Porto architecture week

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Porto’s built memories are never far from its present – living on in old place names, the City of Porto’s medieval street pattern, or Porto’s rich architectural heritage. The past and its memory are fundamental to a sense of future places: something that communities cherish in the face of change, and a tool for architects and developers as they achieve change and place further layers of future activity and memory on top of all the others. Recent and future development at Mercado do Bolhão, Campanhã and dowton Porto are reminders of how memory is inextricably linked to character and placemaking. They show how architects, planners and developers need to proceed with care: aware that carelessness can obliterate cherished memories of Porto’s places, and alert to opportunities to harness memory in positive ways.

The City If José Marques da Silva (1869-1947) shaped thephysiognomy of the city in the beginning of the 20th century and has transformed itslandscape way beyond his own works, and Arménio Losa (1908 -1988) and Cassiano Barbosa (1911 - 1998) renewed and transformed architecture in the north ofPortugal, the architecture of Álvaro Siza Vieira (1933) and Eduardo Souto de Moura (1952), master and disciple, introduced the “school of Porto” to the world. A short stay won’t be enough for you to learn about the vast and extremely interesting work of these and other Portuguese architects, but the emblematic projects we have selected in this itinerary will offer you an overall picture of the rich architectural heritage of this city.These are a starting point to get to know Porto’s architecture; something you will want to tell others when you go home and that will motivate you to return to this city in the north of Portugal.

Avenida dos Aliados


Start with the city’s “guest room”, Avenida dos Aliados,

At one end of this

The buildings designed

whose current design (2005) is by Siza Vieira and Souto

street, where

by Marques da Silva, who

de Moura, winners of the Pritzker prize in 1992 and

traditional commerce

studied in Porto and then

2011, respectively. Besides the requalification signed by

lives side-by-side

in Paris where he was a

both these architects from Porto, it is worth dedicating

with major brands,

pupil of Victor Laloux,

a few minutes to the buildings Companhia Seguros A

in Praça da Batalha,

reveal an academic

Nacional, Building Joaquim Emílio Pinto Leite and Jornal

is the Teatro

culture aiming to

de Notícias (1919, 1922 and 1925, Marques da Silva).

Nacional de São

intersect classical

Proceed to the lively Rua de Santa Catarina. Just a few

João, a project from

tradition and functional

metres from the tourist Café Majestic, you can see the

1909, also by

compositions which take

old Grandes Armazéns Nascimento (1914), a building where

Marques da Silva,

modern life into account,

currently is a FNAC megastore. This work was designed by

which was restored

despite its formal and

José Marques da Silva

in the early 1990s.

impressive appearance.

Return to Aliados and to Praça da Liberdade. Enter São Bento’s train station, a symbolic building designed by the same architect and built between 1896 If you go through Santa Catarina in the

and 1916. Without

opposite direction, in a few minutes


you will have reached one of the city’s

contemplate the

best known works by Arménio Losa and

panels painted by

Cassiano Barbosa. A building of

artist Jorge

commerce, services and collective

Colaço who, in the

housing (1946-51) in Rua Sá da

beginning of the

Bandeira, 633/673, and Rua Guedes de

last century,

Azevedo, 117, 121. The two architects,

painted scenes

formed in Porto’s School of Fine Arts,

alluding to the

initiated in 1939 a renovation and

history of

transformation of architecture in the

Portugal and the

northern region, confirmed by the

development of

quality and quantity of projects and


accomplished works.

From here, you can go down towards the river to discover the city’s historical centre, classified as world heritage by UNESCO in 1996, the Alfândega and the Museum of Transport and Communications, whose recovery (1993-2002) is signed by the awarded architect Souto de Moura, or explore the

Walk up the Rua das

In Rua do Rosário,

Nearby, at Campo

Carmelitas. On number

very close to the Quar-

Mártires da Liber-

100, observe the Ed-

teirão das Artes – thus

dade, you can see

surrounding the Torre

ifício das Quatro Es-

called for concentrat-

how the old Cadeia

dos Clérigos, several

tações (1905). On the

ing numerous art gal-

da Relação was

modern businesses have

corner of this street

leries – pay attention

transformed into the

opened in the last few

with the streets

to the design of the

Portuguese Centre of

Conde de Vizela and

Building António Enes


Cândido dos Reis,

Bagana (1919). All

(1997-2011). The ar-

take a look at the

these buildings were

chitect responsible

signature cuisines,

Palácio do Conde de

designed by architect

for this conversion

studios and boutiques…

Vizela (1917-1923).

