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What’s poppin Whitney Key Club? Another month has gone by in a flash, and there were so many opportunities for you all to participate in this past month. We have had our first general meeting of the year, our November DCM, a variety of fundraisers, and so much more! However, we know a lot of stress can come with all of these unique events, so we decided to have our own game night to help you all relax and have fun before our Thanksgiving break started! On November 20th, from 3-5 P.M., Whitney Key Club held their own game night, which went out very smoothly and successfully. These 2 hours were filled with so much fun and exhilaration due to the fact we had a variety of games to play, with some of them including Among Us, Spyfall, a scavenger hunt! We were also getting ready for the holiday spirit by listening to Christmas music. Plus, everyone was having fun and interacting with each other. From talking about what everyone is doing over Thanksgiving break to arguing about what colors are assigned with each subject, there were several topics everyone was discussing, which made the event a lot more enjoyable. Continuing on, there weren’t too many technical difficulties throughout the game night. Although moving people to breakout rooms was a hassle, our treasurer, Saadhvi Narayanan, did a spectacular job of making sure everyone was in their proper room. As well as this, all of these proceeds from this game night fundraiser will continue to go to PTP, also known as the Pediatric Trauma Program. PTP is one of Key Club’s most important preferred charities since, with our donations, we are able to reduce the number of children who are killed or injured by trauma. With all of your help, out of our whole division, we were able to raise the most money for PTP so far. Therefore, I want to thank each and every person in our club since, without you, we wouldn’t be able to raise money for this wonderful cause. All in all, this game night was truly remarkable since all of our members who came were able to relax and have fun with their friends to start off their Thanksgiving break, as well as help an important cause! Also, if you weren’t able to make it to this event, don’t worry! We will have several upcoming fundraisers you all can participate in, so make sure to keep checking your emails! I hope to see you all at future events and fundraisers, and I hope you all continue to stay safe and healthy!