MV architectural portfolio 2016

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/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// architect engineer

Michael Vafeiadis

orĆžolio ortfolio Port folio Portfolio ortfolio


Michael Vafeiadis Vafeiadis


ts projects projec projec ts

Social Center

Immigrants’and Immigrants’ and refugees’ support unit unit system. The proposal aims to provide direct support to immigrants and refugees through a unit system that will accommodate relevent functions (feeding, housing, health and legal services). The creation of a shared, semi-public space, designed to function as the core of everyday life of the users, is also considered necessary. These functions should be dispersed in city neighborhoods wherever it is needed. An emphasis is also given on the standardization, the temporality and the adaptability of the proposal so that it can easily be implemented in different areas. For this purpose, containers are used as the basic spatial and structural system’s subunit. So after some structural interventions (f.e. removing side panels), the containers are used by being joined together and compose some specific types of spatial units. The area of Metaxourghio is chosen as an area to test our proposal and it is there that some plots of lands that can accommodate functions of the system are selected. The basic principles of the system’s adaptation in a plot area are: a) the use of the plot’s defining wall by the development of a linear "wing" which follows the dominant direction of the plot. b) the establishment of a basic shared open space ("the level") and other semi-public or more introverted spaces. Finally, the adaptation of the system in different kinds of plots is further investigated through some examples.


specific units in different combinations

Representative sketches of the research period. -Link between the outside and the inside area. -Creation of introvert - extrovert and middle spaces.


provisions containing a core

“word” selection



transformed container

σκίτσο 1. Χρήση της μονάδας του container για την παραγωγή εξώστρεφου χαρακτήρα χώρου με την αφαίρεση τμήματος των πλαϊνών πλευρών. σκίτσο 2 Εκμετάλλευση του κύριου άξονα του container για την σύνδεση δύο εκατέρωθεν χώρων



“triplex” compound three container

“duplex” partialy connection of two units Τοποθέτηση δύο μονάδων με τις προβλεπόμενες συνδέσεις. Αφαίρεση ή διατήρηση τμημάτων των εσωτερικών διαχωριστικών τοιχωμάτων για την διαμόρφωση μεγαλύτερου κοινού χώρου ή μικρότερων ιδιωτικών - κλειστών.



compounded in width and height

Μεγαλύτερου όγκου σύνολο με το στοίβαγμα τεσσάρων ή έξι μονάδων. Αφαίρεση των μικρών πλευρών και μερικών άνω και κάτω επιφανειών των container. Δημιουργία ευρύτερου και φωτεινότερου χώρου.

Παράταξη τριών μονάδων container με αφαίρεση του συνόλου των εσωτερικών χωρισμάτων. Δημιουργία μεγάλου ενιαίου φωτεινού εσωτερικού χώρου.



scrolled connection of two container

Τοποθέτηση των κιβωτίων με τρόπο ωστε να δημιουργείται μια πιο σύνθετη ποικιλία χώρων μέσω της κύλισης της μιας μονάδας δίπλα στην άλλη. Δημιουργία ενός κεντρικού χώρου με υποδιαιρέσεις ή δύο αλληλοσχετιζόμενων.

land plots classification by size | shape

cafeteria cafe

legal assistance

dining room

small plots of land|secondary classification

by shape


47 29


dining room offices midle size plots of land|secondary classification by shape 16


dining room




big plots of land|secondary classification by shape 17


two or more plots of land together

ground plan scale

athens, metaxourgeio


i selected plot επιλεγόμενο οικόπεδο potential plot πιθανό οικόπεδο μετεγκατάστασης


information social center κοινωνικό κέντρο guest house ξενώνες


medical center ιατρικό κέντρο main traffic lines κυριοι άξονες κίνησης



Technical Technical Drawing Drawing

Concrete and steel details

Concrete and steel today are probably the most widely used construction materials in the world. Here is a sample of constructional details of buildings. Examining the structural system, the exterior surface and the interior space. Development of the bear structure, the lower floor, exterior walls, floors and roofing. Analysis of construction elements. Concrete and steel constructions, coatings, indoor and outdoor staircases and ramps, frames shaping and details.

