁裹着劲道的面,再根据个人口 味放些佐料,温润香醇,爽滑味鲜。 My comment: Fuzhou Noodle with Oyster and Sauce originated in Zhangzhou and is usually used to entertain guests, which is the best indication of its fame. The soup is essential to this dish. The soup features oyster and lean pork, with seasoning of various sauce and cornstarch. You can add different sauce based on your preference. The noodle is warm and rich in taste, smooth and fresh in smell.


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

苦笋炒酸菜 / Stir-fried Bitter Bamboo Shoot with Pickled Cabbage

材料:苦笋、酸菜、葱、蒜、辣椒、福建黄酒、盐、鸡精、生抽、老抽、糖、淀粉、植物油 做法:1. 将新鲜笋剥好,用刀拍几下,手撕成长条,切段,焯水备用。将腌制好的酸菜切碎。 2. 锅里放入油,葱、蒜、辣椒爆香,放酸菜炒香,再放入苦笋爆炒,加黄酒、盐、鸡精、生 抽、老抽、糖调味,大火爆炒 3 分钟,起锅勾芡,撒上葱花。 Ingredients: bitter bamboo shoot, pickled cabbage, leek, garlic, chili, Fujian yellow wine, salt, chicken essence, soy sauce, dark soy sauce, sugar, cornstarch, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Peel off the fresh bamboo shoots, slap them with the back of the knife, and then tear them into long strips and blanch them; mince the pickled cabbage. 2. Fry leek, garlic, and chili in the wok, then add in pickled cabbage and bamboo shoot strips and stir-fry them over strong fire; season it with Fujian yellow wine, salt, chicken essence, soy sauce, dark soy sauce, and sugar and fry them for another three minutes over strong fire; add cornstarch to thickened the soup and sprinkle leek before serving. 小胖点评 苦笋,又名甘笋,野生,产自福建山区无污染的生长环境,春夏采摘,其特有的粗纤维、丰富 的微量元素以及多种维生素和氨基酸,被认为是最佳的绿色食品。用酒糟泡制的酸菜是福建的三宝之 一。这道菜是闽西客家历史悠久的名菜,酸爽香浓、鲜嫩清香、入口回甘。 My comment: Bitter bamboo shoot mainly grows in unpolluted mountainous area in Fujian Province. It is generally collected in spring and summer and rich in nutrition, fiber, trace element, vitamin, and amino acid, all of which make it an eco-friendly food. The pickled cabbage saturated in local rice wine is one of “Fujian Three Delicacies”. With a long history, this dish is a famous Hakka dish in the western Fujian. It features tastes of sour and fragrant, tender and fresh, and gives you a sweet aftertaste.

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/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

福州荔枝肉 / Fuzhou Lychee Pork (with Sweet and Sour Sauce)

材料:里脊肉、鸡蛋、西红柿、黄瓜、地瓜粉、蒜、糖、盐、味精、番茄酱、白醋、白芝麻、植物 油 做法:1. 将里脊肉切成块,剞斜十字花刀,用盐、味精腌 5 分钟,放 1 个鸡蛋清、地瓜粉抓匀。将黄 瓜、西红柿切块。 2. 锅中放入油,将里脊肉依次放入油中炸至金黄色,肉卷缩成荔枝形状捞出。锅中留少许底油, 放蒜、番茄酱、白糖、醋、水,勾芡,放入黄瓜、西红柿溜炒,再放炸过的肉翻炒均匀,起锅 时撒白芝麻。 Ingredients: pork loin, egg, tomato, cucumber, sweet potato starch, garlic, sugar, salt, MSG, tomato paste, white vinegar, white sesame, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Cut the pork loin into chunks, then cut the chunks crosswise and marinate them with salt and MSG for five minutes; mix them with one egg white and sweet potato starch; cut cucumber and tomato into cubes. 2. Fry pork loin chunks in the pan till they become brown and the meat slightly curls as a lychee shape for later use; use a little leftover of oil in the pan to fry garlic, tomato sauce, sugar, vinegar, and water in it and thicken the sauce with cornstarch; add in cucumber, tomato, and pork loin respectively to fry them evenly; sprinkle white sesame before serving.

小胖点评 荔枝肉是福州等地汉族名菜,已有二三百年历史。猪里脊肉切十字花刀,深度、宽度均匀恰当, 搭配酸甜汁,其形状和味道都与荔枝相似。肉质脆嫩,酸甜爽口。 My comment: This dish is a popular dish in Fuzhou, with a history of 200-300 years. Cut the pork loin crosswise with proper width and depth, and cook it with sweet and sour sauce. Both its shape and taste are similar to lychee. The dish is crispy on the outside and tender inside, which make it very yummy.

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中国八 大 菜 系 之 一

湘 菜 湘菜即湖南菜,是中国八大菜系之一。湘菜早在汉朝就已经形成菜系。战国时 期,屈原在著名诗篇《招魂》中,就记载了当地的菜肴。西汉时期,湖南的菜肴品 种达一百多种。六朝以后,湖南的饮食文化丰富多样,明清时期发展迅速。 湖南省位于长江中游南岸,自然条件优越,气候温和,雨量充沛,土地肥沃, 物产富饶,为湘菜的发展提供了便利的条件。因湖南地区气候温和湿润,人们喜欢 吃辣椒,可以提神去湿,开胃爽口。湘菜由湘江流域、洞庭湖地区、湘西地方菜发 展而成。湘江流域以长沙、衡阳、湘潭为中心,其中以长沙为主,色、香、味、器、 质、和谐,形成湘菜的主流。洞庭湖地区菜以常德、岳阳两地为主,以烹饪海鲜、 家禽见长,油重、咸辣,常用火锅上桌。湘西地区由湘西、湘北的民族风味菜组成, 善于制作山珍野味、烟熏腊肉、腌肉,口味偏重。 湘菜的特点选料广泛,技法多样,油重色浓,多以辣椒、熏腊肉为原料,口味 咸、香、酸、辣。湘菜的代表菜:辣味合蒸、洞庭野鸭、剁椒鱼头、荷叶蒸鱼。


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

one of the Eight Cuisines in China

Xiang(Hunan) Cuisine

Xiang cuisine, also called Hunan Cuisine, is one of eight factions of Chinese Cuisines. It was formed in the Han Dynasty, and during the Warring States Period, famous Chinese poet Qu Yuan wrote in his article “Conjure Soul� about the local cuisine. In Western Han Dynasty, there were already over 100 kinds of dishes in Hunan Cuisine. After Six Dynasty, Hunan Cuisine became even more diverse and saw its rapid development in Ming and Qing Dynasty. Located in the southern bank of Changjiang River midstream, Hunan Province features excellent natural conditions, warm climate, abundant rainfall, fertile land and productive resources, which facilitate the development of Hunan Cuisine. Growing in the humid climate, people here like to eat chili, which is refreshed and appetizing. Hunan Cuisine is originated from dishes in the Xiangjiang River, Dongting Lake and the western Hunan. The Xiangjiang River area contains Changsha, Hengyang, and Xiangtan, with Changsha Cuisine as its mainstream, which is harmonious in color, fragrance, taste, decoration, and quality. Dongting Lake area, including mainly Changde and Yueyang, are famous for seafood and poultry usually served in hot pots, featuring oily, salted, and spicy tastes. Western Hunan cuisine, including dishes from western and northern Hunan, is famous for games, smoky and marinated meat, which are strong in taste. Hunan Cuisine, featuring extensive ingredients and various cooking methods, is generally heavy in oil and color. The chili and marinated pork are preferred as ingredients to make dishes that are salty, fragrant, sour, and spicy. Famous dishes in Hunan cuisine include Steamed Marinated Pork and Fish, Dongting Wild Duck, Steamed Fish Head with Green and Red Chili, and Steamed Fish in Lotus Leaves.

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·大蓉和· Da Rong He Restaurant

潇湘大地,以“芙蓉国”名扬天下;古城成都,亦以“蓉城”驰名神州。湘蜀两 地,双蓉联姻,湘菜川菜,精华融合,以“大蓉和”冠名。大蓉和,融合菜系的首倡 者,新派湘菜领航,创新川菜,从传统餐饮文化中博采众长,广取精华,创新出“形 如淮阳,味在川,色及苏杭,精其粤,地道湘风又似川”的新派融合菜。大蓉和是著 名餐饮连锁品牌,落户深圳蛇口海上世界,成为深圳的第一家分店,占地面积 3000 平 方米,窗外可观海景。 龙军明 特一级厨师、行政总厨、 全国第十三届厨师节热菜比赛中获得个人金奖 Hunan Province is famous worldwide as the “City of Hibiscus,” and the ancient Chengdu has a similar nickname. The combination of the essence of Hunan and Sichuan Cuisine makes Da Rong He Restaurant. The restaurant advocates the mixture of elements from different cuisines. That is, it learns the advantages in all traditional culinary factions and creates its own style—shape likes Huaiyang Cuisine, taste like Sichuan Cuisine, look like Suhang Cuisine, and as delicate as Guangdong Cuisine—. Da Rong He Restaurant, as one of the famous chain restaurants, is firstly located in the Shenzhen Sea World in Shekou, covering an area of over 3000 square meters with an oceanic view. Long Junming: Master Chef, Executive Chef, Gold Medal of the “Thirteenth National Main Dishes Competition”


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

攸县香干 / You County Dried Tofu

材料:攸县香干、五花肉、大葱、姜末、蒜末、小米椒、酱油、盐、味精、植物油 做法:1. 五花肉切片,香干切成两半。 2. 锅中放入油,将五花肉片煸出香味,加湖南小米椒炒香,放生姜、大蒜一起炒,再放香干 炒均匀,加酱油、盐、味精调味,起锅前放入葱片翻炒收汁。 Ingredients: You County dried tofus, streaky pork, leek, ginger, garlic, red chili, soy sauce, salt, MSG, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Slice the streaky pork and cut each dried tofu in half. 2. Fry streaky pork slices in the pan, along with red chili, ginger, garlic, and dried tofu; season them with soy sauce, salt, and MSG; sprinkle leek before serving.

小胖点评 攸县香干是湖南的特色家常小炒。攸县,是湖南株洲的一个县,地处优越的环境,水质好,才能 做出最好的香干。五花肉与辣椒、香干一起炒,肉香浓郁,香干入味,咸辣,是一道美味的下饭菜。 My comment: You County Dried Tofu is an special household dish in Hunan. Located in Zhuzhou, You County, due to its excellent geography and high-quality water, is famous for the dried tofu. The streaky pork absorbs the fragrance when stir-frying with red chili and dried tofu. It tastes spicy and salty, and it is tempting to eat with rice.

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/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

鸿运当头(酱椒蒸鱼头) Lucky at the Head (Steamed Fish Head with Green and Red Chili)

材料:新鲜大头鱼鱼头 1 个、湖南酱椒、湖南黄贡椒、海南大红袍辣椒、小米椒、盐、料酒 、味 精、葱、姜、猪油、酱油 做法:1. 鱼头清洗干净,切成两半,鱼头和背相连;葱、姜榨汁过滤,汁中加少许盐、味精、料 酒,将鱼头在汁中浸泡 20 分钟;鱼头在热猪油里烫一下,猪油冷却后挂在鱼头上,将鱼头 摆放在盘子里。 2. 将湖南酱椒、湖南黄贡椒、海南大红袍辣椒、小米椒四种辣椒分别炒制融合成一种味道并摆盘。 在鱼头上依次放酱椒、黄贡椒、小米椒、海南大红袍辣椒,一层层摆成一个圆形。将调制的汁 (盐、料酒、味精、酱油)淋在鱼身上,水煮沸后入锅蒸 25 分钟。出锅后撒葱花,淋热油。 Ingredients: head of a fresh big-head fish, Hunan salty chili, Hunan yellow chili, Hainan red chili, red chili, salt, cooking wine, MSG, leek, ginger, lard, soy sauce Procedure: 1. Clean the fish head and cut it in half, with its head and back connecting together; drain the juice of ginger and leek in a colander and then filter; season the juice with salt, MSG, and cooking wine, and then use it to marinate the fish head for 20 minutes; fry fish head in hot lard and set it aside; when the lard cools down, put fish head on the plate. 2. Stir-fry Hunan salty chili, Hunan yellow chili, Hainan red chili, and red chili together, and then place them on top of the fish head in a round shape; make sauce with salt, cooking wine, MSG, and soy sauce and pour it on the fish head; steam the fish over boiling water for 25 minutes; sprinkle leek and pour heated oil on the fish head. 小胖点评 玫红色寓意着红火吉祥,鸿运当头。在传统的剁椒鱼头制作方法上加以创新,将鱼头在葱姜榨 的汁中加盐、料酒浸泡去腥;将鱼头在热猪油中烫一下,猪油冷却后锁住了鱼头的水分;一层层带有 秘制酱汁的辣椒盖在鱼头上,似一个红灯笼。酱椒和鲜咸浓辣的汤汁是这道菜的灵魂,软滑鲜嫩的鱼 肉,浸满汤汁、咸辣浓重的辣椒,再配上几碗米饭,那可是大饱口福了。 My comment: The color of red chili in this dish means to bring good fortune to the ones who enjoy it. The dish is creative, based on the traditional way of cooking fish head with shattered peppers and chili: first, marinate the fish head in the salted and alcoholic leek and ginger juice to remove the fishy odor; then dip fish head in the heated lard to preserve its water. The key step is to stir-fry different kinds of red chili and lay them on the fish head, which make it look like a red lantern. Chili and the spicy sauce are the marrow of this dish. Try dipping a piece of tender fish in the sauce and eat it with rice. What a delicacy it is!

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· 小 眼 睛 看 美 食 · 中餐篇


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

飘香鸡翅 / Chicken Winglets with Sticky Rice 材料:鸡翅、江西糯米、葱花、辣椒粒、11 种调料拌制的酱 (酱油、料酒、糖、花生酱、盐、芝麻酱、五香粉等) 做法:1. 将糯米用热水泡 2 小时,用水冲洗。鸡中翅两端砍 掉,整理形状,用 11 种调料拌制的酱汁腌制 1 晚。 2. 手上铺满糯米,放鸡翅,再盖一层糯米,用手心挤 压成型,摆入盘中。放入锅中蒸 15 分钟,出锅时撒葱 花和辣椒粒。 Ingredients: chicken winglets, Jiangxi sticky rice, leek, chili, special sauce made from 11 ingredients (with soy sauce, cooking wine, sugar, peanut butter, salt, sesame sauce and five-spice powder, etc.) Procedure: 1. Soak sticky rice in hot water for two hours and then rinse it with cold water; cut the two ends of the chicken winglets and then marinate them using sauce made from 11 ingredients for one night. 2. Put the marinated chicken winglets between two layers of sticky rice and press them with your palms; put them on the plate and steam for 15 minutes in the wok; sprinkle leek and chili before serving.

小胖点评 11 种调料拌制的酱是这道菜的秘籍,鸡翅腌制入味。出锅时,空气中弥漫着浓郁的糯米香和鸡 肉的味道。糯米晶莹透明,软糯香甜,鸡翅很嫩,咸香,轻轻一咬可脱骨。多种味道在水蒸气的作用 下,融合出更多的的惊喜。 My comment: The secret ingredient of the dish is the sauce made from 11 ingredients, which is then used to marinate chicken winglets. When finished, the air is filled with the fragrance of sticky rice and chicken. The rice is crystal and sticky, and the chicken winglets are tender, with its meat easily torn off the bones. The mixture of different flavors under steaming will surely surprise you.

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/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

邵阳大片牛肉 / Shaoyang Sliced Beef 材料:卤制好的牛腱子肉、水晶薯粉、湖南辣妹子、剁椒、 干红椒、葱花、生姜、大蒜、辣鲜露、盐、生抽、老 抽、蚝油、味精、植物油 做法:1. 牛腱子肉切片,水晶薯粉用水浸泡 4 小时。 2. 干辣椒放入油中爆香,将生姜、大蒜煸香,加少许 高汤,放水晶薯粉,加入辣妹子、剁椒、盐、味精、 生抽、老抽、蚝油、辣鲜露调味。 3. 先捞出薯粉放入盘中。锅中放牛肉片在汤汁中烧滚后, 撒点葱花,将牛肉片和汤汁浇在薯粉上。 Ingredients: marinated beef shanks, potato vermicelli, Hunan chili, green pepper, dried red pepper, leek, ginger, garlic, spicy seasoning sauce, salt, soy sauce, dark soy sauce, oyster sauce, MSG, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Slice marinated beef shanks; soak the potato vermicelli in water for four hours. 2. Stir-fry dried chili, ginger, and garlic, along with some stock, and then add in potato vermicelli; season it with Hunan chili, green pepper, salt, MSG, soy sauce, dark soy sauce, oyster sauce, and spicy seasoning sauce. 3. Drain potato vermicelli in a colander; put beef shank in the boiling sauce and sprinkle leek; pour the sliced beef and sauce on the potato vermicelli before serving.

小胖点评 这是湖南邵阳地区的一道名菜。软滑的薯粉和肉质紧实的牛腱子肉吸满了辣椒融合的汤汁,油 重、香辣,充分刺激我的味蕾。辣得过瘾,非常好吃的一道菜。 My comment: This is a famous dish in Shaoyang, Hunan Province. The smooth noodle and tight beef shank fully absorb the spicy sauce. It is oily and spicy, which arouses the appetite. I really like the spiciness, and it is very delicious.

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年轻的店主 Young Owner of the Restaurant

听大厨介绍,深圳大蓉和餐厅的掌门人是一位从美国留学回来的姐姐。因我去加拿大读书 走得匆忙,没有约上时间与她见面,我的采访是通过微信完成的。 李星姐姐,年轻而漂亮的 80 后。她的父亲是大蓉和的创始人,1999 年开创了成都第一家 店,目前在全国已有 41 家分店。2010 年她在加拿大多伦多上大学,2013 年来到美国旧金山学 习和工作,她把自己的家也安在了美国。 随着大蓉和的发展壮大,爸爸希望她回国,爸爸妈妈也非常想念她。就这样,她结束了 10 年的海外漂泊,回到爸爸妈妈身边,投入到大蓉和的怀抱。在近 4 年半的时间里,她努力地完 善自己。她说: “做餐饮要有热情,先要喜欢才能做好。” 2013 年 11 月,她与公司的董事长和厨师来到深圳海上世界考察场地。站在餐厅的露台, 可以看到轮船和大海,看到太阳的升起和日落。她说: “我喜欢这个年轻而有活力的城市,对公 司未来的发展充满期待。” 深圳大蓉和餐厅结合湖南、四川、江西菜的特点,从店面的装修到经营理念年轻而时尚, 在菜的出品上突出融合的元素,让食客慕名而来,满意而归。她希望从海上世界出发,让大蓉 和走进深圳更多的地方。 若干年后,我希望自己如李星姐姐一样,可以拥有自己的美食餐厅。餐厅也许很小,或是 很大,但它一定是我喜欢的,与众不同的餐饮品牌。我盼望着那一天的到来!


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

The chef told me that Da Rong He Restaurant was owned by a young lady who just finished her study in America. Since I needed to go back to Canada, I’ve never got a chance to meet her face-to-face, and most of my interview was done through Wechat. Her name is Li Xing, a young, pretty lady in her 30s. The founder of Da Rong He Restaurant is her father, who opened the first restaurant in Chengdu in 1999. There are already 41 restaurants in China now. She went to study in Toronto in 2010 and later worked in San Francisco in 2013 and finally settled there. With the rapid development of Da Rong He Restaurant, Li Xing’s parents missed her very much and asked her to come back. Just like that, she ended her 10 years’ experience abroad and devoted herself to managing the restaurant. During her four and a half years here, she tried to improve herself. “to manage a culinary business, you need to have passion first.” She once said. In November, 2013, she came to inspect Da Rong He Restaurant chain store in Shenzhen Sea World with the president of the company and chefs. Standing at the balcony, you can see the view of boat, sea, sunrise, and sunset. “I really like this young and lively city, and I am confident about the development of her company in the future.” She said. Da Rong He Restaurant in Shenzhen combines the characteristics of Hunan, Sichuan and Jiangxi Cuisine. Everything here is young and modern, from decoration to business concept. The dishes here accentuate the combination of elements and try to cater for the customers’ needs. She hopes that Da Rong He Restaurant can expand to other areas in Shenzhen after the first stop in the Sea World. I wish to have my own restaurant after several years, just like Li Xing. The restaurant can be either small or large, but it must be the one I like because of its distinction. I hope that day will come soon!

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·小贝壳· The Little Shell Restaurant

深圳小贝壳餐厅是一家著名的湖北菜馆,以优质菜品、贴心服务及时尚优雅的装 修风格得到广大食客的肯定。每天客流量大,经常要排队等位。连续两年代表深圳地 区参加香港食神争霸赛,得到香港资深星级评审团的特别褒奖;被深圳电视台、深圳 美食协会、中国烹饪协会、深圳市烹饪协会评为 2013 年度最佳人气餐厅、十佳概念餐 饮名店、最佳格调餐饮名店。 湖北菜称为鄂菜,古称楚菜、荆菜。屈原在《楚辞》中记载,鄂菜起源于春秋战 国时期,经汉魏唐宋渐进发展,成熟于明清时期,是我国传统菜系之一。湖北位于我 国长江中游,洞庭湖以北,是全国淡水湖泊最集中的省份之一,素称“千湖之省”。四 季分明,气候温和,雨量充沛,物产富饶。湖北菜的特点是汁浓、芡稠、口重、味纯, 烹法为蒸、煨、烧、炸、炒,以烹制淡水鱼鲜技艺见长,以“味”为本,讲求鲜、嫩、 柔、滑、爽,原汁原味,刀工精细,讲究火功,精于配色、造形和煨汤技术。 骆训江 中级厨师


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

The Little Shell Restaurant is a well-known restaurant serving Hubei Cuisine. The restaurant gains praise for its high-quality dishes, thoughtful service, and modern decoration. The restaurant is so popular that people often need to line up for diner. Their chefs, as representatives from Shenzhen, competed in the “Hong Kong God of Cookery” for two years and won special award from Hong Kong senior gastronomes. It is awarded as one of the Most Popular Restaurants in 2013, Top Ten Pioneer Restaurants, and one of the Most High-class Restaurants by Shenzhen TV, Shenzhen Gastronomy Association, China Culinary Association, and Shenzhen Culinary Association. Hubei Cuisine, or Er cuisine, is called Chu Cuisine or Jing Cuisine in ancient China. The famous Chinese poet Qu Yuan once wrote in his book The Songs of Chu that Hubei Cuisine dated back to the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, saw its gradual development through Han, Wei, Tang, and Song Dynasties, and became mature in Ming and Qing Dynasties as one of China’s traditional cuisines. Located in the upstream of Changjiang River and to the north of Dongting Lake, Hubei Province has the most freshwater lakes in China , earning its name as “the Province of A Thousand Lakes”. The four seasons here are quite distinctive, featuring a mild climate, abundant rainfall, and rich productions. Hubei Cuisine is characterized by thick, smooth, heavy and pure taste, and its cooking methods include steaming, stewing, braising, frying and pan-frying. The chefs are adept at making freshwater fish and aims to make fresh, tender, soft, smooth and original food under sophisticated cutting and soup making skills, strict management of fire, and creative combination of color.

Chef Luo Xunjiang, Head Chef

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恩施土猪肉 / Enshi Local Pork

材料:恩施土猪肉、贝壳饼、辣椒、葱、姜、蒜、盐、鸡精、生抽、老抽、蚝油、糖、面粉、生 粉、植物油、大料、香叶 做法:1. 带皮五花肉去毛,洗净,切厚片备用。 2. 锅中放入油,放猪肉煸炒,去掉部分油,加生抽、大料、香叶、葱、姜、盐、老抽、蚝油、 水、糖小火焖 15―20 分钟,捞出猪肉,留少许原汁。 3. 锅中放入油,加葱段、姜、蒜、辣椒爆香,放猪肉大火翻炒,加入原汁,勾芡,收汁。配自 制的小贝壳白饼。 Ingredients: Enshi local pork, shell-shape bread, chili, leek, ginger, garlic, salt, chicken essence, soy sauce, dark soy sauce, oyster sauce, sugar, flour, cornstarch, vegetable oil, star anise, myrcia Procedure: 1. Remove the hair of pork and rinse it under hot water; cut the pork into thick slices. 2. stir-fry pork in the wok, then remove some of the oil and add in soy sauce, spice, myrcia, leek, ginger, garlic, salt, dark soy sauce, oyster sauce, water and sugar to stew over gentle fire for 15-20 minutes; take out the pork , with a little sauce left. 3. Fry leek, ginger, garlic, and chili, and then add in pork to sauté over strong fire; add cornstarch and thicken the sauce; eat it with the shell-shaped white bread. 小胖点评 这道菜选用湖北优质恩施土猪肉,搭配辣椒和香料炖煮而成。小贝壳白饼夹上猪肉和浓稠的酱汁 吃,猪肉咸香浓郁,咸辣醇香,贝壳饼有淡淡的甜味,味道美极了。 My comment: The main ingredient of this dish is high-quality Enshi local pork from Hubei, which is braised with chili and spice. Wrap the pork and sauce between a shell-shaped bread, you can enjoy both the saltiness of pork and sweetness of shellshape breads. It is very delicious.


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

干煎大白刁鱼 / Pan-seared Cutler Fish 材料:大白刁鱼 1 条、洋葱、蒜薹、红椒、葱、姜、蒜、花椒、盐、花雕酒、醋、糖、生抽、蚝油、 老抽、五香粉、孜然粉、白芝麻、老干妈辣椒酱、植物油 做法:1. 将鱼洗净、开背,加入盐、花椒、姜、花雕酒涂抹均匀,腌制 1 天,放入冰箱保鲜。洋葱 切丝、蒜薹切段、红椒切片。将腌好的鱼用冷水冲洗,沥干。 2. 锅里放入油烧热,将鱼两面煎至七成熟,呈焦黄色,捞出。锅中放入姜、葱、蒜、花椒、 辣椒爆香,加少许料酒,放入煎好的鱼,放入少许水,加老干妈辣椒酱、醋、盐、糖、酱 油、蚝油、老抽调味,大火收汁 3―5 分钟,晃动锅底防煳色。 3. 平底锅烧热后放洋葱丝炒,再放烧好的大白刁鱼,将蒜薹和红椒略炒后撒在上面,最后撒 孜然粉和白芝麻。 Ingredients: one Baidiao cutler fish, onion, garlic sprout, red pepper, leek, ginger, garlic, Sichuan pepper, salt, Huadiao wine, vinegar, sugar, soy sauce, oyster sauce, dark soy sauce, five-spice powder, cumin powder, white sesame, Laoganma chili paste, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Clean the fish and cut open the back, through which put in salt, Sichuan pepper, ginger, and Huadiao wine; wipe them even and marinate for one day (in the fridge); cut onion into shreds, garlic sprout into chunks, and red pepper into slices; Rinse the marinated fish with cold water and then dry it . 2. Pan-sear the fish over strong fire until both sides turn brown, and then take it out; Stir-fry ginger, leek, garlic, Sichuan pepper and red chili, along with a little cooking wine; put in fried fish, along with a little water, Laoganma chili paste, vinegar, oyster sauce, soy sauce, and dark soy sauce, and braise them over strong fire for 3-5 minutes; slightly shake the wok in case the fish gets over-burned. 3. Heat the pan to fry union shreds and then add in the fish, on top of which put garlic sprouts and red pepper; sprinkle with cumin powder and white sesame before serving.

小胖点评 湖北的大白刁鱼,体形细长,肉质细嫩鲜美,湖北人常用干烧或干煎鱼来招待贵宾。鱼腌制入 味,用油煎得干香,外酥里嫩。搭配洋葱、辣椒、蒜薹,去腥增加鱼的鲜味。 My comment: Hubei Baidiao cutler fish is slim, tender, and tasty. People in Hubei usually entertain guests with braised or panseared fish. Marinate the fish and then pan-sear it to make it crispy on the outside and tender inside. The onion, pepper, and garlic sprout can remove its fishy odor.

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酱焖洪湖野鸭 / Braised Hong Lake Wild Duck with Soy

材料:洪湖野鸭 1 只、武汉莲藕、葱、姜、蒜、生抽、老抽、八角、香叶、芝麻油、淀粉、辣椒油、 高汤、植物油 做法:1. 野鸭去毛洗净、斩块;莲藕去皮,切成片后泡入水中;将藕片在水中煮至八成熟。 2. 锅中放入油,将鸭肉煸炒变色后放葱、姜翻炒,加生抽、老抽、八角、香叶调味。放入干 辣椒炒匀,加入高汤焖制 30 分钟,再放莲藕炖煮,大火收汁,淋少许芝麻油、辣椒油出锅。 Ingredients: one Hong Lake wild duck, Wuhan lotus roots, leek, ginger, garlic, soy sauce, dark soy sauce, star anise, myrcia, sesame oil, cornstarch, red chili, red chili oil, stock, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Unhair and clean the duck, and then cut it into pieces; unskin the lotus roots, and cut them into slices and soak them in water; boil the lotus root slices till almost done. 2. stir-fry the duck pieces in the wok till color changes, and then add in leek, ginger, soy sauce, dark soy sauce, star anise, and myrcia for seasoning; add in read chili and fry them even, and then add in stock and braise them for 30 minutes; add in lotus root slices and thicken the sauce over strong fire; sprinkle sesame oil and red chili oil before serving. 小胖点评 湖北洪湖野鸭,小巧而肉质紧实,搭配武汉新鲜莲藕酱焖烹制。鸭肉咸香、滋润,微辣,藕片爽 脆。选用湖北当地的食材,原汁原味的呈现出湖北菜咸、辣、香的特点。 My comment: The famous Hong Lake wild duck is small, but its meat has a firm taste, when cook it with fresh Wuhan lotus root. The braised duck pieces are tasty, salty, and spicy; the lotus root slices are crispy. The ingredients are all from Hubei, which fully represents the saltiness, spiciness, and fragrance of Hubei Cuisine.


