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club spotlight of the month

club officers elected President: Haley Tran VP: Angie Vo Treasurer: Alison Chin Secretary: Angela Yu Bulletin Editor: Nicole Duston


appointed Freshman Director: Abby Lee EA: Erin Chin Project coordinators: Joy Xu & Aly Lee Tech Editor: Daniel Akhondi Visual Designer: Anjolie Ly

recent service event

At the volunteering event for Westview Gold I guided incoming band and color guard teams. I was guiding Murrietta Vally high school around while they were coming in. I took them to the field where they would play. Then I took them out and away of incoming teams. Then I watched some more performances before leaving. Before I left I dropped off my volunteer badge and went home. -Cameron Hamidy

At the volunteering event I was assigned to work as a table runner. My table runner job was, in the beginning, to take volunteers to their stations which didn't really happen because the volunteers knew their way around already. We also ran out of lanyards so we started making the badges and assembled them for other volunteers. As it started getting dark and people started to show up for the event, we helped the visitors put on their wrist bands because it's basically impossible to put those on by themselves. After some time struggling we got used to it and we continued helping with bracelets. -Sindhu Narasimha

DUES PAID MEMBERS: 93 130 club goals and progress (as of jan 9th)

MONEY RAISED: $450 $1000

HOURS SERVED: 1008 1200

21 Westview has been working super hard to be constantly improving in our everyday processes. Our hardworking board has nothing but commitment their time to their duties to not only the home club, but division. I am so proud to where we are with our goals and know we can finish them with the four months we have left of our term. I may be the president of this amazing club but truly couldn't of accomplished anything without them. Thank you to my active board and club for always going above and beyond in their duties. I love you all so much and can't believe how far we have improved our club from previous terms! - Love Haley

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