CLARIZ Magazine

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CLARIZ An Ethnography Project

Volume 1 Issue 1 March 2013

Fasting and Prayer

p. 2

What is Victory?

p. 3 Victory and Fasting


p. 5

GROUP 4 Anthropology 10 — FWZ Prof. Carlos Tatel Agustin | Bacabac Concepcion Eusebio | Flores | Francisco Medina | Nacario | Palad Pragacha | Romblon | Teves

So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31

Editor-in-chief: Sophia Clariz Romblon Layout Design: Clyde Medina, Michelle Bacabac and Tiara Nacario Photography: Leopoldo Palad Transcription: Jona Flores, Maria Beatrice Teves Video: Jona Flores Publishing: Jag Concepcion Contributors: Luigi Agustin, Romeo Pragacha, Tricia Francisco and Mikhail Eusebio

Written by Maria Beatrice P. Teves

Fasting, as defined in

the dictionary, is to ―abstain from all or some kinds of food or drink, especially as a religious observance‖. Most often, when people say fasting, they only refer to anything that is edible, may it be a food or a drink. However, abstinence from food or drink is not the only ways to fast. Fasting can also be defined as an abstinence from something, which has already been a part of your regular routine and will be too hard for you to give up. There are different methods to fast. One is through water fasting wherein one should only drink water and shall not have any food intake. According to some, this method is a purifying practice of their spiritual state since they get closer to God whenever they involve themselves in this kind of practice. Aside from the effects on the spiritual aspect, it also cleanses them physically since taking in lots of water releases the toxins in your body. Another common type of fasting is known as the juice fasting. It is more or less the same as water fasting. The only difference is that instead of water, you will only drink 100% fruit or vegetable juice without taking in any solid food. Among the Catholics, one common type of fasting is to abstain from eating meat during the Lenten Season as a form of sacrifice.

Aside from the ones mentioned, there are fasting practices which are common among the youth. One common example for a non-edible fasting is through abstinence from checking your social network site. If you are the type of person who checks your Facebook page from time to time, the form of fasting that you can do is to abstain yourself from checking your account for a period of time which depends on your preferred duration. Another form of fasting is to abstain oneself from eating sweets. Fasting is a practice that is never imposed. In the Bible, there are several passages, which mentions about fasting. However, it was never stated there that everyone is required to fast. Fasting is done out of one‘s own will.

“Fasting is done out of one’s own will.” People may fast depending on a variety of personal reasons. Some may fast as a form of sacrifice or as repentance for their sins while some do because they have a wish they would want to be granted. Another reason is that

they want to give more attention and to devote more time with God through prayers. Fasting is never considered as a dieting method. Rather, its purpose is to bring you closer to God. Fasting and prayer comes hand in hand. Prayer, as defined, is ―a solemn request for help or expression of thanks addressed to God or an object of worship‖. To make it simpler, it is a way to communicate with God. It is like our direct connection to Him and it is something you can do anytime and anywhere. There are no wrong or right forms of prayer. Its structure may vary depending to on the person who does the act. Most of the time, people pray because they they want to ask God to grant their desires. However, that is not always the case. Some pray because they want to maintain their close relationship with God. Fasting and praying are two important concepts in religion. These are not practices that people do because they are forced to. Rather, they do it because they want to. When one engages in fasting and prayer, it is very important to keep in mind one thing, you have to be sincere. Not being sincere about this would definitely just defeat its purpose of being closer to God and strengthening your faith. CLARIZ Magazine 2

Written by Sophia Clariz B. Romblon

“Victory exists to honor God and establish Christ-centered, Spirit-empowered, socially responsible churches and campus ministries in every nation. Or as we like to put it, we simply want to HONOR GOD and MAKE DISCIPLES.”

Victory, formerly known as

missions, evangelism and church planting. From a summer mission trip of American university students in Manila 29 years ago, Victory now has 15 locations in Metro Manila and over 65 churches were planted in the different provinces of the country.

