Coming Events at Beit Haverim September 2014
Family Potluck and Shabbat Service led By confirmation class
Torah Study led by Rabbi Berg
Religious School Open House/Opening day of Religious School
Adult B’nai Mitzvah Class
Shabbat Service led by Rabbi Berg and Ann Brown—Birthday Blessings!
Nosh & Kibbutz Home of Sue and Dan Greenspan
Religious School Board of Trustees Meeting Hebrew School
2:30PM 2:30PM 4:30PM
Rabbi’s Hours: by appointment
Confirmation Class
Phone: 503-568-1241
Usher Dinner Home of Karin Stolz
Shabbat Service led by Rabbi Berg and Ann Brown
Shabbat Morning Service Selichot
10:00AM 7:00PM
Religious School Hebrew School
2:30PM 4:30PM
Erev Rosh Hashanah
Rosh Hashanah Family Service
9:00 AM
Main Service
10:00 AM
Tashlich George Rogers Park
Shabbat Shavuah
7:00 PM
Torah Study led by Rabbi Berg
Cemetery Service Oswego Pioneer Cemetery
Rabbi Alan Berg Cantorial Soloist Ann Brown Shabbat Services Fridays at 7:00 p.m. at Beit Haverim 1111 Country Club Rd. Lake Oswego, OR 97034
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 311 Lake Oswego OR 97034
Email : Website
immediately following main service
Beit Haverim is an open, inviting, and spiritually alive Jewish community, located just outside of Portland, Oregon in Lake Oswego. We welcome everyone to our Reform congregation of Jews by birth, Jews by choice and Jews at heart.
FROM Rabbi Alan Berg
Dear Friends, We all would agree that this has been a challenging time for the United States and for the Jewish people. The Holydays are here to help us navigate the larger issues of our time. In a world that sometimes has few choices, we are reminded of our own possibilities, and of God. The Holydays are designed to help us in the reality of our own personal lives. Rosh Hashanah is a joyous occasion. It is the threshold that directs us forward to Yom Kippur and then to Sukkot. Each holiday, culminating in Simchat Torah, can be understood as rung leading up, like Jacob’s ladder, from the earth to the heavens, from fear to awe, to hope. In these times, the opportunity to observe these great festivals is a privilege. We are reminded that in our community so many are facing personal challenges. What ever our friends, our members and community are facing - may each of us in this New Year find comfort and support. I hope you will find a special friend in Temple Beit Haverim. So many are pulling together to create a spiritual and social home for all of us. The thoughtfulness given to everything you see at the temple is a result of many caring hearts. Blessings to you and your loved ones for good health, for time with family, and the pleasure of friends. We join our hearts in prayers for all and for peace in the world. May you be inscribed for blessing in the Book of Life. B’Shalom, Rabbi Alan Berg
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Letter From Our President, Sue Greenspan Learners for a Life Time When we think of September, we think of Learning. Learning begins the day a child is born, not only for the child, but for the parents as well. A cry, a child soon learns is a way of getting attention. A cry, for the parents, signals hunger or a diaper change , or some bonding is needed. And so life goes on, we are taught, we learn. When do we stop leaning. Never, we are Learners for a Life Time. We know this is true of our Jewish Education. Children are consecrated when they first begin their formal Jewish Education. People think the Bar/Bat Mitzvah Ceremony is the end of formal Jewish Learning, but in reality it is just the beginning of our Jewish education. Confirmation is another learning stepping stone of our Jewish Identity. These Confirments learn how to critically think and how to use our traditional laws in modern day society. The children of this congregation along with all other Jewish children have an obligation to their families and communities to uphold the great traditions of Jews. We want these children to ever expand this birthright. They must become Learners for a Life Time. Does it end there? Never! There are reasons that adult learning must go on and on as well. If we bury our heads, or refuse to see and react to what we already know, we will be guilty of letting our children and their future down. We must learn as much as we can about who and what the Jewish people are and how God expects us to live. We must continue to instill among us the pride of our people, our accomplishments and proper sense of community. At Beit Haverim (and the Greater Portland Jewish Community) the opportunities for learning and furthering our Jewish Education is limitless. Check out our weekly and monthly communications and other Jewish publications for a list of classes, lectures, and other educational opportunities. Give every person the diligence and the intelligence to continue the Jewish traditions that for generation after generation have benefitted mankind and have made Jewish people a credit to their families, their people, and their nation. Be a Learner for a Life Time. L’Shalom
