volume 63, number 2 Special Fall Issue
Special Fall Back to School Issue Review pages 4 for recommended WBEA Bylaw changes. See you at convention!
WBEA Fall Convention Information Pages 3, 6 & 7
New WBEA Registration System Page 5
DPI Professional Development Opportunities Page 14
The Wisconsin Business Education Journal is a refereed journal and is an excellent opportunity for business educators to share their thoughts and ideas relating to business and marketing education. Do you have a great idea or want to share a tip from your classroom? We would love to hear from you!
Articles can be submitted via email or on disk. Photos should be submitted as black and white with at least 300 dpi resolution.
WBEJ submission deadlines: Spring ................................... April 1 Fall.........2 weeks after convention Winter....................... December 15 I am looking forward to serving as your interim WBE Journal Editor. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. Michelle McGlynn WBEJ Editor Waunakee High School 301 Community Drive Waunakee, WI 53597 608-849-2130 608-849-2164 fax mmcglynn@waunakee.k12.wi.us
WBEA Fall Convention Eau claire October 16 & 17, 2014 _________________________ Mark your calendar and register today!
WBEA 2014 Fall Convention .......................................................................................... 3 WBEA Proposed Bylaw Changes................................................................................... 4 New WBEA Registration System .................................................................................. 5 WBEA Convention Information .................................................................................... 6 WBEA Convention Tentative Agenda ......................................................................... 7 Professional Development, EconomicsWisconsin ..................................................... 8 Professional Membership Beyond WBEA ................................................................... 9 WBEA PROPOSED Name & Logo Change .............................................................. 10 WBEA Award Nominations .......................................................................................... 11 EconomicsWisconsin Professional Workshop ........................................................ 12 Licensing and Professional Development, Dave Thomas ....................................... 13 More Professional Development Opportunities....................................................... 14 Revised Wisconsin CTE Standards Released ........................................................... 15 Business Education Hall of Fame, News Release ..................................................... 16 Disciplinary Literacy Resources....................................................................................17 WBEA District Realignment ........................................................................................ 18 Executive Board Members ............................................................................................. 19 National Business Honor Society................................................................................ 20
CALL FOR MANUSCRIPTS The Wisconsin Business Education Journal is a refereed journal listed in Cabell’s Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Education. Submitted manuscripts are given a blind review by three external reviewers. Accepted manuscripts are published twice a year, Winter and Spring. The deadline for submission of manuscripts for the Winter issue is June 1 and for the Spring issue is November 1. The purpose of the WBEJ is to provide educators with articles reflecting present and future teaching strategies, research-based articles, and technology ideas in business and marketing education. Only manuscripts which meet this purpose will be considered for publication. Research-based manuscripts will be submitted for review. Non-research manuscripts, such as teaching tips, will not be reviewed and are forwarded to the General Editor for publication decision on a space-available basis. Publishing Guidelines 1. All manuscripts should use APA style and be between 1-10 single-spaced pages in length. Leave one blank line between paragraphs and before and after headings. 2. The manuscript should be submitted in camera-ready format, typed in Microsoft Word using Times New Roman, 12-point font. 3. All graphics (tables, graphs, charts, etc.) should be encased in boxes. 4. Manuscripts should have 1-inch top, side, and bottom margins with no page numbers. 5. A title page that includes manuscript title and name, address of institution, email address, and phone number of each author must be attached to the manuscript. No identification information of authors should be included within the manuscript. 6. Four original hard copies of the manuscript should be mailed and one electronic version, an email attachment or CD, should be submitted to: Debbie Stanislawski, Ph.D., Research Editor, WBEJ UW-Stout Chair, School of Education 276 Heritage Hall, Menomonie, WI 54751 StanislawskiD@uwstout.edu Phone: (715) 232-1088
2 www.wbeaonline.org Wisconsin Business Education Association
WBEA 2014
October 16-17, 2014 The Plaza Eau Claire Schedule Overview See Page 7 for a list of Tentative Sectionals! Thursday, October 16 7:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. 7:00-8:00 a.m. 8:00-9:45 a.m. 10:00-10:45 a.m. 11:00-11:45 p.m. 12:00-12:45 p.m. 1:00-5:00 p.m. 1:00-1:45 p.m. 2:00-2:45 p.m. 2:00-3:45 p.m. 3:00-3:45 p.m. 4;00-4:45 p.m. 5:00 p.m.
