the world is full
july 24 till august 7 from
Art Moleto ArtMoleto is an international animated and evolving art project by Michelle Hold. These have been our projects so far: 2016 Terrae; The world is full of color; Touch of water; Shades of silence; Oltre l’immaginazione; Bright red. 2015 Sogno dell’acqua; Nutrirsi di luce; Silent view. 2014 Silenzio; Rosso vivo. 2013 Atlante delle nuvole. 2012 Rosso vivo. 2011 Il sogno dell’acqua.
Artisti Ilenio Celoria, Michelle Hold, Alessandro Patrone, Petra Probst, Daniela Vignati. |
I nternational T raining C enter ILO United Nations The International Labour Organization and the Italian Government established the International Training Centre in 1964 in Turin, Italy, as an advanced vocational training institute. It has since matured into a focal point for high-level in-service training. This takes place in Turin, in course participants’ home countries or via the Internet. The Centre is more than a training institute. The campus in Turin, Italy, is a meeting place where professionals from all over the world share experience. Here, they transcend national frontiers and capitalize on cultural diversity to develop an in-depth view of the world of work. This is also true of our distance learning virtual campus networks. Our courses abroad, too, bring together regional or national counterparts for what may be a rare opportunity to share views and experience and to learn together.
The present exhibition is addressed to the participants of Boulder giving them a sample of artists operating in the region. They are united by their love for color and nature. “Mere color, unspoiled by meaning, and unallied with definite form, can speak to the soul in a thousand different ways�. Oscar Wilde
Celoria Color is light and photography is all about capturing the subject beautifully in the available light.
Ilenio Celoria was born in Casale Monferrato, Italy, in 1971. After graduating in architecture at the University of Genoa he devoted himself to teaching and researching in the field of photography. Since 2001 he has taught at the Technical Institute Leardi in Casale Monferrato and is a contract professor at the Polytechnic School of Genoa. He also taught Teaching of visual representation at the University of Genoa and Photography at the Academy of Fine Arts in Sanremo. He has exhibited at the Venice Biennale, the Biennale of Photography in Alessandria, the Museum of Natural Sciences of Turin, ArtBrescia and various Italian and foreign galleries.
In viaggio, 2016, 30X30 cm 5
Color stimulates my way to paint and is essential for our wellbeing.
Michelle Hold, born in Munich, grew up in Austria. She started studying architecture in Austria. She lived in Paris, New York, Hong Kong and Munich, where she attended various art and textile design classes and subsequently worked as textile designer in Milan. Her work is an exploration of the abstract, dance like gestures and the vibrations of color. Light, movement, nature, thoughts and new spirituality with scientific grounding are essential for her..She has exhibited in New York, Miami, Shanghai, Nantung, London, Paris, Lisbon, Berlin, Vienna, Cologne and in Italy, received many prices and her works are found in private collections. Her last solo exhibition ‘Warriors of Light’ was in London at Debut Contemporary in 2015.
Another time, 2015, 120x120 cm 7
Colors are the building blocks of creation.
Alessandro Patrone is an abstract painter and a professional in the field of the technical cooperation. He was born in Turin, Italy, where he is presently based after having lived abroad in various countries. His paintings are inspired on a wide range of motivations: the universe, the cosmology, the interaction between consciousness and nature, or simply a new idea that emerges all of a sudden. He has exhibited his paintings in Italy and beyond receiving a significant number of awards and recognitions.
Flowers, 2015, 80x80x70 cm 9
Probst “Color hides a power which acts on every part of the body”. W.Kandinsky
Petra Probst lives and works in Munich and Turin. Artist, free-lance illustrator and author, she specializes in books for children. As an expert in art didactic programmes and in art/dance therapy techniques she organizes and leads multicultural art projects for children, teens and adults. Her art works have been displayed in several individual and group exhibitions. In 2015 in Sicily/Sciacca she curated with Flavio Tiberti the exhibition dedicated to the Mediterranean Sea and its refugee victims entitled “ROVI DI MARE, Visioni di un orizzonte in bilico” that will move to Genova MUMA in 2017.
Prelude, 2015,70x100 cm 11
“God becomes the world in so many colors� Hermann Hesse
Daniela Vignati, born in Milano, studies at the Anthroposophic School of Oriago (VE) where she finalizes the idea of creating social art holding workshops with children and grown ups. She also worked closely with an egyptian artist and metalworker and realized many pieces of jewelry. She lives in the Monferrato since 1990.
La luce è piena di figure, 2010, 70X100 cm 13
Contemporary art exhibition
Ilenio Celoria Michelle Hold Alessandro Patrone Petra Probst Daniela Vignati
progetto ArtMoleto grafica Ilenio Celoria
International Training center ILO United Nations