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Article stories - Architecture Portfolio sample: MArch Thesis Works by Michelle Lum
Site-Issue Driven Master of Architecture Design Thesis
In the design thesis studio, the research methodology began with a chosen site where its urban context and the surroundings studied thoroughly and in-depth to grasp the proximity to reality as a practice to the real world, along with discussions upon issues existed within the community. The relevancy of the surroundings to the thesis topic allows programs to derive as well as the owners of site and clients to be explored. The design process involved studies analysed and later synthesised into a conceptualised scheme with further exploration in detail via various aspects with a collective set of drawings as a complete “built“ design thesis project.

Wih lecturers and external critics at University of Malaya
Along with my studies throughout the year, a collective and collaborative process that involves fellow studio mates, studio masters and visiting critics had contributed to the developing process cyclically and iteratively, as well as experimental. The journey of learning had been fruitful, and I cannot be more grateful for the guidance and advice that shaped the design thinking as well as the entire design research proposal.

Bukit Kerinchi Rehabilitation Centre
Bukit Kerinchi Rehab Centre is a public outpatient rehabilitation centre under the initiative of the Ministry of Health Malaysia, with the aim to bridge the gap between the discharged hospital patients and disabled home living. Functioning as a therapy connection from public hospitals, the Rehab Centre will be solely focusing on serving rehabilitation services to the public.
With the site located at the fringe of an urban forest, Bukit Gasing Forest Reserve, Bukit Kerinchi Rehabilitation Centre aspire to incorporate biophilic elements such as light, air, plants to provide a holistic recuperative environment for the users and patients of Kampung Kerinchi as well as the Greater Kuala Lumpur. Studies of movement recovery process lead to the incorporation of physical built environment elements will help in enhancing the efficiency of rehabilitation along with the relaxing healing environment for an all-inclusive recovery treatment process.
Congested Public Hospitals
More than 70% of Malaysian rely on public healthcare. However the overcrowded situation of public hospitals hinders the outpatient facilities where patients may not obtain sufficient rehab treatment
Gap Between Discharged Patients & Home Living
Going for rehabilitation is the transitional process of healing between hospital and homes. The current state where the rehabilitation aspect is often overlooked and rehab treatment is not well known or well accepted yet in Malaysia (The Star, 2018). This poses a missing piece in the process of recovery for patients to heal completely and to adjust back to living in the home environment without medical care and aids all the time.
Unfavourable Healing Conditions of Current Rehab Facilities
From the information obtained from existing rehab facilities in Klang Valley, it is found that the issues were similar: internal circulating air, lack of access to nature and confined spaces. These issues may contribute to the delay and slow healing during rehabilitation, which contradicts with the restorative aspects of rehabilitation.
Site Plan

Bukit Kerinchi was selected as the site after site analysis studies done upon the area, where:
1. Presence of one of Kuala Lumpur urban forest: Bukit Gasing as a main green lung in the city - Ideal place for healing/rehabilitation facilities
2. Close proximity to various healthcare settings - Main public hospital : University Malaya Medical Centre, Hospital Kuala Lumpur - allow close collaboration with hospitals
3. Strategic Location - located between two main townships : Kuala Lumpur and Petaling Jaya - ease of access for patients and family members

Time and distance between nearby public and private hospital
With the proposal of revitalising the selected site into a government-initiated rehab centre, the context of an underused community centre is studied in terms of its surroundings. This includes the climatic context, surrounding terrains and adjacent sites. Programs were derived from the current nature of health and well-being of the people within the community centre itself.

Site Issues
Surrounding site environment is taken into considerations of humble building design and less impactful to the adjacent sites. The wind path consists of the South-West prevailing wind and wind flows from the west to east due to urban heat island effect where the dense housing areas are located on the east. Sun rays on-site are filtered on the east by Kondo Rakyat flats (Kondo Rakyat site is a sunken ground) and filtered by Bukit Gasing on the west, reducing the amount of west sun glaring upon the site.

The site allocated with abundant landscape for stormwater drainage due to adjacent lower sites with dense housing. To avoid flash floods, retaining ponds functioning as landscaped water body is introduced while having softer ground covering such as grass and grasscrete on-site for rainwater absorption into the ground and integrating into the surrounding landscaping of the proposed therapeutic garden.
Synthesis of Design Intentions
The design of Bukit Kerinchi Rehab Centre aims for a more holistic environment for healing physically and also psychologically. Besides the restoration of a particular patient's previous state of in terms of his/her physical body, the psychological state have to be well taken care of especially issues such as depression and fear in being in a rehabilitation facility. This objective is not only targetted for the patients but also the medical workers and visiting family members as well.

