Southern University and A&M College
School of Education
Department of Curriculum and Instruction
Teacher preparation candidates who were admitted to a university for a degree with a major in teacher education or formally admitted to a program of study in teacher education and remain continuously enrolled under a catalog description program/degree plan for a university or non- university provider prior to July 1, 2018 policy will be eligible to become certified to teach in Louisiana upon completing all program of study requirements and meeting all BESE certification requirements. If a provider has a catalog or other document that indicates that they have the right to change the curriculum for a degree or program after admission, teacher candidates will be required to complete any changes to a curriculum identified by a university or non-university provider.
Application Requirements: A candidate must meet all requirements as outlined below prior to receiving approval from the Residency Coordinator to begin Teacher Residency I:
a. PRAXIS: Pass all parts of the PRAXIS II tests (Content Knowledge and the Principles of Learning and Teaching (PLT)). Official ETS score report with passing scores for all Praxis II tests must be received by UL Lafayette from ETS by no later than May 1st for candidates anticipating Teacher Residency I in the Fall semester. Official ETS score report with passing scores for all Praxis II tests must be received by UL Lafayette from ETS by no later than December 1st for candidates anticipating Teacher Residency I in the Spring semester.
b. SCHOOL OF EDUCATION RESIDENCY APPLICATION: Complete the Teacher Residency I application by the established deadline during the semester prior to the start of Teacher Residency I.
c. MEETINGS: Attend ALL mandatory Teacher Residency I meetings.
CERTIFICATE: Apply for a valid resident teacher certificate. The resident teacher certificate is valid for one school year and allows a candidate to simultaneously serve as a paid substitute teacher for up to ten days per semester. The hours accrued during the days of serving as a substitute teacher will be counted towards the hours required for Teacher Residency I. NOTE: The application for the resident teacher certificate will be completed at the mandatory Teacher Residency I meeting.
e. GRADE POINT AVERAGE: Have a minimum 2.5 overall GPA (includes both transfer GPA and institutional GPA) and a minimum 2.5 overall major GPA (includes both the required professional education coursework and the required content area coursework).
f. COURSEWORK: Successfully earn credit for all prior coursework attempted. A candidate will not be allowed to start Residency I with an incomplete (I) in a course(s).
Residency application (See item 2 above) must include an unofficial transcript and updated curriculum sheet.
g. ENROLLMENT IN RESIDENCY COURSES: Enroll in Teacher Residency I (EDCI 472, 473, 474, 475, or 480) and all additional required coursework with the exception of Teacher Residency II- 2022-2023 catalog (EDCI 476, 477, 478, 479, or 488) or Teacher Residency II- 2023-2024 catalog or later (EDCI 490, 491, 494, or 497) and EDCI 440 (if applicable). NOTE: A candidate is required to complete all coursework prior to the start of Residency II; however, if necessary, only one non-education course, which excludes courses with a prefix of EDCI, EDFL, HLTH, IRED, KNES, LTCY, or SPED, may be scheduled after residency school hours during the same semester as Residency II.
h. LIABILITY INSURANCE: Submit to the Office of Teacher Clinical Experiences proof of affiliation with a professional educational organization offering education liability insurance, such as A+PEL, LAE, Kappa Delta Pi, etc. See Organizations & Association for more information.
i. APPROVAL: Upon approval to start Residency I, a candidate will receive an email from the Residency Coordinator to inform the candidate of their mentor teacher and school placement. A candidate must then compose a schedule (see item 10).
j. SCHEDULE: Create a set schedule, with the assigned mentor teacher, which includes completing a minimum of 40% of the school district’s instructional time (exclusive of recess and lunch) co-teaching at the PK-12 school (with the aspiration of reaching 50%). The set schedule must include a minimum of 12 hours per week. The required minimum 12 hours per week must be completed in a minimum of 2 visits per week and a minimum of 2 hours per visit. The schedule must be approved by the Office of Teacher Clinical Experiences. NOTE: Teacher Residency I starts the first day of the assigned school district’s calendar and ends on the last day of the assigned school district’s calendar. Site assignment(s) will be the same for the consecutive semesters. Site assignment(s) will be used to meet course field experiences as well as state certification requirements.
