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Spring Fling
Organize a Spring Fling party in the community center or common area. Include activities such as face painting, balloon animals, a bounce house and carnival games. Provide refreshments and snacks and encourage residents to bring their families and friends. Share photos and videos of the event on social media and your community website.
Community Yard Sale
Spring is the perfect time to clean out clutter and declutter homes. Host a community yard sale in your apartment community’s parking lot or common area. Advertise the event on social media, post flyers around the property and promote it on your community website. Encourage residents to participate by offering incentives like waived rent fees or prizes for the best-decorated booth.
Host a spring clean-up day in the apartment community. Encourage residents to participate by providing free garbage bags, gloves and refreshments. You can also organize a contest for the most creative trash pick-up team and offer prizes such as gift cards or free parking spaces.
Food Festivals
Spring is the perfect time for food festivals. You can host a BBQ, a taco festival, a pizza party or any other food-related event that you can think of. Encourage residents to bring their favorite
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dishes while you provide entertainment and refreshments. Share photos and videos of the event on social media and your community website.
Take Advantage Of The Marketing Opportunities

Spring is a wonderful time to engage your residents and market your apartment community. These event ideas can help you create fun and memorable experiences that your residents will enjoy, while also attracting potential renters to your property.
While it might feel a little unnatural and “promotional”, try to view every resident event as a marketing opportunity — take photos and videos, create stories, make TikToks, and share, share, share!