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September Events Family Potluck and Shabbat Service Friday, September 5 6:00PM Join us for our family friendly potluck dinner. Please bring a dish to share with at least 8 servings, and RSVP to Dena Gutterman for setup purposes. We hope to see you there! 7:00PM Shabbat Services led by our confirmation class: Abby Cohen, Juliana Sahni, and Matt Macovsky. Please bring a dessert to share at the oneg. Beit Haverim Religious School Open House Sunday, September 7, 2:30PM The Religious School of Beit Haverim will host its annual open house/family day for the upcoming school year. Come see what we have to offer for you and your family! Observe a class in session and learn about our curriculum or send your child to try out the class while you schmooze with other parents. Stay after the classroom visit for coffee, bagels and a chance to talk with Rabbi Berg, Sue Greenspan, temple President and Heather Kirkbride, religious school chair, as well as other parents. Our Religious School offers quality Jewish education for children preschool age through teenagers. We also offer Hebrew classes, tutoring and preparation for B’nai Mitzvot, and Confirmation class. Learn why kids love coming to religious school at Beit Haverim! Shabbat Service Birthday Blessings Friday, September 12, 7:00PM All members who celebrate their birthday during the month are invited to come up to the bima to receive a birthday blessing. About a week before the service, you will receive a reminder email inviting you and your family members to attend this service. If you don’t receive a reminder, or if we don’t include a family member who’s celebrating a birthday that month, please email the office to add that person to our list. September, 2014
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September Events Nosh and Kibbutz Saturday, September 13, 7PM At the Home of Dan and Sue Greenspan Address will be given when you RSVP. The High Holy Days are just a few weeks away. Welcome the New Year by spending an evening with old friends and perhaps make some new ones. Please join us for a casual evening. Please bring a dessert to share.
Beit Haverim Blood Drive Friday, September 26, 2-7PM Please consider donating blood at the upcoming Beit Haverim Blood Drive. If you've never donated before, please know that this effort could help save up to three lives. All the money in the world cannot save someone's life who needs blood. Because blood cannot be manufactured -- it can only come from generous donors. The process, including the interview and snack time, only takes about an hour -- an hour that reaps life-saving rewards. To schedule a time to donate blood, click here and enter the Sponsor Code: BeitHaverim. Sign up early to get the time that works best for you. If you have any questions or need help with sign up, email Dena Gutterman. Annual Food Drive Ongoing until October 14th It's time for all of us to step up for the Annual Beit Haverim food drive. This year, as we have in the past, we are collecting non-perishable food for our hungry neighbors. You will see barrels in the lobby beginning Erev Rosh Hashanah (September 24th) which will be in place until October 11th. We need your help as we try to heal the world in our own small way. We will have special bags for you to take home and bring back filled to the brim with boxes and cans of food for the Oregon Food Bank. Last year we collected over 600 pounds of food. Can we do better this year? We certainly hope so! September, 2014
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High Holy Days 5775 The friends and family of Beit Haverim invite you to join us in celebrating these special days together. Services are included with your membership and we request non-members to make a donation which can be applied towards membership dues. Non-Member Reservations Unless indicated otherwise services are held at the following location: Beit Haverim, 1111 Country Club Rd, Lake Oswego, OR 97034 Selichot Social Hour Sat, Sept. 20, 7:00 PM Havdallah Service followed by Selichot Service please bring dessert to share 8:00 PM Rosh Hashanah Erev Rosh Hashanah* Family Service Main Service* Tashlich
Wedn, Sept. 24 7:00 PM Thur, Sept. 25 9:00 AM 10:00 AM Immediately following Service George Rogers Park, 611 S. State Street, Lake Oswego, OR 97034
Shabbat Shavuah Torah Study Cemetery Service
Fri, Sept. 26, 7:00 PM Sat, Sept. 27, 10:00 AM Sun, Sept. 28, 10:00 AM Oswego Pioneer Cemetery , 17401 Stafford Rd, Lake Oswego, OR (next to the Lake Oswego Golf Course)
Yom Kippur Kol Nidre* Fri, Oct. 3, 7:00 PM Family Service Sat, Oct. 4, 9:00 AM Main Service* 10:00 AM Adult Study Session 2:00 PM Afternoon Service 3:00 PM Yizkor, Neilah 4:30 PM Potluck break fast to follow approx. 6:00 PM Join the congregation in breaking the fast following Yom Kippur services. Please contact Leslie Bratschi to let her know what light snack you are planning to bring. Continue to Join us for the holidays... Sukkot Celebration/Luncheon Thur, Oct. 9, 10:00 AM/ Lunch and discussion to follow/ weather permitting in the sukkah Sukkot Service Fri, Oct. 10, 7:00 PM /weather permitting in the sukkah Simchat Torah/Shabbat Service Fri, Oct. 17, 7:00 PM / Followed by a Special Dessert Oneg to Welcome Guests High Holy Days Food Drive: There will be an Oregon Food Bank barrel in the lobby to collect nonperishable foods during the high holy days. Think about canned meats/fish, cooking oils, canned fruits/ vegetables, beans, peas, and shelf stable milk. Monetary donations are also welcome. Each time you come to worship, please consider this mitzvah. *childcare available No reservations are required for Yom Kippur afternoon services which include: 2:00 Adult Study Session, 3:00 Afternoon Worship, and Yizkor, which will begin at approximately 4:30. Please also join us as we break the fast following concluding services. Bring a dish to share for this potluck event.
