2013 Winnemucca Ranch, Rope & Performance Horse Sale

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Ranch, Rope & Performance

Horse Sale 2013

24th Annual Winnemucca Ranch Hand Rodeo Weekend February 27 - March 3, 2013 The Winnemucca Events Complex Winnemucca, NV


Real Cowboys Real Life Real Excitement Featured Events ~Ranch, Rope & Performance Horse Sale Featuring Rick Machado 1999 World Champion Auctioneer

~Stock Horse Challenge ~ Cow Dog Trials ~Invitational Bull Sale ~Pee Wee Events Sponsored by Boot Barn

~Western Trade Show ~ Ranch Hand Rodeo

Winnemucca Ranch Hand Rodeo Weekend Tentative Schedule of Events Wednesday, February 27, 2013 8:30 a.m.

Cow Dog Trial - Brace

1:00 p.m.

Cow Dog Trial - Open

Thursday, February 28, 2013 9:00 a.m.

Cow Dog Trial - Ranch

10:00 a.m.

Sifting of Sale Bulls


Trade Show Opens

5:00 p.m.

Cow Dog Trial Finals

Friday, March 1, 2013 7:00 a.m.

Sifting of Sale Horses

9:00 a.m.

Trade Show Opens


Stock Horse Challenge

2:00 p.m.

Bull Sale- Lower Arena

5:30 p.m.

Ted Robinson Demo

6:00 p.m.

Preview of Sale Horses

Saturday, March 2, 2013 9:00 a.m.

Trade Show Opens

10:00 a.m.

Calcutta - Ranch Rodeo

11:00 a.m.

Ranch Hand Rodeo

3:00 p.m.

Kids’ Pee Wee Events

6:00 p.m.

Horse Sale

Sunday, March 3, 2013 For More Information on participation, vending, or consignment For 2014 1-800-962-2638 or 775-623-5071 www.RanchRodeoNV.com

8:00 a.m.

Cowboy Church

9:00 a.m.

Trade Show Opens

10:00 a.m.

Ranch Hand Rodeo

Welcome To The 2013 Winnemucca

Ranch, Rope & Performance

Horse Sale

& The 24th Annual Ranch Hand Rodeo Weekend


Rick Machado


Ted Robinson

Sale Manager Dave Grashius

Sale Secretary

Michelle Hammond

Winnemucca Events Complex Winnemucca, NV

2013 Winnemucca Ranch, Rope & Performance Horse Sale

The 2008 Winnemucca Ranch, Rope, and Performance Horse Sale will be held Saturday, March 1, 2008, at 5:30 p.m. A preview of sale horses will be held on Friday, February 29th at 5:30 p.m., following the Stock Horse

The 2013 Winnemucca Ranch, Rope and Performance Horse Sale will be held Saturday, March 2, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. at the Winnemucca Indoor Event Center in Winnemucca, Nevada. This premier sale will feature top quality ranch, rope and performance horses, both finished and started prospects. Consigned this year are registered Quarter Horses and Paints, as well as high quality grade mares and geldings. Some of our featured horses have bloodlines from Peppy San Badger, Colonel Freckles, Doc Bar, and other great performance stock, not to mention good solid-raised ranch horses. Beginning at 7 a.m. Friday, March 1, each horse will be scrutinized by the sifting committee for quality, temperament, and soundness. The sift will occur in order of Lot # and is open to the public. Only those meeting our high standards will proceed to the sale. Other opportunities to watch your perspective horse in action include the Stock Horse Challenge at noon on Friday, March 1, as well as the Horse Sale Preview starting at 6:00 p.m. later that day. The Stock Horse Challenge offers several classes including open snaffle bit/hackamore, open two-rein/bridle, non-pro snaffle bit/hackamore, and non-pro two-rein/bridle. The Horse Sale Preview will allow consignors to showcase their horse’s abilities in the area of dry work, trail, cattle work and roping out of the box. Horses will appear in order of Lot #. Buyers are encouraged to get up close and personal with the horse and consignor prior to the sale. The sale will commence, on Saturday, March 2 at 6:00 p.m. At the microphone, 1999 World Champion Auctioneer, Rick Machado will not only provide a professional bidding atmosphere, but an entertaining show for the public. Plus, buyers will be given an opportunity to watch their favorite horse show their stuff, as well as work a cow in the auction ring during the sale. But that's not all! Other exciting events include the 24th Annual Ranch Hand Rodeo, Saturday, March 2, starting at 11 a.m. and Sunday, and March 3 at 10:00 a.m. Thirty teams of ranch hands will compete in seven heated events for over $20,000 in prizes. Also featured over the weekend are the Winnemucca Cow Dog Trials, on Wednesday and Thursday, February 27 and 28, the Winnemucca Invitational Bull Sale, on Friday, March 1, and four full days of the Western Trade Show with over 60 vendors. Don't miss this event! Come for the horses – Stay for the fun and excitement!

Lot # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

C o n s ig n o r Ho rs e C lint & A s hle y W e ave r J ac ks R e d F e rn D an- "R and ys H o rs e " J e nny N e w m an H ard R o c k T az - "T az" D iam o nd 6 R anc h H A D A P e p p e r D o c - "M am b a" S p e nc e r D uke C o w b o ys C as he lla - "C as h" K athy F e rg us o n Q ue jana T uc ke r -"Izzy" R o b in V an N o rm an F ritz and B e rt - "F ritz" D e an & S haro n R ho ad s S R C he x H um m ie H aw k J an L ittle M ini D e b b ie L e na B urke S m ith GT B o b & S us an H o e nc k H o akus C at T o ny G rac ia D O T -W W W D o t C he x D iam o nd 6 R anc h S und ays im p re s s ive - "W hite C lo ud " J o s e F lo re s R e b e ls G o ld S p las h -"R e b e l" T e d & T e re s a A lle n K o d y O le na A rle e n J o hns o n R o c ky M o nty & P at R o b e rts H e za R us tic Q T S m o ky P ritc he tt K itty L e na - "K itty" B rad F o rd K nig hts L anc e lo t - "L anc e " M arty P o w e rs T w o W ild C as h D e b b i O tle y D o x C atty B ad g e r T o m & L o re y E ld rid g e M r P ar C he x J an L ittle L izza D ue s L ittle W o o d ie B e ll R o any B and ito - "C o w b o y" P ro uty C attle . C o K ic ke m In T he B ud - "G e o rg e " K e n A nd rus B ro the r R e d T yre e C ale b J antz R o s e tte N R ib b o ns 3 M L ive s to c k L L C L ittle L e na D e lta -"D e lta" R o y O w e ns O le na B ar T uc ke r K athy F e rg us o n P layin S tylin C hic L ane G ard ne r L ive s to c k E ye s o n C inc h

Foal 5 /3 0 /2 0 1 0 3 /2 2 /2 0 0 7 5 /1 9 /2 0 0 9 5 /2 /2 0 0 4 3 /1 9 /2 0 0 7 8 /1 /2 0 0 8 5 /8 /2 0 0 9 4 /2 8 /2 0 0 8 2005 5 /1 9 /2 0 0 7 5 /5 /2 0 0 5 4 /2 3 /2 0 0 2 4 /3 0 /2 0 0 7 5 /3 1 /2 0 0 5 3 /1 1 /2 0 0 9 4 /1 8 /2 0 0 9 5 /3 /2 0 0 6 6 /1 /2 0 0 5 5 /1 7 /2 0 0 5 3 /2 8 /2 0 0 7 4 /1 5 /2 0 0 8 5 /1 /2 0 0 9 5 /2 /1 9 9 7 2 /1 2 /2 0 0 8 5 /1 7 /2 0 0 1 7 /1 0 /2 0 0 9 5 /2 0 /2 0 0 4 5 /1 5 /2 0 0 2 3 /2 6 /2 0 0 9 4 /2 6 /2 0 0 7

