Washtenaw Farm Council Grounds
Washtenaw Farm Council
5055 Ann Arbor-Saline Road Ann Arbor MI 48103 Phone: 429-3145 Fax: 429-1131 Web site: Web site: http:// washtenawfarmcouncil.org E-mail: lrich78021@aol.com wide range of events take place all year long at the Washtenaw Farm Council Grounds. In May, there is the Farm Festival & Auction, May 1; 4-H Horse Project Spring RoundUp, May 8; the Spur Horse Show, May 9; and 4-H Warm-Up Horse Show, May 5 and 19. The Ann Arbor Antiques Market runs May 15 and 16, and GEM Street USA Gem Show is May 21, 22 and 23. The Ann Arbor and Washtenaw County Excess Equipment Auction is June 2; MiniMaker Faire, June 5; ADBA Weight Pull & Dog Show, June 5; and Spur Horse Show, June 6. The annual Food Gatherer Grillin’ event is June 13 and Ann Arbor Antiques Market is June 19 and 20. Cloverbud Camp is June 22 through 24; 4-H Warm-Up Horse Show, June 2 and 30; and Lodi Township Clean-up, June 26. The July Spur Horse Show is July 11; the Ann Arbor Antiques Market is July 17 and 18; and the Washtenaw County 4H Youth Show runs July 25 through 30. Spur Horse Shows take place Aug. 1 and 22; and the Ann Arbor Antiques Market is Aug. 14 and 15. The Saline Community Fair will be held Sept. 6 through 11, with entertainment and activities for all ages. The Ann Arbor Antiques Market will be Sept. 18 and 19; Mom-to-Mom Sale, Sept. 25; AA Rabbit Breeders, Sept. 25; and Tractor Pull, Sept. 26. Showtime Auctions take
Don Heller, director Lynn Rich, director Lewis Maynard, director Byron Staebler, director Beverly Poet, secretary/ treasurer
place Oct. 1 through 3; Enduro Derby, Oct. 9; Ann Arbor Antiques Market, Oct. 16 and 17; Fiber Expo, Oct. 23 and 24; and Huron Gun Collectors Show, Oct. 23 and 24. A Braun & Helmer Auction is set for Nov. 6; Remote Control Car Racing, Nov. 13 and 20; Ann Arbor Antiques Market, Nov. 13 and 14; and the Model Train Show and Expo, Nov. 28. The 4-H Christmas Tree Sale kicks off the holiday season Dec. 4, 5, 11 and 12; Remote Control Car Racing is on tap Dec. 4 and 18; and the Huron Gun Collectors Show is Dec. 11, 12. Established in 1955, the Washtenaw Farm Council’s mission is to promote and advance the interest of agriculture, horticulture, household arts, and mechanic arts and sciences by promoting and holding agricultural, industrial, educational and recreational fairs and exhibitions.
Staff Manager: Stan Poet Assistant Manager: Lynn Rich Assistants: John Evert, Bill Lindemann
Mill Pond Manor 48 Residential Units
Affordable housing for seniors, 62 or older, or mobility-impaired persons. One bedroom includes: safety rails in tub, frost-free refrigerator, emergency call system, individually controlled heating & air conditioning, and smoke detectors. The building amenities include hospital and pharmacy transportation, locked lobby, on-site laundry, and delightful back yard. Mill Pond sits overlooking a scenic millpond with woods and beautiful flower gardens all around. It is within 30 minutes of Ann Arbor where there are two major colleges and many cultural events. The facility is located in a professional circle with doctors’ offices, Saline Community Hospital, and a pharmacy. The Senior Shuttle is available to take residents to appointments. Meals-On-Wheels will provide meals and the Senior Center bus will take residents shopping once a week.
Washtenaw Farm Council Board of Directors Ronald Diuble, president Karl Ehnis, vice president, Ron Cundiff, director David Bobo, director Steve Thelen, director Scott Powers, director
460 Russell Street, Saline, MI 48176
(734) 429-3838 Co-Sponsor: Evangelical Homes of Michigan 21