1 minute read


TEAM 18 Feng Zhang, Xiaoxiao Zhu, Chao Wang

Nature-Cure City


A natural internal circulation city that adapts to nature and fights against natural hazards through natural strategies. The ultimate goal is to increase the abundance and yield of Biella products and regenerate green.

We try to design certain human interventions. The purpose is to restore nature.

We chose five macro strategies to build Nature-Cure city. They are Green production, Agroforestry, Phytodepuration, Sponge park and Green roof/balcony/garden. And defined two special areas to visually show our urban strategy Scenario: Neo-industry Forest, Urban Jungle. These two scenarios show how the five strategies work on the city, and each scenario has unique additional strategies to solve practical problems.

Biella's next five, ten, twenty, thirty years will be a process of gradual optimization of green production. In the end he will become the Nature-Cure City.

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