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

手打鱼丸鱼头汤锅 / Fish balls and Fish Head Soup

材料:新鲜鱼头、手打鱼丸、番茄片、萝卜片、蛋清、白酒、姜、盐、胡椒粉、高汤 、植物油 做法:1. 将鱼头洗净;用鱼尾肉加入蛋清手工打制成鱼丸;萝卜、番茄切片。 2. 将鱼头煎至稍微变色,烹入白酒,加入姜片,放入足量的用鱼骨熬制的高汤,大火煮 2―3 分钟后加入萝卜片煮 1 分钟至软烂。 3. 转小火,在滚水处放入鱼丸滚熟,撒少许盐和胡椒粉调味,放番茄片煮片刻即可出锅。 Ingredients: fresh fish head, hand-made fish balls, sliced tomato, sliced radish, egg white, Chinese white wine, ginger, salt, pepper, stock, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Clean the fish head; make the fish balls by hitting the mixture of the fish tail and egg white until it becomes creamy; cut radish and tomato into slices. 2. Pan-sear fish head until its color change slightly, and then add in Chinese white wine, ginger, stock and braise them for 2-3 minutes; then add in sliced radish and braise for another one minute until they become soft. 3. Turn to gentle fire and add fish balls in the boiling spot; sprinkle a little salt and pepper and then put in sliced tomato. 小胖点评 新鲜的食材是这道菜好吃的基础。手工制作的鱼丸晶莹剔透,Q 弹爽口。鱼骨长时间熬煮的高汤, 汁白而浓稠,加入姜片、萝卜片、番茄片、胡椒粉后调味、去腥,使汤汁更加鲜美,营养健康。 My comment: Fresh ingredients are basic to this dish. The hand-made fish balls are crystal and al dente. The stock made from long time braising of the fish bone is white and thick. Sliced ginger, sliced radish, sliced tomato, and pepper are used for seasoning and to remove the fishy odor, which make the stock fresher and more nutritious.

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· 小 眼 睛 看 美 食 · 中餐篇

·西贝莜面村· Xibei Oat Noodle Village Restaurant

西贝餐饮创立于 1988 年 5 月。创始人贾国龙先生经过多年的努力,从一个“黄 土坡小吃店”发展成为全国 13 个城市 80 多家分店、从业人员达 12000 人的中国知名 餐饮企业。27 年来,西贝的大厨们跋山涉水,走遍大西北的山野乡村、大漠草原,努 力寻找天然食材,挖掘、创新民间传统做菜工艺,只为让食客吃到最地道的西北乡野 美味。草原的牛羊肉,乡野的五谷杂粮,不添加鸡精、味精、香精,保证了食材的本 色、本味。西贝在选择食材、加工、配料、烹饪等方面注重细节,严格执行烹饪方法 和调配比例,管理到位、服务周到,给我留下了深刻的印象。 西北菜,指我国西北地区的菜系,包括陕西、甘肃、宁夏、青海、新疆、内蒙 古等地方风味,以陕西菜、甘肃菜为代表。春秋战国时期,陕西为秦国治地,简称 “秦”,甘肃省大都在陇山之西,简称“陇”。秦陇风味以牛羊肉为主,多用香菜、干 辣椒、陈醋、花椒做配料,以烧、蒸、煨、炒、氽、炝为主。清氽菜,汤清见底,温 拌菜,蒜香扑鼻,乡土气息浓厚。 李凯祥 中餐烹调技师


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

Founded by Jia Guolong in May, 1988, Oat Noodle Village Company, after years’ effort develops from a small store in a remote village of Guizhou to a famous national culinary enterprise, with 80 chain stores in 13 cities and over 12000 employers. For past 27 years, the chefs in Xibei have traveled to the villages, towns, and even deserts in Northwest China, looking for natural ingredients and learning and improving the techniques of making traditional cuisine. All efforts are made to offer authentic delicacies from Northwest China to its customers. Beef and mutton from the prairie and grains and crops from the countryside are all cooked without adding chicken essence or MSG. Xibei pays special attention to selection and process of ingredients, the combination of seasonings, and the strict obedience to cooking methods; the effective management and the high-class service leave me a great impression. Northwest Cuisine is comprised of dishes in the northwest China, including Shaanxi, Gansu, Ningxia, Qinghai, Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia Province, with Shaanxi and Gansu Cuisine as representatives. During Spring and Autumn Periods, Shaanxi Province was called “Qin” as it was dominated by Qin Kingdom, and Gansu was called “Long” since it was located in the west of Longshan Mountain. The Qin and Long cuisine features ingredients like beef and mutton and cooking methods like braising, steaming, stewing, pan-frying, blanching or stir-frying with cilantro, dried chili, vinegar, and Sichuan pepper. The soup of Blanch Vegetables is crystal-clear, and the vegetable mixed with sauce smells with garlic.

Li Kaixiang: Cooking Chef

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· 小 眼 睛 看 美 食 · 中餐篇

手把肉 / Mongolian Style Braised Lamb

材料:内蒙羊腿、羊排、大葱段、姜、花椒、盐、茴香少许、米汤 做法:1. 将羊肉冷水下锅,水煮沸后去掉表面一层沫子;煮熟羊肉,过滤原汤。 2. 高压锅内放入羊肉,倒入原汤,加水和大米汤(5:1 比例),放入葱、姜、花椒、茴香,高 压锅压制 20―25 分钟,最后放盐调味。 Ingredients: legs and ribs of lamb from Inner Mongolia, leek, ginger, Sichuan pepper, salt, dill, rice soup Procedure: 1. Put lamb in cold water and when water boils, remove the dross on the surface; fully cook the lamb and filter the broth. 2. Put lamb and broth in high pressure cooker, along with water and rice soup( the proportion of water and rice water is 5:1); add in leek, ginger, Sichuan pepper, and dill, and cook for 20-25 minutes; add salt before serving.

小胖点评 手把肉原是牧民的路菜,放牧、旅行时携带方便,简单美味。选自内蒙古草原上放牧的羊,好 食材用简单的方法烹饪,保证食材的原汁原味,这就是西贝的宗旨。羊宰杀后吊起来,在 0―4℃冷 藏存放 12―24 小时,肉经排酸后,口感好,汤色清。在汤中加入了米汤,让大米和羊肉的本味融 合在一起,肉香味浓,肉质嫩滑,汤色清亮。要注意的是,最后放盐调味,不然肉会变紧。手把肉 蘸着醋蒜汁吃,味道更美。 My comment: Mongolian Style Braised Lamb is an portable and dainty dish, which is usually made when herdsmen go out to herd or travel. The lamb comes from Inner Mongolian prairie, and Xibei aims to select and cook the best ingredients in the simplest way to preserve its original flavor. After being killed, the lamb is stored at 0-4°C for 12-24 hours to digest its acidity, which brings out its excellent taste and clear soup. The fragrance of rice soup, when added in the broth, matches perfectly with The scent of lamb. the lamb features sweet strong aroma, tender taste, and crystal soup. The salt should be added in the last step to avoid the meat becoming too chewy. This dish is better enjoyed with vinegar and garlic sauce.


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

西贝大拌菜 / Xibei Salad

材料:罗马生菜、新西兰菠菜、红菊苣、圆生菜、金皮葫芦、白洋葱、红彩椒、花生米、蒜水、橄 榄油、老陈醋、糖、酱油 做法:1. 蔬菜在洗菜机里洗净、消毒,甩干脱水备用;盆中放入糖、酱油、老陈醋、盐、蒜水、橄 榄油,搅拌均匀。 2. 将蔬菜倒入盆中,加入花生米、洋葱、红彩椒轻轻翻匀,放入玻璃盆中摆盘。 Ingredients: Roman lettuce, New Zealand spinach, radicchio, cabbage, zucchini, white onion, red bell pepper, peanuts, garlic water, olive oil, vinegar, sugar, soy sauce Procedure: 1. Wash and disinfect vegetables and dry them for later use; add sugar, soy sauce, vinegar, salt, garlic water, olive oil and mix them evenly. 2. Put vegetable in a bowl, along with peanuts, onion, red bell pepper and gently mix them evenly; put them in a glass bowl before serving.

小胖点评 一道简单的凉拌菜给我带来很多惊喜,有“姹紫嫣红开遍”的感觉。蔬菜新鲜,颜色丰富,甩 干脱水后容易吸收调料汁的味道;冰箱冷藏,口感好;精准的调制拌汁,保证菜的品质;用玻璃盆 摆盘,突出蔬菜的质感。小食物大学问,能从多个细节考虑,注重视觉、味觉的变化。 My comment: This simple dish surprises me a lot because of its diverse color and excellent taste. Vegetables are fresh and colorful, and they must be drained after washing to fully absorb the sauce. Store vegetables in the fridge to keep the best taste. The proportion of seasoning needs to be precise to maintain the quality of the dish. The salad is served in a glass bowl to make it eye-pleasing. The making process of this dish looks simple, but there are so many details to mind. For example, the dish should be pleasing to the eyes as well as the taste.

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/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

胡麻油炒鸡蛋 / Stir-fried Eggs with Flaxseed Oil

材料:鸡蛋 7 个、大葱、盐、胡麻油 做法:1. 将鸡蛋打散,放入葱花、盐,顺时针搅拌均匀。 2. 不粘锅烧热,放入胡麻油,油热后倒入蛋液,轻轻晃动锅使鸡蛋滑匀,煎到一面金黄后再 翻动,煎成一个鸡蛋饼。 Ingredients: seven eggs, scallion, salt, flaxseed oil Procedure: 1. Stir eggs clockwise, along with scallion shreds and salt. 2. Heat flaxseed oil in the pan and pour the stirred egg; slightly tilt the pan to evenly spread out the egg; flip it until both sides are brown to make omelette.

小胖点评 胡麻油含有蛋白质、芝麻素、维生素 E、卵磷脂、蔗糖等营养成分,芳香浓郁,油质清澈,是 一种高级食用油。这道菜是我在西贝的小厨房炒出来的。炒鸡蛋的技巧,顺时针搅拌蛋液,热锅冷 油,油烧至六成热后倒入鸡蛋,晃动锅滑匀鸡蛋,炒制成型出锅。鸡蛋松软、咸香,营养丰富。 My comment: Flaxseed oil is rich in protein, sesame, vitamin E, lecithin, and sucrose. It features strong aroma and clear content, which make it a high-class edible oil. I made this dish under the chef’s instruction in Xibei’s kitchen. The secret of frying eggs is to first stir it clockwise; then preheat the pan and pour oil in it; when the oil is heated, pour the egg and slightly tilt the pan to make an omelette. It is soft, salty, fragrant, and nutritious.

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/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

羊肉莜面鱼 / Mutton and Oat Noodle Soup 材料:莜面、羊肉、土豆丁、大葱、姜末、花椒粉、羊尾油、 干姜粉、厨邦酱油、宽印酱油、胡麻油 做法:1. 莜面做法:将莜麦炒熟、磨成粉;110 度矿泉水烫熟 莜面,搅拌,揉面,盖上保鲜膜,静置;用手捏一点面, 用手心沿一个方向一搓就做好一个面鱼,中间厚两头尖; 将莜面鱼上锅蒸 3 分钟。 2. 馅料做法:将羊肉切成丝,按 4 斤肉、1 斤羊尾油的 比例,放入葱花、姜末、花椒粉、干姜粉、厨邦酱油、 宽印酱油、胡麻油腌制 20 分钟。矿泉水在锅中煮沸,往 水花处放入羊肉丝,大火煮 10 分钟。去除肥油沫子,加 盐、酱油调味、上色。 3. 放土豆丁小火熬制 20 分钟,放入蒸好的莜面鱼,水煮 沸后煮 2 分半钟,撒葱花,数 7 秒钟出锅。将面鱼和汤 汁一起盛入碗中。 Ingredients: oat noodle, mutton, potato dices, scallion, ginger, Sichuan pepper powder, lamb oil, ginger powder, Chubang soy sauce, Kuanyin soy sauce, flaxseed oil Procedure: 1. Make the oat noodle: stir-fry oat and grind it into flour; pour boiling mineral water(at 110 degree) into the flour and knead; then cover the flour with plastic wrap and set it aside; knead a small piece of the flour and roll it into a fish shape with your palms; steam them over strong fire for three minutes. 2. Make the stuffing: cut mutton into shreds and mix them with lamb oil with proportion of 4:1, along with scallion shreds, ginger, Sichuan pepper powder, ginger powder, soy sauce and flaxseed oil; marinate them for 20 minutes; boil the mineral water and add in the mutton shreds over strong fire for 10 minutes; remove the oil on top of the soup and season the soup with soy sauce and salt. 3. Add in potato dices and switch to gentle fire for 20 minute and then add in the oat noodles. When water boils, cook them for another two and a half minutes; add scallion and cook for another seven seconds before serving.

小胖点评 莜麦是高原上的一种植物,又称燕麦,含有钙、铁、锌、磷等多种微量元素,可以降低胆固醇、 降血糖、减肥、改善血液循环,对人体的健康有很大益处。注重烹饪中的每个细节,精准的时间和火 候,让莜面鱼软滑细腻,土豆软烂,汤汁浓稠、鲜美,咸淡适中。这是一道来西贝莜面村用餐的客人 必点的菜。 My comment: Oat, planted in the plateau in China, contains calcium, iron, zinc, phosphate and other trace elements, which are beneficial to our health: it can reduce cholesterol, lower blood sugar level, keep fit and improve blood circulation. Every detail during cooking needs to be concerned: precise timing and proper fire makes oat noodles smooth and tender, the potato soft. and the soup thick and fresh, with proper saltiness. This is a must-have dish for customers who come to Xibei Oat Noodle Village.

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张爷爷空心挂面 / Grandpa Zhang’s Hollow Noodles

在《舌尖上的中国 2》中,张世新爷爷的空心挂面让我记忆深刻。 这是一个发生在黄土高坡的故事:秋收过后,正是制作挂面的好日子,张爷爷做挂面几十年 了。做空心面的过程十分复杂,要经过多次发酵、晾晒、拉伸,使得面充分发酵,从而有许多小气 孔使面条更好地吸收汤汁和酱料。 2014 年 7 月 2 日,西贝莜面村正式签约张爷爷手工空心挂面。我们在深圳,就能吃到正宗的 酸汤挂面了,还可以现场制作挂面。面条劲道,略带咸味,面条在沸水中煮 2 分半钟,过冷水,以 西贝自制的番茄酸汤(发酵的番茄酱、鸡汤、鸡油、酱油、醋调制)为汤底,加入香菜、葱花和荷 包蛋,一碗酸汤挂面就完成了。 In the culinary documentary A Bite of China: Season 2, Grandpa Zhang Shixin’s hollow noodles left me a deep impression. This is a story happening on the Loess Plateau, where the best season to make noodles is after harvest. Grandpa has made noodles for decades. The process of making noodles is very complicated: the dough must be fully fermented, dried, and pulled several times to create numerous tiny holes so the noodles can better absorb the soup and sauce. On July 2nd, 2014, Xibei Oat Noodle Village signed a contract with Grandpa Zhang and officially introduced his handmade hollow noodles in the restaurant. Therefore, in Shenzhen, we can have the authentic noodles with sour soup and make them on the spot. The noodles are al dente and slightly salty. Noodles are usually put in boiling water for two minutes and then drained with cold water. After that, the homemade tomato sauce soup (made from fermented tomato paste, chicken stock, chicken fat, soy sauce, and vinegar) is added, along with cilantro, scallion and poached egg, and a dish of hollow noodles is done!


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

朴实的店长 Genuine Store Manager

一个夏日的午后,我来到西贝香蜜湖店。恰巧蒋店长不在,我问到了他的电话,马上打电 话与他说明我想来餐厅采访的想法,并约定了见面的时间。初见蒋店长,他中等身材,很年轻, 我称他为哥哥。他热情地接待了我,并介绍研发部门的李厨师做全程讲解。再次约定了采访时 间,终于完成了这次采访任务,我们也成为了朋友。 蒋店长高中毕业后来到深圳西贝八卦岭店做服务员,工作了一年多时间,做了两年的采购 和一年半的后勤,又做了一年半的行政工作。六年的时间,他踏实工作,有责任心,得到了老 板的赏识,成为西贝香蜜湖店的店长。他说:我的文化水平不高,企业给了我很多学习的机会, 让我慢慢成长起来,我很珍惜这份工作,也很热爱这份工作。 One summer afternoon, I came to Xibei in Xiangmihu Road, but their manager, Jiang, was not there, so I made an appointment with him by phone and expressed my intention. he was very young with an average height. He gave me a warm welcome and asked Chef Li from the Department of Research and Development to give me a complete introduction. After finishing the interview, we shook for another time to meet, and we become best friends. After graduating from high school, manager Jiang came to Xibei in Bagualing Road, working as a waiter for one year, and then he became the buyer for another two years and the logistic staff for one and a half years. Later, he worked as administrator for one and a half years. During these six years, he worked hard and was very responsible, which earns trust from his boss and became the store manager. He once said that even though he is not well-educated, the company has given him many chances to learn and grow, and he cherishes and loves this work very much.

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· 小 眼 睛 看 美 食 · 中餐篇

大厨哥哥 Chef Li

给我讲解做菜过程的是李凯祥厨师。2001 年,17 岁的他开始踏进厨房,从杂工做起,洗碗、 水台、掏下水道、磨刀,一干就是三年。下班后,他常常用厨房的下脚料练习切菜。2004 年, 他拜一位粤菜厨师为师,开始学做菜。他苦练刀工和技法,学习 100 多种菜的组合,积累了其 他厨师 10 年的功夫。在这过程中,他常常因为菜切的不合格被师傅批评,甚至一道菜要切十几 次才能过关。在学习刀工的同时,他还学习了食品雕刻。在一次烹饪比赛中,他的雕刻作品获 得了金奖。2006 年,经过 5 年的基本功训练后,他来到了一家鲁菜馆,又用了 3 年的时间,终 于当上了一名合格的厨师。 8 年的酸甜苦辣,让他更加懂得感恩。2008 年到 2010 年,他开始学习凉菜和面食的做法。 2010 年,他来到西贝专职负责产品研发和培训工作。做一名好的厨师,不仅需要天赋,还需要 加倍的努力。这条路也许很漫长,只要坚持不懈的努力,一定会取得成功。 It was Chef Li Kaixiang who introduced the cooking process to me. In 2001, he, then 17 years old, stepped into the kitchen for the very first time. He worked as beckman for thee years, cleaning dishes, sink, and sewers and sharpening the knives and choppers. After work, he would practice his cutting skill using the rest of the ingredients. In 2004, he became the apprentice of a chef good at Guangdong Cuisine and began his career as a cook. He worked hard on improving his cutting and cooking skills, and he has learnt the recipe of over 100 dishes, equal to what other chefs will have done for 10 years. During this process, he was always criticized by the master for unqualified cutting skills, and he always needed to practice many times before he could pass the test. Besides cutting, he has also learned ingredient carving and in a cooking competition, his artwork once won the gold medal. In 2006, after five years’ hard work, he worked in a Shandong Cuisine restaurant and it took him three years to finally become a qualified chef. Eight years of hardship make him grateful for everything. From 2008 to 2010, he has been learning the way to make cold dishes and noodles. In 2010, he came to Xibei responsible for the research and development of cuisine and training of staff. To be a good chef needs not only talent but also hard work. This might be a long journey, but success will be awaiting you if you persevere.


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

·天池大酒楼· Jiangnan Chuzi Restaurant

天池大酒楼,位于深圳市红岭路与红桂路交界处,营业面积 2500 平方米,主要 经营东北菜。 东北菜是指东北,包括黑龙江、吉林、辽宁、内蒙古东部、河北东北部的烹饪菜 种,分吉菜、辽菜、龙江菜。其特点是一菜多味、咸甜分明、用料广、火候足、滋味 浓郁,善于熘、爆、扒、炸、烧、蒸、炖。热情好客的东北人塑造了浓浓的东北菜肴, 虽说东北菜不是我国八大菜系之一,但这不妨碍东北菜的发展。由于地处中国最北端, 冬天冰天雪地,而产生了“炖菜”这一冬日美味。代表菜有:白肉血肠、猪肉炖粉条、 小鸡炖榛蘑等。 赵吉国 特级厨师、厨师长 Tianchi Restaurant is located at the crossing of Hongling Road and Honggui Road, with an area of 2500 square meters. It is specialized in Northeast China Cuisine. Northeast China Cuisine includes cuisines from Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, East Inner Mongolia, and Northeast Hebei Province and is mainly divided into Jilin Cuisine, Liaoning Cuisine and Heilongjiang Cuisine. It features diverse flavors from one ingredient, clear separation of saltiness and sweetness, abundant ingredients, enough fire, and thick taste. Cooking methods include sauté, panfrying, pan-searing, frying, braising, steaming and stewing. People from Northeast China are very hospitable and it is they who create the tasty Northeast China Cuisine. Even though it is not one of eight factions of Chinese Cuisines, the Northeast Cuisine features rapid development. The cold weather in the northern China gives birth to the stewing dishes. Popular dishes include White Meat with Red Sausage, Stewed Pork with Vermicelli, Braised Chicken with Mushrooms and so forth. Zhao Jiguo: Master Chef, Head Chef

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锅包肉 / Crispy Sweet and Sour Pork Cutlets

材料:猪里脊肉、鸡蛋、葱、姜、蒜、生粉、酱油、盐、白糖、白醋、陈醋、香菜、植物油 做法:1. 猪里脊肉切成 0.2cm 厚和 4×3cm 的厚片,淀粉加水放入 1 个蛋清调成糊状,将肉片放入 其中抓匀。葱、姜切丝,蒜切片备用。 2. 热锅放入油,油温六成热时放入裹糊均匀的肉片炸成金黄色,捞出沥油。 3. 锅中放入油,葱丝、姜丝、蒜片炒香,加入白糖、白醋、陈醋、酱油、盐、水淀粉调味做 成酱汁,放入肉片翻炒均匀,放香菜翻炒后起锅。 Ingredients: pork loin, egg, leek, ginger, garlic, cornstarch, soy sauce, salt, sugar, white vinegar, dark vinegar, cilantro, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Cut the pork loin into cutlets of 0.2cm thick, 4cm long and 3cm wide; mix cornstarch with water and egg white, along with pork cutlets; slice leek, ginger, garlic for later use. 2. Heat the oil to fry pork cutlets until they turn brown; take them out and drain the oil. 3. Stir-fry leek, ginger and garlic and season them with sugar, white vinegar, dark vinegar, soy sauce, salt and cornstarch; then add in cutlets to fry; sprinkle cilantro before serving.

小胖点评 这是一道脍炙人口的东北菜肴。色泽金黄,口味酸甜,外酥里嫩。这道菜的关键是:抓糊要均 匀,肉片炸至金黄,调酸甜汁。这道菜酸甜、酥香的口感,深得广大女士和小朋友们的青睐。 My comment: This is a well-known dish in Northeastern China. The gold pork cutlets is crispy on the outside and tender inside, with a sweet and sour taste. The key to make this dish is that the cutlets should be wrapped evenly with cornstarch before frying and the sauce should be mixed properly. This is a popular dish among ladies and kids.


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

拔丝地瓜 / Caramelized Sweet Potato

材料:地瓜、糖、植物油 做法:1. 地瓜去皮切滚刀块,200℃油温,放入地瓜炸 4 分钟,捞出。锅中油温再次升高,放入地 瓜再炸一次,搅动使其分开。 2. 锅中放入油,放 2 两白糖和少许水,把糖化开,小火熬制成黏稠的糖浆。达到糖的沸点后 变成水状时,倒入炸好的地瓜翻炒均匀。上桌时,准备一碗冷水。 Ingredients: sweet potatoes, sugar, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Cut the sweet potatoes into chunks; heat the oil till 200°C to deep-fry potato chunks for four minutes and then take them out; reheat the oil to fry the sweet potatoes again and stir fully them till they part. 2. Add oil in the wok, along with 100g sugar and a little water, to make sticky molasses over gentle fire; when the sugar boils, put in sweet potatoes and fry them evenly; prepare a bowl of cold water before serving.

小胖点评 这是东北著名的一道甜菜。高温两次炸地瓜,熬制晶莹剔透的糖浆是这道菜的难点。地瓜色泽金 黄,裹着一层糖浆,晶莹闪亮,吃起来外焦里嫩,很甜。夹起一块地瓜,拔出很长的丝,要蘸着冷水 吃,既降温又避免粘牙,要趁热吃,否则菜变冷后地瓜会粘在一起。 My comment: This is a famous dessert from Northeast China Cuisine. The key point is to deep-fry the sweet potatoes twice over strong fire into the crystal molasses. The sweet potatoes appear gold with a layer of molasses on the outside. This potato tastes sweet and crispy on the outside and tender inside. Pick up one piece and you can see a long gold thread. Dip it in cold water to lower the heat and avoid sticking your teeth. Eat it when it is still hot, or it will stick together when cooling down.

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地三鲜 / Stir-fried Potato, Eggplant and Green Pepper

材料:土豆、茄子、青椒、葱、姜、蒜、酱油、盐、陈醋、糖、味精、高汤、淀粉、植物油 做法:1. 土豆、茄子、青椒切滚刀块。土豆低温油炸至金黄,捞出;茄子 200℃油温炸干水分;青 椒过油,捞出沥干。 2. 锅里放入油,将葱、姜、蒜爆香,加入酱油、盐、陈醋、糖、味精、少许高汤,放土豆、 茄子、青椒翻炒均匀,少许水淀粉勾芡,收汁出锅。 Ingredients: potato, eggplant, green pepper, leek, ginger, garlic, soy sauce, salt, vinegar, sugar, MSG, chicken stock, cornstarch, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Cut potato, eggplant and green pepper into chunks; fry potato chunks over gentle till brown and then take them out; dehydrate the eggplants at 200°C oil; fry green pepper for later use. 2. Stir-fry leek, ginger and garlic in the wok and season them with soy sauce, salt, vinegar, sugar, MSG and chicken stock; add in chunks of potato, eggplant and green pepper and stir them evenly; add in cornstarch to thicken the soup before serving.

小胖点评 这是一道东北家常特色素菜小炒。夏季常见的三种蔬菜,过油烹炸后口感更加爽脆。这道菜色泽 油亮,酱汁浓稠,咸香可口。三种蔬菜过油后的口感不同,土豆外焦里嫩,茄子软滑,青椒爽脆,很 好吃,但油有些重。 My comment: This is a typical household vegetable dish in Northeastern China. Three common vegetables are more crispy after frying. The dish features shining appearance, thick sauce, and salty taste. The three vegetables have different textures—the potato is brown on the outside and tender inside, the eggplant is soft and smooth, and the green pepper is fresh, tasty and a little bit oily.


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

小鸡炖蘑菇 / Braised Chicken with Mushrooms

材料:走地鸡、东北榛蘑、土豆粉条、葱、姜、八角、生抽、老抽、陈醋、花雕酒、高汤、植物油 做法:1. 粉条用水浸泡 1 小时,榛蘑用水泡发后洗净,鸡肉斩块。 2. 锅中放入油,加葱、姜、八角炒香,放鸡肉大火翻炒,加高汤、生抽、老抽、陈醋、花雕 酒小火炖制 15―20 分钟,放入榛蘑,放入粉条炖 5 分钟左右收汁,撒少许葱花和香菜起锅。 Ingredients: homebred chicken, hazel-mushrooms from Northeastern China, potato vermicelli, leek, ginger, star anise, soy sauce, dark soy sauce, vinegar, Huadiao cooking wine, stock, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Soak the potato vermicelli for one hour; soak and then rinse the hazel-mushrooms; cut chicken into pieces. 2. Fry leek, ginger, and star anise, along with chicken pieces, over strong fire; add in stock, soy sauce, dark soy sauce, vinegar, Haidiao cooking wine and stew it for 15-20 minutes; then add in hazel-mushrooms and potato vermicelli and stew them for another five minutes; thicken the soup and sprinkle leek and cilantro before serving.

小胖点评 这是一道东北地区最有名的菜肴。东北人喜欢吃炖菜,在冰天雪地的严冬,端上一盆刚出炉、冒 着热气、泛着油光的小鸡炖蘑菇,非常的温暖! 鸡肉醇香、有韧劲;粉条吸满了鸡肉的汤汁,格外爽滑;野生蘑菇提升了汤汁的鲜味,浓稠而美 味。这是一道让你赞不绝口的菜。 My comment: This is the most famous dish in northeastern China. People in the northeastern china like stewed dishes. In the snowy winter, the Hot Braised Chicken with Mushroom always warms people’s stomach as well as their heart. The chicken is tender and al dente, the potato vermicelli is fresh and smooth as it fully absorbs the sauce, and the mushrooms add fresh flavor to the dish. The dish is so thick and yummy that you cannot help praising it.

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·爱人养生私房菜· Lover’s Healthy Homemade Food Restaurant

爱人养生私房菜是一家闹中取静的江西私房菜馆。寻访江西民间美食,以健康饮 食为理念,加以改良和创新,烹制地道的江西家常菜。突出香、辣、咸的口味,农家 风味,亲切自然。 赣菜又称江西菜,是江西地区汉族饮食文化的总称。赣菜是由南昌、上饶、九江、 赣东、赣南五大流派融合的土特菜肴。原汁原味,口味浓厚,咸鲜重辣,烧、蒸、炒、 炖、焖等烹调方法,以粉蒸见长。赣菜巧妙地规避了川菜的太辣,苏菜的太甜,鲁菜 的太实,兼顾东南西北而自成一派。代表菜有:三杯鸡、炒血鸭、石鱼蛋、石耳炖鸡、 粉蒸肉、粉蒸鱼等。 赵彬章 一级厨师 Lover’s Healthy Homemade Food Restaurant, located in the CBD in Shenzhen, is a restaurant making Jiangxi Cuisine. The restaurant seeks folk cuisines from Jiangxi and makes healthy and innovative food to create the authentic Jiangxi dishes, featuring fragrant, spicy and salty tastes, both local and natural. Jiangxi Cuisine, also called Gan Cuisine, includes local cuisines from Nanchang, Shangrao, Jiujiang, Eastern Jiangxi, and Southern Jiangxi. It features original, salty and spicy taste, and the cooking methods include braising, steaming, pan-frying, stewing, and especially the steaming with sticky rice. Jiangxi Cuisine is not too spicy as Sichuan Cuisine, too sweet as Jiangsu Cuisine, or too oily as Shandong Cuisine—it is distinctive and has a style of its own. Popular dishes include Braised Chicken with Three Sauces, Braised Duck with Duck Blood, Braised Stonefish Roe, Braised Chicken with Stone Fungus, Steamed Pork with Sticky Rice, and Steamed Fish with Sticky Rice. Zhao Binzhang: Master Chef


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

血鸭 / Braised Duck with Duck Blood

材料:麻鸭、鸭血、湖南辣椒、姜、葱、蒜、料酒、酱油、高汤、植物油 做法:1. 将麻鸭洗净,切块,保留麻鸭血,血中放料酒和葱花。 2. 锅中放入油,油热后放入鸭子干煸出油,加葱、姜、蒜翻炒,放入鸭血炒,再放入辣椒炒, 加酱油调味,加入高汤焖 5 分钟,慢慢收汁起锅。 Ingredients: sheldrake, sheldrake’s blood, Hunan chili, ginger, leek, garlic, cooking wine, soy sauce, stock, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Clean the sheldrake and cut it into pieces; keep the blood and season it with cooking wine and leek. 2. Fry the sheldrake pieces until its oil comes out; then add in leek, ginger, and garlic; then add in sheldrake’s blood and red chili and season with soy sauce; then add in stock and stew it for five minutes until the sauce get thickened.

