The SST Experience The SST Programme The Rationale
SST Student Development
04 SST Vision, Mission, Values, Goals 05 The SST Curriculum & Instruction 06 • SST Curriculum Philosophy 06 • SST Applied Learning Approach 07 • SST Curriculum Organisers 08 10
Courses of Study at SST • Language Arts • Mother
Tongue Languages
15 17
• Mathematics • Sciences • Integrated • Art,
and Wellness
• Biotechnology • Design • Media
• Citizenship
Studies (EL)
• Fundamentals
• SST Assessment
of Electronics
Global Citizenship Programme (GCP) National Education (NE) Programme
The 10Cs of SST: Developmental Assessment and Qualitative Reporting SST Co-Curricular Programme
Communication Technology
32 34
The SST Student Leadership Programme Youth Service Programme (YSP)
Facilities at SST SST Information
& Entrepreneurship
• Information • Applied
• Leadership
23 • Interdisciplinary Research Studies 25 • Innovation
Design, Media and Technology
• Sports
• Character
Digital Citizenship Education
The SST Student Development Framework Character, Leadership and Citizenship (CLC) Education
The SST Programme Framework
SST Talent Development Programme
39 40
Class sizes at SST are deliberately kept small; 20 to 25 students per class, to facilitate students’ development of process skills and learning through inquiry, discovery, and experimentation. Students will benefit from close individualised attention and formative assessment of the learning process.
VALUES: *Forging Excellence *Building an Empowered Community *Expanding Learning Networks GOALS: SST Students as Thinkers, Innovators, and Entrepreneurs SST CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION APPLIED LEARNING APPROACH Curriculum Organisers • Active • Community-Focused • Learner-Centred and Relevant
development opportunities based on the Treffinger Levels of Service Talent Development Model (ref pg. 09 for the LoS Talent Development Framework) as we believe that all students have strengths and talents just waiting to be uncovered and nurtured. The SST Programme also aims to cultivate students in the benefits of a wide range of careers including those in the applied sciences, engineering and technology, to meet the needs of the 21st Century. The goal then is to shape future innovators, the SST way.
21st Century competencies and dispositions are encapsulated within the 10Cs of SST; that of Critical Thinking, Creativity, Intellectual Curiosity and Courage, Confidence in oneself, Commitment to a cause for betterment of self and society, Collaborative and Communication Skills, Citizenship awareness and leadership, as well as Cross-cultural understanding
• Authentic • Integrated • Process-Focused
(21st CENTURY) LEARNING OUTCOMES Intellectual • Critical thinking • Creativity • Curiosity
Interpersonal (Social) • Collaborative skills • Communication skills • Citizenship • Cross-cultural understanding
Personal (Affective) • Confidence • Commitment • Courage
Talent Development
• Language Arts • Mother Tongue Languages • Integrated Humanities • Mathematics • Sciences • Sports & Wellness • Interdisciplinary Research Studies • Innovation & Entrepreneurship • Character, Leadership & Citizenship Education • Art, Design, Media & Technology • Information, Communication & Technology
• Global Citizenship Programme (Levels 1,2,3) • Academic Talent Development Programmes (Mathematics, Science, ICT) • Ngee Ann Polytechnic I & E Camp • SST-NTU Science Flagship Programme • Technology and Design Camp • Animation and Games Development
• English Language • Mother Tongue Languages • Social Studies/History or Geography • Mathematics • Biology • Chemistry • Physics • Innovation and Enterpreneurship Community Project • Interdisciplinary Research Studies • Sports & Wellness • Character, Leadership & Citizenship Education • Biotechnology • Design Studies • Fundamentals of Electronics • Media Studies (EL)
• Global Citizenship Programme (Levels 2, 3, 4) • Academic Talent Development Programmes • Adventure Learning Experience • On-line Advanced Academic Courses • Internship Programmes • Mentorship Programmes • Exchange Programmes
The Rationale SST caters to students who learn best in an active applied learning environment, where conceptual understandings and transference of disciplinary content knowledge and skills are fostered through cognitively demanding hands-on applications set in real-world situations. In this way, learning is made more meaningful, relevant and engaging for the students. The parallel focus of the SST Programme on academic rigour and the explicit nurturing of 21st Century competencies and dispositions1 in our students will prepare them well for a fast and ever-evolving future. SST will be offering all its students talent
Innovation and Entrepreneurship
The school-wide leverage on Information Communication Technology (ICT) greatly enhances the learning environment and networks that the digital natives have come to expect. As part of FutureSchools@Singapore, SST aims to be a forerunner in using ICT to support educational programmes and enhance the delivery of its specialised curriculum.
MISSION: To Develop World-Ready and Future-Looking Leaders through Innovative Technology & Applied Learning
Interdisciplinary Research Studies
Most importantly, learning at SST is active and cognitively engaging, and firmly grounded in realworld context to facilitate deep understanding and relevance of learning. Curriculum and instructional pedagogy used in classrooms are customized and adapted from best practice and research in the field of gifted and general education to better cater to student needs.
VISION: A Globally Connected Institution of Science and Technology
Information Communication Technology
The SST Programme offers a challenging and broadened academic curriculum that develops students in disciplinary ways of thinking and doing, as well as interdisciplinarity of thought and actions necessary for innovative problem solving and decision making. Sound affective, character and leadership education, citizenship, and entrepreneurial programmes serve to equip students with the skills and competencies crucial for success in the 21st Century and nurture the values-driven and community-responsible person and leader.
This concurrent emphasis on non-academic curricular ensures the cultivation of invaluable life-skills and work competences such as resilience, responsible risk-taking, innovation and entrepreneurial mindset, effective teamwork and communication, and dynamic leadership.
The SST Programme Framework
21st Century Competencies & Dispositions
The SST Programme aims to nurture promising youths into young men and women of calibre and substance, who will be values-driven and exemplary leaders in their chosen fields, imbued with the spirit of innovation and enterprise in service for the common good of the community and society. The school’s mission to develop world-ready and future-looking leaders versatile in the 21st Century competencies and adept in the use of technology will propel our students towards attaining the goals of becoming Thinkers, Innovators and Entrepreneurs.
SST Assessment
Our Vision
Our Mission
The SST Curriculum and Instruction
Our vision, ‘To Be a Globally Connected Institution of Science and Technology’, stems from our keen awareness of the present realities of Singapore as a global city, and the role that our school could play to live up to our country’s status by realizing our reason for being (raison d’être). SST was started to offer an educational experience that is relevant and authentic to the 21st Century learner, which necessarily means that it has to include borderless learning and use of technology in a significant way. SST also seeks to be globally connected to benefit SST students and its learning community by contributing as an institution to the education landscape, locally and globally.
Our mission is, ‘To Develop World-ready and Futurelooking Leaders through Innovative Technology and Applied Learning’. Our graduates will be distinctive in the way that they demonstrate the 21st Century skills and competencies articulated as the 10Cs in the SST community. The holistic broad-based programming, platforms, and approaches used to facilitate student learning will equip them to become IT-savvy and creative producers grounded in values that make them worthy digital citizens as well as fully engaged community leaders who are able to seize opportunities to make a positive difference to human lives. The use of applied learning pedagogy in SST seeks to connect the students’ head, heart and hands so that they will also be fully engaged learners in the present and empathetic leaders in the community in the years ahead.
The SST Programme offers a four-year programme culminating in the GCE ‘O’-Level certification. The distinctive SST curriculum provides a choice of applied subjects not offered in totality in any other secondary school in Singapore, namely; Biotechnology, Design Studies, Media Studies (EL) and Fundamentals of Electronics courses; whilst retaining a fundamental emphasis on core ‘O’-Level academic subjects such as English Language, Mother Tongue Languages, the Humanities, the Sciences, and Mathematics.