Marques da Silva.

is Souto de Moura

renewed downtown area. In the streets

years: concert halls, bars and clubs, restaurants with

Arménio Losa and Cassiano Barbosa, who reinvented and


Porto’s reality to the new architecture

You can enjoy this area at the end of the day, when it really comes alive. Have dinner downtown and stay for a glass of Port and a little bit of dancing.Back to the area of the Aliados


and Praça da Liberdade, the metro in São

announced by Le

Bento’s station – designed by Siza

Corbusier, signed another building of services (1947-49) in Rua dos Bragas (numbers 53/61), in the Cedofeita area. In Rua de Ceuta (numbers 141 and 141-A) and Praça D. Filipa de Lencastre (number 16), right in the middle of the liveliest area in Porto at night, there is another building of services and collective housing (1950-53).

Vieira, in 2005. The yellow line will take you to Praça Marquês de Pombal, where you can visit the house-studio of the architect Marques da Silva. In the 1909 building, on number 44, is the current Fundação Instituto Arquitecto José Marques da Silva (FIMS), aiming to announce the architectural legacy of the designer and the architecture and urbanism of Porto and Portugal.This Foundation holds the family’s historical collection, including the architect’s professional archive, but also his daughter’s and son-in-law’s, the architects Maria José Marques da Silva and David Moreira da Silva.

Igreja de Santo Antรณnio dos Congregados

Speaking of Metro do Porto, did you know that this network was designed by Souto de Moura? The architect, famous for the rigour and accuracy of his works, is responsible for the projects of the stations Trindade, Aliados, Faria Guimarães, Marquês, Combatentes, Salgueiros, Heroísmo, Campo 24 de Agosto, Bolhão, Lapa, Carolina Michaëlis and Casa da Música.

Souto de Moura\ project of metro station

The Boavista area

In the middle of Praça Mouzinho de

The building of the

Charles Siclis and

Albuquerque, better known as Rotunda da

Contemporary Art

Alfred Porteneuve. The

Boavista, is the work Heróis das Guerras

Museum in Serralves

architect also signed

Peninsulares (1909), by architect Marques

(1991-99), the most

the design of the

da Silva and sculptor Alves de Sousa. The

modern and where the

Gardens (1932), with

rehabilitation of the garden surrounding

Fundação Serralves

Jacques Gréber.

the monument was designed by Siza Vieira,

is based, was

Very close to Serralves,

in 2004. Go down Avenida da Boavista

designed by Siza

in Avenida Marechal

towards Serralves and, along the way, pay

Vieira. The Casa de

Gomes da Costa, look for

attention to the Burgo construction


the house-studio of the

(1991-2007), an office and commerce building

(1925-1943) was

artist Armanda Passos

designed by Souto de Moura. It is located

designed by Marques

(2002-06), also designed

on number 1837.On numbers 2450/2460 is the

da Silva, together

by Siza Vieira.

work Quatro Casas, by Arménio Losa.

with Jacques Émile

palacio do freixo pousada

Outside the city

The Boavista area

Return to the centre of the city by the university campus of Campo Alegre and visit the Faculty of Architecture of the

In Matosinhos, it is worth

Stay at Pousada do

University of Porto

going to Leça da Palmeira,

Porto. Installed in

where Siza Vieira signed

Palácio do Freixo, the

the Casa de Chá da Boa Nova

architecture of this

yet another work

(1958-63; in co-authorship

hotel unit is majestic.

designed by Siza

with Adalberto Neves, António

Designed by architect

Vieira. In the same

Meneres, Botelho Dias and

Nicolau Nasoni, this

area, on number 606

Joaquim Sampio), the Piscina

building from the

of Rua do Campo

das Marés (1961-66) and the

18th century is one

Alegre, you can see

Marginal project (2002-07).

of the most remarkable

A few minutes from the beach

monuments of Portuguese

area, the architect also

civil Baroque and

designed the swimming pool

is classified as

in Quinta da Conceição,next

national monument.

(1986-93), in Via Panorâmica. This is

yet another building of commerce and collective housing (1959-63), by Arménio Losa and Cassiano Barbosa.

to Porto de Leixões.