小胖点评 麻鸭比普通鸭子小,毛色与众不同,白灰色的鸭毛上,带有褐色麻点,美其名曰麻鸭。鸭血中放 入少许料酒,不容易结块并去腥。这道菜干煸出鸭肉和辣椒的香味,鸭血和鸭肉融合,在辣椒的辅助 下,口味酱、香、辣,非常好吃的一道菜。 My comment: The sheldrake features smaller body, special feather color, with brown dots on its white and grey hair, which earns its name as “Spotted Duck”. Add a little cooking wine in the sheldrake’s blood to avoid getting firm and remove the stinky smell. The process of dry-frying brings out the aroma of the sheldrake and the red chili c. The mixture of sheldrake’s meat and blood tastes, along with red chili , makes this dish salty, savory, and spicy.

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萝卜牛杂 / Stewed Beef Offal with Radish

材料:牛肚、牛腩、牛筋、萝卜、四川香辣酱、姜、葱、蒜、八角、桂皮、香叶、指天椒、植物油 做法:1. 将牛肚切条,牛筋、牛腩切块;将牛杂焯水,去除血水;萝卜去皮切块,焯水备用。 2. 锅里放入油,油热后放牛杂干煸,加葱、姜、蒜炒香,放八角、桂皮、香叶、四川香辣酱 调味,倒入高压锅压制 40 分钟。 3. 锅中放入油,将牛杂倒入锅中,放萝卜块焖煮,加指天椒、少许高汤焖煮 7―8 分钟收汁,撒 少许葱花出锅。 Ingredients: beef tripe, beef sirloin, beef tendon, radish, Sichuan spicy sauce, ginger, leek, garlic, star anise, cinnamon stick, myrcia, red chili, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Shred the beef tripe and cut beef tendon and sirloin into chunks; blanch the beef offal and discard the dross; unskin the radishes and blanch them for later use. 2. Stir-fry beef offal, along with leek, ginger and garlic; season them with star anise, cinnamon stick, myrcia and Sichuan spicy sauce; stew them in a pressure cooker for 40 minutes. 3. Add oil in the wok, along with offal, radish, red chili and stock, and stew them for 7-8 minutes until the soup gets thickened; sprinkle leek before serving. 小胖点评 牛杂放入高压锅中焖煮得非常入味,牛肚有韧性,牛筋入口即化,牛腩软烂香浓,萝卜滑嫩多 汁。这道菜酱香味浓郁,汤汁浓稠,味道鲜、香、辣、嫩,是一道朴实而又浓厚的江西家常菜。 My comment: Braised by the pressure cooker, the beef offal is very tasty—the tripe is al dente, the beef tendon and sirloin are tender and melt in the mouth, and the radish is tender and juicy. The broth is rich and thick. It is a fresh, fragrant, spicy and tender homemade dish in Jiangxi province.


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

江西炒米粉 / Jiangxi Style Stir-fried Vermicelli

材料:江西米粉、牛肉丝、豆芽、麦菜、干辣椒、指天椒、生抽、老抽、葱、姜、蒜、鸡精、菜籽 油 做法:1. 江西米粉用水浸泡 40 分钟,沸水中放入米粉煮 6 分钟,捞起,用水冲洗,沥干;用毛巾盖住 米粉,淋菜籽油搅拌均匀。 2. 锅里放入菜籽油,放干辣椒、指天椒、蒜、姜丝爆香,放牛肉丝煸出香味,放豆芽、麦菜 炒均匀,放入米粉炒香。加生抽、老抽、鸡精调味上色,起锅时放葱花,淋少许油。 Ingredients: Jiangxi vermicelli, beef shreds, bean sprouts, Chinese lettuce, dried chili, red chili, soy sauce, dark soy sauce, ginger, leek, garlic, chicken essence, rapeseed oil Procedure: 1. Soak Jiangxi vermicelli for 40 minutes, cook it in boiling water for six minutes, and then rinse it with cold water before drying; mix it with rapeseed oil and cover it with a towel. 2. Pour oil in the pan to stir-fry dried chili, red chili, garlic, and ginger; add in beef shreds, bean sprouts, lettuce, and vermicelli and fry them evenly; season them with soy sauce, dark soy sauce and chicken essence; sprinkle leek and a little oil before serving.

小胖点评 江西炒米粉是我和爸爸都非常喜欢吃的一道江西家常美食,家中炒的这道菜,在颜色、味道、步 骤上都逊色很多。这道菜米粉爽滑、劲道,无黏稠感,颜色鲜艳、油亮,突出了咸、香、辣的味道。 My comment: My father and I love this household dish from Jiangxi Province very much, but when fried at home, the color, taste, and the process are not as good as those in the restaurant. The vermicelli is smooth and al dente. Colorful and shining with oil, it tastes salted, fragrant, and spicy.

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猪油渣炒菜梗 / Stir-fried Vegetable Stems with Lard Dregs

材料:上海青菜梗、油渣、盐、姜、蒜、鸡精、料酒、生粉、酱油、干辣椒、菜籽油 做法:1. 锅里放入油,50℃的油温放入上海青菜梗,2 秒钟迅速捞出。 2. 将油渣、姜、蒜、干辣椒下锅煸出香味,倒入上海青菜梗炒香,加酱油、盐、鸡精调味, 喷少量水,勾芡 , 出锅。 Ingredients: Shanghai vegetable stem, lard dregs, salt, ginger, garlic, chicken essence, cooking wine, cornstarch, soy sauce, dried chili, rapeseed oil Procedure: 1. Heat oil till 50°C and then add in vegetable stem to sauté for only two seconds. 2. Stir-fry lard dregs, ginger, garlic and dried chili, and then add in vegetable stem; season them with soy sauce, salt, chicken essence, cornstarch, and a little water; thicken the soup before serving.

小胖点评 这是一道江西农家土菜。爸爸妈妈说,他们小的时候,生活没有现在富裕,若是能吃上猪油渣炒 的菜,已经很满足了,这道菜让爸爸妈妈找回儿时的记忆。新鲜上海青菜梗瞬间过油后十分爽脆,保 持青菜的绿色,再加入猪油渣、干辣椒煸香,青菜的爽脆中透着油渣的酥香、咸辣,只是猪油渣的香 味,就已经让我竖起了大拇指,美味! My comment: This is a local dish in Jiangxi Province. My parents told me that when they were little, they lived a poor life, and this dish was a luxury for them at that time. Now, it reminds them of the past memory. The fresh vegetable stem is very crispy after being sautéed in oil. The lard dregs and dried chili make the vegetable crispy, salty, and spicy, which deserves my thumb-up. It is very yummy!


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

余干椒小炒肉 / Stir-fried Pork with Jiangxi Green Pepper

材料:江西余干椒、五花肉片、姜、葱、蒜、指天椒、生抽、老抽、白糖、盐、猪油 做法:1. 余干椒洗净,沥干水,五花肉切片备用。 2. 锅中放入余干椒 , 不放油和水,小火干煸 3―5 分钟,熟透时放盐调味,盛出。将辣椒用筛 子筛除辣椒籽。 3. 锅中放入猪油,将五花肉片煸香,放葱、姜、蒜片、指天椒炒,加生抽、老抽、白糖调味 上色,最后加余干椒一起炒 8 秒钟起锅。 Ingredients: Jiangxi Yugan pepper, streaky pork, ginger, leek, garlic, red chili, soy sauce, dark soy sauce, sugar, salt, lard Procedure: 1. Clean peppers and dry them; slice the streaky pork. 2. Dry-fry the peppers, without oil and water, over gentle fire, for 3-5 minutes; season the peppers with salt for later use; filter the peppers and discard their seeds. 3. Heat lard in the wok to fry the streaky pork slices; add in leek, ginger, garlic and red chili and season them with soy sauce, dark soy sauce and sugar; add in peppers and stir-fry them for eight seconds. 小胖点评 余干椒产自江西余干县枫树李家村,已有三百多年种植历史。余干椒具有辣嘴不辣心、皮薄肉厚 的特点,个头不大,吃起来很爽脆,辣味纯正、浓厚,其价格比普通辣椒贵几倍。这道菜被评为 10 大 赣菜之一。余干椒不放油和水,小火干煸,用筛子筛去籽后,更加干净、清爽。这道菜突出余干椒的 辣和脆,用猪油炒五花肉和余干椒,味道醇厚,香辣可口。 My comment: Yugan pepper has been planted for more than 300 years in the Li family village of Jiangxi Yugan County. It is spicy on the mouth, but not in the heart, and it has thin skin but thick flesh. It is small, crispy and authentic. It is several times more expensive than ordinary chilies. This dish ranks among Jiangxi top 10 dishes. Do not add oil in the wok when frying the pepper. Fry it over gentle fire and filter pepper seeds to make the dish fresher. The Yugan pepper and streaky pork tastes spicy, crispy and fresh after frying with lard.

Learning from the Chef /


· 小 眼 睛 看 美 食 · 中餐篇

·金龙海鲜酒家· Golden Dragon Seafood Restaurant

金龙海鲜酒家创建于 1996 年,坐落在深圳市盐田海鲜食街,是深圳市老字号的 海鲜酒家。以经营本地海鲜、平价海鲜为特色,烹饪出美味佳肴。 我生活在海滨城市深圳,爸爸常带我来海边吃海鲜,那大海的味道和鲜活的海鲜 所烹饪出的美味佳肴,令我兴奋而难忘。我们是在周一的中午去金龙海鲜酒家采访的, 大厅坐满了食客,生意很好。大厅没有玻璃窗,抬头可以望见蔚蓝色的大海,吹着海 风,映衬着蓝天白云,顿时心情愉悦。在海边品尝海鲜,每道菜中都融进了大海的味 道。我不常做海鲜,所学的这 4 道菜,其做法清蒸、芝士焗、姜葱炒、豆豉青椒炒, 也是烹制海鲜的基础做法。 谢锦祥 总厨

Established in 1996, Golden Dragon Seafood Restaurant is located in the seafood street in Yantian District and is a timehonored seafood restaurant in Shenzhen, providing delicious local seafood with reasonable prices. I live in Shenzhen, a coastal city, and my father always takes me to eat seafood. The aroma of the ocean and the freshness of seafood dishes always make me excited and unforgettable. It was during lunchtime on a Monday that we conducted our interview. The dining hall was crowded with customers. What a good business they ran! There are no glass windows in the dining room, so you can enjoy the oceanic view and breeze head up along with the blue sky and the white cloud. Everything is so pleasant. The best thing about dining on the ocean side is that every dish is mixed with the fresh odor of sea. I do not cook seafood a lot, and the cooking methods used in the four dishes I have learnt, including steaming, baking with cheese, stir-frying with ginger and leek, and stir-frying with fermented soya beans and pepper, are basic techniques used in making seafood. Xie Jinxiang: Head Chef


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

芝士伊面焗龙虾仔 / Roasted Lobster with Cheese and Noodles

材料:新鲜龙虾仔、伊面、芝士片、甜淡奶、椰奶、黄油、生粉、植物油 做法:1. 龙虾仔切成两半,去除内脏、肠子,洗净,斩成小件备用;龙虾拍少许生粉,放入高油温中 过油,捞起控油;伊面煮 2―3 分钟,捞起控水,摆在盘中。 2. 锅中放入黄油,放入芝士片、椰奶、甜淡奶,再放入龙虾仔,大火煮成黏稠状,加入生粉勾 芡,捞起龙虾放在伊面上。 Ingredients: fresh young lobsters, noodles, cheese. slices, light cream, coconut milk, butter, cornstarch, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Cut lobster in half, remove its viscera and intestines, and clean and cut them into small pieces for later use; cover lobsters with a little cornstarch, then fry them over strong fire, and then take them out and drain the oil; boil noodles for 2-3 minutes, drain it and place it on the plate. 2. Melt butter to boil cheese, coconut milk, light cream, and lobster over strong fire, and then add in cornstarch to thicken the sauce; place the lobster on top of the noodles before serving.

小胖点评 这是一道融合西餐元素的菜肴。龙虾拍少许生粉后高温油炸,外焦里嫩;红色的虾壳里,蕴藏着 鲜美、白色的龙虾肉,新鲜美味;与黄油、甜淡奶、椰奶融合在一起,十分黏稠,飘着奶香味;搭配 伊面,蘸着白白的汤汁,醇香、甘甜! My comment: This dish features elements from Western Cuisine. Cover the lobsters with cornstarch and then fry them in oil over strong fire, which makes the lobsters crispy on the outside and tender inside. The white and dainty meat is wrapped inside the red shell. Drained in butter, light cream and coconut milk, the dish features sticky and milky taste. Enjoy it with noodles and white soup, and it is sweet and nice!

Learning from the Chef /


· 小 眼 睛 看 美 食 · 中餐篇


Steamed Scallops with Shredded Garlic and Vermicelli

材料:新鲜大元贝、粉丝、蒜蓉汁(蒜蓉调入油、盐) 做法:1. 将新鲜大元贝剖开,去肠,洗净。粉丝用水浸泡 2 小时。 2. 将元贝肉放入贝壳中,上面放粉丝和调制的蒜蓉汁,蒸 12 分钟,出锅时撒少许葱花和香菜。 Ingredients: fresh scallop, vermicelli, shredded garlic sauce (shredded garlic with oil and salt) Procedure: 1. Cut the fresh scallops open, and remove their viscera and clean them; soak vermicelli in water for two hours. 2. Put the scallop flesh inside the shell and then put vermicelli and shredded garlic sauce on it; steam them for 12 minutes; sprinkle leek and cilantro before serving.

小胖点评 这道菜选用新鲜的大元贝,配爽口的粉丝,放调好的蒜蓉汁上锅蒸。清蒸能保持元贝的鲜嫩口 感,吸一口留在贝壳中的汤汁,蒜香和元贝的鲜味回味无穷,好像尝到了大海的味道。 My comment: In making this dish, the fresh scallops are selected and steamed with tasty vermicelli and shredded garlic sauce, which can preserve the tenderness of its flesh. A sip of the juice in the shell brings out the fragrance of garlic and scallop, just like a taste of the sea.


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

豆豉辣椒炒花甲 Stir-fried Clams with Fermented Soybean and Pepper

材料:新鲜花甲、青椒、白洋葱、红椒、豆豉、酱油、葱、姜、蒜、料酒、生粉、植物油 做法:1. 花甲吐沙,洗净,焯水,贝壳开口后捞起备用;切葱段、姜丝、蒜片,青红椒、白洋葱切片。 2. 锅里放入油,加葱、姜、蒜、豆豉爆香,放花甲大火翻炒;加青红椒、白洋葱翻炒均匀;放 入料酒、酱油调味,勾芡出锅。 Ingredients: fresh clams, green pepper, white onion, red pepper, fermented soya beans, soy sauce, leek, ginger, garlic, cooking wine, cornstarch, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. After the clams spit out the sand, clean and blanch them until they open their shells; take them out for later use; Slice leek, ginger, garlic, green and red pepper and white onion. 2. Stir-fry leek, ginger, garlic and fermented soya beans; add in clams and stir-fry them over strong fire; add in red and green pepper and white onion, season them with cooking wine, soy sauce, and cornstarch to thicken the sauce.

小胖点评 豆豉是这道菜的灵魂。花甲焯水后,贝壳打开,露出鲜嫩、乳白色的花甲肉,配着豆豉、青红 椒、洋葱,加入酱油、料酒调味,豆豉及汤汁挂在花甲肉中,鲜咸爽口,色泽鲜艳。我很喜欢吃这 道菜。 My comment: Fermented soya bean is the soul of this dish. Blanch the clams till they open the shells and you can see the tender and ivory flesh. Fry them with fermented soya beans, red and green pepper, and onion, and season them with soy sauce and cooking wine. the soya bean and the soup in the clams make the meat fresh and colorful. I like this dish very much.

Learning from the Chef /


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姜葱炒大红蟹 / Stir-fried Red Crab

材料:大红蟹、姜、葱、蒜、盐、料酒、生粉、植物油 做法:1. 将大红蟹斩成块,去鳃和内脏,洗净。大红蟹蘸少许生粉,放入高油温微炸,捞起沥油。 2. 锅中放入油,姜、葱、蒜炒香,放大红蟹翻炒,盐、料酒调味。 Ingredients: red crabs, ginger, leek, garlic, salt, cooking wine, cornstarch, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Cut the red crabs into pieces and remove its gill and viscera; wrap the crabs with cornstarch and deep-fry them over strong fire and then drain the oil. 2. Stir-fry ginger, leek, and garlic; then add in crabs and season them with salt and cooking wine.

小胖点评 捞起一只大红蟹,它扬着粗壮的蟹钳,好像示威一样。红蟹蘸生粉,可以锁住蟹肉的水分,姜葱 炒制后,突出蟹本身的鲜味。掀开蟹盖,露出白白的蟹肉,那醉人的香味和鲜味就藏在蟹腿中。夹起 丝丝的蟹肉浸在嘴中,透着姜葱的味道,鲜甜美味,我陶醉其中。 My comment: Pick up a red crab and its large claw is showing off. Preserve the water with cornstarch. Stir-frying crab with ginger and leek brings out its freshness. Open the shell and you can see the white flesh, with aroma and taste hidden in crab legs. When put the crab meat in the mouth, I am lost in the sweetness of dish.


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

·美味乐翻天 ― 美味厨房· “Food Brings Happiness” —Gourmet Kitchen

深圳广播电台“飞扬 97.1”的《美味乐翻天》节目,自 2003 年开播至今,收听 率很高,深受美食爱好者的喜爱,是国内最时尚的脱口秀美食类广播节目。2013 年与 益田假日广场 Ole 超市的“概念厨房”合作,举办美味乐翻天—美味厨房活动。节目 中邀请五星级酒店的大厨与听众见面,学做美食、品尝美食。我有幸参加了这档节目。 瑞吉酒店位于在深圳的地标式建筑京基 100 大楼内,连接高档购物中心 KKmall, 毗邻地王大厦、万象城,交通便利,是一家超五星级酒店。全球所有瑞吉酒店都像是 千年不朽的艺术品一样璀璨夺目。行政总厨 Eric,厨艺精湛,在他的指导下,我学习 了四道菜,这几道菜融入了西餐的元素和大厨的心意。选择优质食材,高超的烹饪技 艺,漂亮的摆盘,完美地呈现,让我感受到做菜的乐趣和享受。 Eric 深圳瑞吉酒店 行政总厨

The program, Feiyang 97.1: Food Brings Happiness, has always been a hit and won many loyal listeners since it was on air in 2003. It is one of the most fashionable talk shows and gourmet programs in China. In 2013, it cooperated with the Ole supermarket in Yitian Holiday Plaza and held a “Gourmet Kitchen” program. The program invited chefs from Five-star Hotels and taught the audience to cook and taste food, and I was very lucky to take part in it. St. Regis Hotel is located inside one of Shenzhen landmark buildings, KK100 (KingKey Financial Center) and is next to the high-class shopping mall, KKmall, Diwang Building, and the Mixc shopping mall. It is a super five-star hotel, featuring convenient transportation. Every St. Regis Hotel around the world is luxurious like an eternal artwork. Eric, the Executive Chef of the hotel restaurant, is sophisticatedly skilled, and I have leant four dishes under his instruction, which fuse Western Cuisine elements and the chef’s thoughtfulness. The ingredients were of high quality, the cooking method was impeccable, and the decoration was eye-catching—I really enjoyed the process of cooking.

Eric: Executive Chef of St. Regis Hotel, Shenzhen

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/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

牛肝菌金蒜蒸澳洲龙虾仔 Steamed Australian Lobster with Bolete and Garlic

材料:牛肝菌 10 克、龙虾仔一只、沙拉菜(加盐、橄榄油、黑醋拌制)、黄瓜、小蘑菇、小番茄、 蒜蓉汁(生蒜 2 份、熟蒜 1 份小火煸制金黄,加盐、糖、油混合) 做法:1. 龙虾用刀分开两半,去须、头,清洗干净、摆盘;将蒜蓉汁均匀铺在龙虾肉上;干牛肝菌泡 发,切碎,铺在龙虾的蒜蓉上。 2. 水煮沸后,将龙虾蒸 10 分钟。切一小段黄瓜中间挖空,小蘑菇焯水后,取 3 朵小蘑菇放入黄 瓜中间挖空处。切 4 片小番茄,拌沙拉。摆盘,将黄瓜、小番茄和沙拉摆在单边龙虾的旁边。 Ingredients: 10g bolete, one baby lobster, salad (with salt, olive oil and black vinegar), cucumber, small mushrooms, small tomatoes, shredded garlic sauce (fry garlic over gentle fire till browned and then mix it with salt, sugar and oil) Procedure: 1. Cut lobster in half, discard the antenna and head, clean it and put it on the plate; then pour shredded garlic sauce on it; soak dried bolete, cut it into pieces and put them on the lobster. 2. Steam the lobster for 10 minutes after water boils; blanch the mushrooms and put three of them into a hollow cucumber; cut small tomatoes in half and add them into the salad; decorate the plate with cucumber, small tomatoes and salad around the lobster. 小胖点评 新鲜澳洲龙虾仔,蛋白质含量高,脂肪含量低,清蒸可以保持龙虾的鲜甜和美味。搭配蒜蓉汁和 牛肝菌,给这道菜增加了特有的香气。沙拉菜、小蘑菇、小番茄的点缀,蔬菜的爽口、酸甜,激发了 龙虾的鲜味。精致的摆盘,更是味觉、视觉的享受。 My comment: The fresh baby lobster is rich in protein and low in fat, and steaming it can preserve its sweetness and freshness. The shredded garlic sauce and bolete add fragrance into this dish. With the decoration of salad, small mushrooms and tomatoes, the sweet and sour vegetable arouse the freshness of lobster—it is a pleasure to both the eye and the tongue.

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· 小 眼 睛 看 美 食 · 中餐篇


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

黑松露翡翠玉环瑶柱莆 Braised Dried Scallop with Black Truffle and Greens 材料:冬瓜、80 头中谷瑶柱、豆苗、黑松露、南瓜、枸杞、 料酒、姜、盐、糖、鸡粉、生粉 做法:1. 瑶柱加酒、姜、水,隔水蒸 30 分钟。将大模具放入冬 瓜肉中雕刻成圆柱形,中间用小模具掏空,似一个空心 带棱的大螺丝。将发好的瑶柱放入冬瓜圆柱模型空心内, 水煮沸后上锅蒸 10 分钟。 2. 将豆苗焯水,用磨具压制成型后摆在盘子中间,将蒸 好的瑶柱莆放在豆苗上面。新鲜南瓜打成汁,加热,放 盐、糖、鸡粉搅拌均匀,再放少许生粉慢慢勾芡成汁, 将南瓜汁淋在瑶柱莆上及周围。盘中放几粒枸杞点缀, 新鲜黑松露切 2 片放在瑶柱莆上。 Ingredients: winter melon, dried Japanese scallops, bean sprouts, black truffle, pumpkin, medlar, cooking wine, ginger, salt, sugar, chicken essence, cornstarch Procedure: 1. Add cooking wine, ginger and water in dried Japanese scallops and steam them for 30 minutes; cut the winter melon in the zigzag shape, hollow it and put the ingredients inside; steam them together for 10 minutes after water boils. 2. Blanch bean sprouts, press them with a mold and then put them in the middle of the plate; put the steamed scallop on top of it; heat the smashed fresh pumpkin and then mix it evenly with salt, sugar and chicken essence; add in cornstarch to thicken the soup and then pour it on and around the dried scallops; decorate it with some medlar and two pieces of fresh black truffle.

小胖点评 这道菜堪称一件艺术品。瑶柱莆的做法十分复杂,冬瓜圆柱空心似螺丝,造型独特;瑶柱鲜美, 搭配清爽的豆苗和如碧玉般的冬瓜,淋上香甜浓稠的南瓜汁,配上名贵的黑松露,点缀几粒枸杞,每 一个环节都是这道菜的惊喜。层次分明,色泽鲜艳,口感爽滑,每一口都让我难忘。黑松露也称块 菌,是一种生长于地下的野生食用真菌,外表凹凸不平,色泽介于深棕色与黑色之间。因散发特殊的 气味,许多美食家为之着迷。在欧洲通常与顶级食材鱼子酱、鹅肝酱等并列。中国在喜马拉雅山脉的 东南区域发现了黑松露,它生长条件苛刻,产量稀少,价格极其昂贵,被称为餐桌上的“黑钻石”。 My comment: This dish is a piece of artwork. The cooking process of the scallops is a little complicated. The winter melon is hollow inside, with a distinctive shape; the dried scallops taste fresh, and it goes really well with fresh bean sprouts, green winter melon flesh, thick and sweet pumpkin sauces, valuable black truffle and several medlars. Every step brings surprise to this dish. The dish features clear layer, fresh color and smooth taste, and each bite impresses me. The black truffle, or cluster fungus, is a kind of wild edible fungus growing underground. Its surface is uneven, and its color is between dark brown and black. Its flavor intrigues many gastronomes. It ranks with caviar and goose liver paste among the most luxurious and precious ingredient list in Europe. Black truffle, found in the southeast of Himalaya moutains, grows in the severe environment. Therefore, it has limited production with high price, which earn its name as “Black Diamond” on the table.

Learning from the Chef /


· 小 眼 睛 看 美 食 · 中餐篇

天麻核桃炖飞天鸽 Stewed Pigeon with Gastrodia Elata and Walnut

材料:老鸽一只、赤肉 500 克、天麻 10 克、核桃仁 5 克、盐 3 克 做法:1. 鸽子洗净,去除血水,斩四块,焯水;赤肉切成小块;天麻、核桃仁洗净备用。 2. 将鸽子、赤肉、天麻、核桃仁放入炖盅中,隔水炖 3 小时。 Ingredients: an old pigeon, 500g lean meat, 10g gastrodia elata, 5g walnuts, 3g salt Procedure: 1. Clean pigeon and remove the dross; cut the pigeon into four pieces and blanch them; cut lean meat into small pieces and clean gastrodia elata and walnuts. 2. Put pigeon, lean meat, gastrodia elata and walnuts in a stewpot and steam them for three hours.

小胖点评 广东人酷爱喝功夫汤,健康养生。这款汤清亮,色微黑,味香,口感清甜,融进了时间的味道。 有补肝肾、健脾胃、补气益肺、补脑之功效。 My comment: People in Guangdong love soup very much because it is very nutrient. This soup is clear, with a little black color. It smells nice and tastes fresh and sweet. The dish is beneficial to the liver, kidney, lung and brain.


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

香煎银鳕鱼 Pan-seared Codfish Filet

材料:3 两左右银鳕鱼 1 块、新鲜芦笋、秘制照烧汁、盐、胡椒、冰糖、花雕酒、生粉、植物油 做法:1. 洗净芦笋,焯水,摆盘。银鳕鱼切块,用盐、胡椒、花雕酒腌 10―15 分钟。将生粉均匀拍 在鱼上,带皮面朝上,平底锅煎制两面金黄,摆在芦笋上。 2. 将照烧汁、冰糖、花雕酒调制的照烧汁加热,放入生粉勾芡,用勺子舀起,淋在盘中。 Ingredients: 150g codfish filet, fresh asparagus, teriyaki sauce, salt, pepper, crystal sugar, Huadiao cooking wine, cornstarch, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Clean and blanch asparagus and put them on the plate; cut codfish filet into pieces, marinate them with salt, pepper and Huadiao cooking wine for 10-15 minutes, and then wrap it with cornstarch; fry the pieces until both sides turn brown and put them on the asparagus. 2. Heat teriyaki sauce with crystal sugar and Huadiao cooking wine, add in cornstarch to thicken the soup, and scoop it and pour it on the plate.

小胖点评 照烧汁源于日本,味道醇厚,色泽像太阳照着一样明亮,故名照烧汁。这道菜简洁、精致,银鳕 鱼先腌制入味,再用油煎,煎鱼的火候非常关键,在平底锅中将鳕鱼煎至两面金黄为最佳。鳕鱼的鲜 嫩,芦笋的爽脆,搭配甜中带咸的秘制照烧汁,层次分明,味道鲜美。 My comment: Teriyaki sauce, originating in Japan, is thick in taste and shining in appearance, just like the Sun. This dish is simple and elegant. Marinate the codfish filet and then fry it until both sides turn brown. The fire needs to be carefully controlled. The fresh codfish, with the crispy asparagus and salted and sweet teriyaki sauce, has clear layer and fresh flavor.