C o lo r B reed S o rre l A Q HA S o rre l A Q HA B lac k A Q HA G ray A Q HA P alo m ino A Q HA S o rre l A Q HA S o rre l A Q HA G ray A Q HA B ay G rad e C he s tnut A Q HA B ay A Q HA S o rre l O ve ro A P HA P alo m ino A Q HA P alo m ino A Q HA B ay A Q HA R e d R o an A P HA S o rre l T o b iano A P H A S o rre l O ve ro A P HA S o rre l A Q HA B ay A Q HA R e d R o an A Q HA B ay R o an A Q HA R e d R o an A Q HA C he s tnut A Q HA B ay A Q HA S o rre l A Q HA S o rre l T o b iano A P H A B ay A Q HA S o rre l A Q HA S o rre l A Q HA

2013 Horse Sale Sex G G G G M G G M G G M G G G G G M G G G G M G G G M G G M G

A H o c us P o c us C at T aris W hip las h S und ay S e rm o nd ato r D o c s G o ld C innab ar P e c as O le na J R C o lo re d R am b o H e za B lue T o m C at K it D ual K nig hts H o no r C o lo ne l S an C as h D o xale na G uns m o ke s N e w s Z ip D e us e n B o s to n B and ito N ic It In T he B ud M r. T yre e R e d C halk T ari D o ts N u K ing E G O lie N ita S tylis h S tar F ire E ye s o n R e d

S ir e J ac ks R e d H o m b re P e p to T az P e p p y S an F re c k O JS C o wb o y T o y Q ue janais ale na D o ub le Yo ur F ritz L o ng T all C he xan L e nas G ray

Lot # 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61

C o n s ig n o r T e d & T e re s a A lle n R o b in V a n N o rm a n K ris tin C a h ill M a rc B o w th o rp e D o ts o n L ive s to c k D e a n & S h a ro n R h o a d s B u rke S m ith S he ana R o m b aue r B ra d F o rd K e n n e th O w e n s J e f f M u n d e ll K a th y F e rg u s o n Z a n e G ille tte J e s s L is le D a vid L a c ke y J a n L ittle B ra d F o rd D o ts o n L ive s to c k G in a S ta m m e rs 3 M L ive s to c k L L C S a m m y S a u n d e rs T o m & L o re y E ld rid g e H a ro ld C u tle r B ra d F o rd L a rry M ille r D a rrin P f e if e r T o m & L o re y E ld rid g e K ris tin C a h ill D o ts o n L ive s to c k L e R o y A n d e rs o n J o h n P e ira n o

Ho rse J S F o rty B u c ks S a s s y V N R R o llin g B e rtie D u d e S h ilo h K a w lig a - " R o w d y" S a n ta F e H a n c o c k - " F lin t" L a rry S R C h e x M e lo d y C o o l D ry D o c C h a n c e - " S p id e r" S m o kin L il D a n c e r - " M is s y" Hook S o la n o D e l C ic lo - " G a llo " C h ip p e w a D a n d y - " H u c kle b e rry" G o t R o s e b ud - "R o s e b ud " D u ke s T ru e G rit - " G rit" W h iz B a r H o b b y - " R o o s te r" G e o rg e L e na J e na W D R e b e l S a c re d H a w k - " H a w k" R u g g e d C lo u d - " S a lt" S o f tly a n d T e n d e rly - " J a d a " G ra y S to rm a n N o rm a n M is s P a rr C h e x T w o B e e rs F o r C o d y - " C o d y" D G R D o c O Z an - "K e n" D illo n P a in t M is s B e a u s C o n c lu s iv W a ylo n B ig M a c B a d g e r M e N o t - " B a d g e r" L E O F la s h K in g - " C o rky"

Foal 6 /1 7 /2 0 0 5 5 /1 5 /2 0 1 0 5 /2 1 /2 0 0 3 4 /1 1 /2 0 0 0 2002 5 /2 8 /2 0 0 9 4 /4 /2 0 0 6 1 /2 9 /2 0 0 9 2002 4 /1 5 /2 0 0 6 2004 3 /1 6 /2 0 1 0 4 /2 8 /1 9 9 7 4 /2 4 /2 0 0 1 2006 4 /1 8 /2 0 0 8 1 /4 /2 0 0 0 6 /7 /2 0 0 8 5 /4 /2 0 0 1 2003 1998 4 /2 7 /2 0 0 7 5 /1 6 /2 0 0 4 5 /2 9 /2 0 0 1 2007 2001 5 /1 2 /2 0 0 7 1998 2007 6 /3 /2 0 0 3 5 /1 7 /2 0 0 5

C o lo r G ra y B ay B a y T o b ia n o R e d R o an S o rre l B ay D un C h e s tn u t C h e s tn u t B ay R o an D un B ay A p p a lo o s a R e d R o an B la c k/W h ite B ay B la c k T o b ia n o C re m e llo D un G ra y D un B ro w n D un S o rre l S o rre l B a y T o b ia n o S o rre l B ay S o rre l P a lo m in o R e d D un

B reed A Q HA A Q HA A P HA A Q HA G ra d e A Q HA A Q HA A Q HA G ra d e A Q HA A P HA A Q HA A Q HA A Q HA G ra d e A Q HA A P HA A Q HA A Q HA G ra d e G ra d e A Q HA A Q HA G ra d e G ra d e G ra d e A Q HA G ra d e G ra d e A Q HA A Q HA

2013 Horse Sale Continued Sex S ir e G F o rty B u c ks P o c o M J P R o llin g T h u n d e r G B in g o K a w lig a G H a n c o c k W ild B ill G M L o n g T a ll C h e xa n G I s le s C o o l C h a n c e M S m a rt D a n c e T u n e G G I ll B e t Y o u r C h ic ke n G M M ig h ty G o t P e p M S m o ke ys D u ke G D a zzlin g H o b b y G M L e n a s G ra y G T e to n s T B a r G L a rks L a s t S o n g M N U S ta r T e n d e r G G M G u n s m o ke s N e w s G N itro s R e ve n u e G G G M S u g a rd o c m rb e d o w n to w n G G G C h a rm in g P e p p y S a n G L E O W a p iti K in g

Winnemucca Ranch, Rope & Performance Horse Sale Sale Terms and Conditions All purchases through this sale are bound by the following terms and conditions. The failure to comply with these terms and conditions will constitute a default by the buyer: 1.

The horses/mules are offered for sale according to the laws of the State of Nevada.


Sale by Auction is complete when the auctioneer so announces or by the fall of the gavel. Where a bid is made while the gavel is falling, the auctioneer may at his discretion reopen the bidding or declare the horse sold. THE DECISION OF AUCTIONEER SHALL BE FINAL AND ABSOLUTE. This auction is with reserve and the auctioneers may withdraw any horse at any time until he announces completion of the sale through the fall of the gavel. Seller reserves the right to waive the sale of his horse before it leaves the ring. Auctioneer reserves the right to reject any or all bids. The right to bid is reserved for all sellers unless otherwise announced.


Terms of the sale are cash, cashier's check, traveler's checks, personal check (with two forms of ID), Visa or Mastercard. A 3% service charge will be assessed to all credit card purchases. There will be a $25 charge for checks returned by the bank. When a horse/mule is sold, the buyer shall sign the Acknowledgment of Purchase. Title and liability pass when buyer signs this acknowledgment. Payment in full must be made within 30 minutes after the conclusion of sale. Checks must be made payable to Winnemucca Ranch Hand Rodeo.


Never must any part of the purchase money be paid directly to the consignor by the buyers; as such payment will not be valid or entitle the buyer to obtain the horse/mule.


Upon receiving payment for the horse/mule, the cashier will issue an order to obtain delivery. All Acknowledgments of Purchase must be presented upon leaving the fairgrounds. Horses/mules must be removed from the Events Complex by buyers before Sunday, March 3, 2013 at 5 p.m. Buyers must arrange with consignors for care of stock until it can be removed.


BUYER AGREES TO PAY APPROPRIATE BREED REGISTRY TRANSFER FEE. This will be added to the purchase price of the horse/mule. All registration papers will be withheld by the sale management until all checks clear the bank. They will then be mailed, with the proper transfer certificates and fees, to the appropriate Association for transfer to new owner.


Upon failure of any buyer to pay or comply with these conditions, any money deposited by him in part payment will be forfeited by consignor, the latter paying there from all proper expenses, and all lots not cleared.