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High Holy day Events Printable High Holy Day Schedule For those who would like to print off the High Holy Day Schedule, we have made a PDF copy for you to do that. Please click here.
Selichot Saturday, September 20, 7PM Selichot is observed on the Saturday night before Rosh Hashanah. The service is comprised of penitential poems and prayers thus ushering in the High Holy Days. The mood of repentance becomes urgent as we offer prayers of forgiveness. We will start the evening with a social hour at 7:00 p.m., followed by the Selichot Service lead by Rabbi Alan Berg and Gabe Hunter-Bernstein. Please bring a dessert to share at the social hour preceding the service.
Shabbat Shavuah Friday September. 26, 7PM Shabbat Shavuah, Shabbat of Return, falls during the week between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. It is celebrated as other Shabbats but included in the service is a special Haftorah reading beginning with the words "Shuvah Yisrael", "Return O Israel" from the prophecy of Hoshea. Please join us for this special Shabbat Service led by Rabbi Alan Berg and cantorial sololist Ann Brown. Breaking the Fast Saturday, October 4, approx. 6PM Join the congregation following Yom Kippur services with a break the fast potluck. Any light food is okay. Email Leslie Bratschi and let he know what you are bringing
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Donations Donations help your Beit Haverim Community Thrive!
Donations to Beit Haverim can be made in honor of a loved one's simcha (special occasion), in memory of a loved one, or "just because." Click here to make your on line donation! Thank you! In honor of
Thank you to Claire Frye for donating to the Rabbi’s fund in honor of Sue Greenspan’s presidency
Thank you to Barbara Gold for donating in honor of Jacob Sherman’s bar mitzvah
Thank you to Sue Greenspan for donating to the Rabbi’s fund in honor of Edyn Pilkington becoming a bat mitzvah
Thank you to Sue Greenspan for donating to the Rabbi’s fund in honor of Jacob Sherman becoming a bar mitzvah
Thank you to Fred and Esther Schwart for donating to the Rabbi’s fund in honor of Abigail and Audrey Minch’s b’not mitzvah
Community News and Notables Help us share community news and notables. We'll include community members' simchas and acknowledgments of life event struggles and condolences. Let us know if you received an award/honor, earned a promotion, welcomed a new addition to your family, celebrated a special anniversary or occasion, are mourning a special person or healing from an illness or surgery. Email Gabrielle Williams (photos welcome) or call the office at 503-568-1241. We hope to hear from you! Misheberachs Every Shabbat service we say a prayer for those who have passed and we also say prayers of healing for those who are struggling physically, emotionally or mentally. Please be sure to let us know of you or a loved one who could use these healing prayers. Just send an email to Allison at the office or call to have the name on our weekly misheberach list.
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news Amazon Shopping Earns $'s For Beit Haverim Just use this link here when you make your purchases through Amazon and Beit Haverim earns a percent of your spending. Be sure to share the link with family and friends - it really adds up! Order your Siddur Today Several congregants have requested their own personal copy of our prayerbook, MISHKAN T'FILAH: A REFORM SIDDUR, TRANSLITERATED. We have ordered some to keep in the office. If you would like to purchase a copy, please click here. Add a special touch to your Siddur with foil stamped engraving done locally at At Grossenbacher Brothers, Inc. (GBI) located in Portland, Oregon. Thank you to Designer’s Litho for doing all our recent printing jobs. They have been wonderful to work with! Designer’s Litho 14997 SW Tualatin-Sherwood Road Suite #105 Sherwood, OR 97140 Tel: 503-625-5070 Fax: 503-625-7675
Save the Date B’nai Mitzvah January 10, 2015 April 18, 2015 April 25, 2015 June 20, 2015
Natalie Goldberg Caden Ellertson Matigan Williams Zack Friedman High Holidays and Memorial Plaques
In the year 2000, we opened our Sacred session of the Beit Haverim Cemetery (Lake Oswego) and a few years ago installed a beautiful memorial stone on which families can place loved ones' names on memorial plaques. Memorial plaques are available for $180 and are a lasting and way to remember those who were dear to you in life. If you purchase soon, we hope to have your plaque installed before our Sept. cemetery memorial service. Please contact the office for more information or to order. April, 2014 September, 2014
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Community Events Knitzvah! We are again knitting/crocheting hats, cowls, headbands and scarves for Lift Urban. They host a party every December for low income adults living in NW and Downtown Portland. This helps keep folks warm and it is often the only gift they receive all year. We have yarn at Beit Haverim that you can use. It is a basket in the fireside room. Last year we were able to give 47 items. It would be great to increase that number. Any questions, contact Karin Stolz. Thank you so much for being part of this worthwhile project.
