Common Issues That Are Associated With Varnish Cache -
Speed and performance have always been key concerns for Magento e-commerce stores. Over the years, developers have been making efforts to resolve these issues in one way or another. Varnish cache has come up as a reliable solution because it has the capability of accelerating the websites manifold. Basically, it caches the page the first time it is accessed and retrieves it instantly every time the page is accessed at subsequent instances. Implemented correctly, Varnish cache has a series of unmatched performance benefits such as: •Enhanced speed and response to HTTP requests from the user’s browser •Increased bandwidth and additional headroom on the Magento store •Support for higher onsite traffic and faster retrieval of web pages Despite its extensive benefits, however, there are certain issues that are associated with Varnish cache. Here are some of the common ones: Session Leakage Poorly implemented Varnish can result in session leakage, with user sessions being shared. For instance, the items that user A adds to his cart get cached and are served to user B. As a result, the user experiences on the Varnish-enabled Magento stores may be hampered to a significant extent. This translates into general dissatisfaction and loss of revenues, trust, and reputation for the business. SSL Challenges SSL is critical to the security of an online store as it encrypts the customer data and ensures that it is confidential and hack-proof. This security certificate adds to the credibility of a Magento store by safeguarding the personal and financial information of the
customers. Another challenge with Varnish is that it sometimes conflicts with SSL, which puts the website security and credibility at risk. Lack of Effectiveness There are some problems that Varnish brings on the developer’s end too. Every time the cache is started during the development process, the site comes across performance issues. This has a baneful impact on the development speed. Moreover, there is a possibility that the application features can get turned off in case it is not made in coordination with the Varnish instance. Also, it does not provide out of the box metrics to indicate the effectiveness of the caching setup. Rather, specialized tools are needed to evaluate its impact on the store’s performance. The overall objective of an expert Magento developer is to configure and test Varnish more effectively as well as blend it into the e-commerce development process in such a way that it brings influential results for the online store. At Magento India, we are a reputed Magento development company that has the reputation of developing high-performance ecommerce stores. We deliver stores that run seamlessly and without speed and performance issues.
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