If any person purchases a horse/mule and fails to pay for it as described above, nothing will prevent Winnemucca Ranch Hand Rodeo or the owner of the horse/mule from compelling the purchaser to pay for the purchase if Winnemucca Ranch Hand Rodeo or the seller so deems it.


Every effort has been made to assure correctness of the catalog. Nevertheless, the sale management and auctioneer are not responsible for errors or omissions, and assume no liability on its part or on part of the seller as to any statements either verbal or written regarding the horses/mules sold.


The Winnemucca Ranch Hand Rodeo acts as agent only, all horses/mules are sold “as is.� The sale management assumes no responsibility whatsoever to anyone for blemishes, defects, the physical condition of the health of the horse/mule, and makes no warranties or representations of any kind in this sale. Buyers have the right and are encouraged to have a veterinarian of their own choice examine any horse/mule in the sale. Any veterinarian assistance, other than the initial sifting, will be at the consignor's and/or buyer's expense.


Risk of loss passes from consignor to buyer immediately after Acknowledgment of Purchase is signed. This includes any case of illness, injury or death of any horse after it has been sold. The buyer agrees to indemnify and hold the consignor and sale management harmless from all loss, cost, and expense arising from illness, injury or death of horse or loss or damage to property and injury or death of persons caused by the buyer, buyer's agents, or by the horse after it has been purchased.


Attorney's fees: in the event any action is brought to enforce these transactions by either party, then the successful party will, in addition to such other or additional relief as may be ordered by the court, be entitled to a reasonable attorney's fee in an amount to be fixed by the courts.

Buyers, consignors, and spectators are cautioned to be careful while on the grounds and particularly while horses are being sold or shown in the sale ring. The Winnemucca Ranch Hand Rodeo, or their agents or employees, will not be responsible for accidents.

Horse Sale Schedule Sifting of Sale Horses

7:00 a.m. on Friday, March 1, 2013

Sifting Committee

Dave Grashuis, Sale Manager J.J. Goicoechea, D.V.M. Comestock Equine Hospital Ted Robinson Martin Bunyard

Wayne Lund Conrad Stitser Lee Smith Charley Amos Bob Cornmesser

Ted Robinson Cow Horse Demonstration 5:30 p.m. on Friday, March 1, 2013

Ted Robinson

Oak View, CA World’s Greatest Horseman www.TedRobinsonCowHorses.com

Preview of Sale Horses

6:00 p.m. on Friday, March 1, 2013

Matt Macfarlane Sacramento, CA California Cattleman Magazine

Winnemucca Horse Sale

6:00 p.m. on Saturday, March 2, 2013

Rick Machado

Arroyo Grande, CA 1999 World Champion Auctioneer

The Beef Industry Resource “I recommend that anyone who is serious in the beef industry about improving their operations efficiency and profitability, subscribe to Progressive Cattleman. We find that it is a go-to, must-read each and every month.” David Brown - Riverbend Ranch OCTOBER 2012

“The articles and advertisements are very well done. It is kind of a quick and concise look at where the cattle industry is on that day.”

Preparing for profits Pre-arrival management sets the price for today’s calves. PG. 26

Larry Melhoff - 5L Angus In this issue Vintage grazing

Subscribe today online at www.progressivecattle.com or call (208) 324-7512 to get your copy of Progressive Cattleman!

Basque & American Dining Lunch M-F ~ Dinners 7 days a week Railroad & Melarkey Street 775-623-3197

Sonoma Mountain Herefords blend grape production and seedstock. PG. 28

Graham Cattle Co. Handing down legacy quality at the Texas feeder. PG. 12

Comparing beta agonists Let your target goal decide your tools. PG. 16

Overgrazed or overutilized? Know the differences with your range land. PG. 22

Know the differences with your range land. PG. 22

Overgrazed or overutilized? Let your target goal decide your tools. PG. 16

THANK YOU Thank you to all our hard working volunteers and staff that make this event a success! We have a great crew here in Winnemucca, and we truly appreciate all their hard work. Special Thanks

Kat Grashuis ~ Patti Lund ~ Amber Huerta Janece Stitser ~ Shelly Noble ~ Brenda Keating Darrel Field ~ Sheree Tibbals ~ Karen Smith Tanya Cornmesser ~ Ramon Vaca ~ Juan Acevedo

Comestock Equine Hospital 90 W. Laramie Dr. - Reno, NV 89521 Phone (775) 849-0120

Eureka Vet Service Dr. J.J. Goicoechea, D.V.M.

P.O. Box 589 - Eureka, NV 89316 Phone (877) 707-0350

Winnemucca 3290 Fountain Way


' % & • * & • '' % & • % & & " & • ! !' • ' ! • "* % !


Jacks Red Fern Dan - RANDY'S HORSE AQHA 5339778 Consignor:

Gelding Clint & Ashley Weaver - Fallon, NV

Color: Sorrel

Breed: AQHA Foaled: 05/30/2010

Jacks Red Hombre


Genuine Hombre Pearly Red Jackie

Red Fern Annie


Ki Two Eyed HR Billy Red Fern

{ { { {

Genuine Doc Seven S Margarita Joe Jack Honey Bar Pearly Red Two Eyed Red Buck Little Orphan Jackie Billy Red Baron HHR Miss Sunbar Glow

All proceeds from the sale of this gelding will go to help Randy McClure. Jack is a super nice gelding with flashy good looks and quite the pedigree! Clint started him and has about 5 months on him. Lots of desert riding and started heeling. He's soft and supple! He's only going to get better with age. Check out his video at www.clintweaverhorsemanship.com

Hard Rock Taz - "Taz"


AQHA 5043207



Jennifer Newman - Bly, OR

Color: Sorrel

Breed: AQHA

Pepto Taz


Peptoboonsmal Sweet Lil Lena

Jodies Cashing In


Miss N Cash Scoot's Jodie

{ { { {

Foaled: 03/22/2007 Peppy San Badger Royal Blue Boon Smart Little Lena Sonscoot Dash For Cash Doc N Missy Silver Scoot Sue Pudden

Taz has been used as a ranch horse for the past 2 1/2 years. He is a great mountain horse. I have used him extensively on our Forest Service permit moving cows. He can go all day and really cover the ground. He needs a job. This is not a beginner's horse. He has been used to sort lots of pairs and yearlings. He works the gate and I have started roping on him.

Hada Pepper Doc - "Mamba"


AQHA 5215767

Peppy San Freck

Hada Serena



Diamond 6 Ranch/DeBenedetti-Wilder, ID

Color: Black

Breed: AQHA


Peppy San Badger Poco Miss Freck


Docs Rocky Top Amber Jay Dude

{ { { {

Foaled: 05/19/2009 Mr San Peppy Sugar Badger Poco Bueno Freckles Miss 77 Doc's Dee Bar Skookum Barred Blondy's Dude Sammie Jay

Great heel horse prospect. Big stop, very cowy. We have roped hot heels and live cattle out of box. Does not buck. Very, very gentle and great to be around. We have pushed cows and used as a turn back horse in cutting practice pen. You can open and close gates on him. Rides good.

Cowboys Cashella - "Cash"


AQHA 4504138



Spencer Duke - Heber, UT

Color: Gray

Breed: AQHA

OJS Cowboy Toy


Mr Bar Truckle Gray Boys Bunny



Juno Dat Cash Bundella

{ { { {

Foaled: 05/02/2004 Bayou Bar Truly A Genie Marys Grey Boy Mitzies Trixie Dash For Cash Lady Juno Bunnys Bar Boy Deckella

2004, Gray, broke gelding. Big and stout and well put together. Has seen many days with wet saddle pads. This horse is what you want to get the job done. Very athletic and can cover some ground. 15.3 hands, 1200 lbs.

Quejana Tucker - "Izzy"


AQHA 5039722 Consignor:

Mare Dave Ferguson - Cottonwood, CA

Color: Palomino Breed: AQHA


Be Be Tucker


Smart Little Lena Quejanamia


Doc Tom Tucker Bueno Chex Be Be

{ { { {

Foaled: 03/19/2007 Doc O'Lena Smart Peppy Son O Mia Quejana Queen Doc Bar Tonette Tivio Bueno Chex Kid's Be Be

Beautiful daughter of Quejanaisalena, $333,000+ LTE (the highest earning son of Smart Little Lena), Izzy has been shown reined cow and used on the ranch. Come watch her in the preview. Watch her in the STOCK HORSE CHALLENGE.