Ground Floor Plan
The integration of nature elements in Bukit Kerinchi Rehab Centre serves as a proposal with the strategies of taking advantage of the surrounding site context. The focus on elements such as air, light, plants and choice of materials may contribute in providing a holistic healing environment in the rehab centre for the people and community of Kampung Kerinchi as well as greater Kuala Lumpur.

First and Second Floor plan
Building Program Flow And Spaces
The building program of this rehabilitation centre is straightforward to minimise the common perception and confusion of wayfinding within a hospital healthcare setting. The main programs will be rehabilitation therapies such as physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and hydrotherapy. The treatment program of dialysis is added due to respect of a dialysis program conducted by YKN Dialysis at the former building on this site.

Axonometry of building programs
Supportive rehabilitation programs such as wheelchair workshops, assistive technology facility, disabled living unit and therapeutic garden are proposed within this rehab centre to provide a more comprehensive rehabilitation service for the patients. Other ancillary programs like cafe, rehab supply shop, patients information area, management office and utility area are also added for an inclusive rehab centre design.

Site section of the rehabilitation centre

Entrance Statement of Rehab Centre
Patients and family members greeted by a welcoming entrance and drop off area, surrounded by greenery that provides privacy from the public eye.

Indoor Rehab Circuit
Indoor Rehab Circuit
Rehabilitation circuit as the main circulation space for patients and family members to hang out, move about, and functions as a buffer between the public drop off and the more private inner circulations to therapy spaces.

Outdoor Green Area
Public green areas adjacent to cafe and rehab shops for family members to hang out while waiting for the patients getting their therapy done.

Outdoor Rehab Circuit
Outdoor rehabilitation circuit that functions also as a social space for family members and a small amphitheatre looking out into the therapeutic garden.

Hydrotherapy Treatment Pool
Set above the therapeutic garden at Bukit Kerinchi Rehab Centre, the cool hydrotherapy pool area offers a view overlooking the nature green surroundings while maintaining seclusion for patients’ therapy sessions.

Outdoor Activity Area
The open outdoor activity area allows flexibility for various group exercises such as yoga or pilates with vast views overlooking surrounding garden areas, creating a sense of tranquility and privacy during therapy sessions.
Special Studies - Embedded Tools for Healing (Universal Design)
Circulation is often a problem in healthcare buildings (inclusive of rehab facilities) where it is often only functions as a bypass area. In this rehabilitation centre, some rehab tools are embedded within the design of spaces to assist exercises, contributing to an interactive person-building session. All of these embedded structures will be shown as more realistic and less overwhelming. With these simpler versions of existing built environment structures such as ramps, steps, flat ground, the patients can build more confidence and feeling less frustrated while performing a task.
Indoor Rehab Circuit (image below)
Indoor Rehab Circuit is the main circulation route in this rehab centre, allowing the movement of patients, family members and staffs while ensuring privacy from the main therapy spaces. This rehab circuit offers an interactive setting where movement is stimulated and physical exercise is encouraged. Bottom:

Universal Washroom (image above)
Usage of universal washroom is not limited to the patients who are disabled on wheelchairs, but also to the usage of patients in crutches, and also to the usage for patients’ family member. Adjustable basins are used for the ease of every user. To create a comfortable experience for toilet usage, permeable facade elements and indoor air purifying plants are used.
Physical movement intergrated walls (image below)
In rehabilitation the upper limbs (for upper body parts) are the main areas that involve various types of therapy. These include the shoulder, arms, palm, wrists and fingers. By allowing the integration of upper limbs movement exercises within the built environment, in this case, the walls, the patients can indirectly perform the activities. These tasks will be seen as more realistic and less overwhelming. The integrated walls design also allows permeable wall structure to let in natural daylighting and ventilation into the therapy spaces. This will aid in the patients' wellbeing during therapy sessions by being in contact with daylight, fresh air and views to the natural surroundings.

Landscape Features - Healing Garden Pods (top left) & Garden Shelter (top right)
Healing garden pods offers an area of seclusion where the patients can have some time of reflection for themselves. The shaded round-shaped pavilion gives a sense of tranquility and enclosed feeling, so that the privacy of the users within the pods is ensured. Garden shelter offers users to rest adn enjoy yhe natural garden setting after strolling on the garden. It is also a point of intereaction where people can gather and have conversations.
Physical Model
A site model is constructed with the surrounding contour to study the use of the sloping site. A series of cascading blocks with height variations was decided as the final scheme to integrate with the sloped boundary of the site, to avoid the presence of dead spaces. The east part of the site was proposed as a healing garden that integrates with the existing forest of trees on the steep terrain.

