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WASHTENAW COUNTY BOARD CANDIDATES Editor’s Note: Heritage Newspapers asked each candidate for the Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners to fill out a profile to help voters make an informed decision as they make their way to the polls for the Aug. 3 Primary. Some candidates face opposition within their party, while others do not. Below are their profiles.

ERIC BORREGARD Office sought: Washtenaw County Commissioner, District 1. Political affiliation: Democrat. Residence: Dexter. Occupation: President of EB Graphics/Artech LLC. Education: Associates Applied Science from Oakland Community College. Currently attends Madonna University and is a senior in broadcasting and cinema arts. Previous elected office: Vice chairman of the Southwest Oakland County Cable Commission’s Promotion Committee. Current public or community service: Washtenaw Democratic Party, executive committee member; chairman of IRV Michigan; treasurer of Dexter Area Democrats.

Key issues *Emergency economic aid. *Bike path development. How will you address each of these issues: *Joblessness in southeast Michigan remains the highest in the nation, a Declaration of Economic Emergency would fend off massive layoffs of teachers, police and county workers. It would also help provide county property tax relief for homeowners and economic stimulus for farms and businesses, similar to the kinds of federal relief given in southeast Louisiana after Katrina. *Development of improved county roadway standards and designs that incorporates bicycle traffic and bike public safety. Personal: Age, 54; single, with one son.

ADAM ZEMKE Office sought: Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners, District 1. Political affiliation: Democrat. Residence: Dexter Twp. Occupation: Aerospace manufacturing engineer and assistant business development manager; Demmer Corp. Education: Bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering, Michigan State University; master’s degree in mechanical engineering, Michigan State University. Previous elected office: None Current public or community service: Dexter Township Public Safety Advisory Committee member; Society

Primary 2010 of Automotive Engineers Formula SAE event captain and organizing team member; Society of Automotive Engineers University Education Programs board member; technical education outreach speaker to K-12 and pre-college students; educational outreach speaker for the Society of Automotive Engineers Foundation; SAE Detroit section Formula SAE Student Workshop speaker. Key issues *Develop our local economy. *Increase government efficiency. How will you address each of these issues: *Work with the state and County Economic Development Offices and Ann Arbor SPARK to expand the growth of companies coming to Washtenaw County. Help to ensure that the development message for Washtenaw County is synonymous across each body of economic development. Also, work to grow existing Washtenaw County companies and provide useful loans to companies looking to grow, especially target sectors that will take advantage of the agriculture and smaller downtownbased economic development systems fundamental to the prosperity in the non-urban portions of the county.

Implement a job-based system of metrics to measure success of every county dollar spent on economic development. Also, work to target companies and organizations that will allow the county to take advantage of the resources that Washtenaw County currently has, especially the University of Michigan, and provide jobs for a range of age demographics. Pay special attention to organizations that will be available and attractive to young people, as these future generations help to provide a stable economic base for continued growth. *Review services the county is mandated to provide funding for, looking for any unnecessary expenses. Ensure that residents understand what services are mandated and what are nonmandated. Continuously educate the Board of Commissioners through face-to-face discussions with county residents about what services they want and need to see provided by the county. Review the county budget to see if funds remain after mandated services are provided for. Review proposed non-mandated services and determine options for funding remaining services. Work with county sheriff

to ensure that the Board of Commissioners, the sheriff ’s office, county residents and other local governmental units have common goals for public safety. Encourage intergovernmental collaboration whenever possible, especially on services that are necessary to keep residents safe. Work with state legislators to ensure that they remain aware of and engaged with county issues. Implement non-mandated services, establishing metrics to measure success rate, and provide a balanced county budget. Website: www.AdamZemke. com Personal: Age, 27; single.

KATHY KEINATH Office sought: Washtenaw County Commissioner, District 1. Political affiliation: Republican. Residence: Lyndon Township. Occupation: Small-business owner and civil engineer. Education: Bachelor’s degree in civil engineering, Michigan Technological University; master’s degree in construction management, Eastern Michigan University. Previous elected office: None. Current public or community service: Volunteer coach, Chelsea Recreation basketball and T-ball. Key issues *Fiscal responsibility/balanced county budget. *Representing residents’

priorities. How will you address each of these issues: *We must work to maintain a balanced county budget by gaining efficiency and maximizing our existing resources. We must prioritize our most important services and focus on reducing overall costs by having the county departments’ collaborative efforts to optimize interrelated services and coordinate our efforts. I believe that it will be my responsibility as your county commissioner to represent what the citizens of our district want from their government. I plan to attend township and municipality meetings, as well as visiting residents in person to try my best to stay connected to the concerns and issues that are important to our residents. Website: www.kathykeinath. com Personal: Age, 45; married with two children, ages 6 and 8.

ROB TURNER Office sought: Washtenaw County Commissioner, District 1 Political affiliation: Republican. Residence: City of Chelsea. Occupation: Electrical contractor and owner of Turner Electric Service Inc. since 1988. Education: Graduated Ann Arbor Pioneer High School. Two years of general studies at Washtenaw Community College and graduated fouryear electrical apprentice from the IBEW LU 252 JATC PLEASE SEE PRIMARY/5-A

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