Fritz and Bert - "Fritz"


AQHA 5082860



Robin Van Norman - Tuscarora, NV

Color: Sorrel

Breed: AQHA


Cee Bee Command Fern Bar Command

Berts Lady Coolidge {

Young Paul Bert Princess Star Deck

Double Your Fritz

{ { { {

Foaled: 08/01/2008 Fritz Command Jay Bee's Best Fritz Command Saucy Bar Flit Young Bert Concho Paula Brown King Command Joetta Lynx

Started last spring by Zack Kelley, Fritz has been back on the ranch earning his keep gathering yearlings and cows, branding, doctoring and weaning. He is a little horse with a big motor, wants to look at a cow and move. Going back to Cee Bee Command, 1983 AQHA World Champion Open Sr Reining & the 1982 Working Cowhorse Champion, and Bert. He has the breeding and disposition to do whatever you want.

SR Chex Hummie Hawk


AQHA 5250255

Long Tall Chexan



Dean & Sharon Rhoads - Tuscarora, NV

Color: Sorrel

Breed: AQHA


DW Hummingbird San {

Texas Kicker Rose Chex

Madonnas Blue Bee Miss Peppy Bird

{ { { {

Foaled: 05/08/2009 Colonel Freckles Angels Rosie King Fritz Bold Rose Flying X 6 Tee J Madonna Bee Mr San Peppy Bird In Hand

Hummingbird Hawk is an attractive, coming, 4 year old gelding that has a good start. He had an injury last summer but has completely healed and guaranteed sound. We have moved cattle on him and done other ranch work. He has had a few calves roped on him in the corral. He is gentle. Current on shots and worming. Check him out! For more information, call 775-756-6578.

Mini Debbie Lena


AQHA 5100463



Jan Little - Emmett, ID

Color: Gray

Breed: AQHA

Lenas Gray


Lenas Wright On Docs Silver Mar

Little Debbie Lena


Lena My Way Miss Doc O Nita

{ { { {

Foaled: 04/28/2008 Smart Little Lena Slide Me Again Doc's Silver Bar Missmar Smart Little Lena Miss Ceasar Solano Peponita Rica Dee Bar

This mare started, trained and even shown at a couple of snaffle bit futurities by Wade Reaney. She is broke in the bridle. Guaranteed sound and gentle. She's real fun to rope on and works a cow good enough to club cut on! If you have any questions, call Wade Reaney, 208-431-4703.


9 Grade



Burke Smith - Preston, ID

Color: Bay

Breed: Grade

Foaled: 2005



{ {



GT is a good looking quarter draft. He is good to catch, gentle and has good manners. Has been used in the mountains to gather cattle and hunt. Moves out great and is eager to please. Easily loads and shoes. Would make a fantastic ranch or trail horse.

Hoakus Cat


AQHA 5013257 Consignor:

Gelding Bob & Susan Hoenck - Winnemucca, NV

Color: Chestnut Breed: AQHA

A Hocus Pocus Cat


High Brow Cat That Smarts

Cassandras Moon


Smart Little Jerry Cassies Oak

{ { { {

Foaled: 05/19/2007 High Brow Hickory Smart Little Kitty Smart Little Lena Miss Royal Duce Smart Little Lena Playboys Ruby Doc's Oak Nance B Chex

A very athletic, quick and extremely cowy gelding. Light in the bit, very sensitive to leg pressure, huge motor. Used to move cows in the mtns, and in the working corrals. Would make a fun penner/sorter. Sire-A Hocus Pocus Cat LTE $164,338. 3/4 brother to WR This Cats Smart - LTE $236,514 with PE of $3,400,000. Dam-Cassandras Moon - LTE $6,318. MGD Cassies Oak - LTE $204,977. Maternal Sire-Smart Little Jerry - LTE $197,193 with PE $2,385,840.

WWW Dot Chex - "Dot"


AQHA 4682528



Tony Gracia - Orovada, NV

Color: Bay

Breed: AQHA

Taris Whiplash


High Brow Hickory Ima Rey Jay An Tari

Buckskin Chex


Jet Black Chex Milady Palleo

{ { { {

Foaled: 05/05/2005 Doc's Hickory Grulla San Doc Tari Rey Jay Nita King Fritz Royal Chassis Palleo Star Tutor Red

8 year old bay mare. Used for ranch work. Good in the branding corral. Handy to sort on and a good traveler outside. Easy to shoe and to be around.


Sundaysimpressive - "White Cloud" APHA 797,204 Consignor: Color: Sorrel Overo

Gelding Diamond 6 Ranch/DeBenedetti-Wilder, ID Breed: APHA

Sunday Sermondator {

Sun Days Tradition Minor Intimidation

Jus One More Beers {

Paintmeimpressive Black Beers

{ { { {

Foaled: 04/23/2002 Noble Tradition Eternal Sun Day The Intimidator Jailbait Two Impressives Deuce Spanish Annver Bally Beers Bishop's Berta

Great gelding. Proven in and out of the arena. Has done all facets of ranch work, branding, doctoring in pasture. Great in the mountains. Take him in the arena and have fun. Head/heel - great for all levels of ropers. Has been hauled to several jackpots. Gentle and safe for anybody to rope on or just ride.


Rebels Gold Splash - "Rebel" AQHA 5001689 Consignor:

Gelding Jose Flores - Parma, ID

Color: Palomino Breed: AQHA

Docs Gold Cinnabar {

Rebs Bandit Cash Herin Doc

CQ Peggy Sue Mac Bee

An Obvious Splash Jackie Quest


{ { { {

Foaled: 04/30/2007 Rebel's Shadow Bet Ya Mr Loujack Miss Kid Cash Obvious Conclusion Don’t Splash Connie Tee J Willow Jack Utahs Request

Rebel is a 6 year old, palomino gelding. Very stout build, has a lot of speed. We have had him in the feedlot and out in the desert. He is good with the rope. A friend had him in the Mexican rodeos reining and he won a couple of 1st places. Watch him in the STOCK HORSE CHALLENGE!

Kody Olena


AQHA 4968721 Consignor:

Gelding Ted & Teresa Allen - New Plymouth, ID

Color: Palomino Breed: AQHA

Pecas Olena


Freckles Playboy Lenas Sabrina

Olivia Command


Cheiftain Command Full Figured Fantasy

{ { { {

Foaled: 05/31/2005 Jewel's Leo Bars Gay Jay Doc O'Lena Parrs Stormy Fritz Command Sugs Joker Gal Fancy Foxy Gina Oak

Kody Olena is a good looking, 9 year old, 15.1 hand, palomino gelding. Covered a lot of miles in rough country, drug a lot of calves to the fire, roped and doctored cattle, and done every ranch job that has been asked. He is a strong, correct made gelding. We have been roping steers on him out of the box. His sire, Pecas Olena, is a NRCHA Supreme Reined Horse and has sired a lot of top cow horses, as well as arena horses. Gentle horse for anyone to ride, sound. Current worming and vaccinations. See him with the Roeser Ranch horses.



AQHA Pending



Arleen Johnson - Fernley, NV

Color: Bay

Breed: AQHA

JR Colored Rambo


Color Me Smart Doc Leo Berry

Kallme Karen


KD War Chief Kadee Shady Lady

{ { { {

Foaled: 03/11/2009 Smart Little Lena Doxs Painted Lady Doc Bee Leo Straw Berry Roan Doctor B Irish Colleen Qton Prince Sam George Amy Snip

Great all-around prospect with fundamental reined cow horse training. Willing horse with potential. Ready for the ranch or arena! AQHA registration is pending a DNA test confirmation.