Victory Christian Fellowship or VCF, is an Evangelical Christian church based in the Philippines and a founding member of Every Nation Churches and Ministries. It started in 1984 when a team of sixty five university students from America led by Rice Broocks, Al MaBelonging in the Evangelical namtam, and Steve & Deborah Christian denomination, Victory Murrell went to Manila, specifiChurch follows the Statement cally in the University Belt, to of Faith of the National Assoevangelize or preach the gosciation of Evangelicals in the pel for one month. Eventually, United States. They also bethis led to planting of churches lieve in the Nicene Creed of in the different cities in the AD325 and Chalcedon Creed Philippines like Makati, of AD451. Tuguegarao, Dagupan, Baguio and Los Baños among others. Victory has also sent Filipinos to Afghanistan, Australia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Guam, India, Latvia, Malaysia, Russia, South Africa, the United Arab Emirates, and ViDuring Praise and worship etnam for

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Victory Quezon City Victory Quezon City chapter is located in 5th Floor Regis Building, 327 Katipunan Avenue, Loyola Heights, Quezon City. One morning service and one evening service are held every Sunday at Katipunan. Six services are also held in GT Toyota, UP Diliman every Sunday. Youth members of Victory Quezon City also gather every Friday night for a youth service. Victory also has services for the kids. Every first Thursday of the month, Victory Quezon City members gather for a Prayer and Worship Night – an hour and a half of praise and worship songs and intercessory prayers for the church and its members. For years, Victory continues to win souls and make disciples, to establish churches inside and outside the country and to create campus ministries in high schools and universities, all for the glory of God.

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Written by Jonalisa Nichole S. Flores

―I t‘s an act of faith… Fasting

is putting yourself in a position of faith.‖ That is how 19-year-old Pat, a member of Victory Quezon City (QC), describes fasting and prayer.

long-term things that I know can affect my immediate future. I pray for the things that I know I can‘t do and only God can provide for them.‖ ―It‘s simply just being deliberate in your seeking God,‖ Pat says. ―It‘s not a rule or thing you have to do, but it‘s really exciting for all of us.‖

“It’s not so much of a sacrifice but it becomes more of a delight,” Glenn adds.

Fasting and prayer for the members of Victory QC is by choice and is never mandatory. Sometimes, the church schedules general fasting dates, although some members take it upon themselves to do it for personal reasons. These reasons vary for every member. Janine, an 18-yearold BS Economics major in UP Diliman, for example, fasts in participation as scheduled for the church, although she also does it when she has personal prayers, like other people‘s salvation and academics.

As to why they fast, Pat explains that it‘s because they follow Jesus Christ, and that He fasted to be filled with the Holy Spirit before He ministered to people. There are also parts in the Bible that God commanded people to fast, like Joshua of Israel. Glenn, a pastor in Victory QC, says that people fast for different reasons. It may be be-

Scheduled fasts include the beginning of the year because it is more convenient, and also to ask for guidance in their resolutions and the like; and the mid-year fast as thanksgiving. Twenty-one-year-old Mark says, ―I have things I pray for; 5 CLARIZ Magazine

Pastor Glenn explaining fasting

cause they have sinned and ask forgiveness from God through the sacrifice of depriving their own body of pleasures like food; it may be because they are praying for something they so deeply want; or it may simply because God has done something amazing and in order to honor him, they show humility through fasting. Glenn also explains that fasting and prayer for a member of the church is like a bride preparing for her wedding. A bride is so excited and focuses so much in preparation for the upcoming event that she skips meals. The same goes for the church member: he wants to know and experience God so he fasts. ―It‘s not so much of a sacrifice but it becomes more of a


Richard and Pat

delight,‖ Glenn adds. The most common type of fasting, and perhaps the most known too, is fasting of food. In this kind of fasting, the greatest obstacle one faces is hunger and, in effect, tiredness. ―In fasting, you basically starve yourself,‖ Glenn explains. ―It affects you physically. There‘s fatigue, especially when your body is still adjusting; and there‘s hunger of course. What sets it apart from dieting is that there‘s a spiritual component to it when you talk about fasting.‖


can feel God fill you up with His Holy Spirit, and you won‘t ask for anything else but His presence and His love,‖ Mark says.

Fasting and prayer has no guidelines whatsoever, as Glenn says. You only have to prepare for the physical challenges that come with it.

―During fasting, we experience so much of God‘s Spirit, so much of His blessing. We even witness miracles here and it‘s amazing. We feel His Spirit move among us while we worship,‖ Pat explains.

―Rest, manage your time wisely, schedule. You have to prepare yourself physically. If you‘re not being careful, if you‘re not being wise, you‘re kind of dishonoring God,‖ he adds.

“It’s a very good feeling, especially after: refreshed.