Registration Continental Breakfast OPENING SESSION Session 1 (3 double sessions and 2 single sessions) Session 2 (3 double sessions continued and 2 single sessions) Luncheon (with a guest presentation!) LUNCH CHOICES INCLUDE: Chicken Caesar Wrap, Sandwich Plate, Chef’s Salad (COST $15.00) Exhibits Open (1 Day Only!) Session 3 (3 double sessions and 2 single sessions) Session 4 (3 double sessions continued and 2 single sessions) TOUR—Silver Springs Session 5 (5 single sessions) Session 6 (5 single sessions) PIZZA PARTY
Remainder of evening is open for participants to network, socialize, and enjoy beautiful Eau Claire!
Friday, October 17 7:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. 7:00-8:00 a.m. 8:00-9:30 a.m. 9:30-10:00 a.m. 10:00-10:45 a.m. 11:00-11:45 a.m. 12:00-12:45 p.m. 1:00-1:45 p.m. 2:00-2:45 p.m. 3:00 p.m.
Registration Continental Breakfast DPI BREAKFAST WITH DAVE & ANNUAL MEETING Hotel check-out time Session 7 (5 single sessions) Session 8 (5 single sessions) AWARDS LUNCHEON (MEAL CHOICES INCLUDE: Meatloaf, Sage Stuffed Chicken Breast, or Pork Loin (COST $17.50) Session 9 (4 single sessions) Session 10 (4 single sessions) Executive Board Meeting
Lodging Information The Plaza Hotel and Suites 1202 W. Clairemont Avenue Eau Claire, WI 54701 Tel: 800-482-7829 www.plazaeauclaire.com Single/Double Triple/Quad
$70 + tax $89 + tax
Tax Exempt? Be sure to mention and bring a copy when you check-in! Sleeping Block #7719 or mention WBEA when calling for reservations.
WBEJ Special Fall Issue 2014 3
WBEA Bylaw
Changes in the Constitution/Bylaws Article I Name Strike out Wisconsin Business Education Association Replace with Wisconsin Educators for Business and Information Technology Organization Replace same throughout entire document where needed. Article II Mission Statement Insert between words business and education And Information technology Insert same throughout entire document where needed. Article IV Membership Section 1 Professional Membership Strike out Association Replace with Organization Replace same throughout entire document where needed Article IV Membership Section 1 Professional Membership Strike out undergraduate student Replace with current post secondary student not currently holding a Business Education license Article IV Membership Section 4 Life Membership Strike out entire section
Awesome WBEA Professional Development Videos! SLO Google Hangout 15 minutes Google Presentation—SLO Information on behalf of Stephanie Jansen, Muskego High School Using Google in Your Classroom 46 minutes Featuring WBEA Board Members and Google Certified Teachers and Trainers! 4 www.wbeaonline.org Wisconsin Business Education Association
New WBEA Website and Registration System To better serve our members, WBEA has changed registration programs. Memberclicks offers an all in one access to membership and web content. Membership and Convention registration are ready for you! Click on the links below and you will be able to complete your membership registration. Please note: If you want to receive the membership price for convention, you must first register as a member then complete the convention registration. Once you open the registration site, follow the instructions to complete the process. After you have submitted your membership registration, the convention registration site will appear. Any questions please email Josh Firgens at joshuafirgens@gmail.com or call 608.632.0621. Josh Firgens WBEA Membership Professional Membership
Student Membership
WBEJ Special Fall Issue 2014 5
Annual Convention
October 16-17, 2014 The Plaza Eau Claire Plans are well underway for the WBEA Convention being held in Eau Claire this October 16-17, at the Plaza Hotel.
This year we are again offering both a 1-day and 2-day registration fee! One of the many concerns we hear from members is that they are unable to attend both days. To encourage attendance, even for one day, we now have options!
REGISTER TODAY! Registration Fees—Early (Now-October 3) $30.00 for 1 day registration (STUDENT MEMBERS) $60.00 for 1 day registration (WBEA MEMBERS) $120.00 for 1 day registration (NON-MEMBERS) $60.00 for 2 day registration (STUDENT MEMBERS) $110.00 for 2 day registration (WBEA MEMBERS) $170.00 for 2 day registration (NON-MEMBERS) Registration Fees—Late and Onsite (October 4-Convention) $45.00 for 1 day registration (STUDENT MEMBERS) $95.00 for 1 day registration (WBEA MEMBERS) $135.00 for 1 day registration (NON-MEMBERS) $90.00 for 2 day registration (STUDENT MEMBERS) $125.00 for 2 day registration (WBEA MEMBERS) $185.00 for 2 day registration (NON-MEMBERS) A TENTATIVE schedule is on the next page. Please check our website for convention updates as they become available!
