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Grambling State University Standard

Two Compendium 1

R 2.1 Partnerships for Clinical Preparation

teaching, collaborative partnership experience, and yearlong residency). Accordingly, the MOU Parties agree to the following collaborative goals:

• Co-construction of Effective Measures of Clinical and Field Experience: Due to restrictions during the pandemic, the way this was implemented was temporarily paused. However, collaborative meetings held during fall 2022 resulted in the creation of a new protocol for the evaluation of residents A spring 2023 meeting will focus on modifying and innovating field experiences now that schools are back face-to-face. Lessons learned from the Pandemic will be shared and discussed.

• Establish a Framework for Transferring Data: Agreement was reached between the Districts and the EPP for the purposes of monitoring and evaluating the preparation and effectiveness of candidates/residents, completers, and mentor teachers working in Districts pursuant to all applicable federal and state regulations governing the sharing of student-level data, teacher evaluations, and personally identifiable documentation.

Recent Co-Construction Example Through MOU Mentor Teacher Partnerships:

• Fall 2022 Meeting Agenda

• Fall 2022 Meeting PowerPoint

From this meeting, University Supervisors, Mentor Teachers, and Residents agreed that all portions of the Danielson Rubric should be completed for the residents. The section that was not being completed before dealt with professionalism aspects that the university supervisor may or may not see in one observation, but the mentor would see throughout the time with the resident. It was decided that this portion would be completed during the post conference with mentors and shared with residents at that time. Also, any portion of the rubric that was not completed by the university supervisor the score would be provided by the mentor teacher at that time as well.


The purpose of the PK-16 Advisory Board is to foster communication with stakeholders for all levels of field experience The Board meets quarterly and is comprised of university faculty, EPP alumni who are teaching in partner districts, mentor teachers, principals, superintendents, district personnel, faculty from the College of Arts and Science (COAS), and other stakeholders. Additionally, the Dean of the COE, Department Head for Curriculum & Instruction, Director of OPLE and Residency Coordinator meet throughout the year-long residency program and at the end of each academic year with leadership from primary partnering school districts to discuss and address challenges, questions, or needs that emerged from the Residency experience

PK-16 Advisory Board Members

A sample advisory board agenda and notes provide evidence of shared responsibility for continuous improvement of candidate preparation.

• Advisory Board Meeting Agenda Sample

• Advisory Board Meeting Notes Sample

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