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BeanBeanBean SP


Hannah Wong, Cathedral

“During this hectic time, with holding club elections and just school in general, I felt that this service project was a good way to take a break from everything. The website, bean bean bean, was super easy and just something you can do to take your mind off a crazy schedule. Answering the trivia questions allowed me to take a break from my homework and earn service hours at the same time, so obviously I loved it! It is always an amazing service project experience when you earn hours and have fun while you are doing it!” “The [BeanBeanBean] website entailed us to answer easy and simple questions with the motive of earning beans to donate and raise money for charity. Looking more into the website and their mission, the beans that are raised by answering the questions correctly are converted into money which is then given to various charities. I’m glad I was able to support these various organizations and charities and hope that my donated “beans” made somewhat of an impact somewhere!”

BeanBeanBean SP

Missing Maps

Ashley Huang, RB

“We used Missing Maps to map areas where humanitarians are trying to help those that are the most vulnerable. It took a little bit of time to get the hang of it and sometimes it took some thinking to identify what was what on the maps, but it was all worth it knowing that the time we were putting in would help people help those in need. It was also cool seeing how many people contribute to Missing Maps! There are so many projects and so many people working hard everyday to get these places mapped. “Our first task was to fill bags with fruit and veggies for some of the less fortunate customers around the area. The task was relatively quick, so after we finished my mom and I were assigned to set up the shelves outside for their weekly Saturday outdoor sale. We had to refold linens, hang jackets and trinkets, and help distribute food to the customers if necessary. Overall, I really enjoyed all of this event had to offer, and it was a great bonding experience with other people as well as with my mom!”

Thrift Store Volunteer

Baby Babbling

Erin Chin, Westview

“For this service project, I helped the Maturity of Baby Sounds project on the website Zooniverse. I listened to 1-second baby sound clips and classified them according to the categories provided. I classified the sounds based on whether they were emotional (crying, laughing) or speech. I found this project to be very interesting and it was a unique experience. I’m glad that I could contribute to this project and help the team in their study of linguistics in babies. Since I enjoyed this project, I hope I can do another one in the future that relates to classification!

“For our January project, we utilized the

Pause For app. The app works through supporting various charities and organizations focusing in topics like hunger, the environment, and animals simply by staying off your phone.

Especially with finals this past month,

Pause For was an awesome way to stay off my phone in order to focus on studying while still supporting a good cause. I would definitely use this app again looking back on how productive I was and how rewarding it felt to be able to donate meals just by using less screen time.” 8 | Service Recap

Pause for App

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