Please note: Exhibitors will only be at the convention the first day. We are shortening their participation but hopefully giving you more time to visit them.
6 www.wbeaonline.org Wisconsin Business Education Association
IT Personal Finance School Stores Middle School Topics Standards Based Grading
Check the listserv and wbeaonline.org for the most up-to-date information on the fall convention.
WBEJ Special Fall Issue 2014 7
WBEA Membership Remember to pay your annual WBEA dues! Membership in WBEA offers educators a discount on convention registration, members-only professional development documents via the WBEA site, and access to resources offered in the WBEJ. Renew your membership today!
Renew my WBEA Membership!
Professional Development Opportunity! Join EconomicsW isconsin for this one day conference covering topics on economics and personal finance. FREE CURRICULUM is offered!! Get Your Students Pumped Up on Personal Finance and Economics! Friday, October 17, 2014 9:00 AM to 2:30 PM Lambeau Field (North Balcony) 1265 Lombardi Avenue | Green Bay, WI 54304 Register online today! Registration cost is $95.00 and includes beverages, continental breakfast, lunch and materials. Topics being covered:
Geography of Jobs during the Great Recession The Student Debt Crisis Educator Effectiveness and Personal Finance: It’s a Match! Currency and the Fed Plus more!
Graduate Credits Available UW-Whitewater will offer graduate credit for attendance at the WBEA conference October 1011 in Madison. One graduate credit may be earned by attending all sessions, attending a meeting with a UW-Whitewater faculty member during the conference, and submitting a graduate-level report summarizing all sessions attended. The current cost for one graduate credit at UW-Whitewater is $454. The tuition for Fall 2013 has not yet been determined, but it will be at least $454 per credit. If you are not already a graduate student at UWWhitewater, you may apply as a Non-Candidate for Degree student at http://www.uww.edu/ gradstudies/application.php. Once enrolled, contact Julie Marino at 262-472-6232 or marinoj@uww.edu in order to register. Indicate that you wish to enroll in CIGENRL 798 for one credit for WBEA conference attendance. Julie will only be able to register you if you are enrolled as a student and hold a UWWhitewater student ID number.
This workshop and the accompanying materials are made available to teachers through the generous support of State Farm and the Council for Economic Education. We look forward to seeing you there! Click here for the registration flyer. Stephanie Czosnek Program Coordinator, EconomicsW isconsin www.EconomicsW isconsin.org P: (414) 221-9785 | F: (414) 221-9790 7635 W. Bluemound Rd. | STE 106 Milwaukee, WI 53213
8 www.wbeaonline.org Wisconsin Business Education Association
Beyond WBEA Consider taking your professional affiliation one step further by joining NBEA and SIEC/ISBE SIEC/ISBE provides a vital link between business and education. Both business representatives and educators benefit from an affiliation with SIEC-ISBE. SIEC/ISBE will: Address common challenges in national chapters Exchange experiences in business education Provide international networking opportunities Provide international educational opportunities Provide diversity through experiencing various cultures Encourage the development of chapters International Conference Opportunities 87th Annual International Conference Krakow, Poland AGH University of Science and Technolgy July 26-31, 2015 Theme: Education for Business Sustainability Conference Website
The National Business Education Association (NBEA) is the nation's leading professional organization devoted exclusively to serving individuals and groups engaged in instruction, administration, research, and dissemination of information for and about business. NBEA is the leading association devoted to the recognition that business education competencies are essential for all individuals in today's fast-changing society. National Conference Opportunities NBEA 2015 Annual Convention Chicago Marriott Downtown Magnificent Mile Chicago, Illinois March 31 - April 4, 2015 NBEA 2016 Annual Convention The Cosmopolitan Hotel Las Vegas, Nevada March 22 - 26, 2016 NBEA 2017 and NBEA 2018 Annual Conventions: Chicago, Illinois
Professional membership in WBEA, NBEA, and ISBE makes business sense! WBEJ Special Fall Issue 2014 9
The Wisconsin Business Education Association has proposed a name and identity change to better reflect the role of Business and Information Technology Educators in Wisconsin. The proposed name change is Wisconsin Educators of Business and Information Technology (WEBIT). The purpose of the change is to provide a better reflection of the role of Business and Information Technology teachers in Wisconsin and the education they provide to students in the state. In May 2014, a survey was sent to the general WBEA membership with a selection of six potential new logo designs. Twenty-nine members responded with an overwhelming response for the logo pictured. The marketing committee, headed by Kurt Wismer, within the executive board will further develop marketing materials and prepare for the proposed identity change should the membership vote in favor of the change at the fall membership meeting. The necessary bylaw changes will also be made by the executive board. Please contact Kurt Wismer at wismerkurt@gmail.com with any questions related to the proposed identity change or the marketing committee work.
