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The Apartment Association Outreach, Inc.
Letter From The President
By Megan Lawhon, PLK Communities, Outreach President

Well, we are in the full swing of summer with extreme heat, time with family and friends, and longer evenings to enjoy this time of the year. I hope all of you are enjoying this slightly more relaxed season and are making memories with friends and loved ones.
We have been busy at the Apartment Association Outreach (AAO) division for the past few months. We are beyond proud to share that year-to-date we have given $64,500 in rent assistance and $50,000 to our food pantry partners. Our community partners and food pantry partners do such amazing work within the city of Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky. We are honored to help serve in this capacity.
Some of our board members toured the Boone County Head Start organization on June 28, 2023. They appreciate the AAO partnership very much, as we are the sole contributor to their food pantry. Thank you for having us!
In addition, AAO sent $1,000 to Gateway Community & Technical College for our annual scholarship contribution. We love being able to give back to our community, especially through contributing to someone’s education and growth!
Our next Senior Event is August 11, from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm at The Valley Active Senior Living. We will serve lunch, play Bingo, and visit with the community members. It is always such a joy and privilege to serve the elderly community. We are grateful for the opportunity to spend time with these incredible individuals and hopefully brighten their day. gcnkaa1 @gcnkaa gcnkaa gcnkaa snap or screenshot to add
Our backpack school supply drive is in full swing and close to $15,000 worth of school supplies and backpacks are being delivered to FOUR schools the first week in August! LOVE getting to support these children as they embark on a new school year.
A Night Out for Outreach: Save The Date emails have gone out for our A Night Out For Outreach on September 23, 2023, at The Anderson Pavilion. Thanks to Jill and Justin Seger for co-chairing this event, as well as our Pony Up Sponsors for A Night Out so far: Liz Werner, Forcht Bank, The Heldman Group, Jeff Greenberger, and Rent Manager. Please let Susan know if you or your company would like to sponsor. We look forward to seeing everyone at The Anderson Pavilion in September!
Lastly, we are exceptionally grateful for our Champions for Outreach partners that have contributed $260,000 in donations for 2023. This allows our board to financially contribute to so many wonderful community partners and organizations that serve those in need within our city. Without the Champion support, we could not continue to serve our community in the capacity we are able. On behalf of our board, we are thankful.
I am proud of the service that ALL of the Board members and staff provide, as well as their continued support of utilizing our funds to help those in need. We would like to thank our entire membership, as well as our Champions for Outreach sponsors, in advance for your continued financial support of Outreach and our efforts to help those in our community who deserve our assistance.
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Don’t miss a minute of activity at the Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Apartment Association! Like us on Facebook and Instagram, follow us on Twitter or visit our website at www.gcnkaa.org for all the latest updates on events, education or legislative efforts. And remember to use our hashtags: #GCNKAA #GCNKAAeducation #GCNKAANextGen
Platinum Sponsor ($20,000)

Gold Sponsor ($10,000)
Silver Sponsor ($5,000)

To become a Champion For Outreach, please contact Rebecca McLean, Megan Lawhon, Jeff March. Rebecca@gcnkaa.org - megan@plkcommunities.com - jmarch@brgapartments.com