Brillionaire Magazine - Volume 1

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Why it's important to protect your brand as soon as possible

Trademark W.E.A.L.T.H book released in Mexico


Decrees for Experiencing MEGA FAVOR in March 2023 and beyond.






07. PROTECT YOUR BRAND Why is there so much discussion about brand protection these days.

0 9. M E E T A T A V I A B A R N E S GET READY TO "CATCH IT" As a woman of courage, Atavia Barnes tells us about her game-changing services & amazing story.

12. ENTREPRENEUR SUCCESS TIPS Grab a cup of coffee or tea, and learn some success tips for the digital age

14. MEGA MARCH FAVOR DECREES Make these favor decrees from the editor's book and watch your life transform this month.


I am excited to introduce you to Brillionaire Magazine. In this magazine, we will highlight some inspirational people, share interesting news, spotlight some of our members and so much more.

Editor’s Note OUR NETWORK DETERMINES YOUR NET WORTH; THERE IS VALUE IN COMMUNITY. If you're like me, you have read this prior statement a lot, but you may find comfort in your cozy corner. Let me be the first to say that I need to come out of my shell. Most people think I am a super busy extrovert, but I am the opposite.

In this first Volume of Brillionaire

Magazine, I want to encourage you (and me) to make small steps. Can I tell you a secret? I know many amazing people doing big things in public while spending a lot of quiet time alone. However, I also know that no matter if you like quiet time or being the life of the party, your circle can impact your ability to level up in life.

the manifestation of something that I have wanted to do for a long time -

Michelle J. Miller Editor-in-Chief

release a magazine. With this new endeavor, I get to tap into my H.S. experience working for a city-side newsletter in Chicago, IL, and my experience working for a campus magazine while attending the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. If you like to become a volunteer writer, send an email to Enjoy the



In this issue, I am personally celebrating

P R O TECT Y O U R BRA N D By Michelle J. Miller

During the days of the global pandemic, many people's lives have changed. People quickly learned that their jobs were not promised to them, so there was an emergence of new entrepreneurs around the world. Because most of us were stuck indoors, strategies for business made exposure on social media a necessity. Entrepreneurs love exposure, but increased exposure lead to the possibility of people looking to steal your brilliant brand ideas. For this reason, it is important for you to protect your brand.

Protecting your brand is very important. Why? If you don't protect your brand via a registered trademark. A registered trademark is the only way to protect you from brand thieves. Brillionaires protect their brands because they know one brilliant idea can transform their income bracket. So, make sure you protect your brand. B R I L L I O N A R I E M a g a z i n e| P a g e 0 7

"One stream of income is hazardous to your WEALTH." -Lynn Richardson

VOl 1 2023


BRILLIONAIRE MEET ATAVIA BARNES GAME CHANGING ADMINISTRATOR Atavia shares her experience and rationale on the importance of having an Executive Administrator and a loyal team to execute your ministry and marketplace vision

THE HURT THAT HELPED We go deep. Atavia will help you understand how what hurt you can help change your life

Atavia Barnes

"CATCH IT" An interview with Atavia Barnes Known as a life-changing administrator, Atavia Barnes is the face behind many six-figure business and ministry events. Atavia is a servant leader who has overcome numerous obstacles to become a mighty woman who often says she is "number one at being number two." For the first issue of this magazine, I could have featured so many amazing people, but she was the first person that came to mind because of how her ministry and gift of administration have helped my ministry and my business. ATAVIA BARNES

Atavia's background as Human Resources professional prepared her to be an entrepreneur who operates in excellence. She is a Business Consultant, Executive Administrator, Road Manager, Conference Strategist, Editor, and Content Writer. To kick off our new issue, i want you to learn more about Atavia Barnes. B R I L L I O N A R I E M a g a z i n e| P a g e 1 0




Volume 1

Atavia is the owner of ASB Consulting Services, LLC. AB Consulting Firm is a faithbased consulting firm specializing in executing business excellence. When speaking of her skills, Atavia says, "I have a passion for what I do, and with 15+ years of experience in human resources and project management, I am guaranteed to position your business for next-level operation. I have diverse skills that allow Atavia to aid businesses and individuals in various ways." Atavia is also the mastermind of ASB Collaborative, an empowerment platform designed to educate, encourage, and empower individuals in their sphere of influence.