Villa Bordeaux Villa

Rem Koolhaas construction and analysis Making the Villa’s Bordeaux model and analyzing architect’s compositional principles, helped me to interrogate the means of expression which Koolhaasused in this project. Starting from the broader question of reviewing and interpreting the architecture which surrounds us in our cities and also in books and journals, I tried to understand the way architects use various means of expression, to get on to the practices they adopt to adjust forms and materials to the compositional principles and concepts they have in mind. Through this analytical exercise I was able to reconsider the meaning of ‘beauty’ in architecture, to discuss scale and symmetry, balance and rhythm, regulating lines and golden sections. We shall reflect on architecture as a language and a mean of communication. We shall also explore the relation between architecture and the genius loci. We shall try to focus on the materials, to touch them and feel their smell; to investigate the crossroads of light and shadow, and the association of colors. We shall talk on composition in terms of strategy and syntax. In fact, we must concentrate on the wide range of options which go beyond the structural necessity and the simple functional service in order to provide architectural forms with the quality that seems to evoke an aesthetic, although in explicable, yet deep satisfaction.

Villa Bordeaux Villa

Rem Koolhaas

Transformations Transformations

Workshop about air/sound/light + architecture

In this seven-day computational workshop, design teams will experience a diverse range of digital fabrication systems from CNC routers to 3D printers. The workshop aims to bring out the dynamic qualities of the seemingly inanimate urban surroundings, such as urban paths, sense of orientation, topography, and bridge these with the animate qualities of the human body. During this process, I had the opportunity to experience the historical, contemporary, and geographical diversity of Athens during studio trips, while challenging the conventional design approach in order to break the dichotomy between the building and the urban realm. Capable of responding to external stimuli, the proposed structure applied the concepts of motion and real-time reaction to various parameters, such as wind, sun or sound.


Change Change of north-east facade view Transformation of a “blind� facade of an an industrial building. of


Interior Design & ArchitecturalSurvey Architectural Survey Residential typologies.


Landscape Design Residential typologies. typologies.

Renovation of a small small studio studio in Athens in


North-East Facade View

Change Change of north-east facade view

A new plot of land created from the join of two smaller ones, gave the oportunity to treat the previous “blind� north-east facade of the existing indystrial building as one new facade. Large openings in the north-east facade, allows the easy transportation of the products and manages to provide sufficient lighting into the interior of the building.


///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Interior Design Design & ArchitecturalSurvey Architectural Survey Plenty survies of architectural sheells into 2D design. Experience of interior designing of several types of buildings: houses for different types and numbers of users, small shops, protected- listedtraditional buildings.


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Landscape Landscape & Urban Design Urban synthesis. Study and synthesis of the components of the urban tissue as functional units, and also as elements defining the aesthetics of the urban environment. Understanding the relation between parts and whole. Volume and void in the urban tissue, blocks, public and private space, streets and communication axes, urban green spaces. Large or small-scale interventions aiming to improve the quality of life and the urban environment.


Renovation of a a small studio In one of the most densely populated neighborhoods of Athens, a young couple called us for the renovation of their apartment. Intervening mainly in the interior of the 41 m2 studio, and secondarily on the facade of the ground floor. Our architectural actions have to do with the construction of a small loft and a metallic ladder, which acts as a regulator for the other spaces: the living room, the office and the kitchen are formed around the metal structure.





at Athens School Athens Architecture School


Participation in art exhibition. Athens. Athens.

exhibitions exhibiĆ&#x;ons exhibitions

Exhibition about space. public space. about public Crete, Chania.


Exhibition about space. public space. about public Crete, Chania. Chania.

Participation at the “p_public 2O14” festival, under the auspices of the Architects Association of Chania. This project took place in an open public space, encouraging the user’s active participation. Also, this installation tried to define and to design methods of active public spaces, in order to exchange ideas and to structure the public space of "us".


at Athens School Athens Architecture School

The purpose of the model was to create a suitable space for an unreal animal. The “house” was based in forms and structures that can be met in nature, but under a substructing approach and in an artistic operation. The project was exposed in NTUA’s showcase.

erials mat materials

Visual exploration of the urban landscape that includes structured and the physical space. These considerations are Part icipation reflected in the edited images. Τhe way they transmit the Participation in art art exhibition. exhibition. energy of the surroundings is desired to mark a particular Athens. physical and mental progress in space but also in time. Athens.