10 www.wbeaonline.org Wisconsin Business Education Association
Award Nomination
Do you know a current WBEA member who . . .
Excels in business education? Willingly gives of themselves to assist in the development of business education? Serves as a mentor or role model for others? Shares their love for teaching and children?
Do you know someone who. . .
Supports business education or business educators but is not an instructor? Contributes to the advancement of business education? Promotes business education? Makes the time to support others in their pursuits?
Then consider nominating that teacher or Friend of WBEA for one of these awards by clicking on the link and completing the online nomination form: 1 Friend of WBEA Award
2 ISBE Scholarship 3 Lorraine Missling 4 NBEA Scholarships 5 Outstanding K-12 Educator 6 Outstanding Post Secondary Educator 7 Russel J. Hosler Award
Register Today for the 2014 WBEA Fall Convention! WBEJ Special Fall Issue 2014 11
12 www.wbeaonline.org Wisconsin Business Education Association
Statewide Software Licensing Agreements Over this past few months, Microsoft in cooperation with the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction has stepped forward to provide Microsoft Enrollment for Education Solution (Wis EES). The agreement to use Microsoft’s highest volume license program - Enrollment for Education Solution (EES) - offers the most cost effective solutions for school districts. This Statewide Software Program highlights numerous opportunities such as Google Apps for Education (GAFE). Please visit http://imt.dpi.wi.gov/imt_wisconsin-statewide-software-program for a full list of Statewide Licensing Agreements for Wisconsin PK-12 Schools for your consideration. Any vendors that would like to be included on the website linked above should follow up with the contacts listed on the website.
Professional Development
As you begin the upcoming school year, please consider taking a moment to advocate for upcoming professional development opportunities. The Guiding Principles of the Educator Effectiveness System http://ee.dpi.wi.gov/ eesystem/guiding-principles support the following: “Informs appropriate professional development. The framework is a formative tool to help educators improve practice and increase student learning outcomes. It guides professional development goals building on areas of strength and improving areas of need. An educator’s evaluation will inform the Professional Development Plan (PDP) used in licensing.” There are a number of outstanding events scheduled to support your professional growth this year. Please visit http://bit.dpi.wi.gov/bit_pd to review upcoming scheduled events. Also, please note that our complete CTE Calendar has migrated to the following site: http://cte.dpi.wi.gov/teamevents/month.