There are times during the fasting period that one feels physically unable to continue it. Glenn shares his experiences where there were times that he felt withdrawals and he just felt completely tired. ―Although there are times that you want to break the fast, you can just feel the presence of God when you pray or when you read the Bible. He will just fill you up, literally or figuratively, I‘m not sure; but you

You get to be closer to God.” Fasting and prayer helps you to control your physical self. The effects of fasting part of this act can be felt physically, and although the prayer part is executed the same, the effects of it are manifested spiritually. Janine describes the experience as enlightening. ―When you fast, you get to awaken that spirit of God in you that you try to live separately or tolerate your physical self. You‘ll try your best to not give in to temptation to eat. It‘s a very good feeling, especially after: refreshed. You get to be closer to God.‖

The Bible says that the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Glenn explains that it should be understood properly based on its context and not simply as it is. ―God created the body therefore the body is also good. When Adam and Eve fell, so goes the body; so goes everything else - soul dies, spirit dies, so does the body. Prior to them falling to sin, they really have perfect bodies,‖ he elaborates. And as fasting and prayer remains an act of faith, these church members try to keep the momentum of their faith even after they fast.

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Last day of going to Victory‘s Prayer Night

Jona, Sophie and Bea before the worship service

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A group photo with Pastor Glenn

With newly found Victory friends

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Jonalisa Nichole S. Flores

17 years old 2nd Year BA Journalism Devout Christians - those are two words that can summarize the members of Victory Quezon City who participate in the fasting and prayer tradition. Although we can't say or consider those who do not do any less, seeing those who actively act on their faith and physically sacrifice themselves for their God brings about the feeling of awe respect and wonder.

Maria Beatrice P. Teves

20 years old 3rd Year BS Family Life and Child Development I am very fortunate to be given the chance to witness first hand how is it like in Victory. During our first visit, I was completely astonished with how dedicated the members of Victory are. Just by observing them, I could see how sincere they are in what they are doing. As a Catholic, witnessing Victory has challenged me to be better. It has inspired me to be more sincere and devoted to what I believe in.

Juan Arsenio Gabriel R. Concepcion

20 years old 2nd Year BA Political Science I have always been very liberal with my view on religion. I believe in God, but my relationship with him is very loose and personal. I shun everything I deem as a "ritual," because it seems so repetitive and ineffective. I don‘t like formulated prayer, formal mass and the rosary among other things. I understand why people believe in doing these things and I believe that what they are doing is great and it fulfills them personally. So the people who fast and hold prayer meetings at victory are all, in a way, a great sight to see, seeing so many people joined together doing what they think would help themselves get closer to what they believe in.


CLARIZ Magazine

Tiara B. Nacario

18 yrs old 1st yr BA Araling Pilipino It was impressive how people always find time to attend prayer meetings even though it was obvious that just like others they are also busy but still they make it a point to spend time expressing their love for their religion. Also, preachers use music as their medium in order to capture the hearts of their guests, they make us feel the same feeling that they experience through songs. Other members of Victory are very warm to all newcomers and even encourage us to spend more time with them by attending the weekly service and other youth-oriented services offered by the team. They make sure that people of all ages can relate to the topics by discussing all relevant issues: from the government, economy to the problems that students face nowadays.

Michelle A. Bacabac 18 yrs old 2nd year BS Interior Design

Coming from a Born-Again Christian family, I have gone to Victory services in Quezon City and Katipunan since July 2011 when I studied in University of the Philippines Diliman. I have known about fasting even before because both my parents practice it but I have not tried and experienced it myself. Being able to attend Victory‘s prayer night and to be able to hear the testimonies of the people and the youth who pray and fast were both refreshing experiences. They motivated me to be filled by God through prayer and fasting. I am also thankful for the experience for it was also a good opportunity for my group mates to be able to experience the strength, comfort and fulfillment that God provides whenever two,

Clyde Medina

16 yrs old 3rd year BS Geodetic Engineering I am a Born-Again Christian, who grew up from a Christian Family. ―Prayer and Fasting‖ has already been part of my vocabulary before. But as they say, ―It takes one to know one‖. So although I have been widely familiarized on what it is, I still don‘t completely know what it really is since I haven‘t experienced it yet. On the first day of observation, it was actually something that I have been expecting to see. People raising hands, worshiping, singing, something they do out of love - the love for God. Then it went on for the next meetings. Basing it from people‘s point-of-view during the interview; Fasting is actually something that isn‘t sacrificial, it is a gift - a way for you to really experience His presence. And that it isn‘t just something that we would want, that is something that we would actually crave for. I actually also admire how the church welcomed us open-arms. Admittedly, we were actually shy at first to take some pictures during the service. But as it turned out - we haven‘t heard any single word from any personnel of the church, neither questions, nor anything. The smiles from their faces clearly portrayed how they‘re glad that we were there. ―Prayer and Fasting‖ is actually a vital part of our spiritual life. This experience truly helped me a lot to see things differently.