Learning from the Chef /


· 小 眼 睛 看 美 食 · 中餐篇

·老船长主题餐厅· The Old Captain Restaurant

航海,自远古开始,将人类带往地球的各个角落。从此,浩瀚的大海不再是陆地 间不可逾越的屏障;从此,不同地域的人类文明,开始相互交流、相互传播…… 老船长主题餐厅是一家以航海为主题的多元化国际美食餐厅。邀请了国际资深设 计大师 Mr.John 为餐厅执笔设计,历时两年,不惜重金,购回了三艘航龄在 50 年以上 的退役木船,并请来数十名年过六旬的造船工匠,将由旧木船上拆下的木材及部件用 于老船长主题餐厅的装修、装饰,令我们收获了一座难以复制的航海艺术宫殿。为了 达到航海者美食无国界的目的,餐厅聘请了中、泰、日、法等多国风味的大厨,共同 演绎航海的国际美食盛宴。 推开那扇厚重的木门,听着老船长的故事,身穿航海服的工作人员穿梭在大厅和 房间中,我们仿佛置身于一艘大轮船上。听着海浪的声音,老船长正手执船舵,将我 们带向远方。我好想乘着船,吹着海风,来一次环游世界的美食之旅。 黄宗明 高级厨师、行政总厨

Sailing took people all over the world since prehistoric time. Therefore, the vast ocean was no longer an impassable barrier between continents. Different cultures in different regions started to communicate with each other… The Old Captain Restaurant, designed by famous international designer John, is a sailing-themed restaurant in Shenzhen. The construction took two years, and no efforts were spared in purchasing three 50-year-old wooden boats and had them rebuilt by more than 10 experienced boat makers. They took some wooden materials and decorations from the old boats and used them to decorate the restaurant, which made the restaurant a unique sailing art museum. As for the cuisine, the restaurant has hired chefs from China, Thailand, Japan, French to bring different oceanic flavors to its customers. Open that heavy wooden door and listen to the story of an old captain. Waiters here are dressed as sailors and busy with serving in the lobby and dining room. It is like we are sitting in an actual boat and listening to the sound of the sea, with the old captain taking us to a new journey. How I wish to take the boat, feel the breeze, and have a gourmet journey around the world. Huang Zongming: Master Chef, Executive Chef


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

Learning from the Chef /


· 小 眼 睛 看 美 食 · 中餐篇

蒜香牛肉皇粒 / Stir-fried Red Crab

材料:美国牛眼肉、彩椒、芥蓝、蒜、琥珀核桃仁、盐、鸡粉、鸡汁、牛肉酱、黑胡椒、酱油、植 物油 做法:1. 将美国牛眼肉切成粒,用黑胡椒、盐、牛肉酱腌制 30 分钟;芥蓝切段焯水。 2. 先将牛肉粒用煎盘两面煎香,捞出备用。蒜片过油炸一下,加入彩椒和芥兰炒香,放入盐、 鸡粉、鸡汁调味,再放入牛肉粒炒,加少许酱油调味,翻炒均匀。将炒好的牛肉粒放入小篮子 里,放上琥珀核桃仁。 Ingredients: American beef eye, bell pepper, Chinese broccoli, garlic, walnuts (coated with sugar and sesames), salt, chicken essence, chicken stock, beef sauce, black pepper, soy sauce, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Cut beef eye into dices and marinate them with black pepper, salt and beef sauce for 30 minutes; cut Chinese broccoli into chunks and blanch them. 2. Pan-sear beef dices till brown and take them out for later use; fry garlic pieces and then add in bell pepper and Chinese broccoli; season them with salt, chicken essence and chicken stock; then add in beef dices for stir-frying; season them with soy sauce; put fried beef dices in a little basket, along with with walnuts.

小胖点评 牛肉腌制入味,在铁板上煎的时候,散发着扑鼻的香气。牛肉口感香嫩、有弹性,蒜片爆香的味 道与牛肉融合,配上芥蓝、彩椒、酥甜的核桃仁,色泽鲜艳,有层次。 My comment: Marinate the beef and it will disperse a tempting fragrance when searing in the pan. They are tender, juicy and a bit chewy. The fragrance of garlic pieces goes really well with the beef, and the Chinese broccoli, bell pepper and walnut bring color and freshness to the dish.


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

船长捞饭(蚝仔泡饭)/ Captain’s Congee (with Baby Oyster)

材料:新鲜蚝仔、米饭、猪肉末、芹菜、瑶柱丝、姜丝、盐、胡椒、鸡粉、鸡汁、淀粉、植物油 做法:1. 蚝仔洗净,芹菜切段,蚝仔、猪肉末、芹菜分别焯水备用。 2. 锅中放入油,加姜丝、瑶柱丝炒香,放入高汤,将米饭倒入锅中,加猪肉末、盐、胡椒、鸡粉 大火煮沸,加少许鸡汁、水淀粉,最后放入蚝仔搅拌均匀,放芹菜段起锅。 Ingredients: fresh baby oysters, rice, minced pork, celery, dried scallop shreds, ginger shreds, salt, pepper, chicken essence, chicken stock, cornstarch, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Wash baby oysters and cut celery into pieces; blanch the oyster and minced pork and celery for later use. 2. Pour oil in the pan to stir-fry ginger and scallop shreds; then add in chicken stock, rice, minced pork, salt, pepper and chicken essence and boil them over strong fire; then add in a little chicken stock and cornetsrch; then add in baby oysters and mix them evenly; add in celery before serving. 小胖点评 这是一道传统的潮汕小吃。选用新鲜的蚝仔,与猪肉末和米饭加高汤一起烹煮。汤汁鲜甜美味、 粘稠,米饭颗粒饱满、浓香,姜丝去腥,芹菜给泡饭增加了特有的香气。吃上一口香浓的老船长泡 饭,感觉非常的幸福。 牡蛎又称蚝仔,肉质细嫩,鲜味突出,带有腥味,味道独特。可以降血脂,促进幼儿生长发育和 补钙;所含的蛋白质中有多种优良的氨基酸,是非常好的食材。 My comment: This is a traditional snack in Chaozhou. Fresh baby oysters are selected and boiled with minced pork, rice and stock together. The soup is fresh, sweet and sticky, and the rice is plump and fragrant. Ginger is used to remove the fishy odor, and celery brings a special fragrance to this dish. With a bite of captain’s congee, you will feel happy and satisfied. The flesh of oyster features tender and distinctive taste, with highlighted freshness and fishy odor. Oyster can lower blood fat and help children with their growth and absorption of more calcium. The protein of it has various good amino acid, which make it a perfect ingredient.

Learning from the Chef /


· 小 眼 睛 看 美 食 · 中餐篇

酸辣肉碎生菜包 / Spicy Minced Pork Wrapped in Lettuce

材料:猪肉末、西生菜、豆角粒、青柠檬汁、葱、蒜头、姜片、红辣椒、盐、鸡粉、老抽、植物油 做法:1. 西生菜洗净,沥干水;豆角粒焯水。 2. 锅中放入油,将葱、姜、蒜爆香,放猪肉末翻炒,加豆角粒一起炒。放盐、鸡粉、老抽、 青柠檬汁、红辣椒调味,炒至猪肉末松开、上色,摆盘。 3. 用西生菜包裹炒香的猪肉末、豆角粒即可食用。 Ingredients: minced pork, lettuce, bean peas, lime juice, leek, garlic, ginger, red chili, salt, chicken essence, dark soy sauce, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Wash lettuce and drain the water; blanch the bean peas. 2. Pour oil in the pan to stir-fry leek, ginger and garlic over strong fire; then add in minced pork and bean pea and season with salt, chicken essence, dark soy sauce, lime juice, red chili until pork turns brown. 3. wrap the fried minced pork and bean peas with a piece of lettuce before eating. 小胖点评 在猪肉炒香的同时加入青柠檬汁和红辣椒,酸辣的味道不是很浓,淡淡的,赋予了这道菜新的灵 魂。用西生菜包着肉末吃,荤素搭配,一口咬下去,甘甜、脆爽、酸辣,肉香四溢。 My comment: The soul of this dish is to add lime juice and red chili when frying the pork, which brings freshness and lightness, without strong spiciness and sourness; wrap the pork with lettuce, and with one bite, you can enjoy the sweetness, crispness, sourness and spiciness at the same time.


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

金粟鳕鱼番茄盅 / Codfish in Tomato Bowl

材料:西红柿 1 个、银鳕鱼、玉米、茄汁豆、雪蛤、番茄酱、自制酸甜调料汁(醋、酸梅、糖放一 起搅匀)、植物油 做法:1. 在西红柿 1/3 处切去盖子,掏空,做成番茄盅。茄汁豆焯水,银鳕鱼切成粒,番茄盅用热水 烫一下备用。 2. 银鳕鱼粒裹上蛋黄、生粉后过油炸熟。锅中放入少许水,加入番茄酱、茄汁豆、玉米在锅中 滑炒,勾芡煮成汁,再放入银鳕鱼,将银鳕鱼和汁倒入番茄盅。雪蛤焯水,放在顶部。 Ingredients: one tomato, sea bass, corn, beans with tomato sauce, hasma, ketchup, handmade sweet and sour sauce (mixed vinegar, plum and sugar), vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Cut tomato from the top( in the 1/3 part), hollow it and make it as a container; blanch the beans and cut sea bass into dices; blanch the tomato container for later use. 2. Coat the sea bass dices with egg yolk and flour and deep-fry them in oil; add water in the wok to stir-fry ketchup, beans and corn and then add cornstarch to thicken the sauce; then add in the sea bass dice; Pour sea bass dices, along with the juice, inside the tomato bowl; blanch the hasma and put it on top.

小胖点评 这道菜的摆盘很漂亮。银鳕鱼过油炸至金黄,外焦里嫩,鲜香爽口,再搭配酸酸甜甜的汁,很开 胃;放入番茄盅中,上面还有一汪雪蛤,很有层次感。当你舀一勺汤汁的时候,雪蛤清爽、滑嫩、软 绵,配上酸甜的汤汁,丝丝入口,滴滴香浓;再舀一勺鳕鱼,酸甜香嫩,多种味道的融合,在番茄的 映衬下,视觉、味觉的双重享受! My comment: The decoration of this dish is quite pretty. The deep-fried sea bass dices are tender on the inside and crispy outside. With the sweet and sour sauce, they are very appetizing. When putting the bass dices into the tomato bowl, with hasma on top, the dish featured clear layers. With a scoop of sweet and sour soup, the fresh, smooth, and soft hasma, with sweet and sour soup, is amazing; the sea bass is tender, sweet and sour—different flavors mix very well with each other. It is an enjoyment both to the eye and the tongue!

Learning from the Chef /


· 小 眼 睛 看 美 食 · 中餐篇


/ 我跟大厨学做菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

菠萝焗饭 / Stir-fried Rice with Pineapple 材料:菠萝、熟米饭、鲜虾仁、腊肠、青豆、胡萝卜粒、玉米粒、咖喱粉、腰果、肉松、盐、味精、 生蛋黄 1 个、植物油 做法:1. 将菠萝去蒂,用刀将菠萝周围有尖刺的地方处理好,使其美观和便于在微波炉中焗;从菠 萝上部 1/3 处切开,盖子需保留,用刀把里面的菠萝肉切割成长方块并取出;菠萝肉切块备 用;掏空的菠萝壳用微波炉焗 5―10 分钟,焗出香味;将青豆、胡萝卜粒、玉米粒焯水,腊 肠切成丁,虾仁切片焯水。 2. 锅中放入油,将腊肠丁炒香,取出备用;锅中留一点油,加入米饭翻炒,放 1 个生的蛋黄, 继续翻炒,加虾仁、腊肠大火翻炒至米粒松散;再放青豆、胡萝卜粒、玉米粒炒匀,加盐、鸡 精调味;最后放 1 勺咖喱粉,加菠萝块翻炒均匀。 3. 将炒好的米饭填入菠萝内,再放入微波炉中焗 1―2 分钟即可。摆盘的时候,饭的上面加少许 腰果、肉松。 Ingredients: pineapple, steamed rice, shrimp, Cantonese sausage, green beans, carrot dices, corn dices, curry powder, cashews, dried pork floss, salt, MSG, one egg yolk, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Remove the pedicle of pineapple and shave off the thorns on the surface; cut pineapple at the 1/3 part from the top(don’t throw away the cap) and cut the flesh in rectangular shape and take it out; cut the flesh into dices for later use; put the hollowed pineapple in the microwave oven and heat up for 5-10 minutes over medium fire till the fragrance comes out; blanch green beans, carrot and corn dices together; cut shrimp into dices and blanch sausage slices. 2. Pour oil in the pan to sauté the sausage for later use; leave a little oil in the pan to stir-fry rice, along with one egg yolk, and then add in shrimp and sausage over strong fire until the rice becomes soft; Add in green beans, carrot dices, corn dices and season with salt, chicken essence; at last add in one spoon of curry powder and pineapple dices and fry them evenly. 3. Put the rice into the pineapple container, microwave it over medium fire for 1-2 minutes, and then sprinkle a few cashews and pork floss before serving.

小胖点评 这道菜端上桌的时候,满屋飘着菠萝的香气。米饭金黄,粒粒饱满。炒米饭的时候,放入了生蛋 黄,加入腊肠、青豆、胡萝卜、虾仁,增加了米饭的香气,色泽鲜艳;加入了咖喱粉,具有东南亚风 情。菠萝酸甜可口,搭配咖喱米饭的鲜香,非常好吃的一道炒饭。 My comment: The fragrance of pineapple fills in the room when served on the table. The stir-fried rice is gold and plump. When frying the rice, the adding of egg yolk, sausage, green beans, carrots and shrimp brings fragrance and color to the dish. The curry powder and pineapple have a Southeast Asia flavor, which tastes sweet and sour with the fragrance of curry. It is very yummy!

Learning from the Chef /




Delicious Homemade Cuisine

· 小 眼 睛 看 美 食 · 中餐篇

生活中,我是一个地道的吃货。从小到大,爸爸做的江西炒米粉,妈妈做的东 北红烧肉,阿姨做的广西糟辣鱼,外公做的东北锅包肉和饺子,这些菜的味道陪伴 着我长大。在我眼里,他们都是我羡慕的大厨。进入初中,也许是长身体的原因, 每天放学回家的第一件事就是冲进厨房寻找吃的,自己迫不及待地“舞刀弄铲”,在 妈妈和阿姨的指导下开始学做家常菜,虽刀工不是很好,但菜的味道还不错,经常 得到大家的赞赏。我体验了自己烹制美食的乐趣。我买来大量的美食书,观看了国 内外很多美食节目,对做菜有着极大的兴趣。我对家常菜的理解是:家庭中日常餐 桌上的美食,它们融进了每家的特色,如我家,融合了江西、东北、广西、四川、 广东等地的风味。家常菜,通常少油、少盐,不放鸡精、味精,简单而健康。书中 记录了我尝试做的 45 道家常菜,这些菜是在长辈们的指导下完成的,也融进了我个 人的口味和喜好。其实,我并不是一个厨艺精湛的大厨,刀工不是很好,摆盘也不 够漂亮,准确地说,我是一个对美食充满热爱的小胖子。喜欢美食,寻找美食,学 做美食,是我追求的生活方式,也是我生活的一部分。


/ 美味家常菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

I am 100% a foodie since I was young. The Jiangxi Fried Vermicelli by my father, the Braised Pork by my mother, the Stewed Spicy Fish by my housekeeper, and the Double-Cooked Pork and the Dumpling by my grandfather—all of these flavors grow up with me. In my eye, they are all chefs I admire. When I was in junior high, the first thing I did after school would always be rushing into the kitchen and looking for something to fill my stomach. I also tried to cook by myself under the instruction of my mother and housekeeper. Even though my cutting skill was not that good, the taste of my dishes was nice and gained much praise. This was how I experienced the pleasure of cooking. I bought a lot of cooking books and watched many gourmet shows at home and abroad. Gradually, I formed great interest and enthusiasm for cooking. The homemade cuisines, based on my understanding, are those dishes with each household’s own characteristics. Take my home for instance: the dishes from my house are the mixture of different cuisines like Jiangxi Cuisine, Northeast China Cuisine, Guangxi Cuisine, Sichuan Cuisine, and Guangdong Cuisine. Homemade dishes are usually simple and healthy, without too much oil, salt, chicken essence, or MSG. In my books, there record 45 homemade dishes made by myself under the instruction of my family members, and I try to add a little “me” element in it. Although I am not a sophisticated chef and with poor cutting skill and decorating skill, I have passion for food. I love food, I seek food, and I learn to make food—this is the life style I pursue and also part of my life.

Delicious Homemade Cuisine /


· 小 眼 睛 看 美 食 · 中餐篇


/ 美味家常菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

红烧肉 / Braised Pork with Soy 材料:新鲜带皮五花肉、2 个八角、2 片香叶、姜、葱段、盐、 冰糖 8 颗、生抽、花雕酒、植物油 做法:1. 带皮五花肉洗净,切立方块,姜去皮切片,将肉块和 姜片、葱段冷水下锅,水煮沸后撇去浮沫,5 分钟后捞 出,沥干水。 2. 将锅烧热,放入油,加入冰糖小火煸炒至冰糖溶化, 开始冒黄色的小泡时倒入五花肉,中火翻炒,让每块肉 都裹上糖色。 3. 放入生抽、姜片翻炒均匀。加热水(水没过猪肉)、 盐、八角、香叶、生抽、花雕酒、葱段,大火水煮沸后 转中火炖 40 分钟左右。 4. 取出香叶、八角、姜片、葱,大火收汁,装盘。 Ingredients: fresh streaky pork with skin, two star anises, two pieces of myrcia, ginger, leek, salt, eight dices of crystal sugar, soy sauce, Huadiao cooking wine, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Clean the streaky pork with skin and cut it into cubes; unskin ginger and cut it into slices; put pork cubes, ginger slices, and leek in cold water, and when water boils, remove the dross; after five minutes, take them out and drain them. 2. Heat the wok and add oil and crystal sugar to fry over gentle fire until sugar fully melts; after yellow bubbles appear, put in pork cubes and fry them over medium fire; make sure that each pork cube is fully coated by sugar. 3. Add in soy sauce and ginger and stir them evenly; add in hot water(submerge the pork cubes), salt, star anise, myrcia, soy sauce, Huadiao cooking wine and boil them over strong fire. When boiling, switch to medium fire and braise them for about 40 minutes. 4. Take out myrcia, star anise, ginger and leek and thicken the sauce over strong fire.

小胖点评 红烧肉是中国家喻户晓的一道经典名菜,毛泽东主席一辈子都爱吃红烧肉。以肥瘦相间的三层肉 (五花肉)为食材,做法多达二三十种。可以根据自己喜欢的口感适当调整炖煮猪肉的时间,若小火 烧制需炖煮 1.5 小时左右。家常菜中,我常常将五花肉块焯水后,重新加入水和香料、调料炖煮,最 后大火收汁,没有炒糖色的过程,味道同样好。经过炒糖色的红烧肉,从外形和色泽上更加油亮、诱 人,口感肥而不腻,软糯香甜,入口即化。 My comment: Braised pork with soy is a well-known dish in China, Chairman Mao loved to eat it very much. Its main ingredient is streaky pork, and there are over 30 ways to cook it. You can adjust the cooking time based on your preference, and if cooking it over gentle fire, it takes about one and a half hours. I prefer blanching the streaky pork first and then add in water and spices to boil; at last, thicken the sauce over strong fire. Even without coating with sugar, it still tastes quite nice. The coated pork looks more oily and tempting in shape and color. It is oily but not greasy, tender and sweet and melts immediately in your mouth.

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红烧猪脚 / Braised Pig’s Feet with Soy

材料:猪脚、2 个八角、2 片香叶、花雕酒、葱、姜、盐、生抽、老抽、2 个干红辣椒、花椒、冰糖 做法:1. 猪脚去毛,斩块、洗净,将猪脚放入锅中,加入足量的水和姜片,水煮沸后关火,除去浮沫; 捞起猪脚冲洗杂质,沥干备用。 2. 将猪脚放入锅中,加入热水(水没过猪脚),水煮沸后放姜片、葱段、八角、香叶、花椒、 生抽、老抽、冰糖、花雕酒、干红辣椒,小火焖 1.5―2 小时左右,取出香料,大火收汁,撒葱 花出锅。 Ingredients: pig’s feet, two star anises, two pieces of myrcia, Huadiao cooking wine, leek, ginger, salt, soy sauce, dark soy sauce, two dried red chili, Sichuan pepper, crystal sugar Procedure: 1. Unhair pig’s feet, cut them into chunks and clean them; boil pig’s feet in the wok, along with enough water and ginger; after boiling, remove the dross; take out pig’s feet and clean them for later use. 2. Put pig’s feet in the wok, along with hot water(submerge the pig’s feet); when boiling, add in ginger, leek, star anise, myrcia, Sichuan pepper, soy sauce, dark soy sauce, crystal sugar, Huadiao cooking wine and dried red chili and braise them over gentle fire for 1.5-2 hours; take spices out and thicken the sauce over strong fire; sprinkle leek before serving. 小胖点评 红烧猪脚是一道传统的名菜,也是东北过年时餐桌上的一道必吃菜。经长时间炖煮后的猪脚,香 醇味浓;肉皮滑嫩软烂,肥而不腻,美容养颜。因猪脚的胶质丰富,大火收汁时,要勤翻动,避免烧 糊。也可以尝试做香辣猪脚,将炖煮过的红烧猪脚均匀的涂抹孜然和辣椒粉,烤盘上放锡纸,再放入 猪脚,放入烤箱 180℃烤 10 分钟,香辣猪脚表皮薄脆,肉软烂可脱骨,香辣美味。 My comment: Braised pig’s feet with soy is a traditional dish and a must-have dish on the dining table in Northeastern China during the Spring Festival. After a long time of boiling, the pig’s feet are very tasty. Their skin is smooth and tender, fatty but not too greasy, and they are beneficial to health and beauty, Because the pig’s feet are rich in gelatin, you need to stir it from time to time in case they get burned. You can also try to make spicy pig’s feet: wipe cumin and chili powder on the braised pig’s feet, place them on the aluminum foil, and then roast them in the oven for 10 minutes at 180°C. The roasted spicy pig’s feet is crispy on the outside and tender inside. There are very yummy!


/ 美味家常菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

腊八豆蒸排骨 / Steamed Short Ribs with Beans

材料:猪排骨、腊八豆、姜、蒜、葱、料酒、盐 做法:1. 排骨在水中浸泡 1 小时去血水,洗净斩块、沥干;姜、蒜、葱切碎;将排骨放入盘中,加姜、 蒜、腊八豆 1 勺、盐、料酒、少许水腌制 30 分钟。 2. 水煮沸后,把排骨放入锅中,盖上锅盖蒸 20 分钟,出锅时翻动一下排骨,撒上葱花。 Ingredients: short ribs, soy bean sauce, ginger, garlic, leek, cooking wine, salt Procedure: 1. Soak short ribs in the water for one hour to remove the blood and clean and cut them into chunks; mince ginger, garlic and leek; marinate short ribs with ginger, garlic, one spoon of soy bean sauce, salt, cooking wine and a little water for 30 minutes. 2. Boil the water, then put in short ribs, and steam them for 20 minutes; stir them a little bit and sprinkle leek before serving.

小胖点评 将调好的汁、配料与排骨一起上锅蒸,也可以放入电饭煲中煮饭时一起蒸,既简单又节约时间。 排骨中有腊八豆的味道,软嫩咸香。用同样的方法可以做荷叶糯米蒸排骨、剁椒蒸排骨、香菇木耳蒸 排骨等。 My comment: Steam short ribs with handmade sauce and spices in the steamer or in the rice cooker, which is easy and time saving. You can taste the flavor of soy bean sauce inside the short ribs, which is soft and salty. Using the same method, you can make steamed short ribs in lotus leaves, steamed short ribs with red and green chili or steamed short ribs with mushrooms and black fungus.

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焖牛腩 / Braised Beef Tenderloin

材料:新鲜牛腩、陈皮 1 块、花椒油、姜、蒜、盐、酱油、干辣椒 2 个、八角 2 个、料酒、胡椒粉、 香菜、植物油 做法:1. 牛腩在水中浸泡 1 小时去血水,洗净,切块,放入花椒油、料酒、胡椒粉腌制。锅中放入油, 放牛腩翻炒至变色。 2. 将牛腩倒入高压锅中,放入陈皮、蒜、盐、干辣椒、八角、酱油、料酒、少许水,用高压锅 压 20 分钟,出锅时撒上香菜。 Ingredients: fresh beef tenderloin, one piece of dried orange peel, Sichuan pepper oil, garlic, salt, soy sauce, two dried chili, two star anises, cooking wine, pepper, coriander, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Soak beef tenderloin for one hour and clean and cut it into pieces; then marinate the pieces with Sichuan pepper oil, cooking wine and pepper powder; pour oil in the wok to fry beef tenderloin till color changes. 2. Pour all beef tenderloin in the pressure cooker, along with dried orange peel, garlic, salt, dried chili, star anise, soy sauce, cooking wine and a little water, and cook them for 20 minutes; sprinkle coriander before serving. 小胖点评 牛腩炖煮后的味道,满屋飘香,吃起来味道香浓,是我们餐桌上的一道家常美食。用高压锅焖牛 腩,既节约时间又焖煮得软烂。我曾经尝试过“牛腩炖茄子”的做法,妈妈炖牛腩的时候,刚好家里 有茄子,我提议将牛腩和茄子一起炖,没想到,这道菜给我带来了惊喜。做法:小火炖牛腩 1 小时后 加入茄子块一起炖,大火汤汁煮沸后再小火炖 30 分钟,留少许汤汁,出锅时撒少许葱花。茄子的香气 和牛腩的香醇融合出一种香甜的味道,汤汁非常美味。 My comment: The fragrance of braised beef tenderloin fills in the room, and it tastes rich and nice. This dish is a homemade gourmet frequently appearing on our dining table. Braising the beef tenderloin in a pressure cooker can save time while making it soft. I once tried to braise beef tenderloin with eggplant, and it surprised me. Cooking procedures: braise beef tenderloin over gentle fire for one hour and then add in eggplant to cook over strong fire until it boils; braise them in gentle fire for another thirty minutes.Sprinkle leek before serving. The fragrance of eggplant and beef tenderloin mixes into a taste of sweetness. The soup is fairly yummy!


/ 美味家常菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

红酒鸡翅 / Braised Chicken Winglets with Red Wine

材料:鸡中翅、姜、红酒、盐、酱油、蚝油、黑胡椒、香菜、白芝麻、植物油 做法:1. 鸡翅洗净,放酱油、盐、黑胡椒、蚝油、姜末、红酒腌制 2 小时,沥干备用。 2. 平底锅放入油,将鸡翅煎制两面变色,加入腌制鸡翅的汁,撒黑胡椒,盖上锅盖焖熟,起锅 时撒少许白芝麻、香菜。 Ingredients: chicken winglets, ginger, red wine, salt, soy sauce, oyster sauce, black pepper, coriander, white sesame, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Clean chicken winglets and marinate them with soy sauce, salt, black pepper, oyster sauce, ginger and red wine for two hour; drain them for later use. 2. Add oil in the pan to stir-fry the chicken winglets till they become brown; add in the marinated sauce and black pepper and cover the lid; sprinkle some white sesame and coriander before serving.

小胖点评 鸡翅是鸡身最为鲜嫩的部位之一,含有胶原蛋白、脂肪、维生素 A、多种微量元素,鸡翅能强腰 健胃、养颜、提高免疫能力,对青少年的视力、生长发育有益。 鸡翅腌制入味、上色,烧制后,鸡翅呈红褐色,红酒中的糖和酒精成分让鸡翅的口感松软、肉 嫩、香甜。焖煮鸡翅时,用叉子插入鸡翅中,肉中没有发现血水,可出锅。可以尝试做可乐鸡翅、啤 酒鸡翅、蒜香鸡翅、香辣鸡翅等。 My comment: Chicken winglets are the tenderest parts of chicken, which contains collagen protein, fat, vitamin A and several trace elements. Chicken winglets can strengthen the waist and kidney, benefit the skin, improve immune system and benefit teenagers’ eyes and growth. The chicken winglets look dark-red after being marinated and coated with sauce. The sugar and alcohol in red wine make it taste soft, tender and sweet. When braising the winglets, poke them with a fork; if there is no blood coming out, they are ready. We can also try to make chicken winglets with coke, beer, garlic or chili.

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土豆烧牛肉 / Braised Beef with Potato

材料:牛肉、土豆、盐、冰糖、生抽、老抽、料酒、八角 2 个、香叶 2 片、桂皮 1 块、葱、姜、蒜、 干红辣椒 2 个、植物油 做法:1. 牛肉冲洗干净后切块;放入锅中加入水、姜片,煮沸后去除浮沫,捞出控水;葱切段,姜、 蒜切片;土豆去皮切滚刀块; 2. 锅中放入油,放葱段、姜、蒜片、干红辣椒煸炒,放入牛肉翻炒断生后,加盐、生抽、老抽、 料酒、冰糖炒,加入开水没过肉,放入八角、香叶、桂皮,水煮沸后小火慢炖 1 小时左右,加 入土豆块,汤汁煮沸后转小火将土豆炖熟,大火收汁。 Ingredients: beef, potatoes, salt, crystal sugar, soy sauce, dark soy sauce, cooking wine, two star anises, two myrcia, one cinnamon stick, leek, ginger, garlic, two dried chili, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Clean and cut beef into pieces; add them in the wok, along with water and ginger; after boiling, remove the dross and take them out for draining; cut leek, ginger, garlic into slices; unskin potatoes and cut into chunks. 2. Pour oil in the wok to fry leek, ginger, garlic and dried red chili, then put in beef, and season with salt, soy sauce, dark soy sauce, cooking wine, and crystal sugar; add in water to submerge the beef, along with star anises, myrcia and cinnamon, and boil them. After boiling, braise them over gentle fire for one hour; put in potato and cook them over gentle fire after boiling; at last, switch to strong fire to thicken the sauce. 小胖点评 这是一道普通的家常菜。牛肉和土豆炖煮到软烂,入味,色泽酱红,满屋飘香,吃到牛肉的香醇 和微微的甜味。牛肉含有高蛋白、低脂肪、多种氨基酸和矿物质元素,营养丰富。牛肉含脂肪的部分 入口即化的口感,味道香浓,口留余香。选用牛肉不同部位炖煮的时间不同,若选用里脊肉炖煮需要 30 分钟左右。炖煮土豆的时候,不需要太烂,否则土豆的形状会被破坏。 My comment: This is an ordinary homemade dish. Boil beef and potato till soft and tasty. It looks crimson and smells very nice. You can taste the sweetness and freshness of the beef. Beef contains abundant protein, fat and various amino acid and mineral elements, which make it very nutrient. Its fatty part melts immediately in your mouth and gives you a dainty aftertaste. The cooking time for different parts of beef varies – beef sirloin needs about 30 minutes. Do not cook potato for too long. Otherwise, it might destroy its shape.