How to get there

palacio do freixo pousada

There are flights from Bremen, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Karlsruhe, Munich, Dortmund,

The best way to go from the

Zurich, Liverpool, London, Bordeaux,

International Airport

Carcassonne, Dole, La Rochelle, Lille,

Francisco Sá Carneiro

Lyon, Marseille, Nantes, Paris, Rodez, St. Etienne Toulouse, Tours, Barcelona, Madrid, Palma de Mallorca, Valencia, Bologna, Milan, Pisa, Rome, Copenhagen, Brussels, Amsterdam, Eindhoven, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and New York.

to the city centre is to take the underground metro. The trip takes about 30 minutes.

1. Call for entries


2. Open Studios


3. Open Studio Call for Entries


4. Areosa Design Competition


5. Exhibitions and Lectures


6. Venues


7. Sponsors


23-30 09\17

2017.2 018.20 19.202 0.2021 .2023. 2024.2 025.20 26.202 7.2028 .2029. 2030.2 031.20 32.203 3.2034 .2035. 2036.2 037.20 38.203 9.2040 .2041. 2042.2 043.20 44.204 5.2046 .2047. 2048.2 049...


Porto Arch.Week Semana da Arquitectura do Porto

23-30 September 2017 (23-30 Setembro 2017)


An International city-wide celebration of architectural culture, thinking and practice. Porto Architecture Week has announced that the first edition theme of the festival will be ‘past + future’. The theme of will be explored through a wide range of events and activities when the Porto Architecture Week – Europe’s future biggest annual architecture festival starts on 23-30 September 2017.


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The call for entries for the Porto Architecture Week 2017 is now open. We’re inviting architects and anyone with an interest in London’s built environment to help us explore ‘memory’ when PAW comes to the city on September 2017. Porto is a city of myriad layers, each infused with memory: of people,buildings, places and experiences. London’s built environment, with memories bound up within it, is fundamental to how people experience the city, and the starting point from which architects, developers and communities can address change.

Call for entries

Porto’s built memories are never

We want event organisers to

far from its present – living on

interpret ‘memory’ in their

in old placenames, the City of

own way, bringing their own

Porto’s medieval street pattern, or Porto’s rich architectural heritage. Memory is fundamental to a sense of place: something that communities cherish in the face of change, and a tool for architects and developers as they

ideas to events that will be engaging, challenging, and thought-provoking. Events can be fun or serious - and together we’re confident that PAW 2017 will be the best european architecture event.

achieve change and place further

Application process will

layers of activity and memory on

close on August 10th.

top of all the others.


+++++++++ +++++++++ +++++++++ +++++++++ +++++++++

The city plays host to the largest concentration of design and architecture talent anywhere in the world and is home to some of the world's most successful architectural practices. The Open Studios programme offers an opportunity to go behind the scenes at some of the most innovative of these practices. Each practice will offer their own curated programme, but will include the opportunity to see great work and newly commissioned projects, lively debates, talks, discussions, seminars, workshops, exhibitions, installations and model shop demonstrations.

Open Studios

Addesign Ricardo Porto Ferreira PARQ Arquitectos OVAL – Avelino Oliveira, architects Paulo Merlini arquitectura Barbosa & Guimaraes Álvaro Siza Vieira AVA – Atelier Veloso Arquitectos 10dedosvalentes Pedra Silva Architects Regino Cruz Architect dEMM arquitectura ADA Arquitectura MVentura & Associados Arquitectos Ezzo Arquitectura Maria Milano Souto de Moura – Arquitectos, S.A. Arquitectos Anónimos Studio João Cruz Cláudio Vilarinho

Cláudio Vilarinho A2 Office Design Tailors Architecture Hackers Camilo Rebelo Cremascoli, Okumura e Rodrigues arquitectos Balthazar Aroso - Arquitetura AVA - Atelier Veloso Arquitectos Saraiva & Associados CAN RAN Arquitectos Correia / Ragazzi Arquitectos Mão Livre GAAP studio associati FAHR 021.3 Appleton & Domingos PROMONTORIO Atelier dos Remédios Made in China Architecture Studio - Porto Sidney Quintela Jorge Remoaldo Arquitectura Atelier do Corvo

PAW Open Studios starts with the Porto Architecture Week in 2017. Open Studios is a fantastic way for firms to show off their work to a huge public and professional audience. It’s a chance to have fun, showcase what makes you special and make new connections. For the first time the FAUP, ESAP, ESAD, NLA and OA have joined together to facilitate their membership in participating. This is a unique event for the public, clients and other building professionals to see, experience and understand the design work that goes into making a building.


