Case Study | Sales/ROI
Results • The 2nd day of the June sale, was the biggest sales day for ASOS at that point in time.
ASOS ran a Facebook campaign to generate sales and excitement ahead of their summer sales campaign.
• 174,000 people joined the virtual “queue” during the campaign.
• 715,745 application shares - inviting people to join the virtual queue.
• The application was seen more than 1 million times.
For the launch of their summer seasonal sale campaign, ASOS used Facebook Pages, Ads and Sponsored Stories to:
• 32% growth in ASOS’s fan base.
• Increase revenue from a summer sale event on the ASOS web site
• Generate excitement ahead of its summer sale • Increase community engagement Approach Pages
• First ASOS worked with the agency, Independents
“The more fans you have on Facebook, the more your campaign spreads. So, there is great value in increasing your fan base. Leveraging your fan base and incorporating social context are such powerful marketing mechanisms.”
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United, to build a custom application on the ASOS Page. Tech
• The Custom Sale Preview application allowed fans to play a series of four games, which launched during the campaign:
• Players were encouraged to share the games with their friends, and earned points for doing so.
• Players who had earned the most points went to the front of the virtual queue and could access the sale immediately when it began at 5 p.m. Those with fewer points remained further back in the queue and were given access for 30-minute time slots later in the evening. ASOS also engineered its campaign to ensure that people would return to the sale by giving away offers and discounts. Ads
• ASOS used a mix Facebook Ads and Sponsored Stories as a key part of its paid media campaign to drive awareness of and engagement with the Facebook application:
• Marketplace Ads with social context targeted the brand’s demographic of 15 to 34-year-olds in the American, British, French and German markets.
• ASOS also used Sponsored Stories so each time fans clicked to like the ASOS Facebook page or interacted with a Wall post, this news was shared with their friends via their Facebook Home Page.
ASOS is an online fashion and beauty retailer, loved by fashion-conscious shoppers around the world. ASOS draws over 13 million unique visitors to its site every month and has users from 160 countries.
Facebook: Building Essential Connections