posters posters logo logo ///////////////////////////// /// // / // /// /// /// ////


graphic arts graphic arts

covers covers


ƮƩƵƳƱƲƱƭƩ rebelnet.GR


Antonio Negri & Michael Hardt

ȂİIJȐijȡĮıȘ: RebelNet

correc tional

poli cy

“Architecture as a tool of reforming policy” detail from cover for thesis, NTUA, 21x29.7

ΝΑ ΣΗΚΩΣΟΥΜΕ ΨΗΛΑ ΤΗ ΣΗΜΑΙΑ ΤΟΥ ΝΟΕΜΒΡΗ “To raise the flag of November” cover for the 4th edition 29.7x21, 1000 copies


“Metropolis” cover for the greek edition 21x14.85, 100 copies


“Modern Social City Movements” cover for thesis, NTUA, 25x21



archi tec ture as a tool of

4 poster, A3 50 copies each

pos po poste poster posters post p o oster ost oste osters os ste sters sst te ter tters ers er e rs rs λογότυπος για σωματείο γειτονιάς

poster, 50x70 cm 200 copies



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ƬƣƵ ƣ Ʊƭƺ ƱƫƬƫƣ Ư

697 341 3621

poster, 50x70 2000 copies

ƧNjnjǐDŽƾǓ 8LjǓ ƫǐǖǎǀǐǖ 2012 DŽNJǂ ǕLjǎ 1Lj Ƨ.Ƶ.ƶ.

poster, 50x70 500 copies

džǎǂǎǕNJǂ ǔdž

poster, 50x70 cm 100 copies


ƮǎLjǍǝǎNJǂ NjǐNJǎǚǎNJNjƿǓ ǘǒdžǚNjǐǑǀǂǓ ƣǑǐNJNjNJǐNjǒǂǕNJNjƾǓ DžǂǎdžNJǂNjƾǓ ǔǖǍǃƽǔdžNJǓ ƴdž džǏǚljdžǔǍNJNjƾǓ džǑNJǕǒǐǑǀdžǓ (TASK FORCE) ƸǂǒƽǕǔNJǂ - ƾNjǕǂNjǕdžǓ džNJǔǗǐǒƾǓ ƮNJǔljǐnjǐDŽNJNjƿ džǏǂljnjǀǚǔLj ƣǏNJǐnjǐDŽƿǔdžNJǓ ǚǓ ǑǒǐljƽnjǂǍǐNJ ǂǑǐnjǞǔdžǚǎ ƧǒDŽǂǔNJǂNjƿ džǗdžDžǒdžǀǂ ƤǂljǍǐnjǝDŽNJǐ ǂǎǂǏNJǐNjǒǂǕǀǂǓ NjǂNJ ǖǑǐǕǂDŽƿǓ ƶǑLjǒdžǔNJǂNjƿ ǖǑǐǃƽljǍNJǔLj ƣǎǂDŽNjǂǔǕNJNjƾǓ ǍdžǕǂNjNJǎƿǔdžNJǓ ƶǑǐǔǕdžnjƾǘǚǔLj - DžNJƽnjǖǔLj ǖǑLjǒdžǔNJǟǎ ƷǐǒǐnjLjǔǕdžǀǂ - ǑdžǒNJNjǐǑƾǓ NjǐNJǎǚǎNJNjǟǎ Ǒǂǒǐǘǟǎ ƭdžLjnjǂǔǀǂ ǂǔǗǂnjNJǔǕNJNjǟǎ ǕǂǍdžǀǚǎ ƬǂǕƽǒDŽLjǔLj Ʊ.Ʋ.ƣ.Ʀ.


OXI ǔǕǐǎ NjǖǃdžǒǎLjǕNJNjǝ - NjǐǍǍǂǕNJNjǝ ǔǖǎDžNJNjǂnjNJǔǍǝ [ƲƣƴƬƧ - ƦƣƬƧ - ƣƦƧƦƶ]

ƣƥƺƯƫƴƵƫƬƩ ƲƣƳƧƮƤƣƴƩ ƵƧƭƺƯƧƫƣƬƺƯ

poster, A3 50 copies

poster, 30x30 cm 100 copies


logo logo logo for municipal union

logo for clothing company


εργατική λέσχη logo for municipal union

logos for news - political magazines


ASSOCIATION DES ETUDIANTS //////////////////////////////// /////////////// DE COMPTABILITÉ, CONTRÔLE ET FINANCE

logo for a MsC student association [UNIL, Lausanne]

logo for α municipal party

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