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Pure fitnessa complete fitness club

About Pure Fitness • The fitness equipment available in this club is world class and the areas of training include cycling sessions, boxing practices and weight lifting sessions.Various diversifying fitness classes are scheduled in the exercise programs devised by the club which include group classes of yoga, Pilates, polar cycling etc. the club also organizes dance exercises such as hip hop dances, disco dancing, aerobics, pole dancing and Latin dances. One of their most sorted after classes are the world famous Les Mills programs.

The fitness center

• The fitness center also facilitates the people who want individual training sessions. They have professional personal instructors among their staff members who are globally certified trainers. Other than certified trainers and instructors, the health club also has qualified dieticians and nutritionists and fitness consultants.

The built • The fitness club chain is established across the world, from Canada to the Asian countries like Hong Kong and Singapore. The clubs, in all their establishments, are spread out in large area with well-defined interiors.

• The environment of the clubs is clean, warm and inviting where people feel relaxed and comfortable. The health clubs are structured in such manners that they receive good amount of sunlight throughout the day.

The hea lt h cent er s have de sign a te d a re as fo r diffe re nt e xe rci se pr ogra ms and als o ha ve st u dios for gr ou p ex erci se s. Othe r t han t he se , the clubs al so have a n ar ray of am en i ti es su ch as l u x ur i ous l ocke r r oo ms, goo d chil dcare fa cil it ie s, ma ssage the rapy s ess ion s, heal thy jui ce bar s and we ll ness cent ers.

You are I d e a l C a n d i d a t e t o j o i n t h e f i t n e s s center •

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