04opinions issue 1

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4 Blueprint


Oct. 28, 2016

Donald Trump promises to make America great again By Maddie Arceo, Photo Editor Jayna Bardahl, Print News Editor It is quite obvious that this year’s presidential election between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump has sparked heavy controversy. Despite the bitter arguments made against the Republican presidential candidate, I endorse Donald Trump to be the 45th President of the United States. Trump has become successful at everything he has set his mind to. He floated the idea of entering the presidential race in the 1988, 2004 and 2012 elections, proving his legitimacy and his dedication to take on the role as the nation’s 45th president. Trump chooses to express his opinions using assertive language, which does not go unnoticed by the press. America should appreciate the transparency presented. Yes, Trump has said things in which have negatively impacted the way some people view him, but being in the spotlight of every news television show in America

should not require perfection. the same opportunities One of Trump’s most controconcerning his or her versial policies is that on immieducation despite their gration. As many know, Trump financial background. continuously mentions his plan According to donaldto build a wall on the border jtrump.com, “As your of the U.S. and Mexico. What president, I will be the naseems to be ignored by the tion’s biggest cheerleader public, however, is that at least for school choice. I want two million illegal immigrants every single inner-city live in the United States, and child in America who is Trump’s policy intends to detoday trapped in a failing feat this issue. school to have the freeThrough Trump’s vision, dom -- the civil right -- to these illegal immigrants who attend the school of their have smuggled their way into choice,” Trump said. the workforce will be removed. A Trump sign photographed outside of one of his supporters’ house. In order to make up for Although harsh, this plan benthe country’s economic isPhoto by Jayna Bardahl efits American citizens in need sues and decreasing labor efit America and this policy is one of of jobs. Trump wants American force options, Trump’s the many ideal reasons to vote for workers wages to increase and he plan for the next decade is to create Trump in this 2016 election. strives to ensure that open jobs are a “dynamic, booming economy that On the topic of education, Trump offered to American citizens before will create 25 million new jobs over will be adding a federal investment anyone else. the next decade,” Trump said. of $20 billion towards helping chilTrump’s immigration policy only Though portrayed in the media as dren with school choice. This money intends to help American citizens. egocentric and thoughtless, Trump He will establish a legal immigration will be geared towards the 11 million puts forth a lot of effort behind his school-aged children living in povsystem because it would benefit job policies. His vision for America is opportunities and the well-being of erty. one that has the potential to benAmerican people. Although viewed He believes that, as a nation, the efit us all and can only improve the negatively, Trump’s visions will bengoal should be that every child has country as a whole.

Clinton has what it takes to be the first U.S. female president systemic racism in this country exists and that to move forward we must first address the issue of racism. Politicians such as Trump Never has a political elecwho refuse to say that tion been more fraught with black lives do matter controversy, defamation are part of the problem. and division. Although both Clinton is not afraid to Hillary Clinton and Donald say it. She brought the Trump have created their fair mothers whose sons share of scandals and neiwere victims of systemic ther is a perfect candidate, racism to the Democratit is obvious who will make a ic National Convention. better leader. I’ll give you a Possibly one of the hint: it’s not Trump. Clinton biggest misconceptions is a far more experienced, about Clinton is her knowledgeable and prepared stance on gun control. candidate for the presidency. She is NOT going to I support Clinton because take away all of your she realizes science is real guns. Clinton supports and climate change is not, in “commonsense reforms” fact, a hoax. Climate change -- reforms such as closis one of the biggest, if not ing the loophole that alTHE biggest issue currently lows people to buy guns facing humanity. We can from gun shows and not afford a president who online without backbelieves that climate change ground checks, banning is man-made and has no plan people on the no-fly list of action to deal with it. from buying guns and Clinton has specifically reducing the number of outlined a plan to develop A citizen reading about our presidential candidates in the newspaper. military-style weapons renewable energy during on the street. her term as president, and Photo Illustration by Eileen Tyrrell These reforms aren’t she has a history of advocatattacks on the Second ing for the environment. It cept from 10,000 to 65,000. This is Amendment; they’re smart proceis clear that she will make climate a reasonable number considering dures to reduce the number of deaths change and the environment a priorit is about the size of a city. We as and injuries resulting from misuse of ity as president. a country have the resources that guns. Clinton plans to help not only are needed to help victims of war. I often hear, “I hate Clinton; she’s a our people, but others as well. The According to Attn.com, the United liar and a cheat.” What makes her a refugee crisis isn’t a problem we can States birth rate is declining. This liar and a cheat? The email scandal? simply ignore. As Clinton has stated, means that without immigration or An email server is a system used to we are a nation of immigrants, and the entry of refugees, our population prevent intruders from reading your simply closing the doors to refugees will begin to decline. emails, make sure your emails dewho are in danger is immoral and A major issue in our country right liver and ensure that the people who irresponsible. now is the Black Lives Matter moveemail you are who they say they are. Clinton would like to increase the ment, which is also misunderstood In the past, the Secretary of State number of refugees that we acby many. Clinton understands that

By Gisselle Cervantes, Copy Editor Eileen Tyrrell, Online Entertainment Editor

has used a government email server; however, during her term as secretary, Clinton decided to use her personal home email server. It opened her up to hackers, which the FBI has explained is a possible reason for the loss of emails. Clinton was asked to turn over the emails while investigating the attacks in Benghazi, and only eight emails were handed over. This is because the rest of the emails were on Clinton’s personal server, not because she was hiding them. The loss of emails on her personal server, as the FBI states, very likely could’ve been because of a hacker. There is no way to confirm that the emails that went missing had anything to do with the attacks in Benghazi. The only judgement issue Clinton made was choosing to use her own private server. However, even if she had used a government server, there would still be a chance her emails could have been hacked. I would gladly support Clinton even if she was running against another candidate. However, in these dire circumstances, it is even more evident that Clinton is the only candidate worthy of the presidency. Trump is simply not fit to be the leader of the free world. He has stances on 13 issues on his website; Clinton has plans for almost three times as many. He has no political experience whatsoever, and often displays a lack of knowledge on the subject matter he needs to be an expert on. There has never been a more abysmal candidate for president of the United States. Although it is true Clinton has made mistakes, there is no doubt that she is an experienced, competent and knowledgeable candidate. That’s why I’m with her.

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