Tips to Make Your Business Cards Attractive and Unforgettable
Straight Up Marketing
Business cards are the best way to portray a good image in front of your future clients. It reflects the soul of your business or products and services provided by you. You need to take extra care precaution while designing the cards. Apart from business cards, your website design also plays an important role in reflecting the right image to your clients. You can upgrade your website by hiring the services of a renowned web design company on the Gold Coast, Australia. A business card is your most valuable marketing tool and an excellent way to become unforgettable, in short, it’s the best friend of an entrepreneur. Unfortunately, the majority of people use business cards that simply ruin their image, instead of building it. Therefore, you need to understand that business cards are not only strong marketing tools, but these can reflect your image as well.
Following are a few tips that can help you in designing your cards as per your desires: Avoid using white or plain card stock as there can’t be anything more boring than those. Try to avoid using the raised printing known as thermography printing because it is no longer in fashion. You may have seen shiny coating applied for the cards, it is actually UV coating. Ensure that you use this coating only on one side as many people have a habit of writing any information on the cards. Ensure that you provide at least three methods for contacting you. Your business prospects may like to follow a preferred method of communication and you may not hear from them, if you don’t include it. Provide your phone number, mailing address and email address.
You can also use your business card to drive traffic to your business website. Print the details of your website on your card and people may search for it to gather more information about you and your business. Use a high quality card stock as a low quality or thin card may look a bit unprofessional in the eyes of your clients. There is no need to give your fax number unless you receive faxes on a regular basis or these are part of a normal routine of business workflow. Fax numbers are extra piece of information that may only crowd the space on your card. This information can be sent later, when you start doing business with your clients.
You can tell your clients about the services and products you provide by including a Tagline. This will serve to create a brand for your company and polish your image. Always put the Tagline in the front area of the card. You can also maintain a unique and consistent brand of your company by using a similar design on both your website and business card. Try to keep the cards as simple as possible. Don’t try to fill it with an extra or unnecessary piece of information on it. Never use more than two types of fonts in the design as fewer fonts surely make it a lot easier to read. Also, avoid using all caps alphabets as these might prove to be a bit difficult to read.
Business cards have proven to be an amazing marketing tool. Apart from these, you must also look forward to improve your website’s web design Gold Coast is quite famous for web development, web designing and SEO Gold Coast is the place where you can find us for business card services.
Straight Up Marketing
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