Heza Rustic QT


APHA 959,255 Consignor:

Gelding Monty & Pat Roberts - Solvang, CA

Color:Red Roan Breed: APHA Tobiano

Heza Blue Tom Cat


Nevadas Quick Silver Madrid At Dawn

The Eagles Gift


The Aztec Eagle Skookum Bars Bonny

{ { { {

Foaled: 04/18/2009 Nevada War Drum My Strawberry Kiss The Aztec Eagle Tippys Dawn Q T Poco Streke Blue Bid Supreme Tom Tom Sundance R Angel Face Bonny

Athletic and quick footed, roan paint gelding has a huge heart and will go all day. Easy to ride. Good to shoe. Has lots of potential and is ready to go in any direction. He is kind and will make a family pet. Please call 805-245-4586 for further information. Video available.

Kitty Lena - "Kitty"


APHA 934,049 Consignor:

Mare LL Pritchett & T Ratto - Red Bluff, CA

Color: Sorrel Breed: APHA Tobiano

Kit Dual


Dual Pep Pretty Little Kitty

Dualin Bonnie Lena


Mister Dual Pep Bonnie Lena

{ { { {

Foaled: 05/03/2006 Peppy San Badger Miss Dual Doc Smart Little Lena Doc's Kitty Peppy San Badger Miss Dual Doc Jab O Lena Bonnie Smoke

We are selling this nice mare to dissolve a partnership. Kitty is ready to show in the Two Rein Division. Shown in the NCRHA Futurity and is a money earner. Will be shown in the STOCK HORSE CHALLENGE. She can go to the cutting pen with just a little more schooling. Dam is a full sister to the dam of Lena's Buddy Nic, the intermediate open champion at the 2012 Snaffle Bit Futurity. She will make an excellent broodmare when her show career is finished.


Knights Lancelot - "Lance" APHA 837,378



Brad Ford - Parma, ID

Color: Sorrel Overo

Breed: APHA

Knights Honor

Native War Dance Miss Quincy Sue

Leos Honor Jet

Honor Jet Chick Eldonna

Foaled: 06/01/2005 Ima Smoky Bayou Shez Loud N Rowdee Mr Sonny Norfleet Sir Quincy Sue Jet of Honor Dyna Chick Shanty's Oiler Lea Dawn

Flaxy mane and tail, copper/white. Been on ranch, rope, move cows, super rope horse prospect. 15.1 hands. Keen looking. He is the kind you like, he's got eye appeal. Anyone can ride him. Gentle, just going to the bridle. Winter clothes.

Two Wild Cash


AQHA 4910568



Marty Powers - Chilcoot, CA

Color: Sorrel

Breed: AQHA

Colonel San Cash


San Colonel Miss N A Freckle

Jacks Wild Two


Joe Tyree Joe Honey Two Be

{ { { {

Foaled: 05/17/2005 Peppy San Badger Colonels Tari Miss N Cash Miss Freckles San Watch Joe Jack Ima Tyree Jack Two Be JC Cotton

8 year old, stout, athletic gelding used for all types of ranch work including sorting, branding and gathering in the hills. 60 days professional training in 2012. Has won money team roping, best suited at heel end. Has also been used hunting. Packed two deer out of the Ruby Mountains in November 2012. Tough, dependable ranch horse with the skill to excel in the arena.

Dox Catty Badger


AQHA 4962784



Debbi Otley - Diamond, OR

Color: Bay

Breed: AQHA



Pecas Olena Dox Gay Bar

Little Valley Midge


Peppy Lynx Badger Miss Catty Hickory

{ { { {

Foaled: 03/28/2007 Freckles Playboy Lenas Sabrina Dry Doc Cryptic Peppy San Badger Poco Catalynx Brinks Leo Hickory Miss Cattysmoke

Dox Catty Badger comes from Debbi Otley in Diamond, Oregon. He is a strong, correct, super good looking gelding that has drug a lot of calves to the fire, roped and doctored cattle, and covered a lot of country. He has been roped on out of the box and shows a lot of ability. He has been trained by Dan Roeser this winter and will be good for Reined Cowhorse or Versatility classes. He is a sound, gentle horse for anyone to ride and use.

Mr Par Chex


AQHA 5073980 Consignor:

Gelding Tom & Lorey Eldridge - Elko, NV

Color: Red Roan Breed: AQHA

Gunsmokes News


Miss Sheri Magnolia {

Mr Gunsmoke Chex Proffits News

Parr Bar Bonanza Miss Mac Magnolia

{ { { {

Foaled: 04/15/2008 Blue Drifting Smoke Embark A Doll Poco King Prom Nats News Beaus Bar Bobby Sheza Porclen Lass Mr Mac Charge Spanish Edition

Mr Par Chex is a big, well made, 5 year old roan gelding with good speed. Been ridden outside in rough terrain. Also been started roping on in the arena. Is very gentle, about anyone can ride. Easy to catch, good to shoe and loads good. Will make a real nice, good looking head horse when finished. Questions, call 775-934-8671.

Lizza Dues Little


AQHA 5225291 Consignor:

Mare Jan Little - Emmett, ID

Color: Bay Roan

Breed: AQHA Foaled: 05/01/2009

Zip Deusen


Zippos Old Gold Della Deluxe

Sheiks Elizabeth


Zippos Sheik Miss Afterglow

{ { { {

Zippo Pine Bar Goldy Jack Dynamic Deluxe Jivan Jiggsbar Zippo Pine Bar Sheik's Cover Speedy Glow Miss May Seven

This beautiful roan mare was trained for Western Pleasure. She moves with a flat knee and would work great for Ranch Pleasure, which is offered at the AQHA shows. She is guaranteed sound and gentle. With her looks and color, she would be a wonderful asset to anyone's breeding program!


Roany Bandito - "Cowboy" AQHA 3692833 Consignor:

Gelding Woodie Bell - Paradise Valley, NV

Color: Red Roan Breed: AQHA

Boston Bandito


Boston Mac Leo Bar Queen

Lindy Ann Cheri


Sues Rhinestone Roanys Sirlette

{ { { {

Foaled: 05/02/1997 Triple Chick Trouble Fair MCIT Pandora Bar Cowboy 2 Duster Snipper Sue Pert Hancock Leyba Cheri

I've owned Cowboy for ten years doing work of all kinds. He travels out real good, is good to shoe. He is a grandson of Boston Mac T AAA, which has given him lots of speed. He has good Hancock breeding on the bottom plus Star Duster. He has been very sound, good feet, good bone. Should be ideal for big kids and on up.


Kickem In The Bud - "George" AQHA 5073776 Consignor:

Gelding Prouty Cattle Co. - Corning, CA

Color: Chestnut Breed: AQHA

Nic It In The Bud

Misty Eyed Surprise


Reminic Genuine Redbud


Surprise Enterprise Misty May Morning

{ { { {

Foaled: 02/12/2008 Doc's Remedy Fillinic Genuine Doc Seven S Margarita Be Aech Enterprise Jimmys Valentine Bar Ditch Dude Misty Penny Bar

This gelding has a lot of try and really wants to please. He has a super smooth lope, good stop and nice turn-around. Sensible and willing, George was bred and started by his breeder to be a reiner. Everything comes easy to this horse, very natural and easy to train. A pretty and talented gelding, ready to be shown or put to work. He trailers, clips, ties and is good for the farrier.

Brother Red Tyree


AQHA 4086096 Consignor:

Gelding Ken Andrus - Lava Hot Springs, ID

Color: Bay

Breed: AQHA

Mr Tyree Red


Mr Baron Red Ima Tyree

Susie Creation


Can Creation Miss Sue Jackie

{ { { {

Foaled: 05/17/2001 Red Baron Bell Two Eyed Patti Harlan's Tyree Ima Mckee Brother Can Never Panic Two Eyed Jack Sue Song

15.3 hands. Thick muscle. Sired by full brother to Two Eyed Red Buck. Trained to team rope at Pitzer Ranch. Stout, strong, big motor with a lot of heart and go. Fast walker, absolutely no buck. Has been a trail horse deluxe. Been ridden miles and miles in mountains and desert. Will be shown in preview as head horse. Call Clint Weaver at 775-217-6961. Check out video at www.facebook.com/clintweaverhorsemanship.