Portland Jewish Book Month Club Joint program between Beit Haverim and Congregation Shir Tikvah
Sunday, November 16, 2:00PM Mittleman Jewish Community Center 6651 SW Capitol Hwy, Portland, OR 97219 Join us for a joint program for Portland Jewish book Month "In the Courtyard of the Kabbalist" by Ruchama King Feuerman.
The program will start with an introduction to Kabbalah by Rabbi Stone followed by a discussion of the book. “In the Courtyard of the Kabbalist” by Ruchama King Feuerman is described as… An eczema-riddled Lower East Side haberdasher, Isaac Markowitz, moves to Israel to repair his broken heart and becomes, much to his own surprise, the assistant to a famous old rabbi who daily dispenses wisdom (and soup) to the troubled souls who wash up in his courtyard. It is there that he meets Mustafa, a devout Muslim, deformed at birth, who is a janitor who works on the Temple Mount. When Mustafa finds an ancient shard of pottery that may date back to the first temple, he brings it to Isaac in friendship. That gesture sets in motion a series of events that puts Mustafa in mortal danger.
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Community Events
Hebrew Marathon at Congregation Shaarie Torah September 7, 12:00 - 7:00 p.m. Cost $80 Want to learn how to read Hebrew? Here is your chance! We will learn all the letters in the Hebrew alphabet, and give each student the beginning tools for Hebrew decoding - all with humor and energy! Sign up if Hebrew learning has been your dream! Please register by September 2 by emailing Dorice. Minimum of 10 students needed to have the class. Dinner will be served at
Social Hall at 7:00 p.m.
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In the Beit Haverim Community Yarzheits
Birthdays Gabriel Hunter-Bernstein
September 1
Rabbi Larry Halpern
September 3
Ethan Hunter-Bernstein
September 4
Linda Perlstein
September 5
Leah Beyer
September 6
Jennifer Evert
September 9
Allison Kirkbride
September 9
Simeon Stolzberg
September 9
Michael Blatt
September 10
Amy Steingrebe
September 14
Daniel Brady
September 18
Laurie Sonnenfeld
September 18
Melissa Dorreman
September 19
David Minch
September 20
Lauren Fowler
September 21
Brian David
September 23
Ilana Schwartz
September 24
Lucy Steingrebe
September 24
Isaac Callagan
September 25
Brandy Horwitz
September 25
Carmit McMullen
September 25
Bob Perlstein
September 25
Jayne Dearborn
September 26
Jeffrey Beyer
September 28
Stephanie Lipman
September 29
Louis Macovsky
September 29
Norman Asher
September 3
Cousin of Shirlee Berman Selig Kavka
September 3 Father of Alicia Kavka
Alex Boro
September 5 Father of Leslie Bratschi
Pascal Schwartz
September 5
Father of Fred Schwartz Harold Spiegel
September 5
Father of Suzanne Greenspan Florence Lillian Horwitz
September 8
Mother of Barbara Brady Ronald Brock
September 14 Father of Mitch Brock
Sarah H. Flaxman
September 14
Grandmother of David & Gabrielle Williams Richard Payne
September 16
Father of Alvin Payne Mona Felder
September 22
Mother of Helene Felder Callagan & Bethanne Felder William Markgraff
September 22
Father of David Markgraff Dr. Marshall Schuster
September 22
Brother of Sharon Rose Millie Cabihi
September 25 Sister of Lester DeAsis
Helen Greenspan
September 27
Mother of Daniel Greenspan
Kim & Bruce Goldman
September 1
Larry Sokol & Martha Spinhirne
September 1
Dana & Todd Scheele
September 3
Alvin Payne & Nancy Lepler
September 9
David & Nancy Levine
September 22
Ann Brown & Robin Rabiroff
September 28
Noah Jacob Cohen-Mallon
September 28
Son of Carol Cohen and Cary Mallon Louis Lew
September 28 Father of Francia Trosty
Stephen Schwartz
September 28
Father of Brian Schwartz Mortimer Silverman
September 30
Grandfather of Michelle Minch
August, 2014 September, 2014
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