Brands&People (English)

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Tell me who you are, and will I understand you. Let me know you, and I want to spend time with you. Does your brand have a story associated with its setting up and is able to tell it? Does your brand know the stories of its consumers? Does your brand know what part of consumers’ life it is or could be?

Tell me about your habits, and I will not be afraid of you. Show me what is important to you, and I will respect you

In the past, people had time for one another. They did not hurry, liked to listen to others, and the art of storytelling was important and appreciated, therefore people often met because they enjoyed listening to new stories… The story said that the Gods are close and support you. It described the importance of love and friendship, that everything is interconnected… how important is the journey and discovery of the World. The story was about what is important and what is not, how significant is the knowledge and experience…work, commitment and craftsmanship. The story described the things being worth loving and life giving, that you are not alone and you are supported by divine forces, guardians. People used to tell stories, so they knew what is important and what brotherhood, friendship and truth really mean. They knew how to dedicate fate and destiny. They were eager for adventures, exploring the World and others. In the past, the story was invaluable and required time. Nobody limited it to 30 seconds, or else can you say something important in 30 seconds? Once, the stories allowed find ourselves in the World, they were the model, guidance, compass… People learned about the World by listening to others. Storytelling used to build their lives, so they found it difficult to accept something that was not a story. The art of storytelling was the most important one. Thanks to storytelling they found their vocation, gifts and talents.

We help brands to discover their vocation and include it in the story. We know that communication is not everything. Good story supports jobs, being able to contribute to the development of a city, region, or company. We believe in brands as in the way to change the World for the better. We create such brands. We work with such brands. We teach about storytelling and use it at work. Because stories humanize the brand, giving it human features. The story has the power to bridge the gap of brandconsumer, and turn it into a close relationship of brand-man. That’s why we created Brands&People. Because people play the key role in brands. Does your brand know what part of consumers’ life it is or would be? Does your brand have a story associated with its setting up and is able to tell it? Does your brand know the stories of its consumers?

We help brands to discover their vocation, so they can create their own stories. Brand Coaching - Authorial group process for brands, organizations and its key employees (management, owners, directors), which goal is to discover the vocation of the brand and to create its own story. We set off together; its purpose is to discover talent and vocation of the brand, as well as an ambitious and non-material purpose. Storytelling – We teach and educate about storytelling, and how important are the stories. Storytelling workshops dedicated to the brands, helping to discover their own stories. Own story humanizes the brand and helps it to jump the gap of trust between the brand and the broad environment. Brand and communication strategy – We help the brand to develop and tell its own story, discover their own vocation and build the identity. We design and implement external and internal communications of the brand, based on a created story. We help to discover and introduce own rituals to the organization and its employees. Communication – broadly defined communication based on the brand story and the elements of storytelling, using the story rules. The story, which does not implement the brand destiny – whatever it was established for – does not tell anything special. Would you like to learn more? Grzegorz Kosson

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