Rosette N Ribbons


AQHA 5218231

Chalk Tari

Snips Legacy Chex



Caleb Jantz - Grandview, ID

Color: Sorrel

Breed: AQHA


Royal Santari Docies Doll


Hadleys Legacy Miss Rocket Chex

{ { { {

Foaled: 07/10/2009 Doc Tari Pepard Bueno Chex Docie Shana Oak Docs Legacy Hobby Mouse Rocket Bar Chex Voo Doo Queen

Cute, little mare. Has been shown in cowhorse events as a 3 year old. Had the high score in the fence work in her class every time she was shown. She has also been used for all chores on the ranch and is a nice, little rope horse. Gentle enough for anybody to ride. Sound and ready for the 2013 show season!

Little Lena Delta - "Delta"


APHA 776,068 Consignor: Color: Sorrel Tobiano

Gelding 3M Livestock, LLC - Beatty, OR Breed: APHA Foaled: 05/20/2004


Dots Nu King


Delta Olena Nu Dottie

Little Lenas Ghost


Little Lena Doc Late For Dinner

{ { {

Doc O'Lena Delta Nu Bar Doc Bar Dottie Smart Little Lena Doc's Chico Girl Gallant Ghost Solid Meow

Rock solid, fancy, bridle horse with local show record. Delta is kind and honest, loves attention and has a great work ethic. Lots of outside riding and ranch work. Doctored on, branded calves and roped on in the pen and outside. No tuning or training required. Suitable for a cowboy or as a kids horse. Has carried the flag at rodeos and been shot off of. Watch him in the STOCK HORSE CHALLENGE. For more information, visit www.3mmules.com

Olena Bar Tucker


AQHA 4335972 Consignor: Color: Bay

Gelding Roy Owens - Red Bluff, CA Breed: AQHA

EG Olie Nita


Peponita Doc O'Lenawood

Tucks Barred Lady


Docs Friar Tuck Sunset Lady Bars

{ { { {

Foaled: 05/15/2002 Peppy San Bonita Tivio Doc O'Lena Cookie Driftwood Doc Tom Tucker Tippy's Mark Bear Hug Bars Nevada's Billie

Good ranch horse. Has been roped on a lot outside.

Playin Stylin Chic


AQHA 5238692

Stylish Star Fire

Miss Me Please



Kathy Ferguson - Cottonwood, CA

Color: Sorrel

Breed: AQHA


Playin Stylish Starfire Commander


Chic Please Sure Do Miss Nu

{ { { {

Foaled: 03/26/2009 Docs Stylish Oak Playboys Mom Hesa Commander Docks Miss Bolsis Smart Chic Olena San O Lenita Nu Cash Miss Rey Dry

Cute, cute filly. Started on cattle. Super well bred. Her Dam, Miss Me Please, was the 2005 Intermountain Snaffle Bit Circuit Champion and was also voted top horse at the 2007 Red Bluff Ranch Rodeo. Playin Stylin Chic is bred to rideranch-rope-show.

Eyes on Cinch


AQHA 4948883



Lane Gardner Livestock - Fallon, NV

Color: Sorrel

Breed: AQHA

Eyes on Red


Mr Baron Red All Eyes On Jackie

Miss Minute Liberty


Spurs Double Jack Sunday Sonora

{ { { {

Foaled: 04/26/2007 Red Baron Bell Two Eye Patti Rhinestone Jack Handi's Frosty Rey Jacks Spur Two Watch Sweet Tyree Sunday Watch Kitty Clips

Easy-going, 6 year old ranch gelding. 17 hh, has been roped on, worked cows, trailers well and is good to shoe. Very gentle, very willing, lots of hours outside.

JS Forty Bucks Sassy


AQHA 5030301



Ted & Teresa Allen - New Plymouth, ID

Color: Gray

Breed: AQHA

Forty Bucks Poco


Mr Blackburn 944 Poco Velvet Anne

Rowdy N Peppy


Peppy Indigo Rowdy Squaw

{ { { {

Foaled: 06/17/2005 Fortys Last Chance Double Blackburn Gal Velvet's Red Lad's Miss Dell Sassy Peppy Poco Indigo Venture Rowdy N Breezy Squaw Jewell

This gelding is a very sharp looking, gray gelding. He has been used on a ranch most of his life. He has covered lots of country, doctored calves and drug calves to the fire. He is quiet and very easy to be around. He is well broke and will make an excellent head horse prospect. He has been started being roped off of out of the box and is showing excellent potential. He's a nice looking, stout gelding that would be a good addition to any ranch!

VNR Rolling Bertie


AQHA 5348599



Robin Van Norman - Tuscarora, NV

Color: Bay

Breed: AQHA

JP Rolling Thunder


Colonel Zippo Pine Doc Bars Thunder

Young Bertie Bert


Young Paul Bert Young Bertie

{ { { {

Foaled: 05/15/2010 Colonel Freckles Annie Pines Zip Chex UR Button Doc Bars Genie Young Bert Concho Paula Berts King Bar Frosted Platinum

Rolling Bertie was started as a two year old then turned out to grow. Currently being used for winter cattle work. She has a mind towards work and wants to please you. With nice legs and feet under her and a good mind, she promises to grow up to be a nice sized horse. Pedigrees of parents provide Rolling Bertie with a lot of possibilities.


Dude Shiloh Kawliga - "Rowdy" APHA 753,161 Consignor:

Gelding Kristin Cahill - Sparks, NV

Color: Bay Breed: APHA Tobiano

Bingo Kawliga


Rawhide Tuff USA Bingo Princess

Shilohs Sassy


Scooter Bar Shiloh Little Sassy Dee

{ { { {

Foaled: 05/21/2003 Rawhide In USA Belle H Graham Be Bingo Connor's Princess Palo Pinto Bar Rosita Mia Gold Casey Dexter Bids Majorette

9 year old registered paint. Finished heel horse. Can also head. Been ridden on trails and shot off of. Doesn't spook. No bad habits. Ties to trailer and stands for farrier. No vices.


Santa Fe Hancock - "Flint" AQHA 3934977 Consignor:

Gelding Marc Bowthorpe - Wallsburg, UT

Color: Red Roan Breed: AQHA

Hancock Wild Bill


Zebadiah Hancock Docs Angel Prom

Ima Santa Fe Lady


Ima SOS Bar Miss Santa Fe Lady

{ { { {

Foaled: 04/11/2000 Hancocks Blue Boy Miss Vee Hancock Docs Rondo Angelica Prom Ima Son O Sugar Cross Bell 5 58 Santa Fe Lad Miss Sassy Boots

Flint is a big, stout, broke, cowboys dream horse. He is 16.2 hands, 1300 lbs. He has been used to gather, sort, doctor and brand calves. He is extremely broke, has a nice stop and is very responsive. He has been team roped on, great in the box, with a quiet disposition. Will go all day, never gives up! He is one you don't want to miss out on! He would be a great addition to any program.


35 Grade



Dotson Livestock - Gooding, ID

Color: Sorrel

Breed: Grade

Foaled: 2002



{ {



Larry is an 11 year old, 15.1 hand gelding. He's been used on the ranch and used for hunting. He's gentle, has good feet and he's a fast walker. He's been ranch roped on. He's a good, gentle ranch gelding.

SR Chex Melody


AQHA 5230447

Long Tall Chexan

Lucys Acres



Dean & Sharon Rhoads - Tuscarora, NV

Color: Bay

Breed: AQHA


Texas Kicker Rose Chex


Acres of Red Cat Cal Lu

{ { { {

Foaled: 05/28/2009 Colonel Freckles Angels Rosie King Fritz Bold Rose Bob Acre Doc Docs Red Un Cal Bar Miss Smokee Lu

SR Chex Melody is a pretty, sorrel mare with lots of potential. She has been used on the ranch to move cattle. She is very dependable, gentle and could go any direction for you. When you are through riding her you can raise nice babies! She's current on shots and worming. For more information, call 775-756-6578. Take a look!