k. NOTE: A teacher candidate who does not earn a "C" or better in Teacher Residency I (EDCI 472, 473, 474, 475, or 480) and/or a candidate who must repeat coursework is required to repeat Teacher Residency I (EDCI 472, 473, 474, 475, or 480).
l. NOTE: A teacher candidate must successfully complete Residency I and Residency II in two consecutive semesters.
Application Requirements: A candidate must meet all requirements as outlined below prior to receiving approval from the Residency Coordinator to begin Teacher Residency II:
a. Earn a "C" or better for Teacher Residency I (EDCI 472, 473, 474, 475, or 480) in the semester consecutive to Teacher Residency II- 2022-2023 catalog (EDCI 476, 477, 478, 479, or 488) or Teacher Residency II- 2023-2024 catalog or later (EDCI 490, 491, 494, or 497).
b. Have a minimum 2.5 overall GPA (includes both transfer GPA and institutional GPA) and a minimum 2.5 overall major GPA (includes both the required professional education coursework and the required content area coursework).
c. Earn credit for all coursework required in the program with the exception of Teacher Residency II2022-2023 catalog (EDCI 476, 477, 478, 479, or 488) or Teacher Residency II- 2023-2024 catalog or later (EDCI 490, 491, 494, or 497)) and EDCI 440 (if required in curriculum). A candidate will not be allowed to start Residency II with an incomplete (I) in a course(s). NOTE: A candidate is required to complete all course work prior to the start of Residency II; however, if necessary, one non-education
course, which excludes courses with a prefix of EDCI, EDFL, IRED, KNES, LTCY, or SPED, may be scheduled after school hours during the same semester as Residency II.
d. Hold a valid resident teacher certificate. The resident teacher certificate is valid for one school year and allows a candidate to simultaneously serve as paid substitute teacher for up to ten days per semester. The hours accrued during the days of serving as a substitute teacher will be counted towards the hours required for Residency II.
e. Attend all mandatory Teacher Certification meetings NOTE: The application for the initial teacher certification will be completed at the mandatory meeting.
f. Enroll in Teacher Residency II- 2022-2023 catalog (EDCI 476, 477, 478, 479, or 488) or Teacher Residency II- 2023-2024 catalog or later (EDCI 490, 491, 494, or 497) and EDCI 440 (if required in curriculum).
For certification in Elementary Grades 1-5 and for Elementary Integrated to Merged Grades 1-5, candidates must spend a minimum of 80 percent of the residency school site’s instructional time each week engaged in residency activities;
For certification in Biology Education, Chemistry Education, English Education, History Education, Math/Physics Education, Music Education, Middle School Grades 4-8, and Middle School Integrated to Merged Grades 4-8, candidates must spend a minimum of 60 percent of the residency school site’s instructional time each week in the first semester and 80 percent of the residency school site’s instructional time each week in the second semester engaged in residency activities.
F. Substitute Teaching
G. Break in Full-Year Residency
H. Praxis
a. Requirements
b. Preparation
I. Placement
c. Application
d. Deadlines
e. Notification
J. Task Schedule
K. Student Expectations
L. Observation Instruments
Mentor Teacher Handbook
1. Mentor Teacher Requirements
2. Residency Requirements
3. Placement
4. Task Schedule
5. Mentor Teacher Expectations
6. Student Expectations
7. Observation Instruments
University Supervisor Handbook
1. University Supervisor Requirements
2. Residency Requirements
3. Placement
4. Task Schedule
5. University Supervisor Expectations
6. Mentor Teacher Expectations
7. Student Expectations
8. Observation Instruments