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Romeo Jay C. Pragacha

20 years old 4th Year BS Economics Is the body an unyielding "hard core" of life? This question-cuminsight befalls on any philosophers trained in Nietzsche and the hard sciences when they come to witness an intense concert of the souls such as that in Victory. The songs they chant seem to become one of the lines in a James Joyce short story on young love and broken promises. Every word that sprang on their lips became moments of strange prayers that enveloped even the most heathen. Being there and feeling in unison with them, I saw myself once gazing up into the darkness as a creature driven and derided by lust, my eyes burned with anguish and anger, and finally being liberated into the light.

Mikhail Eusebio

21 years old 4th Year BS Architecture The worship songs uplifted my soul during those days. I felt that God was beside me along with my prayers to fulfill breakthroughs in finances, academics and relationships with others. It was an awesome experience to meet other Christian people and make friendship with them. And by the way, the church‘s interior was superbly designed to the aspects of making it the modern and contemporary place and worship. The glass doors, carpet, carved acoustic wall and mounted sound system was truly spectacular.

Luis Benigno F. Agustin

19 Years Old 2nd Year BS Geography Growing up in a religious family and having attended a catholic elementary and high school, I was used to going to mass every Sunday and hearing mass on holy days of obligation. Seeing this was a bit new to me. I wasn't used to seeing people this dedicated to praying. I saw people, mostly students, from UP and Ateneo, who pray like it's the last thing they would do. I also noticed that their prayers often come with personal intentions. Not that I'm saying that it's bad, but I think their prayers are really specific. Seeing this made me realize how diverse the world is. I was used to just seeing the cultures that I am used to. Aside from this, I think Victory is really for young people who really want to get closer to the Lord. 11 CLARIZ Magazine

Sophia Clariz B. Romblon 18 years old 2nd Year BA European Languages

Being born and raised in a Christian family, the concept of prayer and fasting is not alien to me. I have had experiences in fasting from food before. Attending prayer and worship services is normal for me. However, my experience with Victory Quezon City was usual and different at the same time. How they praise and worship God is not very different from how we do it in our church. Songs of praise are led by the music ministry and the prayers are led by the pastors and/or the leaders. Still, it amazes me how Victory does it. Never have I felt like an outsider during our visits in Victory. The people just don‘t care about you, not in an apathetic way. I really saw and felt how these Christians just wanted to praise, worship and glorify God; how they just surrender their selves to Him and manifest it by singing praise to Him, raising their hands, kneeling and bowing before Him, clapping, jumping and crying. And it is really refreshing to be a part of it. During our last visit, I have witnessed something new as a Christian. It was my first time to see people ‗Speaking in Tongues‘. It was very scary to see people speaking gibberish and saying something altogether that does not make any sense. Even though I believe in the Holy Spirit and know that once you are filled with it, you just let it control you, I still find it scary because it is unfamiliar yet I can see that these people are very convinced and serious about it. I think this just shows how difficult it is to deeply understand one‘s faith and spirituality.

Ma. Tricia Mycah C. Francisco

18 years old 2nd Year BA Philosophy

Being a christian since birth, attending church and sharing the same religious views with Victory; the whole experience was not a first time for me. During their worship, I praised, danced and sang as I always did before. Prayer and fasting are not strange to me since I have always done them at times when I felt I needed them. The whole experience was not strange to me. Even though you do not know any of the people, when you go there, you become a part of it. Maybe that is how a Victory church is inviting and welcoming. And then I realized, God, being the unconscious topic of this project, is everywhere when you call Him. May it be on our church or their church, God comes and stays. And experiencing Him need not to be somewhere you are familiar with. At first, I thought this ethnography project will just be another school stuff. Then again, the Lord works in ways we cannot see, making this project not just an experience but also a blessing.