In her book, The HURT that HELPED, Atavia talks about five dimensions of hurt and five dimensions of healing. Atavia's insight about these dimensions helps people process what they went through so they can win at life no matter the previous pain they experienced. Atavia's pain helps to produce kingdom purpose, and it helped her excel in her gifts and operate in ministry with excellence. Go grab Atavia's book, The Hurt that Helped. Follow her on social media and remember to "catch it" when she releases some revelation.

E N T REPRE N E U R 7 - F IGURE S U C C E S S T I P S By Michelle J. Miller

You must believe that success is your destiny. A 7 figure salary may seem like an impossible feat, but I believe you and I can reach this financial goal by trusting in God, doing the work, and knowing our numbers. If you make $1,000,000 annually, your hourly salary would be $481, working 40 hours a week, 52 weeks per year. Not many companies pay this salary, and not many entrepreneurs, who even charge more than $481 an hour, consistently make that 40 hours a week for the entire year.

So what can you do to reach 7-figure s t a t u s ? W e ll, f ir s t , y o u n e e d a p l a n . S e c o n d , y o u p r o b a b l y n e e d t o c h a r g e fo r y o u r p r o d u c t s a n d s e r v i c e s . F o u r th , y o u m u s t g e t in f r o n t o f m y p o t e n t i a l c l ie n ts a n d c u s t o m e r s . F i n a l l y , y o u n e e d to s h a r e your product and services with more p e o p le . Y o u n e e d t o m a k e $ 2 7 3 9 . 7 2 p e r day every day of the year to make your f i r s t 7 - f ig u r e s . C a n y o u m a k e t h i s p e r day?

Brillionaire Magazine | Page 12

Looking at this number, it may seem impossible. This looked impossible to me as an attorney with 20 years of experience. That is until I became an entrepreneur who is a Brilliionaire. As a Brillioinaire, we are the following: We have brilliant ideas We are rich in ideas Our ideas impact our income One brilliant idea can make us a millionaire or billionaire To reach 7 figures, you must realize that you are brilliant and bankable. Let's break this goal down further. If 1000 people paid you $1,000, you would make $1,000,000.00. If 10,000 people paid you $100, you would become a millionaire. God can give you a brilliant idea to produce a 7-figure income. Create a strategy, and you can make 7-figures one day. You may need to create multiple streams of income like many millionaires. You can make 7-figures.


Hey Brillionaire, I want to tell you something, and it is this: FAVOR is one of my favorite subjects! Being obedient to God’s direction to prophesy favor over the lives of His people changed my life. As I prophesied unique favor experiences over God’s people, an increasing jaw-dropping favor began to flow in my life. As I obeyed God in writing, prophesying, and decreeing favor over the lives of others, I began to experience MEGA FAVOR.

In 2022, I released a book entitled "DECREES For MEGA FAVOR," and the favor in my life skyrocketed. In every issue, I will share prayers, decrees, and declarations on favor. May the light of God's favor be upon you!

Order my books to get the full context.

It is the set time for God to release MEGA FAVOR over my life. I decree and declare that every day is a day of MEGA FAVOR for me. This is my year of MEGA FAVOR. It is my time and my turn for MEGA FAVOR. It is my appointed time of MEGA FAVOR. I decree and declare that I am entering into a new era of MEGA FAVOR. I decree and declare that I will have a lifetime of MEGA FAVOR.

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Magazine Your brilliant ideas have the ability to increase your income and impact the wo rld .


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