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45 Games of Pickleball Challenge!

From Buzz Wood, USAP Ambassador/St. Johns County


Three years ago, when I began playing pickleball, I thought to myself, I wonder if there’s a way that playing this game that I’ve fallen in love with could be used to benefit others? And I now have that answer!

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital was started by actor, singer, comedian, and philanthropist Danny Thomas back in 1962 in Memphis, Tennessee. Since then, this hospital has served children here at home as well as from around the world who have struggled with cancer. Danny fervently believed “no child should die in the dawn of life” and thus was born St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital!

Now it’s my turn, and our turn, to help these terrific children and their families as they work towards wellness!

The “45 Games of Pickleball Challenge” is a fundraiser that I’m participating in to do my part to help out this worthwhile cause, and you can be a part of this effort. You can either play one of the games in the month of July or just go to the Facebook Donation page for the event: https://www.facebook.com/donate/811691740332139/ If you’d like to play DM me on Instagram @pickleballbuzz or email buzz@pickleballbuzz.tv

Playing has its benefits, as we're going to do a drawing after the month of July concludes for 6-Boxes of PCKL’s Elite 40 Pickleball 4-Packs, and we’re also giving away 2- Legacy Pro Carbon Fiber Paddles! So be sure to schedule some playing time, or if you can’t play, we can include you in the drawing by reaching out to me via Instagram or email.

Hope to see you in the month of July as we do good for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital!

About Buzz-

Buzz Wood is a video podcaster, pickleball coach, player, and storyteller, who is constantly involved in evolving and growing the sport. Catch him on his YouTube channel at: https://www.youtube.com/@pickleballbuzz

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