Cool Dry Doc Chance - "Spider" AQHA 4768462



Burke Smith - Preston, ID

Color: Dun

Breed: AQHA

Isles Cool Chance


Cool Hand Mcbreeze Jojos Lucky Lady

Curlew Jessica


Docs Dry Jess Curlew Toy

{ { { {

Foaled: 04/04/2006 Isle Breeze Blackburn 27 Sir Ebony Pine Diamon Nose Dry Doc Docs A Jessica Misco King Jack Chugettes Miss

Cool Dry Doc Chance (also known as Spider) is a super smart zebra dun. He has done all the jobs on the ranch, but excels at sorting at the gate. He has also won money at ranch rodeos and won a couple of team brandings. He would be a top horse in anyone's string. Look for him in the STOCK HORSE CHALLENGE.


Smokin Lil Dancer - "Missy" AQHA 5179299 Consignor:

Mare Sheana Rombauer - Middletown, CA

Color: Chestnut Breed: AQHA

Smart Dance Tune

Crazy Lil Peppy


Boonlight Dancer Charge It Smart


Cutaways Gun Crazy Marcie Marsala

{ { { {

Foaled: 01/29/2009 Peptoboonsmal Little Dancer Lena Smart Little Lena Miss Foxy Doc Mr Gun Smoke Starrita Dee Bar Marsala Badger Docs Dunny Cee

Missy is a cute, fun, athletic mare. She is registered AQHA and NFQHA (87% Foundation Quarter Horse). This young mare has been ridden down the streets in town, at the arena during events and in the hills. Missy is gentle and willing. Great loper, good stop and turn. She is currently at Darrel Norcutt's Performance Horse training facility and will be presented and shown by Darrel. Inquiries welcome, 775-426-8154.


39 Grade Consignor:

Gelding Brad Ford - Parma, ID

Color: Chestnut Breed: Grade

Foaled: 2002



{ {



Write your guarantee - gentle, 16 hands, quick and always ready to please. Owned Hook since he was 3 years old. Little, tiny kids have pushed cows for miles. If you have big yearlings to brand, use him (he's great!). Good bridle, ranch and trail horse. This horse has been over more rough trails then most horses will ever see. Packed kitchen, deer, elk, bear, cats. You ask, he'll do. Winter clothes. 1400 lbs.


Solano Del Ciclo - "Gallo" AQHA 4889920 Consignor:

Gelding Kenneth Owens - Red Bluff, CA

Color: Bay Roan Breed: AQHA

Ill Bet Your Chicken

Solanos Valentine


Gallo Del Cielo Powdersugar Playgirl


Doc's Solano Gaybar Valentine

{ { { {

Foaled: 04/15/2006 Peppy San Badger Doc's Starlight Freckles Playboy Sugs Waddy Doc Bar Susie's Bay Gay Bar King Santa Skipper

Gallo is a big, strong, roan gelding. Ranch raised. Good ranch horse.


Chippewa Dandy - "Huckleberry" AHC 631884




Jeff Mundell - Crane, OR

Color: Dun

Breed: Appaloosa Foaled: 2004



Glorys Dandy

{ {



Huckleberry is a big, gentle horse standing 15.3 hands and is 1250 lbs. He is in a spade bit. He has been our "go to" horse and is the same horse if you ride him daily or let him sit for a month. He likes people and has never offered to buck. Huckleberry has been used on all parts of the ranching operation from doctoring to shipping. He has no vices and is a safe, all-around horse. He is the one we put green help on and is the one we loan to friends.


Got Rosebud - "Rosebud" AQHA 5350205



Kathy Ferguson - Cottonwood, CA

Color: Bay

Breed: AQHA

Mighty Got Pep


Got Pep Mighty Holly Dolly

Sangelina Rose


Rosie O Llama Sangelina

{ { { {

Foaled: 03/16/2010 Peppy San Badger Pepsi Playgirl Mighty Docs Playboy Wrangler Anna Freckles Playboy Miss Rosie O Lena Mr San Peppy Angelina

Nice 3 year old. Started on cattle. Grand Dam is mother of Cattin It Up. Sire, Mighty Got Pep, was shown in Canada in working cow and ranch rodeos.

Duke's True Grit - "Grit"


AHC 567332 Consignor:

Mare Zane Gillette - Oakley, ID

Color: Appaloosa Breed: Appaloosa

Smokeys Duke

Smokey The Bar Rose Bud Breeze

ML Tacita NYX

RB Mr Lucifer Toketee Atahshee

Foaled: 04/28/1997

This is a sound, broke horse. She has been ridden for 4-H and Queening. She gets along great with kids. She is easy to shoe and easy to be around.


Whiz Bar Hobby - "Rooster" AQHA 4037994 Consignor:

Gelding Jess Lisle - Bruneau, ID

Color: Red Roan Breed: AQHA

Dazzling Hobby


Dazzling Steel Annies Hobby

Little Super Whiz


Whiz on Jag Little Super Wind

{ { { {

Foaled: 04/24/2001 Steel Bars Blonde's Lil Reeds Son A Gun Hobby Bee Jag On Whizzers Dandy Mr Super Jack Jets Little Wind

Rooster is a big, gentle horse that has been used for all kinds of ranch work. Very good to shoe, brand calves on, and doctor outside cattle on. I have team roped some and also used in ranch rodeos. May be humpy if laid off for an extended amount of time.

45 Grade


Consignor: Color: Black Tobiano


David Lackey - Solvang, CA Breed: Grade Foaled: 2006



{ {



Eye catching black and white gelding. He is an attractive mover with natural ability. Would be a good ranch horse and has the heart to go all day. He is good to shoe and an easy keeper. He is really starting to come on but can be kind of a cowboys horse when fresh. Please call 805-245-4286 for further information. Video available.

Lena Jena


AQHA 5109141 Consignor: Color: Bay

Mare Jan Little - Emmett, ID Breed: AQHA

Lenas Gray


Lenas Wright On Docs Silver Mar

Mix Me Up Lena


Lenas Sonny Boy Silks Meow Mix

{ { { {

Foaled: 04/18/2008 Smart Little Lena Slide Me Again Doc's Silver Bar Missmar Doc O'Lena Leo's Bonnie Ho Hobo Cat Silk's Dolly

Here's a real solid mare that has been ridden on the ranch and roped on by Wade Reaney. Wade started her to be a reined cow horse so she is real broke in the bridle and works a cow real well. Guaranteed sound and gentle. This mare would make a good kids horse. If you have any questions, call Wade Reaney, 208-431-4703.


WD Rebel Sacred Hawk - "Hawk" APHA 574,344 Consignor:

Gelding Brad Ford - Parma, ID

Color: Black Tobiano

Breed: APHA

Rebels Musicman Spooks N Goblins

Tetons T Bar

Chickes Photo Copi {

Handpainted Mirror Angie Keller

{ { { {

Foaled: 01/04/2000 Mr. Rebel Painted Bar Maid Spooks Trophy Boy Trophys Spookerett Docs Music Man Miss Baldy Que Triple Te Sharon Keller

Used him for everything, anyone can ride. He was used in a film to show in Germany this year. Beautiful horse, gentle, rope on him, pack, super trail horse. Doesn't spook or shy, doesn't buck. 15.2 hands. Half black, half white, black eyes. Moved a lot of cows. You'll like him. Winter clothes. 1200 lbs.

Rugged Cloud - "Salt"


AQHA 5145587 Consignor:

Gelding Dotson Livestock - Gooding, ID

Color: Cremello

Breed: AQHA

Larks Last Song


Rugged Lark Santa Del Oro

BR Miss N Color


RC Best Bet My Star Duster

{ { { {

Foaled: 06/07/2008 Really Rugged Alisa Lark Santo San Rancho Blue Sunni Miss N Little PJ Honey Buck My Boy Larry Daisy Duster Too

Salt is an AQHA gelding, 5 years old, 14.3 hands. Been started heeling. He has roped the hot heels extensively and has been roped on out of the box. Has been branded on, has no problem crossing water. He is well seasoned for a 5 year gelding. He takes his leads, side passes and is very friendly.


Softly And Tenderly - "Jada" AQHA 4181637

Nu Star Tender

Foxys Nite Traveler



Gina Stammers - Fernley, NV

Color: Dun

Breed: AQHA



Nu Bar Twist Jackie B Tender


Myown Travelin Boy Poco Rabano

{ { {

Foaled: 05/04/2001 Leon Nu Snake River Jump Old Bartender Deans Eloise Traveling Boy College Lil Pancho D Seaver Tiny Star Barred

Good minded, gentle mare with lots of potential. Give her a job and go to work!