Submitted on behalf of: Dave Thomas Education Consultant Business & Information Technology Department of Public Instruction 125 S. Webster Street Madison, WI 53707 Voice: 608.266.2348 Fax: 608-267-9275 david.thomas@dpi.wi.gov
WBEJ Special Fall Issue 2014 13
Professional development opportunities are planned for this fall. Although the following events are not solely dedicated to standards conversations, portions of all events listed below will include opportunities to expand your understanding of the revised standards. September 16, 2014 September 17, 2014 September 19, 2014 September 22, 2014 September 23, 2014
BMIT Standards Development Workshops, CESA 1 & 2 Register Here
CESA 1, Pewaukee
BMIT Standards Development Workshops, CESA 6, 7 & 8 Register Here
CESA 6, Appleton
BMIT Standards Development Workshops, CESA 3, 4 & 10 Register Here
CESA 4, West Salem
BMIT Standards Development Workshops, CESA 11 & 12 Register Here
CESA 11, Turtle Lake
BMIT Standards Development Workshops, CESA 5 & 9 Register Here
CESA 5, Portage
October 17-18, Wisconsin Business Education Association Annual Convention 2014 October 17, 2014
Economics Wisconsin Event for Teachers, Registration and Information Here
November 21, WICPA Accounting Symposium 2014
Eau Claire
Lambeau Field, Green Bay Madison
Dave Thomas Education Consultant Business & Information Technology Department of Public Instruction 125 S. Webster Street Madison, WI 53707 Voice: 608.266.2348 Fax: 608-267-9275 david.thomas@dpi.wi.gov
Literacy Resources
http://www.philadelphiafed.org/education/teachers/resources/keys-to-financial-success/index.cfm Keys to Financial Success is a complete course plan for teaching personal finance to high school students. It is composed of 54 lessons designed to help you teach your students personal finance using active and collaborative learning. Keys to Financial Success is offered free of charge to schools and teachers. 14 www.wbeaonline.org Wisconsin Business Education Association
CTE Standards
We are pleased to share with you our recently revised Wisconsin standards for Career and Technical Education. A formal announcement from the State Superintendent and complimentary set of the standards documents will be sent to district administrators in the near future. However we wanted you to be aware the standards are now available for your use online. Click on any link below to go to the standards web page. Wisconsin Wisconsin Wisconsin Wisconsin Wisconsin Wisconsin
Standards Standards Standards Standards Standards Standards
for for for for for for
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources; Business and Information Technology; Family and Consumer Sciences; Health Science; Marketing, Management and Entrepreneurship; and Technology and Engineering.
The comprehensive standards documents include a vision for student success and guiding principles for teaching and learning. Another feature of the standards documents is a set of common career technical standards that are part of each subject area standards. These standards represent the common skills, knowledge, and dispositions that are necessary for students to succeed in careers. Program leaders will find the guide valuable for making decisions about program structure and integration, curriculum redesign, and staff development, to name a few. Furthermore, these revised standards and supporting resources will guide schools, districts, and communities in engaging in larger conversations about the important role of CTE in ensuring that students are college and career ready. To that end, multiple professional development opportunities will take place statewide throughout the upcoming school year. These are being designed with the teacher in mind and will focus on implementation of the standards. Please find the professional development opportunities for each CTE program at http://cte.dpi.wi.gov/cte_standards. We believe that Career and Technical Education (CTE) has significant value for all students – from introducing them to the world of work to providing specific technical skills. CTE helps students to find relevance, application and understanding of the core subjects. Please feel free to provide feedback on the standards. This site represents the first version of what’s to come! Dave Thomas Education Consultant Business & Information Technology Department of Public Instruction 125 S. Webster Street Madison, WI 53707 Voice: 608.266.2348 Fax: 608-267-9275 david.thomas@dpi.wi.gov
WBEJ Special Fall Issue 2014 15
News Release Business Education Hall of
News Release August 2014 On Saturday, November 1, 2014, Dr. Calfrey C. Calhoun and Dr. Gordon F. Culver will be inducted into the Business Education National Hall of Fame at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. Dr. Calfrey C. Calhoun received degrees from the University of Georgia, Georgia State University, Peabody College, Vanderbilt University, and Ohio State University. Dr. Calhoun’s impact as an educator was most immediate in the Southeastern United States but also felt throughout the United States. Hundreds of students graduated from the Bachelor of Science in Education program at The University of Georgia (UGA) during his 25 years there. He also influenced a broader scope of student in his role as Dean of the School of Technology at East Carolina University, a position he held for five years. He published at least 26 articles, 3 yearbook chapters, 9 books, 2 technical reports, and 2 monographs. Dr. Gordon F. Culver held degrees from Oklahoma State University and the University of Nebraska. He taught at Stillwater High School and Oklahoma State University in Stillwater, Oklahoma, and at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) until he retired in 1990. Dr. Culver served as President of National Business Education Association, President of Delta Pi Epsilon, and President of Mountain-Plains Business Education. He was also a Dean of the Institute for Certifying Secretaries, an honorary life member of Professional Secretaries International and Cornhusker Chapter of PSI, and Past President of Lincoln Chapter of Administrative Management Society. The primary purpose of the Hall of Fame is to pay tribute to those men and women who have made significant contributions to business education in the United States. The Business Education National Hall of Fame is located in the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. The Hall of Fame was started at Rider University in Lawrenceville, New Jersey, in 1977. To be nominated, a candidate must have been an active business educator (teacher, lecturer, author, supervisor, publisher, inventor, etc.) and have been deceased at least three years prior to the nomination deadline. Elections to the Business Education National Hall of Fame are held every two years. The Selection Committee is comprised of an anonymous group of business education leaders from throughout the United States. For more information about the National Business Education Hall of Fame, please contact: Julie Marino Department of Curriculum & Instruction University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Whitewater, WI 53190 Phone: (262) 472-6232 Fax: (262) 472-1988 E-mail: marinoj@uww.edu 16 www.wbeaonline.org Wisconsin Business Education Association
Literacy Resources
The State of Wisconsin introduced the new Common Core State Standards for Literacy in All Subjects in midSeptember, with a new resource page available for educators was made available in early October. General information regarding this initiative can be found at the agency website at: http://dpi.wi.gov/standards/ disciplinaryliteracy.html . Also called “disciplinary literacy”, this increases concentration on reading, writing, listening, speaking, and performing in all content areas, from kindergarten through twelfth grade as a way to enhance learning of specific content and concepts. This not only strengthens reading, writing and communication skills, but also increases comprehension in subject areas. Originally part of the Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts, Wisconsin is a front-runner in expanding these standards for all areas and grade levels.