Best practice and research-based curricular and instructional design models and approaches undergird the design of the SST curriculum. The pervasive application of principles from models such as the Wiggin’s and McTighe’s ‘Understanding By Design’ curriculum design
model, the SST ‘Applied Learning’ approach (ref pg. 7), Apple’s ‘Challenge Based Learning’ model, Renzulli’s ‘Revolving Door Talent Identification’ approach, Gagne’s Differentiated Model of Giftedness and Talent, and Treffinger’s ‘Levels of Service’ for Talent Development, as well as Maker’s Model (curriculum differentiation in the classroom), guide our efforts in designing learning experiences to meet the varying needs of students according to their readiness, interests and talents. Specialised laboratories which extend learning experiences add dynamism to the learning at SST. In essence, conceptbased teaching and inquiry is the mainstay of SST classroom instruction where higher-order questioning require students to bring their thinking to bear on subject matter being uncovered.
Forging Excellence Members of the SST community will embark on every endeavour with passion, commitment, confidence and courage; and, a belief that our best efforts will bring about positive outcomes for the common good, whilst developing excellence in personal work ethics and character. ‘Arête’, the origins of the word, ‘excellence’, is a notion tied up with the fulfilment of a higher purpose and the act of living up to one’s fullest potential. SST is an organisation where people must care about, and work towards being the best they can possibly be, both personally and at the organisational and community levels. Building an Empowered Community In SST, we shall build ourselves and others, in every interaction and decision we make, and through respect and responsibility, live our espoused shared values with a sense of efficacy and desire to improve. We shall empower ourselves and others with positive thoughts to explore what is possible and to bring SST to greater heights. We will take responsibility for constructing the future world that we will inhabit and make it better for generations to come. We will take responsibility and care for the SST and larger community beyond. Expanding Learning Networks SST is an ecological entity unto itself, where individuals with diverse interests, talents and worldviews converge as a learning community, and where everyone is interdependent and needs to actively leverage on the diversity to share knowledge and build collective wisdom. As part of FutureSchools@ Singapore, SST is well-positioned to be a forerunner in learning on the ICT platform, and leading the way for learning communities in Singapore and beyond, in recognition of the affordances and efficacy of expanding learning networks in the 21st Century.
Goals At SST, students will be groomed to become personable THINKERS, INNOVATORS, AND ENTREPRENEURS by preparing them to be: • Life-long Learners of Character who are imbued with intellectual curiosity and humility, and intrinsic motivation to continue to learn and grow, whilst squarely anchored in ethical values. • Creative Thinkers and Innovators who possess inquiring and inventive minds with the confidence and courage to seize and transform opportunities for the benefit of society and to improve the human condition. • Collaborative and Independent Problem Solvers who are self-directed individuals, yet value participation and contributions from others, as they recognize the inextricable interdependence of humanity in managing the challenges that abound. • Dynamic Leaders who are movers and shakers who challenge the status quo in service of humanity. • Active Local and Global Citizens who are stewards of their lives and the community beyond; who bridge cultures, beliefs, and international borders to create a better world.
SST Curriculum Philosophy At SST, we subscribe to the belief that all students can learn and that they will learn better when they are emotionally and cognitively engaged in the learning experiences at hand. As such, the strong emphasis on the relevance of what is being learnt to the ‘real world’ and their own lives; and making the connections as immediate and transparent as possible are aimed at holding the attention and motivating students to want to learn. We believe that: • learning experiences should be thoughtfully planned and customised across the four secondary years so that spiraling and ascending cognitive, socioaffective and leadership growth and development of students are nurtured over the years. • learning is about students becoming progressively more conversant in thinking and performing as practitioners and experts in the disciplines and related fields; more specifically in the learners’ increasing competence in the use of the knowledge, processes, skills and tools of the disciplines, in their quest for meaning and a better understanding of the natural and physical worlds around them.
• learning should focus on uncovering big ideas and enduring understandings, principles and concepts that cut to the heart of disciplines as well as across disciplines in order to equip students to construct mental schemas that will help them organise and make sense of the vast information sources so readily available in this age of the internet. • learning should be about developing students for the common good and betterment of self and society. • learning should be a collaborative effort among students, educators and the community in an environment that is safe, caring and conducive for maximum growth and development.
SST Applied Learning Approach
The Applied Learning approach guides the SST teaching and learning process so that the curriculum is delivered within a relevant real-life context to ensure that learning experiences are coherent, challenging and aimed at developing the full range of student capabilities and talents. In SST, the Applied Learning approach encompasses learning that is active, authentic, integrated, community-focused, learner-centred & relevant, and process-focused. These are explicated in the framework below:
Curriculum Organisers
• Developing stewardship of issues in the community & world at large LEARNER CENTRED & RELEVANT • Honouring student talents and interests • Differentiating learning experiences • Developing dispositions for learning while learning
Innovation and Entrepreneurship
• Inculcating respect for diverse ideas
Interdisciplinary Research Studies
• Building a borderless community of learners
Information Communication Technology
10Cs of SST: 21st Century Competencies and Dispositions
ACTIVE • Engaging the learner as co-constructor of knowledge and meaning • Providing challenge through rigorous disciplinary content • Learning by doing and experiencing
AUTHENTIC • Contextualising learning with tasks and resources drawn from and applicable in the real world • Developing multi-modal ways of learning • Learning synchronously and asynchronously
Curriculum Organisers
The curriculum organisers serve to bridge disciplines in a shift from a traditional focus on discrete curriculum areas. These undergird the delivery of all academic and non-academic curricular. The organisers are: The 10Cs of SST: 21st Century Competencies and Dispositions Research strongly indicates that exponential changes in the 21st Century demand that school graduates be equipped with the relevant affective, social and intellectual dispositions and competencies to be able to thrive in a borderless world of complex nuances. These are explicitly articulated as the 10Cs and organised in three broad categories. Consciously integrated across all subjects, developmental reports of these are issued alongside academic reports for each student.
• Intra & Inter-disciplinary learning and problem solving • Teaching for enduring understanding and transference
Information Communication Technology (ICT)
• Strengthening values, leadership and citizenship
SST believes that the 1:1 ICT-enabled learning environment elevates student engagement in learning. Ubiquitous technology use in uncovering core academic principles, and the use of simulation tools, dynamic geometrical software and applets create a classroom that encourages intellectual curiosity, creativity and critical thinking. On-line platforms and tools support an interactive classroom where students learn to strengthen ideas from multiple perspectives. In addition to promoting engaged learning, skills of information retrieval, information management as well as information and knowledge creation are also internalised.
PROCESS-FOCUSED • Fostering higher-order thinking through critical thinking models and creative problem solving strategies • Uncovering the heart of disciplines through inquiry • Teaching disciplines as ways of thinking and doing
Interdisciplinary Research Studies Interdisciplinary Research Studies enable students to apply their knowledge of academic concepts and principles to conduct research for authentic problem solving and research skills build up. Students will learn various research methods, and given opportunities to work in collaboration with others, communicate their research findings to authentic audiences and make informed decisions. In the final instance, students will have acquired necessary knowledge and skills to evolve to become independent learners who are able to judiciously draw on resources, knowledge and skills, and tools across disciplines and platforms. Innovation and Entrepreneurship (I & E) The I & E programme aims to imbue in students an innovative and entrepreneurial spirit and mindset, the openness and courage to embrace change and capitalise on opportunities to provide goods and services to improve the quality of life, as well as contribute to the progress of the community and country. The explicit teaching and application of critical and creative thinking models; the exposure to innovation protocols, the opportunities for creative application of interdisciplinary skills and knowledge to authentic problem solving and decision making; the opportunities to interact with practioners; all create a dynamic learning platform for students.