/ 美味家常菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

糖醋排骨 / Sweet and Sour Pork Ribs

材料:排骨、葱、姜、盐、生抽、冰糖 6 颗、八角 1 个、料酒、醋、植物油 做法:1. 排骨洗净切段,放入锅中,加入姜片和水,水煮沸后去除浮沫,捞出排骨,冲洗干净,沥 干水。 2. 锅烧热放入油,油热后,放入冰糖小火融化,待起泡后,放入排骨翻炒两分钟挂上糖色,放 入葱段、姜片翻炒,倒入开水没过排骨,放入盐、料酒、生抽、少许醋、八角,中火炖 30 分 钟左右,取出香料,大火收汁。 Ingredients: pork ribs, leek, ginger, salt, soy sauce, six pieces of crystal sugar, one star anise, cooking wine, vinegar, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Clean and cut pork ribs into chunks and put them in the wok, along with ginger slices and water; after boiling, remove the dross and take pork ribs out for cleaning again. 2. Put oil in the wok to melt crystal sugar over gentle fire; when bubbles appear, put in pork ribs and fry them for two minutes, coating the ribs; then add in leek, ginger, boiling water(submerge the ribs), salt, cooking wine, soy sauce, a little vinegar and star anise and braise them over medium fire for about 30 minutes; take the spices out and thicken the sauce over strong fire. 小胖点评 这是一道非常普通的家常菜,也是我在家中常做的一道菜。炒糖色是这道菜成功的关键,色泽红 亮油润,肉香多汁,酱香浓郁,酸甜可口。这道菜南方和北方的口味略有不同,北方的糖醋排骨略咸 一些,而江浙一带更加突出甜味。这道菜可以延伸为排骨炖东北豆角、排骨炖土豆等。 My comment: This is a very ordinary homemade dish, which I often make at home. The key to this dish is coat pork ribs with crystal sugar, which makes them red and shining. The pork ribs are juicy and tasty, sweet and sour and very dainty. The cooking process of this dish is a bit different between the southern and northern—people in Northern China like it salthy, while people in Jiangsu-Zhejiang region like it sweeter. Pork ribs can also be braised with string beans from Northeastern China or with potatoes.

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/ 美味家常菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

红焖羊腿肉 / Braised Lamb Leg with Soy 材料:带皮羊腿肉、胡萝卜、大葱、香菜、姜、蒜瓣 2 个、福建老酒、冰糖 4 个、盐、香叶 2 片、 八角 2 个、少许孜然、生抽、老抽、2 勺红色豆腐乳汁 做法:1. 带皮羊腿肉切块,洗净;胡萝卜去皮,切滚刀块;葱切段,姜切片,香菜切碎。 2. 将羊肉放入锅中,加入足量的水、姜片,水煮沸后,去除浮沫,关火,捞出羊肉,冲洗干净, 沥干水。 3. 锅中放入羊肉,加入足量的水、姜片、葱段、蒜瓣、香叶、八角、料酒 5 勺、红色豆腐乳汁、 孜然、生抽、老抽、盐,水煮沸后小火炖 2 小时,取出香料,放入胡萝卜块,大火煮沸后,中 火炖 15 分钟,大火收汁。出锅时撒香菜末。 Ingredients: lamb leg with skin, carrot, leek white, coriander, ginger, two slices of garlic, Fujian cooking wine, four crystal sugars, salt, two myrcia, two star anises, a little cumin powder, soy sauce, dark soy sauce, two spoons of red fermented tofu sauce Procedure: 1. Clean and cut lamb leg into chunks; unskin carrot and cut it into pieces; segment the leek, slice the ginger, and mince the coriander . 2. Put lamb leg in the wok, along with enough water and ginger slices; after boiling, remove the dross, turn off the heat and then take the lamb leg out; clean it for later use. 3. Put in the wok the lamb leg, water, ginger, leek, garlic, myrcia, star anise, five spoons of cooking wine, red fermented tofu, cumin powder, soy sauce, dark soy sauce and salt; after boiling, braise them over gentle fire for two hours; take all the spices out and add in carrot; after boiling, braise them over medium fire for another15 minutes; thicken the sauce over strong fire and sprinkle minced coriander before serving.

小胖点评 羊肉比猪肉的肉质细嫩,比猪肉和牛肉的脂肪、胆固醇含量少,羊肉含有蛋白质、维生素 B1、 B2、B6 以及铁、锌、硒等微量元素。 红焖羊腿肉是我在妈妈的指导下尝试了多次完成的。冬至来临,不管是南方还是北方,有吃羊肉 的习惯。能吃上热气腾腾的红焖羊肉,再喝上一碗暖暖的羊肉汤,温暖和滋养身心,非常地满足。羊 腿肉质紧实,不容易炖烂,需要足够的耐心慢慢地炖煮。炖煮时,除了加入香料和调料外,我特殊加 入了福建老酒和红色豆腐乳汁炖煮,有意想不到的惊喜和味道,也许是含有酒、糖、盐的成分吧,不 仅去除膻味,还增加香气,让这道菜的味道更加鲜美。 My comment: Lamb is tenderer and lower in fat and cholesterol when compared with pork and beef. Lamb contains protein, vitamins B1, B2, B6, and trace elements like iron, zinc and selenium. I tried to make this dish many times under the instruction of my mother. Eating lamb is a habit for both southern and northern people during wintertime. The hot lamb leg and lamb soup can warm your body and heart. All is satisfactory. Lamb leg is tough and not easy to become tender. Therefore, you need to cook with patience. Besides adding spices, I also put in Fujian cooking wine and red fermented tofu sauce, which bestows the dish with a surprising flavor. The reason may be that these additives include alcohol, sugar and salt, which can remove the fishy odor and bring fragrance to this dish.

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·厨房的秘密· Secret in the Kitchen

从小,我就对厨房充满着好奇,喜欢摆弄各种调料和炊具。对于一个专业的厨师 来说,厨房的秘密是他们一生的财富和追求的目标;而对于家庭来说,厨房的秘密和 他们的记忆、情感连接在一起,是家庭的一日三餐中烹饪的地方,更是一家人交流的 空间,是我们对生活的向往和对美食的热爱。 厨房里的秘密之厨具,它包括冰箱、冷藏柜、消毒柜、储物柜、炉具、灶具、餐 具、器皿等等,各种各样,琳琅满目,有点像“军火库”。但通常,你可以花繁为简, 只需要菜板、菜刀、炒锅、灶或炉,就可以愉快地烹饪一顿美味佳肴了。炒锅作为中 国传统的炒菜工具,长辈们说,用铁锅炒菜即健康又安全,锅的弧度设计适合煎炒烹 炸,特别是翻炒。家庭厨房中至少要有三把刀:菜刀、斩骨刀、水果刀,还需要齿刀、 磨刀棒和专用剪刀。菜板是家庭厨房做饭时必备的工具之一,选用质地好的木制或竹 制菜板,切肉、切蔬菜、切水果的菜板要分开。 餐具中,我要特殊说说“筷子”。作为中华饮食文化的标志,发明于中国,后传 至日本、朝鲜、越南等有汉字文化的国家,通常由竹、木、骨、象牙、金属、塑料等 材料制作。中国发现最早的筷子是河南省安阳市殷墟出土的铜筷子,可见,几千年前 的中国就出现筷子了。筷子的文化有其深刻的内涵:筷子通常 7 寸 6 分长,代表着人 有“七情六欲”,因此,吃饭的时候,提醒人们要有节制;筷子一头圆一头方,圆象征 着天,方象征着地,表示“天圆地方”;手持筷子,拇指、食指在上,无名指、小指在


/ 美味家常菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

下,中指在中间,是“天地人”之意,这是中国人对人和事物的理解,蕴含着中国人 的智慧和文化。 厨房的秘密之调料,也称佐料。液态调料有料酒、酱油、蚝油、香油、醋等,固 态调料有盐、糖、味精、生粉等,辣香调味料有葱、姜、蒜、辣椒、胡椒、八角、五 香粉等。酸甜苦辣咸,五味使中国菜的味道千变万化。咸的味觉来自盐、酱油,是烹 饪中的百味之首;酸味来自醋、柠檬,可以去腥解腻,提升菜肴的鲜香,使肉质更嫩, 开胃;辣味来自辣椒,可以增加食欲,祛风寒,益气活血;苦味来自苦瓜,苦味在菜 肴中少使用,多来自药膳之味,轻微的苦味让菜肴更加鲜香;甜味来自糖、蜂蜜,去 腥解腻,还可以增加幸福感。五味是中国的味道,五味调和平衡也是中国人为人处事 之道。 厨房的秘密之食材。我们的食物,来自遥远的江、河、湖、海,来自田野、森林、 平原、高山,来自人们的劳动所得。食物通过不同的烹饪方式,变成美味佳肴,它不 仅让我们果腹,吃出好滋味,更是让我们珍惜新鲜的食材,感谢大自然的馈赠。 厨房的秘密之烹饪方法。中国菜肴的烹饪方式多种多样,煎、炸、煮、蒸、炒、 焖、炖等,常用的就有五十多种,地方风味不同,烹饪的方法也不同。熟悉调料的使 用方法,熟悉食物的秉性,火候的拿捏,佐料的配比,刀工的精细,把它们变成餐桌 上的美食。在家人的团聚中,美味传达着满足感,更加蕴含着每个家庭对生活的理解 和哲学。 厨房充满着想象力和创造力,蕴藏着创造一切美味的秘密;厨房色彩斑斓,充满 着魔力,让我们得到味觉的体验和精神的享受,让我们感到无限的幸福和美好。

Delicious Homemade Cuisine /


· 小 眼 睛 看 美 食 · 中餐篇

When I was young, I was curious about the kitchen and liked to play with different sauces and cookers. For a professional chef, the secret in the kitchen is what they chase and seek throughout his or her life; while for a family, the secret is connected with memory and emotion—it is a place where all three meals are made, a place where communication occurs, and a place where our love for life and passion for food are witnessed. Secret in the kitchen includes tools like the fridge, freezer, disinfecting cabinet, cupboard, stove, tableware and containers, just like an “arsenal”. But usually, you can make it much more simple, using only the cutting board, knifes, wok, and stove to make a delicious dinner. Wok is a traditional cooking tool because, according to the older generation, it is safe and healthy. Its arc shape is suitable for stirfry, deep-fry, and steaming, especially sauteing. In a household kitchen, at least three kinds of knifes are needed – one for ordinary ingredients, one for bones, and another for fruits, along with serrated knife, knife sharpening stick and special-made scissors. Cutting board is essential in every kitchen, which is usually made from wooden or bamboo of high quality. There should be three cutting boards respectively for cutting meats, vegetables, and fruits. Among all the tableware, “chopsticks” must be mentioned. Chopsticks, the symbol of Chinese Cuisine, was originated in China and later passed down to Japan, Korea, Vietnam and other countries which use Chinese characters. The chopsticks are usually made from bamboo, wood, bone, elephant’s teeth, metal, or plastic. The first chopsticks is a pair of bronze chopsticks found in the Yin Dynasty Ruins in Anyang, Henan, which make it clear that chopsticks are used in china several thousand years ago. The culture of chopsticks is very profound: the length of chopstick is usually about 7.6 cuns (one cun approximately equals to 1.31 inches) in length, which means the seven feelings and six desires of human beings. It tells people to have control when dining. One end of a chopstick is round and the other square: the round end represents the sky and the square the earth. When holding a pair of


/ 美味家常菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

chopsticks, thumb and forefinger are placed above, with ring finger and little finger at the bottom, and the middle finger in the middle—it represents respectively the sky, the earth, and the human. This is the understanding of Chinese people towards human and matter, containing the wisdom and culture of Chinese people. The secret of sauces, or seasoning, includes liquid sauces like cooking wine, soy sauce, oyster sauce, sesame oil, vinegar, solid sauces like salt, sugar, MSG, cornstarch, and spicy sauces like leek, ginger, garlic, chili, pepper, star anise, and five-spice powder. It was sourness, sweetness, bitterness, spiciness and saltiness that make Chinese Cuisine diverse. Saltiness comes from salt and soy sauce, which is the top sauce in cooking; sourness comes from vinegar and lemon, which remove the fishy odor, bring fragrance to dishes, and make meat tender and appetizing; spiciness comes from chili and pepper, which arouse your appetite, dispel coldness and do good to your breath and blood; bitterness comes from bitter gourd or Chinese medicine ingredients, which are used much less often but it freshener the dishes; and sweetness comes from sugar and honey, which can bring sweetness and happiness. The five flavors are the taste of China, whose balance represents the philosophy of Chinese people towards human and things. The secret of ingredients in the kitchen comes from rivers, lakes, seas, wild fields, forests, plateaus, and mountains, which are all harvested by us. Foods are cooked in different ways before they become delicacies, which not only feed us but also remind us to cherish the fresh ingredients. we should cherish all these gifts bestowed by our mother Nature. The secret of cooking methods includes more than 50 types like pan-searing, frying, boiling, steaming, stir-frying, braising and stewing, featuring variety in geological regions. A chefs should have much familiarity with the using of seasoning, the feature of food, the management of fire, the combination of sauces, and the fineness of cutting skills in order to make exquisite dishes. In the meal of family union, delicacy conveys their satisfaction as well as their love and understanding of life. Kitchen is a place full of imagination and creation, hiding the secret of making delicacy. The kitchen is colorful and magical, and gives us an enjoyment of taste and feeling and the happiness and pleasure of living.

Delicious Homemade Cuisine /


· 小 眼 睛 看 美 食 · 中餐篇

啤酒鸭 / Braised Duck with Beer

材料:半只鸭子、啤酒 1 瓶、青红椒、葱、姜、蒜、香菜、八角 1 个、桂皮 1 块、香叶 2 片、花椒、 冰糖 5 颗、盐、生抽、老抽、植物油 做法:1. 鸭子洗净、斩块;葱切段,姜、蒜切片;青红椒切片。 2. 热锅冷油,油热后爆香葱姜蒜、花椒,倒入鸭子煸出油,加啤酒和少许开水,放入八角、桂 皮、香叶、盐、生抽、老抽、冰糖小火焖 30 分钟,取出香料,放入青红椒片炒均匀,大火收汁。 Ingredients: half duck, one bottle of beer, green and red pepper, leek, ginger, garlic, coriander, one star anise, one cinnamon stick, two pieces of myrcia, Sichuan pepper, five crystal sugar, salt, soy sauce, dark soy sauce, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Clean duck and cut it into pieces; cut leek into segments; cut ginger, garlic and green and red pepper into slices. 2. Heat the oil to stir-fry leek, ginger, garlic and Sichuan pepper; then add in duck to bring out the oil, and then add in beer and a little boiling water, along with star anise, cinnamon stick, myrcia, salt, soy sauce, dark soy sauce and crystal sugar and braise them over gentle for 30 minutes; take out spices and add in green and red pepper and fry them over; thicken the sauce over strong fire.

小胖点评 鸭子是餐桌上的上乘佳肴,鸭肉的营养价值与鸡肉相似。从中医的角度看,鸭子以水生物为食, 肉性味甘、寒,有滋补、养胃、补肾、消水肿、止咳化痰等作用。在烹制过程中加入的啤酒是这道菜 的灵魂,啤酒可以去除鸭肉的膻味,使鸭肉松软,味道浓厚,入口鲜香。还可以尝试做清蒸鸭、子姜 焖鸭、萝卜炖鸭、菠萝鸭等。 My comment: Duck is a delicacy on the table, whose nutrient value is similar to chicken. From the perspective of Chinese medicine, duck, as a aquatic creature, tastes sweet and cold, which benefits the stomach and kidney, dispel edema and alleviate coughing. Beer is the soul of this dish, which can remove the unpleasant odor and make it tenderer. It tastes rich and smells very nice. You can also try steamed duck, braised duck with baby gingers, braised duck with radish and stirfried duck with pineapple.


/ 美味家常菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

三杯鸡 / Braised Chicken in Three Sauces

材料:新鲜走地鸡、姜、盐、生抽 50 毫升、老抽 10 毫升、糯米酒 100 毫升、芝麻油 40 克、姜 6 片、 蒜片、鲜红椒 1 个、冰糖 6 个、九层塔、植物油 做法:1. 鸡洗净、斩块;姜、蒜切片;鲜红椒切片。 2. 小火起锅,放入 20 克芝麻油,爆香姜、蒜片,放入冰糖化开,再放入一碗生抽汁、一碗 糯米酒,烧开后成为“三杯汁”。 3. 另起锅中火放入 20 克芝麻油,爆香姜、蒜片,放入鸡块翻炒 6 分钟至变色;加入三杯汁, 转大火不停翻炒,收汁;放入红椒翻炒均匀,再放九层塔盖上锅盖焖 1 分钟,起锅。 Ingredients: fresh chicken, salt, 50ml soy sauce, 10ml dark soy sauce, 100ml rice wine, 40g sesame oil, six pieces of ginger, garlic, one red pepper, six crystal sugar, basil, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Clean chicken and cut it into pieces; slice ginger, garlic and red pepper. 2. Heat the wok over gentle fire and then add in half of the sesame oil to fry ginger and garlic; then, add in crystal sugar, and when sugar melts, add in soy sauce and rice wine to make the “Three Sauces.” 3. Add another half of the sesame oil in the wok to fry ginger and garlic; add in chicken pieces and stir-fry them for six minutes until color changes; then add in the three sauce and stir them constantly over strong fire and thickens the sauce; add in red pepper and fry them over, and then add in basil and braise them for one minute. 小胖点评 三杯鸡是江西的一道地方名菜。因烹制时不放汤水,仅用米酒一杯、芝麻油或猪油一杯、酱油一 杯,故得名三杯鸡。这道菜肉香味浓,肉质紧实有韧性,甜中带咸。九层塔又叫罗勒、金不换,是一 种具有独特味道的香料。九层塔的香气,让这道菜的味道更加丰富,口中留有余香。 My comment: This is a popular Jiangxi dish. When cooking, do not need to put any water but just one glass of rice wine, sesame oil or lard, and soy sauce—that is why it is called “braised chicken in three sauces”. It smells nice and tastes al dente, sweet and salted. Basil is a special spice with a distinctive fragrance, which makes this dish rich in flavor and has an impressive aftertaste.

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· 小 眼 睛 看 美 食 · 中餐篇

五彩鸡丁 / Stir-fried Chicken Dices with Pepper

材料:鸡胸脯肉、胡萝卜、绿彩椒、黄彩椒、青笋、玉米、姜、蒜、生粉、盐、植物油 做法:1. 胡萝卜、青笋切丁,将胡萝卜丁、青笋丁、玉米粒放入煮沸的水中煮 1 分钟左右,捞起,沥 干水;彩椒、鸡胸肉切丁;蒜、姜切末;生粉放少许水搅拌均匀。 2. 锅中放入油,炒香蒜末、姜末,放入鸡丁翻炒;放入胡萝卜、彩椒、青笋、玉米炒匀;加入 少许水、盐,放入水淀粉勾芡,收汁。 Ingredients: chicken breast, carrot, green and yellow pepper, bamboo shoot, corn, ginger, garlic, cornstarch, salt, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Cut carrot and bamboo shoot into dices, put them in the boiling water with corn, and cook them for one minute; take them out and drain it out; cut green and yellow pepper and chicken breast into dices and mince garlic and ginger; mix cornstarch with a little water. 2. Pour oil in the wok to stir-fry garlic and ginger, and then add in chicken dices and fry them over; then add in carrot, green and yellow pepper, bamboo shoot and corn and fry them evenly; add in a little water, salt and cornstarch to thicken the sauce. 小胖点评 鸡肉味道鲜美,营养丰富。含有蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物、维生素、烟酸、钠、钙、铁、胆固 醇,鸡肉的蛋白质含量比猪、牛、鹅肉高,脂肪含量低。鸡肉是家常菜中的主要食材之一。 这道菜在材料的选择上,还可以选用豌豆、山药、洋葱、黄瓜、蘑菇、木耳等食材,是一道清新 爽口、营养健康的菜。 My comment: Chicken tastes fresh, and it has rich nutrition, containing protein, fat, carbohydrate, vitamins, niacin, sodium, calcium, iron and cholesterol. It has much more protein than pork, beef and goose, and it is low in fat. Chicken is one of the main ingredients in homemade cuisine. As for the ingredients, we can also choose beans, yam, onion, cucumber, mushroom, and black fungus. It is a light and nutrient dish.


/ 美味家常菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

回锅肉 / Double-cooked Pork Slices

材料:带皮五花肉、蒜苗、姜、蒜、郫县豆瓣酱、糖、料酒、葱、花椒、植物油 做法:1. 将整块带皮五花肉冷水下锅,放姜片、葱白、花椒煮至八成熟,用筷子插入肉中,没有血水, 捞起冷却,切成薄片;蒜苗斜切成段;豆瓣酱用少许水搅拌均匀。 2. 锅中放入油,两面煎肉片变黄微微卷起,盛出备用。 3. 锅中留底油,放入姜、蒜爆香;放入豆瓣酱、料酒、糖调味;加肉片翻炒,再放入蒜苗炒匀。 Ingredients: streaky pork with skin, garlic sprout, ginger, garlic, Pixian broad bean paste, sugar, cooking wine, leek, Sichuan pepper, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Add in pork in the wok containing cold water, along with ginger, leek and Sichuan pepper, and cook them until almost done; poke the pork with a chopstick, and if no blood comes out, take it out, put it in the cold water, and then cut it into thin slices; cut garlic sprout into oblong slices; mix broad bean paste evenly with a little water. 2. Pour oil in the wok to fry pork slices until both sides become curved and brown, and then take them out. 3. Stir-fry ginger and garlic, and then season with broad bean paste, cooking wine and sugar; add in pork slices and garlic sprout and fry them over.

小胖点评 回锅肉是中国川菜中一种烹调猪肉的传统菜式,色泽红亮,肥而不腻。炒回锅肉时,若不用郫县 豆瓣酱,也可以加 2 勺老干妈辣椒酱,将肉片与尖辣椒或蒜薹一起炒,味道同样好。 My comment: This dish reflects the traditional method used by people in Sichuan to cook pork. This dish looks shining and red, fat but not too greasy. When frying the pork, we can use Laoganma chili sauce instead of Pixian broad bean paste; when fried with pepper or garlic sprout, it will taste the same good.

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· 小 眼 睛 看 美 食 · 中餐篇

咕噜肉 / Sweet and Sour Pork with Fat

材料:猪肉半斤、菠萝块、红彩椒、洋葱、姜、料酒、糖、盐、蚝油、番茄酱、生粉、蛋清、植物 油 做法:1. 将猪肉洗净去皮切块,用姜、料酒、糖、盐、蚝油腌制 1 小时,放 1 个蛋清、少许生粉搅拌 挂浆;菠萝切块,红彩椒切片。 2. 将猪肉放入七成油温中炸,变黄色后捞起。锅中放入番茄酱、料酒、糖、盐、菠萝块、红彩 椒、洋葱炒,勾芡,再放入肉块翻炒均匀起锅。 Ingredients: half kilo of pork, pineapple, red pepper, onion, ginger, cooking wine, sugar, salt, oyster sauce, ketchup, cornstarch, egg white, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Clean and unskin the pork and cut it into pieces; marinate the pork pieces with ginger, cooking wine, sugar, salt and oyster sauce for one hour; add in egg white and a little cornstarch, and mix them evenly; cut pineapple into pieces and red pepper into slices. 2. Heat the oil in the pan to fry the pork pieces till they become brown and then take out out; fry tomato sauce, cooking wine, sugar, salt, pineapple, red pepper and onion in the wok, and then add in cornstarch to thicken the sauce; add in the pork pieces and fry them over before serving.

小胖点评 咕噜肉,又名古老肉,是广东的传统特色名菜。这道菜以甜酸汁烹调,上菜时香气四溢,很开 胃,会令人「咕噜咕噜」地吞口水,因而得名。这道菜炸肉的火候和调汁的味道非常关键,猪肉块外 焦里嫩,搭配菠萝和番茄酱的酸甜口感,深受女士和小朋友的喜爱。 My comment: This is a traditional Guangdong dish. The sweet and sour sauce makes it fragrant and appetizing. It is called “Gulu pork” in Chinese because it tastes so nice that your mouth cannot help watering with a sound of “gulugulu”. The fire and sauce are the key to this dish. The pork is crispy on the outside and tender inside. Pineapple and tomato sauce add in a sweet and sour taste, which attracts ladies and kids.


/ 美味家常菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

水煮牛肉 / Boiled Sliced Beef with Hot Sauce 材料:牛肉片、豆芽、生菜 1 棵、生粉 10 克、1 个蛋清、胡椒粉、花椒、生抽、郫县豆瓣 50 克、 干辣椒、料酒、大葱、蒜、姜、干辣椒粉、植物油 做法:1. 牛肉片用生粉、料酒、生抽、胡椒粉、鸡蛋清抓匀腌制;姜、蒜切末,葱切段,郫县豆瓣酱 用少许水搅拌匀;生菜洗净,水中放入少许盐和油,水煮沸后放入生菜,稍烫一下捞出,放入 冰水中,捞出生菜放在碗底。 2. 热锅冷油,放入花椒、干辣椒爆香,放入葱、蒜、姜、郫县豆瓣碎炒出红油,再加开水煮成 红汤。红汤煮沸后,将豆芽在红汤中烫 1 分钟,取出放在生菜上。 3. 将腌好的牛肉放入锅中煮 5 分钟,捞出牛肉放在豆芽上,浇上汤汁,露出牛肉;在牛肉上放 蒜泥和辣椒粉;另起锅烧一汤勺热油,将油淋在碗中的辣椒粉上,撒葱花和香菜叶。 Ingredients: beef slices, bean sprout, one lettuce, 10g cornstarch, one egg white, pepper, Sichuan pepper, soy sauce, 50g Pixian broad bean paste, dried chili, cooking wine, leek, garlic, ginger, chili powder, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Marinate beef slices with cornstarch, cooking wine, soy sauce, pepper and egg white; mince ginger, and garlic and cut leek into segment; mix broad bean paste with a little water; wash lettuce and blanch it in boiling water with a little salt and oil; take it out and put it in cold water; take it out again and put in in a bowl. 2. Preheat the wok and add in oil to fry Sichuan pepper, dried chili, leek, garlic, ginger and broad bean paste to make red oil; add in a little boiling water to make red sauce; When red sauce boils, blanch the bean sprouts in it for one minute and place them on the lettuce. 3. Cook marinated beef in the wok for five minutes, take them out and put them on top pf the bean sprout; pour the sauce but expose the beef slices; put minced garlic and chili powder on top; heat a spoonful of oil and then pour the oil on top of all ingredients; sprinkle some leek and coriander before serving.

小胖点评 这是一道四川的家常菜。我选用吃火锅的牛肉片烹制,牛肉片不能太薄,薄的牛肉片在烹饪时 容易卷起,摆盘不美观。这道菜汤汁的味道是成功的关键,麻辣鲜香。我喜欢最后浇上热油时的“刺 啦”声,激发了辣椒和大蒜的香气,牛肉嫩滑,青菜爽口,汤汁美味。 My comment: This is an ordinary Sichuan homemade dish. The beef slices I choose are for hotpot, which cannot be too thin because thin beef slice curves easily when cooked. The sauce, which is fresh and spicy, is the key to this dish. I like the sizzling sound when pouring hot oil on it, which brings out the fragrance of chili and garlic. The beef is tender, the vegetables are fresh, and the sauce tastes yummy!

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辣椒小炒肉 / Stir-fried Pork with Pepper

材料:五花肉、青辣椒、红辣椒、葱、姜、蒜、盐、酱油、植物油 做法:1.五花肉去皮切薄片,青红辣椒切片,葱、姜、蒜切碎。 2.锅烧热放入油,用油把锅滑一遍,放肉片煸炒至变色盛出。锅中放入油,炒香葱、姜、蒜, 放入辣椒煸炒至变软,放入肉片翻炒,加入盐、酱油调味。 Ingredients: streaky pork, green and red pepper, leek, ginger, garlic, salt, soy sauce, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Remove the skin of streaky pork and cut it into thin slices; slice green and red peppers and mince leek, ginger and garlic. 2. Preheat the wok and add in oil to stir-fry streaky pork slices till they become brown and take them out; add oil in the wok to stir-fry leek, ginger, garlic and pepper till they become soft, then add in pork again and fry them with salt and soy sauce.

小胖点评 这是一道咸辣肉香、非常好吃的家常菜。还可以尝试做剔骨小炒肉,取煮熟的骨头上的肉,撕成 小块,将指天椒或青辣椒切小段;锅中放入油,煸炒辣椒,再放剔骨肉和调料炒,很美味。 My comment: This dish is tasty, salted and spicy. We can also make it using meat from the cooked bones, which is ripped into shreds, and fry them with red and green chili. It tastes yummy.


/ 美味家常菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

红烧带鱼 / Braised Hairtail with Soy

材料:带鱼 1 条、葱、姜、蒜、料酒、生抽、老抽、盐、白糖、香醋、香菜、植物油 做法:1. 带鱼去鳃和内脏,洗净,切段。葱切段、姜切丝、蒜切片;带鱼加料酒、盐、葱姜蒜拌匀腌 制 20 分钟;将带鱼蘸上干面粉。 2. 热锅冷油,六成油温放入带鱼,中小火两面炸至金黄,捞出控油。 3. 锅中放入油,葱、姜、蒜爆香,放入带鱼,加适量开水,放 2 勺香醋、2 勺生抽、半勺老抽、 1 勺白糖、2 勺水淀粉煮沸后小火收汁,放香菜段起锅。 Ingredients: one hairtail, leek, ginger, garlic, cooking wine, soy sauce, dark soy sauce, salt, sugar, vinegar, coriander, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Remove and discard hairtail’s gill and viscera and clean and cut it into segments; cut leek into segments, ginger into shreds and garlic into slice; marinate the hairtail with cooking wine, salt, leek, ginger and garlic for 20 minutes; wrap it with cornstarch. 2. Heat the oil to fry hairtail until both sides turn brown; take it out and drain the oil. 3. Add oil in the wok to stir-fry leek segments, ginger shreds, garlic slice, and then add in hairtail, along with a little boiling water; add in two spoons of vinegar, two spoons of soy sauce, half spoon of dark soy sauce, one spoon of sugar and two spoons of cornstarch and boil them over gentle fire until sauce thicken; sprinkle some coriander before serving.

