2 minute read

Professional Services

Seeking out nearby resources in legal services, speech development, therapy or other specific need? These local professionals can help.


kurt t. riCharDS, p.C. attorney at law

1200 South Ave, Ste 201 • SI, NY 718.720.1000 www.krichardspc.com


SalvatorE r. inDEliCato, D.m.D., p.C.

444 Huguenot Avenue • SI, NY 10312 718.967.5213 • www.bracesbydrindelicato.com

divorce, family court, child custody, spousal & child support, domestic Violence, adoptions, name changes, annulments, separation agreements. free consultation for divorce actions. 24 hour Phone service.

our office follows all covid-19 safety guidelines from the cdc, ada & aao. mini & clear Braces, invisalign, digital scanner, free consults. gentle, personal, quality care for children/adults. american assoc. of orthodontists & diplomate of american Board of orthodontics member.


miChaEl DESimonE ph.D, lCSw

175 Burbank Ave (New Dorp) • 917.301.5962 michael.w.desimone@gmail.com www.michaeldesimonetherapy.com

SPeeCH PatHoloGy

SanDra mazzuCCo m.a., C.C.C.-Slp

annadale town: 465 Belfield ave north shore: 1076 forest ave 718.815.6024

offering telehealth therapy sessions via telephone or video during the pandemic. treating a number of acute stress disorders triggered by the ongoing threat of covid 19. i continue to provide mental health services related to anxiety, depression, relationship difficulties, loss and grief for adults, adolescents and latency age children. Private and confidential.

nys licensed speech language Pathologist. evaluations & therapeutic intervention for children & adults, PromPt trained, oral motor & feeding therapy, specializing in fluency. asha certified. following coVid-19 guidelines. telehealth available.


tiny to tall tutoring & tESt prEp

347.749.0024 tinytotalltutoringandtestprep@gmail.com fB & ig tinytotalltutoringandtestPrep

a network of enthusiastic and experienced teachers providing virtual and in person tutoring and test preparation. whether you are looking for one on one, individualized tutoring sessions or group programs, we’ve got you covered!


art lab ............................................................. 10 Big Bird’s Playhouse.................................. 10, 19 camp half Blood....................................... 10, 11 fun station day camp................................ 5, 10 Jcc of staten island ............10, 20, Back cover richmond county day camp......................... 10 st. Joseph By the sea-camps ........................ 11 staten island academy camp.................... 7, 10 wagner college deptartment of lifelong learning............................... 10, 17

DEvElopmEntal/SpECial nEEDS

dr. michael desimone............................... 36, 39 eden ll.............................................................. 21 Jcc .......................................10, 20, Back cover sandra mazzucco ........................................... 39 sensorielle ........................................................ 9 sunny days ....................................................... 9 ymca ............................................................. 14

aDVertiSer inDeX

family fun

rab’s country lanes........................................ 15 storybook land............................................... 19


delco drugs..................................................... 33 dr. lisa lazzara (Kids dental).................... 23, 36 richmond university medical center ............ 31 salvatore r indelicato dmd ..................... 36, 39 Vanguard dermatology ........................... 21, 36


Big Bird’s Playhouse.................................. 19, 20 castleton hill moravian Preschool ................. 20 csi children’s center...................................... 21 little miracles .................................................. 21 most terrific child daycare ...................... 20, 21 tendercare Preschool...................................... 21 tiny treasures academy ............................. 6, 21


Kurt t richards Pc........................................... 39

SChoolS & tutoring

hellenic classical charter school................... 14 holy child Preschool....................................... 20 st. Joseph hill academy elementary school................................ 17, 20 staten island academy ............................... 2, 21 tiny to tall tutoring and test Prep ................ 39

SportS, muSiC & art

art lab ............................................................. 10 Jcc of staten island ............10, 20, Back cover master curry Karate.......................................... 3

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