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Open Studios Call for entries

For the first time the FAUP, ESAP, ESAD, NLA and OA have joined together to facilitate their membership in participating. This is a unique event for the public, clients and other building professionals to see, experience and understand the design work that goes into making a building.

PAW Open Studios is billed as an opportunity for the thousands of people who take part in the Porto Architecture Week to enjoy a behind the scenes glimpse into the life of Porto’s built environment practices. It’s entirely up to practices to decide what they can do: for instance it could be an exhibition, a talk, a drop-in design surgery, or a model-making workshop for children. Past experience has taught us that there is enormous public appetite for PAW Open Studios – firms should use their imaginations and let public curiosity do the rest!

We are particularly focusing our open studios this year in four areas Ribeira, Foz do Douro, Boavista and Amial . We are activity recruiting practices for these areas which will involve activity on a either the Friday or Saturday of the specified weekend or both if preferred. We will support these practices with co-ordinated marketing, curated tours and additional fringe activity. Outside these areas we’d love to see Open Studios in every corner of Porto so, wherever you are, we’d love to see you taking part.

Rui Moreira, City Mayor of Porto said: “We are committed to working in partnership with RAR Imobiliária to invest in the Areosa area to accelerate delivery of a new business district for Porto, creating up to 10,000 jobs and 4,000 homes. The Areosa design competition is a perfect way to mark the beginning of our exciting new Camilo Rebelo, director of the Porto Architecture Week said:

partnership and will give emerging architects a brilliant opportunity to

“As well as encouraging people to look at Porto in different ways, the Porto Architecture Week has always sought to achieve positive and lasting changes

re-shape a difficult yet fascinating space in Porto, and play

to London’s public realm. The Areosa competition

a part in the ongoing

is a brilliant opportunity to engage fresh archi


tectural talent and establish a creative re-use for this key location in the city.”

of the area.”


+++++++++ +++++++++ +++++++++ +++++++++ +++++++++

Porto Architecture Week announces Areosa design competition The Porto Architecture Week (PAW) announces an outstanding opportunity for emerging architects to re-think a forgotten corner of Porto, with a design competition to design new creative workspace and improved connections beneath and around the Areosa area.

Areosa Design Competition

Areosa is currently a

he results of the competition

As well as proposing

The deadline for

challenging piece of

will be on public display the

creative new uses for the

submissions is Tuesday

transport infrastructure

Porto Architecture Week 2017.

currently vacant site, it

4 July 2017. A shortlist

at the heart of the city,

The competition is the first

is hoped that the design

of bidders will then

and the winning design

fruit of major new partnership

competition will also

chosen to further progress

will be taken forward in

between the Porto Architecture

offer innovative and

their designs, and the

order to attract

Week and Porto City Hall, as

practical responses to the

results of the competition

and retain creative

plans take shape for Areosa

logistical challenges of

will be exhibited during

businesses in the Area as

area to form the Porto

building under working

the Porto Architecture

the area emerges as a new

activity ‘hub’ during the

flyovers in Porto and

Week at a location in

business district for






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Exhibitions and Lectures

Punk and Me. Ron Arad More Than This - the self-made architecture of survival Souto Moura - shaping the tradiiton Chinese Traditional Construction Techniques - ACLC + Beijing Design Week in Porto Siza Vieira - the poetry of the project Ecology on the construction today - OA Porto New Architects from Portugal vs New French Architects Self-Construction workshop - ESAD/Matosinhos Designers and Architects - When two worlds collide Maria Milano - The Italian Landscape Chinese Traditional Construction Techniques - ACLC + Beijing Design Week in Porto Isa Clara Neves - The Reinvention of Tradition


Casa da Música, Porto FAUP, Porto Museu de Serralves, Porto Casa das Artes, Porto Casa da Arquitectura, Matosinhos ESAD, Matosinhos Casa do Design, Matosinhos Cinema Batalha, Porto Câmara Municipal do Porto


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Marginal de Laça da Palmeira, Matosinhos


+++++++++ +++++++++ +++++++++ +++++++++ +++++++++


Casa da Musica PLI DOMUS Câmara Municipal do Porto EDP ESAD—IDEA Ordem dos Arquitectos CIMPOR

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