小胖点评 红烧鱼,讲究的是色、香、味俱全,多采用煎、炸、焖的方法,很多品种的鱼都可以用来红烧。 带鱼用葱姜蒜、料酒、盐腌制,去腥入味;裹面粉油炸后再烹制,锁住水分,保持带鱼的形状;鱼肉 白而鲜嫩,汤汁浓稠,酸、甜、咸与蒜、香菜的搭配,融合出非常美妙的口感。 My comment: To make this dish, appearance, fragrance and taste are very important. We can pan-sear, fry or braise the hairtail or any other kinds of fish. Marinate the fish with leek, ginger, garlic, cooking wine and salt to remove the fishy odor. Wrap the fish with cornstarch before frying, which can preserve the water and keep its shape. The fish’s meat is white and tender. The sauce is thick, sour, sweet and salted, which goes really well with garlic and coriander.

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·舌尖上的年夜饭· A Bite of the Family Reunion Dinner

春节是农历的岁首,是我国最盛大、最热闹的一个古老的传统节日,俗称“过 年”。春节,顾名思义是春天的节日,春天来临,万象更新,新一轮播种和收获的季 节又要开始了。古代“过年”,不是在腊月二十九日或三十日,而是在“腊日”,即后 来的“腊八”。南北朝以后,把“蜡祭”移至岁末。到了民国时,才叫“春节”,因为 春节一般都在“立春”前后。春节是亿万中国家庭团员的日子,和西方的圣诞节相似。 远行的人们在这一天要回到家吃团圆饭,家家户户,合家欢乐,辞旧迎新,相互祝福。 年夜饭,又称团圆饭,是每个家庭一年中最重要的一餐。各地的特色不同,家家 户户拿出自家的绝活,如五福临门、三羊开泰、团团圆圆、年年有余、鸿运当头等, 寄托着人们吉祥、美好、富足的愿景。 北京、天津地区的年夜饭一般有炖肉和炒菜;陕西家宴一般为炒菜、凉菜、烩 菜、烧菜;安徽地区餐桌上有两条鱼,一条用来敬祖,另一条鱼可以吃,寓意年年有 余;湖北地区的“三蒸”是蒸全鱼、蒸全鸭、蒸全鸡,“三糕”是鱼糕、肉糕、羊糕, “三丸”是鱼丸、肉丸、藕丸;东北地区一般炒 8 个、10 个或 12 个菜不等,双数代表 着吉利之意,主料是鸡鸭鱼肉和蔬菜;浙江一般为“十大碗”,取“十全十福”之意; 湖南地区家宴有鲤鱼“团年鱼”、猪肘子“团年肘子”;山东家宴中的第一碗菜是“中 和”,含义为“和气生财”;江西地区必食年糕、红烧鱼、炒米粉、八宝饭、煮糊羹, 其含义是年年高升、年年有鱼、粮食丰收、八宝进财、年年富裕;广东地区的大盆菜、 腊味和酿的菜比较有名,酿是一种对生活富足的心意,大盆菜寓意着百菜百味,有喜 庆团聚的意义。 北方有吃饺子的习俗,做饺子时先和面,“和”就是“合”,“饺子”与“交“谐 音,“合、 ” “交”有相聚之意,又取“百岁交子”之意。所以,饺子象征团聚。此外, 饺子因为形似元宝,也有“招财进宝”的含义。一家人聚在一起包饺子,吃饺子,其 乐融融。汤圆有“团团圆圆”之意,所以过年时每家每户要吃汤圆。南方大都吃“年 糕”,与“年年高”谐音,寓意是人们的工作和生活一年比一年提高。 印象中,妈妈为了这一餐从一个月前,甚至更久的时间就开始准备了。提前购买


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My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

年货,阳台上,晒制自制的腊肠和腊肉,腌制泡菜等。年三十这天,妈妈会很早起床, 拿出鸡鸭鱼肉等,切块、改刀、清洗干净,备菜、摆盘。很多菜是需要提前焯水、油 炸、炖煮的。下午三点左右,厨房里开始热闹起来。锅里分别炖煮着猪肉、牛肉,空 气中弥漫着肉的香味,我总是情不自禁地跑进厨房,迫不及待地夹起肉来品尝,对这 一餐充满着期待。 我家的团圆饭通常是傍晚六点开席。先是摆上四道凉菜,酱牛肉、白菜胡萝卜丝 拌海蜇、凉拌木耳、腊味合蒸。接着热气腾腾的热菜陆续出炉了,红烧肉、锅包肉、 红烧猪脚是妈妈的拿手菜;红烧鱼、啤酒鸭、三杯鸡这三道菜,爸爸用江西菜的方法 烹制,菜里放很多红色的辣椒;还有两道青菜,一个汤;主食是年糕和米饭。爸爸妈 妈总是想起他们小时候过年的场景,放鞭炮,贴对联,各家串门,相互拜年。如今, 虽不能放鞭炮,但是这厨房里煎炒烹炸、叮叮当当的声音,也如鞭炮声一样,热闹起 来。一桌子的菜摆好了,肉香浓郁、肥而不腻、卤汁充盈、甜蜜饱满、咸辣香浓、焦 香酥脆,每一道菜都有它的寓意,象征着来年的生活红红火火、蒸蒸日上、甜甜蜜蜜、 年年有余、生活富足。我们举起酒杯,共同祝福生活更加美好! 夜幕降临,吃过团圆饭后,妈妈开始剁肉馅、和面,准备包白菜猪肉馅饺子了。 白菜有“摆财“之意,妈妈是北方人,最拿手的就是包饺子,我很喜欢吃饺子。妈妈 忙碌着,准备好饺子馅和面皮,我和爸爸也来帮忙包饺子。电视里播放着中央电视台 的春节晚会,我们有说有笑,聊着家常。一家人把对生活的美好和愿望包进这饺子中。 新年的钟声即将敲响,热气腾腾的饺子已经煮好了。电视里传出熟悉的新年的钟声倒 计时的声音,“5、4、3、2、1,新年快乐!”我们一起吃饺子,一起迎接新年的到 来,相互祝福幸福、健康,爸爸妈妈祝福我学习进步。一年的忙碌,我看到了爸爸妈 妈那熟悉的笑容,此刻,我感到无比的幸福和温暖。 年夜饭,食物带着温度,香甜的味道满足着人们的味蕾,在浓情寓意中相互祝福, 传递着亲情。这一切,凝聚着每个家庭,也凝聚着人们的快乐、成长、相爱、别离和 团聚,在熟悉而踏实的家家户户的年夜饭中,慢慢地迎来了新的一年。

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The Spring Festival is the beginning of Chinese lunar year and the most spectacular and most popular traditional festival in China. The Spring Festival, as its name suggests, is the festival of spring, representing the coming of spring, change of everything and time for a new round of planting and harvesting. In ancient times, the Spring Festival was not on the 29th or 30th of December, but on the 8th of December. It was during the Northern and Southern Dynasty that the festival was moved to the end of December. It was during the Republic of China period that it got its name as “the Spring Festival,” because it was held after spring comes. It is a day of family reunion, similar to the Christmas in western countries. On this day, people far away from their family come home for a family reunion dinner and send good wishes to each other to celebrate the New Year. Family reunion dinner is the most important family dinner every year and the time for every family to show their cooking skills. The dishes of family reunion dinner differ from region to region, and every family has its own specialty, giving names like “Five Blessings Come”, “Three Rams Bring Bliss”, “Reunion and Happiness”, “Surplus Year After Year” and “Lucky Day comes.” The appearance of dishes represents people’s pursuit of bigger, higher, and fullest, carrying the message of people’s wishes for propitiousness, happiness, and wealth. Dishes in Beijing and Tianjin usually include Braised Pork, Beef, Lamb and Chicken and fried vegetable. Shaanxi reunion dinner features “Four Plates and Eight Bowls” —four dishes of stir-fried or cold dishes and eight braised or stewed dishes. The family reunion dinner in Anhui has at least two dishes of fish prepared, one for the ancestor and the other for the family to share, meaning there is alway surplus every year. Hubei’s reunion dinner features “Three Steamed Dishes, Three Cakes, and Three Meatballs” —three steamed dishes include steamed fish, steamed duck, and steamed chicken; three cakes include fish cake, meat cake, and lamb cake; and three meatballs include fish ball, meatball, and lotus ball. People living in Northeastern China usually have dishes of even numbers like eight, ten, or twelve, and the main ingredients are chicken, duck, fish, and vegetables. In Zhejiang Province, there are usually ten dishes, meaning “Ten Kinds of Fortune”. Families in Hunan province has carp and pig’s legs. The first dish of Shandong reunion dinner is called “Harmony Brings Fortune”, the main ingredients of which include tofu, mushroom, bamboo shoot, dried shrimp, and fresh meat. The family reunion dinner in Jiangxi Province includes four cold dishes, four hot dishes, eight main dishes, and two soups, and must-have dishes include rice cake, braised fish with soy, fried vermicelli, rice pudding and rice soup, representing “promotion”, “surplus year after year”, “big harvest”, and “abundant crop and wealth.” The family reunion dinner in Guangdong Province includes poon choi (basin meal), preserved ham and sausage products, and other Yong dishes— Yong dishes represent the satisfaction of life and poon choi means diverse tastes of experience. Everyone sits around the hot poon choi, eating while celebrating the festival—this is the meaning of reunion. People living in Northern China have the custom of eating dumplings. Before making dumplings, dough must be kneaded at first – “He” and “Jiao” (dumpling in Chinese pronunciation) means “harmony” and “reunion” respectively. Therefore, dumpling means reunion. Besides, because it looks like Yuenbo (gold ingot), it is a symbol of “bringing treasure to home”. All family members gather together, folding dumplings while chatting happily. The round shape of sweet dumplings means “reunion”, and every family must have those during the Spring Festival. In Southern China, people also eat rice cake, whose pronunciation in Chinese means “promotion” in English and demonstrates people’s wish for better life and work year after year. In my memory, my mother would start to prepare for our family reunion dinner about a month ago or even longer. She would purchase New Year stuff in advance, dry homemade preserved sausage and ham, and marinate vegetables and place them on the balcony under the sun. On the day before the Spring Festival, she would get up quite early and start to prepare chicken, duck and fish. She cleaned and cut them into chunks for preparation of dishes. Some of the ingredients needed to be blanched, fried, braised or stewed in advance. At around 3 p.m., the kitchen would become busy. Pork and beef would be braised in pots, which fill the room with fragrance. I aways could not help going into the kitchen for pre-tasting. I am always looking forward to the reunion dinner. My family reunion dinner usually starts at 6 p.m. Four cold dishes would be served first, including Marinated Beef, Stirred Jellyfish with Chinese Cabbage and Carrot, Black Fungus, and Steamed Preserved Meat. Then come all the hot dishes, including Braised Pork with Soy, Double-cooked Pork


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My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

Slices, and Braised Pig’s Legs with Soy, all of which are my mother’s masterpieces; Braised Fish with Soy, Braised Duck with Beer, and Braised Chicken in Three Sauces are from my father’s Jiangxi cuisine recipe, and the abundance of red chili is the key to these dishes; there are also two dishes of vegetables and a dish of soup. Staple food will be rice and rice cake. The dinning table is always full of different dishes, which are fragrant, rich, fat but not greasy, juicy, sweet, salted, spicy, and crispy. Every dish has its profound meaning, symbolizing a hectic, flourishing, sweet, rich, and fulfilling New Year. We toast to a better life together! When night falls, after having the reunion dinner, my mother starts to mince meat and knead dough to make dumplings. Chinese cabbage sounds like “treasure” in English. As a Northerner, she is a master at making dumplings, which I like very much. When she is busy kneading dough and preparing the stuffing, my father and I help to fold dumplings. With the Spring Festival Gala showing on the CCTV, we are laughing and chatting casually. We fold our best wishes into the dumplings. When the New Year clock strikes, the hot dumplings are ready, which marks the the climax of the family reunion dinner. The new year count-down in on on TV, and we all shouts “5, 4, 3, 2, 1, happy New Year!” Together. We eat the dumplings while celebrating the coming of the New Year and exchanging our wishes—my parents will wish me a better school year, and I will wish them a good health. In the beginning of another busy year, seeing the most familiar smiles of father and mother is the happiest and warmest thing to me. I feel so happy at the moment. The family reunion dinner agglomerates every family and its happiness, growth, love, depart and reunion—it is a flavor of acquaintance and diligence. Time flies and people say goodbye to the past year and welcome the New Year with genuineness.

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香辣蟹 / Hot and Spicy Crab

材料:肉蟹、大葱、姜、蒜、料酒、干辣椒 6 个、生抽 1 勺、白糖、盐、麻辣火锅底料、植物油 做法:1. 螃蟹洗净,去杂质,斩块,沥干水;姜切片,葱切段。 2. 锅中放入油,爆香姜片、蒜瓣、葱段、干辣椒,放麻辣火锅底料、少许水小火煸炒。 3. 放入螃蟹大火翻炒 2 分钟,再放生抽、盐、糖、料酒、葱段翻炒,炒制汤汁收干,装盘。 Ingredients: crab, leek, ginger, garlic, cooking wine, six dried chilies, one spoon of soy sauce, sugar, salt, hotpot spices, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Clean crab, discard the dross, and cut into pieces; slice ginger and segment the leek. 2. Pour oil in the wok to stir-fry ginger slices, garlic, leek, dried chili, along with hotpot spices and a little water, and fry them over gentle fire. 3. Put in crabs and stir-fry them for two minutes; then add in soy sauce, salt, sugar, cooking wine and leek and fry them until the sauce gets thickened; place them on the plate.

小胖点评 用麻辣香锅的底料炒制,突出麻辣鲜香的口感。因螃蟹寒凉,在炒制的过程中,多加一些葱段和 姜片一起炒,可以起到去腥、调味、综合的作用。香辣蟹,颜色诱人,香味四溢,酥脆香辣。 My comment: This dish is fried with hotpot spices, which can arouse spiciness and freshness. Because the crab is essential cold, stir-frying it with leek and ginger can remove the fishy odor and balance the taste. The dish looks temping, smells nice and tastes crispy and spicy.


/ 美味家常菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

香菇蒸鳕鱼 / Steamed Codfish with Mushrooms

材料:鳕鱼 1 块、干香菇 2 朵、小葱 2 根、姜、料酒 1 勺、蒸鱼豉油 做法:1. 香菇泡发洗净切片,葱切段,姜切丝;洗净鳕鱼。 2. 葱段、姜丝摆放在盘中,上面放鳕鱼,再放香菇片,淋料酒和蒸鱼豉油。 3. 锅中水煮沸后,放入鳕鱼蒸 10 分钟,出锅撒少许葱花。 Ingredients: codfish, two dried mushrooms, two leek, ginger, one spoon of cooking wine, steamed fish soy sauce Procedure: 1. Soak mushrooms and cut them into slices, cut leek in to segments, cut ginger into shreds, and clean codfish. 2. Place leek segments and ginger shreds on the plate, on which put codfish and mushrooms; then pour cooking wine and steamed fish soy sauce on top. 3. After water boils, steam the fish for 10 minutes; sprinkle a little leek before serving. 小胖点评 鳕鱼蛋白质含量高,脂肪含量低;肝脏含油量高,含有 DHA、维生素 A、D、E 和其他多种维生 素;北欧人将它称为餐桌上的“营养师”。用蒸的方法,保持了鳕鱼的原汁原味,加入香菇后,增加 了香气。肉质白嫩、鲜甜,营养价值很高。在家常菜中广泛应用蒸的方法烹饪菜肴,如蒸排骨、蒸茄 子、蒸豆腐、蒸肉饼等,省时、简单、健康。 My comment: Codfish is rich in protein and low in fat. There is much fat in its liver, which contains DHA, vitamin A, D, E and others. People in Northern European regard it as “dietitian” on the table. Steaming can preserve the original flavor of codfish, and the mushrooms can bring fragrance to this dish. The flesh of codfish is white, tender, sweet and rich in nutrition. Steamed homemade cuisines are prevalent, such as steamed pork ribs, steamed eggplant, steamed tofu, steamed minced pork cake and many others, since they are time-saving, simple and healthy.

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酸菜鱼 / Stewed Fish with Pickled Cabbage and Chili 材料:2 条龙利鱼柳、酸菜、泡椒、蒜、干辣椒、姜、白胡椒粉、花椒、盐、料酒、香菜、生粉、 植物油 做法:1. 将酸菜切碎,蒜切片,姜切末,香菜切段;鱼肉切薄片,用盐、白胡椒粉、生粉抓匀,腌制 15 分钟。 2. 热锅冷油,爆香蒜片、姜末、干辣椒,蒜片发黄时倒入酸菜和泡椒,炒出香味后加适量的 水或高汤。水煮沸后,将鱼片下锅划开,淋少许料酒,放盐和白胡椒粉调味,鱼肉很容易 熟,关火。大碗中先放入酸菜,再放鱼肉,倒入汤汁。 3. 锅里放少许油,小火,炸香花椒和干辣椒,把花椒油淋在鱼肉上,撒上香菜。 Ingredients: two pieces of sole fish filet, pickled cabbage, pickled chili, garlic, dried chili, ginger, white pepper, Sichuan pepper, salt, cooking wine, coriander, cornstarch, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Mince the pickled cabbage, slice the garlic, mince the ginger, and cut coriander into segment; slice the fish and marinate them with salt, white pepper and cornstarch for 15 minutes. 2. Heat oil in the wok to stirfry sliced garlic, minced ginger and dried chili; when sliced ginger become brown, add in pickled cabbage and chili, along with enough water and stock; When water boils, put fish filet in it, along with cooking wine, salt and white pepper. Fish is easily cooked, so turn off the fire after a while; put pickled cabbage in the bowl first, then the fish filet and finally the stock. 3. Pour oil in the wok to stir-fry Sichuan pepper and dried chili over gentle fire; pour the sauce on the fish and sprinkle coriander.

小胖点评 这道菜中酸菜和鱼是主角,最好选用新鲜的鱼来烹饪,这需要非常好的刀工。烹制这道菜时,我 选择用龙利鱼柳制作,方便切片。汤汁中加入白胡椒粉,突出酸辣的口感,鱼片嫩滑,汤汁鲜美。若 加入泡软的粉丝一起煮,吸满汤汁的粉丝,很爽口,味道不错。 My comment: Pickled cabbage and fish play important roles in the dish. We need to choose fresh fish and cut it with sophisticated skill. I selected sole fish to make this dish because it is easy to slice. white pepper in the soup can bring out the sourness and spiciness. The fish tastes smooth and tender, and the soup tastes fresh. We can also add soaked vermicelli in it, which will absorb the soup and make it taste much better .


/ 美味家常菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

照烧三文鱼 / Teriyaki Salmon 材料:三文鱼、味啉 4 大勺、日式酱油 3 大勺、清酒或糯米酒 2 大勺、姜、葱白、植物油 做法:1. 三文鱼洗净切块;葱白切段;把姜磨成泥,过滤得到一勺姜汁,倒入酱油、味啉、清酒混合 成照烧酱汁。 2. 把三文鱼装入保鲜袋,取出 3 大勺照烧汁倒入袋内,密封后入冰箱冷藏腌制半小时。取出腌 好的三文鱼,用厨房纸吸干表面的水分。 3. 在平底锅内倒入少许油,中火烧热后放三文鱼。把葱白放入锅内一起煎,夹出已经煎到焦黄 的葱白,把三文鱼的每一面都煎上 1-2 分钟。 4. 倒入照烧酱汁,收汁,摆盘。 Ingredients: salmon, four spoons of mirin wine, three spoons of Japanese soy sauce, two spoons of sake or sticky rice wine, ginger, leek white, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Clean salmon and cut it into pieces; cut leek white into segments; filter the mince ginger into ginger juice and mix it with soy sauce, mirin wine and sake to make teriyaki sauce. 2. Put salmon pieces in a ziplock bag, in which pour three spoons of teriyaki sauce, and then freeze them in the fridge for half an hour; then take them out and dry them with kitchen tissue. 3. Heat oil in the pan to pan-sear salmon over medium fire; add in leek white and fry them till brown; fry each side of the salmon for 1-2 minutes. 4. Pour teriyaki sauce to thicken the sauce.

小胖点评 三文鱼是“鲑科鱼”,准确的说是鲑鳟鱼,有海鳟和虹鳟两种。三文鱼含有大量优质蛋白和 Ω-3 系列不饱和脂肪酸,有助于降低血脂,同时还对儿童脑神经细胞发育和视觉发育起到至关重要的影 响。照烧三文鱼,采用日本的调料烹制,突出鲜和咸的味道。煎三文鱼时,不能煎的太久,否则会减 少鱼鲜嫩的口感,酱汁的比例很关键,味道不能太咸。三文鱼爽滑、鲜嫩,有种吃肥肉的感觉,肥而 不腻,口中留有余香。 My comment: Salmon belongs to the Oncorhynchus spieces and it is generally divided into sea trout and rainbow trout. Salmon is rich in protein and Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids, which can lower the blood fat and play important roles in the growth of children’s neuron and vision. This dish uses Japanese spices and highlights the freshness and saltiness of the salmon. Do not pan-sear salmon for too long; otherwise, it will become less tenderer. The proportion of the sauce is very important, and do not make it too salted. Salmon tastes smooth and tender; eating it is like eating something fat but not something greasy, and you will have a sweet aftertaste.

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花甲蒸蛋 / Stewed Egg with Clams

材料:3 个鸡蛋、花甲或蚬、姜、芝麻油、美极鲜酱油 做法:1. 水煮沸后,将洗净的花甲和蚬、姜片放入水中,煮至贝壳口微开后捞起备用;鸡蛋打散,放 入温水调匀。 2. 碗中抹芝麻油,放入花甲或蚬,再倒入蛋液,盖上保鲜膜,水煮沸后大火隔水蒸 10 分钟至蛋 液凝固,取出,淋美极鲜酱油和芝麻油。 Ingredients: three eggs, clams, ginger, sesame oil, Maggi soy sauce Procedure: 1. When water boils, put in clean clams and ginger and boil them until the shells slightly open; take them out for later use; whisk egg with warm water. 2. Apply sesame oil on the interior of the bowl, in which put clams and then pour egg liquid; cover the bowl with preservative film; when water boils, steam them for 10 minutes over strong fire until the egg liquid becomes solid; Take it out and pour Maggi soy sauce and sesame oil on top.

小胖点评 这是一道我从小时候开始就常吃的家常菜。经常会因为蒸出的蛋有很多小洞而烦恼,解决这个 问题要注意:按 1 :1 的比例混合温水和蛋液;顺时针搅打蛋液,尽量不要有泡沫,静置,若有泡沫, 可以将蛋液过筛;水煮沸后,在碗上蒙一层保鲜膜,盖上锅盖大火蒸 10 分钟。以上几点可以避免蒸鸡 蛋时出现蜂窝的状况,一碗金黄嫩滑的鸡蛋羹就做好了。 My comment: This is the homemade dish I ate quite often when I was a little kid. Sometimes, there will be many small holes in the steamed egg. To solve this problem, mix the egg liquid with warm water (proportion of 1:1). Stir them clockwise, and try not to produce foam; if foam appears, filter it with a colander. After water boils, cover the bowl with a preservative film and steam it over strong fire for 10 minutes. The above tips can avoid the emergence of holes in the steamed egg. That is how we make a bowl of gold and tender stewed egg.


/ 美味家常菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

蒜蓉米椒蒸金针菇 Stewed Enokitake Mushroom with Garlic and Chili

材料:金针菇 200 克、小米椒 5 个、大蒜、绿尖椒、生抽、盐、糖、醋、小葱、植物油 做法:1. 用剪刀剪去金针菇的根部,洗净,撕开,摆盘;小米椒、尖椒、蒜切碎。 2. 水煮沸后,将金针菇放入锅中,盖上锅盖蒸 8 分钟,蒸好后将盘中多余的水倒入碗中。 3. 锅中放入少许油烧热,放入小米椒、蒜末爆香,加入生抽、盐、糖、醋、蒸金针菇的汁煮开, 淋在金针菇上,撒葱花、绿尖椒碎。 Ingredients: 200g enokitake mushroom, five red chilies, garlic, green pepper, soy sauce, salt, sugar, vinegar, leek, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Cut off the root of enokitake mushrooms, clean and tear them apart; mince red chili, green pepper and garlic. 2. When water boils, put in enokitake mushrooms and steam them for eight minutes; pour the leftover water in a bowl 3. Heat oil in the wok to stir-fry red chili and garlic; add in soy sauce, salt, sugar and water from steaming the mushroom to make the space and pour it on the enokitake mushroom and sprinkle some minced leek and green pepper before serving.

小胖点评 这道菜的口感会给你带来小小的惊喜。炒至小米椒的调料汁时,满屋飘香;最后撒入的葱花和青 椒碎,增加香气,提升口感;金针菇软烂、爽滑,蘸着酱汁吃,味道咸辣鲜香。 My comment: The taste of this dish will bring you surprise. When making the red chili sauce, the whole room is filled with the fragrance. The final sprinkle of leek and green peppers enrich the fragrance of the dish. The enokitake mushroom is soft and smooth, and when dipping it in the sauce, it tastes salted, spicy and fresh.

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蒜蓉粉丝娃娃菜 Boiled Baby Cabbage with Garlic and Vermicelli

材料:娃娃菜 3 棵、粉丝、剁辣椒、植物油、蒸鱼豉油、盐、糖、葱 做法:1. 将 1 棵娃娃菜均匀切成 4 份,粉丝用热水泡软,蒜切末备用。 2. 锅中加适量的水煮沸后,放少许油和盐,再放娃娃菜烫 1 分钟后捞出,将娃娃菜摆在盘中。 将粉丝摆在盘子中间。 3. 锅中放入油,油热后放蒜末煸炒出香味,放盐、糖炒匀,将炒好的蒜蓉放在粉丝上。再放少 许剁椒,水煮沸后,将整盘放入锅中,盖上锅盖蒸 5 分钟。取出,淋蒸鱼豉油,再淋热油,撒 葱花。 Ingredients: three baby cabbages, vermicelli, chili, vegetable oil, steamed fish soy sauce, salt, sugar, leek Procedure: 1. Cut the cabbage in four parts; soak the vermicelli in hot water; mince the garlic. 2. Boil water in the wok, along with a little oil and salt, to blanch baby cabbages for one minute, and then place them on the plate, in the middle of which put vermicelli. 3. Heat oil in the wok to stir-fry garlic, along with salt and sugar, and place them on the vermicelli, along with some minced chili; After water boils, put the whole plate of ingredients in the wok and steam them for five minutes; take it out and pour steamed fish soy sauce, along with some hot oil and leek. 小胖点评 娃娃菜所含营养价值成分与白菜相近似,娃娃菜富含蛋白质、脂肪、糖类、膳食纤维、钙、磷、 铁、胡萝卜素、烟酸、维生素等,钙的含量较高,几乎等于白菜含量的 2-3 倍。娃娃菜经过蒸煮后, 口感柔软、微甜;豉油的鲜咸和蒜、剁辣椒的味道相融合,给这道菜提味、增香。只需 10 分钟,一道 简单的菜就做好了。 My comment: The nutrient value of baby cabbage is pretty much the same as Chinese cabbage, which contains various element like protein, fat, sugar, dietary fiber, calcium, phosphor, iron, carotene, and niacin. It is rich in calcium, the amount of which is almost twice or three times the amount of Chinese cabbage. The steamed baby cabbages taste tender and a bit sweet. The mixture of soy sauce, garlic and chili brings flavor and fragrance to this dish. It takes only 10 minutes to make this simple dish.


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My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

红烧豆腐 / Braised Tofu with Soy

材料:嫩豆腐、肉末、姜、葱、蒜、泡椒、生抽、老抽、香醋、郫县豆瓣酱、白糖、淀粉、植物油 做法:1. 豆腐洗净、切块;姜、蒜、葱切末,泡椒切碎;淀粉中加入少许水,搅拌均匀。 2. 锅中烧热油,放入肉末炒至变色,放葱、姜、蒜末和泡椒碎炒出香味,再放 1 勺豆瓣酱炒香。 加适量水或高汤,放入豆腐,调入生抽、老抽、香醋、糖,盖上盖子大火煮沸后转中火,煮至 剩余少量汤汁,加少许水淀粉勾芡,撒葱花出锅。 Ingredients: soft tofu, minced pork, ginger, leek, garlic, pickled pepper, soy sauce, dark soy sauce, vinegar, Pixian broad bean paste, sugar, cornstarch, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Clean the tofu and cut them into chunks; Mince ginger, garlic, leek and pickled pepper; mix the cornstarch evenly with a little water. 2. Heat oil in the wok to stir-fry minced pork till brown, and then add in leek, ginger, garlic, pickled pepper and one spoon of broad bean paste and fry them over; add in a little water or stock, then put in tofu, and season with soy sauce, dark soy sauce, vinegar and sugar before covering with a lid and turning into high fire; when it boils, turn to medium fire and cook until the sauce thickens; add a little cornstarch to thicken the sauce and sprinkle some leek before serving. 小胖点评 豆腐起源于中国,在数千年以来,始终受到人们的喜爱。低脂、低热量、低胆固醇的豆腐,是中 国人对于世界健康的最大贡献之一。红烧豆腐,炒至的底料是这道菜的主味,突出郫县豆瓣咸辣的口 感,豆腐柔软、爽滑,汤汁浓稠,这是我常吃的一道家常菜。 My comment: Tofu, originating in China, has a history of over one thousand years and is very popular among Chinese people. Tofu, which is low in fat, calories and cholesterol, is the biggest contribution to the health of people from around the world.. The key to this dish is the spices: Pixian broad bean paste can make it salted and spicy. Tofu tastes soft and smooth, with thick sauce. This is a homemade dish that I eat quite a lot.