SST Talent Development
Courses Of Study At SST
SST’s Talent Development Programme is based on the ‘Levels of Service’ (LoS) Talent Development Model by Donald Treffinger (Treffinger et al, 2008). The LoS model involves collaboration among educators, students, parents, and the community to ensure that every learner’s educational experience is appropriate, challenging, and differentiated. LoS programming focuses on providing opportunities for uncovering, nurturing, sustaining and celebrating students’ strengths, talents, and interests, starting from where they are at.
The holistic and broad-based course of study at SST will not just prepare students well for the ‘O’ Level examinations, but equip them with the competencies and dispositions desirable in the 21st Century workplace. The learning experiences in SST will ensure that they have the requisite foundations and mastery of the core disciplines of Mathematics, the Sciences, Languages, and the Humanities, to do well in further education of their choice.
LoS Talent Development Framework
Level I. Services for ALL Students Opportunities that provide foundational skills and tools that help all students to discover and build their personal strengths and talents. E.g. Regular academic programming, exposure to creative and critical thinking skills and tools, catering to individual learning styles, opportunities for field trips, talk by guest speakers, Global Citizenship Programme.
Level II. Services for MANY Students Opportunities that invite students to engage in activities through which they can investigate their interests and verify areas in which they may demonstrate strengths and talent potentials. E.g. Math Talent Development Programme and Math Olympiad training for selected students gifted in Math and Science; advanced modules in Engineering; Design and Technology offered by NTU and Digipen Institute of Technology; Global Citizenship Programme. The school is also working with Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and Ngee Ann Polytechnic (NP), Apple Inc, Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology, DSO National Laboratories, to establish a diverse range of learning programmes, attachments and experiences for our students.
Level III. Services for SOME Students Opportunities that involve alternative learning activities for students to engage in rigorous and complex learning based on their demonstrated performance and documented needs in areas of strength and sustained interest. E.g. Advanced classes in subject areas, subject acceleration in classrooms, advanced programmes at school or in the community, performing groups.
Level IV. Services for SELECTED Students Advanced opportunities that cater to the unique needs of individual students who have demonstrated outstanding ability, expertise, motivation and passion to learn in a talent domain or academic area. E.g. Mentorships, advanced independent research or inquiry projects, internships.
* Reproduced with permission from Treffinger in 2010
Philosophy Statement Language is functional as it is used to make and exchange meanings influenced by social and cultural contexts. Students must understand that the English language exists at different levels in Singapore and it is essential to be able to choose to use either the acrolect, mesolect or basilect according to the context or situation. Locally, English language is the common language that facilitates communication and bonding among the different ethnic and cultural groups. Globally, the English language allows Singaporeans to participate actively and effectively in a knowledgebased economy where it is the lingua franca of the Internet, of science and technology, and of world economics. Learning Objectives At the end of four years, a student who has mastered the English Language: 1. Communicates fluently and effectively using appropriate text types to achieve the purpose, context, culture and audience intended 2. Employs critical and creative thinking skills in evaluating arguments and opinions and generating ideas 3. Appreciates the nuances in language as used by writers in varying contexts 4. Understands the relationships between ideas within and across disciplines 5. Uses Information and Communication Technology actively and purposefully to facilitate the understanding, learning and use of the English Language
Enduring Understandings The learner will understand that language: • Is governed by norms and driven by context of culture and situation • Is a meaning-making resource people choose strategically to achieve specific purposes • Is socially & culturally institutionalised, transmitting values and cultures across generations • Not only represents but also actively constructs our view of the world • Is an aesthetic tool for imagination and creativity • Empowers the individual to make informed decisions about the world and its issues • Must be used responsibly as it can empower or cause destruction.
Reading - An Intermediate Study of Text Types • Persuasive Texts • Expository Texts
Reading - Introduction to Text Types • Literary Texts • Narratives • Information Texts Close Reading Skills Reciprocal Teaching Embedded Critical Thinking Models and Strategies • Paul’s Wheel of Reasoning • Critical Thinking Routines Secondary 1
Listening & Speaking Introduction to Phonology Reading Extensive Reading Module Introduction to Text Types • Literary Texts • Information Texts • Persuasive Texts Critical Thinking strategies and standards • Paul’s Wheel of Reasoning and Universal Intellectual Standards • Critical Thinking Routines Secondary 2
Secondary 3
Writing • Play writing • News Articles • Formal Letters • Proposals • Expository Writing • Blogs Creative Thinking (generative) Tools (Treffinger) • Morphological Matrix and ALoU Listening & Speaking Oral Communication and Presentation Skills
Writing - Text Forms • Proposals & Recommendations • Speeches • Arguments • Critiques Listening & Speaking Individual Oral Defense
Writing - Text Forms • Poetry • Recounts (Personal, Stories & Informal Letters) • Reflections • Information Reports • Emails • Advertisements Creative Thinking (Generative) Tools • Brainstorming • Scamper
Debates Persuasive Presentation Reading - An Intermediate Study of Text Types • Narratives • Persuasive Texts • Expository Texts Secondary 4
Writing - Text Forms • Recounts • Editorials/Commentaries • Discursive Essays • Arguments Listening & Speaking Discussions and Presentations
MOTHER TONGUE LANGUAGES Philosophy Statement The Mother Tongue Languages (MTL) department envisions its students being transformed into “Global Connecting Architects”, effective in the use of a second language to think, plan, create and communicate so that they can confidently venture beyond our shores to connect with other cultures and to frame discourse from foreign perspectives. Mother Tongue Languages are useful communication tools that can be applied in many aspects of life, from social bonding, cultural appreciation, to transacting businesses with people from foreign countries. Being bilingual will ensure our people a unique edge in this globalised world, especially as we are located in a region surrounded by countries with people speaking Malay, Indian Languages and Chinese dialects.The rise of major economic powers such as China and India, is also a strong signal for our young learners to be prepared linguistically so that they can better engage these strategic partners in future, through understanding their language and appreciation of their cultures and norms.
Secondary 2
Listening Introduction • Intermediate Listening Skills (I) Speaking Introduction • Intermediate Oral Communication Skills (I) • Intermediate Presentation Skills (I) • Preparation for ‘O’ Level Oral Communication Skills (I) Reading Extensive Reading Programme Introduction to Text Types • Narratives • Literary Texts • Information Texts Critical Thinking Models, Strategies and Standards • Paul’s Wheel of Reasoning • Critical Thinking Routines • Universal Intellectual Standards Writing Text Forms • News Articles • Formal Letters • Blogs Creative Thinking (generative) Tools • RES (Reason-Effect-Solutions) Model • Morphological Matrix (Treffinger) • ALoU (Treffinger)
Secondary 3
Listening Introduction • Intermediate Listening Skills (II) Speaking Introduction • Intermediate Oral Communication Skills (II) • Intermediate Presentation Skills (II) • Preparation for ‘O’ Level Oral Communication Skills (II) Reading An Intermediate Study of Text Types • Narratives • Literary Texts Introduction to Text Types • Persuasive Texts • Expository Texts Writing Text Forms • Arguments • Critiques
Secondary 4
Speaking Introduction • Speeches Reading An Intermediate Study of Text Types • Narratives • Persuasive Texts • Expository Texts Writing Text Forms • Recounts • Arguments • Critiques • Commentaries
2. Acquire language skills that are complementary with knowledge gained in other subjects and apply these in the workforce 3. Experience a more holistic education whereby sound moral principles and values are inculcated through the MTL 4. Appreciate the rich culture and wisdom that comes with the learning of the MTL Enduring Understandings • Language serves a wide variety of social functions. • Language is a way of expressing emotive and logical thoughts. • Language is a vehicle for imagination and creativity. • Language transmits identity and culture.