A final model is constructed to demonstrate the relationship of the building with its site context.

Close ups at one of the rehab blocks

Various degrees of height are shown in the proposed building design
Model Studies

Case studies
Due to the nature of the design thesis where the site context is priotized, an indepth study of the urban surroudnings is conducted to form the basis of the design thesis.

Visit to the rooftop sensory garden of University of Malaya Medical Centre as a case study

Visit to the roof top outdoor rehab space of ReGen Rehab as a case study

Consultation on rehab centre design with critiques and feedback given by professional rehabilitation doctor and professor Dato' Prof Dr. Zaliha binti Omar
Wrapping up

Portfolio review of design thesis works and research studies in University of Malaya

With studio master and coordinator, Dr Naziaty during the display of graduation works
Master Studio Project - Housing

The idea of The Flex @ Sentul comes from the synthesis of two major issues where the site, Sentul, of this project is proposed: gentrification and sense of belonging. With the problem of gentrification happening as a result of city development, residents would have to live with the constant pressure and fear of being displaced due to the rising prices of housing.
The current housing situation around lacks flexibility in the housing itself, projecting various concerns such as the living conditions of a growing family where there are inadequate spaces to suit the users’ needs. Shifting from different houses of different locations from time to time will result in the lacking in the sense of attachment of a place, where the people would call home.

Design Issues
1) Issue of Residential Typology: A growing family requires different needs at different stages
- Newly wed couple : 2 person
- Newly wed couple + children : 2 person + n(child)
- Different number of family as time passes: 2 person + n(child) + elderly parents
Result: Inadequate space as the family grows

- forced a family to move out from their existing homes
- lack of privacy for different family members
- bedroom intimate space
- study/work spaces for children
- Children’s need to play outdoors

2) Urban Design Issues : Gentrification of Sentul old town
Lost of local businesses which allow traditional businesses of sentul: Lost of local communities and identity of Sentul old town

In order to overcome the issues above, the design proposal is based on the design intentions and solutions below:
1) Empowering people within the community and provide business opportunities
- provide spaces to for small business : accept and include them as part of the growing community and development, instead of displacing them to other areas
- introduce community teaching system : ensuring the local culture and essense will not be lost along the way of development, thus reducing the lost of identity and spirit of the local communities
2) Customisable home units
- add on spaces based on requirement : families are able to choose the customisation of their homes within the units
- foster sense of place in Sentul : families will not be force to move out of their home just because of inadequate spaces, hence creating a long lasting community within the area itself.
This site at Sentul is chosen for its strategic location for a transit-orientated development. Linkage of the existing nodes and the curation of new nodes to provide places for activities of the local community such as markets and food stalls. Pedestrians and cyclists are also encouraged to enhance the connectivity of the surroundings.

Green areas provided and serve as a park for the community, as well as a buffer zone between vehicular and pedestrians activities.

Pedestrians paths and food stalls by the locals and residents, forming a connection from the KTM and the other areas of Sentul West.

- PROPOSED SITE: The proposed site with a total area of approximately 3.45 acre with an immediate context of KTM Sentul Station at the West, residential towers at South, and shop lots at East.
- MASSING BREAKDOWN: The building mass is broken down to two blocks to : - break down the high-density single-sided facade - allow connections between KTM and shophouses st Jalan Haji Salleh
- TOWER MASSING: Tower blocks are recessed facing inwards to the office tower. The carpark podium with facilities will act as a buffer for the housing between the office tower, KTM and the main road of Jalan Enam.
- POROSITY: The ground floor is kept to open to the public to maximize the permeability of the site. The porosity of the site is important to not only the pedestrians, but also to facilitate natural ventilation.
TEMPORARY TRANSIT NODE: Open park with commercial settings set as the transit nodes for the public and KTM riders. It also acts as a temporary area for emergency shelter
- EDGES : Landscaping is used for side boundary. This will create a softer edge and allow public engagement and walking where the people can enjoy the landscaping at the park and public realm.