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·初心· Cook with Sincerity

“不忘初心,方得始终。”这句话出自佛家箴言。所谓初心,是说人们最初的理 想、目标和准则。在经过风雨的捶打,岁月的洗礼后,是否能够不忘初心,这是我们 每个人都应该认真思考的问题。 翻开台湾著名厨师江振诚先生的《初心》这本书,字里行间,让我感受到他对美 食的热爱和对料理追求极致的态度,不忘初心,超越自己。 Andre Chiang,江振城,著名法国料理主厨,RESTAURANT ANDRE 创始人,曾 被美国 DISCOVERY 频道、顶级餐厅指南《RELAIS AND CHATEAUXR》、《纽约时 报》、《时代》杂志授予各项荣誉称号。20 岁,台湾餐饮史上最年轻的法国料理主厨; 25 岁,法国米其林三星餐厅 Le Jardindes Sens 执行主厨;31 岁,《时代》杂志两度 赞誉他是“印度洋上最伟大的厨师”,获选为“全球最佳 150 位名厨”,被 Discovery 频道选为“亚洲 10 大最佳青年主厨”;2014 亚洲五十佳餐厅榜单揭晓,江振诚的 Restaurant Andre 排名第六;被《纽约时报》誉为“最值得专程搭机前往的餐厅”。 江振诚在 1976 年出生于台湾一个普通的家庭,是在台北士林市长大的。妈妈烧 得一手好菜,小时候,每天吃饭的时间,就是江振诚最满足的时候。上学时,江妈妈 常常骑着摩托车把刚做好的饭菜送到学校门口。饭菜的温暖和味道,让他感动,这是 他想当厨师的原动力。 他高中时读的是餐饮管理,一边上学一边到酒店打工,积累经验。经过磨练,他 二十岁时就当上了西华法国餐厅的主厨,是有史以来台湾最年青的法国餐厅主厨。他 受法国名厨的影响,只身一人来到法国。他当时一句法文也不懂,身无分文,每天只 睡三、四个小时,常年无休假。五年的磨练过后,26 岁的江振诚晋升为主厨,代表 Jacques & LaurentPourcel 到东京、曼谷、新加坡、上海开系列法国餐厅,负责筹备、 训练人员。带领一群比他年纪大、资历比他深的世界厨师做法国菜,江振诚能说中文、 日文、英文、法文四种语言。他说,一个人想要得到什么,绝对需要付出相应的努力。 不论任何事情,唯有先付出,才能有所得。许多人往往认为成功者都具备过人的天分,


/ 美味家常菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

才有高人一等的成就。但他认为最重要的成功关键,是来自在工作岗位上不断坚持的 努力。 他是江振诚,一个平凡的年轻人,就是因为那份一直以来的不变初心,以及超越 一百分的的努力,才造就了不平凡的经历。 他说,“料理是我生活的一部分,可以同它一起呼吸”。凡事有两个方面,表面和 内在。我们会用同一种方式对事物很快下结论,常常会忘记“初心”,忘记花时间去 了解一件事。慢慢思考,当你看到的东西和你反思的东西加在一起,就是事物的“本 质”,这才是完整的。我们不仅学习烹饪的技能,你需要当一个农夫,了解食物的来 源,当你和食物同步呼吸的时候,你就找到了初心。 他说,“初心”是一种提醒,使我能享受的不只是成果,而是自己全心投入其中 的过程,是甘苦交织的每一分钟,挖掘无可取代的意义。唯有让人们品尝到食材的深 度,料理才有了故事,有了生命。厨师的终极目标,就是要用食材与品尝人对话,传 递你的意念、食物的意念,把用餐过程变成一次难忘的人生经历! 我反复地体会这句话,不断地提醒自己,我为什么要写这本书?是因为我热爱美 食,享受美食给我带来的快乐,分享我对美食的感悟,讲述我的美食故事。在这个学 习的过程中,透过美食,我看到了很多不一样的东西,从最初的简单的体验,变得更 加深刻起来,让我收获得更多。如此,方得始终,不忘初心。

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There is a motto in Buddhist Sutras that goes “never forget your sincerity, and everything will present itself”. The sincerity mentioned here means people’s original dream, goal, and principle. After years of experience, it is a question that we need to think of carefully whether or not we can remember our sincerity. Reading the book Chu Xin (Sincerity) by Taiwanese popular chef Andre Chiang, I could feel his passion and sincere attitude toward gourmet. He never forgets what he pursues and keeps improving himself. Andre Chiang is a popular French cuisine chef and the founder of Restaurant Andre. He was once awarded by Discovery Channel, top restaurant guide book Relais and Chateaux, The New York Times and Times. When he was 20 years old, he became the youngest French Cuisine chef ever in Taiwan; at 25, he became the executive chef of French Michelin Three-star Restaurant Le Jardin des Sens; at 31, he was honored twice by Times as the Greatest Chef in the Indian Ocean, one of the Top 150 Chefs in the World, and Top Ten Young Chef in Asia by Discovery Channel. His restaurant was ranked six in Top 50 Restaurants in Asia in 2014 and honored as the Best Restaurant that is worth “flying there”by The New York Times. Andre was born into an ordinary family and raised in Shilin, Taipei, Taiwan in 1976. His mother was a excellent cook, and when he was young, dinner time was the most satisfied moment for Andre every day. When he was at school, his mother would ride on a motorcycle and deliver meals to him. The warmth and taste of his mother’s food moved him and motivated him to become a chef. He studied culinary management in high school and gained experience by working part-time in a hotel restaurant. After so much effort, he became the Head Chef of Xihua French Restaurant when he was 20 years old, the youngest French Cuisine chef in Taiwan at that time. He was deeply influenced by French chefs and came to France alone to study French Cuisine. At that time, the penniless Andre knew nothing about French and slept only three or four hours every day, let along having any holiday. After five years’ hard work at 26, he became the head chef and in charge of the opening of Jacques & Laurent Pourcel Restaurant and the training of staff in Tokyo, Bangkok, Singapore, and Shanghai. Leading a group of elder and senior chefs around the world to make French dishes, Andre can speak four language—Mandarin, Japanese, English, and French. He said that if you wanted something, you should make equal sacrifice. No matter what it is, no pain, no gain. While Many people think that a successful person must have some talent, Andre believes that the key to success is persistence and diligence in your position. This is Andre Chiang, an ordinary young man, but with that constant sincerity and hard work, he has made himself extraordinary. He once said, “ making cuisine was part of my life, and I can not breathe without it.” Everything has two sides—inside and outside. We usually draw to a conclusion quickly by the same way, yet we often forget our sincerity and forget to spend some time getting to know something. Think slowly and combine what you see with what you reflect—this is the essence of everything, which is completeness of life. We should not only be a skilled cook, but also know be a farmer who know the origin of food. When you “breathe” with your food, you will find your sincerity. He also said that “sincerity” was a reminder, which told him not just to enjoy the achievements but also wholehearted working process and the bittersweet effort. Only by letting people feel the depth of your dish can you convey the story behind your dish. The ultimate goal of a chef is to communicate through dishes with people who eat them, making it an unforgettable life experience by conveying the concept of you and your food . I kept thinking about his words and contently asked myself why I wrote this book. It is because I love food and enjoy the pleasure of share my stories and feelings. During the process of learning to cook, I begin to see things from a different point of view—at first it might be simple, but gradually it becomes deep, which benefits me a lot. Only by doing this can I keep my sincerity.


/ 美味家常菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

鲍汁杂菌菇 / Braised Mushrooms with Oyster Sauce

材料:鲜香菇、鸡腿菇、茶树菇、杏鲍菇、青红椒、蒜苗、姜、蒜、盐、酱油、鲍鱼汁、植物油、 高汤 做法:1. 将鲜香菇、鸡腿菇、杏鲍菇洗净、切片,茶树菇切条,水煮沸后,将杂菌放入水中,煮 1 分 钟左右迅速捞起、沥干;青红椒切片,蒜苗切段。 2. 锅中放入油烧热,炒香姜、蒜,放杂菌炒,加青红椒、蒜苗炒匀,放入少许高汤、鲍鱼汁、 盐、酱油稍焖一会儿,收汁出锅。 Ingredients: fresh mushrooms, shaggy mane mushroom, southern poplar mushroom, king trumpet mushroom, green and red pepper, garlic sprout, ginger, garlic, salt, soy sauce, oyster sauce, vegetable oil, stock Procedure: 1. Clean and cut all kinds of mushrooms into slices and shreds and blanch them in boiling water for about one minute; cut green and red peppers into slice and garlic sprout into segments. 2. Heat oil in the wok to stir-fry ginger, garlic, mushrooms, green and red pepper slices and garlic sprout segments; add in a little stock, oyster sauce, salt, soy sauce and braise them for a while; thickens the sauce before serving. 小胖点评 蘑菇有一种独特的鲜味,蘑菇的热量较低,并能增强免疫力。杂菌放入沸水中焯水,主要起到去 除腥味和杂味的作用。这道菜鲍鱼汁的味道很突出,蘑菇鲜嫩爽滑,汤汁浓稠鲜甜。 My comment: Mushroom has a distinctive odor, and it is low in calorie and can strengthen the immune system. Blanching mushrooms in boiling water can remove the unpleasant odor. Oyster sauce highlights the whole dish. The mushrooms are fresh and tender, and the sauce is sweet and thick.

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冬菇烧豆腐 / Braised Tofu with Shiitake Mushrooms

材料:老豆腐、肉末、冬菇、葱、姜、酱油、盐、蚝油、生粉、糖、植物油 做法:1. 豆腐洗净、切块,沥干水,用油炸至金黄色,捞起备用;冬菇泡发切小块,焯水;葱切段; 生粉加入少许水搅拌均匀。 2. 锅中放入油,烧热,放姜丝爆香,炒香肉末,加入适量水煮沸后放入豆腐、冬菇一起煮,加 入盐、酱油、蚝油、糖调味,放葱段翻炒,放入水淀粉勾芡,收汁 。 Ingredients: firm tofu, minced pork, shiitake mushrooms, leek, ginger, soy sauce, salt, oyster sauce, cornstarch, sugar, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Clean the tofu and cut them into chunks; fry them till they become gold for late use; soak mushrooms in the water and cut them into small cubes before blanching them; cut leek into segments; mix cornstarch with a little water. 2. Heat oil in the wok to stir-fry ginger and minced pork; then add in enough water, and when water boils, add in tofu, shiitake mushrooms for braising; season with salt, soy sauce, oyster sauce, sugar and add in leek for further frying; thicken the sauce with cornstarch. 小胖点评 人们将对豆腐的理解和喜爱转换为一道道美食。这道菜在烹制时,需要注意:豆腐沥干水并用 厨房纸擦干后再入锅油炸;汤汁勾芡时,生粉的比例要恰到好处,生粉少了,汤汁不会浓稠,生粉多 了,容易糊锅。 My comment: People turn their love and understanding of tofu into a variety of dishes. To make this dish, the tofu needs to be drained by kitchen tissue before being fried in the wok. The proportion of cornstarch and water needs to be appropriation. With too little cornstarch, the sauce is not thick enough; if it is too much, it easily sticks to the wok.


/ 美味家常菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

辣椒炒荷包蛋 / Stir-fried Egg with Chili

材料:鸡蛋 4 个、绿尖椒 4 个、盐、酱油、植物油、豆豉 做法:1. 绿尖椒切段;平底锅中放入油,油热后,调小火打入鸡蛋,煎荷包蛋成型,一个荷包蛋切 4 块备用。 2. 锅烧热放入油,炒香绿尖椒,放入荷包蛋翻炒,加盐、酱油、豆豉调味,炒匀出锅。 Ingredients: four eggs, four green peppers, salt, soy sauce, vegetable oil, fermented soya beans Procedure: 1. Cut green peppers into chunks; when the oil is heated in the pan, turn to low fire and fry the egg into a round shape pancake; cut the pancake in four parts for later use. 2. Heat oil in the pan to stir-fry green peppers; and then put in fried egg; season with salt, soy sauce and fermented soya beans and fry them evenly before serving.

小胖点评 这是爸爸最喜欢吃的一道菜。荷包蛋建议煎得稍微焦一些,辣椒要炒的入味,咸辣鲜香。若加入 江西的酸泡椒一起炒,辣中带点酸味,味道更好。 My comment: This is my father’s favorite dish. The egg pancake can be fried a little more brown. Fry the chili for a while until it taste salty, spicy and fresh. You can also add in Jiangxi pickled pepper to make a little sourness in the spiciness, which makes a even better taste.

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肉末蒸豆腐 / Stewed Tofu with Minced Pork

材料:内酯豆腐 1 盒、猪肉馅 100 克、青红尖椒、料酒、盐、蒸鱼豉油、芝麻油、花椒、葱 做法:1. 将内脂豆腐切片、摆入盘中;猪肉馅加入料酒、盐腌制十分钟;青红尖椒切粒。 2. 将肉馅放在豆腐上面,撒一层青红椒粒,淋少许蒸鱼豉油;水煮沸后,放入锅中,盖上锅盖 蒸 10 分钟。 3. 锅烧热后放入芝麻油,油煮沸后放入花椒,取出花椒,将热油淋在豆腐上,撒葱花。 Ingredients: one box of tofu, 100g minced pork, green and red pepper, cooking wine, salt, steamed fish soy sauce, sesame oil, Sichuan pepper, leek Procedure: 1. Slice the tofu and place them on the plate; marinate minced pork with cooking wine and salt for 10 minutes; cut green and red pepper into dices. 2. Put marinated minced pork on the tofu, and then sprinkle green and red pepper dices on top, with a little steamed fish soy sauce; steam them in the wok for 10 minutes. 3. Preheat the wok and add in sesame oil; when oil boils, fry Sichuan pepper; then throw away the Sichuan pepper and pour the oil on the tofu; sprinkle some leek before serving. 小胖点评 切豆腐时,刀蘸水后再切,豆腐不容易碎。猪肉末用料酒腌制后去腥味,淋上的蒸鱼豉油增加了 鲜咸的口感,豆腐嫩滑、爽口入味。这道菜的烹饪方法简单,营养丰富,很适合老人和小朋友吃。 My comment: the knife should be dipped into water before cutting the tofu, which can preserve its shape. Marinate the minced pork to remove the fishy odor. The steamed fish soy sauce brings freshness and saltiness to the dish. The tofu tastes tender and fully absorbs the sauce. The making process is simple, but it is very nutrient and good for elder or younger generation.


/ 美味家常菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

玉子虾仁 / Braised Shrimp with Japanese Tofu

材料:玉子豆腐 2 袋、鲜虾、青豆、盐、一品鲜酱油、芝麻油、淀粉、水 做法:1. 将玉子豆腐从中间切开(包装外部有虚线提示),分成两段后,拎起包装底部,轻轻把豆腐 挤在案板上,切成 1 厘米厚度的片状。摆入盘中。 2. 将虾洗净,去壳和虾线,摆在玉子豆腐上,虾仁中间放 1 颗青豆,撒少许盐。锅中水煮沸后, 放入锅中盖上锅盖蒸 3 分钟左右。 3. 把蒸出来的水倒入碗中,加少许淀粉搅拌均匀,再倒入锅中,放 1 勺一品鲜酱油,煮沸后倒 入碗中,淋在蒸好的玉子虾仁上。 Ingredients: two bags of Japanese tofu, fresh shrimp, green beans, salt, soy sauce, sesame oil, cornstarch, water Procedure: 1. Cut Japanese tofu in the middle and gently squeeze it on the cutting board; cut the squeezed tofu into 1cm-thick slices and place them on the plate. 2. Clean, shell and devein the shrimp and place them on the tofu; in the middle of shrimp put one green bean and sprinkle a little salt; when water boils, put them in the wok and steam for about three minutes. 3. Mix the steamed water with little cornstarch in the bowl and pour it back in the wok; pour in one spoon of soy sauce to make the sauce; After it boils, pour the sauce on the tofu and shrimps.

小胖点评 日本豆腐,也叫玉子豆腐,它的成分是大豆、鸡蛋、水蒸熟后切块而成,含有钠、叶酸、镁、蛋 白质、钙等营养成分。切玉子豆腐时,刀需蘸少许水,快速下刀,豆腐不容易碎。这道菜做起来简 单,并且节约时间,玉子豆腐口感嫩滑,有吃鸡蛋羹的感觉,虾鲜味美。 My comment: Japanese tofu is made from soy bean and egg which are cut into pieces after steaming. It contains sodium, folic acid, magnesium, protein, calcium and other nutrition. When cutting it, you need to dip knife in water and slice quickly in case it breaks. This dish is very simple and convenient. Japanese tofu tastes smoother and tender, just like eating steamed egg, and the shrimp tastes very fresh.

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韭黄炒鸡蛋 / Stir-fried Egg with Hotbed Chives

材料:韭黄、鸡蛋 2 个、盐、植物油 做法:1. 将鸡蛋打成蛋液,放少许盐搅拌均匀;韭黄洗净切段。 2. 锅烧热放入油,油热后炒熟鸡蛋,捞起,装入碗中。锅中放少许油,快速炒韭黄,再放入鸡 蛋,加盐、少许酱油翻炒均匀起锅。 Ingredients: hotbed chives, two eggs, salt, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Whip egg into egg liquid and add in a little salt; clean and cut hotbed chives into segments. 2. Heat oil in the wok to stir-fry egg and then put it in a bowl; add a little oil in the wok to saute hotbed chives segments, and then add in eggs, salt and a little soy sauce and fry them evenly.

小胖点评 鸡蛋含蛋白质、人体必需的 8 种氨基酸、脂肪、卵磷脂、固醇类、蛋黄素以及钙、磷、铁、维生 素 A、维生素 D 及 B 族维生素,鸡蛋是较好的健脑食品。炒鸡蛋时,锅烧热后再放入油,油热时再放 入鸡蛋炒成块;韭黄炒制的时间不能太久,否则会出水。用同样的方法可以烹制韭菜炒鸡蛋。 My comment: Egg contains protein, eight amino acids essential to human body, fat, lecithin, iron, vitamin A, vitamin D, and vitamin B. It is also good for the development of brain. Before stir-frying the egg, the oil should be preheated and egg be fried into chunks. Do not fry hotbed chives for too long. Otherwise, their water will come out. You can apply the same procedure to stir-fry egg with chives.


/ 美味家常菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

百叶腌肉娃娃菜 Braised Baby Cabbage with Tofu Skin and Saturated Pork

材料:五花肉、娃娃菜、百叶、芹菜、葱、姜、蒜、盐、植物油 做法:1. 带皮五花肉切片,加盐腌制备用;娃娃菜切段,百叶切条;姜、蒜、葱切碎;芹菜切段。 2. 锅中放入油烧热,姜、蒜爆香;放入五花肉炒,再放入娃娃菜、百叶、芹菜炒均匀;加适量水 或高汤焖熟,放盐调味,撒葱花翻炒均匀出锅。 Ingredients: streaky pork, baby cabbage, tofu skin, celery, leek, ginger, garlic, salt, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Slice streaky pork and marinate them with salt; cut baby cabbage into segments and tripe into shreds; mince ginger, garlic, leek and celery. 2. Heat oil in the wok to stir-fry ginger and garlic; add in streaky pork, baby cabbage, tofu skin and celery and fry them evenly; add enough water or stock to braise them and season with salt; sprinkle leek before serving.

小胖点评 豆腐皮也称百叶、豆皮、千张。豆腐皮是大豆磨浆烧煮后,凝结干制而成的豆制品,豆腐皮在北 方常见,有厚薄之分。这道菜五花肉腌制入味,娃娃菜滑嫩、甘甜,豆腐皮吸满了五花肉和娃娃菜的 汤汁,咸鲜爽口。 My comment: Tofu skin is made from the soya bean milk after process of boiling, condensing and drying. It is quite common in Northern China, featuring two major kinds: thin or thick. The marinate streaky pork is tasty, and the baby cabbage is tender and sweet. The tofu skin fully absorbs the sauce of streaky pork and baby cabbage, making it salted and fresh.

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鱼香茄子 / Yu-shiang Eggplant

材料:茄子、葱、姜、蒜、郫县豆瓣酱、剁椒、盐、糖、醋、料酒、淀粉、麻油、黑胡椒粉、植物 油 做法:1. 茄子洗净切 1.5cm 厚片,表面切花刀,撒盐、黑胡椒粉拌匀腌制 15 分钟;将豆瓣酱、蒜、姜、 葱、香菜分别切碎。 2. 锅中放少许油,将茄子两面煎至金黄变软,摆盘。 3. 锅中放入油,葱、姜、蒜爆香,加入豆瓣酱、剁椒炒香,加入少许水煮沸后,放入糖、醋、 麻油调味,收浓稠汁,将汁淋在茄子上,撒葱花。 Ingredients: eggplant, leek, ginger, garlic, Pixian broad bean paste, minced red and green pepper, salt, sugar, vinegar, cooking wine, cornstarch, sesame oil, black pepper, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Clean and cut eggplant into slices of 1.5cm thick, on the surface of which cut out grooves; marinate them with salt and black pepper for 15 minutes; Mince broad bean paste, garlic, ginger, leek and coriander. 2. Add oil in the wok to stir-fry marinated eggplant pieces until they turn gold and soft and then place them on the plate. 3. Add oil in the wok to stir-fry leek, ginger, and then add in garlic broad bean paste, red and green pepper and water; when water boils, season with sugar, vinegar and sesame oil and pour the thickened sauce on the eggplant; sprinkle leek before serving.

小胖点评 鱼香茄子,这道菜没有鱼,却能做出鱼香味,原因就是用烧鱼的配料来炒制这道菜,由剁椒、豆 瓣酱、葱、姜、蒜、糖、醋的味道混合而来,取名为鱼香。 My comment: Even though there is no fish in this dish, there is a fishy flavor all over. The reason is that the ingredients used to make fish are employed in this dish: the fishy taste is made from the combination of red and green pepper, Pixian broad bean paste, leek, ginger, garlic, sugar and vinegar. That is why this dish is called Yu-shiang(Chinese pronunciation for fishy aroma)


/ 美味家常菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

杭椒炒杭茄 / Stir-fried Eggplant with Chili

材料:杭椒、杭茄、葱、姜、蒜、盐、酱油、糖、生粉、植物油 做法:1. 杭椒去蒂,杭茄切条;葱、姜、蒜切末;杭椒、杭茄分别过油,沥干备用;生粉加少许水搅 拌均匀。 2. 锅中放入油烧热,葱、姜、蒜爆香,放入杭茄和杭椒炒,加入盐、酱油、糖,放入水淀粉勾 芡,炒匀出锅。 Ingredients: Hangzhou chili, Hangzhou eggplant, leek, ginger, garlic, salt, soy sauce, sugar, cornstarch, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Cut the pedicle of chili and shred the eggplant; mince leek, ginger and garlic; blanch chili and eggplant in boiling oil for later use; mix cornstarch evenly with a little water. 2. Heat oil in the wok to stir-fry leek, ginger, garlic and then add in eggplant and chili; then add in salt, soy sauce, and sugar, and thicken the sauce with cornstarch.

小胖点评 杭椒,顶尖尖的,弯弯的,微辣,江浙一带常见。杭茄,果皮淡紫色,有光泽,肉质柔嫩。这是 一道素菜,油炸后的杭椒和杭茄,瞬间锁住食材的水分,炒制后,味道更加香浓。 My comment: Hangzhou chili is sharp and curved on top, a little spicy and quite ordinary in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Hangzhou eggplant looks light purple, with a shining skin and tender flesh. This dish is all vegetables. Fried chili and eggplant can preserve the water, and when Stir-fried, they taste better.

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·味道· Taste

味道,一般意义上指味觉,包括酸、甜、苦、辣、咸的味道等。我常常为品尝一 道美食而高兴,其美味刺激我的味蕾,让我久久难忘,慢慢回味。 在这些美食的味道中,我常常想: “品尝了这么多道菜,究竟哪一道菜最好吃?哪 种味道最让我难忘?”。或许在众多的美食面前,它的食材、摆盘、味道给我带来很多 惊喜,但是,在我脑海中挥之不去的还是妈妈的味道。 妈妈总是用食物给孩子留下最好的味道。每次考试当日的早餐,妈妈给我煮两个 鸡蛋,一根火腿肠,寓意着要考一百分哦;当我生病时,一碗热气腾腾的西红柿鸡蛋 面摆在我的面前,喝下暖暖的面汤,病也好了大半;春夏秋冬,用不同的食材熬煮的 热汤,那是我晚餐中最快乐的时光;妈妈亲手包的饺子,是我觉得最好吃的一道美食, 韭菜鸡蛋馅、白菜猪肉馅,几个小时的忙碌,香甜的味道融进了一盘饺子里;一碗红 烧肉,让我极其满足地品尝着肉的香醇和甜蜜。回忆起这些,太多的味道在我脑海中 掠过,在口腔中回味,充满着浓浓的爱意。 即将远行,去往陌生的国家和城市,一切新鲜的事物,在等待着我。我让妈妈把 我爱吃的菜一一做出来,我大口大口地吃着,香味、辣味、咸味、甜味刺激着我的味 蕾,我很满足,很幸福。好想永久留住这些味道。 这些菜,用的是普通的食材,对妈妈而言,刀工和手艺都不重要,是否搭配合理 也不重要,这些看似最平实的美味,每一口都包含着真挚的母爱。那是记忆的味道, 时间的味道,幸福的味道,温暖的味道,是家的味道,是熟悉的妈妈的味道,那是世 界上最美好的味道。


/ 美味家常菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

Taste means our gustation of sourness, sweetness, bitterness, spiciness, and saltiness. I am often delighted for tasting a dish of gourmet, which arouses my appetite and keeps haunting in my mind. When tasting all these dishes, I always ask myself which one was the best and most unforgettable? Many dishes surprise me with its ingredients, decoration and taste, but the most impressive is those from my mother. A mother always leaves the best taste of dish to her children. Whenever the exam day comes, my mother would cook me two eggs and one ham sausage, which looks like “100” when properly arranged. Whenever I was sick, she would cook me a bowl of hot tomato and egg noodles. After drinking the warm soup, I always felt like I was getting a little better. My mother would prepare different soups with seasonal ingredients all the year round, which was the my happiest time during dinner. Her handmade dumplings, either with chive and egg stuffing or Chinese cabbage and pork mince stuffing, are the most delicious food that I have ever tasted. After hours’ business, her love and effort were all wrapped in the dumplings; The Braised Pork with Soy offer me the sweet taste of meat and the warm feeling of love. All these memories passing by, the tastes linger in my mouth with mother’s love and care. Before I went to a new city for new challenges, I asked my mother to make all the dishes I like and ate them with big bites—its fragrance, spiciness, saltiness, and sweetness arouse my appetite. I felt so satisfied and happy that I wanted to keep these tastes forever. These dishes are all made from ordinary ingredients. But for my mother, It does not matter what cooking skills are used, or how the ingredients are combined with each other. What really matters is that every bite is the love from my mother. That is the taste of memory, time, happiness, and warmth; that is the taste of my mother’s love, the best taste in the world.

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· 小 眼 睛 看 美 食 · 中餐篇

素炒丝瓜 / Stir-fried Towel Gourd

材料:丝瓜、红辣椒 1 根、新鲜百合、姜、蒜、盐、猪油 做法:1. 丝瓜洗净去皮、去籽,剖开切条;红辣椒切片,姜、蒜切末;百合洗净,放入沸水中煮 1 分 钟,捞起,沥干水。 2. 锅中放入猪油烧热,放入姜、蒜爆香,放入丝瓜炒,再放入盐、百合翻炒均匀,将丝瓜炒至 变色后起锅。 Ingredients: towel gourd, one red chili, fresh lily bulbs, ginger, garlic, salt, lard Procedure: 1. Clean towel gourd, unskin it, remove its seeds and cut it into shreds; slice red chili and mince ginger and garlic; clean lily bulbs, blanch them in boiling water for one minute, and take them out for later use. 2. Heat lard in the wok to stir-fry ginger and garlic first; then add in towel gourd for further frying; then add in salt and lily bulbs and fry them until towel gourd turns brown.

小胖点评 丝瓜清热消暑,性凉、味甘、化痰,是夏天必不可少的一款食物。炒丝瓜时,建议用猪油炒,可 以增加菜的香味。 My comment: Towel gourd can clear summer heat. It has cool and light taste, which make it a mush-have dish in summer. When stir-frying towel gourd, lard is highly recommended, as it can bring out the fragrance of towel gourd.


/ 美味家常菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

红烧冬瓜球 / Braised White Gourd Balls

材料:冬瓜、白糖、蚝油、老抽 做法:1. 冬瓜洗净,用专用勺子挖出许多圆球。 2. 锅内放入水,水煮沸后放入冬瓜球,中火煮 3 分钟,捞起,控水。 3. 锅中放入油,小火,放入白糖,糖冒泡时放入冬瓜球翻炒,调入少许老抽,倒入少许水或高 汤,烧制冬瓜呈棕红色时倒入蚝油,大火翻炒,收汁。 Ingredients: white gourd, sugar, oyster sauce, dark soy sauce Procedure: 1. Clean white gourd and scoop its flesh in the shape of the ball with a spoon. 2. After water boils, cook white gourd balls over medium fire for three minutes and then take them out for later use. 3. Heat oil in the wok to stir-fry sugar over low fire; when sugar melts, put in white gourd balls, along with a little dark soy sauce, water or stock. When the white gourd balls turn brown, add in oyster sauce and stirfry them over strong fire.

小胖点评 冬瓜是一种药食瓜类蔬菜。能清肺化痰、除烦止渴,去湿解暑,能利小便,消除水肿之功效。晶 莹翠绿的冬瓜球,经炒糖色后,颜色瞬间变得红润油亮起来,虽是一道素菜,却有一种吃红烧肉的感 觉。 My comment: White gourd has some medical functions. It can suppress cough and phlegm, clear summer heat and moisture, and eliminate poor excretion and edema. The crystal white gourd balls look red and shining after being coated by sugar. Even with only the white gourd, it reminds you of the taste of braised pork.