Economics Wisconsin
Registration has opened for EconomicsWisconsin's Fall 2014 Professional Development Workshops. These workshops are each one-day conferences for 6th through 12th grade educators. Each workshop offers engaging presentations to help bring you up to date on some of today's most important personal finance and economics issues. Gain valuable knowledge that will help you lead classroom discussions and answer your students' questions with confidence. For a complete list and links, visit—www.EconomicsWisconsin.org/Teachers.html WBEJ Special Fall Issue 2014 17
The map below shows the new WBEA District alignment (labeled as Region 1-7). This change was voted on by WBEA membership in September 2012. An additional Region/District was added as well as some realignment of counties within each Region/District. WBEA Districts currently align with FBLA Regions.
18 www.wbeaonline.org Wisconsin Business Education Association
WBEA Executive Board 2014-2015 Title
Rebecca Ackermann Jennifer Bishop
backermann@xaviercatholicschools.org jbish@omro.k12.wi.us
Rebecca Bushman
Chief Information Officer
Josh Firgens
Allie Holtzer
Past President
Scott Kosidowski
District 1
Cheryl Hopkins
District 2
Danielle Stiebs
Travis Johnson
District 6
Sheri Schmidt
District 7
Kyla Stefan
Student Representative
Student Representative
Convention Coordinator
Mike Carpenter
Legislative Chair
Marketing Director
Kurt Wismer
WBE Journal Editor
Michelle McGlynn
District 3 District 4 District 5
WBE Journal Research Editor Debbie Stanislawski
Katie Grassel
NCBEA Representative
Tina Trumbower
DPI Representative
David Thomas
WTCS Representative
President Elect WBEJ Editor Legislative Chair District 3 & 5 Reps If you are interested in serving on the board of this great organization, go to wbeaonline.org and follow the links under about WBEA for more information or email Jen Bishop at jbish@omro.k12.wi.us or Becky Ackermann at backermann@xaviercatholicschools.org WBEJ Special Fall Issue 2014 19
National Business
Honor Society
Are you looking for a way to provide honor and national recognition to outstanding students in your business education program? Look no further. The National Business Honor Society is the perfect way to bring greater recognition to your students AND your business education program. By starting a chapter of the honor society, you will be able to promote and recognize your dynamic students’ academic achievement in business education at the secondary level. Who’s eligible? Any high school junior or senior who has completed or is currently enrolled in his/her third business course and has a 3.0 (overall) and 3.5 (business course) GPA. What school can start a chapter? Any public or independent secondary school offering business curriculum reflective of National Standards for Business Education is eligible to apply for a local chapter charter. Start a chapter today. It’s so easy…you’ll be glad you did! The National Business Honor Society is an official division of the National Business Education Association. Through starting a chapter your students’ names and school will be recognized in NBEA publications and on our Web site. More information is available at www.nbea.org.
National Business Honor Society Schools
Campbellsport High School Holmen High School Menomonee Falls High School Oshkosh West High School Seymour Community High School Sturgeon Bay High School Xavier High School, Appleton
Mark Your Calendar WBEA Convention Eau Claire October 16-17, 2014 NBEA Convention Chicago, IL March 31-April 4, 2015