50 Grade Consignor: Color: Gray



Gelding 3M Livestock, LLC - Beatty, OR Breed: Grade

Foaled: 2003

{ { { {

Big, kind ranch gelding that will do any job. Gray is safe for any rider, always calm and quiet. Will drag anything to the fire, has been doctored on, and will work all day in any weather. He is a money earner in the team roping, heading and heeling. Sturdy horse with hard, black hooves that will work bare foot or shod. Been packed and lead the string. Broke to mounted gun fire. For more information, visit www.3mmules.com

Storman "Norman"





Sammy Saunders - Homedale, ID

Color: Dun

Breed: Grade Foaled: 1998



{ {



Gentle as a kitten, tough as there is - Gunsmoke in color, white mane and tail. The littlest kid or an adult can ride him. Barrels, poles, gymkana. He is the best pack horse you can have - kitchen, cats, bears, deer, elk. Rope on him too. 750800 lbs. of fun or work. Been on a ranch most of his life. Straight up or down, cross logs or water, you'll like him.

Miss Parr Chex


AQHA 4946751

Gunsmokes News



Tom & Lorey Eldridge - Elko, NV

Color: Brown

Breed: AQHA


Miss Sheri Magnolia {

Mr Gunsmoke Chex Proffits News

Parr Bar Bonanza Miss Mac Magnolia

{ { { {

Foaled: 04/27/2007 Blue Drifting Smoke Embark A Doll Poco King Prom Nats News Beaus Bar Bobby Sheza Porclen Lass Mr Mac Charge Spanish Edition

Miss Parr Chex is a big, outstanding 6 year old brown mare that's been ridden in a feedlot for three months doing a lot of roping, sorting and loading of cattle on her. I have ridden her in the hills and the arena. She lopes in a circle and changes lead real well. She is real good to shoe and load. This mare is really well broke, good and gentle. Has a lot of speed and a real prospect for roping or barrel racing. Questions, call 775-934-8671.


Two Beers For Cody - "Cody" AQHA 4607520



Harold Cutler - Fallon, NV

Color: Dun

Breed: AQHA

Nitros Revenue


Nitros Nifty Drifter Lovin and Leavin

Snips Desert Storm


Snip's Stoney Reed Missy Reed Bar

{ { { {

Foaled: 05/16/2004 Double Drift Snip Veletta Lady Poco Hobo Dell Lovin Music Snipper Reed Arson's Jody Sugar Lee Reed Zanita

Cody is a well broke, 9 year old gelding who has a smooth gait. He has been used at the sale yards and has worked cattle. We have used him in the mountains deer hunting and he walks out nice.


DGR Doc O Zan - "Ken" Grade



Brad Ford - Parma, ID

Color: Sorrel

Breed: Grade



Foaled: 05/29/2001

{ { { {

Very keen, 15.2 hands, 1200 lbs. Gentleman will take care of anyone. Doesn't spook, jump, or buck. Will do anything - cut cattle, rope, super trail horse. Go in style on this pretty horse. Guaranteed - anyone, I mean anyone, can ride him. Very good ranch horse. Winter clothes, 4H, Queen, trail, ranch. He'll go any way. Good in the bridle.


55 Grade



Larry Miller - Fallon, NV

Color: Sorrel

Breed: Grade

Foaled: 2007



{ {



Don't pass up this gelding just because he's not registered. Dillon is pretty, powerful and smooth...like a Cadillac to ride! He's had 90 days with Clint Weaver. Plenty of time outside. Started heeling on him and he's really taken to it. Gentle on the ground, really nice all around. Check out his video at www.clintweaverhorsemanship.com


56 Grade Consignor:

Gelding Darrin Pfeifer - Tuscarora, NV

Color: Bay Breed: Grade Tobiano



Foaled: 2001

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Paint is a 12 year old grade gelding. Nice, big, easy moving horse. Quiet and dependable. Doctored lots of cattle on him. He has the speed and endurance to catch the "wild ones". For a big horse, he's got a lot of cow and is very athletic.

Miss Beaus Conclusiv


AQHA 4971890 Consignor:

Tom & Lorey Eldridge - Elko, NV

Color: Sorrel

Breed: AQHA

Sugardocmrbedowntown {

Beaus Lovely Lady



Mr Be Downtown Sugar Doc Daneta

Beaus Bar Bobby Dells Lady Love

{ { { {

Foaled: 05/12/2007 Mr Conclusion Isle Be Downtown Sugar Doc Dan Impressive Chantress Beaus My Daddy Sandy Bar Money Dee Bar Dell Lady Glory

Miss Beaus Conclusiv is a gentle, 6 year old sorrel mare with a big hip and halter conformation. This mare has been ridden in the hills and arena. She lopes in circle good and has had a lot of roping done on her. Would make a real nice calf roping break-away horse. She is easy to catch and good to shoe. Questions, please call 775-934-8671.


58 Grade



Kristin Cahill - Sparks, NV

Color: Bay

Breed: Standard



Foaled: 1998

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Former cart racer. Has completed a mounted police school. You can shoot off of him. He loves water crossing and tarps. Great endurance. Been ridden by 13 yr old girl. Has been taken camping. Great by himself or with other horses.

Big Mac

59 Grade



Dotson Livestock - Gooding, ID

Color: Sorrel

Breed: Grade

Foaled: 2007



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Big Mac is a 15.2 hand, 6 year old, big, stout gelding (1300 lbs). He has a bald face, a flaxy mane and a flashy look. Has been used for ranch work and trail riding. He'd be a great heading or pick-up horse prospect. He's big boned and has nice big feet. Any cowboy would be proud to ride him!


Badger Me Not - "Badger" AQHA 4436438 Consignor:

Gelding LeRoy Anderson - Winnemucca, NV

Color: Palomino Breed: AQHA Foaled: 06/03/2003

Charming Peppy San {

Dox Sexy Melody


Charming Peppy Too Wine N Music

Dox Sexy Chex Fannie Music Bar

{ { { {

Peppy San Badger Most Charming Keno Echols Pop Wine Doc Ouray Sexy Chexy Custus Bar Bing Fame Music Bar

Badger has been used for trailing cattle, working cattle in pens and arenas. He has basic roping skills and is ready for you to train. No bad habits. He stands quiet tied to trailer, working with feet, bathing and saddling. He stands until you are fully mounted. He is calm and would be good for youth, women and/or novice rider. While working in pens, he maneuvers gates well with rider. He loads well and does well alone or with other horses.

LEO Flash King - "Corky"


AQHA 4672924 Consignor:

Gelding John Peirano - Round Mountain, NV

Color: Red Dun Breed: AQHA

LEO Wapiti King


Doc's Wapiti Leo Jacquita

Flashy Thief


Thieving Man Angle Dust

{ { { {

Foaled: 05/17/2005 Doc Bar Poco Pikaki Leo King First 71 The Good Thief Black Girl Van Seven Bars Pony's Pride

Corky has been used for ranch work his whole life. He has been packing in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, as well. Corky has a lot of heart and will go all day and then some. However, he is NOT a kids horse. Guaranteed not to buck.

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Thank You To Our Sponsors!!

- Salt Creek Industries - J.J. Goicoechea, D.V.M. - Comstock Equine Hospital - Winnemucca Farms -Buckaroo Leather Inc. - DeLong Ford - Big R Ranch Supply - Scott Shady Court - Hoss Disposal - Rose Feed & Livestock Supply - Sage Petroleum - Superior Livestock Auction - Chihuahua’s Grill & Cantina

- A1 Commercial Service - Inland Supply Co., Inc. - Khoury’s Marketplace - Humboldt Printers

-Winnemucca New Holland -Drake, Rose & Associates -Harold & Rita Chapin - Nevada Rancher - C & M Auto -OK Tire Store -Verner Chiropractic -Schou Ranch -Global Coffee

Please Bring This Catalog With You To The Sale

Winnemucca Ranch, Rope & Performance Horse Sale 50 W. Winnemucca Blvd Winnemucca, NV 89445

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