HIGH DENSE BUILDING MASSING : Proposed site adjacent to KTM sentul. Approximate area: 3.45 acre. Tower split into two to provide an entrance statement, and at the same time breaking down the single-sided main facade.
CUT IN : Tower blocks are recessed facing inwards to the office tower. The carpark podium with facilities will act as a buffer for the housing between the office tower , KTM and the main road of Jalan Enam.
TOWER HEIGHT : The building height is adjusted to provide a more pleasant outlook, and to reduce the number of units closer to the adjacent office tower.
SKY BRIDGES : Sky bridges served as open green areas to allow connection between two blocks, and also creating space for dialogues and conversations.

The allocation of spaces for the residents to contribute to the society economically such as workshops and having small business at the commercial settings not only helps in generating income for the families (such as housewives does not have the freedom to be away from home the whole day), it also aid in the persue of overall housing maintenance fees. interactions between people happen with the need of each other. hence through these activiies one may know who lives within their neighbourhood as well.
In order to create the sense of place with local activities, the establishment of Workshops spaces to generate income for the residents and provide allocation for maintenance fee. In this way, local skills can be integrated as well while able to generate income for livelihood.
How it works: Knowledge sharing by residents > Fees paid for the lessons > Income generated for both “teacher” resident and management of The Flex + Residents who acquire skills may rent small commercial lots for the selling of local goods
Examples of possible workshop activities: Cooking, Drawing, Sewing, Woodworking

View from jalan enam - commerical settings that functions as daily markets with local handicrafts and goods.
The units come with a default setting of the unit where the family can later add on various housing components (walls, floors, stairs) into the unit to suit their liking. The allocation of front yard and backyard further enhance the user’s interaction with their surroundings at their ease. Varying degrees of flexibility can allow the housing unit to “grow” with the need of their owners, thus reducing the problems of insufficient space within the home unit itself.
1) Immediate flexibility : Yard area, Sliding doors, Sofas

Proposal of Front Yard for the unit itself allow the tenants to have: Casual meetings and conversation, Extra party spaces, Entry storage, Garden display

Front Yard area where the neighbours can interact with each other
Proposal of Back Yard within the unit itself allow the tenants to have extra spaces within the unit that is applicable to their own needs.


During windy days = extra living room space

During sunny windy days = laundry space

During sunny days = Extra space with shades

During rainy days = Close up of folding doors
Mid Term Flexibility: Walls Doors Windows
Long term flexibility: Stairs, Floors

Evolution of Units from Short term, Mid term to Long term Flexibility

View of living and dining area when first bought (extra study spaces)

View from kitchen with new first bought unit

View towars dining after adding of floors

View of upper floor after adding floors and stairs

Grey : Static space; Brown: Flexible external space' Yellow: Flexible internal space
Master bedroom 11.8 sqm, bedroom 9.9 sqm, bath 3.6 sqm, yard 5.76 sqm, living room 14.2 sqm, kitchen 5.3 sqm, front yard 3.2, total 61 sqm = 656.5 sqft

Variant 1

Variant 2

Grey : Static space; Brown: Flexible external space' Yellow: Flexible internal space
Master Bedroom 11.0 sqm, bedroom 9.9 sqm, bedroom 2 9.2 sqm, study 6.5 sqm, bath 3.6 sqm, yard 10.0 sqm, living room 14.5sqm, dining area 12.28 sqm, kitchen 5.71 sqm, front yard 7.3, total 93.5 sqm = 1006.4 sqft

Variant 1

Variant 2

Podium parking and facilities floor

Break levels
Block A

Block B




Master Studio Project - Office Tower
The bustling development of Sentul area resulting in the increasing of gentrification shows the lack of interaction between the locals and the new people coming in. The usual office buildings suffer from SBS (sick building syndrome) with the lack of connections due to the confinement of office spaces. This raised the idea of creating common spaces for interaction and connections between people and their surroundings, besides having only the conventional office spaces.

Atria office tower is designed as a cutting-edge building, escaping from the conventional block form to show some playfulness as a new building block in the heart of Sentul. The series of atrium introduced in this office tower opens up to the busy street of Jalan Enam, acting as a window connecting the world of work and the surroundings. These atriums act as the social heart of the building, as well as an environmental buffer to reduce energy usage of the tower.

Chance encounters are encouraged in this office building, where work collaborations can be increased, be it formal or informal. Common pantry is introduced as an informal meeting space for the office staffs. The greenery-filled balcony with shaded areas at the atrium becomes a congregational focal point for the entire office for breakout, respite, and mostly importantly chanced meetings. The introduction of vertical and horizontal louvres as sun shading device at the building facades aims to allow the building to be semi-transparent, whilst reducing sunlight penetration and glare into the building.