Learning Objectives At the end of four years, students should be able to: 1. Attain adequate language proficiency in their MTL so that they can relate and exchange ideas clearly with others and communicate with ease
Secondary 1
CONTENT Listening Introduction • Basic Listening Skills Speaking Introduction • Basic Oral Communication Skills • Basic Presentation Skills Reading Introduction to Text Types • Narratives • Literary Texts Close Reading Skills Reciprocal Teaching Embedded Critical Thinking Strategies • Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy • Critical Thinking Routines (5W1H) Writing • Text Forms • Recounts (Personal and Stories) • Reflections • News Reports • Emails Creative Thinking (Generative) Tools • Brainstorming using graphic representation tools
16 Secondary 1
• Real numbers • Arithmetic problems • Algebraic manipulations – Linear + Quadratic • Algebraic equations and inequalities – Linear • Linear graphs • Construction and loci • Statistics – Measures of central tendency
Secondary 2
• Quadratic equations and graphs • Indices and standard form • Sets • Matrices • Trigonometry • Probability • Mensuration and similar figures
Secondary 3
• Statistics – Cumulative frequency and standard deviation • Relations and Functions – Quadratic, cubic, exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric • Curve sketching • Trigonometric identities, double angles and R-Formula • Surds • Remainder and factor theorem • Modulus and partial fractions • Ellipses and circles • Binomial theorem • Angle properties of circles • Geometrical proofs • Coordinate geometry
Secondary 4
• Techniques and applications of differentiation • Techniques and applications of Integration • Vectors
Philosophy Statement Mathematics is man’s attempt to understand, represent and process the world in which they live in with precision and rigour. The nature of mathematics serves to conceptualise the world and the relationships contained within, as it searches for patterns to simplify every day life and the issues inherent within – a process made simpler through Multi-Modal Mathematical Representations. Mathematics presents an excellent platform for nurturing students’ tenacity, inquisitiveness and curiosity, risk-taking, critical and creative thinking; for enhancing students’ appreciation, understanding and application of mathematical concepts for effective problem solving in real world context and within the structures of formal Mathematics; and for developing individuals who actively seek real-world significance of their learning. Learning Objectives The SST Mathematics programme seeks to nurture innovative individuals able to lead in the forefront of science and technology, and who are able to: 1. Appreciate the beauty and elegance of mathematics 2. Commit to continual learning of mathematics 3. Effectively communicate and reason mathematically 4. Make connections between mathematics and its applications both within the real-world and theoretical context 5. Use mathematics to effectively contribute to society 6. Use technology to triangulate learning across the three main representations of Mathematics − PROCEDURAL, GRAPHICAL and NUMERICAL Enduring Understandings • Mathematics is a system for organising the world quantitatively • Mathematics gives us tools to describe and predict change in order to make informed decisions in our world • Simplifying expressions and solving equations allows us to take a complex situation and make it simple • Problem solving is at the heart of mathematics
Inquiry in Science • What is Science? • Generating research questions • Formulating hypothesis • Literature review • Experimental design • Writing a research proposal • Data analysis • Drawing conclusions • Research project presentation
Philosophy Statement Science furthers the understanding of our natural and physical worlds as well as the wider universe through the process of scientific inquiry; which involves generating ideas, testing hypotheses, gathering evidence through observations, and conducting investigations and modeling. Through the study of Science, we can become confident citizens in a technological world, able to take or develop an informed interest in matters of scientific importance. Learning Objectives By the end of four years, students will be able to:
1. Understand and apply major concepts in Biology, Chemistry and Physics 2. Develop an understanding of the natural and physical worlds, guided by current scientific theories and apply what they have learnt to authentic solutions 3. Engage in the process of scientific inquiry
Secondary 1
4. Apply critical and creative thinking to solve problems and create new knowledge 5. Become more aware of ethical and moral issues related to scientific advances Enduring Understandings • Measurement: Interactions with the environment need to be quantified. • Diversity: There is a great variety of living and non-living things in the world and it is important for us to understand and maintain the balance between living things and the environment.
Secondary 2
• Models: Models are simplified representations of phenomena. There are three types of models in the study of science; namely, physical, conceptual and mathematical. • Systems: A system is a whole consisting of parts that work together to perform a function; parts of a system influence one another. There are natural systems in nature as well as man-made systems. • Energy: Energy is necessary for all living and non-living systems. Living things obtain energy and use it to carry out life processes. There are many forms of energy and one form can be converted to another. • Interactions: The living world and the environment interact at various levels: interactions occur within an organism; between organisms; and between organisms and the environment. There are also interactions between forces and objects, and energy and matter. The natural world continually changes; some changes may be too slow to observe. Rates of change vary.
Secondary 3&4
Health Science • Cells • Digestion • Cellular respiration • Transport in humans • Sexual reproduction
Materials Science • Structure of materials • Nature of materials • Classes and properties of materials • Mixtures • Chemical changes
Transportation • Speed • Forces • Pressure • Moments • Energy and work done
Environmental Science • Biodiversity • Flow of matter and energy in the environment • Environmental conservation
Investigative Skills in Science • Project Work
Communications • Electricity • Sound • Electromagnetic waves
• Cell structure and organisation • Movement of substances • Biological molecules • Animal nutrition • Plant nutrition • Transport in flowering plants • Transport in humans • Respiration • Excretion • Homeostasis • Co-ordination and response • Reproduction • Cell division • Molecular genetics • Inheritance • Organisms and their environment
• Experimental chemistry • Particulate nature of matter • Atomic structure • Structure and properties of materials • Bonding • Formulae, stoichiometry and the mole concept • Electrolysis • Energy from chemicals • Chemical reactions • Acids, bases and salts • The Periodic Table • Metals • Air • Organic chemistry
• Physical quantities, units and measurements • Kinematics • Dynamics • Mass, weight and density • Turning effect of forces • Pressure • Energy, work and power • Kinetic model of matter • Transfer of thermal energy • Temperature • Thermal properties of matter • General wave properties • Light • Electromagnetic spectrum • Sound • Static electricity • Current electricity • D.C. circuits • Practical electricity • Magnetism • Electromagnetism • Electromagnetic induction
Philosophy Statement
Enduring Understandings
The study of the Humanities is the exploration of the human condition and experience, as they are impacted on by the geographical, environmental, political, economic, and social systems of the time and place. The understanding and application of the knowledge, skills and values across History, Geography and Social Studies will provide students a better appreciation and understanding of their inter-connectedness to progress or hinder human development and growth over cultures, time and space. The Humanities seeks to develop an inquiring mind through learning experiences that involve the use of historical or geographical inquiry methods in conjunction with disciplinary tools and skills to analyse and evaluate diverse perspectives on issues and arrive at informed judgments.
