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Sweetening Life Through Accountability
Sweetening Life
Through Accountability
Have you ever met someone that is positive all the time? They seem to face any adversity and maintain an optimistic outlook. I very much admire these individuals. They seem to have the personality to know inherently how to turn lemons into lemonade.
In contrast, I am intense, cynical, and my mind naturally leans towards over analysis. In times of adversity, I find it easy to “what if” myself into uncertainty and sit in inaction. I’ve been this way as long as I can remember. As someone who declared at a very early age that I had no interest in being average… my tendency for anxiety and over empathy proved to be problematic. I remember in the third-grade lying on the ground in the fetal position on the playground simply not knowing what to do with myself because I was so overwhelmed with emotion. I was at a new school after having moved from another state and I remember it so vividly, I can even describe the light purple romper outfit I was wearing that day.
How does someone whom is inclined to lean into fear and safety live an exceptional life?
How does someone who wants to be better than average overcome themselves enough to be accountable to and realize that vision? Isn’t it much easier to turn adversity into victory when you live life through the lens of hope and possibility? Throughout my career, I have been blessed to meet and work with the most amazing individuals. Some of whom I would put into the perpetually positive category. This allowed me to realize that even the most positive individuals have moments that seem insurmountable. I’ve learned through my own experience and necessity, as well as by working with others, that we all have the ability to cultivate the skills needed to face these metaphorical mountains. Not only are we able to mount the peaks, but in doing so, redefine success and then
By Angela Totman look towards the next mountain not just ready, but optimistic about the process of the climb. The result has been a career working alongside amazing brands and people like Sharon Lechter and being a founding member of the Assets Are Sexy financial empowerment movement.
I turned what seemed would be my greatest weakness into what has become one of my most powerful assets. What could have been a crippling need for control and known outcomes has instead become the driving force for how I not only empower myself, but now empower others to be accountable to their own goals and vision. I continue to fulfill my desire to live a life that is not average… and in doing so have developed a pathway to help others create their own exceptional life. And it all starts with the following questions:
Are you clear on your priorities?
Not everything can be a priority. Be clear on what is most important to you and give yourself permission to honor those priorities. If you have a priority, it deserves your time and energy and there will be temptations to direct that energy elsewhere. Have a plan for managing that temptation. Say yes to the action steps that serve your priorities and release yourself from the guilt of saying no to the things that don’t.
What is the exact problem you are facing?
How can you overcome a challenge if you don’t know what the challenge is? Be as objective as possible so emotion doesn’t cloud your perspective and convince you that the problem is anything other than what it is. There is a difference between solving the symptoms of a problem and tackling the problem head on. If you have difficulty being objective, describe the problem and then for each statement, ask yourself if that statement is factual or is based on your perception alone. Most importantly, is the problem you are facing related to one
of your priorities or are you picking up a burden that you really don’t need to own? Are you committed to finding a solution for the problem? This seems obvious, but many times we dive into situations without actually deciding to be committed to the process. Ask yourself… can you think of anything that you started but didn’t finish because you weren’t truly committed? I can certainly find examples in my own life. The practical application of this will probably involve doing things that are uncomfortable, like admitting your own limitations or that the way you’ve been doing something doesn’t actually work. Without having made the commitment to what it takes to find a solution, it is easy to become susceptible to giving up or to half hearted attempts. What are the skills and tools needed to solve the problem you are facing? We all have specialized knowledge and by focusing on the application of that specialized knowledge, we can fast track our success. But sometimes our own specialized knowledge isn’t enough to find needed solutions. Often outside council, skills and expertise will better serve us than relying only on our own bank of information and talent. Part of any planning process for creating success, tackling a problem or preparing for growth is identifying what skills and tools are needed in order to proactively gather the necessary resources in order to get desired results. These four questions help you shift from uncertainty to action and from fear to informed faith with decisiveness. And you will find opportunity where you may not have seen it. By considering a few key questions, you can experience the kind of accountability that comes with clarity, focus and the tools and systems that will support your success. This is you sweetening life for yourself through empowered accountability. It is fueled by choice and action from the most powerful source: YOU! • Are you on the verge of your next move? • Do you know what you want to accomplish, but the step to getting there seem to be elusive? • Are you clear on the steps but still struggle to turn your ideas into reality? Visit angelatotman.com/accountability for a guided journey through the questions that will support you in creating momentum and getting results.