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· 小 眼 睛 看 美 食 · 中餐篇

家常卤肉饭 / Steamed Rice with Red-cooked Pork

材料:带皮五花肉、八角 4 个、桂皮 1 块、香叶 2 片、姜、葱、蒜瓣 2 个、冰糖 6 颗、干辣椒 3 个、 花椒、盐、生抽、老抽、花雕酒、鸡蛋、菜心、白醋、味淋(日本调味米酒) 做法:1. 五花肉洗净切小立方块,姜去皮切片,将肉块和姜片、葱段冷水下锅,水煮沸后去除浮沫, 冲洗猪肉,沥干水。将菜心放入沸水中,水中放少许盐、油,迅速捞起,沥干水备用。 2. 将猪肉再次放入锅中,加入水没过猪肉,水煮沸后放八角、桂皮、香叶、冰糖、盐、生抽、 老抽、花椒、干辣椒、蒜瓣、花雕酒,小火炖 2 小时。 3. 取出锅中香料,留汤汁。盛一碗米饭,米饭上放一大勺卤肉、2 根菜心,淋一勺卤肉汁, 放半个黄金蛋。 黄金蛋做法: 1. 锅中加入水,放生抽、味淋、2 个八角、葱、1 个辣椒、糖,调制卤汁,水煮沸后关火, 冷却。 2. 洗净鸡蛋,将鸡蛋放入锅中,倒入水(水没过鸡蛋),水煮沸后小火煮 6 分钟,取出鸡蛋。 3. 将鸡蛋迅速放入有冰块的冷水中冷却,剥鸡蛋壳。将鸡蛋放入装有卤汁的保鲜盒中,放入 冰箱冷藏、浸泡两日。取出鸡蛋,用快刀蘸水将鸡蛋切成两半。 Ingredients: streaky pork with skin, four star anises, one cinnamon stick, one piece of myrcia, ginger, leek, two slices of garlic, six crystal sugar, three dried chili, Sichuan pepper, salt, soy sauce, dark soy sauce, Huadiao cooking wine, eggs, choi sum (tender greens), white vinegar, Mirin Procedure: 1. Clean the streaky pork and cut it into cubes; unskin gingers, and put them with pork in cold water in the wok, along with leek; when water boils, remove the dross and clean the pork cubes again; blanch choi sum in boiling water, in which add a little salt and oil , for later use. 2. Put pork cubes again in the wok and submerge them with water; when water boils, add in star anise,


/ 美味家常菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

cinnamon stick, myrcia, crystal sugar, salt, soy sauce, dark soy sauce, Sichuan pepper, dried chili, garlic and Huadiao cooking wine and braise them over gentle fire for two hours. 3. Take spices out and keep the sauce, prepare a bowl of rice, on top of which put a large spoon of braised pork cubes and two sticks of choi sum; pour a spoon of braised sauce and put half of the cooked egg on it. How to make the golden egg: 1. Add water in the wok, along with soy sauce, Mirin, two star anises, leek, one dried chili and sugar, to make the sauce; When boiling, turn off the fire and let it cool down. 2. Clean the eggs, put them in the wok, and submerge them in the water; when water boils, cook them over low fire for six minutes and Take them out. 3. Quickly put the eggs into iced water and then peel off the shell; put egg in the preserving container containing the sauce and freeze them in the fridge for two days; then take the eggs out and cut each of them in half.

小胖点评 家常卤肉饭,主角是带卤汁的红烧肉。烹制红烧肉时,不需油炒糖色,用水和调料长时间炖煮, 五花肉肥而不腻、软烂咸甜、入口即化;黄金蛋色泽金黄,蛋黄柔软滑嫩;浇上的一勺卤汁是卤肉饭 的灵魂,红润油亮,每一粒米饭都吸满了汤汁,香浓四溢,是一道绝佳的美食。 My comment: The braised pork with sauce is the main role in this dish. When braising the pork, do not need to coat it with sugar. Instead, boil it with water and spices for a long time, and the pork will be fat but not greasy, soft and sweet and melts immediately in your mouth. The golden egg is gold, and the yolk is tender. The spoon of sauce is the soul of this dish, which can make the rice red and shining. Every grain of rice fully absorbs the sauce and smells very nice. This is a dainty dish!

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家常蛋炒饭 / Stir-fried Rice with Egg

材料:米饭、2 个鸡蛋、火腿肠、胡萝卜、小葱、盐、植物油 做法:1. 打散蛋液,加盐搅拌均匀;胡萝卜、火腿肠切丁;切少许葱花备用;将米饭打散。 2. 锅中放入油烧热,炒香胡萝卜、火腿丁,盛出备用。锅中放入油,油烧热后转中火,放入鸡 蛋液,鸡蛋凝固时倒入米饭翻炒,再倒入胡萝卜、火腿丁一起翻炒,调入盐,炒均匀,出锅前 撒少许葱花。 3. 将米饭盛入碗中,用勺子将米饭压实,上面盖一个盘子,将盘子倒扣过来,轻轻拿起碗,摆 盘。 Ingredients: rice, two eggs, ham sausage, carrot, leek, salt, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Stir egg evenly with salt; cut carrot and ham sausage into dices; prepare some leek for later use; crumb the rice. 2. Heat oil in the wok to stir-fry carrot and ham sausage dices and take them out for later use; pour oil in the wok to stir-fry egg over medium fire; when the egg liquid starts to solidify, add in rice, carrot dices, ham sausage dices and salt and stir them evenly; sprinkle some leek before serving. 3. Put the scrambled rice in a bowl, press it with a spoon, cover the bowl with a plate, and take the bowl upside-down to slowly lay the rice on the plate.

小胖点评 炒至米饭前,需将米饭打散,这个步骤非常关键;加入盐的量要恰到好处,盐放少了不够味道。 黄金蛋炒饭做法:鸡蛋在碗中打散,加入米饭拌匀;虾仁去虾线,洗净烫熟。锅中放入油烧热,爆香 葱花,倒入米饭炒至橙黄色,加入虾仁大火快炒,调入盐、白糖炒匀即可。 My comment: The key to this dish is to crumb the rice before stir-frying it. Add enough salt to make the taste balanced. To make golden stir-fried rice, you need to stir egg with rice in a bowl; de-vein the shrimps and boil shrimp. Heat oil in the wok to stir-fry leek and then add in rice until it turns gold. Add in shrimp and saute them over strong fire;,season with salt and sugar before serving.


/ 美味家常菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

黄金三色蛋 / Three Color Egg

材料:鸡蛋 4 个、咸鸭蛋 2 个、松花蛋 2 个 做法:1. 鸡蛋的蛋白和蛋黄分开;咸鸭蛋煮熟切小块;松花蛋在沸水中煮 5 分钟,剥壳,切小块。 2. 取一个做蛋糕的长方形盒子,放入咸鸭蛋、松花蛋块,倒入一层蛋白,盖上保鲜膜,水煮沸 后放入锅中,盖上锅盖蒸 5 分钟;在上面淋一层蛋黄液,继续蒸 10 分钟。将蒸好的三色蛋放 凉,冷却后,取出、切片,摆盘。 Ingredients: four eggs, two salted duck eggs, two preserved eggs Procedure: 1. Separate egg white from egg yolk; cut cooked salted duck eggs into dices; boil preserved egg for five minutes, peel them off and cut them into dices. 2. Put salted egg and preserved egg dices in a rectangular container; pour a layer of egg white on top and cover it with a preservative film; steam them for five minutes; pour a layer of egg yolk on top and steam them for another 10 minutes; Take it out and let it cool down, and then cut it into slices to place on a plate. 小胖点评 咸鸭蛋是以新鲜鸭蛋为主要原料,经过盐腌制 7―10 天而成的蛋,蛋黄油亮色红,味道咸而美味。 松花蛋的原材料是鸭蛋,它是经过一场化学反应产生的。把鸭蛋浸泡在用碱、盐、茶叶、桑木 灰、金生粉等配料水中,20 天左右后捞起,用干泥粉掺入卤水包好,再滚上砻糠即成。蛋剥壳后,布 满花纹,切开后分三圈不同的色彩,外圈墨黑结成晶状硬块,中圈略带黄色,较软,里圈呈金黄色。 松花蛋黝黑光亮,香气扑鼻,味道鲜美。 这道菜中的三种蛋,层次分明,颜色丰富,味道咸香。 My comment: The salted duck egg, made of the fresh duck egg, is marinated with salt for 7-10 days. It looks red and shining and tastes salted and sweet. The preserved egg, made of the duck egg, is the production of a chemical reaction. Soak duck eggs in alkali, salt, tea leaves, yellow lead and other spices for about 20 days. Take them out and wrap it with dry clay and rice hulls. Peel off its shell and you can see the texture in it. Cut it apart, there are three different colors—the outer part is dark crystal, the middle part is yellow and soft, and the inner part is gold. The whole egg looks dark and shining, which smells nice and tastes good. There are three kinds of egg in this dish, with clear texture, rich color, and salted taste.

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鸡蛋酿肉丸 / Braised Meatballs with Egg

材料:鸡蛋、猪肉馅、冬菇、盐、料酒、姜、蚝油 做法:1. 鸡蛋洗净、煮熟;剥去鸡蛋壳,切成两半,取出蛋黄;将冬菇剁碎。 2. 猪肉馅里加入冬菇碎、盐、料酒、1 个蛋清,顺时针搅拌至起胶;将肉馅揉成一个肉丸放入 鸡蛋白中,摆盘;锅中水煮沸后,将鸡蛋放入锅中,盖上锅盖蒸 20 分钟。 Ingredients: egg, minced pork, dried mushrooms, salt, cooking wine, ginger, oyster sauce Procedure: 1. Clean and cook egg; peel the cooked egg off, cut it in half, and take the yolk out; mince dried mushrooms. 2. Add dried mushroom shreds, salt, cooking wine, one egg white in pork mince and stir them clockwise till thickened; knead pork mince into meatballs and put them in the cooked egg whites; steam the eggs for 20 minutes.

小胖点评 鸡蛋要煮熟,否则,蛋白在切的时候容易被破坏。肉馅中可以加少许胡萝卜丁,颜色会更加鲜 艳。鸡蛋和肉丸的香浓,口感非常好。 My comment: The egg must be fully cooked, or it will break easily when cutting.when you add a little carrot dices in the pork mince, it will be more colorful. The eggs and meatballs are a perfect match together.


/ 美味家常菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

菜脯煎蛋 / Stir-fried Egg with Dried Radish

材料:鸡蛋 3 个、潮州菜脯、葱、盐、植物油 做法:1. 菜脯洗净切碎;葱切小圈;将鸡蛋打散放入碗中,加盐搅拌均匀。 2. 不粘锅放入油烧热,炒香菜脯,均匀倒入蛋液,调小火,两面煎制蛋饼成型,撒葱花装盘。 Ingredients: three eggs, Chaozhou dried radish, leek, salt, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Clean and mince dried radish; cut leek into small circle; stir egg evenly with salt. 2. Add oil in the pan to stir-fry dried radish; then spread the egg evenly over and switch to gentle fire; Fry both sides of the egg into a solid shape and sprinkle leek before serving.

小胖点评 潮州菜脯即萝卜干,与潮州咸菜、鱼露并称“潮汕三宝”,味道香甜、爽脆、微咸。将菜脯碎与 蛋液一起煎制成饼状,金黄,咸香,若早餐搭配喝粥,可是不错的选择。 My comment: Dried radish, along with Chaozhou pickle and fish sauce, is one of “the Three Treasures in Chaoshan”. The dried radish tastes sweet, salted and crispy. Stir dried radish with egg and fry them into an egg pancake, which is gold and salted. It is a nice choice to eat it with congee as breakfast.

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西红柿鸡蛋面 / Tomato and Egg Noodles

材料:挂面、鸡蛋 1 个、西红柿 1 个、盐、葱、芝麻油、生抽、植物油 做法:1. 鸡蛋打散在碗中,搅拌均匀;西红柿切小块,切葱花。 2. 锅中放入水煮沸,放入面条,用筷子搅拌,水再次煮沸后,调中火将面条煮至八分熟,捞 起。 3. 锅中放入油,炒熟鸡蛋,放番茄块略炒,加入水,水煮沸后放入面条,加盐、酱油调味, 撒葱花,盛出,淋少许芝麻油。 Ingredients: noodles, one egg, one tomato, salt, leek, sesame oil, soy sauce, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Stir egg evenly in a bowl; cut tomato into dices and cut leek. 2. When water boils, add in noodles and stir them using chopsticks; when water boils again, turn to medium heat and cook noodles till almost done and then take them out. 3. Add oil in the wok to stir-fry egg and then add in tomato; add in a little water, and when it boils, add noodles in it again; season with salt, soy sauce and sprinkle leek after putting the noodles on a plate; sprinkle a little sesame oil.

小胖点评 面条起源于中国,已有四千多年的历史。面条是一种制作简单,食用方便,营养丰富,可做主食 又可以成为快餐的食品,煮、炒、炸,花样繁多,各地有不同的烹饪方法。在番茄炒蛋的汤汁中加入 煮熟的面条,面条弹滑爽口,汤汁很鲜美。 My comment: Noodle, originating in China, has a history of over four thousand years. It is nutrient, easy and convenient. It can serve as either staple food or fast food. The noodles can be cooked using different cooking methods, such as boiling, stirfrying or even deep-frying. When adding cooked noodles in egg and tomato sauce, you will find it al dente and fresh.


/ 美味家常菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

拌面 / Stirred Noodles with Sauce

材料:细兰州拉面、胡萝卜、黄瓜、香菜、小葱、蒜、生抽、香醋、白糖、芝麻油、辣椒油、植物 油 做法:1. 黄瓜、胡萝卜切丝,将胡萝丝在沸水中煮 1 分钟,捞起,沥干水;香菜、小葱、蒜切碎;将 3 勺生抽、1 勺白糖、1 勺香醋、芝麻油、蒜末放入碗中调成汁。 2. 锅中放入适量的水,水煮沸后,放入面条煮熟,捞出面条放入冷水中,控水后装入碗中,加 少许油拌面。面条上放黄瓜丝、胡萝卜丝、香菜、葱花。 3. 把调好的汁倒入面中拌匀,喜欢吃辣椒的可以放少许辣椒酱或辣椒油。 Ingredients: Lanzhou thin noodles, carrot, cucumber, coriander, leek, garlic, soy sauce, vinegar, sugar, sesame oil, chili oil, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Cut cucumber and carrot into shreds; blanch carrot shreds in boiling water for one minute and take them out for later use; mince coriander, leek and garlic; make the sauce with three spoons of soy sauce, one spoon of sugar, one spoon of vinegar, sesame oil and garlic. 2. Add enough water in the wok, and when it boils, add in noodles; when the noddles are fully cooked, put them in cold water and the put them in a bowl after draining; add in a little oil to stir the noodles evenly and then place cucumber shreds, carrot shreds, coriander and leek on top. 3. Mix the handmade sauce with noodle evenly. If you like it spicy, add a little chili sauce or chili oil.

小胖点评 拌面的关键是煮的面要劲道,不需太软;调的汁比例要恰到好处,喜欢吃酸的,可以多加一点 醋。拌面是夏日一道简单的家常美食。 My comment: The key to this dish is the cooked noodles, which must be al dente but not too soft. The proportion of the sauce should be right; if you like it sour, add in a bit more vinegar. It is an ordinary homemade dish in summer.

Delicious Homemade Cuisine /


· 小 眼 睛 看 美 食 · 中餐篇

凉拌薄荷叶 / Peppermint Leaves in Sauce

材料:新鲜薄荷叶、生抽、醋、蒜片、芝麻油、熟花生米 做法:新鲜薄荷叶洗净、沥干水,将生抽、醋、麻油、蒜片、熟花生米混合调成酱汁,拌匀。 Ingredients: fresh peppermint leaves, soy sauce, vinegar, garlic, sesame oil, cooked peanuts Procedure: Clean and drain fresh peppermint leaves and then mix them evenly with soy sauce, vinegar, sesame oil, garlic and cooked peanuts.

小胖点评 薄荷叶含有丰富的薄荷醇,味道清凉,甜润微辛。具有一定的药用价值,可以健胃祛风、祛痰, 改善感冐发烧、咽喉肿痛,也常用于制作料理或甜点,去除鱼及羊肉腥味,或搭配水果及甜点,用以 提味。将薄荷叶拌入酱汁,特殊的香气在口中回甘,给炎炎的夏日带来一丝清凉。 My comment: Peppermint leaves are rich in menthol, which are cool, fresh, sweet and a little spicy. It has medical function, which can strengthen stomach, clear phlegm, help cure cold, fever and sore throat. It can also be used in making cuisine and dessert to remove the unpleasant odor of fish or lamb, or used with fruit and desert to enhance its taste. When stirring the peppermint leaves with the sauce, its fragrance gives you a sweet aftertaste and freshness during hot summer.


/ 美味家常菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

凉拌折耳叶 / Houttuynia Leaves in Sauce

材料:新鲜折耳根叶子、青笋丝、盐、鸡精、白糖、芝麻油、生抽、醋、蒜泥、红油 做法:将新鲜折耳根叶子洗净、沥干水,将盐、生抽、鸡精、白糖、芝麻油、醋、蒜泥、红油调制的 酱汁拌匀,装盘后加入生的青笋丝。 Ingredients: fresh houttuynia leaves, bamboo shoot shreds, salt, chicken essence, sugar, sesame oil, soy sauce, vinegar, garlic, chili oil Procedure: Clean houttuynia leaves and drain them; mix them evenly with salt, soy sauce, chicken essence, sugar, sesame oil, vinegar, garlic and chili oil; put in bamboo shoot shreds on top before serving.

小胖点评 折耳根又称鱼腥草,有清热解毒的功效。酱汁的味道酸、辣、咸,加上折耳根的腥、苦味,融合 出特殊的味道。这是一道麻辣鲜香、酸辣可口、清爽回甘的凉拌菜。 My comment: Houttuynia leaves are also called fishwort or chameleon plant, which can clear summer heat and remove toxins. The sauce is sour, spicy and salted, which is a perfect match to the bitterness of the houttuynia leaves. This dish is spicy, fresh, sour, sweet and very dainty.

Delicious Homemade Cuisine /


· 小 眼 睛 看 美 食 · 中餐篇

紫薯饼 / Purple Sweet Potato Cake

材料:紫薯、糯米粉、面粉、白芝麻、植物油 做法:1. 将紫薯切厚片,煮熟。去皮后,将紫薯放入碗中,用勺子压成紫薯泥。 2. 加入糯米粉和面粉,喜欢吃甜的,加少许糖,和成面团。分成一个个小面团,用手揉成圆球, 粘上芝麻,再压成饼状。 3. 平底锅放少许油,将薯饼两面煎熟。 Ingredients: purple sweet potato, sticky rice flour, cornstarch, white sesame, vegetable oil Procedure: 1. Cut purple sweet potatoes into thick slices and fully cook them; unskin the cooked potato slice and smash them in a bowl. 2. add in sticky rice flour and cornstarch, and if you like it sweet, add a little sugar and knead it into dough; tear the dough apart and make them into small balls; coat the balls with white sesame and then press them into pancakes. 3. Add oil in the pan to fry the pancakes till both sides turn brown.

小胖点评 紫薯肉呈紫色,含有丰富的蛋白质、氨基酸、维生素、多种天然矿物质元素,还富含硒元素和花 青素,有抗疲劳、抗衰老、补血、增强机体免疫力的作用。紫薯饼煎制后外酥里嫩,软糯香甜,配上 一杯热茶,休闲惬意。 My comment: The purple sweet potato is purple in color and rich in protein, amino acid, vitamins and other natural mineral elements. It also contains selenium and Anthocyanidin, which can resist fatigue and aging, enrich the blood and improve the immune system. The fried purple sweet potato cake tastes crispy on the outside and tender inside. It is sweet and soft, and goes well with a cup of hot tea. What a pleasant enjoyment!


/ 美味家常菜

My Gourmet Journey: Chinese Cuisine

米包子 / Rice Bun

材料:熟白糯米饭、火腿、榨菜、鸡蛋、小葱、盐 做法:1. 榨菜、火腿切丁。打散鸡蛋,加盐搅拌均匀。锅中放入油,炒熟鸡蛋碎,放入火腿和榨菜 丁翻炒做成馅,取出备用。 2. 菜板上放一层保鲜膜,取熟糯米饭放在保鲜膜上,手蘸水,将糯米饭整理成圆饼的形状。中 间放少许馅,将保鲜膜包起,做成包子的形状,打开保鲜膜,摆盘。 Ingredients: cooked sticky rice, ham, Sichuan pickle, egg, leek, salt Procedure: 1. Cut Sichuan pickle and ham into dices; stir egg evenly with salt; add oil in the wok to fry egg, ham and pickle together to make stuffing for later use. 2. Place a piece of preservative film on the cutting board, on which put cooked sticky rice; dip water with your fingers and knead the sticky rice into a round shape, in the middle of which put some stuffing; then wrap the stuffing into a bun.

小胖点评 糯米有补气、御寒、滋补的作用。刚煮熟的糯米,颗粒饱满,洁白油亮,包上榨菜、火腿、鸡蛋 炒至的馅料,榨菜、火腿咸的味道很突出,晶莹剔透,软糯香浓,美味香甜。 My comment: Sticky rice can supplement your Qi, prevent coldness, and supply The cooked sticky rice is plump, white and shining. The Sichuan pickle, ham and egg are wrapped inside, which can bring out the soft and sweet flavor.

Delicious Homemade Cuisine /


Gordon Ramsay — 我心中永远的厨神

第一次认识 Gordon Ramsay( 戈登 • 拉姆齐 ),是他在 一档美国烹饪美食节目《Master Chef》当评委,他那苛 刻、严谨而又不失幽默的权威性点评,给我留下了极其 深刻的印象。 Master Chef,即“顶级厨师”的意思,是全球最老 牌的烹饪美食节目之一。1990 年由英国 BBC 首播获得巨 大成功,此后,该节目在澳大利亚、美国、意大利、希 腊等国家播出,都取得了极高的收视率。为了寻找真正 的厨神,这个节目广泛招募参赛选手。参赛者来自各行 各业,不分肤色,不分地位,不论贫富,他们对烹饪充 满热情,对“顶级厨师”梦想的追求充满信心。应征者 们参与多轮角逐并逐轮淘汰,产生出优胜者,最终成为 “顶级厨师”。比赛中,选手之间有矛盾冲突,也有友好 合作,更有选手与裁判之间的互动。裁判们尖锐、苛刻、 精准、专业的点评,让竞争更加激烈,节目更加精彩。 我特别喜欢这档美食节目,简直到了着迷的地步。 节目中,Gordon Ramsay 以他敏锐独到的眼光,犀利 幽默的语言,专业而尖刻的点评,给选手们很大的信心, 也成为每一期节目的亮点! Gordon Ramsay 不但参与点 评,有时还亲自上阵。他那帅气的挥刀,精准的调味, 丰富的创意,娴熟的技艺,创造了一道道令人惊叹的经 典美食。 Gordon Ramsay 还 参 加 了 另 一 档 美 食 节 目《Kitchen Nightmares》(厨房噩梦)。每一周,Gordon 都会到不同


的地方、为濒临倒闭的餐厅提供帮助,帮他们找到症结所在。他为厨师们准备膳食, 给服务员的餐间服务提供建议。长期以来,Gordon 利用他丰富的烹饪知识和经验, 使这些餐厅重获新生,得以顺利经营。他告诫厨师:如果不会做饭,就干脆脱掉衣 服关门。虽然听上去有点尖刻,但 Gordon 就是这样一位非常严谨的大厨。 《Hell’s Kitchen》(地狱的厨房)也是一档美食节目。为了成为 Gordon 餐厅的高 级主厨,许多有抱负的厨师前来报名,经过层层选拔,最后来到美国洛杉矶的“地 狱厨房”进行最后比拼。参赛选手们分成男女两组,各有一个厨房,他们不仅参加 团队挑战,还要烹制 Gordon 的经典菜单,包括意大利龙虾烩面、扇贝沙拉、威灵顿 牛扒等。 通过这几档美食节目,我已经成为 Gordon 的忠实粉丝,对他本人产生了浓厚的 兴趣。他在我心目中就是厨神。 1966 年,Gordon Ramsay 出生于格拉斯哥,堪称英国乃至世界的顶级厨神。他 曾是一名足球运动员,同时对厨艺产生了兴趣。他因膝盖受伤被迫结束运动员生涯, 这时,他对厨艺的兴趣越发高涨,并开始学习。先后在多家餐厅工作过,后来前往 巴黎学习法国菜,并为米其林星级厨师工作。1993 年,他回到伦敦,成为餐厅的主 厨,后来受马可 • 皮埃尔 • 怀特的邀请成为另一家餐厅的合伙人。这是他厨师生涯的 重大转折,并在 14 个月后拥有了第一颗米其林之星。1997 年,他赢得了第二颗米其 林之星。他把自己的餐厅开到了迪拜、日本、美国、加拿大等国家,他先后被《米 其林饮食指南》授予三星荣誉和“年度最佳厨师”,成为苏格兰历史上第一位米其林 三星级厨师,被评为“英国餐饮业年度最有影响力的人物”,他所经营的餐厅多次被 评选为“英国顶级餐厅”。1998 年,他开始了自己的电视节目主持人的生涯,他所 主持的各种烹饪节目风靡欧美。如今,他拥有 28 间餐厅,其中 12 间是米其林星级 餐厅。著有烹饪书籍数十部。他在生活中同时扮演厨师、餐厅老板及作家等多重角 色,成为全球收入最高的厨师。 Gordon Ramsay 就是这样一个经历丰富的人。凭借他的天赋和努力,获得了一个 个殊荣;由他制作出来的一道道精美佳肴,征服了广大食客的胃;他那无穷的个人 魅力,赢得了观众的掌声;他对美食的不懈追求和烹饪的高超技艺,让我痴迷,他 是我心中永远的厨神!我非常崇拜这位世界级烹饪大师。我一定要去英国亲眼看看 他的餐厅,并亲自品尝米其林餐厅精美的菜肴。 在我即将结束《小眼睛看美食 • 中餐篇》的书稿时,我已经开始计划我的西餐 之旅了。我将去走访更多的餐厅,了解西餐的历史和文化,品尝米其林餐厅的菜肴, 进一步探究西餐美食的奥秘。我想,这将是我更加期待的一次美食之旅。


Gordon Ramsay – The God of Cookery in My Eye

The first time I knew about Gordon Ramsay was when he was a judge for an American cuisine program called Master Chef. His strict, discreet yet humorous comments left a deep impression on me. Master Chef is one of the oldest and time-honored cuisine programs in the world. Its debut in BBC in1990 was a great success. Then, it was gradually shown on Australia, America, Italy, and Greece and won high audience rating. In order to look for the real “God of Cookery”, the program recruited candidates from all over the world, no matter what they do, what their skin colors are, what their social status, or how much money they own, as long as they have passion and confidence in cooking and being the “Master Chef”. Candidates have to go through several rounds of elimination before becoming the master chef. During the competition, there is fierce conflict or friendly cooperation and communications among candidates as well as the interaction between candidates and judges. Judges’ acute, strict, accurate, and professional comments make the competition much more severe and the program much more wonderful. I am fully obsessed by this program. In the program, Gordon Ramsay gave distinctive, strict yet humorous, professional comments, which made the candidates more confident. He is, therefore, the spotlight of each episode. Gordon Ramsay not only made comments but also demonstrated his own skills. His sophisticated cutting skill, accurate combination of taste, and rich imagination helped create the stunning and amazing dishes. Gordon Ramsay also took part in another cuisine program Kitchen Nightmares. Every week, Gordon would go to a bankrupted restaurant and figured out its problems. He prepared food for chefs and provided suggestions for waiters or waitress to improve service quality. For a very long time, through Gordon’s sophisticated culinary knowledge and rich experience, these restaurants regained its life and started to run a smooth business. He told the chefs if they did not know how to cook, they’d better take off the outfit and leave. It might sound a bit harsh, but that is who Gordon is, a discreet chef. Hell’s Kitchen is another gourmet program. To become the master chef in Gordon’s restaurant, many ambitious candidates came and signed up for the competition. They have to pass through different tests before the final competition in Los Angeles. Candidates were divided into female and male groups, with each group having a kitchen; they not only competed as a team but also cooked classic dishes in Gordon’s restaurant menu, such as Italian Lobster Spaghetti, Scallop Salad, or Wellington Steak. It is through these programs that I become Gordon’s loyal fan and admire him as the God of Cookery d. Born in Glasgow in 1966, Gordon Ramsay is honored as master chef in the United Kingdom and even around the world. Used to be a football player, he also grew interest in cooking. When he had to end his football career due to an injury in his kneel, he devoted himself to cooking. He first worked in many restaurants and later went to study French Cuisine in Paris and worked for star-


chefs in Michelin restaurant. In 1993, he went back to London and became the head chef of a restaurant. Later, he was invited by Marco Pierre White as his partner of another restaurant, which was an important turning point in his chef career. Fourteen months later, he won his first Michelin star. In 1997, he won the second one. He opened restaurants in Dubai, Japan, the United States, and Canada. He was awarded “Three Stars” and “Best Chef of the Year” by the Michelin Guide and became the first Three-star Michelin chef in Scotland. He was also awarded as the “Most Influential Person in UK’s Culinary Industry”, and his restaurants were honored many times as the “top UK restaurant”. In 1998, he started a new career as TV presenter of gourmet programs, which later became popular around the world. Now he owns 28 restaurants, 12 of which are Michelin star restaurants, and had many cook books published. He is simultaneously a chef, a restaurant owner, and a author in real life, which make him the richest chef in the world. Gordon Ramsay is person with much experience, and his talent and effort have won him many awards; the delicacies gain popularity among customers; and his powerful charisma wins applause from the audience. I admire his persistent pursuit for gourmet and fantastic cooking skills so much that he is the God of Cookery in eye forever. I pay great respect to this master chef, and I must visit his restaurant in UK one day and taste the Michelin delicacies in the flesh. When I almost finished the manuscript of this book, I have already started my gourmet journey of Western Cuisine. I will visit more restaurants and get to know the history and culture of Western Cuisine, and I will taste food in Michelin restaurants and explore the secrets of their kitchen. For me, it will be a more exciting experience than I expect.


参考文献 《中国八大菜系》,主编金开诚(加框)编著陈长文,吉林出版集团 / 吉林文史出版社,2012 年 1 月第 1 版 部分资料参考自各餐厅的官方网站

Reference Jin, Kaicheng & Chen, Changwen. Eight Cuisines in China. Jilin: Jilin Wenshi Chubanshe. January, 2012. Some resources come from the restaurants’ official websites.


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