• Geography is as much destiny as it is humanly induced • Environmental systems are complex • The interplay of man and environment shapes man and environment
Secondary 1 Integrated Humanities
• Places and spaces change over time • Historical accounts are complex • Perspectives influence systems • Time changes perspectives
Secondary 2 Integrated Humanities
Learning Objectives By the end of four years, students will acquire knowledge about:
• Geography of Demography • Geography of Resource Management • Geography of Food • Geography of Development • Geography of Tourism • Population Trends • Natural Resources • Agriculture • Industrialisation • Founding of Singapore • Migration to Singapore • Singapore during World War II • Geology • Hydrology • Botany • Climatology • Topology • Plate Tectonics • River Processes • Modernisation of Japan after World War II • Ancient Civilisations – India and China • International Relations (Trade) Combined Humanities – Social Studies & Geography/History Electives
1. Fundamental Humanities concepts, e.g. cause and consequence, change and continuity, space and place, relationships, systems and interconnections, and scarcity and choice
Social Studies
• Geology
• World War I
2. Societies and their cultures and how these impact human behaviours and actions
• Singapore as a Nation in the World • Governance in Singapore
• Hydrology • Botany
• World War II in Europe and the Pacific
• Bonding Singapore
3. Key personalities and their contributions and impact on the world and the evolution of the Singapore narrative
• Healthcare in Singapore and Britain
4. How major events are related to one another in time
• Conflict in Sri Lanka and Northern Ireland
Students will be able to: 1. Develop the skills of historical and geographical investigations/inquiry by asking meaningful questions, planning their own processes for learning and searching for answers
• Diplomacy and Deterrence Upper Secondary
• Iraq Wars and Terrorism • Globalisation and Sustaining Singapore • Venice – Rise and Fall
• Climatology • Topology • Plate Tectonics • River Processes • Geography of Demography • Geography of Resource Management • Geography of Food • Geography of Development • Geography of Tourism
2. Interpret a variety of primary and secondary sources, e.g. maps, statistics, documents, media and audio clips, photographs
• Population Trends
3. Critically analyse and evaluate sources and data from different perspectives so as to arrive at an informed conclusion to an issue or problem
• Industrialisation
4. Present points of view or solutions confidently using appropriate platforms; and demonstrate the ability to work independently and collaboratively
• Natural Resources • Agriculture
• Authoritarian Regimes in Russia, Germany and Japan • Cold War and end of Cold War
ART, DESIGN, MEDIA AND TECHNOLOGY Philosophy Statement Separately, Art engages the hearts and minds of the creator and the viewer; Design embodies the spirit to innovate and solve problems in order to make our world a better place; Media tells stories and asks questions by engaging all our senses; and Technology is the mover and catalyst of our imagination and creativity. Taken together, Art, Design, Media and Technology (ADMT) crosses traditional boundaries, and nurtures creativity and the spirit of innovation as never before. It provides an interdisciplinary worldview in line with the thrust of the school of promoting integrated learning across subjects.This demands knowledge of the various disciplines as well as fluency of higher-order thought processes to conceptualise authentic artifacts and products from design perspectives. It provides a platform for communication that transcends time, space, cultures and situations. Learning Objectives By the end of Secondary 2, students will be able to: 1. Use generative as well as focusing tools to generate original ideas
4. Visualise, sketch, storyboard, photograph and model their ideas 5. Apply scientific and mathematical principles to design functional artifacts Enduring Understandings • Communication can be a double-edged sword working for or against the common good • Knowing your target audience and leveraging on suitable tools help ensure effective communication ADMT lays the foundation for students to pursue Art, Design and Media related courses by building a strong foundation, developing creative processes and visual communication skills, and contextualising the roles of technology, society and culture in the various creative fields.
CONTENT Visual Communication: • Sketching 101 • Elements and Principles of Art & Design • Moodboards and Icons • Personal Branding
Mediagraphy: • Video Critique • Story ideas and Creation • Scripting & Storyboards • Photography • Videography Architectural Design: • Architecture 101 • Understanding Humanistic Influences • Understanding the Environment • Computer-Aided Design (CAD) modeling - The ADMT Programme ends at Sec 2 in its existing form -
Secondary 1
By the end of their secondary education, students will be able to: 1.Perform and enjoy a variety of physical activities with understanding 2. Develop and maintain physical health and fitness through regular participation in physical activities 3. Understand and apply both critical and creative thinking skills in sports and games 4. Demonstrate the spirit of fair play, teamwork and sportsmanship 5. Demonstrate safe practices during physical activities
Learning Objectives
Enduring Understandings
The Sports and Wellness programme’s goal of ‘Living Life with Vigour and Vitality’ envisages a person with a zest for life. It encapsulates an individual’s commitment to lead a healthy and dynamic life, developing the strengths of mind and body and building a capacity for wellness and survival.
• Wellness is the process of achieving one’s potential in being healthy, within the limits of one’s capacity • Wellness is a synergy between systems • Lifelong health is determined by the relationship between nutrition and fitness • Total well-being is dependent on the physical, social and emotional aspects of human relationships
Product Design: • Understanding the Design Thinking Process • Ergonomics & Anthropometry • Ideation and Creative Problem Solving (CPS) • Computer-Aided Design (CAD) modeling • Basic prototyping
Secondary 2
The SST Sports and Wellness curriculum is based on the philosophy of education through the physical as well as cognitive, moral, social, ethical and aesthetic domains in order to nurture healthy and active individuals who will be responsible for their personal well-being and health. This provides a multi-dimensional approach to developing the student holistically through sports and games. Physical activity will continue to be the cornerstone of the programme while the curriculum will be broadened to include other aspects targeted at developing students’ critical and creative thinking skills, character and leadership competencies.
3. Use various media tools and technology to conceptualise and design coherent messages, themes, and artifacts to communicate their ideas, thoughts, feelings and solutions effectively to target audiences
Secondary 1
Philosophy Statement
2. Apply the Design Process stages iteratively in their design task
• Sports Safety 1 – Warm-up, Stretching, Cooling Down • Track and Field • Health and Fitness Management 1 – BMI and Nutritional Status • Health and Fitness Management 2 – NAPFA History, Rationale, Test Items and related muscle groups • Health and Fitness Management 3 - Food, Nutrition, Diet • Health and Fitness Management 4 - Methods and Effects of Cooking • Territorial Invasion Game 1 - Handball • Olympic Education • Fitness Training
Secondary 2
• Territorial Invasion Game 2 - Netball • Net/Wall Game 1 - Volleyball • Outdoor Education - Outdoor Cooking, Tent Pitching, Knots and Lashings, First Aid, Planning for Expedition, RAMS • Sports Safety 2 – Prevention of Injuries • Health and Fitness Management 5 – Concepts of Fitness • Fitness Training
Secondary 3
• Striking and Fielding Game 1 - Softball • Territorial Game 3 - Ultimate Frisbee • Health and Fitness Management 6 – Physique and Body Composition • Health and Fitness Management 7 – Principles of Training • Fitness Training
Secondary 4
• Territorial Invasion Game 4 - Football • Net/Wall Game 2 - Badminton • Fitness Training
23 INNOVATION AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP Philosophy Statement The Innovation and Entrepreneurship (I & E) programme at SST presupposes that innovative and entrepreneurial mindsets can be developed through practice and internalisation of relevant knowledge and skills, which when acquired, will give students the competitive advantage as well as the necessary aptitudes and attitudes to function optimally and successfully in the real world. We believe that a practitioner with an innovative and entrepreneurial mindset will be instinctively alert to changes in the environment, respond to it and leverage on the opportunities afforded. Learning Objectives The I & E Department’s goal of developing an ‘Active Innovator, Living Entrepreneur’ encapsulates the spirit of lifelong practice of innovation and entrepreneurship by our students.The essence of SST’s innovation and entrepreneurship education is to develop student’s innovative and entrepreneurial mindsets and their capacity to capitalize on change to enhance the quality of life for themselves and the community at large. By the end of Secondary 2, students will be able to: 1. Possess the foundational knowledge and understanding of innovation and entrepreneurship 2. Develop an innovative spirit and the openness to embrace change 3. Understand that innovation is a critical component of the process leading to excellence 4.Demonstrate an entrepreneurial mindset of seeking, recognising and seizing opportunities through change, and being resourceful in their endeavours 5. Take considered risks and face challenges 6. Seize opportunities to practice innovation and entrepreneurship in simulated and authentic contexts Enduring Understandings • Innovation results in positive change • Innovation is a tool of entrepreneurship • Entrepreneurship is a form of social responsibility • Innovation and Entrepreneurship impacts lives
Secondary 1
• Understanding Innovation, Invention, Creativity • Divergent and Convergent Thinking • Generation and Focusing Tools • Creative Problem Solving • Introduction to Sales and Marketing
Secondary 2
• Concepts of Entrepreneurship • Attributes of Entrepreneurs • Entrepreneurship in Singapore • Nature of Business • Market Research • Essentials of Marketing • Importance of Branding • Writing Business Plans
INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH STUDIES Philosophy Statement Being able to effectively seek and create knowledge through applying the research process is essential for preparing students for life-long learning and a life of contribution to the knowledge community. Having students conduct authentic research equips them with skills and imbue in them cognitive and learning dispositions that will enable them to continue their search for knowledge in a systematic manner underpinned by ethical and social responsibility in the use, interpretation and generation of new knowledge. The interdisciplinary nature of research done in authentic settings will aid students in transferring knowledge across disciplines and into the real world. Learning Objectives
5. Develop skills and dispositions that foster lifelong learning
Foundational Skills and Knowledge of Research Choosing a Research Topic • Brainstorming ideas for an interesting topic • Justifying the research question: Coming up with good rationales • Focusing the project: Choosing a manageable scope • Conducting a comprehensive literature search • Defining the research question through a concept map • Developing a research framework: Identifying relationships between different variables/concepts • Operationalising all key variables/concepts
Enduring Understandings • Research is the search for knowledge and involves systematic investigation • Research establishes novel facts, solves new or existing problems, proves new ideas, or develops new theories • Research methods vary according to disciplines but all subscribe to openness, ethical and social integrity
Secondary 1
Students will be able to: 1. Acquire project skills as a precursor to research and problem solving skills 2. Apply knowledge and skills across disciplines in conducting their research tasks 3. Apply the processes and tools of research to deepen their understanding of or solve a real world issue/problem
Introduction to Research Methodology • Reliability and validity • Choosing an appropriate methodology for the research question • Proper planning before data collection • Ethical considerations • Introduction to Social Survey Quantitative data analysis and interpretation • Data collection and cleaning of data • Statistical analysis of survey data • Proper reporting of survey results • Use of appropriate tables and figures • Appreciating how methodology affects validity of results, i.e. sampling, phrasing of questions, conduct of survey etc. • Accurate interpretation of survey findings • How to discuss your research findings Writing a Research Report • How to write a good introduction • What to describe in your methodology • How to properly present and interpret your results • How to present a detailed discussion about your results • Techniques for putting together a coherent report
4. Formulate clear and precise research questions, select appropriate research methodology, gather and analyse data, reach conclusions based on evidence, write research reports, and present their findings to authentic audiences Secondary 2
SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH PROJECTS • Investigative Skills in Science • Science Research Projects
Secondary 3 (Term 1)
AUTHENTIC RESEARCH PROJECTS • Research projects offered by tertiary institutions, research and business organisations
Applied Subjects
Information Communication Technology (ICT) SST believes that a 1-to-1 ICT-enabled learning environment elevates student engagement in learning. The ubiquitous use of technology is instrumental in uncovering core academic principles. In the classroom, learners use an array of creative tools to bolster their learning, and forge an environment that encourages an intellectual curiosity and critical thinking. Within or outside the classroom, on-line platforms and collaborative tools support an interactive learning space where learners are used to strengthen ideas from multiple perspectives. These technologies promote engaged learning and knowledge creation, as well as greatly enhance the acquisition and internalisation of key skills such as information management. Philosophy Statement Modern technology has become an inextricable part of our daily lives and has forever changed the way we live, learn, work and play. In particular, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is a leveler of the playing field for many in education, businesses, entertainment and politics. As such, its effective and efficient use is imperative for all students, especially SST
Secondary 1
Secondary 2
students with their 1-to-1 learning devices. Explicit instructions in ICT knowledge and skills must therefore be a part of the school curriculum for students.
Ngee Ann Polytechnic is offering four applied subjects at the upper secondary levels to SST students. The subjects which are designed, conducted and assessed by Ngee Ann Polytechnic, are equivalent in rigour and scope to existing ‘O’-level subjects. The applied subject results will be reflected in the GCE ‘O’-level Examination Certificate and recognised for admission into Junior Colleges and Polytechnics.
Learning Objectives
The four applied subjects are: Biotechnology, Design Studies, Media Studies (EL), and Fundamentals of Electronics. Of these, the first two applied subjects are only offered at SST.
Students will be able to: 1. Use their learning devices, with multimedia and software applications, in effectively enhance and extend their learning in all subject areas 2. Utilise online tools for communication, collaboration and active learning 3. Solve problems by applying computational thinking and using suitable coding skills Enduring Understandings • Appropriate use of ICT enhances and extends personal effectiveness • Computer programming requires logical and mathematical thinking and reasoning
The Biotechnology course introduces students to the study of the use of living organisms or their products, and cellular biomolecular processes, to solve problems or make useful products for the benefit of mankind. The subject uses knowledge from a variety of disciplines, including biology, chemistry, physics, bioinformatics, genetic engineering as well as introduces study to manufacturing processes. The subject of biotechnology is distinct from biology whilst biology studies basic processes of living organisms, biotechnology is the application of biology to solve problems and improve lives.
The Media Studies course equips students to be media literate individuals who are able to critically evaluate the media and use it to communicate effectively. The subject aims to foster a critical understanding of a range of media texts and the ways in which they are read and understood by different audiences. It also develops in students a critical awareness of media representations of individuals, groups and issues.
Students will have the opportunity to learn about principles and applications of various areas of biotechnology such as cell culture technology, microbial biotechnology and recombinant DNA technology. This subject helps the students develop good laboratory skills and a research mindset. It also provides students with the foundations for further studies in biotechnology, biomedical science and other related fields.
• Introduction to Google Apps online platforms and tools such as Blogger, Google Sites, Google+ and Google Drive • Basics of Mac OS and Mac applications such as Photobooth, iWork Suite (Keynote, Pages and Numbers) and iLife (iPhoto, iMovie, Garageband) • Introduction to iOS programming through Xcode • Image Editing with Adobe Photoshop • Game Design with GameSalad
• Desktop Publishing with Adobe InDesign CONTENT • Computer Aided Design with Autodesk Software 123D Design Autodesk Inventor • NTU flagship Programme – Game Design
The subject aims to nurture an awareness and appreciation of the positive relationships spanning design, humanity, art, technology, business, culture and economic development; and the role of design in shaping one’s experience of visual communication, space, objects and the environment.
The Design Studies course equips students with the knowledge of the characteristics of the design field via exposure to design thinking, the design process, and the fundamentals of three design disciplines: that of visual communication design, interior and exhibition space design, and architectural design.
Students will develop creative and innovative mindsets, critical thinking and analytical skills through design activities; and acquire the ability to critique design works and to generate creative design solutions. Students will also acquire competencies for presenting design concepts and effective oral communication through innovative technology use.
Media Studies primarily develops an understanding of the relationships between media industries, institutions, technologies, products and audiences, and encourages an awareness of the debates surrounding the role of the media and its industries in contemporary society. Students will also get to explore and represent their own ideas and experiences by developing practical production skills in one or more media. Students will learn to analyse how media messages are put together, and produce narrative videos including scripting, storyboarding, directing, acting, video editing and audio mixing. They will critically evaluate how media portrays different groups of people, and discuss how media influences the audience and the impact of digital communications on society. FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRONICS The Fundamentals of Electronics course aims to equip students with a sound understanding of basic electronics and provides ample opportunities for students to hone their creative and problem solving skills through practical application of electronics to the design of authentic gadgets and products. Topics include fundamentals of physics and electricity, types of resistors, voltage and current sources, Network Theorem and analysis, capacitors, light emitting semiconductors, sensors, and output devices, bipolar junction transistors, and project management. Students will experience learning through real-world applications such as building of a transistor organ, rain detector, sound activated ballet dancer, universal electronic timer, heat sensor, line-follower robot, and a two-way electronic intercom system. Students will also get to hone their creative and problemsolving skills through effective training in basic electronics theory and practical electronics.
