Resourcing sustainable mission A major part of the Central Services Review is the creation of a new £5 million Mission Fund to further the work of the Church across the Diocese over five years. A small proportion of the Diocese’s assets will be dedicated to helping local churches to fund their mission to their communities, to boost ministry, and to support social justice projects. Applications to the Mission Fund will be available to parishes right across the Diocese, with a transparent and accountable way of deciding what should be funded. This isn’t simply about putting money into short-term projects. We want to kick-start sustainable, transformative plans to build the life of the Church locally and across the whole Diocese. Match funding may be required to ensure the necessary scope of work and a proper partnership in our mission.
DIOCESE OF LINCOLN faithful Âş confident Âş joyful
To help us to build the Church in our Diocese, we need to support each individual Christian on their journey of faith, as we grow in our experience of being a faithful follower of Jesus Christ. Our new Archdeacon of Boston, the Venerable Justine Allain Chapman, has particular oversight of developing discipleship in the Diocese, and is already working on Diocese-wide and local initiatives to deepen the Christian life of the Church in historic Lincolnshire.
Worship Wherever you are in the Diocese of Lincoln, the experience of going to Church should be consistently excellent. We want church buildings that speak of thriving local communities, and worship that brings joy and a deep sense of the presence of God. The Diocese will support parishes which find themselves struggling with their church buildings, or are finding it difficult to make their worship fulfilling. Read more about the Central Services Review at &%8"3% ,*/( )064& r .*/45&3 :"3% r -*/$0-/ r -/ 16 888 -*/$0-/ "/(-*$"/ 03(
Building faith in the future The Bishop of Lincoln is leading us in an ambitious, comprehensive, yet realistic plan to build vibrant Christian Communities through the Diocese. Our Diocese has a rich inheritance of faith and beautiful church buildings, which provide us with a unique opportunity to re-energise the work of developing a faithful, confident and joyful Church for the future in this region. This budget is not simply about agreeing to spend money. Every penny of our expenditure must be an investment in the current and future mission of our Church. By working together, we can make a real difference to every person in every community of the Diocese And that difference must be consistent, sustainable and, above all, destined to bring more people than ever into a joyful relationship with Jesus Christ, faithful in worship and confident in discipleship.
Where in the past, falling income has been mitigated by reducing the number of stipendiary clergy, cost savings and selling assets, our new model of funding will be geared to sustainable growth of finances, faith, mission and ministry.
Investment income Other DSF investments Glebe rents
A reformed parish share system is being prepared which will ensure consistency of our mission across the whole Diocese. But the work to build for the future needs to begin now, and we need to share our vision for growth with parishes and deaneries.
Optimised investment return* TOTAL
In planning for a thriving and successful Church, the 2014 budget sees an increase in share from deaneries to boost local ministry and support to parishes to help them to flourish. And unlike previous years, there is no provision for underpayment of share. The budget sees an increase in the forecast dividend from our major investments, and the Diocese is working hard to maximise the benefit from its assets.
906,106 147,000 17,000 1,070,106
1,612,172 1,050,000 2,662,172 1,984,457 11,686,235
*The Diocese has established four new expert committees to maximise the income from investments - investment policy, trusts, properties and glebe. These committees take a co-ordinated, strategic and long-term view of the investments to ensure sustainability and maximum benefit.
Other expenditure from funds and subsidiaries*
Grants National Church Institutions Grant from Allchurches Trust Other income
National Church
Parsonage Rents
4,700,000 650,000 169,500
Parochial Ministry
Share payments from parishes Fees The Old Palace
Our ambitious plans, envisioned by the Central Services Review, to build our Church in the Diocese depend on financial stability. Our income must therefore be carefully allocated to ensure that the vital ministry within the communities of the Diocese can thrive.
Training and Sector Ministries
Mission and Ministry Support
Expenditure By far our biggest investment is local ministry – stipends, curates, housing and other expenses. And we recognise that for our plans to succeed, we need more clergy to minister to our huge Diocese. An increase of 2% in 2014 for stipends has been recommended nationally and we have incorporated that increase into this budget. Provision has also been included for an additional six posts in anticipation of the expansion in clergy numbers, as well as the support roles identified by the Central Services Review.
£ Parochial Ministry Parochial Ministry Curates
Mission and Ministry support Parish support and development Grants Archdeacons & Rural Deans
Training and sector ministries Training Sector ministries
National church responsibilities
Asset Development Income
Investment Income
Parsonage Rents
The Old Palace
Share payments from parishes
In meeting the goals of the CSR, we need to invest in mission and ministry support. To function successfully, we have reallocated funds for the post of the Archdeacon of Boston, and are developing a parish development and support team. We need to increase the hours of the diocesan safeguarding officer, and our vital work with young people, church buildings development and local training also require additional funding.
Administration Glebe management Administration Synod, Committees and Audit
6,878,868 1,106,465 7,985,333
808,902 370,076 295,288 1,474,266
751,512 151,040 902,552 378,105
120,798 782,208 42,973 945,979 11,686,235
Other expenditure from funds and subsidiaries*: 4,307,644 Total expenditure: 15,993,899
*These include transfers to the Mission Fund, the Board of Education, The Old Palace Hotel for operating costs, and some deanery and parish administrative posts.