Leopoldo Palad

19 years old 3rd Year BFA Industrial Design Although I didn't have the chance to personally witness the kind of worship that the members of Victory QC had been practicing and had only knew of them through the visits of my group mates, I was amazed that there are people such as the members of Victory that had strong devotions to what they believe in. It kind of changed my general view about our generation knowing that most of them are youth and students just like us. CLARIZ Magazine 12

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The culture of fasting is pre-

body – feeding their spiritual body and having a communion with God.

we were taught to pray with our eyes closed, hands togethdominant with religious groups. er, heads bowed and someWith this specific group, Victimes to even kneel. One is tory, we find that fasting is used to see this as a tradition We went to the Quezon City done as an expression of passed to us by our elders. chapter of Victory Church in one's faith - which may be in We would have never quesKatipunan to observe their repentance, prayer, or humility. tioned why we have to do theyearly fasting. They do it every They sacrifice their bodies' se actions with our body even start and middle of the year pleasures in order to feel enthough we talk to someone as a church to ask God for lightened or to be filled with who is not there physically. But guidance for the coming year their God's presence. They use observe the way the members and as thanksgiving. For every their bodies in prayer - like of Victory pray and worship; Thursday of January, they held raising their hands or kneeling, you will never see their actions a Prayer and Worship Night to as if they surrender their bodduring prayer as standard prosomehow commemorate it. Afies to God. These things are cedure. People close "acts of faith." their eyes, even get Without this emotional and cry; faith, fasting “They sacrifice their bodies' pleasures in order to feel some hold their would just be hands together tightdiet and prayer enlightened or to be filled with their God's presence.” ly; some raise them and would just up high as if reachbe like talking to ing for God; some the wind. The way kneel and bow before Him; but ter our first visit, we realized they physically manifest this all of them do not care what that being with them for only faith comes secondary. the others are doing. It is a an hour and a half to two, we physical manifestation of their cannot personally see and obFood is a necessity in life. It is faith. Many are speaking in serve them fasting from food one of the basic needs of the tongues - a language altered or other pleasures. We could human body. Therefore, deprivby the spirit which is entirely only have knowledge of their ing oneself from eating is a unknown; their physical bodies fasting through interviews, but disruption of the normality of being used as they are filled not really expose ourselves into life. However, this deprivation, with the Holy Spirit. One will it. However, there is one thing or what we call fasting, has surely feel the intensity of that we were able to expose been around for thousands of their devotion and have goose ourselves into that is an esyears. It has been practiced bumps. sential part of Christian fastever since the time of the Old ing – prayer. Testament and until now, it The members are not forced continues to be practiced by to undergo fasting. They have ―Fasting without prayer is just people belonging from differthe choice to fast whenever a diet,‖ said a member of Vicent religions – Christians, Musand however they want, for tory QC whom we interviewed. lims and Jews among others. whatever reasons. We have It really would be pointless to These people, who practice spoken to both teenagers and fast if one is not going to pray the act of fasting, believe in young-adults who participate since praying is the Christian‘s something that they deem as in fasting. Apart from having way of communicating with a necessity more significant personal prayers, they also God. When we were children, than nourishing their physical 15 CLARIZ Magazine

fast for thanksgiving and to show humility to their God. Fasting and prayer are intricately woven into the lives of these devout Christians. We noticed that the Victory QC members disregard their physical bodies in order to attain spiritual enlightenment. The belief that God has created their bodies and that He has shown and commanded His people to fast also play a great factor to this tradition.

“These people, who practice the act of fasting, believe in something that they deem as a necessity more significant than nourishing their physical body – feeding their spiritual body and having a communion with God.”

As we all know, the Philippines is a predominantly Catholic country. Catholicism is also under Christianity, the same way the Victory Church is. As observers, we notice that not many Catholics are as dedicated to their faith as other Christians, like Victory QC members, are. Although Filipinos are a people of faith, only a few practice it to such great lengths. It all comes down to how passionate they are with their faith.

Fasting and prayer are intricately woven into the lives of these devout Christians. REFERENCES: Prayer and Fasting All About Prayer. (2013). What is prayer?- Talking with God. Retrieved 22 March 2013 from The Salvation Army. (2013). Fasting Fact Sheet. Retrieved 22 March 2013 from http:// www_usn_2.nsf/0/242E0C30D13FFEBF852575F400450F62/$file/Fasting%20Fact% 20Sheet%20--%20LR.pdf Got Questions Ministries. (2013). Christian fasting – what does the Bible say?. Retrieved 22 March 2013 from New Oxford American Dictionary. (2013). Fast. Retrieved 22 March 2013 from http://

What is Victory? Victory christian fellowship. Retrieved 25 March 2013 from http://

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Anthropology 10 — FWZ Prof. Carlos Tatel

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