The planning of the SD programmes in SST is anchored the following theoretical underpinnings:
SST Assessments
• Principals of Character Education (Thomas Lickona)
The Purpose of Assessment
• Levels of Social Development (David Marshall)
• Social Development Theory (Vygotsky)
Assessment will be used for both formative and summative purposes. Formative assessment, also known as assessment for learning, provides information about student progress and direction for improvement, and/or adjustment to a programme for individual students or for a whole class. Summative assessment refers to assessment of learning, and provides information to make judgments about student achievement at the end of a period of instruction and for determining an achievement grade.
Only summative assessment results will be reported formally.
• Social Emotional Learning derived from Emotional Intelligence (Daniel Goleman) In SST, summative assessments may take the form of the following evaluations that are used to determine a final grade/ mark: Performance Tasks, Practicals, Oral presentations, Viva Journals, and Standardised Pen & Paper Tests such as the Mid-Year Common Test, and End-of-Year Examinations.
SST Student Development The SST Student Development Programme envisions all its students to be dynamic, resilient and ethical 21st Century individuals and leaders, entrepreneurs and innovators, who will make a positive impact on the world around them. A range of values-based character, leadership and citizenship education programmes and activities are offered to complement and support the rigorous academic programme at SST for a well-balanced and holistic education for all. Approach The experiences formalised in the Student Development (SD) Framework facilitate the acquisition of relevant knowledge and
skills for character, leadership and citizenship development, and follows this up by providing a myriad of opportunities for students to apply and internalise the knowledge and skills learnt. The opportunities will be presented through infusion in academic lessons, through Sports and Wellness lesson and Co-curricular activities, specially organised service-learning programmes such as the Youth Service Programmes, Global Citizenship Programmes, Interdisciplinary Research Studies, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Programme as well as leadership platforms such as class executive committees, class committees, Student Council and the Peer Support Board.
The SST Student Development Framework
Community of Inquiry Character & Citizenship Education
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The SST Student Leadership Development
Creative & Innovative Environment Sports & Wellness Co-curricular Programme
A Le ppl ar ied ni In ng En no te va rp tio Dy re n na ne an m ur d ic sh an ip d Et hi ca lL ea de rs
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Academic Subjects
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of Yo Ch ut Pr h ar ac og Se te ra rv r m ice m e Ca Cu rin ltu g re
21st Century Learners
• Theory of Moral Reasoning (Lawrence Kohlberg)
Collaborative and Independent Problem Solvers
• Habits of Mind (Art Costa) • Experiential Learning (David A. Kolb) • Leadership Theories (John Maxwell) The following pedagogical approaches are incorporated into the SD educational experiences: Process-based Teaching Approaches
Instructional Strategies
Cognitive Development Approach Consideration Approach Modified Values Clarification Approach Narrative Approach Experiential Learning
Clarify, Sensitise and Influence (CSI) questioning process Role playing Thinking routines Dialoguing Cooperative Approach Group work Circle processes
Reflection, a form of meta-cognition or “thinking about “thinking”, is an integral part of the SD curriculum. It provides opportunity for students to think about their own thinking and through the process lead to greater self-awareness and growth. “Reflection leads to growth of the individual – morally, personally, psychologically, and emotionally, as well as cognitively”. (Branch & Paranjape)
Character, Leadership And Citizenship (CLC) Education CHARACTER EDUCATION
Philosophy Statement
At the heart of the Student Development is the school-wide Character Education (CE) Programme aims to nurture young ladies and gentlemen at SST into individuals who possess the moral courage to do the right things and make the right decisions in life. In addition, the CE Programme aims to develop the intellectual dispositions as well as the personal and inter-personal competencies (SST’s 10Cs) to enable students to thrive in the 21st Century.
At SST, we believe that if students are able to develop the ability to be selfaware and self-regulating they will be able to achieve personal effectiveness for greater self-fulfilment and for the common good. In the same way, if students are able to develop social awareness and to effectively build and manage relationships with others, they will be better able to achieve interpersonal effectiveness that will again bring about benefits for self and the community. We believe too that every student in the school can be a leader in his/her area of strength, and that a leader must first be a person of good character, who possesses the spirit of service to mankind. In essence we believe that personal and interpersonal effectiveness and leadership knowledge and skills can be taught and nurtured and that opportunities for putting these knowledge and skills into practice will help students become better stewards of their own lives; principled and ethical leaders and entrepreneurs who are able to model the way; and individuals who are socially responsible, caring, active and contributing local and global citizens.
The scope of the CLC curriculum includes: • Socio-Affective Education • Leadership Education ◦ Personal Mastery • Sexuality Education ◦ Inter-personal Effectiveness • Academic and Career Education
Character Education Programme LEVEL
Enduring Understandings 1. An individual’s character is his/her values in action that transcends over space and time
Secondary 1
Personal Mastery • Goal setting • Time management • Study skills • Knowing yourself and others • Learning styles • Stress management
Sexuality Education The Growing Years Series (Lower Secondary)
Inter-Personal Effectiveness • Making friends • Working well with others • Managing conflict
2. An individual of good character is guided by his/her moral compass which is anchored in sound values and principles, and has the moral courage to make the right decisions 3. An individual must first possess good character before she/he can become a good and responsible leader 4. A leader has good stewardship of his/her own life and lives his/her life in accordance with sound moral values and principles 5. A global citizen is able to connect and collaborate with others around the world, whilst remaining rooted to Singapore Learning Objectives
Socio-Affective Education
Secondary 2
The Character, Leadership and Citizenship Programme aims to prepare students for the 21st Century so that they can realise their potential to become:
Personal Mastery • Goal setting • Time management • Stress management • Managing emotions and impulsivity
• Life-long Learners of Character • Collaborative and Independent Problem-Solvers • Dynamic Leaders with an Entrepreneurial Mindset • Active Local and Global Citizens
Secondary 3
Inter-Personal Effectiveness • Leading others • Maintaining healthy relationships
• Adjustment to the culture • The concept of and norms of the new school leadership environment and secondary • Understanding the school life roles of leaders in the school community • Leadership styles • Traits and dispositions of a leader
• Lead by example • Ethical leadership • Understanding the roles of leaders in society • Working well with others • Effective communication
• Knowing and understanding what different industries are like through career talks • Knowing and understanding my strengths and talents • Making a decision about my future (choice of subjects)
eTeens Programme
• Recognise value in others • Leading communities • Building complementary teams
• Understanding what the future in the 21st Century is going to be like • Understanding that a career is not just a job but how your want to live your life • Knowing and understanding the various post-secondary educational pathways
Leading self
Personal Mastery • Goal setting • Time management • Stress management • Making rational decisions • Taking risks • Personal grooming • Social etiquette
Academic and Career Education
The Growing Years Series (Lower Secondary)
Inter-Personal Effectiveness • Managing diversity • Developing healthy relationships
• Critical and Creative Thinkers and Innovators
Leadership Education
The Growing Years Series (Upper Secondary)
Character Education Programme LEVEL
Secondary 4
Socio-Affective Education
Sexuality Education
Leadership Education
Academic and Career Education
Personal Mastery • Goal setting • Time management • Stress management • Financial literacy • Managing expectations • Managing uncertainties and change
The Growing Years Series (Upper Secondary)
• Leaving a legacy • Leadership in the 21st Century • Global and worldready leader
• Knowing and understanding the knowledge, skills, dispositions, personalities and qualifications needed for various careers • Making career plans for my future • Making decisions about my future (post secondary school choices) • Career exhibitions and talks
Inter-Personal Effectiveness • Inspiring others • Impacting society
The SST Student Leadership Programme
Youth Service Programme (YSP)
The Student Leadership Programme (SLP) provides leadership opportunities and educational experiences to develop the leadership competencies and skills of students so that they can become dynamic, resilient and ethical leaders who are able to make a positive impact on society. Leadership platforms at school include Class Committees, CCAs, House, Peer Support Board and Student Council.