- lost of local businessaes which allow traditional businesses of Sentul
- lack of cultural and historical understanding towards Sentul
Results: Lost of identity of Sentul
2) Typology : Sick Building Syndrome in Offices
- Stagnant air
- Chemical containments in office
Results: Sick, stressed and unhealthy workers - reduce productivity
Design Intentions
1) Enhance people's Inter-action to relate existing communities and the newcomers: Provide spaces to interact: Interaction: Public - Office - Co-working - Corporate
2) Healthy office building: sustainable , well-ventilated building
Atrium as a point of gathering in the office tower with several enclosed multiple-volume spaces. The public domain at the ground floor ties several focal spaces back to the lobby atrium and link the entire building visually with its surroundings.
The open space at the ground floor lobby serves as a multifunction space where the surrounding community can hold events and bazaars. In this case, it does not only strengthen the community spirit, it also increase the income of the office tower and reduce negative spaces for crimes.

In order to enhance the permeability of the site, the new office tower allows connectivity at ground floor area to omit disruption of pedestrians passing across the site. The public space at ground floor level allows connection between Sentul West [KTM and KLPAC] and Sentul East [ new housing development ie Fennel ]. The atrium of the building works as a vertical path the connects the people visually.
Atrium as a buffer between the districts since Atria office tower is located right in between the two districts of Sentul - Sentul East and Sentul West - that represents the new and old of Sentul area. The open atrium at lobby attracts and welcomes people into the multiple volume space.
Different green pocket nodes are proposed to provide a softer edge to the angular shape of the given site. - Table and seating area of outdoor cafe invites people from KTM station - Green park with stormwater garden soften visual impact from the main road of Jalan Perhentian - Plaza is introduced to connect towards the future housing development.
Atrium as a soft edge catalyst between teo district of Sentul West and Sentul East. The vertical green of balcony is created to bring up the greeneries from ground level, thus tying the surrouding greens together.
Atrium as a landmark feature of the new office building. The use of atrium allows different design as compared to the typical office building design where the daylighting and natural ventilation is not taken care of.

Site Analysis
1) Sun Orientation: Long facade facing North and South + Core placed at west facade to block heat from the sun.
2) Circulation: The main entrance of building faced the most prominent Jalan Enam, thus atrium is located at the front to enhance the entrance
3) Zoning: The office is zoned based on hierarchy, where the public area is at street level, going up to coworking spaces, multitenant offices and lastly the highest level will be occupied by single tenant badly corporate.
4) Pedestrian Circulation : Nodes are located around the site to hinder to pass through the building. The atrium acts as a gathering point before heading to the next destination.
Form Development
Form making according to site > Permeable Ground floor + Side Atrium facing main road > Extrusion of balconies > Gentle approach to building & Dynamic form
Integrated Sustainability

1) Daylighting and Glare Analysis
a) Glaring and maximum heat gain inside building
b) Low-E glass and thermochromic glass : control light penetration into spaces
c) Extrusion of floors as balcony : minimise light penetration
d) Louvers as sun shading device : reduce the amount of light into the corridor
2) Natural Ventilation Analysis
a) Natural ventilated and porous ground plate to second floor through atrium
b) Ventilated at the common shared spaces along the atrium
c) Naturally ventilated balcony area with operable windows and fixed horizontal louvers
3) Thermal Comfort Analysis
a) Extended balcony: Reduce amount of heat going directly into the building
b) Protruded planter box provides greenery and shade
c) Sun shading offers shield from direct heat gain
4) Social Interaction Analysis
a) Far focal points cause visual discomfort
b) Extended balcony shorten the focus points and allows more visual interaction
c) Promote visual interaction vertically

Sustainability Features
1) Low-E Glass: Reduces penetration of harmful UV rays from sunlight into the office. It also reduce heat energy from entrering the building. Hence providing full external view to the surroundings.
2) Louvers as sunshading devices : Vertical louvers are used at the North and South facade while the horizontal ones are used at East and West facade.
3) Pavagen Tiles: A smart flooring system that generates electricity from footsteps. This generated power is enough to light up street lamps and that can ensure safety of pedestrian to encourage more people to walk.
4) Low VOC Materials: In order to reduce sick building syndrome, low VOC materials of plasterboards, carpets and paints are used for office interiors.
5) Photovoltaic panels: cuts down cost on electricity as part of the energy is self generated. Allows lower reliance to the National Grid.
6) Natural Ventilation: provided at corridor area, lowering part of the energy consumption of the building in cooling.
7) Thermochromic glass: with 60% visible light transmission & dynamic tinting allows interesting auto colour changing facade at atrium.