The Youth Service Programme (YSP) is an integral part of the curriculum in SST. It aims to nurture and develop SST students to become good citizens who are conscious of their responsibilities to family, society, country and beyond. In the YSP, students will apply relevant knowledge and skills in school-organised or selfinitiated community services, and hence make meaningful connections between what they learn and the world they live in. In rendering community service, SST students will meet and work with people of different ages, ethnicity and socio-cultural backgrounds. This allows them opportunity to develop and hone their 21st Century skills like strong civic-mindedness, cross-cultural understanding, effective collaboration, and communication skills.
The SLP is built on the premise that a leader must first be a person of good character. As such, the development of the student’s social-emotional skills is central to development of his leadership skills. Leadership development shall be anchored on universal moral values. The SLP is designed to develop student’s personal competence (self-awareness and self management), social competence (social awareness and relationship management) and responsible decision-making. The scope of the Student Leadership Programme includes: • Knowledge of the attributes and mindsets of effective and ethical leaders • School-wide platforms and opportunities to develop leadership competency skills • Differentiated leadership programmes developed for different student groups
National Education (NE) Programme
SST aims to develop citizens and netizens who possess the mindsets, dispositions and values to transform present and future challenges to opportunities in a borderless global community. It also aims to engage the hearts and minds of SST students so as to develop a sense of emotional belonging and commitment to the school, community and nation. The scope of citizenship education in SST comprises of the following: Global Citizenship Programme, National Education, Digital Citizenship (Cyber-wellness).
The NE Programme aims to nurture a community of learners who believe in Singapore and relate strongly with the issues concerning Singaporeans. It aims to develop national cohesion, cultivate the instinct for survival as a nation, and instill in our students confidence in our nation’s future. The programme also seeks to cultivate a sense of belonging and emotional rootedness to Singapore. By developing an awareness of the various opportunities and challenges facing Singapore, SST students will be able to make informed decisions for their future and be active contributors to the nation.
Global Citizenship Programme (GCP) The Global Citizenship Programme plays a pivotal role in fostering students to become global citizens who see the world as an interconnected set of systems; who seek to interact with and learn from people from diverse cultural backgrounds; who possess the attributes that will allow them to take advantage of the myriad of opportunities abroad; who develops an empathy for those whom they share the planet with and who are willing to take action to contribute to a just and sustainable world. The scope of the GCP comprises the following domains: • CCA • Adventure • Education • Chinese Language • Instructional Programme • Service Learning • Innovation and Enterprising • Student Leadership Development Learning Objectives The Global Citizenship Programme aims to: • Develop in students an interest in local and global issues, especially crosscultural issues within Singapore, as well as with ASEAN, Asian and other countries • Develop in students an understanding of Singapore’s relationships with Asean, Asia and the other parts of the world • Promote self-awareness, self-management and responsible decision-making in students • Provide a platform for students to embrace diversity and cultivate respect for all people • Develop stewardship and leadership by seeking ways to make positive changes to the world around them • Provide a platform to develop talents of students in areas such as CCA, Service Learning, Leadership and Academic Domains
Learning Objectives The National Education Programme aims to: • Nurture a community of learners who have a sense of belonging and pride to the school and to the nation • Create challenging and fulfilling experiences in promoting citizenship education and cross-cultural understanding • Develop world-ready and future-looking student ambassadors to represent SST and Singapore • Raise the national and global consciousness of the SST student community
Digital Citizenship Education The Digital Citizenship Programme plays a key role in educating students to upkeep their well-being in the cyber-environment, which also constitutes to the development of their well-being as a person in this 21st century society. The overarching principles of “Respect for Self and Others” and “Safe and Responsible Use” (under MOE’s Framework) act as a moral compass in guiding students moral character and actions in cyber-space. This is translates into students who will • Exhibit the appropriate on-line behaviour, which reflects honesty, respect and consideration that one would use in face-to-face interaction • Use appropriate platforms for their intended purposes and be constructive in their contribution to the cyber-space • Cultivate good work habits, which includes leveraging on the available resources to be efficient and productive in their course of work
The 10Cs of SST: Developmental Assessment And Qualitative Reporting SST students will be provided with a qualitative report at the end of each semester. This comprises the individual observations of all their subject teachers on their development in the personal, interpersonal and intellectual domains.
Learning Objectives The Cyber Wellness / Media Literacy Programme aims to: • Create and heighten awareness and understanding of Cyber Wellness issues • Champion the cause of Cyber Wellness within the SST community in particular as well as the public in general • Optimise the proactive involvement of student leadership in Cyber Wellness by engaging, empowering and harnessing the potential of youths Approach
SST Co-Curricular Programme2 Sports and Games • Badminton • Basketball • Cricket • Cross-Country • Fencing • Floorball • Football • Taekwondo • Wushu Performing Arts • English Language Drama • Guitar Ensemble The scope of the issues covered include: Ethical and Legal Use • Handling inappropriate content • Preventing cyber abuse • Displaying internet etiquette • Respecting intellectual property
• Show Choir Vocals and Dance Safe and Responsible Use
• Protecting private information • Avoiding computer addiction • Managing security risks • Verifying information sources
Clubs and Societies • Astronomy • Media Club • Robotics Club • Singapore Youth Flying Club 2 The number of CCAs will increase over time as the school enrollment increases.
Facilities at SST SST students can look forward to specially customised and state of the art facilities at SST’s campus. These facilities support SST’s curricular programming, and services by providing an environment that is conducive for bright young minds to work in. Some of the key features are: Teaching Facilities
Sporting Facilities
Essential teaching amenities include:
The Ngee Ann Kongsi Sports Complex consists of:
• 60 Classrooms with Individual Electronic Lockers • 1 Lecture theatre (100 seats) • 1 Seminar room (100 seats) • 1 Auditorium (400 seats) • 1 Innovation and Entrepreneurship Room • 1 Music room • 1 Dance studio • 2 Art, Design, Media & Technology Studios • 4 Multi Purpose Rooms • 1 Student leader’s room • 2 Learning Collaboration Rooms • 3 CCA rooms Science & Technology Facilities The Science Hub provides opportunities for independent and joint research experimentation. It consists of: • 6 Science laboratories (Biology, Chemistry, Physics) • 4 Applied Science laboratories (Biotechnology, Fundamentals of Electronics) • 1 Research laboratory • 1 Tissue culture room • Computer & multimedia studios (Media Studies) • 1 Engineering Laboratory
• Gym Works • Superhall I: Indoor Sports Hall • Superhall II: Multipurpose Hall • Roof Top Running Track and Play Court • School field • Outdoor fitness area • Open Concept Space • Project Collaboration • Music Room • Dance Studio Lifestyle Facilities • Cafeteria • Bookshop • Visitor’s Centre • Atrium • Info Hub • Our Space@SST An open concept space that can be arranged based on students’ needs • Collaboration Corners • Ecopond • Rooftop Garden